Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 30, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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a? a m mo -v m t. m saaaeaw' --
saving c
ibtitionWUhout Watte
Store No. 255 115 So. Stephen St Roseburg, Ore. Phone 230
It it often possible to save a tidy bit of the weekly or month
ly food allowance. Many women do it. Some of the most
successful of these have told us that their best plan is to map
out each meal for several days in advance. By this method
they know exactly what their wants are going to be over a
considerable period of time. They watch our ads closely
shop in person and each week or month find themselves '
with a nice little sum of money saved, to be used for other
purposes or banked as they see fit. It is a plan that
Skaggs Stores recommend.
X 5iiSiL.
These Prices in Effect Thursday and Saturday.
ONIONS Firm, Oregon grown
9 lbs
LETTUCE Crisp and firm.
' 2 heads
CRANBERRIES Fresh stock.
3 lbs. ........ - .
49 c
PRUNES Large Italian '
3 lb .
10 lbs. r
PRUNES Sweet Ore. Petites
3 lbs
10 lbs. ................ ......
BEANS Large White Navy.
6 lbs.
. 85c
FLOUR, BIG K Finest all purpose hard
wheat. It has no equal every sack
49 lb. sack .U . $2.33
I bbl. (4 sacks) $9.15
SUGAR Pure Cane.
2 5 -lb; cloth bag
Si. 59
3 lbs
BROOMS Our regular 69c
grade ,
Med. weight, 3 pair
TOILET TISSUE 1000 Sheets )
6 rolls ffjC
15.U0 Orders Delivered Free In City Sn
SOAP P. & G. White Naptha
Large bars, 10 for 43c
Case of 100 bars .4.1S
SOAP CHIPS Swift Quick
Naptha, 2 Lg. Pkgs
3 cans
41b. Pkg.
Roseburg's new ballroom, The
Oriental Gardens, will open Wed
nesday, Jan. 6. Be there.
From Ten Mile
John Stanley and son, Orln, of
Ten Mile, spent yesterday In this
city attending to business affairs
and trading.
From Glide
Mr.eand Mrs. John Casebeer and
sons, George and Robert, of Glide,
spent yesterday afternoon here vis
iting and on business.!
From Oakland
Mrs. T. B. Garrison, of Oakland,
spent yesterday afternoon visiting
with friends and shopping in this
From Melrose
Ernest Johnson, Melrose rancher,
spent several hours in Roieburg
yesterday attending to business af
fairs and trading.
Visitor In Town
Among those from the rural dis
trict to spend yesterday afternoon
here transacting business was Carl
Johnson, of Melrose.
4 lb. Pail
LARD Swift's Pure Silverleaf
4 lb. Pail ......
8 lb. Pail
CORN Standard Grade,
No. 2 Tins. 2 for
40 c
TOMATOES Standard Crade.
Lee. No. 2 J Tins. 3 for .
Case. 24 Tin . $3.05
ISLAND BRAND Solid Pack Tomatoes.
6 Lg- 21 Tina $1.00
Case. 24 Tins $3.85
PEAS Standard Small and Sweet
3 cans .... .
COLLEGE INN SOUPS Are richer and
better. Vegetable, Cream of Tomato,
Chicken Broth with Rice, Chicken
Noodle, and Cream of Chicken. OCfl
2 large tins ! aWb
aller Orders 10c; Sack 8ugar Excepted
Pruning Time
Shears and Clippers
Phone 25
A Bargain on a Zenith Electric Washing Machine
The Donirlas County Concert
Band is preparing for a concert to
be glren at Oakland on the Slh. The
band has been endeavoring for
some time to find an open date for
such an entertainment and believe
that this time they will be able to
make all arrangements. Special
features will be the solos with band
accompaniment by Mrs. Frod li.
Strang, and the demonstration of
the Charleston by Miss Peggy Con
lee, local dancing instructor.
Arundel, piano tuner. TTmne W-T
Studebaker bunas no yeaxtj
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 30. Aid
ed by recent blizzards and cold
waves throughout the east, the lo
cal potato market Is slowly coming
to life, after lying dormant for the
pact month. "
While no actual advance in
prices is shown, the market has a
strong undertone and dealers are
again taking an Interest In the sit
uation. Stocks In cold and dry
storage are heavy on the coast
with most of the Jobbers heavily
Todav there Is some outside In
quiry for the first time In weeks
and dealers are looking forward to
a higher market In the not distant
Wholesale price along the street
range around the $4 top on fancy
Netted Gems and as high as (3.50
for U. S. No. 1 grade Burbanks.
Buying prices In the country are
approximately 11.75 for No. 1 Bur
banks, sacks furnished.
CHICAGO, Dec. 30. Every man,
woman and child in the United
States Is short about one bushel of
the allowance of potatoes, it was
officially disclosed today. How
ever, new potatoes from Texas are
beginning to arrive and should
help somewhat to relieve the semi
famine. According to a report from the
government bureau of agriculture
i economics, this year's crop Is equal
I In only 2 8 bushels per capita for
! the entire population against 3.75
'bushels In 1924.
Enjoy the Winter Days
Fix up the Fireplace with a set of our
The whole family will enjoy the comfort and
pleasure of the conveniences that add so much to
the coziness of the home.
See Our Window Display
The Iron Mongers
William and Jess Wiles of Oak
land who were arrested a few days
ago charged with turkey thefts, to
day waived examination, following
their appearance before Justice of
he Peace George Jones, and were
bound over to the grand jury.
Bonds were fixed in the sum of
$600 each.
Cook with gsa.
Mrs. Dick In
Mrs. W. R. Dick, of Camas Val
ley, spent several hours here yes
terday shopping, returning to her
home In the afternoon.
Zwlohts Visit
. Mr. and Mrs. NT. D. Z wight. Glen
dale residents, spent several hours
here yesterday attending to busl
nesa affairs and shopping.
Hear the best dance music Rose
burg has ever had at the opening
of she Oriental Gardens Wednes
day. Jan. 6. Seven musicians who
will make you want to dance.
From Myrtle Creek
W. E. Watklns, of Myrtle Creek
resident, was a visitor In this city
yesterday, spending several hours
transacting business.
'Returns From San Francisco
George Barbour, who has been
attending to business matters in
San Francisco during the past two
weeks, has returned to Roreburg.
VI'tor From Sutherlln
W. D. Valentine, manager of the
Douglas Park Stock Farm, of
Sutherlln, was a visitor in this city
yesterday afternoon, and transact
ed business.
Mrs. Conklln Visits
Mrs. Jsmes Conklln, of Rice
Hill, spent a few hours in Roseburg
vesterday visiting with friends and
shopping, returning home in the afternoon.
From Millwood
A. M. Mathews and daughter re
turned to their home at Millwood
yewterday afternoon after transact
ing business and shopping here for
a few hours.
Returns To Portland
Mrs. Beulah Mctford-Bovlngton.
who has been the "house guest of
Mrs. E. B. Stewart for a few days,
has returned to her home in Portland.
Leave for Portland
Mr. and Mrs- O. T. Bolter, Miss
Phyllis Ann Bolter, and Miss Eliza
beth Williams, have gone to Port
land to spend several days visiting.
Miss Williams will be the guest of
relatives over New Years.
Visitor From Glide
Miss Florence Casebeer. a stu
dent at the Oregon normal school,
who is visiting relatives at Glide
over the holidays, was a Roseburg
visMor yesterday, spending the af
ternoon here vlaltlng. Miss Case
beer will return to Monmouth
Joe Nelson and Elmer Shirley,
who are held in the county jail on
a charge of possession of a still,
have not yet been arraigned. They
have employed an attorney and
are preparing to offer a defense, i
As the crime with which they are j
charged is a felony they will have
lo go neiore uie grana jury 11 mii
flcrent evidence Is shown to war
rant holding them. They have the
right to demand a preliminary hear
ing and will probably do so.
Return To Washington-
Mrs. Chamberlain, and son, Bert
Chamberlain, who have been
spending the past several months
at Looking Glass, with another
son, Robert Chamberlain, have
returned to their home at Clarks-
ton, Washington. Mrs. Chamber
lain came to this part of Oregon
In hopes of benefiting her health,
but as she seems unimproved, re
turned to Washington.
Beat with gas.
PORTLAND, Ore.. Dec. 30 Farl
F. Lathrop and Howard B. Reese,
now doing time In the state peni
tentiary for forgery, have turned
Inventors, according to a letter
they sent to Circuit Judge Ross
msn. Writing under a typewritten let
terhead. "Lathrop and Reese.
Inc.." the two men said they find
perfected a form of bank check
that could not be forged or altered.
They ststed In the letter that they
I committed tjielr crimes for the
purpose of obtaining exnerlenre
that would assist them In their Indention.-
and that now that they
had reached the desired goal they
were through with crime for good.
Lathrop. alias Ernest Gordon, Is
serving a five yesr sentence, snd
Reese, alias T. H. 8mlth, Is S"rv
:lng one year.
Heat with gaa.
Bend a eopr of the News-Review
jKew fear edition to your eastern
j friends. Ten cents copy
I wrapped, ready to malL
To Curo a
Cold Ow
m I
One fMJ j
Bromg I
The tonic and laxative
effect of Laxative BROMO
QUININE Tablets will for
tify the system againstGrip,
Influenza and other serious
ills resulting from a Cold,
The box bears this signature
Price 30a
Enter Hospital
Mrs. B. Horn, of Glendale, was
admitted to Mercy hoi-prial ier
day to undergo treatment.
Visits Friends
Mrs. J. DeBernardl of Idleyld,
spent a few hours In this city vis
iting wltb friends and shopping.
Returns To Idaho
11. Gladen, who was called here
on account of the death of bis
father, left last evening for his
home at Lewlston. Idaho. .
Mrs. Cook Visits
Mrs. H. O. Cook, of Yoncalla,
spent a few hours here yesterday
shopping and visiting, returning
home In the afternoon.
From Wilbur
Wra. Sagaberd, Wilbur resident,
was among the visitors in this city
yesterday, sepndlng tbe afternoon
transacting business.
Visitor Yesterday
Mrs. J. W. Bass of Melrose,
spent a few hours In this city yes
terday shopping and attending to
business matters.
Kn route To Hacramento
V. J. Mitchell, of Marshfleld.
spent yesterday In this city visit
ing, berore leaving in the even
ing for Sacramento to spend the
holidays wltb relatives, .
Tenailectomles at Hospital
Albert ana Mildred sinecal, of
this city, and Esther and Margaret
Brown, daughters of Wilfred
Brown of Camas Valley, underwent
tonsil operations at Mercy hospital
J. M. Meyers Here
J. M.' Meyers, who has been su
pervising the work on the North
Umpqua road. Is in Roseburg a day
or so on business and finishing af
fairs In connection with the com
pletion of (he road work.
Visiting TUnger Hermann
T. Manuel Hermann of Myrtle
Point is spending a few days vla
ltlng with bis brother, Hon Blnger
Hermann, me latter nas been
quite ill for several months and
his friends will be glad to know
that his condition Is showing some
Return to Montana-
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Whipple and
Miss Thelma Whipple, who have
been visiting relatives and friends
here have left for their home In
Fishdale, Montana. Miss Whipple
is a student at the University of
From Glide -
J. F. Conine, who Is visiting at
Glide with i relatives and friends
I was a visitor in this city yester
day. Mr. Conine recently came
from Corvallls to spend the boll
days with relatives at Glide, and
has also been visiting old friends
in this city.
Return To Corvallls
Loren Brltt and grandfather,
J. F. Conine, who have been vis
iting their brother and grandson,
Herbert Brltt, and wltb other re
latives and friends here, left to
day for Corvallls. Loren Brltt Is
a student at O. A. C, and is a
former resident or this city. -
Booths Leave for California
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Booth and
son, Edwin, have left for a motor
trip to points south. They will stop
over In California points, and will
probably go as far as Phoenix,
Art tons. They expect to be gone
about a month or six weeks.
The finest ballroom In Southern
Oregon. The Oriental Gardens, will
open Wednesday, Jan. 6. Thou
sands of dollars spent to make this
bell mm please you. Tbe orches
tra Is the best ever and we're here
to stay.
Glide Visitors
Miss I .111 le De Bernardl, student
at the IT. of O., who Is spending
the holidays at her home at Glide,
was a visitor In Roseburg yester
dav, accompanied by her guests.
Miss Margsret McDonald and Mlas
Alene Campbell, alo students at
the university. Virgil De Bern
ard! and Mrs. Joseph De Bernardl,
of Glide, were also In the party
of visitors.
Leaving Friday
Mrs. T. W. Graham, who has
been visiting her mother. Mrs. J J
c. ruiierton over tne ennstmas
holiday, will leave for her home at
Oberlln. Ohio. Friday. Mr. Graham
who also visited at the Fullerton
home at Christmas time, left for
San Francisco last week, and will
be met there by Mrs. Graham, and
the two will continue on their
homeward journey.
Dances At Sutherlln Hotel
A series of Friday night dances
will be held during winter and
spring at the Hotel flntherlin, at
Sutherlln. beglnlng New Year's
night. B. Schmid, manager of
that popular hostelry, wss In
Roseburg yesterday distributing
sdvertlslng matter fr the open
ing ball. He stated that the
dance floor in the hotel had been
newly asnded and wsxed and that
a fine orchestra had beea engag
ed for the season. Light lunches
will he served in connection with
the dance.
From Illinois
Mrs. F. E. Flnley and daughter,
Mrs. C. K. Stewart, of Elgin and
Chicago. III., spent yesterdsy visit
ing In this city, before continuing
on their way to Ashland this morn
ing. Thev stste that they are de
lighted with Roseburg and like the
climatic conditions, saying that
they are much milder than at their
home. They spent yesterdsy view
ing the city, lesvlng for the south
this morning. They will visit rela
tive! at Ashland, going from there
to Los Angeles to spend the winter.
But for someone who recog-
nlsea a real opportunity this
Is directed. .
proper soil la far more profit- .
able and safer than broccoli
and most other crops grown
in this part of the state.
It will not freeie out. It Is
O not perishable. It Is a peren-
nial crop. Production costs
4 are low. Transportation costs 4
are negligible. The average
market price assures a good
profit and the market la get-
4 ting larger and better.
I have the plants and the
land, but neither are for sale.
4 I want someone who . will
furnish the cash or labor nee-
essary to put out FIFTY
acres by March 1st, under my
4 direction, and share In the 4
Address Post Office Box
Misa Irving Visits
Miss Jane Irving of Wilbur,
spent a few hours here today visit
ing with friends and shopping.
Eat barbecue aandwlches and
live forever.
In Yesterday -
R. R. Davidson, Dlllard rancher,
was a visitor In this city yesterday,
transacting business for several
Enters Hospital
Herman Bentow, of Winchester,
was admitted to Mercy hospital
this morning to undergo treat
menL Here Yesterday
Mrs. J. A. Smith of Sutherlln,
spent yesterday afternoon In Rose
burg, visiting with friends and on
Undergoing Treatment
A. W. Blanchard is undergoing
treatment at Mercy hospital. Mr.
Blanchard la reported to be Im
proving In health.
Leaves far Portland
Mrs. M. E. Kidder of this city,
left this morning for Portland,
where she will enjoy a visit with
her daughter, Mrs. McDanlels.
From Wilbur
Mrs. O. E. Ferguson, of Wilbur,
spent several hours here today
shopping and on business. She re
turned home this afternoon
Is Convalescing
Lento Burroughs, who has been
receiving treatment at Mercy hos
pital Is now convalescing and re
ported to be somewhat Improved.
Happy New Year!
To our friends and patrons we wish a most Pros-. Jj -perous
and Happy New Year. Our one resolution K -
is that we may be able to serve our patrons better fi z""
in 1 926 than ever before. f .
Cm. M 1 til r r J. A
uiurc viuscu i-ui fcsay i riuay. T.
New Years Day 5
Fresh Sweet Oleo, lb ;..........:.T.........27c T"
Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, No. 10 pail JI.95 S
Local Lard, 9 lbs. net $1.95 ?
Tall Milk, all kinds, can 10c, case $4.75
Small Milk, all kinds, can 5c B
Oranges, small, Thursday only, dozen 10c 8 '
Oranges, medium, dozen 33c .J"'
Oranges, large size, dozen 45c A ""
Bananas, fancy ripe fruit, 2 lbs 25c j
Lettuce, solid, head 10c 5'-.""
spuds (.:::.
Fancy Netted Gems, 100 lbs $3.45
Fancv Burbanks, 100 lbs $3.25 8 -
Good Burbanks, 100 lbs. $2.95
Bacon, medium, fancy, lb ... 35c B.
Picnics, fancy, lb 25c a,,i,-
Dry Salt Pork, eastern, lb 27c f .
Hams, "extra special," lb 29c A,.
$5.00 order delivered free. p
11 West w"0 Oration 8
C... Street jT .VL A 8 -7
Roseburg, Ore. J7 f California 8 " '.
Dr. Richmond Burge. well known
psychoanalyst. Is at present con
ducting a series of classes In this
city and Is also presenting a num
ber of Interesting human nature
chats to the readers of the Rose
burg News-Review. Dr. Burge Is a
graduate of the London and Dur
ham universities In England and
has been doing psychoanalysis
work for a great many years In
this country. Many prominent lo
cal people are numbered In his
classes and all are high In ttralr
praise of his work. He will rtv"
msln here for several weeks yet
and continue bis class work.
The Tnnvln a ntottim 'U,.. . '
rLife," will be shown at the Metho-
uimi cnurcn new years Eve, at
7:30 and 9:30. o'clock, nalnr'im -free.
. -
Miss Cobb H
Miss Rita Cobb of Portland, a
former resident of this city, and
well known here, Is visiting here
as tne house guest of Mr. and Mrs.
F. A.Vlemens. While here Miss
Cobb will visit a number of old
Portland Man and Family Visit-
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Vincent, of;
Portland, atonned over here tndAv.
on their way to Southern Callfor-1
nla, and visited Dr. and Mrs. H. C. I
Church. Mr. Vincent is vlce-presl-i
dent snd manairer of the Pnrtlnml '
Trust company. ,
Property Traded
The H. E. Snider property on
South street has been traded to T.
J. Williams for property on Ella
street, the value of the lands In
cluded In the transaction being ap
proximately S3.S00. The deal was
made by Charles Kyes.
Mlae Jacob Goes te Eugene
Miss Crystal Jacobs, commercial :
teacher In the Roseburg high 1
school, left yesterday for Eugene, j
where she will, visit friends for a
few days, and will later go on to
Portland for the remainder of tbe
holiday vacation.
t E I
Change of Schedule
; Effective; 1
January 1, 1926
Stages Leave
7:00-11:00 A.M.
1:204:50 P. M.
Open New Store
A new grocery (tore will be open
ed In the Al Creason new block at
the triangle of Jackson and Win
chester streets, North Roseburg, by
C. T. Bennett, Thursday, Dec. 31.
Some months ago Mr. Bennett's
stock, la the old frame structure
that stood there, was burned, and
be has been anxiously awaiting
the completion of the fine new con
crete structure so that be could
reopen. The stock Is -entirely
fresh, and the Interior of the store WWIMMMMMIOMMIMMI
Is being attractively arranged to-
day In order to facilitate trade. ,
The business will be operated on a ;
Bincuy casn oasis, ana Air. lien- g
nett believes thst Roseburg will M
eiieau 10 min ine same line pa-
tronage Be enjoyed before the
Travel To
ALL OUT OF SORTS?! Lo3 Ances and Wa Pointa
Se Wae This Ressburg Woman
Whs Tell Her Experience.
All too often women accept
their pals and eche a natural
to their sex. They fall to realise
that weak kidneys are often to
blame for that backache, those
head aches, dutiy spells and that
tired, depressed feeling. Thoue
aaa hat found new health and
strength by helping the weakened
kidney wtth Doan's Pills a Itlm-
ulant diuretic. This Roseburg
oaae la one of many:
Mr. E. A. Matthews, 80S Short
BL, says: "My kidney were out
of order snd acted Irregularly. I
also had severe backaches. Head
aches war frequent; I became
run down and all out of aorta.
Doan'i Pills from Fullerton's Drug
Store soon rid me of the aches
ad the other signs of kidney dis
order disappeared."
Price '. at nil Jealers. Don't
simply ask for kidney remedy
get Doaa'a Puis the ssme that
Mr. Matthew had. foster-Mil-bom
Co., Mtr., Buffalo, N. Y.
Two Schedules Daily Leaving
Terminal Hotel 7 A. M. and 3:35 P. M.
One Way Fare to S. F . $14.75
Round Trip Fare to S. F
One Way Fare to L. A ..
Round Trip Fare to L. A
Two Days to San Francisco and Three Days to
Los Angeles by Pickwick Stage
Terminal Hotel.
Phone 586, Roseburg, Ore., for Information