ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 4. 1926. 1 t jjTBoseoDooeo; f EIGHT if Tmf , ni5 gJU: : , il U LZ- Ik , H Ztem7 m? rom ie 365 continuous theatre performances each year, my hours for . Piano Tuition will be extended From February First Earnest Students accepted for individual instruction Gordon V. Cook Studio and residence over Ladies' Shoppe North Jackson St. m n rvrV) Shopping News McCurmlck-lJeerlng ras engines , are built larger ami have half at'atn j i as much ikiwlt as their rating. Th i ' crank ease fa pociokwI uud there, are other features that make It a superior engine. Wharton Hi us., new Today SALE Registered Jersey Phone 33F3. E. .McCormack. agents. FOB I ' bull. ; WANTED Jood fresh milk cow. i 1'hone W2X V. 1. Belts. ; GARAGEfor rent Inquire C44 8. I l'ine. ; Real Estate Loars City real estate loans. Monthly payment plan. Representing the Equit able Savings & Loan As sociation. Money to loan on improved farms. 5, 7 or 1 0 years. Straight sim ple interest, 6'2 per cent, c. w. young & SON INSURANCE 11(1 fass St. Phono 417 FOUND Umbrella. Owner may huva same by Identifying and paying for ad. FOR KENT Modern 3-room apart-; WANTRD Contract to haul broc- ment. Adults only. Inquire I'iv S. Stephens. . j LOST Yeaterday, black rimmed , glasses lu bluck lenther case. ! Helurn to News-Review, coll. J. J. Martin, tel. Hoseburg llo- fill your radiators with com pound, it ruins your radiator. llnvu ttw.m ral.alr.wl at Vl.hur1. FOR SALEF1v month Scotch ! ltadator Suop, 222 West Oak St. Collie pup, good sheep dog. . - -- -,- , Phone 471L. or call 017 8. yvuo io iioseourg iciery is inuving loaay i rum rsorin Stephens. KOI SALE 320-acre sheep rauth, four springs, 5000 cords wood, 15 miles to Hose burg. McOraw. 344 Snconi, Mreet, Portland, Ore. PUWR "SI'UAYKUS You will need a sprayer for that orchard. t-wmmM i v e nave useq anu new uean BlJinjrrtt. i nuts riKiii. rviv-ncj Amort Co. MORTGAGE A r A TITO u Douglas Abstract Co Loans on residence, apart ment, business property and improved farms. No commission. t WANTED AT around farmer, man, to take a and furnished ONCE An all slock and fruit fully equipped farm, with all 1 HaveCash Buyers For Butine:. Rasltfenea and Farm Property, Give Descrip- j lion and Lowest cash Price. K crops In and stock on the place. I will make It worth anyone's tJme to consider my offrr. Must have f lout) cash or its equiva lent. This Is one of the good farms of the county. Write W. L. -' Cobb. Roseburg. Ore. USED CARS FOR8ALr 1!MD Ford touring. '-1MI Ford delivery. 1 !2 L Ford touring. - . , 133i Hodge delivery. 1925 Ford coupo. i 1022 Iod;;e touring. 1S24 Star sedan. VJ13 Chevrolet seu. Star delivery. These are not only good cars, but eood buys. Jackeon street to Its new loca tion on Oak street. Just west of Churchill's. We will be ready to handle all business without de lay, llrlng In your key and lock smithing orders. Repairing a specialty. Remember the place building recently vacated by Lockwood Motor Co. FIVE PEOPLE ARE Seasonal Apparel We buy In volume lots and our many store s scattered throughout the Pacific Coast sell our merchan dise in a fraction of the time It would take one store to sell It This means that new irer chaodlse Is constantly appearing at Pllcbers. You may always depend on it Pitchers alway display the very lateat styles and creations la wearing apparel. K; .11. L. Connelly Motor Co. house at daybreak EK M"I PflHnn V 21S-ACItE" DAIRY ' RANCH Sold! Examination sho . I. mLiCUUUn gi nnilt)r ,he hammer. Located . II"' "'"'"'h "1 Real Estate Co. Firtt Stats and Savings Dank Vl Building. Phene 124 J jjj hrOT''l Bon B. Irving, B.S.C.E. ENGINEER & SURVEYOR Registered Professional 1 Engineer Surveys. Estlniiles and rians UoukIus Alistrnct llldg. Phone-7 mile from Pacific highway on good gravel road, near school, drily mall, 12 miles from good town. 70 acres high grade bot tom land, between 40 and 60 acres In -cultivation,' balance easily cleared. This land Is suit able for nlfaifn, corn ; and pota- toes, as well as other crops. lot) . (AaneUtnl Pnm Ltsml Wire ) , DOWACIAC. Mlrh.. Feb. 4.-Thc spectn; of murder and suicide arose today froru, the ashes of the William Wilkinson farm home on Magician Lako, when officers found that the skulls of two of the five members of the family, who lost their lives had been crushed. The charred bodies of Wilkinson, Co, his if. CO, his son Floyd, 27, his unmarried daughter, Cilneth, 25, and the latter's three-duy-old baby. were taken from the ruluu of the house at daybreak, wed the skulls loyd had been crushed. The theory of the officers Is Hint the father, crazed by the birth of a gTil to his daughter, killed her and her brother, then Bit fire to tho dwelling. CASSPOLIS, Mich., Foh. 4. jFlve persons, all members of the acres pasture slightly rolling, (lealh paH toaay, wh,, flr of soma timber. New C-room bunga- undetermined origin destroyed low, large new barn, running the nome of William Wilkinson. tream through farm, water to .i.oro of Alaclclan Lake RoseLi'rp; Junk Co. 128 W. Washington We Buy All Kinds of Metal', Rags, Sacks, Paper, Wool and Hides. PHONE 1C2-J irrigate 70 acres. Price $5500, fl'O'jo cash, time on balance. This Is a bargain as the build iiiKii alone are worth Itimo. SEE W. A. IIOCARD, REAL ESTATE. OKAN'rt HOTEL IIUILDINO. Liberty Theatre WED., THUR. Matinee Each Day 2:15 near here. County officers were told that the father hud made veiled threats since the birth of a daughter's child. P. I m the rahy y4OILSKINS will keep you dry guaranteed . Dlvorca Gran tod ' A decre of divorce was handeil down yent-rdrty by Jmlp Ilumll I ton In the cane of Mary V. Loiift- hrake artalust (leorpe fc. IxnR-brake- ('mel and lnhtimnn tnat tnent was alh'Ked In the complaint. Attorney John T. Long appeared I for the plaintiff. if n Pi 1 Just Received 500 Yards J Fancy Percales Jut unpacked a now spring shipment of flno count percale In the very nt-went designs, inclmling Kngllth Print putierns. Fast K Colors. Kxcepcioual value at this price. NEW CURTAIN MATERIALS ; 25c to 39c yd. Dotted Swiss and Marquisette Curtaining In attractive dotted designs, also Nottingham and Kilet Nets In white or ecru. An exceptional offering of Ladies Underthings ;;49cto$1.25 FANCY VOILE CHEMISE $1.25 In the newest shades for sprlnjr, prettily trimmed with lace. Fine quality voile. Unusual valuti. LADIES' BLOOMERS 59c PAIR T'toomers, male of cotton chanmiese with nelf stripe. The favored yhadea are Itlue, Orchitl, White, Peach, Pink, Kxcep tionul value at this price. , . t CREPE GOWNS 49c An extraordinary offering. I.ndiea Crepe Gowns splendidly made in neat stvh-3 . Colors, IJtue, Orchid, White, Iloiieydew, Pink. Special Purchase 150 Pairs Ladies' ; Fibre Silk Hose Our buyers were fortun ate in securing a substan tial price concession on these hose from a leading jobber and we are pass ing this saving on to our customers. Five of the most popular shades are here including, Sunset, Black, French Nude, Tan bark. Semi - fashioned with ,. slender ankle and foot, also having a garter run-stop feature. An ex ceptionally high grade hose, which you would expect 'to pay consider ably more for. Wonder ful value,' at PilcHer's low price. K-A-FIICHERrCO INCORPORATED DANCE REOPENING DANCE OLALLA HALL SATURDAY NITE February 6 Department Stores- 245 N. Jackson St., Roscburg, Oregon. WHERE QUALITY MEETS CONFIDENCE Lylo E. Mars ten and John Hhor. who have been on a business trip to San Joe and southern Califor nia points for the past week, have 1 returned home. The trip was made ' by auto. Dr. H. C. Church OPTOMITRI8T Perkins Bldg. Hoseburg, Or shM, as n ATM k WITH Kathleen Key AND BIO. CAST A story that Will mrke cold blood run warm, that will stand as a monument of endnring love that will you must see "A Lover's Hath." ' Oregonian, Fib'.cs, Topics 10c . 25c Coming Fridi y & Saturday " LEFTY FLYNN ,: "Smilin' at Trouble" Mrs. Geo. Berry j at the Organ i "Oruglets Health Center" Dr. Harrison Fo'k Dr. Catherine McNeil Chlroprac'lc and Electro Therapy Thompson Mineral Vapor Tlatha S?7 W Ca.s t' 41 DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Spoclallst In the flttii.g of Glass ea tit Jacksoo 8L Road raffle h.H-omis heavier every vesr and the chances of loss and expense are corres pondingly great. Yon are a careful driver- but there nre many drivers less careful. And the most expert of us suine rtmes niiFc.ileulate dlstanees or get In a Jam. lHtn't chnnies on a total loss or a hie hill of repairs. Insure Your Car Now. Dr. Rutiert A. Moon I iMtro-Chtropraetor and Bplna Specialist tot Perkins Dld(. Phone 164 The Pioneer Chiropractor OR. M. H. PLVLF-R Phone ir2 Ijine and Rose Sis. When Is Chiropractic Necessary? When a maximum of Uood Health Is desired. Don't wait till an Invalid to get acquainted. Learn now. Chiroprsetle Quells Ills. Cottage Prayer Meetings i Will be held from :S0 In 10:00 oVlock Tuesday. Wednesday, ! Thursday and Friday mornings of ,each week during the I UNION REVIVAL I SERVICES N'ow going on at the Armory In , Roscburg under the leadership of ; Rev. Harry O. Anderson ! Everyone Interested In the success I of this revival, Is urged to attend ' at the place most convenient. Following Is a list of the meeting places for FRIDAY, FEBRUARY S Mrs. l It. Wlrkham. To2 8. Mill St. Mrs. I vii ittuKK. -' Chadwlck ; Ktreet. , Mrs. ('has. Neal, E. DniiKlaa St. Mrs. Ilvron Unities f,iti W. (Ink St. Mrs. John Metianghey, 842 Hoover I Htn-et. ,virs. nntnii, Harrison Mtreet, i Mrs. Ilexstt I Mrs. Wm. T. Mrs. E. A. Walker, 2: ! Mrs. J. F. Mllard, Mrs, tleo. Crenshaw, rt Main St. Mrs. O. J. Hand, il.tti E. Sixth St. Mrs. A. J (leddea, U'L't N. Jackson H Mrs. C. W, IhiylH, 1247 W. 2nd SL S . Mrs. Wm. Fisher, 225 Winchester 3 Street. 2 Mrs. Homer Palm, Regard Addition M 'Mrs. Hodges, Military Are." I W.WK'MIIII'K'X:.' DR. NERBAS DENTIST Painless Extraction Cas When Desired Pyorrhea Cured atS0a:c It II1! csrsr't.jft I'IW'KOWroW'W'K'K ' Phore 4, Masonic BHt. g (ROBERT J. CRAIG I Home Builder - E Route 1, Box 8 Roteburg, Ore. H I uxwiiVBi, ii pin ! '.rr'BTjua m (?) S Spirclla Corsetiere - Hor demonstrations of corsets girdles, etc., in your home, call I'none i,u-r. MRS. C. R. CAVENDER Last Time Tonight RICIT n, Harrison roreet, g trom, 647 Stephens St Sj Tidier. 60S Cohh St. , f x-o i errace Ave. gj 12" Kane St. S DANCE AT LONG'S HALL Cole Valley Saturday, February 6th Music By 8UTHERLIN ORCHESTRA Music from I to 12 PoorOld Solps.GrinMmllcre If your chocs ffct into the hole-in-ons club, bring them to us. We'll put them back in the class of ordinary mortal with lots of wear left. We "re the original shoe doctors. Roscbnrj Hooteric IRVIN BRUNN Shoes That Satisfy and FN Your Feet f Perkins Bldg.. Rnib0 IRENE aJ0ST m Prudence Is a Virtue The man who systematically saves and deposits his savings In the Rose-burg National Rank Is a prudent man. Re a pradent man. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Account. TheRosebmg National Bank Rosebur.Ore. SIS a II ASSISTANT jCDACH! IS BiEIAIG GUARDED (AMoeLattd 1'rrn LeMed Wire.) EUGENE. Ore., Feb. 4. Captain Bob Mautz, of last j-ear's varsity football team of the University of Oregon has been aelocted as as sistant coach of football during the spring training season. His selec tion was endorsed by the. Univer sity athletic officials yesterday. Mautz will coach during the spring training period only, accord ing to the understanding. A little later, Captain John J. McEwan. new head coach, will have bis list of assistants cdmpleted. (AwncUtrd 1'roa Le-urd Win.) LEOMINSTER, Mass., Feb. 4. A policeman today stood guard at the desk of Dr. Charles E. Hi gelow, widely known In this sec tion for his charity, because of the discoery that the desk con tained $3,000 In cosh and unde posited checks. Mr. ltigelow died Monday. Yes terday his attorney opened the desk. Many of the checks, made out by patients, wcrs dated sev- i eral years ago. Tho physician bad the reputa tion of never sending a bill. ANTLERS THEATRE Wednesday Night, Feb. 10 IfiVOMTE ftKESUER'S 60R9E0US OROOUCTtON 0 SPiUACLQTBtQUTV-FUN and FASHION I mm v; A .i m 'X. - 'P-" jtB-: I BOOKLVRICS orw MUSIC CUAS.6E0R6E CompowroF MI,ISTEN TO ME" 60 EflSV MABEL" " - JT (-.S with Vl - tf t RAnDAnA heDollcFiheStofa' V'- EISUT .s , (. ? arum rcn Corps oEBfiiiT SCORES oF NOVELTIES if 1 MftNV - K'l SONQ . I PRICES: Tax -Included Mail Orders Now Entire Lower Floor $2.23, First Two Rows Balcony $1.65, Next Four Rows $1.10, Balance 83c. Seat Sale Monday, February 8th, 10 A. M. at Antlers. ! ANTLERS LAST TIME TONITE C-r--j7?sfs1 i ! ; f n n rtffRas3" Jt 1 ILia Liy&yiG Feature Comedy 10c NEWS 2Clc Friday, "WILD WEST STARTS FRIDAY" REX BEACH'S GOOSE WOMAN" j The story of an Indian's love for white girl end of hi sublime sacrifice in her be half A picture at once thrilling, appealing and de- i lightful.