FIVE AT THE ANDERSON MEETINGS Urge Crowd Feature Meeting Sunday Afternoon and Evening Evangelist Spealu on Subject of Love, at Night Service No Meeting to Be Held Tonight. ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1926. ' "For God ao loved the world, that he gave bis only begotten on, that whosovcr bellevetb In Him should not perish, but bsve everlasting life." John "That Is God's blockade of the road to bell." said Evangelist An dorson to a great crowd at the armory last night. "It bas been said that this is the golden text ol the bible, and It la true. Others have said this is the seed plot ot i the Ulbie. others have said this Is the gospel in a nutshell. It Is Just like a botanist when he take a beauiltul nower, and wants to peep down to fiud out where the portume comes troui, and he pulls tue petals aud the stamens oil, and can t fiud the perlume. 80 it Is, when they take this text apart. Many a preacher bas tried to get down to the perfume ot it, set it is there. It Is the best verse to give you the plan of the Bible. It starts out witn the greatest person. God. lA)ve is the greatest emotion. The world is the great est company ot people. His only begotten bon,' that is the greatest gut ever beard of. 'should not perish,' that is the greatest pro mise ever given to mankind, 'internal life,' that Is the greatest possession. Aud It is all In the text." "If there Is a man within the beuriug oi my voice tonight; who ever lands la bell, he will have to stumble over John 3: 16. If you ever land In heil, you will have to stumble over tue body of Jesus Christ. He says, 'As Moses lifted up the serpent in the Wilderness, even so must the Son of man ba lilted up.' You ask, 'was Jesus luted up like a ser pent?' Ves, because Jesus, tbo sinless one, took upon Himself the sin that he might carry it awuy as a scapegoat, lie took upon Himself the judgment. You can never say "Sin." witnout the hiss!" "The way to deal with the crime wave is to lift up Jesus, for He Is the only-one who solves the sin question. You don't have to worry over your sins. . , Come to Jesus! Yue big quest Ion is not tbe sib question, but tue Son question. ' nat will you do, then, with Jesus, who Is called Christ? I cau't solve sin in my lue. Thank God, there is one 1 who solves it tor me. It is tne love of God that I am pteachmg tonight. 1 am not going to preacu Judgement or hell-lire or damna tion. 1 am going to preach to night the love ol God. There is no greater power In all tbe world thau the love of God. When logic fulls, when philosophy tails, when knowledge fails, when the worldly pleasure fails love re mains. He loves the sinner, but 1 hules tbe sin. Tbe biggest asset , in your city lb tutu uuu wiw everybody, no matter what his race or' color or creed or stand ing. Did you ever buy flowers lor a girl? You picked out the best that grew in tbe garden. When God wanted to impress this world with His love. He went through His garden, and He said: 'There- is the city of the valley, there is the Rose of Sharon, He is the bright and morning star, the fairest among ten thousand, aud He sent Him. God may have other messages for other worldB, but Jesus Christ is. the message for this world. Don't look at me, don't look at church members, look at Jesus Christ. In order to reveal His heart, God sent Jesus Christ down here, so that ws can understand pod. W hen you know the love of God that la tbe great est thing you can have In your life. The love of God is the greatest asset ot Roseburg, be cause of Us great cost. No man can ever fathom It. Througa eternity we snail sing about in atonement. Then the lev of God la the most wonderful thing in Roseburg tonight, because of It scope. It take In everybody. You cannot find me a single in dividual that .can say '1 love everybody.'. But I know a man who can stand her tonight and say to Roseburg: 'I lore every body, and that man la Jesus Christ. That 1 why I follow Him. Thi love 1 not only great because of Us cost and it scope, but because of lu power to Hit and to aave and to preserve and keep. It is a love that save to tne uttermost, that can reach down an arm to a sinking aian, and lift him up.. There 1 only one religion that doe that. Jesus gives a man a lilt, and He puts him on rock. That 1 why I will stake my all on Jesus Christ, be cause He bas power to lift a man out ot sin. The greatest thing is love. There la no power tike love." Tnere will be no meeting to night. Tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 the series ot talks on the Holy bpirlt will be .resumed. In the eveniug, Mr, Anderson will preach on "The Worst Tiling in Roseburg." The cornet solo by Mrs. Stover and the song by Prof. Stout last mgnt were flue, us usual. Tbe choir and orchestra were strong "and effective. Se parate meetings for men and women brought out large crowa Sunday afternoon. ITALIAN STEAMER LOST; CREW SAVED (Aaaoclatod mm Laucd Win.) BR1XHAM, England, Feb. 15. Liie lines were used today to save iV members of 'the crew of the Italian freight steamer Liberia, ashore in a storm oft South Devon. Three of toe-crew were rescued by a motor life boat but further use ot boats became impossible during the morning because of the thick enine weatber and rising sea. . The remainder of the crew were rescued by the use of a rocket and lite line apparatus. Tbe Libert is likely to become a total loss. SEATTLE LIQUOR TRIAL ENTERS ITS FIFTH WEEK (AMoeUUd r-TMt Uued Win.) SEATTLE, Feb. 15. A 1600,000 conspiracy liquor case in federal court here, beginning its fifth week ot tedious progress today, la ex pected to go to a juiy Friday or Saturday. The defense plans to close Us testimony tomorrow. Witnesses listed for today in be half of Roy Oimsted and 32 others were H. G. Behneman, wbo testi fied against Mayor Brown ot Se attle, In a council Investigation; Lieutenant George H. Comstock, head of tbe dry squad of the Seat tle police, and George W. Christy, a member ot this squad. SAVED FROM DEATH (Aawclatml PrcM Leased Wire.) PROVIDENCE, R. I . Feb. 15. The story of bow a ship wrecked coast guard crew, delirious and slowly freezing to death, was sav ed by the one comrade wbo retain ed his faculties, wa unfolded her In the News of the Day V 79 i I B. I sis 1 ..i AJ 1 Z K -. 'it TIZZSlDEtrC CAUSES "VI tXIAMB WSB-Vi 1'i'jn S W a m IbS Sm 9 Cert ilVl M JSti-b&&-l Vli' - " HE Mlffl"1'1"' "!!l'Mr WHATS THE HURRY? It's CARR'S Big Extra Value Giving Starts Friday, Feb. 12"Lasts 9 Days: Our annual 9c sale offers you a chance to buy needed household items for less. Look over this partial list Come in and see the whole line of 9c specials we have for you. BABY BIBS 9c Fancy Terry Cloth Bibs, pink or blue designs. Dandy value. SUIT HANGER 9c Smooth Hard Wood Hanger, shsp ed shoulder with bar for trousers. ALUMINUM CLEANER . 2 for 9c Small box of Steel Wool and Soap. A dandy kitchen cleaner. BARRETT ES 9c Small and medium sites In Fancy barrette3, set with brilliant. CXNVAS GLOVES 9c Pr. White Canvas Oloves with knit wrist.' Special low price. BOTTLE OF TOY BEADS 9c Large Wooden Beads In a bottle with twine for stringing. CUP SIZE SIFTER 9c Just what you need for making cakes, eta Buy on now at to. ROPE CLOTHES LINE 9c 30 ft. length of Braided Cotton Clothe Line. Special at 9c. RUBBER TOYS AT 9c The popular t to 12 Inch toys for Inflating. Animals, men, etc, FANCY CANDLES 9c. ' Special value In these candles. Regular 10c and 15c values at 9c WAX CRAYONS at 9c Bos For school or toy use. Crayon assorted colors to the box. COLORED CLASS VASE 9c A small .vase In different color. Fine for a few flowers. Only c. GILLETTE RAZOR 9c Silver plated Gillette at 9c On blad at Ho. Total cost 18c. WOOD BEAD DOLL 9c Doll made ot big wood bead on a heavy cord. They lssL PERFUME AT 9c Assorted style ot perfume In mall vials or bottles. Only 9c. WHITE NAPKINS 60 for 9c A package of pure white Paper Napkins, 50 In a package at 90. TOILET SOAP, 3 for 9c Fine quality pore Toilet Soap. Made by Palm Olive Co. Special 1 for lo. ,' STEEL FRY PAN 9c Bmall else Steel Fry Pan with wooden handle. Useful. , . WOOD CHISELS 9c, , Plainly made but nice quality for household use. Three sues. MOUSE TRAPS 3 for 9c Catch those darned mice. These are the lining spring kind. . KINDERGARTEN BEADS 9c Large string of Beads with . 'big hules for small children's use. , , CURTAIN ROD 9c' Need curtain rods? These have th white ball euds. BASTING SPOON 9c ' Pure aluminum Spoon about' 14 Inches long., Big value. r j' BALL OF TWINE 9c White or color in a strong cotton twine for house use. TURK WASH CLOTH 9c Good weight and quality Wash CluUi, colored blue border. BABY RATTLES 9c An assortment of celluloid rattle. Ilaby will vaut -ne. WOOD SPOONS 9c For kitchen use, smooth wood Spoon. Get one for only 9c. CREPE PAPER 9c ROLL We have a apodal flno Silk Crepe Paper. 15 dlftxrent colors. SHOE SOLES 9c PAIR Good wclcht Sole In small else lor boys or women s sbo . PLAIN DARNING COTTON, 4 for 9c Wanted shades In plain Darning Cotton at a very special price. ROSEBURG TABLETS 9c Plain linen paper, each baa "Rose burg, Ore.," imprint. Use them. WAIST HANGERS 9c Enameled tlilu Hanger, rubber knobs or heavier shaped style, to TURKISH TOWEL 9c Small Turkish Towel, white. Use ful for many purpose. TOY PIN WHEEL 9c Dutch wind mill style pin wheel at c. Get the kiddies one. TIN CUPS AT 2 FOR 9c Regular size Tin Cups at a special 9c sale price. Stock up. FIRE SHOVEL 9c Small black enameled Fire Shovel at 9c. A needed useful Item. PAINTBRUSH 9c Dandy tilth) PaW Brush, 1 Inch wide, for paint or varnish work. BUBBLE PIPE 9c Kecfr the kiddles busy by the hour with a good wooden Bubble Pipe. . - HUCK TOWELS 9c " A - small size, good quality Huck Towel, big value at tc. SHELL FLOWERS 9c Flowers made of colored sheila, each alieli a petal. Kverlaatlng MILL STYLE FILES 9c Extra big value In good sited files. Slight defects do not harm. LARGE BAG CANDY 9c Made up Marshmallow candy . Big bag for 9c pure and fresh. DUST PAN, 9c . Regulan black enameled Dust Pan Hay h new on for 9c. ; . i KITCHEN SPOONS 9c Black wood handled . Kitchen Spoon, Beaten, Ladles, etc. MYSTIC MITS 9c ' A kitcheh necessity for scouring pots and pans. These are heavy. SCHOOL PENCILS, 3 for 9c A regalar 5c grade pencil, medium sotL Have school names on. . BLUE CHINA BOWLS, 9c . A real value In a bandy slse bowl, blue and white decorated. HANDKERCHIEFS, 2 for 9c Women's Fancy Handkerchiefs. You'll want a dosen ot these. A HUNDRED OTHER BIG VALUE SPECIALS AT 9c Variety and Economy Store New Spring lines of Millinery and Stamped Good now on dicplay. "Where you save" , . , n .- ; ' ;. V. t. v 1 U.S.iflUiHTO DEAD IN E BE READY IN 1 today. Boatswain's mate Joseph Bop ton Nctk road. The rui-n cam", Lib by, who wandered barefooted ; broke Into the laundry on the j 12 hours in yesterHy' blinding estate, surfed a fire and brought blizzard In search of aid, was given in the other five men. Neighbors I credit for Bavin the lives of his were summoned and brought hot five companions, of the vrecktd coffee and blankets. patrol boat C-1J6. Kroren so badly i , . o that they wero unable to walk, the I'l'ULIC IWSt'H AT fiAUIiKS'S men were brouijlit aboard the cut- ON' Tl'KMDAY MCIIIT. ter Mojave here where naval sur-1 Catholic Daughters of America gums awaited thom. Their boat wm Bp(,nor a public dance at Orl was wrecked near the west en-,., Gardens on Tnesdar nluht trance of Narraganse.1 bay. Trie of ths WPPk, Tne orienial Gar-C-126. a J5-fooier was caucht luinf.n, alroom orchestra will the 70-mlle billiard and was driven furnish music for the occasion .short at 2:30 a m. opposite Whale ,a ,h da nrpra am axstlreri nf a I Rock HtshL The pilot house win- fin), lme. larire number of iPleUoo of Kuiorx an monuments to dows were stove In and tbe boat tickets for the affair have been Amnicas war dead In time for de-Ice-cnistid. sold and big attendance Is es-'dlcailun on Hie tenth anniversary In the darkness the crew of six pected. Dresuiy moonlight waltz- "f the signing of the armltlw, i went over the Bide and, through and snappy trots will be fea- P'ovliled for In the independent of the hammering surf, made their tured by the sli-plece orchestra. Ilcs appropriation bill repotted to way a hundred feet lo the beach. I 0 lay to the house, carrying r,H2.- The others were more or less I DAILY WEATHER REPORT 4SH.0OO for the various independent clothed, but I.lbby was barefooted. 1 tj. 8. Weather Bureau, local of-1 commissions, boards snd bureaus The rocXy shore was ice covered fr,, Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ut ll,u government. The amount is and a bitter wind was blowing. Tbe ending 6am i0, sbo'vn last yeai's bill men maue uieir y to inBiier Precipitation In Ins. & Hundredths' u en.wu - LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. Com- ab nit In mates. CAELJDHN ROGEK.S . lOAKiOlNAVTlKAYXS President Culies outlints ekteosive iinBiirution poUcr for wEfcE TSiUiontoltar "bread combine,- p&nned by iWilUam B Ward, it under fire in United Slate nate- 0, Jta John rSL caPin of tbe .choonej ""fj? 1, 'crew were rescued from. their 'nktn .hip by Wc guard, off New -England coast .Cedinal Haye om Rome, tayi be fsron modilkaion cIU ) oiatcad Law. a-rountl and wanueren in m.. . , .. r 1 sesrrh of shelter until dayllrht i., ,,,r- !., .,., A . The direct appropriation for lh Wllh tbelr wet clothes frovzlnir, one i,.,,,,,..,, 5J h,. , American bsiile mniiumenis corn by one they bersme dellrlotis until 'J ' P ' .-1.11 iT.7 n'll' ' "."' I'""s a contract Llhby alone retained his senses. 1?,. ,,lB ,"M 1 V. authorization of J,ioo,W. In this He herdt-d the men toother and P T"' . c , " connection. Iho cnn.uiltte. sa.d. "it kept them from Ivlng down to cer- m ,n- u P""1 commission tain death. At 2 p. in , he saw, in . ,J'5- " ai -; - !' io complete the-memorials so thst the distance, a water tower. De- vrrv. nom oepu they can be dedicated on Novem- I ' Roseburg News-Review: As a member ot the 1'resbyterian Mis sionary society of our city, I wish throuah your paper to correct an errorneous statement, which was given In the report of monthly meeting of February Bth, and published In your Haturday Issue. Mrs. M. J. Hhoemaker, who was named as one ol the nominating committee (whose report was ac cepted I now nd has been In Ohio for the past five months; with no knowledge of being listed as one of said committee. Conse quently had no part In the event of th day. However the name of Mrs. II. C. Parslow was omitted in the report rendered. MHH. 1. N. PARK. commerce. It Is In this work that Poitland business and commercial Interests are raising annually a substantial sum for the purpose of attracting home-seekers to Urtgun. In 'Medford Monday the citizens ot Jackson county took the initial step toward procuring thvlr quota of home-set kers under Ihe guid ance and financial assistance of the Portland chamber of com- 'merce. A simple, workable plan I of campaign was mappud out and iexroed upon. It Is a plan which 1 should bear fruit as spring merges , into summer, aud summer Into fall. I It Is not enough to broadcast fa- i vorable publicity urging farmers j and home-seekers to come to Oeo : gon and to Jackson county. Facts, honestly and wisely compiled, j must be In readiness for those who are diawn hwe. Lists of farm lands, with fair valuations snd other pertinent (lata must bu avail ; abln. Jackson county must be pre pared to sell her advantages to ; those who come to barter. I The land settlement committee I of Jsckson county bus started Its i work with flying colors. There ks (every reason to believe that It will ! so continue throughout th year. f Ashlnnd Tldlnrs. .,rl-T-I-TtTtfiTnfrTiitfrfrTiTlTI- lleving It was his only chance, 1? ....22.27 1 ij, in?, juat years alter the Llbhv left his companions and o'ai oeticiency irom uept. l, signing of the armistice" staggered lo !! toer. it was on! - u The totul Incrnsse of more than the Jeocks tate, which is closed Average precipitation for 4 : I50.0o0.oou is the result of larger for the winter. 1 w" seasons, (September to appropriations , lor the veterans Llbby managed to clamber up Vay, Inclusive) 31.12 bureau to care principally for ad- the lower and wavltg his anna and (t.jilo:iul ain tonight and justed compensation and Insurance shouting, attracted the attention Tuesday. ) irqulrcucui. the apuroprlauva Ur VI w A " - mvmmh V aaM mvw,MH i X State Press Comment X Portland Cooperates. The barrier, which a few years ago separated Portland from other sections of tbe stale, I slowly but surely being removed. A friendly spirit Is being loaiered. There au- pears to be a well defined desire for ench to help the other. Concrete proof of Portland's will ingness lo aid th rest of Oregon lo grow and develop Is glvea In th work of th land settlement bur eau ot th Portland chamber of Special This WeeK REDUCED PRICES ON ALL Table Glassware! REAL BARGAINS SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY See Our New Electric Washer ZICLER-FEE HARDWARE CO. 1 4 Rocrure: . Phone 25 'fi