ki i FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1926. iBWMMMMMMilMMMMBWB 11 1 - - til-, i .. I : : 1! PILES j Klumt 7 When PAZO OINTMENT lm Applied, beoausa It Is Positive In Action, It begins immediately to take out the Inflammation and reduce all Swelling. The first application brings Oreat Relief. Stops Itching In stantly and Quickly Relieves Irritation. Severe tests in cases of long standing have proved that PAZO OINTMENT can be depended upon with absolute certainty to Stop any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud lag Piles, and in the shortest time possible. Recommended, by Physicians and Druggists in United States and Foreign Countries. PAZO OINTMENT in tubes with Pile Pipe Attachment, 75c and in tin boxes, 60c The circular enclosed with each tube and box contains facts about Piles which everybody should know. PAJU3 MEDICINE CO., Beaumont and Pise Stnata. SL Louis. Mo. mm m' NT Vl THE TRAGEDIES OF NEGLECT IS SERMON TOPIC f OTHER'S EFFORTS FROM RIVFK 'aw i.iiwiiji Urn HERE'S LUCKY MAN HAS NO APPENDIX (AuwUtcd lira UaKd Wlri.) 1CA(;0, Feb. tt. A man tiuut an apiieudlx has been v found by Dr. W. A Newman Holland, winery known cnica- go physician, tiie Goigaa Me- uiorial Institute anuouuced to- day. The Institute believes We discovery 1b im)urtant in its bearing upon the question whother tho appendix per- 4 forms any useful function within the body. (AapuclalwJ fnai Lmm4 Am.) MILTON! Ore., Feu. . Gladys alaasie, Is-year-oid daughter of Jar. and Airs. George Massie, was drowned in the Utile Walla Wans river lant night wnen sne lell iruui tbe looioriUfce crossing the stream near tne Aiuton Hoi eompauy a i,.ft the coal field to find employ plant, ment elsewhere. What little food Mr. Massle and his daughter aie had received, Mr. Scner suld, were on tuuir way to church when! was obtained from a soup kitchen the accident occurred. Her father ;Hnd this had been given to ber cliil caugnt hold oi tne girl as she lediuren, uue uf which wan only live auu grauoed the bridge with his 'months old. The deputy coroner other hand, but could not hold her; said the woman bad been loo proud In the switny flowing stream, ; to ask aid for herself. swollen to more tiian luree times its usual sue by the recent heavy rains. SPRINQ MILLINERY All our new buckram shapes and Alter she broke from bla grasp hat materials are now in. lieautl lie tolioweu her on the bank a dis-iful new flowers, dandy braids and tance of icuu yards and found her Dew styles of straw cloth, and all I because the baste law caught on a tree. He jumped Into the other maktn's at Carr's. Or if 1 either progress or the stream ahead of her, out the you want a bat ready to wear, we There is no static (Continued from page 1) and disobedience received a Just recompense of reward; How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, snd was confirmed unto us by them that heard Him: God also bearing them witness, both with signs and won ders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to His own will?" My text this evening is the third verse of tbe second chapter of He brews, "How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?" The I ' it is in the form of a philosophi cal question which is unanswer able. The question is unanswerable because of its peculiar relation ship to God's law and His govern ment, liecause of its peculiar re lationship to God's law and His realm It has to do with tbe sub jects of that realm and with those who break God's laws and go against His government. And be cause of this fact it also has to do with the punishment which shall be meted out to those who break His laws. Yet there is not a law yer, juror or judge in America that can tell us the measure of punish ment that should be meted out, nor can they answer the question of tbe text. We know the laws of heredity and pangenesis are universal in their application, and yet there is not a doctor, physiologist, biologist, or anatomist in America that can tell us why the whole world Is groaning under the weight of sin, the slu of our foreparents, Adam and Kve, nor can they answer the question of our text we go to the spiritual realm. We ask tbe evil spirits .the demons, and the devil himself, "How can we escape If we neglect," and they are unable to answer the text. When the worldly wise are un able to answer the question of our text we take it to the very throne of God. And as we stand in the presence of the quintessence we ask God to tell us tonight bow men and women shall escape In America if they neglect, and even God Himself is unable to answer the question. Tbe question Is unanswerable of life is r degeneracy, form in life. through sin, but restored to us threshold of your borne to win the to the portals of heaven, there to through Jesus Christ- it is Jesus hand of your daughter. Do you I meet McKinley and to live with Who said, "I am come that you think God will exercise any less the pure and holy and the right might have U-e and that you might ' intelligence when it comes to those jeous. But not so; Czolgos went to have it more abundantly." When a, who enter heaven's portals? Only; his own place. Heaven is a pre- msa neglects, ignores, and refuses i the redeemed and blood bought pared place for a prepared people, this birthright be Is committing i shall enter the pearly gates to the greatest sin. dwell in that land of purity and 8in Against Yourself uouness. mere must oe a place lor It is an awful thing to neglect the Christ rejectors and the wicked so great salvation, because it Is aland sinners and that place of eter- sin against yourself. Jesus Christ , nai darkness in tbe Bible Is called has purchased your salvation with ' bell. His precious blood. Christ died ou the cross that He might bring us back to God. When we neglect this salvation it is a sin against our better self. because some people neglect let ting Christ in their heart and live tbe say they do they are bound The Blue Beard But I hear somebody objecting to the doctrine of punishment here after because we suffer all the bell we will have right In this world. Uut is such a doctrine tenable? Can it stand tbe all-searching eye of justice? No matter how much by the fetters of sin. How many , any individual may suffer in this people are living under the bond- world it will not atone and make wuter eugulleu bun over bis bead, j nave a ae at 5.uu that will sur-1 whatever Its manifestation. You Bhe broke loose troui the tree' pria8 and please you. . seen Have vou while be was making bis way to , Newest New York Shallow water and passed within l8tyh., , (lne mIhtM! and classy iwo reel oi mr. massie, who was naU YeSi tarrs nae thera at io ream ufi, 5 00 Uood valueil i cheaper body was recovered shortly1 , , c . ..where ird. Thia is the second ' uuable to reach her. 'lUe afterward. tragic death in the Massle family In llie last two years. A eon, Wa ter Massie, was Instantly killed in a scenic railway acculcut lu Cali fornia about is mouths ago. Eat barbecue sandwiches and Jive forever. Uranus Koad titand. STRIKING MINER'S WIFE STARVATION Victim number COAST GUARD MEN FACE GRAFT TRIAL (AsMooiatt-d 1'rvM Lvuwil Win.) SEATTLE, Keb. 8. Irregularity I in letting a contract for reimlm on the cutler AlKonquin was among jchuim-a factd by two coast guard j oil leu i a going ou court luartlal Iux-rtj limit; , The oiricern. Lkuti-nant Com- iIiihlhWt William 11. Vitiaar and (Assiucuud run Utwd Wh) lUeuuiiaiH C'arltou T. Smith, wero WILKEg I1AKKE, l'a., K-b. 8. ;aecustd of awarding the contract Starvation, as a rt-nuii of luu au- Involving to a I'oitlunU rum Ihracite strike, baa claimed Us although a Seattle firm van origin llrat victim. tally thti lowemt balder. They were Institution and want have been Inot charged wiih profiting from the reporUd from all parts ot the re gion for several weeks, but the hrst case of actual starvation was rvtaled yesterday wheo the death of Mrs. Mary Harrington, at Aah land, wire of a strlklug miuer, was Investigated. Uepuiy Coroner Sen er said he was convinced that her death was due to starvation. Mrs. Harrington's huabaml had transaction. Wltfhaur was commander of tho Algonquin and Smith was bis ex ecutive officer. Wtshaar has been In the guard 18 years. Expert ttiont Barnes' iteauty Parlor, operator in attendance, ins J for appointment. TRUCKMEN! We write insurance and bonds which are required by the State if you haul for hire outside an incorporated city or town. Write, phone or call and we shall be glad to give you all information. QUINE, GOODMAN & CO. A TIME SAVER Th tclcphnnft I a grrat tlm-m,vtr. It puta you In connection With this ntor In a very frw h ft.-on tin m. you run onlor your nro rtrlu hnvi them ddl. rrl In nir kllviifn. Ttmu why HMia your limit runtilinr -vur.ti bioika and cuitying a lMkvi of gru I'srlfs hoin with you? The Hi-h very WrtH"n rum every ilay rain or shine so why waits your tuns carrying the Mrot.vrn huiuu Kvt-rythlnjr w soil muet b sHitnUi-iory to you or It is nut sale aud you may return it by tho Uviliury Wuguii. ECONOMY GROCERY O. I JOHNSON The Store That Ssrvss You Best. S44 N. Jackson St Phone 63 Special ThisWeeR I REDUCED PRICES ON ALL I Table Glassware I REAL BARGAINS I are coming to tbls cburcb tonight and will listen to God's message, accept It, believe It and leave this building a better man and a better woman for being here or else you will listen to the message, reject It, trample It under your feet and leave thiB building a worse man or woman tor having been here to night. It Is an utter Impossibility for you to leave this building the HHtne man and tbe same woman thut you entered. "How shall wo escape If we neglect?" We cannot break Cod's laws with Impunity. Doctrine of Irresponsibility Hut I hear somebody say. "Hi-other Anderson, we have noth ing to do with the Inception of these laws. We do not understand them, and we are not responsible for the present condition of affairs; therefore, we refuse to obey these laws. Furthermore we do not un- derxland them, and since God has I "e world. gotten us Into this mess It Is up to 11 lm to get us out." Let me show you how untenable this stand Is. Law of Hunger The physiologist law of hunger Is Junt as divine as any other law, but you are not as foolish as to ay, ."I will not eat when I get hun gry for I have nothing to do with the Inception ot this law; I do not umlertaud all about It, therefore, I refuBo to obey It." You take the untenable position with this law and continue starving night and day for seventy-two days and you will be elKht feet beneath the sod, Junt like MacSwIney, of Ireland. It makes no difference who you are, king or pauper, Coil's laws cannot be broken with impunity. Physical Law You obey the laws of physlrs. When It ts cold you react to this physical law and Immediately put on your fur coat. When It Is warm you dress accordingly. You can laugh and sneer and )ir at this law and say you refuse to obey tt. You can go to the north pole dres Hed in your I'alm lleach suit and laugh at God's physical laws, but If you do you will freeie to death. If you want to go down to Panama all dressed up in your winter fur I coat ami storm shoes and laugh at God's physical laws, you can do so, but you will roast to death. I Laws of Intelligence Then there are the higher laws; the laws In the mind. A mother Is ' nHver more conscious of the age of her child than when the boy Is ri'iidy fur school. At five years of ae she wants him to look like six i so she can get him off to school. Wheu he Is nix years of age and rilling on the street car she wants til in to look small so he rsn ride free. We obey the Isws of Intelli gence snd we believe In educstlon. If you sre so foolish ss to Ignore the law, of mind and refuse to go to school and then wake up at twenty-one years of age totally Ig noriiut, you cannot blame God. You alone are to blame tor neglecting tho laws ot Intelligence, snd there is no escape when you neglect. The Lsw of Character Just as there are these physical laws so there ant laws that govern age oi sin wunout nappiuess, peace, or contentment? Cattle of tbe field have a happier existence than many human beings. Tney live in obedience U God's laws, feast upon the land and He down in the pastures contented with far more contentment than many men and women experience. Isn't It a shame when a person will neglect God in their lives and live on a lower level than the beast? Dope Fiend When I was waiting for a train connection at Bars to, California, a young man approached me want ing to know if 1 wouldn't give him ten cents to get something to eat. I told bim I waa a preacher and that he had struck the wrong fel low. However, I told him I would give him a good meal if be would go over to the restaurant with me. he said, "no"; he wanted the money. Then 1 noticed bis dilated pupils and twitching bands which gave unmistakable evidence that be was a dope field. He wanted money, not food, to get some more dope. How pathetic it was to see the needle holes In his arm. It Is a terrible thing when a man ne glects Gods' salvation and becomes enslaved to the laws of sin and death. It Is a great sin against yourself wben you neglect God's salvation. It Is a Sin Against your Fellow Men Uut this sin of neglect goes fur ther than yourself. When you ne glect God's salvation it la a sin against your fellow men. When a father neglects spiritual things In the home It not only affects him self but his Immediate family. How many homes are marred today be cause of the lack of spirituality? Wben the Dayton flood Inundat ed homes, families, and institutions there was a farmer living on the river bottom who was warned by right all the neglects, injustices and unfairness in this world. Not long ago a man, known as Blue Beard, uas arrested in Los An geles. He confessed that he niur uered nine beautiful girls. The whole country was astir over such an astounding confession. It was impossible u convict because they could not produce the corpus dele- tt, and so. in order to convict him of first degree murder, they prom ised that tney would not give him the death sentence, but the stlffest judgment would be life imprison ment. Receiving this promise he led tbe officers of the law to where he bad burled one of the murdered girls. lie pointed to the new-made grave in the desert and quickly the men, with their shovels, dug four feet down into the new-made grave and there found the terribly mu tilated body of a seventeen-year-old girl. He had ripped her breast open with a dagger. They rushed the prisoner back to Los Angeles and hurried the trial up because the whole country was threatening lynching. When this terrible in gratiate and characterless individ ual was finally lodged behind the San Quenlin penitentiary he breathed a sigh of relief. Now, here is a man who has commited nine murders and from the life that he is now living In the peni- and there Is a place prepared like wise for all the Christ rejectors and sinful people of the world. How shall we escape if we ne glect? How many fathers are ne glecting, neglecting, neglecting? How long, O father, will you ne glect? Will you wait until some calamity hits your home before you wake up to the terrible sin of neglecting Christ in your heart and home? Pelton Home In an Iowa town, some years ago, an epidemic of dlptheria broke out. This terrible malady spread until It proved to be an epidemic and almost a pandemic in our country. In tbls little Iowa town some ninety children were carried off with tbls dread disease. Little Mable Pelton, a twelve-year-old girl, was suffering from dlptheria. Her mother, a member of the Pres byterian church, bad died Just a year before. Her father was an in fidel. He would not believe in Christ and he bated the cburcb and the ministers. Tbe ion like wise was an infidel, Little Mabel, while suffering from dlptheria, asked her father if be would not send for the Presby terian minister. He said, "No, the doctor will soon be here and he can do for you all that la neces sary." The little girl was disap pointed and turning to the wall started to cry aa if her little heart would break. Just then the doctor entered the sick chamber. Little Mable asked the doctor If he would not let the minister come. After looking at the throat of the little girl and noticing the black web that was being formed over the oral cavity, he knew it was not long before Mable would be p.0 more. He stepped Into the parlor to talk with Mr. Pelton, the father, and reprimanded him for not per mitting the Presbyterian minister to come and visit the girL He said, Mr. Pelton, inside of twenty-tour leullary It Is impossible for him to 1 hours you 111 be glad to give all suiter enough to atone for one of that you possess to grant the sllght- ...... .ro i injur,, u, iuu, a, 1 1 1. nine. He was removed from the Jute mill because he complained of the fibre on his longs. Uut a little Jute on his lungs in a penitentiary can never atone for the dagger that he put in the girl's breast. He has an easy Job in the library, Tbe father pulled his hair and said, "My God, doctor, it isn't as bad as that, is it?" And the doc tor said. "I mean every word I have said." The father turned to his Infidel son and said, "Son, run and get NEW HANDY PACK Fits hand pocket and purse cAlways rez.dy In your pocket, ; to give you long lasting bene ficial refreshment. BEST Chewing Sweet for any money. Look for Wrigleys RK-HandBack on the Dealers Counter. v can play the phonograph records ; tne presbyterlan minister quick.1 anu reau volumes inai many uojs would be glad to have. They have concerts within the Prison walls his good friend to flee. The friend janli a SOrts of recreation hand told bim of the Impending danger , ball, football, basketball, volley to his family and his home, but he ball. Prisoners are even taken laughed and neglected to take the; outside of the prison walls to play warning. Just a few hours later with outside teams. They have the mighty waters came rushing tnree square meals each day and a down the river before this father clean neat little cell to sleep, in, could flee with his family and hlsttmi ttt Thanksgiving and Christ own life. He hud all-he could do to mas they receive socciul dinners get nimseii to uie upper mnu unu;aau alt down to a table that many J ister answered, "Yes, Mable, I as he turned around he saw hls!a boy In the slums of New York know you are going to heaven some wife and fanill drowned. This man!amj Chicago would count it a priv- duy, but you have a long time left) bad a responsibility not only to; t0 partake of. Not only that, 'you are Just a little girl, twelve himself, but to his loved ones, and i but this prisoner, sentenced for I years of age." Mable answered, because he neglected it , affected iliVt uiU pPy ior tt parole at the ! "Yes, but I am going to see moth his own family. Neglect is a slniL.uu 0t ten years. Tho average lifejer very soon," and with that she against your fellow men. ; sentence in America Is only five I asleep. The minister retired "Am I my brother's keeper?" Is yeara. Diue Ueard, while in theand said to Mr. Pelton, "I believe a pertinent question everybody penitentiary can lake an exlen- vnilr lirtln fflrl la reatinir hptter should answer today. We are sociul ;3ion courae from the University of and If at any time I can serve lust When the minister arrived, little Mable said, "Oh, I am so glad to see you. Don't you remember me? I used to go to your Sunday school, but since mamma has been taken to heaven, papa has never sent me to Sunday school." Little Mable continued to talk to the minister and seemed so glad to see him. At last she said, "You know I am go- insr tn ape .ipaiift snnn and I will meet mamma In heaven." The mln-i liver jrwsieiutij, RIVER'S ICY GRIP YIELDS BODY OF 35 years, was murdered. The skull was fractured. Tbe forehead waa gashed. Other evidence tended to show thaf the woman was dead be fore the body was thrown Into the water. The coroner suggested that perhaps she bad been thrown over board from a vessel after a terrible beating. It was necessary to use axes tp free the body from the ice. A re ligious emblem hung about the neck. beings. I here Is a social responsl- California and after ten years of bility incumbent upon us all. The study aud preparation cau again scriptures say, "Ye are the light of step out in the world aud claim a And when we neglect niicner Position in some of the to functiou as God wants us and professions that many a boy or refuse to be the light of the world Kirl would envy. No matter how It la a sin against our fellow men. much liberty may be deprived Sin Against God I from Ulue Ueard he cannot suffer Itut the greatest sin of neglect- i enough to atone for the awlul tng God's salvation is that It is a crimes he has committed unless sin against the Almighty. It is aUe repents and takes the only great salvation that we are ne-, saviour from such terrible sin as glectlng because God gave His only his personal Saviour. Unless he begotten Son, the Jewel of great i does this there is only one lnevl price, the Lily of the valley, the table place for Ulue Ueard and Urlght and Morning Star. And tnat place the Bible calls hell. Just when we trample under our feet to bring it a little coser home, sup God's precious offering and cast pose it was a daughter of yours the pearl of great price to swine ; mat he murdered. Would you think it Is the worst sin any man can justice had been met by Just de control!, because it Is a slap in the priving him of his liberty by send face of God. O my friend. It is a ing bim to a state prison for ten terrible sin to nettled, because it years? We must remember that is a sin against God. - God is not only a God of love, but ' Consequences of Neglect God in His essense is rlghleous The consequences of neglect are ness, holiness and Justice, and 1 , i. r 1. r."k. . . . . ".that the girl was dead in the lap caune you bt-llfve nut or neglect, ! mid old world. vn sarai r-nnrliimlmil Imnrlv ' i'un.l nlna lemned to what? Well, Just as the! When ex 1'resiuent McKinley I tnl F1!11- U me ?" Hible pictures a heaven to win, so was visiting the music palace ot there Is a hell to un. Hell la Just Uuffalo, New York, au Italian up as much In the love story as proaclud hiiu. Ho extended a haud heaven is. To all those w ho neglect covered wlih a handkerchief as if and live characterless Uvea there 'to shake hands with the president, must be a special place prepared but instead of Bhaking hands he for them. If all tin1 reprobates, har- pulled the trigger of a revolver lots, libertines, ullurvs of society, that sent a bullet Into the breast and charai-teiiess individuals of of the president. McKinley called this world are Kilng direct to out to his ante de corps, "Lleuten heaven. 1. for on,-, do not care to ant. I believe 1 am shot." "Yes, go to heaven with such, for It I'lesideut, you are shot." And the ould not be In avrn to me. lieutenant wept to thiuk that he Spiritual Gravitation could not hae detected the feel free to call upon me.' Mr. Pelton stated that he believ ed the minister had gotten away not further man three or tour blocks betore he heard Mable cry for her father. With strange ani mation and power the little girl arose in bed aud said, "Father, take me, 1 am sinking in the waters." ibe tamer took his little child in his arms, but she continued to cry, "Oh, the waters are so cold," aud with that the father placed a blan ket around bis little child and tried to warm aud comfort her. She put uer little arms around his neck with tne death grip and cried for her father to help, but he was ut terly helpless to help her. It Is possible lor a person to get so tar in the psychic world that a person who lives Just on a material plane cannot reach them. Just then the girl opened her arms and said, "Never mind, papa, 1 see Jesus aud O, there is mother." And with (AMoclatcd IM Leurd Wirt.) PAULUOItO, N. J.. Feb. 8. County authorities were trying to day to establish the Identity of the young woman, whose body, clad in a union suit, was found encased in In the Deleware A post mortem examination, Cor oner Adams said, showed that the young woman, whose age is be lieved to have been between 25 and DO YOU WANT ROSES? I have a few of tne following varieties, Los Angeles, Lolita Ar mour, Templer, Common Wealth, Hadley, Golden Ophelia, Paul's Scarlet Climber, also Carnation and Violet plants and Dalhta flower. Ing Zinnia seed in various colors. Fred Schmidt, Dlllard. . . Stndebaker mod Ala buna na yearly -f- iof her father. The frantic father immediately nere, why did he not send for the i theatre manager or the dancing master? 1 will tell you why. They can give you what you want, but never what you need in the hour of trial aud trouble. When the minister arrived tbe father asked, "Wh does God permit such things In my family?" To which the niin-l later wisely answers, "I cannot ex- j plain, but I know that if any two people in your family go to heaven it la your wlte and little girl Mable." With this tho father Judas went to Ins own place and sassin before he committed the , ,ounu ,ne ay oi sanauon anu me every man la oereliin. God will dastard v deed. Whether we were'"'"" lu'tl111' " not compel or coerce you against members of Mchiuley's party or your will, "lie Hat willeth to do'nul. we put such things aside and my will shall knw," and every 'alt our hearts went out in sym man has the prh lege of determln-, pathy to our murdered president. Ing Ihe anser to the question Ibe whole country was thrown in "What then shall I do with Jesus, to a pale of sorrow. At first the Iho call of the Christ?" Every man papers save hope of the recovery will go to his on place aud you of McKinley, but at last the black have the privilege now to deter- lines en the front page told the mine whether it will be heaven or story that McKinley was dead. A hell. splendid Christian man and a God Is Love -president beloved by all, gone to Put I hear seme say, "Oh, but 1 his reward! God wouldn't aer.l anybody to Hell. I the bedside of his little girL Wben my friend. Dr. French E. Oliver, related this account in Oklahoma a woman stepped up and said, "Mr. Oliver, every word is true, for Mrs". Pelton was my sis ter and I am very glad to say that Mr. Pelton is now a strong Chris tain and his infidel son Is also a Christian giving ail bla time to Christian work In tbe state of New York. Uut It Is a terrible thing to ne- Ciolgos was apprehended for this 'a"1"1 'P'rltual things in. your home until a calamity comes. Father, ll ,...,- I.. il......rH k., f..n,..1 still,, .if hl..h ln,.uin Is coins to la!,',. ev..rv last man and first degree murder and was uow l,,n ou V" b,',ore and woman to heaven wheu they sentenced to die In the electric et u see. Are you so chair at lug Sing. Whet step out on the side of God? Idle." Uut SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY the difference between right and wrong, rlghtooasneas aud unjust - nras, sin aud holiness. It we sow a i bought, we reap an act; sow an act aud we nap a habit; sow a Are you so chair at iug Sing. lose every- strapi open your borne on the day of the execution they body so that to all the inlet, and robbers and last words were, I am glad I shot reprobates a:l libertines and char- :4cKinley, and If 1 had to live acterless sroui'.ilrel of the world again I would do It over the very and say, "We rl.ould loe every- same way." and with that they PAST III l.Klts hlsi Aiuiir ft.r niiiiMiAY. See Our New Electric Washer ZIGLER-FEE HARDWARE CO. D U... Pknna ?5 The Past Exalted Rnlers or Roseburf Lodge B. P. O. Elks, No. 3;ti. will hold the "boards'' mi e - - -j---. i ,. - -.- , at tne loose next inurenay meat habit and we reap a character, aud body, tome one and all Into m turned on the volts and his body n(i M ,eaion long to h; we reap a destiny. home. Here i my daughter; sit writhed In pain and anguish and he b) r,iemlired. Frank Clemens., E Spiritual Laws In the parlor. In her hnd and shot to an eternal hell. Now some chairman of the program commit- I The highest laws known to msn'woo her to be your mate lor life"? people are so wesk and shilly- tre. promises something worth S are the spiritual las. They are Ihe i No, no. no!. There Isn't a father or h:illy In their thinking and so car bile for the brothers and big SI most dynamic, powerful, and life-!a mother so foolish. Uut rather, rled aay with sentluientallsm (atwndance la desired, S utvliif of all the laws known. 11 i how careful you are to In.estlgaic that they think God is going to , o has endowed mankind with splr- Ihe character and Integrity of the overlook all the sins and crimes' Eat barbecue sandwiches and Mn waa lnttfYouux man una runa over tna'anu mat izoiaoa sui ttm weicuuieu ufj viuiu a iwau dislu. wi nr JVhere do you keep your stumbling-block ? Every home has one. i Sometimes it's the chair by the telephone; sometimes a kitchen stool, or an unsuspected plaything the youngsters have Jeft in the hall. Whatever it is, it's larking somewhere about the house in the dark. Switch on tbe lights! Light rooms light halls Jight stairways never harbor these dangers to careful grownups and running children. Keep enough lights going throughout the house to make every part of it quick of access and safe , Electricity is the cheapest service you can buy. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Mcdford, Oregon Boacburg, Oregon Grant Pass, Oregon KUtratth FaDa, Ocegoa YrckavCsIft iTsmsmiirc CaUt f r4 & U QVlTFnroIA OREGON I POWER COMPANY I Ms.. RM,rma imranfiws blilhrlul i i i "T'1