Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 13, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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; Itaued Daily Except Sunday
llriuljtfr ui 'I liv Aui'ia(Kil I'm.
Tho Auvocluttd It can in bxuiutfi vuty vitlitluii tu Uiu Ub for republi
cation til nil ucwi dtupuit-tif n credjlttii tu 11 (.r not otlici'Aibti citt(lut:d iu
turn i4ipur unit tu alt local ncwi jiuMUilied tiaiulii. All rltfhtti ol rupuuil
catiuii ut HpuUal dlBiiULuiitis h;iuut mo rufcurved.
H, W.
ii&K'f U. UAThitf.
Jtiuiered ua ttev'ouU claim Matter May 17, 1320, at Urn pout oltlc at
&ovhur!&, Orettujj, uniiur Uiu Act of Aiuich 2, lo'y.
Dally, ptsr oar, by mull .
Daily, nix uiuuum, by wall
Daily. tuw muuiUtf, by wall.
Daily, auigle. iuuuui, by man.
Uaiy, by camel, iur ji.ou.iu.
Woealy Nowb-Kimow, uy oittil, yor
There arc a good many people who advoc.ite theoretic
ally the idea of trading at home, but who make it their habit,
to go elsewhere to a large extent to do their own purchasing.
According to the lailc of newspaper people from various
cities, many of the local merchants of places, who ad
vocate the idea that paoplo should stand by their own home
stores, will frequently themselves go to larger places to do
their own trading. There may be some of that kind even in
such a loyal home place as lioseburg. This movement for
home trading is nut a selfish effort to deny people advant
ages they desire, but it is a thrifty idea along the line of self
reliance, to the effect that a community, in order to make
commercial progress, must use its own products so far as it
can. In so far as it goes elsewhere for the services which
are being offered at homo, it is striking at its own independ
ent position, and placing obstacles in the way of its own do
velonment. The example of the merchants in this respect is
rather contagious. If they and
ssjry to go or send to bigger cities in order to obtain the For the lily-white hand of his bridc.r VnWiW in street transport.
things they want, they say by their actions that they do not I to-be; i tion, thereioro. demands a pave-
, ( i i-i -vi r it .. i, : i !And after the wedding the minis- nient which Is so hard and even,
have lull confidence in the desirability of tho service which i ter,s f u yel of Bk,iIiroof i,.xu,r,., that the
is being rendered by tho retail establishments Of their home' Was a dollar down and a dollar a ! movement of traffic will be made
community. If they do not make it a subject of principle to I weck- j tuVhB0"ss n,au!u0giv'e 'instant tract-
trade at home whenever it is possible to do so, it is not likely
that the people generally will
icy. In a city like Roseburg we ought to bo so loyal to our
common enterprises, that we shall want to use our purchas
ing ability to assist their growth, and dislike to see any of
our resources disappear by trading elsewhere.
A prominent New York judge recently declared that the
dangers from the Indians of
paieu wiui uiuuu wnicu tuu
thugs and hold-up men. If he
accidents, he could have shown even more strongly that the
early pioneers were comparatively safe in comparison with
lljesc: wild old times.
M'U. ......
consider that the American people finally succeeded in driv-1
ing'OUt the Indians and making
tliem. Those who try to fight
cdnie out just the same.
Smith's Analyst, a new
its appearance in Portland, n copy of which has been received
1,.,, nfTinn Tlx. n, il.l i,ei I i,n
, , ....
9,1 nnirna miH nrrini n n nf
heretofore nortraved in Orciron nowsnanei-s. as well as a !
goodly number of articles ot
pnges devoted to reviews and
r 1.1, i. tu,. r;....i. : :.. .. ........ ....,.,l:i..i.t,.
VI II1U W1U&UI1 ii c4, 1 uu niai, ifiDLlu la tl vciy ci em lliuic- j
edition and decidedly interesting.
Tt 1 1 nr i ri 1 .1 1 1 m 1 i
., Edward M. Drowning, 51-year-old "sheik" who wetl a
girl of 15 years, presented his child bride with a fifteen room
' , c 1 1 1
mansion. Why so much space for a couple ol newly weds
press reports fail to slate, but if the old bov "hangs on" un-,
. . 11 1 ,
til his present young bride reaches an age where common
sense and good judgment prevails tho first and fifteenth
rdoin will be within walking distance, anyway.
' '
That fil'tv-fil'tV tax Cllt promised 1V Covonior Pierce
. . . , ' . . , 1
.somo years ago seems to have taken an upward trend j wig-
ing from tax statements recently broadcasted throughout the
-I-.In ,wl ,.(
State aiKl tOUiay.
Tho easiest, clioanest ami
spring trade is to advertise.
This is regular Douglas county weather-Irinnnings.
M . I.LIl
Tin: .SNOW.
When the snow is i-nniing ditwit, t!'i-r
town. Men with si in rh' umal :i tine:; .m.;
disease. Men ivo fcrlh tu .-.howl si
they 150. I'oor tired father lews liu mil, knowing it must
flo for coal, and he wi inj.-; his hands ami hair in a frenzy of
despair. Dark obsessions n,:l!nT holds: "all the children
will have colds; every one will have ii,e ilu, there'll be doc-'
torill'g to do.", Autos skid around the street, breaking fend
ers and repeat, and the driven-, shake their fists at the cloud
bank which insists on delivering its sn-nv, nlling all the
town with woe. Save the giddy and the young, all to doleful
vails give tongue; it's a. niiisni.nj in Ihe i ,1. iron delesl
its swooping down. In the country, v. here men rai.-e succo
tash and beans and mai'.:e, the., juv snirmg as ihev go
through tiie dl if'ied heaps of snn . " I Ins is worth a million
'bones," Kni'mcr Smith remarks to .l.u.cs: "mu h a blessing
can't be beat; it will make the crop of wheal and the, subsoil
will bo wet so the corn will thrive, m hot." 1 am greatly
pleased therewith, ! armor
Mill have all kinds of croje. twits, poi.itoes, In cts and Imps,
nnd huvefoin tiblow, pcrrhance, tluviioiv Ui u.s sii wvA
dance, fits of gladness let us throw, let us cipi r in the snow."
It is thus with everything that kind prevideiu-e may spring;
there arc some who will complain, saying that it ars ll.t tn
Jiain; there are others who will swear that it lifts their load
vf ram. Thnmrh va rail it l'iirht or wroinr. Drovidenco iust
, 0
by The Nows-Ravicw Co., Inc.
,, bcci uiuiy-1 ruubUi'ui
- l.vv
- t.VV
TUUUOhY, APRIL 13, 1926.
their families feel it neces-!
feel inclined to follow that pol
Puritan days were small com-
ciwiivu uucuuutuia iuuiy iiuiu
had also mentioned automobile
I. ..1.1 -:.-L4. ...ll !
aim uuai-uii nii.ii iiuBi'i. " uu ;
conditions very unhappy lor
the whole community will
monthly publication has made
!o ieuniwl iii i.i .. -, 1 1 ... r,ii-iii
... .
,ilawl liir nn i e.-l i.nj 1111 J
1 . , , 1
general interest and several
digests of the editorial opinion !
boat wav to stir.uilato early
with all thu '
' '
liL . Aui
M iV
is s'lrruw iii tlie
il s bad fur their
1 ti ..-;ng roundly as
Jom renmrks to biniili: vc
About the only
Parkin' placo left
Is the cemetery.
The mayor of Charleston mutt
be a dancjn' hound.
4 .
A friend of mine bought a gramo-1
For a dollar down and a dollaia
(This Is the easiest graft I've
This dollar down and a dollar a
c u. 'n,.i,. . ..h-i. a fnnn
In" f0Un"
tain (fen,
A runabout car and a stove; and ;
A oet of the
"Lives of Famous
For a dollar down and a dollar a
Then ho bought two bra.nd new ra-
dio sets,
For a dollar down and a dollar a
And a dozen cartons of cigarettes,
For a dollar down and a dollar a
(Then he bought a ring tfiai was
Then he bought a house for his , Hon when power is applied. There
famileo, i must be uo tendency lor tires to
At a dollar down and a dollar article or cling lo tho pavement.
weei. ; Kvory ounce of power should be
And when they got sick the doc! Hoe to do Its work of turning the
tor's fee i wheels.
Was a dnllar down and a dollar a : Thousands of dollars have been
Then said his wife: "I must be
These weekly payments are ruining
Was a dollar down and a dollar a
Lester Wlmberly was over in the .
tillani vn.itiriHi frnm Drain Rnread.
, - i
8igns have made their appearance!
on the tarns in that eectlon as yet,
liver pill advs. bein' the order of
tho day.
I -i'
Top Kick Doc Stewart ree'd a
tclepnone call yestidoy and some
gal said cho'a heard that the
nmencan Ley, on was heipm- needy
tamoiies, ana ooc asked tnc damsel
ir ncr nusoaiio ueiunuco 10 me ic-
. . .,.,1
one 6ald 1,0 hadn'' j",ed but
ui,it im uslcr work on the ship-
ya,-ds. ine nurse in Docs omce
""- admi.iiL.ei in- tns sitisiim'
"'co anu.
They're h.ivin' a harmonica con-!
; tet,t powii in Salem which is just!
d tore-runner of the corn-on-iho-
'00 .mso.i and oughta put the boy.
,n shape to muncn a mean ear.
; t t a
1 f i
They,'v'c"ndJ' ,otu fossil!-.0r
near tJcnd. Mcbbo it s some of the
1 feiiors who attended the Prineviiie
! lca,on convention last summer.
! n 'l' n
I Our good friend, Lather Barnes,
I stopped ye ed. on the main stem to -
day and publicly thanked us for
tlie cute remark appearm' in this
C0yum yostiddy eve, which goes to
show that some of the good deeds
iw do are appreciated. Hut Lather
I has such a crud, way of ,hown.
' his aratitude and his lanuuaae waj
so uncouth.
T . T
Rsgardless of the sour milk epl-
sode we are still In the market for
strawtiei-ry donations and a crate
ougiita lant us ovor tlie weekend.
Tonight is Ladies Night at the
Kiwanis Club and we hope tha Ki
wanians conduct themselves ac
cordingly and sip their soup from
tue side of ths ladle.
Very few straw dcrbys have ap
peared on the boulevard as yet and
we are beginnin" to wonder if x'u
alfalfa crop this caf.on io going to
f.ill short of our predictions.
Xnfc lpcflun-j SC3:
"It takes more'n a pair of nose
(jlasrrs to make 6ome fellers look
- - 0
M;r M-n h.vit s Lunch will pleie
i ll itiitl ni:iLi the ntte rnntm" ort h
MnirYoull lind the food at the of Sweets served In ft way
1 m t ik ii mu- fai-crml lni:rb
i.muirrow nnd ymra visit us daily
. -(
Visitors Hero Today
Mr and .Mis. A C. MeNd'. ef
Mniiie.i :u, shini;i n. sinp!'ed
Inu- ioda and visiu'd M 1 s. l':a
Cloud fur a shun t line. '1 hey rc
inotonni; to Caiitr.niii, fer rt vaca
tion. Mrs. McNeil is Uhrarinn ut
lill Mouiut library, aud Mr. Mc
J Neil 1 a prominent real estate
8o Bhs 00t a divorc!. And the;j'.'ak 'ped!u
State Press Comment
Tho Open Shop.
Halom contractors litivt! none on
un open thou basis. There Ib no
other bunts worthy of America.
Tho contractors are not opposed
to the unions, but they are op
posed to exclusion and deny the
right of any man to toll another
hu cannot worn without joining
their lodge or their right to tell
an employer that he cannot hire
!a man who Is not a member of the
j certain lodge. It would be just
laH fundamentally light to say that
a man had to belong to a certain
chinch or ho couldn't work.
Corvallls Times.
Development in vehicles com
mon to' our highways hua kept
pace with tho growth of populu-
) tloii and lias materially changed
reiiuiroments for street and other
highway Biirlacos.
is mite to say that in tho
j average American town HO per
' ' ," le! lllllli: ia snir;
propelled. Jl also moves at
i l"s "wwr times greater titan
, was possihlo In tlio days when
Might rolidstors and heuvy draft
teams represented the only avail-
! ..,,, ,,. !,. ,i ,.,.
f ,.,.i..i,. .ri. ,.,i,,
uierclal vehicles. .The mini who
buys gasoline or electrlol power
for his motor vehicle soon finds
that the even, hardtop pavement
is the one on which his motor
operates with tho lowest expen
diture ror power anu tor upaeep
of mechanism which Hailstorms
that nower Into transportation
Every up-grade, every irregul
arity ill tho Htirface exacts Its pro
portion of power to overcome, and
Is reflected fiiltlil'ully In tho num
ber of trips that must be made to
fin me gas tanks or charge the
Invested In developing design to
reduco friction in the mechanism
of the vehicle ilai-ir and -to secure
the most direct transmission of
nower lo thu driving wheels. To
haul grliiDliiE the tire at point
of contact with Hie street surface
and retarding the motion of the
vehicle. l'ortland Journal of
prfational Casualties.
There me n.v. n n.i.ii. ii Amen-
' iy
i Uel.veell CHuOi ae aj.o i..tu
IX WHO ill'' SlUll.Wilg DLlivA'ell
IhJlirs lUKl belltll.le, a.
conlniK lo tlie piesi.l.nt ,11 ui
iUnui ic.iti balliii-is' association,
no .attended a lecent preliminary
io the' organization 01 an- adult
Uucation u-ile.atloii. 'I l.e iillliiul
3,uou,ueu inati'icuianl: la
i' ji 1 csi-oiiueaee
, , K, i.,,,,...
Btleliuilts HWI - t-cl.oo..
ana 111 1 tier naii.oi'id w ni nim.
uiur ?:utriiiK voluUdiis of in w
clioiee, th.lL liny in e badly pi--pauMi
Icr piiuimtinn. Tin- n'iiMT
iiiclmud lo put Uiu hliimo on
1 'uuiu plt'x! Ly Dl Un text dooKs. ' It
is iio.ssibty iiiiacuuiy lo y,u ; ui:.!
lor a lva-suii.
I'mlt-f iiu nriiily univt-rsal ba-
umu m coiiipiu;-io -iiu.-..i iun m.11,1
tamed by u.e .,t.n s, nu.t; per c.i.;
,01 me population between me a. -
'of 7 and 11 ate in sen. tot ami a
.urtiici ,a per cent in u.e two 1. .
lowi.ig yea.s au- ..imiiany .moi.,.,.
.)loi,onjm, lu.mni, aim h.i..
",, Vugiit loappieciate the vam.-.
,,vull thu in.iV'Usabiiity, of e,u
stale, is not given. 11 11 wi.u asiu
: taiiiauie, 11 wouui 111 all prob.iiiii
Hy account for tlie lervui v. 1:11
i.likn some u.uuu.euu ui ad n'.-
aim near aiiuiis aie uyiug 10 m.iae
up tost time. .
Neiuly ever.Mliing is now laucht
,n Hie public scnools .c.-t tu..i
I'lue is H' "lie posse.-si.oi .... t
v . . .
111' call eulillol II lie will l.lltl ni -
... -,T il, ,,! Il 1
pt.nm.acllt wellare or lcbuinm I ;
u-latneiy enormous t-tiuri. a ci.n
.sHienibtu iiMiiher of lho.ii- u no .u
K.mii;; rise lo tin- probu m ut ;in..
t iltii'.ii tun consists ot tne nlii. :n i
.11 ..-tut. iii's m ihi' comvi nil.:
L..t 1 ap'. Tiif l.-ik il 1 i 1 4 - -t
int; m ti:' Man lin-ni ih.U in
;i. i.e.'U ! 1 II it lilt lu.-eivt-.
in h t ih:tKii,;i .in d.'t- : 1 1 i .
jtint' jiut.;intiis, bin tli'i i
v. nimi ; ti . moiuii.-.
:- it'fi)! i'v is uie ui;!1 fin' la;. -
lit l.itllltl.HUMI IHI' Ll
i.lti "i. it i tt.e ini)'-. ivlum
v. !i. ,i 1 tut I niiif; i.- a.- . iin I'll - .. -km
! w 1U1 lai ilii .tiul .n; t '-: .
in 1 il 10 ClUli iivur llllh 1
.m' tut- vcir;. Hunt It) ll lii;iii
.n:y 1. iii. r j-l'iui In Hi.' '
;;...n I tits siit-ni" nt is i:ut . i
p:il . ti h tin- .Aisi.'iit i- t. . i
tt;il 1 .t 1 pi u 11.". Aiiiniiitbi. a.
api'i ibe mm ttimauiiti i.i in ;!-.
II W DllM U ICillO i'l'Wt'l R 1 pit -Mi - ,
It' u tiniid be aittnuUttttt in
fiiriit.1!- put iud Punlaml Oi .k.-:i
1 Continued (rum T;
M- ( tdlor.rh
! pubhian uoiiiiii.
. i e.
i:,t"1 '"'
'"''i'1 "-'
T. few ci'.i. Mfdf-- '.. 'm'
U' ;i-,Hii!t,in ho:niii.n'on t.?. . .e
M'liiit.'r ;:om .i;Kiv.-'Oh Vt'il:.:
lhl Ai. Kir.s. MMh- r'ini. r
ll' pnhlican nutuiiial mil dr i . i
.M'tna:t e i:i-m I eos coii!i
U M Till ll er. l'olnlo. Ut. U- - b
iieiin lit'iuinaimn t-'r :i p. c: t ,m;
flnvi i'olk and l.ii:eoln ci!;n:. -
.Miin A Itynon. ro;il;..: !, f-, !.e
put.iicau r. .niunatioii for rtp.e.ii
ativ, from Viiiitnomah eounty
John W. Vaa Home, i'oni.t .d,
for Uepublieau nomination tor ro
pro&cuiutive trom Mulluouiah coun
I ini Tiir niTU "rnniu
Tlie American Legion have been
more than busy in boosting and
(aiiv-erliHing their big show, "On
jpiandeis Held", which will be
presented ai ilie AntlerH Theatre
loiil.lil and tomorrow. Advance
press notices ciaim this to be one
jot the n.osi llirllling picturts ever
'shown on 1I10 Hiiver scree ,T
I These pictures are the only nf
I final flliiis of the that
jshook civilization. They are the
completo records of evei' nation
tlial saw actual action in Kurope.
j The cameiinen wore me.nbe-'s
lof tlie Signal. Corps and during
I the taking, the boys worked under
Icoadiiions ol terror. Whilst the
icaniera quietly clicked, tho lu'a
: chine guns and rifle fire played
la mad staccato and ovelliead the
ibis- llerthas belched forth death
iuiiil devastiition as shra.'fiol sang
a song of fate. These fearless
I young bovs helped record the
deeds thai made It possible to say,
j"Thiy shall not pass."
1 The battlelields where bloody
action raged lor days are not the
I on ly feature of the films there
iwiii be shown wonderful views of
j the ruined art palaces and razed
I To the average Ameircan very.
Utile, if any, is known of the l'ho
I togniphic Sfclluil of tlie Signal
jt'oips. This unit composed of men
iwlio. at file outbreak of tlie war,
ilell the large moving nlclul'e sttl- ;
(iios of America and went to
ji-'iaiice altiuli;d to the V. S. Sig
; ii:il Corns, that they may recoid
jtlie many heroic deeds of our gal
tlanl men "over there." This unit
,of but 17:1 men.;nade their head
quarters at vinceiiiies, France,
(where well-equipped laboratories
j were- established ; after which Hie
I work of securing educational hls
torv was begun. No matler un-
,der wliat circumstances these j
p.ctures were secured, tlie camera-;
inen were under orders orders j
iliiat had to bo obeyed. Much' of
'the lalor of our boy's in France !
was unnoticed, and this applies:
'veiy much lo Ihe men of this unit .
;ol the signal Corps. The remark-;
'able results of llieir work is shown ;
in "On Flanders Field," which:
clearly proves that t'.iey constant-
ily risked Ihelr lives that America
might see Just how our glorious1
Hoops turned wliat seemed cer-I
tain defeat into a novor-to-be-ior- '
gu;:t 11 ielory. IUecrds show lhat
many of these heroes for heroes ;
,lhe.v truly were never returned :
lo Yinceniies. because soluo linn ;
sniper spoiled iliem crawling out'
ii.lo "No Man's Land" in llieir
lemieavor to secure pictnies of real
lo'iion At ti'.e close of the war
'many t!:um ands o:" leet of lilm
'were brought back lo WusIiIiik- .
ton, where 11. eV were stored 111
steel vaults of the War Depart- ;
nient. A careful study of ihcse
films was made and Ihe very best
an 1 eh ai , -t ' .-'licts" were selecled ;
and as.-a labli'd inlo "On l- land'-rs j
Field" ami s, at out I rum asl.-
iniiton 101 ;!ie e.vpiess pui'lios.- ot j
being shown 10 the people through
the 1111-pices of Veteran urgani
zat! lis.
It is not the Intention lo show ,
(lie gruesnm side ol v...r. bat lor:
historical, .durational ami patrio- j
tic piirpus.s. and also for tho V'e- j
tenuis' organizations that show .
il IS
Tnl I lei 111:110.1. vm sli. l -ln x-'l', ,
Ullilid Willi, ill t'.'te in .1 11...''
l:lll r. -li.l., in. lit ia llli' li.ll.'l'
lii.iii.. ti. ... ill' I..IH1.'. iHKiii-
1'el.' ill il lh- 1 1 1 i-l lull i" -1'
111111111. s. III. 11 l''t spill, but I"'
aiiei'iiiiiMil In tl.e Jiip.uu'.ie luu
liuiil 111 llie bii'inui iiiul Hunt I'lUl.-:, I
' n-msi.-r. .1 in ;; 1 a 11.1 I miniii.-. .
riincti.ily. A ';." il sei.c! i
Rs .,.M.O. 1:1-1111 '-'l!l.
I l:i p.. nun .'. 11:1.1 I -i- .i :o ll"' 1
.un. i... " .i-i - .--1 I. tin. el I I..
tin li.i.i.e 1. i l l.i.i. 11 i !- il !
fane i' ill- ' llin ciihk- ar..l '
lli- 1.01.- I-.-!" In...- mills u: i
iitu.i, :... M'l.l . iiii..'l.i.-i..i i.-u
t.i I.,- .1 .,; u. .1 10 ll'-' I" 'i ln-1-
1'. ill
e to 1.,
-il-r in ilrn-.M, ' li''
,,. ,.,.,i 111 111.1, .'in s 0.
n... 11, whuli H
1 :,:i, k !..(.( I'.'.-. I'"'
li-m-, ie;,.u..'.t mi siiO'
111.11 ut hi K. .ii:. ll. rniiimi.
uliu ::i 11 ill:-' ti'.l.i;. -11-
1 ,; t:,.e. 1.- -.:! tn-ii
l'-le 11. :i i.l'.llll lull ll'1 ''"
11,, I 1.- i- .i:.:...' 111 tin- I" it Infinite
he niiin.i im.Ui' in u.isiil limn
iiiul r.i.nii In- l'"i 1 01111-
o -
A-'J"-trt l --: w '' )
Kl'tJKNK. Ore.. Apni 1J. -Seven
fzrtal snitw drills -t-taud biun
t.UC'iH' ar.d lielid on tin Inch
;,jri-t.-fi ot .Nu' i'ixs. and vui
n ?tiiu' nu ar.s is d viM d u tltar
lh.'..e Out us. (he pa.s will blot k
Kr.;;or.e ttend tral until the sun
ineits the snow, aeoe.i:; t M. A.
Heed, nmnai r ot tiu- On tren
st uses, 'ho rruirned - to l.'it-eno
las; niKht iner a nip acro6 the
Tlu- sno'v tiuttor. (nrloy-.-d to
neroii.iie t !u- p. -':. trawls o -r the
snow, b;t i i n:ati" piM-o- where
the v ;ed cl.' iis the mad of the
dry fialits. the snow niotor LalUs.
mid tl is tot. st quently ln;ti
tu deyf rt 1 ii jto 1 the nuMtr tor
, tr.'M tHirtaLion.
Thero is Horn two to 11 feet of
. snow la the Jti utile stn'tvh of
1 white remain Ui K at the summit.
last year. This year, with the unow
melting rapidly, there is' hope of
an opening nearly a mouth earlier.
iii me bin r
Mrs. W. W. (iabrlel of Portland,
president of the Oregon congress
of ParentB and Teachers, Is in
Roseburg today. She is ctirdiite to
the national convention at Atlan
ui, Ga., which takoB place shortly,
from whence she will go to New
York and then to Europe for a six
mouths' tour.
Mrs. Gabriel Is stopping at the
larger towns on her way south to
meet with the Parent-Teachers As
sociations. A luncheon is being giv
en 'at tlie Umpqua Ilolel tonight by
the several association presidents,
at which Mrs. Gabriel will be hon
or guest. At 7:30 tonight 111 the
high school, uudilorium, a joint
meeting of the P. T. A.'s of Ihe city
will be held, at which time an in
teresting program of music, with
an address by Mrs. Gabriel, as the
feature will be given. Following the
program, a recepliou will be held,
giving everyone an opportunity to
meet with the state president.
Mrs. Gabriel leaves tomorrow
morning lor Medford whore a
luncheon is being planned for her
and on Thursday will be similarly
enlerlalned at Llthia Hotel In Ash
land, by the ladles of that city. She
is an active worker In club circles
in Portland and greatly Interested
In public welfare work.
Mrs. Glendora Illakely, state ad
visory nurse, of the Bureau of
Nursing and Child i-iygiene, of the
Stale Board 01 Health, Is spending
a tew days in Itoseburg and Doug
las couuiy visitiug the Douglas
County public licaitu unit. Mrs.
blakely is primarily interested in
the May Day health program which
stans on May 1. All over the land
.Mayday is being converted into a
day lor consideration of child
health, the movement being spon
sored by the National Child Health
Association. In Oregon the program
is sponsored by the Slate Hoard of
Health, which is working through
Uie county units and public health
organizations, wlih county nurses
us community organizers.
Window displays, school pro
grams, club meetings, clinics,
health examinations, and essay con
tests are among tiie means being
ued to draw attention on this oc
casion to' the betterment of health
among the children of tile laud.
In Douglas county there will be
various health programs arranged,
and the occasion will be particular
ly featured by the holding of clin
ics at lioseburg. Drain, Oakland.
Gien.lale and Myrtle Creek. These
clinics will be held during ihe first
v. eek of May and will be especially
lor ciii.dreu of pre-school age. It is
hoped that parents having children
v. ho will start school In the tall,
will In ing the joungsiera lor ,c.
i'.iniiia'.iou to one of thu clinics.
Any delects may then be corrected
bfclore school opens.
i The Terminal Beauty Tailors ro
; opened loibiy lor business under
Uhu management of Mrs. U. Y. Al-
lisun, who lecntly purchasod the
parlors from Mis. Kdth L'luver.
Ali.rf Aha Termiqut I, an exper-iciiei-d
upeiattn- und mareeller, of
roithniil, arrived this niontiiih' and
will In- rmpioyed by Jtn. Allison.
The parlors will feature, niaieeil
ihK, m.inieuri s, laiiale and sham
poos, and an experienced barber
bus been secured lo cut indie's'
hair. Too beauty htp will be rim
with lite sumo satisiactnry man
agement as heretofore ami will no
duubt enjoy n t'ood patronage.
(A-.wMiat.-ii I'tctn Lrstl Wire.)
LA K Kl U ' US T N. .1 . April 1 :!
- Tlii- du ic-hle Los Aimeits was
taken from th.- liatuar this morn
itti; in luei-aration for In r lirst
fliijht .sinie the loss of the .Mu
naudoah la-t tall. Alter Hev.'i;i
i. oi;rs at tne mooring n;u-: 1 1
v. a s t(, iTU'-,' i;j this im media e
viritijty. ii turning lu foro niynt.
Tin- main taide altaehinj; tne
iiiri;:hie to In r niocniiis mast
broke as the cralt was being pul
led into the steel C'wer.
Several hundred Il-.'I of table
whipped around the striking
Jerry FTnnkel. a motion picture
ennieramau, und iiillieting seere
The dirigible was drawn to the
ground hy the two othe: cables
and Lieutenant Uoland Mayer,
construction oi l ii-er. made a a in
spection of tlie brtak.
(A.o.Ul"l I'ri-sj l.o..o,t Wire.)
I i:i;enk, in... A!ni is.-i'ossi-
biltiy Ilia t iM'tuet'ii so ami 10-
Sl'l'M' OfliL'l'IS 1111.1 S.'llioi.i ill till1
1(. II. T. (.'. unils oi tin- I nlversity
nf (iit'iiou iir.'i liio Oi.";n:i Asri
culiunil cnll.d will nttrtid tin1 bnn
qui't to !h h.'Ul at Ail-any Sauiril.iy
Tiiplit, .May s. looms with recipt
of di'finite .".i'r.s from many of
till' ri'serve ulticvi s in Lime county-Major
John P. Ilubb. in iharep
of tlio .iistrict. will pive an ailtiresa
, on nnlilary iirobU'i-ik
j lieaerve offlrora Tit Iiugeno. Sa-
; l.'ui. Corvnllis. Kosoburi! ouii Al
bany will bo present, la addition
Not everyone wants to reduce,
though, these days move people
want to grow thin than fat. At the
risk i-f annoying ail overweight
leaders, 1 musl icpeal again that it
is ever so much easier lo leuuee
than it is 10 gain. You cannot
possibly grow fat 011 what you do
not eat, tntrefoie jrju must reduce
If either vou eat veiy liiue, or eat
no fattening foods.
Gaining; weight is another mat
ter. To gain means eating more,
either In bulk or fattening quality,
and too 111 licit food will cause indi
gestion. Dtsides the nervous wo
man or the over worked woman.
who burns up as much energy as
she i.nsuis in the way o."i
will lind it impossible to change
her ways whereas.llu lazy woman
can force herself into exercise as
a nouns ot reducing.
Sometimes there are active
ageiils in the body whiclnru'event
it from inking up much Hit in
such cases, none of ' the rules of
eating the fat parts of 111. at or
taking olive oil apply, because the
body will nierily 1 eject' (and prob
ably object to) the extra tat. 1
wrote before of one case I knew
where a test was taken and a ser
um made of the germ, which dis
posed of it. This special woman
began gaining weight at once and
greatly beneiited by the treatment.
Any good doctor can do llils,
though many of them still scoff ut
Broiled Slice of Ham
Pop Overs Coffee
French Toast
"Wholewheat Bread
Tarn Cookies Cocoa
Lamb Chops
Potatoes Beets
String Beans
Lettuce Salad
fihuharb Pie Coffee
Mrs. R. II. "What wilt re
inovr linseed oil ami mutton tallow
Answer: Gasolino, benzine, chlor
oform and ether rt movo nil and
Kieabu stains. Do not use the
fluids near heat or flame. You d.;I
not say what the stains are vn.
(Iiease spots on wall paper. fr in
stance, may be removed by placi'is?
a whit? b!otiii!g paper airainst t h
wall iiajn r and then pressing a lint
iron against the hioitinf; pap'r:
ihe iron's lieal kocs through the
blotter, melts the greaie, a ui the
blotter absorbs it. (.i reuse staim d
washalde fabrics may be washed
with fia()lnha yon.
llride: "It is such a nnisaiite lo
keep opening and closing tin- diamond-paneled
doors of my pantry
china closet: do you think it would
1 ""Jr"
"I ilon't know wliaf.s t he nur.l'T
vvilii nit' lau-l.w i vo lia.l inn or
throo haul lin.'ss i !
i;i.'Uilltr old,' a tri.-ml ot" mint' inn!
to. ino tlio other liny.
"Of course you'l.; p'ttill!; old.
Vo'n. all gelling old if v..'ie li.
inK; tint if vou will peiinit mo, nnm
ainio. I II i.ll you v.nat oui tiou
b.o i.-: It's jour n'u shoes uuii
tlio llo neeis, ol wlilell lull If .-o
'Oii. Imi ihey s' em au:ui; e in
forlal.le, am; they c-rtiiiii.y
pood looking."
"'l'he io not. JTOO.i lo.-Uini' to i;;.-:
I dislike Iheni i... i;:,ii;i. 'lie re
ii.n't a n y uouht lion liiev a:e
Ulleive lo a let o: lulls. ' leiv, e 11
you lie st ad.v on v.rir !.-. I
taoni? Al.u If .i,.i iui:-.,:n; u.
wear lh. m. you'll have to thi;.i; uf
corns,, baii,oi.s ami ,.;;i.. ::e.i .ireii-.
' e."
1 don't know war. ii,,;- :t..i,. an;
iuipie.-siou on my in ml e no',
but what 1 said is uue, utv iiin
When the so utile, i hy u ie:i :c
ishoes first came out lh"v w , re
mado so awk.aid and lieiivy a:i,i
clumsy ami e. . n.-iv e that u' is i. o
wonder they didn't Ii- eome .;
lar. Now. howev- r. y:e.i un j;et
sell-ibic .'liuvs tint a;e j'.Hl
litautilul and inu:.. ieainiiui ih.,;,
llio.-o Ullh-;i. nu siio- s. 'I'le ieaie
on tile HK-ir'l many shie-s ot ar
iolls makes v. ilie!; a.iiiere to o i i.r.
tlindame::tal i.ri!iri)il.-s. ol ce,i:so
il isn't iiossihle lo reeomnieud n:iv
ono make of shoes as l.'io h.,st. fur
there is no oue t.n of thoe that
will fit all.
Tho American Posture League
losearch work has shown that
there are thtoo re'iioral f. j.. s of'
loot; the inl,.ii,,,l. the o'llt;.:-,!
and tlio stra.snt. Vou can 0. t er
mine which typo of foot you have
by making an outline of it as vou
siand on n -.iecv of white ..ii...r
then draw a lino knethwise
thr.'UEh the enter of th.. entire
l.e.l anil forward to the toes, la
flare. If across the ball, more of
the foot (Surface lies Inside the line
thau outSde, you have an inflared
1 the value of tests and serums tor
such troubles.
j Meuiitiiue, try to take an extra
'hour of rest out of the 24 if you
; want to gain weight, and try to in
crease your fat and sweet allow,
'ance. One of the best waywl know
'is h ohocolate und nialiH milk
drink with an egg in it twice a day
j between meals.
' T. M. C. Cocoa butter conies in
'small cukes, sold at the drug
stores, ilu it the surface of it
'slightly and rub this over the palm
o the hand wliiBii 1.1 used for tho
'massage. Il is a heavy although
,'veiy nourishing oil, and not to be
used on the face or throat where
there might be any tendency to
igrow hair.
1 John 11. S. Avoid hair dyca for
thff lashes or brows, even though
you are told they are harmless, uf.
you may rink your sight. I realize
however how very unbecoming pale
lashes and brows aie so you must
do something to Improve litem.
Henna Is a harmless coloring,
but do not use ihe kind lhat has
Jves mixed with the henna, and
the henna exploited to sell the mix
ture. Henna powder and Indian .
mixed will give a dark shade that
Inclines to auburn. Vou cannot it p.
ply. this lo your ia: lies yourself, but
it would be an eas? task for a bar.
1 her to do it for you. .Make a paslo
of the powder and let it stay on
tlie hair until the color Is absorbed,
do any harm to have Ihe ihiors tak
en otf? Just opt n shtlvus would
be such a blessing."
Answer: I think it would he more
trouble to keep dusjinj; your dish
es than to keep opening and clos
ing d.iors. You would probably bu
sorry if you had the doors re
moved. Now, at least, you have the
comfort of taking a dish off your
ehelves and using it without look
ing for dust.
Middle Aqed: "I am a woman
with prowu-up children and I have
never had time lo dn ss up much.
t!ut now I wou'd lik' im wear a
chckei ii'TckiiiCf wi; h poin new
dresses I have bought for summt!
and 1 am ctn!:;ii!i'd with tin
problem uf not ki.;.".vin' what is ai
propriatp lor nv. W'UIl j:r:iy hair,
surety I should wear kitcii,
blue or amber? What would you
surest? I don't want people to
think me foolish."
' Answer: Wjth ;fray ln!r a wo
man can wear any enjnr. Half tin;
wot Id is todry pri-maturcly st ay. of oar m t liihious danc.'is
iias cai.i;ali:: ! lur ray hair hy
't;iriii;; unfiling I lit rUi.iuum Gray
In mak a ?yn;phiiiy i;i !i :.-(df.
But if you an- aver.i' to culm's,
why nnl buy yn;n...df one of tins
crystal chokers? They are efft ct
ive. viT.i b- t i .ninj; to anybody, yet
do not catch iin- eye as quickly as
the coiui ed beads. Ily all mr'aii.i
dress up more: We have no riphl
to ib pi' .ss the world by diessjnt;
uurelws .drahly. Also there's no
tich lliins as beinj; "middle-at;ed"
today. We are either the active
type, or we're not.
'Tomorrow Chocolate Spice Ca!te.
the font, more of the suil'aee lies
ai llle ..libido of lh; line, yull l;ao
,:n i.'.lti i- fool. Su ai;;lit. If lliu
.-u,:;.ee iies iq,,ai!y i.n eillier bide
of ll"' Hie-, then vuu have u
straight loot.
ld;,ion.iy a -dm.' thai would lit
one ljie !o,.t wo.iid nol Til another.
A:i i:!l,a;. .-!.,, 0:1 an oa'liare tool,
1".',., wu'jh ,.e.,s on llle
em. t ln.Mier j.i.,1 clan.;, the liui.-.
loe. f
t he r. iiuisiie.- o; a tood slio;
I- '' ' Id ;!;) it;.,. ,. J,wa,.r
- Ui..- :h.,l, S.
Ko .m, ll; ,.. ;-.
, ' ned.ti.ii and iuiil.
not .;t.i-1.
' b'.t i. asl, -joo'l u;i-
'," ai am-.-.
,:-' - ' '' ii-.:;',.- a':.nvs t!;-
'! .' i:u 1 ae.l Sle.,
ih-. inu-e!.. and
:- 11 i-'wr. .1
a id .-o ?
1 i,-
" '!,,! "' '"" .t'iviahV- for
"'i'i-'ii ui..!. r so:
i"-ci'.ili .-.1, ii a. i
i'1'.'al ii.... ,,ml i;
:r.s: ti
' s, .me sun- ,,.' vv a !. n --;..s a
ow (;; si,,,,, ,.h,c, allows I'leo ae
.l. e? 01 ihe r;i,i.--;ie; and h.-u.-r ae
,..:i .,; ;i,, joiis of ih- i,,ot and
,;a.i is !,. rabl.- to a liiKh sho.-.
'''''iu -"I'eiife of sioekincs
w.'.l.e re Oil our fe. I ll 1.; j:n.
! imi for them to be too
-'on or too licit:. 1 hoinTe it is
a food ;)!ato buy vaur s!o-kii,Ks
a utile lone- r than ncces-arv.
lh.') wiil give as it j.. needed.0 '
hll'lren s shoe., s.p. ciall- need
tmi' loo many adults have ine;r t,. smiiPd ami Uefoi.
' d in childhood.
Tomorrow Answers to Corrc-
0 sponflents.
utitT,8T- o
Palnlesn ExtraSlon
wnen ueslred a
Pvnr.h.. I- , O
Pyorrhea Cured
S B B .4 S
I'hooe 488
Teasonto Bldg.
jugs aiyujf.
, dealer at that place.
; The past was opeutU ou Juue 23
(ivuv. vuumr. u ut ta ball ot
to tne k. o. T. C eulor.