ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1925. Enjoy the Winter Days ' Fix up the Fireplace with a set of our ' PLEASING FIXTURES The whole family will enjoy the comfort and pleasure of the convenience that add so much to the coziness of the home. See Our Window Display CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Iron Monger AROUND THE COUNTY TEN MILH AND VICINITY. Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Tyler have returned from Bandon, Ore., where they vlalted friends. They report a fine time Mrs. McOuIre and (on Loo Short were Roseburg visitors on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rice and family left Thursday morning for Forest Grove to spend Christmas with relatives. They went by auto. Ivan and Melvin Swift have re turned from Monroe, Ore., where they have been spending a short time with their sister, Mrs. Tom Hughes. . . The Ten Mile School gave an entertainment and Christmas tree t the Ten Mile church Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Bushnell of Dillard and Mrs. MrParland of lanby, Oregon, were Ten Mile LOCAL NEWS Visiting Friends ! Mlsa Helen Russell of Eugene, Is visiting with relatives and friends in this city. Miss Russell formerly resided here. Bova Hold Meeting The Outdoor Boys, an organisa tion similar to the Boy Scouts but composed of younger boys, met at the armory today. They are pre paring to elect officers at the first meeting next year. : 1 To Arrive1 From Aberdeen Craig Marsters, the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Marsters of this city. Is expected to arrive here to- porrow from Aberdeen, Washing- bn, and will remain here over Sew Years to visit Manaaer Plleher 8toro Leaves H. K. Dorr, manager of the R. A. fllcber store in this city, left this horning for Portland, from where In will go to New York City to at- rnd a buying convention of the R. Plleher company. On his way home he will stop over In St Louis. Mr. Dorr plans to be gone about month. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Leaving Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wilson, resi dents of this city for a number of years, leave tomorrow evening for Lowell, Oregon, where they expect to locate. Mr. Wilson, an employe of the Southern Pacific company, has been transferred to Lowell as agent They will move their house hold effects tomorrow. School Children's Clothes Cleaning Week? Bring this coupon and get all GRADE children's clothing . cleaned this week at HALF Name .... Address . Yours for a healthful New Year. IMPERIAL CLEANERS 'ome Women Walk Thirty to Forty Miles a Year for Groceries Do You? f you are walking to the store for your groceries and logging hem home In a basket several times a week, stop right now snd figure bow many miles you cover In a year. How far Is the store from your home and bow often do yon walk there and back. Estimate the distance yourself. We don't ak you to walk 10 or 40 milea a year to get your groceries, when you can telephone your orders and have them delivered to your home without extra charge. ECONOMY GROCERY O. U JOHNSON bene SI The Store That Serves Does the Wet Weather Bring on Your Rheumatism? IF SO. THEN TRY Marcell's Miracle Itinera! .It Cast Be "Beat 1 Lefme'tell you about' it Fred Fomerleau Phone visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Olllvant and children visited at the M. L. Buah nell home Sunday. Mrs. Fred Byron received the sad news of the death cf her sis ter. Mrs. Lizzie Hawkins, at Cen tral ia. Wash., a few days ago. Mrs. Byron has the sympathy of a host of friends. Mr. Corn. Hlggtns and 'Wini fred and Lyle Swift, who are em ployed at Marshfield, are at Ten Mile for the holidays. Mr. M. L. Bushnell, who has been in poor health for the past year, is not Improving, as his friends would wish to see. Mr. and Mrs. Cabot are spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Moss at Ten Mile. Mrs. Cabot Is teach ing the Reaton school. Coyotes are giving the sheep men considerable trouble. They have succeeded in killing several but there seems to be plenty more. XX. Visit In City Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Robinson, Mrs. H. V. Robinson, and two child ren, of Seattle, atopped over here yesterday and visited. Mr. Robin son, formerly of Robinson-Smith company. Ford dealers of Portland, Is now of the Robinson Motor com pany. In the Washington city. They are enroute to southern California points, stopping In San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Long Beach. While in Roseburg they were guests of the Umpqua hotel. GRITS PASS JAIL : DIG SELVES OUT (AmocMri Prat Leued Win.) GRANTS PASS. Ore.. Deo. 28. Two prisoners, Lewis Carlysle and J. M. Darling, held In the county Jail here for appearance before the grand Jury, escaped some time yes terday afternoon through a hole thev dug In the wall of their cell. Sheriff Hayes said the men dug their way out with a large screw driver and an Iron bar which he declared were passed to the prison ers from some one on the outside. Carlysle and Darling were the only Inmates of the Jail at the time of the break. Carlysle has been held since De cember 9 on a burglary charge, Darling since last September on a forgerr charge. . . J L-J PRICE You test. U N. Jackson St SSSJ SOS E. Douglas LOCAL Mlsa Ralbel Miss lone Relbel. bf Portland. Is visiting with relaivea and friends here for a few days. Visitor From Corvallis Mr. Conine, of Corvallis, la spend ing few days In this city visiting with old friends sod relatives. Orate Visit Saturday Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Grae, of Wil bur, spent Saturday afternoon visit. Ing with friends and trading In this city. . - V . Visitor Saturday P. Sinclair, of Garden Valley, spent several hours In this city vis iting and attending to business af fairs. In Saturday Fred Parrott of Garden Valley, spent several hours In Roseburg Saturday transacting business and trading. Miss Beulah Parker, of Wilbur, visited with friends and spent Sat urday afternoon in this city shop ping. From Riddle Mrs. Rov Walker returned to her home at Riddle Saturday after noon after shopping and visiting here during the day. Visits With Friends Miss Elra Wescott of Drain, spent Saturday afternoon In tbla city visiting with friends and shop ping. From Peel Among the out of town visitors in Roseburg Saturday transacting business and trading waa H. L. Engles, of PeeL From Brock way Mrs. M. L. Bushnell, of Brock way, spent Saturday afternoon In this city visiting with friends and shopping. From Reedsport L. C. Anderson, of Reedsport. spent Saturday in Roseburg look ing after business Interests and visiting with friends. Mr. Leatherwood In Among those from the rural dis tricts to transact business for a few hours here Saturday, was W. W. Leatherwood, of Garden Valley. Guests st Wampole Home Mr. and Mrs. O. Oleson and Miss Frances Marshall, of Glendale, have been the holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wampole In this city. . Guests Over Holidays- Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cool, of Drain, have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wam pole over the Christmas holiday. From Glendale ' Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wilson, resi dents of Glendale, spent Saturday afternoon in this city visiting with friends and attending to business affairs. Return Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Roach, of Cotage Grove, have been the holt day guests of Mrs. B. F. Shields and Mrs. Charles Dunham. They returned to their home Sunday. Shoemakers Visit Mr. snd Mis. Carl D. Shoemaker have returned to their home In Portland after spending the holi day here as guests of Dr. and Mrs. B. R. Shoemaker. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Casebeer and family have returned to their home at Glide after visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. E. McLaughlin on Christmas. Guests at Riddls Home Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Ztgler and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rid dle and children, all of Portland, are visiting over the holidays at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Riddle. Leaves for Klamath Falls- Mrs. Bayliss Buck and children, of this city, left the latter part of the week for Klamath Falls to visit over the holidays with Mr. Buck, who is employed In the southern Oregon city. Raspberries Growing Mrs. Earl Vosburgh, residing on Fullerton street of this city, brought to this office Saturday two branches of raspberries which shej picked In her yard. Many flow ers are also blooming, owing to the mild weather this month. Here from Idaho Roy Kelly, former resident of krapth Deer Creek, has arrived rom Idaho to be with his father, Mr. Kelly, who rr sides near the fair grounds. Mr. Keif, senior, has been quite III with Influenza, but Is now reported to be Improving. Breaks Arm D. W. Rogers, of Albany, who visited here on Friday received a broken arm on Friday as the result of the Ford which be was crank ing, kicking back and causing the Injury. An X-ray was taken and the bone set at a local physician's office. Visit Over Holidays Mr. and Mr. D. F Wlllard. nf Timber, former residents of this elty. have been snendm the hol idays visiting Mr. Wlllard's parents at Riddle. Mrs. Wlllard waa s neat of Mrs. R. Hamburg Satur day. They left for their home st Timber Saturday night Former Residents Vlsltlns Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Knrllo and Mm. Kurilo's father. J. H. McKsv, a former resident of this cltv, are visiting for a few days at the homes of Mr. McKay's daughters, i Mrs. Georr Olllvant of Olalla, and Mrs. Wm. Pemberton. of this Hty. Mr. snd Mrs. Kurtlo and Mr. McKay are residents of Port- llaad. NEWS Returns Moms 'Mrs. Adele Nichols returned to her home at' Riddle Saturday night atfer visiting here with relatives over the Christmas holiday. Visit Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Short, of Dir.- onvllle, spent Saturday hi thla city attending to business affairs snd shopping. Chief Ketch Hone- Chief of Police I. 8. Ketch -has returned to Roseburg after spend ing the Christmas vacation In Al bany visiting with relatives. Return From Albany Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Butler re turned here Saturday evening from Albany, where they visltud with Mr. Butler's relativea over Christmas. Return From Holiday Trip Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hughes re turned to their home In Roseburg Saturday evening after visiting with relativea over the Christmas holiday In Eugene. To Visit Here- Mrs. James B. Hardy, of Seattle, arrived here Saturday night to be the house guest of Mrs. O. E. Hampson over New Years. She Is a niece of Mrs. Hampson. Return to Portland Miasses Rhea and Marguerite Sykes, who were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Sykes over Christmas, returned to their home In Portland Sunday. Calhouns Return Dr. snd Mrs. Ivan Calhoun of Tillamook returned to tbelr home Saturday after spending several daya with Dr. Calhoun's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Calhoun of Gar den Valley. Hotelman Here Mr. and Mrs. W. F. West, of Chehalis, Washington, were visi tors at the Umpqua Hotel last night. Mr. West is manager of the St. Helens Hotel at Chehalis. Mr. and Mrs. West are accom panied by Mrs. A. J. Mclntyre and Mr. II. 8. Smith, both of Che halis. They are on their way to California. Dddbe Hers From Brownsville Miss Gladys Fnge'r arrived from Brownsville Saturday night to spend a few daya visiting at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Eager. Arrive This Morning Mrs. O. R. Welch snd Mhut Marie Meade, of Portland, arrived this morning to spend a few daya visit ing, friends snd relativea In this city, Return ts Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Beatley, who have been visiting over ths holidays with Mrs. Bentley'a par enta, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruton, here, returned Saturday to their home In Eugene. Return to Oklahoma Mrs. D. H. Millard and baby, who have been visiting here over the bolidaya at the home of Mr. and Mra. J. W. McDade, returned Saturday evening to their boms la Guthrie, Oklahoma. Lesves For Msdford Loaa Wright who visited here with his parents, Mr. snd Mrs. J. Wendell Wright over Christmas, left Saturday for Medford to visit friends ejetore returning to Oak Ridge where he ia employed by the Southern Paciflo company. Hre From Sacramento Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hllllard and sons of Sacremento, are visiting with friends and relativea In Rose burg for a few days. Mra. Mil liard was formerly Miss Mabel Cle ments and was a resident or Rose burg for a number of years. Visits In City J. A. S. McConnell, of Cbltanaat. Alaska, visited Sunday with his sister, who resides near here. This Is the first time In seventeen years that Mr. McConnell has been out of Alaska, and be will continue southward for a visit before re turning home. Returns From Brownsville J. C. Houaeolder, who spent Christmas and the week end visit ing at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. Louis Howe in Brownsville, returned here this morning. Mrs. Houaeolder, who also has been spending Christmas with her daughter, went to Salem, where she will remain for the week visit ing relatives, returning to her home here the latter part of the week. 1J. O. sham e, Atty. Giles Here Attorney Claude B. Giles, of Coos Bay, la spending the day here at tending to legal matters and visit ing friends. To Visit H. Mr. and Mra. Coffel and two daughters. Miss Muriel Coffel and Mra. Smith, of Spokane, arrived this morning to be guests at the hone of B. A. WlUon for some tlms. To Glendale Gilbert Oleson snd little Fran ces June Marshall, who have been visiting relatives over (he holidays In this city, returned this morn ing to tbelr home at Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. Towers Return Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Towers re turned to this city Saturday eve ning after enjoying a visit with relatives and friends over Christ mss st Walla Walla, Washington, and other points. Return Prom Portland Mr. and Mra. R. R. Relf, who have been enjoying s visit with relatives and friends in Portland over Christmas and the week end, returned to their home In this city this morning. Returns ts San Francisco Mrs. Florence Hughes, who hss been visiting with, her parents. Mr. and Mm. A. C. McClellaa. and son, John Hughes over Christmas, left this afternoon on Shasta 11 for her home in San PranoUco. Visits H. J. R. Heekosw, of Ketchikan. Alaska, visited here with John Wynne, Sunday. Mr. Hecknaw is sn old friend of Mr. Wynne, both hsving resided In Alaska a number of years. Visit Here Today Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baldwin, of Powers, spent the day visiting and on business In this city. Mrs. Baldwin was a former resident of Canyopvllle, and la also known In this city, having visited here a number of. tmes.. From Myrtle Point Mr. and Mrs. t. L. Knight re turned today to their home In Myr tle Point after visiting here with Mr. Knight's father and attending to business matters for s abort time. Mr. Knight Is a well known stock dealer of Myrtle Point When Dodge Brothers startling new prices are made known on January 7th, the full amount of the reductions will be refunded immediately to all purchasers since midnight, December 15th. This means that you can buy your Dodge Brothers Motor Car today, enjoy its immediate use, and still benefit fully bf the savings yet to be announced. Dodge Brothers product today is better than ever before. Price reductions are made possible by the com pletion of a $10,000,000 expansion program that will practically double production. The savings effected through this enormous in crease in output are being passed directly on to the buyer in conformity with Dodge Brothers traditional policy. . V?jte.rcr. . Newland &gSon EROSEBURG, OREICaoS MJBTJQfi Marriage Lieenea I A marriage license was Issued today to Adrian J,. 8tandley and Vera Alice Parrott. both of Camas Valley. Hers Visiting Mr. S. Parker of Ashland. Is spending several daya in this city visiting at the home of bis daugh ter and with friends. , From Glide M. L. KlnneL Glide resident, la spending the day here visiting friends snd attending to business affairs. To California Miss Pauline Magnuson. of Powers, visited here a short time todsy before leaving on the morn ing train for Oakland, California, to visit. Larry Brown Here Larry Brown la vlsltlur here with friends today, enroute to bis home in California, from a trip to Portland and Seattle, where he visited over Christmas. Mrs. Davla Returns Mrs, Lillian B. Davis hss return ed to Roseburg after enjoying a visit with relativea and friends at Vancouver, Wash., over Christmas. Mrs. Davis formerly resided st Vsncouver. Christmas Tres Enjoyed The Salvation Army Christmas tree wss held st the hall on Satur day evening. There was an excel lent program In connection with the distribution of gifts. The lo cal corps distributed 23 baskets of food to needy families on Christ mas day. Aliens Return Home Dr. and Mrs. Clair K. Allen snd family, who have neen guests of Dr. Allen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Allen, ai Jefferson. Ore., over Christmas, have returned to their home in thla city. They were ac companied home by. Dr. Allen'a sisters, Missea Elsie and Marlon Allen, who will visit here with them over New Years. DR. NERBAS DENTIST Painless Extraction Gas When Desired Pyorrhea Cured Phone 488 Masonic Bldg. flOTM CARS EOAZ-7t J. O. New land, local IV J Brothers dealer, will leave for ; troit, January 1, to attend a aseei. Ing of all Dodge Brothers dealer - January S to S Inclusive. Jadgu i by ths recently announced retroae? tive price reduction, ths tea mil lion dollar expansion program foriaia greater production, and the effort being made to set a lot aer eaM- - sttendanos of dealers, Mr. Nrw- mnA klla th. Mu.ln m will aT most important ever called by ihs-UL factory. "The full-page announcement of a 'tremendous price redaction' that appeared In all ths leading papers of the country, wss ss as oca a sur prise to the dealers ss to the pb lic. as it wss the first Inkling of sn Intended move by Dodge Broth ers, aaid Mr. Newlaod. "After con sidering the usual conservatism.... that characterises their advertis ing I am going hack with great'' expectations to see what It la all about "Our allotment for Douglas eosn ty next year has been increased . more than SO per cent Proportion ate to the nonnlarioB of the flmmtv. wnue allotments in other sections havs been increased several times that amount together with heavier pressure being Brought oa las dealers to sell more cars. "I dont know what will he told us at Detroit but Dodge Brothers promise great things for their dealers hi the future, and that . means something. They always -look sf ter their dealers, as Is Indi cated by only one failure In 11 '" years snd (0 per cent of the deal-'" era remaining with ths orgaauur- " tlon through that period. Mo Urns will be lost on the trip, as a sps- ary 1, and Join others st Bt Paal, to arrive on the sixth, when the meeting will Immediately be cat.,... led." . . Visiting Mr. snd Mrs. H. C MoCtasker I and Miss Vera Tsleeiera. of Med-" ; ford, are spending several days I here as guests at ths home of Mr. i and Mrs. L. J. Boaser, Mra, Me Cluskey snd Miss Tslsafsra are Inlecea of Mrs. Houaer.