ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. WEDNESDAY, MAY 12. 1926. THREE! IMIS11ST Itiie opportunity to serve productB of questionable merit. We will ! protect ypu as far aa wo can but it Is up to you to protect yourself by buying by brand. .ZT.., m ify VAWW II THE SPECIAL SIX Full force-feed lubrication, air cleaner, gasoline filter, oil purifier, twin flywheel plus 4-wheel brakes, full balloon tires and 5 disc wheels included at no extra cost. Automobile manufacturers point out very definitely in their Instruc tion manual that motorists must be direful about what kind of lubri cants they put Into iir cars. Nearly all manuals state that only high qualify lubricants should be used. What kind of oil and greaso goes into a, car depends on how careful motorists art in specifying particular brands and grades. Why should motorists buy oils j.tmi greases uy urnnu : in inu int i place a branded product has a cer tain standard of quality that is I curt fully inainiained. H run dud pro ducts that are extensively adver tised must maintain a high quality and give continued satisfaction to justify the advertising effort. Mer chandise that is not branded gives you no comeback in case It fails to perform up to standard. You should know what kind of lubricants you are using to battle the elements of heat and friction i in your car. They have a tremend ous responsibility lor tint tniluro of an oil film often means the per jinaiicnt. disabling of a motor. The i me ater uii sates i orpoiauon litis created the Veedol ''film of protection" to safe-guard the mo- gone to great length to protect motorists against, deadly heat and friction. They warn car owners, however, not to take all lubricants for grunted, nor to ask for lOasLern or Western oil, When you say "Eastern," you pay for quality oil buL when you say "Veedol," you BUICK DELIVERS 31,G31 CARS INAPRIL This 4-Door Sedan LOOKS like a far finer car than any other in its field and IT IS in quality, in value, and in brilliant performance g f I .R.CHAMBERS MOTOR COMPANY I g 1 ; Oak and Rose Sts. Phone 649 Roseburg, Oregon J 0T gel it- according to W. C. Petting- ell, Western sales manager of the company. Our engineers are constantly striving to render a greater service io American motorists and while we. oiler the Veedol ''film of pro tection," It is up lo the motorists to protect themselves by asking J for it by name. At our great re ! finery at llayonne, New Jersey, jover 3'MtO tests a month are made to insure Veedol quality. Every ; precaution is made to give the mo jtorists the greatest protection. Our ; lubricants are carefully guarded j from the well lo the point of sale. 'After that it is up to the motorists : themselves to specify their choice, i liny by brand and you will protect ! yourself. Legitimate dealers every ! where are anxious to serve your requirements in branded goods of i known quality. In fact, they very much dislike to have motorists . i unie to t hem and ask for oil as I E. T. Strong, General Sales Man laser of tho Hulck Motor compuny. announces actual deliveries of Hulck cars to owners iu April of '31.631 units. The previous month ;ly record for tho current series was made In March, when 23,224 icars were delivered, j According to Mr. Strong's state ment, shipments for April were 1 114,089 cars. The excess of deliver ies over shipments for the month :wus 7,5-12 cars. All previous delivery records ihave been broken In the nine I months since August, 1925, when !tht 1926 models were introduced, tone hundred and seventy-five thousand, two hundred and fifteen cars have been delivered during this period. This is an avernge of about 19,500 cars per month. The Hulck factory has bee op erntlnir at neulc canacitv since last August, Mr. Strong states. The usual mid-winter shutdown for In ventory was postponed because of tho demand for curs. A $2,000,000 expansion program to Increase ca pacity to 30,000 cars a month Is now under way. Several new uulld Ings are under construction and new equipment has been added. The inbound and outbound ship ments of the lluick Motor company In April totalled 10,600 carloads, and there were in addition 4,027, 3oo pounds of less than carload shipments. According to George C. Conn, di rector of traffic, outbound carloads from Buick during April moved over 165 different railroads. This traffic, Mr. Conn said, moves at first class or higher rates and has a marked, effect hi sustaining the rate per ton per mile on the rail roads. It is a factor vhich Is closely watched by railroad experts and financiers. The service on the railroads ns n whole, Mr. Cann said, Is the best 11. has been for years. ft TIME Serve You Eetttea aondl Save I "Eastern" or "Western,1 ' for will thuy Klvo 'know that while Ihey IIihiii h lubricant of (iinlity, many I UtlS(Tl!)Ulnll tl.'M I'TS would seizi1 Soe.Cars Have One-. A Few Have Two mpf But Only Chrysler "58" !Im Gives All These Qualities ' ' Chrysler Model Numbers Mean Miles Per Hour CHRYSLER "5$" Touring Car. $S4S; RoadsterSpecial,$$90:CtubCoupe,$.S9$; Coach. $9)S; Sedan, 1995. Disc wheels optional. Hydraulic jour-wheet brakes at slight extra cost. CHRYSLER "W' Phatton. ft ?0f; Coach; S144S, Roa-tsltr. ftfiji. SrJan, JfWf ; Koyal Cettt.t 5. thouiham. SI8i. Hoyat iiun. ttoun Seaarx. JJlVf One whteli optional. CHRYSLER 1MPE RIAL "SO" rhaiion, 92b4'. HiMiltter t u-itf u Htlt tlanjwd tqiupmini, u-ooii uhrets optional, fi$S). Lcupt twpai Mnftr $ i i . Stttcin hvt-natttngrf J U9i . J,aan, ttvtn pasungtr, iJV). tjun limouttnt, J69. Alt tutt fob Dtirjit. tubject to curtint I:td trul ttx tit tax. All mojelt rquippra u-HA full balloon tt'tt. A-k abnut Chryiff artr-ctue time-payment pn More than 4 '00 ("hryiler dealer! anuit uperior Chrysler service everywhere. All Chryler model- are protectee) BRain-t thrft by the Fedco patented car numtMnng y-tem. T'r , mJplonercd by and exctu-ive with Chrysler, which jr 'h, -. csnrtot betounterUuetJ and cannot be altered or 'removed withuut conctuuve evulencc of tampering. '58 Chrysler engineers have de signed the Chrysler "58" to satisfy the rigorous driving re quirements of today, joined to a most unusual economy of operation. How well they have succeeded is shown by the fact that the Chrysler"58" attains and main tains a speed of 58 miles per hour, accelerates from 5 to 25 miles in 8 seconds, and achieves 25 miles to the gallon. Some cars have one of these features; a few have two but none, regardless of price, except Chrysler "58", gives all three in combination.- Before you buy your next car you owe it to yourself to learn at first hand the exact measure of excess value which Chrysler "58" at its electrifying low price, offers you. You will find us ready to extend to you every opportunity to make searching investigation and exhaustive comparisons. o H. L. CONNELLY MOTOR CO. 527 N. Jackson Si. Roseburg, Oregon We have the tires aqjl the tubes that are delivering thousands of extra miles Firestone Gum - Dipped Tires Every fiber of every cord is saturated and insulated with rubber. Used by the operators of the biggest taxicab, motorbus and truck fleets. These big buyers measure mileage and demand Most Miles Per Dollar. , . Firestone Steam -Welded Tubes Steam -Welding vulcanizes the splice in live steam a special Firestone process , assuring an air-tight tube, so important to the life of your tire. You, too, can get the extra mileage, economy and comfort now enjoyed by the big transportation leaders and by hundreds of thousands of satisfied motorists, by equipping your car with these wonderful Gum-Dipped Tires and Steam-Welded Tubes. WE TAKE YOUR OLD TIRES IN TRADE and will give liberal allowance for unused mileage. Come and see us. OldSield Tires and Tubes Let us show you why Oldfield Tires and Tubes have made such a good name for themselves. Compare these tires and tubes with any others on the market. Made in the great Firestone factories by expert tire builders, and carry the standard guarantee HIGH PRESSURE CORDS 30x3 4 Regular CI $10.25 30i3 Eitra Size CI 11.40 30i3i Extra Size S. S 14.00 3U4 S. S 18.00 32x4 S. S 19.20 32x4KS. S 23.70 83x4XS. S 24.75 33x5 S. S 31.50 UNION GARAGE OVER-SIZE BALLOONS 29x4.40 .. .....$14.05 29x4.75.... 16.75 30x4.75 v.. 17.50 29x4.95 18.55 31x5.25.., 21.95 32x6.00 25.13 HOHL'S GARAGE 620 Winchester St. Phone 232 121 N. Stephens St. Phone 247-R CENTRAL GARAGE 131 S. Rose St. Phone 385 SAN FRA'NCISCO, May 12. 1431 travel bureaus and 1050 auto club touring bureaiiH will receive, for iniiional distribtion. Hie first cop ies of the "Redwood Highway Em pire" folder, now coming off the nrpflfl, according to officials of the Redwood highway association. This 32-page, 2-color folder wnfl conceived and compiled by the Red wood Highway Association, and It will receive both national and in ternational distribution, through channels controlled by the asso ciation. An original feature , designed to lend practical value io the folfler, was introduced into the publication by the manager-secretary of the redwood highway association. In describing the eight counties making up the Redwood Empire, the usual far-fetched generalities and meaningless glittering descrip tions of things that do not exist, were omitted. Instead, the actual scenic attrac tions, points of interest, and other feaiures in each county are brief ly described, and the reader Is specifically told how these places may be reached; routings are shown, and oilier needful informa tion of definite value is given. Supplementing this text mafte, three or more actual "tours" In each county are graphically shown, in (he form of "lour maps." THese tours reach principal poinls of in (erest in each county. All told, there are 23 such wide lours radi ating into the eight counties from (he main Redwood Highway, nl f rom the main mil and stage roU'tes. These various atlractions are portrayed by half-tone illustrations, attractively laid out, appearing in conjunction wild that text matter which specifically describes Up ni, under county designations. Principal hotels and resorts In the empire are listed geographical ly by "playflelds,' 'or resort areaH. Kach hostelry is so "keyed" with the tours that (lie traveler may de termine m once where he may j slop while making a given loir. j The full-spread center map shows principal highway, rail and ' motor stage routes, together with 'Incoming routes leading to the em 1 pi re, j A Ireafim- on the sporty flutilng ; and bunting in Ihe redwood em I pire. featuring 2M00 miles of fish ing streams, is another department of 11p folder. A barometer shows t he redwood rem I e io be the cooh st anil most scenic route be ( ween Sa n I'Vaneiseo and Port , la nd." The redwood highway assoclalion elafins an unprecedented demand lor this folder already. The first Issue js &n,iu0. It was said. NOTICE Roseburg Pistol and Rifle Club meet ing on Wednesday nite at Monty's Repair Shop, new location, cor. Main and Oak Sis. San Francisco bay some time ago,: was mounted in the chassis of a French motor car by Eddie WIITer, former Bpeedway racing drJver, who drove his own creation on an economy and endurance tost ' a few days ago. At sustained speeds of better than 35 milett an hour In a driving rainstorm, Miller ciinus and averaged better than 25 miles per gallon of gasoline, Tho Stai cur motor ''Whs one formerly useil In a commercial delivory Job by n through Ihe test with flying colors I Sun Francisco merchant. 300,000 Essex These Time Proven Qualities Turning New Thousands of Buyers to Essex This is a year of "Sixes". The trend is more , irresistible than ever. Through the yorld's ""-. largest production of "Sixes" Essex now holds the greatest price advantage with the finest quality Essex ever offered. There are 300,000 Essex owners. They tell you today's Essex is the best ever built. It is 1 II. easy to steer, easy ruling anci nas tne run ning smoothness that is exclusive to the famous Super-Six motor. It is economical, sturdy and requires little service attention. ESSEX COACH $909 At Your Door Nothing Else to Pay Price Include h'rciiihl, Tax ami the following Equipment! 'Front and Keiir liumpcrsi Automatic Windshield Cleaner Rear View Mirror; Tran.miHtiion Lock (huilt-in)j Radiator Shutters! Moto-Meter; Combination Stop and Tail Light. O p If : fITHS SALT t.ONO BEACH, cfflf., May 12 I It tak?B morp than a two monthH' nnlt wotnr htifh lo Rtnn (tin n,T- I formance of a Star car "Million Dollar Motor," according to the r mjlu of a performance test titaVi'd btwppn hnre and Hart Dli;o. Tho motor, taken from the bottom of ROY CATCHING MOTOR COMPANY 126 N. Rose St. Rofburg, Oregon 0