Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, May 21, 1926, Page 9, Image 9

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tj Camping
The lure of the great open wilds begins to call
you But you need camp equipment to go '
Camp Stoves, Camp Chairs,
r Camp Cooking Outfits
Let us fit you out for that trip.
g Churchill Hardware Co.
1 There Is one thing
you can say
(or a Flivver .'. v
It always rattles . , - '
: before It strikes.
' These listed below .
have been operated on
y and had
their rattles removed. ;
1924 Ford Touring ' .
. 1923 Ford Sedan
S1923 Ford Touring
" 1922 Ford Touring
"920 Ford Touring
1922 Ford Truck
Hansen Chevrolet Co.
Roseburg, Oregon .
NOTICE of Sale of Government
Timber. General Land Office,
.Washington, D. C, April 7. 1926.
Votice is hereby given that subject
to the conditions and limitation of
the acts of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat.,
218), June 4. 1920 (41 Stat., 768),
and pursuant to departmental reg
ulations of April 14, 1924 (50 L. D.,
176), the timber on tile following
lands will be Bold May 27, 1926, at
to o'clock A. M., at public auction
at the U. S. land office at Roseburg,
Oregon, to the highest bidder at
not less than the appraised value
as shown by this notice, sale to be
subjeot to the approval of the Se
retary of the Interior. The purchase
with an additional sum of
me-fifth of one per cent thereof,
being commissions allowed, must ds
deposited at time of sale, money to
be returned If sale is not approved,
otherwise patent will Issue for the
timber, which must be removed
within ten years. Bids will be re
ceived from citizens of the United
States, associations of such citizens,
and corporations organized under
the laws of the United States or
any State, territory or district
' thereof, only. Upon application of
a qualified purchaser, the timber
or any legal subdivision will be of
fered separately before being in
cluded in any offer of a larger unit.
V. 16 S.. R. 6 W., Sec 31, lot I, red
fir 1340 II, none of the timber on
this section to be sold for less than
11.26 per M. T. 17 S., R. 7 W., Sea
31, SE NEVt yellow fir 1800 M.
BWU NEU yellow fir 600 M, Sec
83, SWU SKhi yellow fir 460 it red
fir 895 M, red cedar 20 M. T. 18 8,
ft. 7 W.. Sec 1, BW Douglas
fir 1400 M, none of tbe timber on
these sections to be sold for less
than $2.50 per for tbe red fir,
12 per M for the yellow fir on Sec
II, 12.60 per M for the yellow fir
on Sec 33, $3 per M for the Douglas
fir and $1.60 per M for the red ce
dar. T. 30 S.. R. 9 W.. Sec 3 Frl.
NIC NEi Fort Orford cedar 285
M, red fir 860 11. cedar poles 370,
Frl, NWi4 NISI Port Orford cedar
285 M, red fir 740 21, cedar poles
210, SE14 NE14 Port Orford cedar
180 M, red fir 665 M. cedar polos
850, Incense cedar 10 II. 6Wi NEU
red fir 685 M, cedar poles 225. in
cense cedar 16 M. Frl. NEU NWtt
red fir 900 M, yellow fir 475 M, Frl.
NWi4 NW14 red fir 880 M, cedar
fioles 250, Incense cedar 25 M. yel
ow fir (60 M. SEU NWi red fir
1190 IS, cedar poleslas. SW14 TO
red fir 1285 M. cedar poles 176, NE4
BE!4 Port Orford cedar 265 U. red
fir 455 M, cedar poles 250, Incense
cedar 26 M, NW(4 8E!4 Port Orford
cedar 235 M, red fir 605 M, cedar
poles 320, Incense cedar 20 M. SE14
BE'i Port Orford cedar 125 M, red
fir 10 M, cedar poles 60, SWU SBhl
Port Orford cedar 40 M, red fir 585
M, cedar poles 100, incense cedar
15 M, NEU SWti rod fir 856 M. ce
' dar poles 160, Incense cedar 15 M,
NVV"4 SW4 Port Orford cedar 10
M, red fir 1040 M. cedar poles 150,
BBhi 6WI4 red fir 690 M, cedar poles
130. Incense cedar 10 M, SW14 8W!4
Port Orford cedar 6 M. red fir 620
M, cedar poles 100, Sec 7. NEU
NEU red fir 876 it cedar poles 50,
yellow fir 985 M, NWU NEU Port
Orford cedar 46 It, red fir 265 M,
cedar poles 76, yellow fir 160 M,
SEU NEU Port Orford cedar 45 M.
red fir 730 M, cedar poles 75, red
cedar 15 M. SWU NEU Port Orford
cedar 440 It, red fir 465 M, cedar
poles las, yellow fir 160 It NEU
NWU Port Orford cedar 25 H, red
' fir 200 M, cedar poles 60, Incense ce
dar 10 M. yellow fir 10 H. lot 1 Port
Orford cedar 60 M. red fir J30 M.
cedar poles SO, Incense cedar 40 la,
SEU NWU Port Orford cedar 18,
M. red fir 260 IC, cedar poles 100,
yellow fir 140 M. lot I, Port Orford
cedar 40 M, red fir 800 11, cedar
poles 60, yellow fir 60 M, NEU SEU
Fort Orford cedar 20 M. red fir 22t
&, cedar poles 30, Incense cedar 10
M, NWU SEU prt Orford cedar 10
M, red fir 610 M. cedar poles 60, In
cense cedar 25 M. SEU SEU Port
Orford cedar 40 M, red fir 250 M.
cedar poles 60, incense cedar 40 H.
SW'U SEU Port Orford cedar 45 M.
red fir 355 M, cedar poles 60, incense
oedar 120 M, NEU SWU Port Orford
cedar 3d M, red fir 466 M. cedar
poles 60, Incense cedar 60 M. lot 3,
Port Orford oedar 190 M. red fir
295 M. cedar poles 16a, Incense
dar 80 M, SEU SWU Port Orford ce-
75 u. red Iir . Ai, ceaar pnies
45. incense cedar 176 If, lot 4. Port
Orford cedar 217 M. rod fir 415 H.
cedar poles 180. incense cedar 152
M. none of the timber on thess sec
tions to be sold for less than $1.60
per M for the fir, $7.50 per II for
the Port Orford cedar, 60 cents each
for the cedar poles and 60 cents per
M for the incense and red cedar. T.
29 S., R. 10 W., Sec 29, NWU SEU
Douglas fir 1140 M, Port Orford ce
dar 70 M. none of the timber on
these sections to b sold for loss
than $1 per M for the red fir, $1.66
er M for ths Douglas fir, $7 per
for tbe cedar and $4 per If for
the nine, .WUlUia Spry, Ooauoie
Out Time!
Gubernatorial Nomination
on G. O. P. Ticket in
- Pennsylvania Is
Good as Won. 1
Backed by the forces beaded by
Secretary of the Treasury Mellon,
former state bauking commissioner
Joan S. Fisher was leading Edward
E. Beidelman for the Pennsylvania
Republican gubernatorial nomina
tion by 10,579 votes.
Returns from Tuesday's primary
from all but 47 of the state's 8,281
election districts had been received
today. These gave Fisher 638,516
and Beidelman 627,937.
Fisher's friends said they felt
confident he had won the light.
Mr. Beidelman, who was support
ed by Congressman William S.
Vare and the Fhlladelpnla organiz
ation, had no statement to make.
Additional figures In the Repub
lican senatorial- race slightly -re
duced tbe lead of - Congressman
Vare, who maintained modification
of the Volstead Act was the para
mount issue in the campaign. With
265 districts missing the congress
man had a plurality over George
Wharton Pepper of 88,348. Gover
nor Gifford Piuchot was 171,3 Be
hind Pepper. Pinchot and Pepper
were classed aa drys. .
: In the Democratic gubernatorial
contest Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell
of Philadelphia still maintained his
lead of about one thousand over
Judge Bamuel E. Schul of Strouds
burg. . . - . . . . ' -
Vanishing Cream? :
Georgia Rose Vanishing Cream
comes in tubes and in jars, one
lor traveling and the other for
the dressing table. , '
Perfumed with attar of roses
and made of (he highest grade
material makes this cream de
sirable for tbe most particular.
The ideal cream to use as a face
powder base. - ;
.( t, r '
Nathan Fullerton
'exaZJL Prat -for '
BY OVER 10.000
If WHAT WOLD VOO' ' ? l'o H6.TE To SEP VoO ( FofZ PVTV'S SAKE, A '
Do ( a QUARTER'.; do -that - sot i'u - Chester, are vou y -i, A?. f im A-eoiM'To Tr
T'v "' " 1 ' 9 AS WSfi"' - ' GmiZiflfm . CopyiufM bv United feAlurc 9)'ndiufe. (nr.
: ' . '-'I -- ' . ' ' '' : :
By Elenore Meherin
Author of "Chlckle," "Sandy" and
Other 6srlls of Nationwide
(Copyright, 192, by Call Publish
ing vo.j
Tho Letter. ,
'Ob!" At the unexpected men
tion ot Grant Benders' name my
cheeks 'flared like a scarlet ban
ner. "That will be glorious." I
added hastily.
Mrs. Roan turned to nod to
Miss Vernan.
You will come with us. Gall?
"Yes and thank you for re
membering me."
It is nearly five now, Miss
Sherman. You were here late last
night, why not leave now?" Miss
Vernan interposed.
1 may as well, then."
'We shall be outside, waiting.
Gall." ,
I felt though my heart were
opening and closing in agitated
uncertainty. -
Elaine Necker was about twenty-four
and, like her aunt, Mrs.
Hoan, possessed a nature whose
rich -sweetness survived unspoiled
a lifetime of pampered luxury.
as i came to toeir limousine,
she sat forward extending a slim,
transparent hand:
"It's like a fairy tale, Gall,"
the lustrous eyes were unusually
brilliant. Elaine was always in
high spirits. "Why didn't you
write and tell me?" ;
"If I . thought you " were inter
ested, Elaine."
''I think it's simply glorious.
I'd like to do it myself."
There was something pathetic
in her gaiety; her exurberant
hope. Mrs. Roan laughed, but I
thought her mouth- tightened
rather suddenly. Elaine's plans
galloped. It was not until we
were half finished tea, sitting at
a low fire in Mrs. Roan's library,
that she made an allusion to her
self. 'I need - some negligees, Gall.
Would you consider it imposition
if 1 ask you to select thorn for
"I should be delighted to."
"You know I am going to Bos
ton. I shall be gone for several
months. When. I return," she
laughed brightly. "Then what fun
if we did go into .business to
gether!" "I'll keep the place open for
you," I promised. She was not
going to mention the purpose of
her visit to Boston. It is none
of my business, I thought, with a
sharp pang ot disappointment.
Elaine poured thick cream into
her tea.
'You know I feel wonderful,
Gall.. You will not know me
when I return. Select about eight
or ten negligees. I want stunning
ones." She watched her aunt
with a softened look. "You told
Gail why I am going, Elizabeth?"'
Mrs. Roan nodded.
"It's quite miraculous, Gail.
Daddy and Mr. Merrill have been
interested in Dr. Benders ever
since :he began his work. He's
going to make a brilliant suc
cess." 0 An uncomfirtable twinge of
guilt caught me. Why had I con
cealed my acquaintance with
Grants Benders?
. "I. have heard him lecture," I
said Impetuously, then I laughed:
You know I .worked at the labor
atory out there a while and every
one seems to -think Dr. Benders
a genius. So you will come back
very soon, Elaine. I shall pre
pare for our future."
A light seemed to pass over her
. "You. know him, Gail?"
'Yes, a little, Elaine."
- "You think he can euro me?"
A moment ago she had been so
serenely confident!
'"I am sure he will,"
"So am I! What did I toll
you, Elizabeth?" -
I could almost feel tears in
Mrs. Roan's voice. I felt them
in my own throat. But there was
only chiming silver in Elaine's
tone; that light on her face.
Jean dropped in for a moment
after dinner. She and Keith How
ard were going to a lecture.
'Fine about Grant,, isn't It,
Gall?" she mentioned quite cas
ually after we had bad talked of
everything else for half an hour.
What?" I knew that .lean had
written him a day after I had.
She had an answer.
"Didn't he tell you his paper
was given the highest honor?"
"I haven't heard from him,
"Then I won't spoil it for you,
Gail." She went off laughing. 1
was vaguely Irritated.
Juet as I was going to bed
one of the nurses tapped on my
door. ' .-!
"Excuse me, MIbs Sherman, wo
YOU can't be vigorous, slert,
energetic capable if you are
uderuui with Piles or other Rectal or
Colon ailments. Ths Important nerve
centers affected by such conditions cause
severe reflex complications throughout
the en the system. I will GUARANTEE
IN WRITING to safety and satisfactorily
cure your Piles ae I have done far thoue
mk fll oAm by fcaM tnanatot-ee ntara
yoor fee. I coaniMncal. ftotpi
pdooerabiiaocsinnllnttr Bead
tod3 tor mj ntw 100-pa Uko-
cratco Dooa ot uenh mciMMM ana
tntlmnnUI ktttn. It It FRE&
grabbed up a letter ot yours Dy
It was from him . . . thi'oo
pages in the cramped and all but
llliglble band:
"My Dear Miss Sherman: t
know your iob bunting was not
as gay as your letter, for I read
a great deal between the lines.
So I am very glad you've found a
place, though I wish it had not
been necessary to mane me
"I am not goinc to wish that
you will find, the work as satis
fying as the laboratory field, ror
I hope, you win continue tno
studies vou have undertaken,
though the books will be dull
company after a hard day's grind.
"Mv time is spent in researcn
and clinical work, as Jean has
nrobablv told vou. I have tried
out the treatment and met with
some fair results, but, of course.
it is lar to early to predict Its
worth. A paper I presented won
considerable approvall . VVOUIQ
you care to read it?"
"You say your time in the lab
oratory was not wasted, 'mat is
pleasant to hear. The teacher
gains more than the pupil. Much
more. 1 have only a moment, so
I will write again in a few days.
but will you answer this?"
"I may return to New York,
for I have undertaken a case that
I want with heart and soul to
win. It means a great deal to
me. '
"With the best of wishes or
your happiness, I am, faithfully
Of all the letter, the last pars'-'
graph stood out as though the
words were lighted. The case his
heart and soul was In was Elaine
Necker's. ' -
"Ten negligees!" Miss Ver
nan looked at me as though I
had suddenly gone mad. I wutf
in the stock room selecting the
most exquisite of pale ambers,
rose, lavender chiffons and satins.
It was the' morning after I hud
been to tea with Elaine Necker.
"Why yes that isn't so many?"
'But all at once!"
"She is going away. ' May I
send you about twenty of the
finest, Miss Vernan, so that sho
may see them?" -
"Send as mony as you like. I
hope at least, she will, keep one."
"I know she will."
. Miss Vernan smiled: "Don't bo
too confident, Miss Sherman."
She kept nine.' "It's the begin
ning of your, success," said aliss
It was my lucky day. I bad
made several very moderati
sales during the week, but I had
lost many more. Indeed It had
sometimes semed that mere
clumsiness on my part had sent
the patron away dissatisfied.
Early in the afternoon a rather
dingy woman, with a sharp nose
and an indigent chin came fur
tively from the elevator. It was
Amy Colton's call. Three of us
were sitting on a sofa, wniling.
"Do me a great favor, Oail?
Take this call." 'Amy begged.
"Yu don't mind ' these shabby
genteels. I can't ondure them!"
"I'll take her," I agreed, show
ing the woman to a chair. She
wanted to see the new evening
gowns. I brought out some of
the very ' much reduced models.
She seemed In suspense us though
waiving her judgment.
"This one Is very attractive on
slim figures," I offered. "It is
one of our loveliest models. We
are-nfferlng it for $57. CO.''
"Oh! Well it's not quite what
I want."
I brought out cheaper drosses
one (47.08, another $39.50.
She shook her head.
"I wanted something In purple
with steel beads, something very
We had a gown priced $129.50.
' VWell, I will show you what
we . have." I brought this , ono
out, told the price. Her face uc-
poenANO orders: Seattle orricis:
tuully beamed:
"Something like that," she said.
'Do you tbiuk that would become
me?" . . .
'You wish an exclusive mo
del?" , - ,. -
'Yes perhaps a a- Pao
no, a Lucille!" ' .
It was rather bewildering the
woman certuinly did not look as
tnuugn Bhe Had ever worn a
really fine garment in her life.
Hut I was interested, brought out
only the styles and colore that 1
. - 77" 1, I it
.uuuBiii siio iiiiBin puoniuiji
"Oh, that one!" she leaned for
ward and touched the glimmer
ing, beaded over-dress In her
bunds. "Might I try it on?"
Its price was $169. It fitted
without a stitch of alteration.
The , slendci obscure creature
seemed to transform, to take on
a shy, wistful grace that was
really appealing.
"Makes me too girliBh, doeau't
"Oh. I don't think so. If it is
the type of gown you want, you
can't find anything that would
bring out your Individuality bet
ter. It's perfectly charming on
I do like It! But for a womnn
of forty? Why," she was tremb
ling before her own image, "why.
I fool like a girl.''
You look like one, too. Don't
let me pei-suade you, but if you
plannod to Bpend this much, why.
tulse it!"
Have It wranpod up, will you.
dear? How very kind you have
been!" -
She took a purse from the
pocket of her coat and counted
out in bills and silver the price,
walked out of the store carry
ing the cardboard box.
Amy Coiton didn't sity a wora.
I felt as though I had doue a
service, the woman was so Joy
ously pleased. And the . gown
wus wonderful on her.
"That as a victory, MIsb Sher
man," Miss Vernan said quickly
as she passbd. "I saw it all."
It was mere chance that
brought Bar'oura dams in, late
in the afternoon.
"I heard you were at tea, yes
terday, Gail. ' Suppose you come
with me, today."
"I can't leave before .5: 85 -today,
Barbara. Make It Satur
day." "So. you'll have to stay when
you want to leave aud stand when
you want to sit?"
"I love it, Barbara. It's the
best game I ever ployed. Would
you like to see a stunning crea
tion? I ve hair an idea to send
it out on approbation to Marian."
"Well, I don't care if I look at
it. . I may be coming in next
week for a wrap."
"Four cume in today. This is
one of them." It was a marvel
ous orchid and cloth of gold bro
cade with a great ermine collar
that spread out like a fan
"Oh!" Barbara turned it quick
ly, swept it over her low should
ers. What a dream! Marian
wonts it?"
"She hasn't even seen it, but it
seems made for her. , She's ul-
woys buying wraps."
"DoeB It cost a million dollars,
"I think it's ruthor reasonable
"Are you sure?"
"That's whnt It's marked,"
"Let me have it, Gall? As long
ap Marian hasn't seen it.
"Why, she might not even want
It, Barbara, There may be more
coining in that you might like
better. h
In fun I had showed It I
didn't want her to think other
"Perhaps you reaiiy want it
for her. inll?"
"Oh. no. Barbara. -Why, take It.
Only I didn't want you to net
hastily." i '
"Why. It's Just what I want
just exactly. You're a porfect
angel, Gall. I need a dinner
dress. When you see ono you
think I'll like, 'phone me, will
you? Why, It's perfectly ador
able having you here, do you
know that?"
"Don't let It turn your head,"
Miss .Vernan cautioned, excited
by my look. "Remember, . there
are lean und fat duys in this
business." i
'Oil, I've had my Beven lean
.years, Miss Vernan!" . I was be
Bido myself with elation. The $14
in commissions 1 hnd earned was
nothing to the proud, Joyous self-
Arandel, nlann tuner Pnone 1S9-L.
A Golden Remedy
Tlio Stato of Now York has soveral
Indian Reservations near Buffalo and
tiie Indians bring sacks of roots and
herbs to Dr, Piorco'B laboratory, tho
extracts of which are used in Dr.
Piorco's rcmodios, known throughout
the land for over SO years to bo rcliabla
and potent, Naturo's healing herbs are
the ingredients of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, a splendid tonio
for tho blood, stomach and liver, and
a healing remedy for coughs and
catarrh. Keep tho blood puro and
health will follow I -
Send 10c for trial pkg. to Dr. Picrco's
Invalids' Hotol, Buffalo, N. Y.
EUGENE, May 21. B L. Eddy
ot Rosuburg, statu senator, and
Dean Ueorge H. Alden of Willam
ette university, will be here Satur
day ot This week to address a gath
ering at a hearing to be held in the'
office ot the city superintendent of
schools ou the problem of the most !
;oesirauie subjects to ue mciuueu
tin ulnm.inlavu a .1 Vili.l,
yi uk i a ilia ui biuu;
Mr. Eddy bus been working bard !(S
during the past years to compel
the high schools to teach writing,
spelling and other elementary sub
jects but has not been able to put
such a bill through the legislature.
He is a member ot a legislative
commission appointed by the gov
ernor to Btudy the effectiveness ot i
the Oregon program ' of Btudies.
Dean Allen is another member and
Dr. C. J. Smith is the third member I
but he will be unuble to be here
Dean Allen, chairman of the com- j
mission, says that they wish to so-1
cure as many statements as possi
ble from hesiness men, professional
workers and others who are in
touch with the product of the pub
lic schools regarding the efficiency
of the training glveu.
While in tha olty the members
of the commission will attend the
spring conference conducted by Phi
Delta Kuppu, men's houornry edu
cational society on the university
campus. . 1
, O i ''
We pay cash for dry . cascara
bark. Wharton Bros. , i :
A meeting' of passenger agonts
and clerks of the Southern Pacific
company wus held Wednesday eve
ning at 7 o'clock at the city hull
or the purpose of discussing round
trp summer excursion rates, which
are effective May 22, and also to
discus's meuns ot givlug the public
was an enthusiastic one and was
attended by agents from Iloseburg
and surrounding points. J. A. Or
mandy, general passenger agent,
of Portland, presided over the
meeting. He was . accompanied
hero by A. F. Walker, of Portland,
rate expert of the offices there.
Tho following from different
points attended: L. U. Cruin, as
sistant superintendent; J. E. Clark,
agent; H. K Coleman, J. W.
Wright, (J. C. WImer, Richard
Klemm, H. E. Snider, W. J. Mbf
fltt, Uoseburg; A. S. llosenbaum,
Medford; F. K. Hull, A. S. Urbttnd,
Drain; W. E. Satchwell, Yonca'llu;
E. A. Miller, lllddle; M. C. Bond,
Sutherlln; W. H. Blair, Dlllard. .
Bat barbecue , sandwicnea and
live forever. Brand's Road Stand.
Notlco of Sale of Government
Timber, (.t-nornl Lund Oflleu, Wash
ington, D. U, May 0, laao. .Notice is
liui-t)ly Klvcn i mat subject to the
euntlliiotiM and limitations of tho
ucts ot Juno 0, 1111(1 (3D Stat., 21S),
l-'uhruiu-y 28, :)lll (-10 -Buit.,HVM
ami UeimrtniGuuil J'etfulitlluns of
April H, 11121 tr.o I,, u., ilHI, the
timber on tliu loluw!u luiul will
lie sold June 2-1, llili, ut 1(1 u'clock
A. M., at iuhllc unction at the Unit
ed stales Ittnd ottiee nl HoucburK,
Oregon, lg the highest bidder .at. not
luus than the uiipruised value us
shown by tills notice, sale to be
subject to the uppruvul of the Su
erolury'of the liileriur. Tho pui--ehuso
priec, with un additional sum
of one-filth of one per cent thereof,
being commissions utlowcd, must be
deposited at time of sale, money to
be returned if Rule Is not unproved,
othcrwiso putcut will Issue lor the
timber which must be removed
within ten yeurs. Bids will be re
eelved from citizens of the United
States, UBHociulioiis of such citizens
and corpui-utlons org;iiulzed under
tliu ' 1 u w s of the United
Htutcs, or any -state, Ter
ritory, or District thereuf only. Up
on application of a qualified pur
chasci' the timber on uny legal sub
division will be offered separately
hoforu beliiir included in any offer
of u larger mill. T. 21 s.. It. 1 w.,
Sec 31 Hi-:1! SlO'i red fir 8U0 .M, none
of tho timber on this seellon to be
aold for leas than 11.76 per M. T.
ai S It. 6 W.. See. 6 SV,'l4 NWy, red
111- SCO M, T. 32 S It. 5. W., 1-Hc 13
NH'A Sl-1'4 rod fir 7!fi M. sugar pine
5 Al, none of lb? timber on these
HectioiiH lo lie sold for less than
ll.till per M for the fir and s:i.00 per
M for Hie pine. T. 17 8., II. 7 v See.
36 NH'4 NK'A yellow tir 300 M. ri;d
fir SOU M, cedar 60 M. N" tiV.
red fir 1500 At, cedar 26 XI, SIC',
NI014 led fir 00 M, cedar 25 AI,
SWy. Kl-'.ii red fir 1100 M, cedur 160
Al. T. 28 a.. It. 11 W.. Sue. 16 NIS'4
HUM rod fir 12110 M, NW', SI-;4 red
111' 10(10 AI, Willie rlr 150 ar. none of
I ho Umber on these sections 1o lie
nold for Ichh than $2.00 per Al, fur
tile red and yellow fir and cedur
and per M for the white fliv
T. 37 S., II. 7 W., Sec. 3 Frl. NI4',
NH'A sugar pine So Al. rod fir 230
Al, none of tile timber on this sec
tion tu be sold for leKs than $3.60
per At for the pine and 91.25 per Al
lor tho fir. T. 27 H 11. 12 VI., Bee.
21 SHi,', Nl'1'4 yellow tir 350 AI, red
fir 1750 M. SWU KK'i vellow fir
1600 Al. red fir 160(1 AI, NK'A NW'A
red fir 1550 AI, HIS'i NWfc yellow
fir noo A1. rod fir 1500 Al. Hcc. 3.1
NWii NW!4 yellow fir 360 Al, red
fir 1200 Al, white fir 100 Al, HW',j
NVV'.i yellow fir 150 Al, red fir 323
AI. Willie fir 100 Al, NW14 SW', yel
low fir 1200 AI, red fir 050 Al, KW"4
SV'4 yellow fir 1050 Al, none of Iho
Umber on tills section to bo sold for
leHH than S2.00 .Her Al- for the red
aud yellow fir and 11.00 per Al for
tho whlto fir. William, Spry, Com-
First place, this is a farmers' outfit and we are' used to smaller:
profits than the average business man wants. ; -7,
Then our advertising doBsn't cost us so much. Our customers,
do a lot of it fur us free, aud of course when we get more trade
without extra expense it helps to keep prices down. And it'
helps to get pi-ices pn'our buying, for tbe people with stuff to
I...U nnli.i-.llu lllra rt aoll n a firm that 1 -alllnfl Int. n u.llff
r - l ttVtt UHlUI-llf MBV IU "Lll W h
ua same way on bankrupt or cioseout Btuff. We get lists on lots
of thlugB that we never keep here,
market for a barguin in that line we can save them some real
money. Next time you figure you'd buy something if you got a
bargain Just let us know. We might find just what you wanted
at a price you could afford. Just now we could sell you a new
binder for $200. ;. .. ( ...
"See Us First We Can Save You Money" '
. , (Our next ad. will tell why.) :,
FOR SALE -Hampshire rams. Reg
istered aud grade. W. O. Paul, S.
Dear Creek. - : !
SPECIAL 30x3Jdoublo oversize,
$13.25. Roseburg Tire Shop, 116
N, Jackson,
FOR SALE-rRued collapsible sulky
with top, good condition, $5.
Phone 48-F-3. !
FOR SALE I i ton Republic truck,
very cheap it taken at once. 3o2
South Main.
bun bALhl De Lavai irrigation
pumps, wood pipe and electric
motors. Pail's Elsctrlo Store.
' Medford. Oregon.
SPECIAL 31x1 Federal Cord
ovorslzo, $21.00. Roseburg . Tire
Shop,' 116 N. Jackson,
FOR SALE CHEAP 15-passenger
White bus, in good condition.
Address J. W. Chaney, Marsh
field, Ore.
FOR SALE Wardrobe trunk, a
dandy, good as ' new. Call at V.
D. FuBon's, Miller's addition, or
write, Oen. Del.
SPECIAL- 32x4 oversize guaran
teed cords, $18.25, Roseburg Tire
Shop, 115 N. Jackson. ' '
with tandem disc and 12 in, or
ohard plows; used very little.
Good an , now, Oscar. Weeks,
Ruckles, Ore.
AIREDALES that nro real ter
riers. I have a few male pups
for. 8olo,,-,from. registered hunt,
lng stock. Come see them. M.
N. Humphreys, Happy Valley.
(Brocltway P. O.) ' :
FOR SALE Auto cninp; cottages,
grocery, service station, lights,
spring wnter, natural shade. Pa
cific Highway.' Don't answer un
less mean business. AddreBs
A-17, care Nows-Roview.
FOR SALE No. 1 family milch
cow, between 4 and 5 gallons
milk per day. One cream sep
arator; 1 wagon equipped for 1
or 2 horsoB, in good shape with
double box and good spring sent;
. 1 sot double harness; 1 set single
, harness; 1 hay-ruck. Phone
5-F-35, Rt. 1, Box 109. -
FOR RENT 2-room furnished apt.
Nent and clean; nice place . in
summer; lights, water and
phono furnished, Price JIG.
I'hono 4KI-J.
Notlco is hereby given that seal
ed bids will bo recelvod by the
County Court up to and Including
Wednesday the 2nd day of Juno,
1326. 10 o'clock a. m. for the opera
tion of Smith's Ferry, 'situated half
way between Kellogg and Elkton,
nnd the Scottsburg Ferry at
Scotlsburg, Oregou. Snld follies to
bo operated upon tho following
conditions. From Boven n. m. to six
p. in. free. Six p. m. to nine p. m. a
charge of 25 cents por car or team.
from nine p. m. to seven a. m. a
charge of GO cents per car - or
team. All fees collected to bo ro
tallied by party operating ferry. .
All bids to bo filed with the
County Clerk. Successful bidder
will be required to give a bond in
the sum ot $500, to be approved
by tho Court.
The Court reserves tho right to
rnlnet nnv nml nil Itlilu
n nnir r iln miintv fnnrt
" ,or H'S.H H ,'
IRA B. RIDDLE, Co. Clnrk.
High Finance!
tttttt ..,l fR) DOt.lflg IUID WL BVM...
and if we know who is in the.
FOR RENT Newly furnished
rooms, 928 Military St.
FOR RENT Furnished" housekeep
ing apartments at 246 S. Parrott.
FOR RENT 4-room and 2-room
apartment, clean, cool and close
in. 227-Y. :
FOR RENT Downstairs, 3-room
- apartment. Inquire Wade Room
lug House. 803 W. Lane. -
FURNISHED APTS. tor : rent
Modern In every respect. Clost
; in. Reasonable rates. Phone 68.
FOR RENT Partly furnished 8
room house with garage. 412 S,
Main St. Apply at 491 S. Main St,
or phone 23. - s
FOR RENT Two front otfic
rooms. Located in business cen
ter or. city. Call at 136 N. Jack
- son St. Or phone 58.
furnished house, modern, on pav-,
ed Btreet. Terms. Phone 171-L
or call 547 St Stephens.
modern bungalow, and 7 acres
land, beautiful flowers ,and lawn.- .;
2 miles north on Pacific . high
way. A. A. Sprague. -
house with bath, garage; rent
$16 mo., 733 S. Pine. Also, lot,
731 8. Pine, RoBeburg. Wiirlell
all on terms. J. M. Lindsay,
Soldiers' Home.
. : i :.
WANTED A largo 14-year-old boy
i wishes work on a stock ,'furm.
Addresa 531 Fowler St.
WANTED TO RENT Modern fur.
nlshod house with garage,' east
of R.(R. Responsible parties.
See Tlioa. Cobb at Qulne &
Goodmans. . ''
WANTED Old falsa toothi. We
pay high as $10 for full- sots.
Don't matter Jf broken. We buy
crowns, bridges. Western Metal
Company, Bloomlngton, 111..
WANTED for caddies at Roseburg
. County Club, May 23, about- 85
boys. Meet at 8 a. m. at-Lock-wood's
garage, where cars" will
be provided to the club grounds.
DRESSES MADE for $3. Mrs. Owes
809 Kqhlhagen Apts. y '
55ARD AND room in private
family. 826 Winchester St .
SINGER SHOP Hemstitching
while you wait. Opposite Rosa
Hotel. 803 W. Lane..
CONCRETE work at competitive
prices. Mixer . or building hoisl
for hire. Miller, Phone 440-J.
OAR OWNER Don't forget U
call 651 when la need of anU
porta. Burtfi Auto Wrecklnl
: 4
LOST Purplo silk umbrella.. Find
, or please notify , OU'b Muslo
Storo. , s , : :
LtST Dark brown cropo do clihio
scarf witli rod flowers. Finder
jtleaso leavo at ' News-Review.
: Mrs. Frank Brown.
That brin&s osv
I he manner in which wo.,
"do up" household linens -meets
with tho hoBtcss' '
upproval. The manner in
which wo launder her '
table cloths, bed spreads
and pillow cases appeals
to her senso of politeness.
Roseburg Steam .