Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 25, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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4 '
1 .
1 -
Good bargains in both open and closed
. models. Prices $30 and up,
2 Warford Equipped,
. 2 Truck Chassis,
Cabs and Bodies to Suit.
, . Prices $140.00 Up.
Our used tractors are guaranteed and
priced to sell.
Power of God Unto Salvation h Topic of Inspiring Ser
mon Given- Lat ,Night Men Give Wontlerful Testi
monies of Saving Power Special Program for Young
People Tonight
not.aHhamed of
Christ:' lor it im
I Around the County t
o.ik Cirtot K rtnrrrs.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kruse were
i' fir Drain. Wednesday.
Harold Davis ol BntherMn win
. visitor at the Wilcox home
' Rev. Toogond, Mr. and Mm.
Mullen,- Mrs. Jnck Weyforth and
daughter Harel of Oakland, vls
lied at the C. L. Hamilton borne
Sunday p. m.
Mra. Carrie Marston and ehll
Vfrren called at the Lon tggleston
home Monday p. m.
i, The children of Oak Grove
. School enjoyed at hall holiday
"-""J. V. Hamilton wai la Oakland
Claude Oo(f called at the Be
cord home Wednesday a. tn.
Mr. and Mre. James Lealher-
' -wood spent Sunday eveninK at the
'' Kay Lealherwood home.
Several from here look In the
' show at Oakland Monday nlKht.
" Dr. R. it). Hunt of Hoseburg
' ' was tenting cows for tuberculosis
In thie vicinity Monday.
f'rienda of Mra. George Wilcox
. are pleated to hear aha la im-
' proving.
H. L. Kruee made a bualneaa
' trip to Oakland Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Goodman
and eon Marvin of Coqullle were
-visiting at the C. L. Hamilton
riome Sundny.
Mr. and .Mra. Claude Ooff are
happy over the arrival of a fine
' baby gtrl at their house Satur
' day. Hit name la Phyllis Lnellle.
Sevcrnl In thin vicinity are suf
fering from the flu and bad
"' Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Williams
and son from Oregon City, stop
ped a few hours at the Hlewert
' home. They were on their wny
to visit friends at Myrtle Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Lenther
- wood and children and J. U. Hsm
. limn and daughter, Dorothy,
were entertained at the Mrs. Car
rie Marslnn home Friday night.
fir. Devorn or Oakland was In
this vlrlnlty Saturday on pepper
mint business.
Fay Leathcrwnori set (.11 eggs
Tuesday. They expect to sell
"',U8y old chicks.
"For I am
the Gospel of
the power of God unto salva
tion to every one that believ
sthi to the Jew first, and also
' to (he Greek." Romans 1:14.
This was the text of Evangelist
Anderson at the Armory last
night. Aa Impressive feature of
the- meeting waa the crowding of
about 12S men to the platform
and choir loft, to give their testi
mony for Jesus Christ. Mrs. Sto
ver rendered a cornet solo, .with
her usual skill, and Prof. Stout,
by special request sang finely
"The Sword of the Lord and of
Gideon;', which wm received with
"I am not ashamed of the Gos
pel of Christ." said the preacher,
"for it Is the 'power' of God, and
that word In the original is the
worn rrom wnich we derive our
word 'dynamite." In other words,
If I were to give a free transla
tion of the text. It would say, '1
'am not ashamed of the gospel of
Christ, because In that, gospel
there I dynamite,' there is en
ergy, there is something" that if
you touch the match to the fuse
It goes off In your soul, and there
:ls power. 1 am not surprised
that 1'aul should give us such a
wonderful text, for when you read
that first chapter of Romans, you
read some of the blackest things
that ever possessed the human
heart. My teacher. in Uoston said
It took him seven years of preach
ing before be felt the conviction
as a minister that he ought to
read that chapter In public. 1
you want to know how low and
how black and degraded the
human heart can go. read the iBnd
First cnapier or tne oook or uu-
mans. I am not ashamed of the
Gospel of Christ. 1 might be
ashamed of humanity. There are
men down on Stephena street and
Jackson street, who. In all the
blackness of the human heart,
will boast of the things they have
done, and they are not ashamed,
though they- eurse and bluspheme
the name of God. Some boast of
sowing their wild oats. 1 do not
understand why men are ashamed
to take their stand for the pure
things. I am not ashamed of the
Gospel, because 1 know when
Christ cornea Into the human
'jteaoelsta. Press Usssd Win.)
Two paintings, centuries s4a dm
giving every evidence of being an
original Raphael and (he other an
original Antonio Moro, have neerr
found hi 8ao- Francisco after Tra-
of the aea. and they understand1'' p'ct"reau" -careers. They
ths message. Joa- go down Into '"V " ss originals by
darkest A.rica and lift up the 1 " P'ts. who say that they are
Cross of Jesus Christ, and h l',,'? .
sheds light aud blessiug in the! Moro' ,oand " drapery
open sore of the world. Did you i'" tu'ry shop by Michael J.
ever atop to think how little je. i Berdnikoff, an expert In the re
sus had to do with, aud what He 1 f pictures, la the por-
accompllshed? lis came into a llr,lt sixteenth century woman
dark, black pagan world, pennl- aoIie ta oU- Tt'- lhw Pwture were
less, swordless, partylcs. There suiier lmposed two oth-jr paintings
iwere five parties in His day, and on laa onal canvas, one a Byr
ne aiu not espouse one oi tnem. vtr uower
You start a movement now, and1,,ne- ' accessary lor Berd
the first thing you need la money, jntkotf to remove these two super
To put this compaign over, we imposed paintings by chemicals
had to have money to pay the antl a razor-sharp knife before he
bille. bid you ever stop to think reached the Moro masterpiece,
that lino years ago, a lowly ha- The Raphael 1b a 'Madonna and
nurene trod the hills, preaching I child," painted on an oak panel. It
a wonderful doctrine, living aihad passed through an adventur
sinless life; that He lived omy toious career in a Tuolumne county
the age of 3 J years, and never mining camp where It was brought
traveled more than 135 miles In 1849 by a member ot a faniHy
away from, home; born In a 'in whose possession It has been for
manger, and In three brief years 'many years. It came into the noa-
put over a program that has gone jsesaion of this family through pur-1
cicar arouna me worm; rnui is cuaae a Afw xorjc
the greutest power in all the
worlu. He never wrote books.
All onion barber shops In- , heart, there la power and energy,
Ronehurg will clone Suturday and it la the dynamite of God.
nights, starting Much 7th, w; I know It works. I am not
at 8 o'clock.
UNION NO. 91)2.
ashamed, because In Jesus Is pre
sented, first of all, a savior for
a lost world. I do not know how
to solve the problems ot this
world. There is puin and anguish.
Iniquity, disease, there Is - separ
ation, misunderstanding, some are
poor and some rich, some must
struggle, some never struggle.
iThe world to which Jesus came
was black and dark and pagan.
They treated men with contempt.
the vnlue of man was disregard-
Earner Heauty Parlor. Ktpert
enerator In attendance. Phone
I Si J for appnlntmeiH.
PORTLANu, t'eU 26. A com
plete record of Oregon residents
who attended Philadelphia Cen-
ii-.inm. r.ipvsn:oj oi isio, ana wno ei, the rights of men were not
saw and used the first telephone ! respected. Men wore treated as
instrument exnioHcu mere, is oe
Ing sought by George II Hlmes,
Curator of the Oregon Historical
Society m Portland. Mf. lMmes
has already located several Port-
When we want to get something
over now, we go to writing hooka.
The only lime He ever wrote waa on
the sand, and the waves eftaced
that. He was peuullesa and parry
less. If you want to get some
movement over, you say, 'Let us
get somebody behind It, we need
a party, we need group con
sciousness.' But Jesus stood ob
solutely alone. He showed Peter
that He waa not going to estab
lish His Kingdom by force. He
said, "I have another, power. H
1 be lifted up. I will draw all men
unto me.' Aud tonight you feel
that drawing power. Tonight,
Jesua lilts thia wonderful power.
that power can come into
(tarxlatwd Pnss Lmmi Wits.)
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 26. Lo
cation for a permanent baseball
park for the Portland club of the
, Pacific coast baseball league was
securea today by the club. The
site, 500 by S00 feet, close to the
business center, was purchased
about a year ago by Thomas 8.
Skibe, of Philadelphia, president of
the Plhladelphla Americans, as a
personal investment and he has
now transferred title to the Port
land clutx
The club has a lease for two
your lite aud ehange it. uu m vaucuu street
Tonight la young people's night , founds and plans to have the new I
at the armory, aud the subject grounds ready when that lease ex-
will be "Old Ship Zlon." The pires. ine new grounds will be
meetings continue until Sunday
night. On Sunday, the closing
day, Mr. Anderson will preach at
the Armory at 11 a. in.. p. m.
and at 7:30 p. m.
located at the1 square' bounded by
Chapman. 20th, Jefferson and Mar
ket streets, not for from the Mult
nomah Amateur Athletic club.
A new business house which is
just being opeued In the city, la a
mere slaves, Just as so much
machinery. Woman, In that dark
nnd pagan world, was a slave.
In the world that faced. If
they wanted to get rid of hahies,
land people who had this novel they dumped them Into the sewer,
experience, and he believes that You can read it in the history
there must be a number of others of Rome. They would take a
throughout the stale. Anyone who I man. an ordinary laboring man,
was present at the Centennlul! slave, and throw him into the
Kiposltion and who either saw oriren lo tn" w"(l Hons, and those
used the first telephone will I 'n Purple would shout and clap
doubtless be anxious to enroll his ,h,,r hands, nnd say 'we want
name with others who are quail-1""01"0' Ihe human blood. Cue
lied to be In this group. dy, ,hr1' wa"""0 ,n " "" J""""
The first telephone Instrument k;.d x
was exhibited al the Philadelphia nr 'u d J.L 1 h. i .hi
Centennial Exposition In M76 by 1 2.5 'f 'id tale Ms own
lor. At that time it was looked up- cllthM or ,,.,, gun,-,!,,,, ne
uu o, ine ,ew people wno were , ,,,,,,, d lho or man.
interested In It, and by the brief i,,,,, tlle ,1Rt- ,le mmi depraved
press notices accorded II, as an nlu the furthest away. I believe
amusing and Interesting toy which the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and
probably could never be used to I um not ashamed of It. became
any practical advantage. j In that gospel Is presented a Sav-
The demonstrations were made .lor for a lost world. Men today
by Mr. Hell himself and-his assis-are lust as truly lost as they were
taut Mr. Thomas A. Watson, who back In lho first century. If llioy
heard the first spoken sentences'nre outside of Jesus Christ. Vn
over the telephoue at the time of ' less you have definitely taken
.Its Invention. At that lima R wasl-lesns. yon are a lost man. You
not easy to get the recogiU.lou of ""Jr. "Brother Anderson. I am just
even Ihe acientista of the day, as!"" ood as people In Ihe church.'
Ihey. were skeptical ot the pol-,My " J""' are. hut I am not
blllty of such a thing ae the irana-! ",n ,n '"" '"at way. I am
mission of speech. The witnessing n"' "lni! "'"v"n on m" k""'1
..f the eshlbMlo. of ihe firs. tele. I works, but I im coin to heaven
Phone magnifies In Importance ,hft h,n"? ' Jp""" 1 B"'
With the realballnn lhl ihul r. I" -v,nl' m',r1 m"n' " """ ''u"
Instrument waa ihe first of Ihe
J7.iM),tioo telephones ill Ihe World
, -w fc ,, . pel because it not only
.i,.mwan pao qnaiinea anil ,, j,llvHn, f( , WOPrt, h ,iis
should be given a place on Mr.Salni hue a world aai-l. You
Hlmes record should, communicate i ,. preiich Him in China, anil
With him al his Offlc In the' audi I Ihev nnHerstaml in .I.niiin mill Portland. Itbev iin,lertiin.t In tlie tulnmla
(AsncUtcd Vrtm Leased Wire.)
NEW YORK, Feb. 25. Rubber
pilcus which have been steadily de
clining since the first of the year
today broke as much as two cents
produce company, according lo an :- t vi " v.t
UUUOUIlCement today. hrlniln, enrrent nH-o. Al . a
Ihe owner is M. H Shook, who a d ,
comes her from Halsey, Oregon, ciosin levels
where Ue conducted a similar dual- p p, un.l... .h.
neas tor the past two years. H .l..i..i,. ,,,,.,,
nas leased the building at 32 W est altrlDuteg ,h softening price tend
oak street aud has had It renovat-, ency to lhe congervatk)I1 prograiu
rd and reniodeled. aud will do i , AmericaI1 manufacturers follow
business under the name of the tbe making up u,. prioe, jn
Vaaey Poultry aud Produce Com- London iaBt winter to above 11 a
Iiunu 1 Ilia firm Will tliainilta flffMal- 1 . -i a i j...
.,..,. . HV " ( fpuuuu iur Bprtug OMnwry, t
buying uirct Irom uiv farm era 'at i
curreut pncea unu nulling both to
Ui ttbuitHaiu ami retail trade,
amo iaitping some of Uiu produce
to other uiHiketa.
Mr. Hliook haa been In tbe pro
duce bus i nes in nee a boy, and la
rumiliar wlia all aaptxta of bis
wot a, that? go to make it an econoni
leal and auccemitul propoaltloa tor
botA the producer and consumer,
a:ut H Is apparent that be will
meet with good succetju here.
nro, Jnl a .Ms oh safeff V Nton
(Icnmt, 'Voir itintt n tMrrtt titn!'
"1 am ant ashitmed of tho tm-
hfM'fltiHM it not mlv tircst ntB
(Aea?Utrj fnm LeMrd Win.)
1'OltTLAND, Ore., Feb. 25. Bil
ly Kdwardti, light heavyweight
wrestler of K annas City, won a de
cision over Billy Meeska of Aus
tralia at the end of a two-hour
nmich In which each obtained one
Oardn cultivators of all kinds at
Wharton Hros. ,
U. t4. V earner I3ureau, local of
fice, Koseburg, Oregon. 34 noun
ending ft a. m.
Precipitation In fna. A Hundredths
Highest temperature yestenltiy 67
lowtst temperature last night 4H
1'reclpltution lust 24 hours 07
Total pieeip. since 1st month 6 79
Normal precip. for this month 4 i6
Total precip. from Sept. 1.
lao, to date 20.19
Average prucip. from bepL 1,
1N77 23.73
Tola! deficiency fro in Sept. U
IM 3 54
Average precipitation for 48
wet seasons, (September to
May, Inclusive) 3 1
Orrantonal rain tonight and Krl-
diiy, inirtlnitt temperature.
VM HKIsU MetfKirolotTlst
Here's the Way
to Heal Rupture
Marvelous 8elf-Home-Treatment
That Anyone Can Uae On
Any Rupture, Large
or 6mall.
"Most delicious!' he said.
"And I made it in five minutes 'she replied.
(Sounds like a miracle to many Women)
17 13 17T7' Inthenew,
F 1VI1.Ej beautifully
illustrated Corn Product
Cook Book, you will find
more than one hundml
helpful recipes for preparing
the most delicious foods.
Write to Cora Products He
fining Gk. Dept. A, Argo
111. and you will receive
copy absolutely FEEK.
The Best
for Salads
and Cooking
'HAT sounds like a miracle to many women
i the fact that the most delirious mayon
naise you ever tasted can be made with
Maaola in bve minutes.
Just as a test, why not take the Mnzola you have
in the pantry (or you can phone your grocer for a
can) and follow this recipe. It will surprise you to
learn how easy it is to make mayonnaise.
1 cup ffaMta Ultaspoon Whit. Ptpptt
1 tft j'o 4 teaspoon Paprika
k&tpoon Svodt ( t tabUtpoonM Lemon Juice or
l teoapon Salt 1 tablespoon Vinegar
Beat egg yolk thoroughly and add M umla one tea
spoon at a time until you have a firm creamy mixture,
after which Maaola may be added more rapidly, taea
adt your scasemog and lastly tbe Jemoa juke or
vinegar, beating all well together.
AXD, of course, yon know that home-made
m.iyormaise is good because you know the
eggs in it are fresh.
Another pleasant surprise will be your discovery
that Mozolit blends so readily with the other ingre
dients and the finished mayonnaise does not separ
atethough you may keep it for days.
Fur other salad dressings, especially French
Dressing, compare Mazola with the finest im
ported oils that may cost twice as much. You will .
no longer wonder why Mazola is America's most
popular salad oil.
fAeaocUtrd Press Leased Wire.)
TENDLETON, Ore.. Feb. 25.
Cost Nothing to Try
All members of I'mpqna
Post America ii Lesion are
urged to bo at the meeting ' Many wheat farmers will handle
next Tuesday night. Import- their product In the bulk this year.
an matters are to be discus- : due to the grain bag price of 16
sed and a program will be Icents. according to Fred Bennlon.
Ruptured people all over
country ire amused at the almost
miraculous renalla ot a simple
Metlioa (or rupture that la being
Snt free to all who write for it.
This remarkable Mupture System is
on. of the greatest blessings .v.r to ruptured men, women
and children. It is being pronounced
th. most successful Method ever dis
covered, and makes th. use of
trusses or supports unnecessary.
No mutter how bud th. rupture,
how ions yon have had It. or how
hard to bold; no matter how many
kinds of trusses you hav. worn, let
nothins prevent ynu from suiting
this UtEK TltKATMF.NT. Wheth.r
you think you are bust hole or have
a ruptur. as lars. aa your fists, this
marvelous tiystem will so oonlrol it
and kep tt up Inside as to surprise
you w-lth Its nvigic influence. It will
so help you restors the parts where
the ruptur. com. thruuKh that soon
you will b. as free to work at any
occupation as theusa yeu bad never
been ruptured.
lou can save a r.M .rial nf ehl.
Wonderful strenirtheninu- nr..nru. I fop
.m.i oy merely sending vour nnm.
and address .n W. a. rOLI.lfi,
SS44J, Colliers. Rullill.s, Heeer
.na. .V . Hen. I no money. Th.
trial is free. Write now todav. It
y sure the wearinir of u iruu
Ilia rest of your lift.
and from the personal knowledge
of world travelers, a Viennese rail
way station was built especially
for Ihe picture.
The story is laid In romantlo VI
ennt. and It was necessary to build
entire streets wtth architecture
similar to that of the foreign city.
"Her Sister From Paris" pr
sents Constsnee In two distinct
county agent The 1926 harvest
will probably see wheat from 15.000
acres hammed In bulk In elevators
this year, which will be a marked
Increase over the 1925 bulk hand-line.
Floyd A. Fenley of Elkton anil
Dottice Cary of Drain were quietly
married yeyesterday afternoon at
the court house. County Judge
Qttlne officiating. The ceremony
was attended hy the bride's mother
and friends ot the young couple.
The groom Is a resident of the
Elkton vicinity, where he Is em
ployed as a farmer.
Moroni Olsen has the role of a
stolid old (Juaker uncle In FRIEND
HANNAH. Antlers. March 4th.
Announcing the Opening
of '4
. . We are now. showing our big complete
New Spring Stamped Goods
New Patterns-New Materials
New. Pieces-New Threads and Braids
Start your Spring
Sewing now
'?fs of Quality
at Moilerate Price
An anility to help a mother with'
her sli k children aareil William I
Desmond, a bandit, from capture.
' hy the sheriff s prtase, n hj pip. I
j tore, "The Meddler." Blue Streak!
Western whlrh will be sho-jvn at
I the Majestic theatre, beginning to
night. Working under the theory that
ho could never learn tio much.
William Iesmond. as Rirhard (Mi
nion, a millionaire manufacturer,
turns haailit .ml finda fa. It., K-.
ly In need of medical aid and helps rneumattem. M.ny time. tin.
Ihem out. Later when pursued by trr",l "ise left h,m helpless
a posse he obtains shelter la llto, """bl work,
very house. H" finally decided, arter years nf
He is. la reality, no, . real ban-! 1" rheunT."" ;;?',!;:
dlt at all. Just a business man ;nrcuimiL.cet impuritB.s. c"
W hltse fiancee, thrnu-n him n. a- tw.i.'slled uric SCI. I il..n.iaita - j : '
rU . I...-j . J"'nn sn.l muscles
a .
. She Is seen first as a meea U Fi I 1 1 1 a 1
nd loving wife, and a Utile later 4 IWdCUUl V. S HUW IlllllllV Hllfl K
In the story' becomes a wayward, A
wnimsirst. temperamental Parrstaa a ll 1 II m
stage dancer. In this guise she 8 sT fOClUCG HOUSP 4
vamps her own husband with as- j ' a 1 VWt W f
tonishinc and amuslnr resnliu a oic nr.. a - i c V.
. - ui a.u vyesi wan oireei f
In -'Emblem, of Love.- a spier, 2 MUINUA Y, MAKCH 1 .
iu nean imprest a rum a. now be- 'A (3
mt prenenteti at the Liberty, it is 5 W ll L l i . t d
demnnjitrtia tKaf h...-.n i - i W Wfi Will tM nltStrrl fr hiva vau a.l1 K
I " "TTT Mill WA j-- -- irsirv J WW kU HI' Ally M
.TK"n.s..,,"ad " 8 time to inspect our dace and eel aCOuainte.. S
that charity to the indlridnal d ... T7T- f.
hlch might prove humiliating. Sj We Will handle 4
ni ine scenes are taken a. rA nr. n rn r,,--, , . . A
M.s.-eh.ven. 11... where the Moose Z rUULla I , tUUS, V t AL, DRESSED ' 5
!e. which is sponsoring the pic- K HOGS FFFDS FTP A
. malntalna a home foe th. 4 iivjvjO, fCXUO, H l
1 members of the order Tiu sf ml iril w... - W.
ii k VaiiiHV riiniirvAr rrnnnpo in r
'A ' " J a vmivij w a lUUUWl W. f
4 M. H. SHOOK t.
t Phone 646 Roseburg, Ore. f
Picture- is worm whne. Sen K to
day or tomorrow at the Liberty.
Painful Rheumatic
Swellings Disappear
Itx-heater. K. T., suffered for years
cause he haa never given her a and Vssii-j "" H-
thrill. To prove to her that he ha. i't s Me. . , ;",
all fha ni..ll,la. ... . 1 tn ints lrte in mind h
' cmpn
au tne qualities of a courageous
ninn of the West, he goes lo a
small western community and be
comes an amateur bandit
Discoverer TH Druggist Not to
Take a Cent of Anyone's Money
Unless Alltnrhu Completely
Banishes All Rheumatic
PalnS and Twine,, !&
James H. Allen, of J t-'orleea St.. i 9
nA a- - A
ulted phv, Irian, mstle experiments
nu 1 1 '.ally cniuoumh-.t a nt.-. r..,.
ri 'Tt. A - . a-w . f.
i RftSPhlira Tirp Shnn t
0 " I
115 N. Jackson.
every. (P
L. to A
what fj
r Ajfajrjijr.-itMjuijjijiA
t..ittitiitiiiiiviiitiftrirTiiit1ififii.i ..linn........... .x..,.,....,.x...;
.nri e.....l... A
ntstied every a'l.n anil -. n ST. una nia avat.n.
. .. I II freely esvs Ma dlaen-
aintitrs. wl.i.h he called ALLKNKML.
.i..,iiiK a.riii,na cI ine city or - nno iwi
Vienna to tne 1 ntten studios of
Ilollvwood waa only one of th
pronhMns enconnfereit during Ihe saut kis dieeoverv
filming of -Her Mister Frnm Paris." "e papers. 11. has
ron.i.nee Talmsdse. new starring dr,.r.Vev 3
prixluctlon whkh First National ALUKXRHf with the".!! 5
will present at the Aullers theatre " if th. first Met 1-mii. V,
tonhtht. ,d..e. nol allow th. way to com- V,.el4 enm .v. recov.ry h. will gi.dly rr. 5
r,.r,,lara your aeoaey witasut esuunaat.
30x3V2 Oversize anrl TnK- 1inn i
Heavy Duty Truck Tires
otner. who look lt, wlih what rj JO !' 1
. rniaht be called; marvelous sue,,,.. 4 JjXO HfWI C17 rtA 9
" Afler year, nf ursine he decided in A W 04.UU A
s let .ufterer. eveSywhere km.wB nr m W . f
.r;.?.?. ,! 5 -uxd nood S43 95 5
roller I. m and K irivwv r