I i EIGHT ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1926. ! i ' If H ! n i "! 'I' - j... u f'a 1 : Get Your Green Trading An Unsurpassed Showing of Summer Needs In Every Fabric, in Every Detail, for the Revising of One's Apparel to Meet the New Demands Fashionable Fabrics in Silk, Cotton and Rayon JUNE FOOTWEAR Green , Trading Stamps on all Purchases Batter Service Home For Sale G-room house. Modern plumbing. "A largo lot, paved on threo 'aides. Sidewalks, Garage, CI oho Jn. 404 Fowler Street, corner of 'Court and Fowler Streets, Pric ed low at $1900.00. Small down payment will handle. G. W. Young & Son no Caufl St. Phono 417 ; Dr. Rupert A. Moon RlsotroChlropractor Konra and Spine Specialist. 109 Perkins Bid. Phone 664 LIBERTY THEATRE '. LAST TIMES TODAY Mntlnoe Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday A Prodigious Melodrama of 10c 2teStK nri nr. COMING FRIDAY, SATU ROA Y BOB CUSTER in "THE FIGHTING BOOB" Stamps on Every Purchase Splashing liodernislic mo tifs, plaids, checks, polka doto and floral designs give a vaflety of patterns, and here are to be found all of them, in the largest assortment and moderate ly priced from 45c to $1.50 a yd. A New Hose (Pure Silk) At $1.00 THE BLUE CRANE A guaranteed hose, which in the $1.00 price cannot he equalled, for it is pure thread silk, soft, and serviceable to the extent we guar antee it to satisfy. All the popu lar shndes $1.00 a Pair A companion hose to the Hum ming I3ird, at $1,50 June numbers have al ready arrived. There are several new changes as for instance, the new tie effect. Light colors con tinue to be popular and for variety we have the very newest in pntent, nl so kid or satin. Our stock of comfort shoes for sum mer is now complete. $2.95, $3.25 to $7.50 and up. Crecn Trading Stamps on both rloors Better Merchandise DR. NERBAS DENTIST Painless Extraction Gas When Desired Pyorrhea Cured Phono 488 Masonlo Bldg. AWNING Wo aro prepared to Install any! sort of nwning on short notice. I Awnings Repaired. Harry Pearce DR. H. C. CHURCH OPTOMETRIST 122 Jackson St. Roseburg Ore. the Great Timber Delt. 25c i CUSS DAY EX ERCISES TO BE T Tho genlor class of ItoHebnrg lilxh EChool will tonlKlit hold lis class day exercises at 8 oVIuek at tho auditorium of the new IiIkIi school building In l.aurelwood, anil the proKrum wlil femurs Home InterestliiK and unusual en tertainment. The program Is as follows: Piano nolo, "Hungary." Mnvlo Langenherg. Class history, Kldress .Tudd. Class will. Allenu Singleton. Living pictures. Class prophecy, Norman Hess. 1'lano nolo. "Kantasea In D Minor," Lucille Koenlg. "A Cheese l)ream" accompani ment by Maxine Moore. The lioy, Morrill Killer; Sleeping lleauty, Thelma Olmstend; Princesses, Marian Plsher, lllla Hliaiuhart, Iloroltiv Cllnse. t'ricilii KlllfHilorf. 'Vloletln llouser, Harriet droves, Frances Metcnlf, Kinu Wollonl. Old FuHhloned Flappers: Leah MetJaugliey, .Maud McOaughey, Cornelia Martin, Helen Ferguson, i Modern Flappers: Mildred Davis, Louise Douglas, Marlon : Srhwiirz. Kldress Judd. Halr-Awako (llrl: Kuth Collins. Yell Leaders: Norman Hess anil Maynard Hell. Rooters: (lerlrude Craig. Doro thy lliisenhiirk. filado llrulon Vernu Hamlin, Thos. Dodges, Ijolill Hunt, Roy Pettey, Mario Schoenleber. Agnes John. mi ny , lilllle, ICIdrcd Cobb. i.ueese ureams : Kdna Hodges, Lois Brands, Kdna Mae i F.nloe, Fioy Strader. Ona Durch. j Merle Myers . I Ensemble, Class song by entire class. I The custom adopted two years i ago when the senior dim re- ;iuesled hat gifts be sent to their homuH liiHtoml of brought to tho hlKh school on commencement nlfiht, will he continued tills yeiir. FlowerH for tlio KnulnatoH, how ever, will he accepted at tho hlwh Hehonl that evening. The com inenceinent exereinos tomorrow evonlng wilt open at 8 o'clock In the auditorium of the new Mi;ii school building and tho entire lower floor Is being reHerved for parents and relatives of the gt-ad-uatiiiR cJiiks tonight and I-'rfday nig ill. INCOME TAX IS CHltr MLAbUKL I hauled Into the ballroom in plain nrcnor r,DAMrriHlfjllt of everybody. I arranged t5E.rU KL win, (he sealer of weights and , measures of Toledo to weigh (Continued from paco 1.) Ices In honor of departed mem bers this afternoon, Later tho convention will devoto 11 self to degree work. Tax Men-sure Dominant Tho first move in the hydro electric conflict came when a resolution was introduced asking that tho grange hydro-electric bill be side-tracked and that the grange devote al its -efforts to se curing signatures for an income tax bill, which was declared more important. I his resolution was i referred to a committee. ' pn the text book Issue one ! group favored free text bookn. i.n ; other proponed state printing or supervising the printing at cost, nnd another opposed any free text i books. ! Resolutions introduced covered in variety of subjects. One sought ill Miuiu uiL.-mi- nix iMKii uiiuK:i j government without a property ! tax. Others were: Asking tho state highway com i mission, on completion of the 1 present paving program, to stop I paving and begin improving rural roads. Proposing fifty per cent reduc I (Ion in annual auto license fees. Seeking 100 per cent increase DR. M. II. Vt.YLF.R Chiropractor. Phono 152. Lane and Hose Sts. I DRUCLESS HEALTH CENTER 1 327 W. Cass Phone 491 ft 3 DR. HARRISON FOLK M a DR. CATHERINE McNEIL W I CHIROPRACTORS t l (Painless AdlustmentB) K jjjj Electro-Therapy S Electronic and Vapor Hatha Kvcrythlnc looks m full ly fresh and pretty these balmy spring days Kven plain dained larhH'ss . is nil ilollrd up a.- "Spring Fever" In tune with the season of new dress e'vo glvrn thi'se ears fre.ih paint lobs. And how well tliry look ! And run! 1922 Studebaker Light Six. 1 1922 Durant Four Touring, t Dodge Touring with new tires. 1 1923 Ford Touring. 1 Ford Coupe, Jutt overhauled. 1922 Ford Touring. 1 1925 Chevrolet coupe, like new. t 1923-4 Chevrolet Coupe. Also a couple of motorcycles i 925.00 each. Hansen Chevrolet Co. Roseburg, Oregon hum In license fees on flnh traps and wheels. Opposing dams or obstructions in rivers In such ways as to con trol tlio water. HiiKKestliiK restriction of the amount of water lo bo fluined or piped to power plants. CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to express our sincere Ihanks for the kindness and sympathy extended us during our recent bereavement, and our doen appreciation of the many beauti I ul floral offerings. H. D. DAVIS FAMILY. WHY DEMPSEY "PULLED" WEIGHT FOR WILLARD fAMwfatftl PrM TjHM-t Win.) NEW VOftK. Juno 3. .lack Dempsey cave awnv lia nnunds In Jess Wlllard In their titular con test at Toledo, Ohio. July 4. 1919 and then knocked the heavy weight diadem from tho brow of the Htirprised KanHas man mouii- tain" In three rounds. Physical condition, they snv. en abled the smaller mini lo fell tho tall champion lint Jimmy DoFor oHt, who trained Deninsey. chewed away on the stump of a half- mi rued cigar and smiled ns he recalled tho Incidents of that fight. He had kepi Ihe "Inside" Htory to himself until now. In one corner of tho ring the bulky form of Wlllard was crouched under a huge umbrella. He llHlkn.l flit (mil lul't'V lint lila 'immense proportions Impressed the Hiieclators who gasped as they tried to fathom the chances o'f the ambltioiiH challenger ngalns such a big man as Wlllard. The weights were announced: Wlllard 245, uempsey tsj. A roar of amaze ment swept over Ihe crowd. They couldn't comprehend. They didn't believe. Hadn't. jjoiupscy weigueil .'in at a puhlic I unction In his honor at Toledo, three weeks before the light? Hut DoForcst knew j nd his .imlle in creased. 'His first plan' of battle was a success. Wlllard. with a jduiuhfnundcd expression, proved tlmt. Tho Hynipathy of t.iie crowd wuh won to the underdog and that was what Deforest wanted, j Here Is the e(ret of Dempsey's fliu'tuattnn in weight as Defor est deHcribed It: rhere was u nation-wide crv i because, of ' the difference in weight. The reformers called it crueltv. The Untie runs Mmm- selves didn't care to see Buch Pherson s mother. The pair asked slaughter. jMcKinley to open negotiations "The citizens of Toledo planned 'with Mrs. Kennedy. -a big public dinner lor Dempsey i "You can tell the police about and this looked to me to be tha psychological moment to stop the j i crop. I had a new set of scales Dempsey for the benefit of the spectators. "Previously I determined that 200 DenipHey would weigh over this publ"c weighing. Twenty- four hours before the dinner I put the challenger In the Ice-box with half a dozen botilcn of beer and two dozen bananas and told him to go to work. Ho ate the fruit, drank the beer and swelled. "Then when the stare was set I yanked him out and put. him on Ihe scales. lie balanced at -ill. Tho diners gasped In astonish ment, for Dempsey had never weighed more than x' for a fight. The newspaper boys made a great play on this. Immediately t he opposition to this uneven fight declined and la a week had vanished forever. That accounts for the amaze ment of the spectators wIhmi Dempsey's weight was announced at ls;t the afternoon of the right. -(u, )S j-,.;, of; y of that was one of the biggest factors in Demp sey's favor." o- PERRY FOSTER AND MR. AND MRS, AGE E IN AUTO WRECK A car belonKlUK lo Perry Foster ami occupied by Mr. Foster anil .r. an, . yrs. itoiami rtgee wrecked this morning near Wolf (. reck. 'Ihe machine was struck by I ja car driven by a tourist, and the front end was quite badly smash- , eil. Mrs. Afiee sustained slight cuts hut otherwise was not hurl. LEON A ITEMS Mrs. Fffie Sutton and two daugh ters were in Collage drove Fri day shopping and looking nfter business matters. Mrs. John Hooher and (ieorge Finney of the Finney ogg ranch made a business trip to Cottage (Jrove out' day last week. Mrs, If'ii Sutton and children' left Tuesday for I lomedale, Idaho, where they will visit Mrs. Sutton's mother, Mr:?, Proud and otlwr rla thes. They plan to return to their home in July. Mr. and Mrs. Krnesl dugginsbcru a ed chilli ion i sited relatl cs in Cottage drove last week, Mr and Mrs. Joe Quern ant) lit tie daughter. Vivian, who were visiting at the home of Mis Onieen-s father. Mr Koe Miller, (ell Saturday foi their home at Marcolar. Mr and Mrs. Charley llemmini: ion and children isitet! Mr and Mr C S Cole of l.eona. Friday Mr S. V Cliapin. who has been at the borne of his daughter, ai Walker since weeks ao. day. Miss Cutl ( home of Mr; Ibis week. his accident a few Murm d home Satin- raiir is isitinc at the . Albert t;in:gisbfi-): Mr and Mrs. Albert (Jugclsberg and chthlrti visited with relatives In Oakland the first of the el Mrs Nina Welch and little daughter. Jane, of HrhUe. Oregon, who have been lsiiinu at the home of Mrs Fffie Sutton, left Tuesday for Kui:en to isit friends there before returning home. X X rVro Methodist Camp Meeting Services this evening 7 'So p m continuing every day and eve ning until June 1! Everyone cordially welcome. Meals ran be hail at the restaurant conducted near the lare tent. Everybody Invited. Committee. James Allen Velzlan. a Pioneer of Oregon, and well known la the southern part of Douglus County, passed away in this clly Juno 2 at the ago of DO years. Mr. Velz.'if.i had been in poor health for the past year or ho and gradually be I came worse until death came Wed luesday. j The deceased was born at Plc (jton. Nova Scotia, February 22, .IW'ti: -multi,. In Muu, V....! ill., .. t ; the uge of 22 years. He later Hct- tlcil in Oregon, coming to this slate In In '.II ami taking up resi dence on n farm near this city, where ho has made bis home lor the past number of years. He was u man highly esteemed and made many friends. Surviving, are four dauahtei-H. ;,,.'.'" 7. .' , e iiuihu.i, v.n:,-n, -MIS. JUIIieH1 Shupe, Oak, Ornve; Mrs. Jonn I Conler, Cenlrai Point; and one son, Howard Velzlan of Marsh-1 flelil. Ten grandchllilren and six great grandchildren also survive. Funeral services will, be held Friday aflernoon at 1:30 o'clock at Ihe ltoseburg Undertaking Chapel, Rev. Joseph Knolls offici ating. Interment will take place at the Urockwuy cemetery. EVANGELIST IS CAPTIVE, TALE TO THE POLICE (Continued from Faee 1.) the attention of police today. According to the attorney, R. A. McKlnley of Long Beach, the men have threatened not only to kill Mrs. MuPherson, hut to do away with him as well if the ransom is not paid. Fearing for his life, Mc Klnley has told police that he can not assist them In trapping the al leged kidnapers. The lawyer told investigators that the pair came to his office last Monday. Alter assuring them selves that he was blind and could l not see them, they told him that ""' "au. . 1 e evangensi iBmi wouUI deliver Her for the 'fv 000 reward recently offered by Mrs. Minnie Kennedy, Mrs. Mc- tins ii you wish. I suppose you will," the lawyer quoted the men 'as saying. Mc Kin ley placed the mat tor bo fore the police and District Attor ney Keyes and they in turn com municated with Mrs. Kennedy, i Mrs. Kennedy's Clever Plan. The latter, when first told of the ransom demand, declared that it was a hoax, but finally agreed to submit a list of questions, the answers to which the men were to bring from the allegedly captive pastor. The pair failed to keep an ap pointment to meet McKinley in his umce ye.sieruuy ui mm miuu, uui, iiu- coining IO ;ne lawyer. uny uiu make their appearance about U:'M last night. After describing them as grumb ling because l hey had to have the questions answered McKinley quot ed them as saying: "Well, we'll get the answers pretty quick, but have ihe dough ready or yon know what will hap pen." Following Is Ihe text of Mrs. Kennedy's note: "Describe Ihe hammock at our home and state where home was. "Describe our dog anil tell what his name was. "Describe the stove in our dining room. "Who was Wallace and what was .his relationship to our family." Body Not Found. With both District Attorney , ,,,, (lf natives k.rlml 0Mm, , Sall KrI,nCS,. 1. (l,i ,,,!... ,1i(,i r ih. case awaits their return. The search at Ihe beach for Mrs. McPhersoirs body, on the supposi tion that she was drowned, also 3 Sat. Nite . RAINBOW GARDENS On the banks of the Umpqua at Winchester Most comfortable for Summer Dancing MUSIC BY BILLIE SIMPSON Formerly of Cole McKIroy's Orehi'sl ra And Her Society Daf.ce Band Featuring Bucco the singing Banjoist. You'll Like 'Em Dancing free from 8:30 to 9:30 So Ret there early. TRY'N BE THERE1 A good floor and a reahot danco Band DANCE1 was virtually at a standstill. The last action was taken yesterday when a few sticks of dynamite were exploded without result in some of the nearby kelp beds. NEW TODAY I FOR RENT Garage. F.nst Cdss. Inquire 211 WANTED Experienced waitress ul once. Terminal Cnfe, TENT WANTED Large used tent. Call or write A. 1J. Hulberl, 9311 Cobb St. FOR SALE Cooked food by the Legion Auxiliary, Saturday, June 5th. Zlgler-Craven Hdw. Co. THOMPSON MINERAL VAPOR P.ATI1S Rejuvenates and re moves pofKon from the syslem. Drugloss Health Center, 327 Cbbs St. Phone 491. HELP WANTED Man for farm work at Overland Orchards, wife to board men. No children. Long Job to right people. Charles A. llrand. HA THING CAPS Sun glaflses. Eye shades. All necessary arti cles for autoing. A good selec tion at Pioneer Drug Store. W. K. Sifg, Prop. FOH SALE fc acreb 1J miles out E. Douglas St. House, barn, chicken park, water system. Price $2100. Chas. Kyes, 82G N. Jackson St. FOH SALE Small limine in good condition. Corner lot 75x140 ft. Koom lor 4 new houses, just the place for a court. Pavement all in. Price J2000. Chas. Kyes, 826 - JacKson St. FOR SALE Gul bransen phtyer piano, oak finish. Has mandolin attachment and 25 rolls. Almost like new. Cost almost $500, will take $325. Some terms. Address C. F., care News-Ileview. SAVE MONEY on your mortgage loan by our monthly payment plan: Pay' off the old mortgage with a new one. We have a very convenient Installment loan plan which not only makes payment easy but effects a worth-while. saving to the borrower. Umpqua Savings and Loan Associatim. Douglas Abstract Bldg. WOMAN WANTED For general housework between the ages of 30 and 40. Good place for right party. Reasonable wages with good room and board in first class home. State qualifications and salary expected. Must be refined and not afraid of work. Address Mrs. O. W. Elliott, 330 Ainsworth Ave., Portland, Ore. LUMBER A yard where you can get at rea sonable cost, the quality, thick ness, width and length your work requires, without substitu tion. Building materials of all kinds; also boxes and crates. We save you money. Coon Lumber Company VOl UE"OVERLOOKING SOME THING Get this into your sys tem, then move! 77 acres ad joining fine outrange; 75 acres fine, sandy creek bottom with big trout stream thru it; 10 acres in growing crops; over throe jnillion feet fine saw tim ber; Dig family orchard; all kinds fruit and berries; good three-room house, fully furnish ed, spring water piped in; barn, chicken house; other improve ments; one horse; 5 head cows; 400 thoroughbred chickens; 2 Incubators; brooder; new drng saw ; tools and implements; everything goes. Clear title for $IWH. half cash. See LAW RENCE AGENCY, 325 Cass Street. Phone 219. STH1' INTO THIS MAN'S SHOES On account of business rea sons he must go at once; offers 72 acres one-half mile tifm town; 32 acres under cultivation i:i growing crops; 7 acres in bearing prunes; all kinds mixed i fruit; 35 acres good timber; two fine wells and three big springs; good 8-room house, fully furnished; two big stock barns ; chicken house; brooder house; well fenced; woven wire; big team young mules; new harness; full set tools and implements; 5 thoroughbred cows: S00 chickens; everything in running order; the place mak ing good money now. Clear title to everything for forty-five hun dred. Only takes $1500 cash, possession at once. But you bet ter step lively! See LAWRENCE AfiENCY. 125 Cass Street. Phone 219. IF you need screen doors, win dow screens, built In work, cabi net work of any kind; furniture repaired, saws filed or Job work of any kind, call at Cabinet Shop. cor. Oak & Stephens Sts. EO S. & F. L. COCKELREAS, Proprietors DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist tn the tittles of OUssei 11S Jackson St ANTLERS 10c Today and Tomorrow 35c What really happens back of the glitter and glare of the circus? "THE DEVIL'S CIRCUS" in -tfith CHARLES EMMETT MACK and CARMEL MEYERS A BENJAMIN CHRISTIANSON production. SEE: A Beauty alone in the den of the lion. Thrilling scenes of circus life. A grippine underworld story. Action! SHOES OF LIGHT COLOR OR YOUR EVER FAITHFUL BLACK PATENTS BOTH ARE HERE. SMART NEW MODELS PLAIN PUMPS, STRAPS, OX FORDSA LOW SHOE FOR EVERY FANCY MODERATELY PRICED CORRECTLY FITTED. OUR PERSONAL FITTING SERVICE INSURES THAT. Roseburg Booterie IRVIN BRUNN Shoes That Satisfy and Fit Your Feet. ROSEBURG, OREGON FOR RENT I furnished House keeping rooms. 24(i N. Rose St. FOR RENT Comfortable down stairs, 3-room, well furnished apartment on Mill St., $16. 2-IS R. 1 ,"wlTh bath, 'hot wS J! all hours. L. O. Maddux. 248-R. FOR" RENT 8-rooiu furnished house with garage. 444 N. Rose St. FOH SALE Leave orders for Mammoth blackberries for can ning at Martin Brucker's, Win ston. ' LUTHERAN SYNOD 'FEATURES DEDICATION OF SEMINARY ST. LOUIS. June 3. The new $3,500,000 Concordia Seminary, de scribed by its builders as the larg est Protestant theological semin ary in the world, will be formally dedicated here June 13 . as a fea ture of the International triennial convention of the Evangelical Lu theran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and other stutes. More than one thousand accred ited delegates from all parts of the world and thousands of visitors are expected to attend the conven tion and dedication. The seminary buildings, which aro virtually complete, include an administration building, two lec ture halls, auditorium, library, ser The Chautauqua Reserved Seat Tickets will be on sala At the Tent Courthouse Yard Every Afternoon and Evening Programs Start at 3 P. M. . and 8 o' Clock at Night TONIGHT THE PHILHARMONIC ENSEMBLE will give a marvelous symphony program of the world's best music, classic and popular. JOHN B. RATTO, the greatest Impersonator in America, will give his marvelous reincarnation of many world famous men of history. MAJESTIC LEW CODY MAYBUSCH III THE COMEDIAN" i A 0-.,-. . .. .. . .. 5 A Brilliant Drama IOC COMEDY NOR SHEARER Love! Drama! ELKS ATTENTION Big time Thursday nlcht. Dauce and refreshments. Don't the .late. June 3rd. vice building, power house, two dining halls, eight dormitory units and twelve faculty buildings. The architecture is Tudor-Gothic and the material is a combination of varl-colored limestone. Construction of the seminury is part of an extensive educational program inaugurated in the last two years by the Lutheran church, for which S5.000.000 was subscrib ed in a general campaign. Speakers at the dedication cere monies will recall the chief events in the history of the Missour Sy nod, which dates back to -1S3S when a group of 750 Saxon emi grants left their homeland to fond in America the freedom of wor ship which had been denied them. A beautiful and practical S5 satin finished vase, coming in ban monious colors orange nnd green, special for Saturday only at !)i cents. Zigler-Craven Hdw. Co. Quick turnover. Aitv-rtlso. A classified ad today brings sales tn. morrow. WWfgH TODAY Matinee 2:15 nXTMIT I of a Mother's Follv. AND NEWS Comedy and New. MAI