ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1926. SEVEN Knock -Em Out Protect your cattle and horses by using Sherwin-Williarns Fly Spray. It will do the business and make life endurable for the ani mals. If you go to the mountains, take along a can. This fly spray KNOCKS OUT FLIES, GNATS AND OTHER INSECTS Try it and be convinced,' besides making your stock comfortable. ; Churchill Hardware Co. The Iron Mongers MEXICAN ARID LAND MADE ' KKODUCTlVb. BY ITALIANS! NOUALHS, tArist.t June 2. i.;Ver lwliV 0f bacteriological fer Tiansiurinuig 5,umu ucics ot and,-! tilizers tor plants "U suiinus uig uiipiouuciive land in me heart ut jaa ucscnucu by un agent, hut is oi the Sonoia river ueiiu, statu of 'mne or no vaiue." says tl. It. Hy- fconora, itiexico, into a lanner's paiadi&e has been llie u ;u ot 11:1111111 station, fcinuu colony ot ualnuio, an in u Ulhl yw a iia Uoiiler, who tpace 01 seven years. !ha(l ua ulipurluaii v lo engage in Ihe soui.'ib have built u thrivmsu0 St.uln o a sort ot imcierioi- liuie commuimy ami nave cou- KliCUIed Iwetilv miitM ot allbslail- liai canals, ciiscKs and drams, a no jiatiaiib have raided two crops a year on neieioioru wasi.o lamia, in cluding uiom; ot -brans and corn ill l-iecewuer and Januavy) and wheat in iiay. iSovv tney aie al work ou l.roject lo L.a.ii grape vineyarus. , liuy lumber from 1'agv, today! iu FACISTS ALSO INTENU TO KSSTOHE CULTUHt OF OLD , KllVK Jinn, "n P.wist ll.llv in- temld lo be llle resloier 1111U BUC- ce.-u.or of me Jioman hmpire ot mo i tBuao. '-"3- """'-' ' " La.-sais tuitumiiy as c.l as po- .aKAi ti.e purcnase ot bacienoio liticallv Ifcical i.reparations, that are said lo ..,,'' tl111 ., ,...1. .... In,.iMlr a uuiiiber ol tllac.eiu tyies Home s airhiiccioiiic supreinac, tn govern,,,,, it has tuinou to canning .ita.y s heritage in the oilier art.7. I ll-el . CI) K . ei li e SMIIUUI Ol Domes noetical ueuius. Mil! be honoreil by a lnagniiicieiit inonu-; uieut at ilalitua. A complete and authentic edition of the works ot all the great Ko- umii and Gnek classical writers is being edited liv sihoiais lor ini- mediate publication. Three of tile leading modern ar-;lieldri wnere llie ngni Kinu oi uac-1 lists Carra, Soliict and uppo tena are no present. 11 is doubt-j It is best to harvest grain crops have been entrusted w.di ."limaml- j tul, of course, if they ( serve any i as soon as possible after maturily ing and couidiiKLiiiig l..e uuiii. oiuselul pmpuse v.liero' that crop and to fumigate Ihetil properly in intiiile.s and sculptors m cciinonn-j has been grown in recent years, j order lb kill any " stored-graiu in ity with tin; unest tiaai- ; but in many ol the newer sections : sees, nays the lull oil Stales de lious ot amuiiiiiy. ., shvire legumes have. not been com-pailiiiei,t of agriculture. Farmers , o 1 ' 'nionly grown, as alfalfa In many j now sillier enormous1 losses ironi NOTICE TO CHLDIT.ORS In the County Court of the Stute.of ,,1 tii-eiion 1 ni- iinualas Louniy, iu the Matter ot tne esliile ot 1 Ceursv D.-nz. iveueased. I .Notice is hereby gnen mat the Ulid.-r.-liWM-d was on llie 2nd day ot juii.-. ty-li, duly appunileil admliiis-j UiUur 01 the elaie 01 l,eere 1-'. ileceaia-d, by the county Luurl 01 l.iHiguis Louniy, ( i-ivgoii. I All l;eiso:is I1.1MI11; e,.u:iis agailiM said esiale are liereDy reiiunell 10 prt.senl llie same uuly erilieu illi oui;ueis annexed to l..e uu deroigiieU al bis law oiuee in iiose- Imie, llregoll, VML1UU SIX uiuuiua Hum tills dale. Dated and unit l.ubli.-,lu il June IU., lU2ti. i JOHN T. LONG, ; Admlnislrator ol lie- e.-iale ol I George Hear., deeeaseil. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS In llu County Couit 'f ih: Slato ut (H.on for JimmUts Cotiuty, ; 111 I lit III.U'.'.T Ot' Ml"' CliilL' 1 1 i M.n'iMa .m.lll. I Ncru.-it'ii. ) Nmiiv is li n by f;iwn tint VM uMiit i':-iii''l on :hc Lii'l in (1: .linn1. U'-d, duty njipoiui'ii ad , ininirlriitur ol liit; csiuu1 ul Miiiil.i i .SniiKi, iii i ..r'ctl. i-y uu ( uuhiS i L'OJH Ol lwL(j;i;.s l.ouuiy, OlvKoil, j Ail ' jiiii.s li.iving tl.'.ims aainH ; Hiiiii .i:it-' an hcichy n-'i-ui'-il n pn-iit-iii lii- uiw duly vctilifit wiUt v'."n ii i":. juiiicsi-ii to u:i-d- rsijiK .1 al tin- law otlui.- ol, Johii T. LniiK. i: Hit IVrkins iliuldiiiK. in ltosi-buj. Orou. i witliin ;.ix month.s liuin this dan-. 1 i luted and drbt pubiiiihutl Junot L. M. DAVIS, A i'"i-f-'t:i ir oi tin estate of Mai iila Smith, deceased. 1 4m 1 a "Every Week Is Clean-Ca Week for the Average High w.iymn." And it's thn ?a:ne v U!i tb; .niftnufHC'ur'TS o' r nn rubor n ! HIGH SOUNDING NAME USED FOH BIG FRAUD Uiop, agronomist of tuo Oregon ex-j0f .oglcul tul Liiizt.,- called at the sta- ' . ....... .1 i lion, ami askeu tnat the material be tried on some crops. Some months later the dealer re - turned and viewed the results of mu exuuiiment. It was reaunv ai- liMii ni tint nitsnliilHlv un en 1 )(1 had " .. i ,, .I..,.., lh m:) I .1 1 i'l I '1 lift 1 lttgBer;lasler llt'l t IM. ronsemitillLlV It WaS orliiless as a inaiertal tur any .legitimate concern lo sell, auu worthless also tor larm awllcu- ; lion. This result checked with lsu, .uccm., "lii u, ! the department of agriculture, llo- '" ' , . "t,,, ,,;:'",.,, re-!"" is suimosea to pioduce a cou- , s"lei-..ble amount of available plant ' illij. ot cuui&e, oiiuum nut ut bo ic- 1 contused witti the inoculating bac- teria are not present. It is doubt-; jiind that aie supplied by Uiu expor-i iimnl station, and by a number of rci.uuibiu bacteriological lauorator- j lies. These legume inoculating oil- ; lures, when applied lo llie seed or j (soil, aie very usetul ill inoculating I sections of the Willamette valley, ami vetch in many of Ihe sections llle coast, the inoculating biic-joui Iteiia are usetul. o Wo like good ctistonier aiui sell Brawl ttoodi l-'tl"! Co. Page Lumber and Cleans slippers like new ! slippers an shrcr, lovrlv tl-ira cm leaned lx-.ii.titi;;! v wihOrnn:tc Clcaninf; Fluid! a triumph of'-.lic scicntilit lal-orarorics oi" the Standard Oil Company of Ca!':lor;ii.i. No chemitni reaction on t.i: dves on!v a m:;d, cr;ik vani'hirg odor Serins ftir-, kid r!-ive. iliiini'jls or mtl-cs, u'-h.!- stc-y, n;f v .r-u'v nmv .1; imp,!-Avrc or depart- -res o: Scn'ice Stations. S"! A.MiA?DO!l - G'iMiWN'Y OK CAl IP )RN'I A 1 1 "1' : CleaningFliiid TUBBY $EE HOW 1 am ?- i eer l CAM PULL UP TBI. GREftT v QC TREE J ' ITHACA, N. y, June 23. 0. W. E CavHmtugh, profeti3ur of agricul K tural chemist, y til Coruult Uuiver tiiiy, Is emUavorini; lo apply to d other foods ami food crops tho A luiilliorts by which milk la reduced S In powder I'outainluK all I ho nu 5 ultivo piopertU's of Uio iluhi pio g duct. PJ I lie believes his experiments ff. thus fur indicate mat iiieuus mil p be found to concentrate, and thus isuve, many ricrisuubles in which 'ino percentage ol loau is now very 5 high. 2 Would Save Perishables. El "Olio ot the chief functions of E ;aEiicuiturul chemistry' he said, K!"ls to show man how to make the gibest possible use of his food after nature has done her part by grow mMQ 11. If we can preserve loods S;by concentrating them rather thau by uBing nresetvatlvoB wo willhavo muKti u grout t towards these make a great ecunoiniu gain. It Is pj.iunitiua iuuou uuud Viiat, no niv K 1 working.- 8& "Food crops when harvested con 'taiu certain consiUuleuts which bhould be preserved. Among these Stjaro protQiiui, fats, carbo-hydrates, i Imnn.iirniltii-mi' mi nurii) mi 1 1 x ileitis and volatile oils which give flav ors, digestive enzymes, and the important food accessaries known as vilamincs. Fruits In All Seasons. "As an illustration, the study of the chemical, physical and biologi cal properties of milk has icsuiled in the preparation of u dry milk in which the original constituents tue fjum are rvtuined in an uu- changed comliliou. This concen trated food, it has been found, can bo shipped great distances and kept for a long period of time, and r.tiil retain the characteristics 01 n i.,.....t ;its original state ' "By somewhat similar methods '"y would it not bo possible and 'Practicable to process trims and fciains so that Ihe crops could be USC(1 In their entirety each year 1I1UIV IIIK IUU1H UlUlinUlU UUL dttring the season but at other '- noauniib m. itww.t. a market for all he could raise?" ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Tlio annual stockholders' meet- lng ol i:ie Umqua aaviugs ana -Loan Ari:uialion wiil be iield at l-i Nona jacason street, ltoso j oarg, Oregon, al 7:0 li. m. Wed nesday, June I'jU, lor me pur- .lose of electiug directors lor the b come belore tae meeting. Dated Ihis 11th day luvi: of June, h. O. PARliETER, Secretary Ituy lumber lroiu Page, today! (i INSECT DAMAGE TO GRAIN RlDUOED BY EARLY HARVESTING, FUMIGATION msfcl damage to grains, runners Dulk'tin 1-tsy-F, i.s.sucd, brings many interesting lacts ruhttive to tho cause and uxiont 01 insect infes tiitiu ri of grains. llIea lnsoct.i develop Uom tho germ 01 gniin, aitnougn j long slntu didcredilial, still persibls I among rain ha mile is and produe I ers. Th fact in, says tho depart-jnn-nt, that main ollt'ii becomes in 1 fi-meil beioie it is liarvested. The ' rice weevil and thu Angoiimois j grain moth live over the winter in I UK? grain bins, fly lo the near-by iields ot ripening wiieat and corn a stheae are neaiing nialuiity, and 'lay eugs upon the wheal heads or corn kernels. These eggs hatch and the young pests burrow into immature grain. ) rations are given in the tin nl corn cribs designed to permit effective Itiniigat ion and insl rue t inns are given for their con.rruction. Thu most successful Ki aiu l uminal inns are earri'd ou at l mperai ures liinging from 75 de gl'i t s to :t." demi-i s K. 1 In- new publication also discus-1 scs tin- fcmitation 01 grain with j heavHT-ihau-air pases, el feet of Unitization of seed, lieatihg grain, j and other related topics. A -''ly of the bulletin may be obtained free .as loim as the supply last, by wrillng to the l"nitd Slates 1 leprutment of Agricultuie, VVasli inston. H. C. ..! Sttidebauer builds no ' LUMBERMEN APPRECIATE GOVERNMENT'S ACTION SEATTLE. Jimp :ip..-( hi!inii o! 1 be 22.- Friendly oer:iment's 1 1 act inn through t h department (f ronuneice in appointing E. A. Self 1 rid tie, Jr.. of San Francisco, us I nni her t rade cntnmi.sH loner at Tokio, Japan, uas expressed today -"--s- i. 1- T 33 -V , Attention Annual Legion ! . and Legion Auxiliary picnlo! SEATTLE, June 23. Publlsh- to be held Thursday evening, fd by W. E. Le Iluquot, Jits v.ifo, Juno 21th at Aleiandor's Park, and their nine children, the Lake All members Invited. For fur- Washington lteriector of lleilevuf, ther information cdll 31ti-n. "par hero, is a real family jotir- junl. Under the direction of Sylvia, . 1 1 f H, who is foreman and assistant by prominent lumbermen and lum-j manager, seven ot tho children ber organii:atioii officials vlien;set typo and print the trt-month-cauvassed by tho Wrest Coast l,umily issues, tilorla, Hi, is the cham ber Trade Extension bureau. Hcre-lpion type Bolter, boasting four tofore the only lumber trade com missioners of the department have been located in Europe. Lumbermen hnve wanted nn im partial lumber expert in the Japan toe field fur a long time, stmed tho bureau, for tho great benefit which they expected would result &uragement, the amount of K& fi west const hemlock and Vfeutern red cedar the Jnpaneao I ki. mcrustng, through friendly en- might buy. Japan, according the bureau, now buys approximate-j ly GOO million feet of lumber from Oregon, Washington and British 1 Columbia and is tho largest for-f elgn purchaser of American forest products . , I Shippers long experienced in thOi Japanese trade have told tho bu reau that the above figure could be increased probably 26 per cent1 if weallhy people in good health by a reasonable amount of trade t would follow tho geherous example promotion work. These believe of tho Itockelellers in ivlievlng that the appointment of an ox isufl'ering, it would add much to perieuced lumberman liko Self j their happiness. He quotes tho ridge will serve to stimulate lum-i proverb: "Whnt you give iu health ber buying throughout, the Orient i is gold; what you give in sickness and make this heavy branch of ; is silver; what you give after death their export trade more stablo and Us lead." profitable. , ; ; r , atiantic city, n. j. ono Sec our largo stock of dry nature brillo bl.,ll!ps lt ls molo bU,slu.(, t0 flies they work wonders in foolini? ive ,,,., (0 ri!ceive. Kat.,, of Bev. he fish Wo carry large lino or, ,,,. ,,,,., cllll),OJ.e3 whei, lislring tackle at Powell's Hai-LlshlIlg Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Mc- waie Cartliy happiness, received a ten nir nni m-ii i n.i'v i-n ! uul'ar Bold piece in an envelope in a,. DAM WILL O iKN 11 scllbed: "From Kllzahoth Whito loU.OUU ACKLb IP ll.OPS , wUh h(,r wciaiug day beat wig. FLORENCE, Ariz., Juno 23. If8" ,Ml'8- Mhy is tho dauKh A half-century old debt owed tho!lr ? 0,10 ,ot '"e, ,'Knen ot the i'ima Indians by the United Stnles j -Marlborough Blenheim. government will bo paid with tho ! construction ot the Coolitlge dam on tne (5lla river, about fitly miles ;Vlcw with Governor Al. Smith: of here. Government engln- j"Yes." eoi-8 are ready to begin construe- 1 lion. , ' DENVER, Colo Tho !ev. Hugh Kighty thousand ncres of land L. McMennmin thinks Chicago will be irrigated by the dam 'needs just such a .spiritual awaken which will ho the lirst so-called ling as it is receiving. He lias wired "dome-type" to bo built. Half of jihat thieves entered his holel room this ucreugo will be cultivated by 'and robbed lilm of $1U0 while he the Pima Indians of the Gila rlvor 1 slept the uleep of the Innocent and reservation, whose once proBpor- 'just, ous fields were rendered unpro- 1 ductive by diversion of water trom j WASHINGTON Wets take the Gila by settlers 011 the upper inolo. oLIlciul figures show the con stretches of the stream. sunipiion of milk to be breaking all The daniv Itself will create an irecoids opportunity for land development j ' stieh as attended tho building of ; SCHENKCTAyi N. Y.Sonie coollde daln will 'rise 220 feel ' above the bed of the river and Have a total length across tho ion of about l.OUU laet. It will im- pound 1.2U0.U00 acre feet ot wu-;u"- "l ,,,B '"'' (ei. ;ed as worthless. Engineer claim that nt least 150.0UO acres or land in this din- NKW YOIIK Aecuaeil or hnving trlct are stuceptiblo to reelaniii-': posed us George Harvey, "Unglish tlon. Oranges, cotton, figs, dates , Hob" MeCormack is hi the lolls. He and other semi-tropical crops can' was smartly clad, wore a cano be raised. Six harvonts of allalKiV with Kngllnh accent. Mrs. Mary may be obtained during a single Johnson, his landlady is out $5UU. year. j . . . o (IHKl'W, Saxony. The Germans NOTICE lllko cylinders. There are the ro- Hids will be opened July 8, 1 0-ti Gr hlps, and now dwellings are for audit of School Clerk's books being built In cyllnihlcal sjiape to of DouKlas County. Board reserves Hivo u housing pioblem. They right to reject any and all bids. :are comfortable and cheap. Signed, Mrs. Kdith S. Ackert, j - Secretary ot Uoundary Hoard, j m:V YOIIK The Yale crew of -o 'yrt vv;iiils to row Ihe crew of 'Sli WYOMING WAS EARLY IN on t)u, stv) j,,.) years hence. Time- GIVING VOICE TO WOMEN Ceper Charon. TropblesAshes- to.i shirts. CIIEYENMO, Vyo.. June - ' 'Petticoat governmet" has had a SA( It A V, ENT Whv do worms long sway in Wyoming. From the t,avt. j,ome? Ceoigo II. Koibcs of time Wyoming, then a territory, in Han Jose who raises angle worms blazed the way for woman s ror ,iie fif,h and bait mat ket writes suffrage by enacting nn equal suf- lo H H,.rK,., director of agrlcul- frugc law, which hiler was emurtrtl into a state statute, women have played many varied roles lu its government. The appointment of irs. Eslh''i" Morris in ISti!) by thp territorial government as the first woman jus tice of the peace In Ihe I nln-il States culminated in 1021 with tin elect ion of Mrs. Nellie Taylo.- Ross, the first woman governor. Other milestones in woman's pi ogress in public life have bowi I tion 0r the first jury on which wo men served at Laramie, yo., in !m0; the election of Mrs. EHtelk Reed Meyer In as slate super intendent of public instruction. who is now the general superin I 'indent of Indian schools, and tti loperation of the entire municipal j governments by women of Jackson in 1!)20 and Cokesville in l'.i22. V a Ro Rub Ovar 17 Million Jura Uttd Yearly URNS U Cover with wet bakinff soda afterwards apply gently I WICKS A World Beater. mil .-;si A . . rb ,IMi' 1 J- r-f J .4T-? ' I Ki. fcC-i -.iV'Ail ISSt'R OK I.K.'I.KCTOI." IS I TUUiV A KA.MILV OIK.NAL1 sticks full" fn an hour. Janice. 5, printer's duvlt, folds the sheets ou Diets day and can already set her name in capital lettors. ( Airs, i-o niKtuei couecis auu writes tho ediiorlala and manages! tho business department. u houso pamt ror any itmu ni 300. . fiptj floor paint for . Y' J" J1.1 , , , 1 lowoU Flashes of Life MAMAltONKCK, N. Y. Nathan Straus, philauthruphist, thinks that CHICAGO Full text of an inter- Uertained a gentleman 1 representing himself Union 'iwe Von Kiupp. of tho famous ' Gorman family uro regrelting it. lure, says that his stock of worms 1 ',,.,! .Ii.rlntr I Iwi I night." lie wants Hecke 10 tell him how to muke worms happy. S A N i t A I-' A E I . - Fn il K. G 1 a i 11 ger, (ni k land meirhn'nl, lot his life I v.iui.-nhiv ivi Int itllemtiled In I ii.ui-it.. i.u .!-iii.'iii..f 1. inn in u-hn win: i.vih,...iM vvii'h 1110 'cM.'in.rei' .,. .....1.11.. i 11... .i.s:iii Haetel ferry pi"i Mrs. Essie (; rainier w ife and mother, was rescued. SAN ntANCISCO A watr-r com pany may cha; ge $1 2r( per family with 2U cenls per inoiilh extra for eacli co .v. hut ihe snine nn i hod may not be u.-ed lor each addition al child, the vt;ii . iallro.".d coinniis sioil told Paul Hun'er, owner ol a Witter company at. I-'urtuna. lium bnldi county, wh'-n he ftrmrhi to increHhc water rales on that bais. SANTA CIM'Z-Twk sti:ui:; r opeiittlng an old game new to .Man uel EHpindnla obtained $jr(io rroin him yesterday. Itoih si riiiiRers told Manuel they wanted to hire him to give away their money. Then he was induced tf put In GOSH MED?,. Voo V" (SEE I "THAT - ! V-x J ARE to Pull up eic tree hkg , thivt! J i.. jf . I lilvitW.liLJlL 0". SM'JU L I In HASH. II . , 1 ) llf. 'IlTH M BOOKS 6 I 11 1 U h l'&r i u low cot lSrS-jp"-5 f duett bom JASmSL. jfT' hi lb. 1.IUU- " n 'f'lt Kli g '"' " !pnU llfcrS , - u- '" trX- t Z229 U MILLWORKi Aic.S. ?2500 of his and tbo atiangets dis- H appeared. ; GUAS3 VALI.E V --W'iieti an air icompreHSor he operating ;bursti Am,n a Anderson, z&, Ho whs working at iho Lako Fonlyce Power Hum of the alJauHIc Oas and KleutHo cumnuuy. was 50 ml it's east of l)ero. SAN FRANCISCO Major' noug hts A. Francis, i'alo Alto and Mrs. Amy tinman, were critically m-1 jured last night when tho. auto in which they wero riding reached the Athertou crossing simultaneously t with thu Shore hme Limited, iiotli are in a I'alo Alto hospital. I,0S ANtlELES 1). Uair of Sail Diego today had before' the coroner heie a letter saying that hy held a photogruph of a fonn taken ut tho Venice iner Juno 12. Tho torm is that of Alnieo Semplo MuPher son, llarr believes. '1 ho coroner has not commented ou tho letter. SACRAMENTO Tho last of tho old tin drinking cups nru being boy cotted out of existence. Tho slate board of health field workers spy a cup and paste on it a label reau- mg; "Don't drink ftom this cup-T it may. curry disease." GARD0NH, Italy Gubrlele ri'An minzio's wite, lrom whom ho has been separated thirty years, visits him occasionally. She came lrom Paris to help in a ceremony relat ing to an authorized edition of his books. And lie lias ceased his lit-einry-momistiu solitude. As part of Ihe ceremony ho hoarded his miniature- warship and fired a sal ute of five guns. NEW YOIIK A. K LeRomt has come up in tho world quite a bit since ho sold newspapers. Already owner of lour iitoadwiiy corners, he has just bought tho Consolidat ed Slock Exchango for ?l,-iUU,UUU and will tear it down lo erect a $llM)0O(00U skyscraper. LONDON Coroner Oddle has been doing some moralizing on the Hiiicido ot Mile. Flory, French ac tress. His oltichil finding Is that her death was penalty'ol a life that was one thrill of excitement. Wo; men or her type, if they cannot get what they waul, suilt and shoot themselves, ho notes. NEW YOMv VIowh of Olto II. Kahn, bunker, ou American wo men: More versatile and more subtle than man;, no man can tool them,' As for ehatges they uro liivolous, spoiled and seh-ceulored, they are none of theso things. PASSAIC, N. J. Josephine Gru honlso and Elizabeth Krazanowski have gone to jail lo save their dogs' lives. Tho sentences wore alternatives to destruction of the unlicensed dogs when the girls re fused to pay lines. Cash of friends opened tiiu cell doors utter a few hours. , NEW YORK Peaches Iloutmii IJrowning Is lo observe her six teenth birthday tonight by receiv ing n loving cup lrom the Victory club at a Venetian fete. She won u millionaire. PHILADELPHIA Rlyle Is newH 'and news dies overnight; Ihere jiore advertise woinen's chdhes in the daily newspapers udvhe by I Alius Grace Wahon of New Voile. QUINCY. MasK. Having built n i big boat here, Cncto Sam Is now 1 l"','1,,xed about gelling it where ocean. " will be ot life in the l'be airplane carrier Lexington draws more thau ;!0 feel and Ihe channel 11L best Is six inches shy of thai. CONSJIPATED? LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S Pills for Constipation A rfllrit.l- laxatlvo fer tin whole fim II v. M.iy t... titkmi hv nny chll'l vnr ll i! y.nrn ef y,M. Prepnred by MJih LydiaE.Pii.kham f1?' Medic ineCompof y Lynn, Mass. 'STKOMG fe I'tA STRONGER THWTWE WHOLE USOniLD, X Vtb V PULLED i 1 n. nil m l 1 T.I.M-Iir.liI.Wl.IrIWia.II'I.I'I'H Of Binaer Twine at $7.2S And it is a good, smooth, high-grade twinej i "Cheapest by the toot." , Z Place your orders now for grain sacks! Buy your old crop flour while it lasts $8.60 per barrel. "Sec U Firt We Can Save You Money" FARM BUREAU i COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE ROSEBURQ CLASSIFIED SECTION ALL NEW ADS WILL BE FOUND ON BACK PAGE FOR SALE FOH SALE ixiuule buggy hur ilea a. Ziiu S. Kiuio St. i'OH SALE liroccoll planta7Piioue 0 v'-ii'd. H. P. Conn. i'Uit SALE Broccoli plants from Krusu seed. lJ. W. iuy, phone FOU SALE Ono Sit. show case uud counter, inquire ut Pettey's Confectionery. FUK SALE Good used awning. inuuiru C, A. Lockwood Motor Couipiiny, FOU SALE Grain huy, ?10 load, all you can haul. It: F. D. No. 2, llox ti, Phono H F-llt. FOUSALE Jersey cow fresh: also Jersey bull tor service. J - w. Mcuonuoii, umpfjua farn. FOH SALE or trade G room houso with garage; iu Corvailla. Five blocks from college. Phone 2113-11 or 15-F-4. , FOR, SALE Early peaches, $1 per . ers. James Wood, Hi. box IfU, Koseourg, Ore. , FOH SALE- Angoin oucks that produce nioiiair worth $30 per pound, and some registered Uoep. D. W. Fate, Days Creek, Oregon. FOH &A 1 Fine " black ":"inare, gentlo, .true; work any place; also buggy and harness. Inquire Harry Willlumti, Edenbower. fjUO(J0OLl"i)luntu"7 ilnnn ' " teste(l . Heed; Ash by No. .L'Asliby No. 2, and Krusu. Carpenter's Croon liuuim, West Hotioburg, phono 4 0-F-2. .- COLLIXJIA.NS MAKE GOOJ J. COAL SKLfil.NU SI l'NT SEATTLE, June HJJ. A North wusl coal company enlisted Hie aid of University of Washington students in u selling campaign hero and found tho conegjate f.ainsinen successful." The siuiieuiu sold mure than $4 5,000 worth ot coal In a month. Fifty-live stu dents look orders. A trip to ino company's mine and lectures to touch the salesmen something about thu product they wero .handling preceded the cam pulgn. Prizes wero given tuo mum successful salesmen. Km oaruecuu sandwiches nnd live forever, iiiands Hoad Stand. MILADY MA V PAY .MOHE IXPKCT TO l tH l'LHFt .MES fill ASHE, Frume. June -y. The price of peri nine is destined to mount. Cnuxie, the perl nine center of Europe, with tweiity nino distilleries, will run simrl of (tUO.Ohu pounds of petals thU year as a result of (he lute Hosts uud inclement weather which destroy ed a fifth of tho Kivieru Hower crop. Aianufacturers say this short age will cause at least a twenty live per cent Increase in Hie cost 01 I- rejich perfumes. The , Hower-growers, througli Hieir inoperative society, are aide to lorce 1 ho dlsliilein-s u pay llieir piicen. leaves ure now ( noted at Hie eiiun aleut ol ten cents a pound, and orange flow ers sell lor Hi teen cents. BAHNtS BAHBfcH SHOP MareediiiKi all Deuuty work. Murlnetlo operator. Phonn 159-J. OM THE? r j By WINNER , St ? . I 1 y 'A- ffl: J i r. 1 OAKLAND FOIl SALE Fordson traetor,-:l(V inch Moliuo plow and disc, iflt in first ciasa condition. Imibi ;'iico west of lirocltwuy, 1. o. on tHioa liny highway. F. T. Wood, pox ' 1-M, llrockwuy Ore. , mm , , . YOU TELL EM ... .. WE SELL 'EM ; 1U25 Chevrolet touring; balloon tires, bumpers' front und Tear uud other extras. A real mmp ut $385, $125 down and no Uttde. lloy Catching Motor Co . FOR RENT FOU KENT 1-room' furnished upurtuienu 21U N. Hose St, :v FOH KENT lo-roohTTiomib, piitjy lurnlsned. au5 E. Jjougiau. 'koh jENT 5-room house. HUG. Phono 4V1-L; cuil 647 b. SfpU ena street, FOH KENT Well Curnished aurt ment; reasonable rent. 'S'dl main street. : . , . (.jj-on," urnlslteU slconlnfl room, up stairs Hcil .. SiBtor a lilug. I'nono GU5. " 1 FOH ItENi'-T'"' nicely fuiuJheu sleeping rooms, wnn'butu; Close in. call Giio or Glia-L. - : FUHNiSiiEu r- Ai-A&. "Tor - rent Modoru in every rosptcu ,'Ul'js in. iteouonublu ruled. niuu' M.'. F0HltENT HooinS," hot .Wuteiv : pnono, : guriifco; .it) pur niontU uud up. 217. So. atop'nens.' : " ; l?Oi; HI-iNT-Funiishcd nnifriiiiejiC Ani(ers thciilru; 314 S. Jackson. FOH HEW Two tront omc rooms. Locate a in Dusmesa con tor ot city, cuU t,t i3o N. Jucs, boa bu or piiuuo ns. foh HENT Purtiy "YurmHuedTir room nuuao wnn gurutio. 4i3 4 " Mum Si. Apply ut ul a. Munv St, or phonu a. , . WANTED WANTED Pigs or feeder hog. C. ' V. Lynn, Meirose " "; "is WANTEU--Weunlllig"pig' iMjono . a-F-2-4. V AiNT EH VVoi'K'lu "town by Hjoy 1- yrs. Cull Ylfi E. Luue St. TVOAVAriltESSESTrfaU-Or betUro Saturday. Hex Cafe, VoucalUl. NEW CLU11S lor old. Wanted, o( , ond hand golf clubs. Hoscburg C01C Club. " W A N t' E I ) --WiioVl "ciTv rn, pel cord, cabin lurnirilied; good lim ber.' F. J. Hoflstaeil, Hixoiivilie. Puone 31-F-y, pit u n 13 pic kioits" V2Cnt kv Cootl crop uud tinu (licking, wood ami camp lurnlshea, Hoy llond, Oildu, Oregon Phono HU-K-2. HEF1 N EH ' Al l01")LI3-AG E iFv iilow wants poHlilon In good homo to be houmJteeper lor elderly man and wile. Write box i!5. News He view. 1 MISCELLANEOUS OHESSES MADE for $3. Jlra. Owo 'duj Konlhufjen Aula. uUISCHETii. work al couiuuiiuv uncus. Muer or building Uoisl lor wii. Milter, Phono 44U-J. C4Vit UH'MliK JJOIl't lOi'SOt lO cult 0l3 wlieu in need ot rfuto parts, yurtt's Auto Wrecft'lug House. , iS5 KEWAUI) lor recovery of black UavoIiiiK haK and contents .Joai on hifihway b'L'lweeu Hoaeburg and Ulendalo on May 22. John T, Conroy, Knuppti, Ore. Automobile Repairing GREASING WASHING -l llrii, in your i'nr utid iavi us ko over It. Nash Sales and Service. L. R. Chambers Molor Co, O.ik and Ross Phone 649 Roceburfl, Ore WHEN IN ROSEBURG of M-falif"i "re-tf adt V tv-. We cuainntep every job that leaves our pimp and ve will be here to bac k up our guar- HEALYAVOOD VULCANIZING CO. STOP AT Hotel Umpqua Phono 104 333 N. Main fly--'' tltjJ PV o