Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 26, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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Issued Osity tsoept Sunday fay Th Nsw-Hevleo CH
Ik Associate" f rM u exclusively nuue I tk use f npubu
attoa ot all aews dispatch credited to It or- not otherwise- credit"
la this paper and to oil local oowo published herein. AU nsjaia ol ror
publication oi speoial dlepe,tche herein oro oio reserved.
Presiueat and lluii
Jbuared a second das matter May 17, lio. at tk post offlc
aoseburg, Oregon, under the Act of March 1, 17.
Dally, pr year.
Daily, aiz months, by taali-
uattCHIr'I KIM. HAT a
by mall.
.14. (Kl
IMuy, Uiree mom ha, by. mail.
Daily, alucla moula, by mall.
Duly, by carrier, par muallu
Weeaiy News-Review, by moil, per year-
. -v
Advertising by mail might be called a kind of experi
'. mental laboratory in which the value of advertising is tested
! out. It would ol course cost the average retail business a
I great deal more to circularize a community, than to print its
message in the newspapers, but at least business people who
sell by mail learn what a very essential thing advertising is.
For instance, concerns that depend entirely on circulars sent
through the mail to sell their stuff, would usually say that
their business rose and fell to an amazing degree, according
to whether they sent out the circulars regularly or not. It
they sent out such circulars once in three months, they would
be likely to to find that the orders they received in the month
after circulars were sent out, would be five or ten times as
many as they get in the month when they did not use any cir
cularai If all these customers acted logically, and bougnt
goods just when they were needed and at the place that
seemed best alter investigation, they would naturally buy
sbjftit as many in the months when no circulars were used;
aJhey would in the months when this advertising was dis
tributed. But the way these orders usually respond to the
circulars, shows up the psychological principle that people
have to be constantly reminded of a certain idea in order to
iuduce them to act on it The same principal anDlies to
newspaper advertising, which can usually take the message
ofla retail store to the people at an expense far below the
V.oution of circulars. If the people are constantly re
minded through the newspapers of a certain business, they
will respond to this solicitation, but if they are not so re
minded, they will forget about the message of the store.
o . "
A new edict in soviet Russia provides that home study
by school pupils will be abolished. This step may make that
government popular for the time being among the pupils.
The average American boy and girl would welcome it. But
as a result, they would probably bitterly regret in future
' years that they had not been encouraged to devote some quiet
t.ours at home to a more thorough mastering of their school
tasks.' In millions of. American homes the children are
quietly studying several nights a week, and they do not usu
f Uy suffer. Some nervous ones may feel the result of strain,
uui many are ueuer on wnue paueniiy digging at tneir les
sons, than. Uiey .would bo if theytwnre roaming the streets.
A child has a great deal of work to do in order to get ready
to meet the requirements of the modorn world.
. o ' . j
. Fast driving would be considered now to be a form of
misbehavior belonging only to the automobile age. Yet the
police records of the older towns would show that many citi
zens of the long ago period were complained of because, of
"fast driving." Probably if they speeded up their old nags
through the center of a town to about ten or twelve miles
an hour, it would have been thought they were a menace to
society. If these old timers could have forseen the conditions
prevailing on a modern city street, they would no doubt say
thta they greatly preferred the quiet and peace of those days.
That atmosphere produced a certain placid and philosophic
calm that was healthful and promoted happiness. And yet
they did a lot of work in those times, as they put their mind
cn the tuska to be done, and put their whole heart into their
efforts. -
Now that th gift
Hav bn distributed
And th prlc tag
Lt'( t down our
Nw Year resolution
And tak few
Pot (hot at 'm.
"$ t 4
Butur tcotch I a nw kind of
W with ombody'd givn u
baud over to an expert.
You bave your own part to do
of course. You must brush tbe
teeth twice a day, preferably after
8ult ha been filed In the Cir
cuit Court by the city ol Vuucuiia
against A, ri. Cutrifclu, tbe lirn
suit to be brougnt luio court un
flF Ihu luut mniiiliiil kv in. m.
cent legislature giving cities tue, r,Kbt, " Jf 'rU
right to foreclose an assessment
liens In tne Circuit Courl. Tna
amount, claimed 1 libs, due tor
assessments on Improvements,
in past years cltiea were au
thorized to foreclose assessment
lien and sell properly tor the breakfast and always Just before
amount due tbe city. A a result' going to bed, with, a stiff bristled
can of Thr.,lnOn oil for Xma. ' ,n" many citle. have o- brush, a lot of tooth powder or
.' w. could of tak . f.w of th. ' " J1 !e , " . . r? ?i ""'ft 'P" ,0" n ""eptlc
sgueak outa th radio. 7, iu uu iwq ue
J. J. "e" OWJI" 10 tu lb" Pur" miaute food particle that decay
tuasers uu out leei mat a umr-
Desr Editur of Proones: I hear snail deed is suiiiclent kecurity.
pou're publlthln' yr stuff In book I The law legislature made it
form. Kindly send u a copy of Possioie lor ioreciosure suit tp
um at one as the only other ,ie taken to tne Circuit courl
volume we hav I a mtmorsndum 1 where in the even of a judgeineju
book and Paw wants mom.ihinn the shorlff Is autnorued to sell
haVIr to throw at th cat. " property and Issue a deed;
j, x j, whlcu i considered a good Hue
J to the property,
V d. gotta canary bold for! In tbe suit filed by tbe City
Xmaa and having knowa w do lot Yoacalla Is Is claimed that the
wll t read the wife and yorn ' defendant signed an application
trooly. - I to bond the property for the lm-
Teeth can almost always be Drove th urofile that it should
beautuut, for II tney are cared fox. MTer ,,, ,hn ,h.
spaced and a healthy color. People one ol two "ak ouv r" tome
iuUerlt bad.'teetb. ox badly shaped times pulled out leaving room for
teeth, but a dentist can make these the rest to space themselves. A
In Um with very much decayed tooth can be
them. This Is on Important nulled aiul a nice lookinsr false one
beauty treatment" that you must put In, and anchored to the ajood
Among th survivors of yestiddy
evsnln's shlrvdtg were the colleoa
fellers who displayed the Charles-
provement uuder the Bancroft
bonding act, but that be bad al
lowed the major portion of tbe
payment to become delinquent.
The city is represented by auor-
ton and their thigh throughout neys Klce ayd Orcutt.
and set up further decay between
the teetn; It prevents tartar form
lug to quite the extent it would
with uncared for teeth.
Then you must go twice a year
to a dentist to have tbe fillings
where needed- and tbe tartar
cleaned from the ttieth and from
under the- guma where it forms
pus pockets and causes pyorrhoea,
if you do aU this, which Isn't
much, you can feel easy about
your mouth.
Before the age of 16, that Is, be
fore the bones are hardened.
I crooked teeth can bo straightened
either with wlrea or with small
wedges. This doe so mudl to I ra
the rasslin' match. It's a gol dang
ham w parents can't sand our
young fry. away to th institutions
of higher larnin' without havin'
'em com back Ilk thia and haras
our weary souls with such honum.
Th other p. m. a kindly Individ
Urst Cristinn Church Enjoy
ual called at our sanctum and ask- the Christmas season and spirit
d y ed. to play Santy Claws at I with us at the Christian Church
a church festival, which w de- "ext Sunday. There will be a
cllnd to de for two reason. In Kreat lllble Sehool service at :45
the first place. If w want toju-m- Help us make it tbe largest
church just before Xmas some bozo attendance of tbe season, our
would o sura to say we com ' largest attendance so far 1
just to Gt a present and again If "ati 3-H la3t Sunday. Make it
a mosquito wore trousers w, at least 360. . Another Christmas
couldn't a row wk.-L. ..sermon will be given in tbe morn-
brush his Dants. i lnK- At tQe evening service the 1
teeth ou either side, and no one
will be tbe wiser about it. Sever
al false teeth must go on a plate,
and that of course la a great
nuisance, theugb tbe way they are
mad today, false cannot be told
from real teeth.
Your smile should . sbow good
teeth, it is worth any cost to you
to have them good;
Baeuty Culturlst A scalp, mas
sage la sometimes accompanied by
a massage of the back of the neck
and shoulders, but It is not essen
tial that you Include this extra
work to your treatments, unless
you find tuat you get so much bet
ter results that It pays you. There
are some manicurists that give a
general treatment to the hands and
fore arms at- the same time that
the nails are manicured.
T. W. H. The oU producing
glands have their outlets la the
little pits from which the hairs
Tomorrow Your Eyes.
whom received. Next Chris Una
yon will be glad you kept ao per
fect a record, to help you with your
election of Cbrlsimaa, gifts for
that year.
A Yuleiid Decoration Box It an
other thine which you. will find
helpful a year from now. For thu
purpose use an old tuUbox, or any
capacious cardboard box. Into it
put any- Christmas decoration
which, are, sUH good, after having
been used, red tissue paper bells,
the bow of ribbon from your door
way wreath, small" figures of Santa
Cuius perhaps used on the Christ
mas dinner table, etcetera. Auy-j
thing especially dainty and perish
able is worth wrapping up In cot
ton or other wadding, to avoid Us
being crushed. Tie the box, label it
"Christmas Things", and store it
In your attic out of tbe reach of
the ealldren'a bawls. Any decora
tions which you may wish to leave
up UU New Year's can be put in
the box a week laterBut at least
there will be tome things to go In
to It at one.
Emergency Gift Trunk: One
clever woman of my acquaintance
ha set aside a small trunk in her
attle for emergency gifts, into this
chest went all the Christmas pres
ents which she received and did
not like well enough, to use (we
all bave at least a few of that var
iety, don't we?) They will remain
in the trunk until they, tan be
used aa birthday gifts, wedding
gifts, aa articles for a church fair,
or for. some unforseen need when
It will "be a blessing to bave a
pretty article on baud to give to
some, person or donate to seme
ftv Kiihi Hunt Fefori
mi ;
'Ct'neJ T" MOTI irpo
Bf UuM.ArUimani
ChriBtmas program will be given.
Don't m its this. - H. E. MOW.
Now all you gals who got steo-
Ins, teddies, combination, nightie. I .The First Methodist Church
pajamas, etc., and other cut Corner of Main and Lane streets,
little underthlnga, will pleas Her. Joseph Knotts, pastor. Now
wear 'em and not put 'em In the lnal Christmas Is past let us all
hop cheat when th moth will do toe work our "hands find to
bit hole In 'em and make your.1"1'" Tnit means let us be loyal
self conspicuoue. and do our part in the prepara-
i, j, j, tlon for the union meetings. Let
t, t t every one be on hand tor clunday
On mora week and w can us School at :45 a. m. The Junior
th Xmas tre for f lr.wood. That'll League will meet at 3 p. m. and
help some!
. .
If this weather keens uo. we're
Irr-favoT- of' abandonln' broccoli
raisin' for orange growin'.
Santa Onus gave Roseburg the once over in good shaie.
It was a great Christmas.
We are almost over the hump and will soon bo drifting
into the new year. ,
The morning after the night before comes Friday, Jnnu-
,-v,nriimus oomea
year and that' enuf."
Window and plate glass for sale
at Melsger's.
tne r.pworth League at 6:30 p.
m. The morning sermon will be
strictly a New Year s sermon, tbe
theme being "'King Out The Old
In tbe evening the theme will be
"Christ on Trial: The Wltnes
bf Christa Works." Good music.
A cordial invitution is extended
to all, particularly strangers.
Lutheran Srrvire-. No service
Sunday. We regret very much to
linnnilllf'A that thn Hlr.nnllinn
'lecture by Hev. W. K. (ieorge of
onct a Portland had to be canceled. W e
hope to have Hev. George with us
again soon aud favor, us with a
Left-Over Thanksgiving Fruit
Waffles Maple Syrup
Pop-Overs Coffee
Rump Roast of Beef
Brown Gravy
Boiled Macaroni Onions
Lettuce Salad
Apple Betty Hard Sauce
Soup Made from Thanksgiving
Turkey (or Chicken)
Wholewheat Croutons
Cheese Sandwiches Preserves
Cake Cocoa
'log notes of thanks for Christmas
presents is generally tmrf armed
by the home woman on December
1 26. For, with New Year's day but
I a shot t distance ahead another
! big dljticr to plan and prepare,
other guests to entertain tbe alert
housewife v.ijhes to "wind up the
loose ends' 'of Christmas as speed
'ily as possible. Writing notes,
however. Is not - the only post
. Christmas duty. Methodical house
keeper consider the following
lasas quite as important:
Gift Registry: Use a blank com
position book for this purpose.
, Head one side of a double page
. "Gifts Sent Out." and the ODDoaite
I side "Gifts Received." Be sure to
describe each gift clearly, giving
That often difficult task-writ Ahe name to whom sent, or from
God could not be ' everywhere,
tneretore He mad mother.
Jewish Proverb.
Whole Wheat Biead and Cereals.
Mis. V. kes, we believe it is
important for children to bave the
wnuie grain breaus and cereals tor
their dally diet, There is nothing
"poisonous" m wfclte "bread, how
ever. It simpiy Is deilclent In luiu
eiai elements and vitamins aud un
less a larger number of greuus and
more milk are used wltn it, there
la apt to be a deficiency of vita
mins and mineral elements n tbe
diet, it is much safer to use tne
wnole grain products.
Kxperlmenta with two groups of
mice, fed on diets identical, save
that one got white tiour and the
other whole wheat flour, have
shown that the mice on the whole
wneat flour gained almost as much
In one week as the mice on white
fiour gained in four weeks. In
other words, the whole wheat flour
was four times aa proficient in pro
moting growth as the white flour.
One of the reasons for this was
the fact that those fed on the ra
tions containing tbe white flour
had little appetites and ate only
half a much as the other group.
This loss of appetite Is one of the
marked symptoms of tbe deficiency
of vitamin B, (absent In white
flour and present in whole wheat j
flour). Even allowing for the dtf-j
iciuces la amount of tcod eaten
by. the two groups of mice, the ex-1
periments still show that whole i
wneat flour Is twice as efficient
as the white flour.
The writeup of this experiment
was exceedingly Interesting, and I
am going to tell you more of It
later. 1 am giving you enough now
to show you that It Is Important
for your children to have the i
whole grain cereals. I
Unfortuuately, most of the whole
wheat breads on the market do not
have a full percentage of the whuie
wneat flour, aud 1 think it Is im
portant enough tor mothers to buy
tne clean wnole wneat at feed
stores and have It ground. In soiee
hardware stores, you will find a
grain grinder. 1 think the price Is
around ten dollars. You might ciub
in with your neighbors wuo have
children and buy a grinder with an
electric motor attachment.
Too Much Milk?
Mrs. K. It Is probable that your
child la taking too much m.ia.
While milk la the nearest periecl
rood we have, it Is not perfect, lor
It Is low In Iron, and it taken, in
excessive amounts, will cloy the
appetite for the needed solid foous.
it is best for children to have tutir
solid foods before their nilik.
One quart ot milk a day with a
liberal amount ot the solid luous
Is better than two quai ts and too
Uttle of the solid foods.
Children should bave dally be
sides the three or tour giaacs of
milk the foundation of at least a
full cupful of vegetables, especaiiy
the green leaf vegetables, a iu.l
cupful of fruit, and enough taergy
foods . among the wLoie gi-u.u
bread and cereals and fats In tue
form of butter, cream, egg yolks
and nuts, to supply tbelr uxda.
Child Training.
Mrs. I. iou are going to have
trouble In your household unless
you and your husband get together
and present an united front in the
training of your children. No won
der they do not know what to do,
and are becoming more and moie
refractory. Poor little tykes!
Tbe Child Study Association of
America, 54 West 74th stree. New
York City, has a series ot ntn-cent
(Continued en page 5.)
"hirst ITpnIii trrian tliim-h W.
fS. McCullagh, Pastor. This will
be tbe lust Hunduy this year. It
nmv ha vmir liit rh.m drum
The marriage of .Miss Iris Craw- the year right. Kind a ulaie in
ford to Mr. lielmar B. Deardorrr, i some church. Sunday School in
both of Myrtle Creek, was solemn-. the Presbyterian church at 8:46
ised on Thursday evening at the! a. m. Preaching al 1 1 o'clock.
Baptist parsonage. Theme of nermon Why Jesus
The ceremony was read by Rev. Came, h.venlng sermon Crowd
H. L. Caldwell among close friends , ,nK Out the Best from Your Life,
and relatives. The young couple Music under the direction of Mrs.
will make their home at Myrtle ! KrHl s,r"K- The Senior Christ
Creek. l'un Endeavor meets at 6:30.
Beat with gaa.
ary 1.
'Twas just a hundred years ago, according to the calen
dar, when to this well-known world of woe camo Adelaide,
I llililn Mumlnnl Rev. L. F,
llurror, pastor.. All of our ser-
FIVE MARRIAGE LICENSES vice are In the big tent on Rose
ISSUED ON CHRISTMAS EVE fT'', Two.' " "k;P the
I tent nice and warm. We have a
Christmas for Dan Cupid was far '"" ,'lve ruw'n f"nl'"r sao,i
fice of the cuuuty clerk, rive It
censes were granted by County
Clerk I. II. Riiiillo on Thursday
evening to Jerry S. Nelson ot Ku
gene and Nirta Church of Hojc
burg. to liavld J. llurke and Naomi
i evideuced by tile
9:45 a. m. Preaching service at
ill: 00, sermon by the pator. The
Ililile Standard Junior Crusaders
meet at 3:00 p. m.; nges tip to
16 years. Tiie Senior entailers
meet at 6:3" p. in. The evening
wnnihln tit 7:tll luirniiin liv tliA
m.uena in .nyn ie creek. io i-itm-r' pastor. Special music. Services
II. Wardorff and iris Crawford of every Tiieedilv and Krlilay even
I. Myrtle Creek, to Andrew J. Murphy lugs. The public Is cordially ln
jof Itnseburg and Myrtle Sparks of viled to attend these services.
Oakland, and to Grunt Kineald of'
Oakland and Itcutnh LaiiKdon of I The r'lrt Itaplint llmreli
P.lkticad. 'Corner of Ijin and Hose Mreets:
o ill. L. Caldwell, Minister. 11:45 a.
Dreams of Pun Candy come'm. Thn Churrh School. Carlos
ifrue! Nand rolled and dipped in 1 1'aue. Sunt, lion'l weaken on
lt.,r-l...v'u .1..,.. ... ... ., rikmln, t Hiimlwv ihnnl nn tlm
o be a Star. Inon she grew Ul) to be a bnrd. or bardess. if i especially fur drug store trade. No 't Sunday of the year. It is
KrtVi.a a Hirwii iint n iir niirm j III miiv
i for
there's such a word; she turned out poem, by the yard, If'ndlNve tap'em
around the world her voice was hoard. There was a ti mo : malting. Make your selection e
when Tennyson with envy looked upon her fame; each yeariu"y1 (-ri'cl"'riL
fcome triumph new ohe won, immortal seemed her stately
Jiume. Charles Dickeiis hailed her as the queen of all who
chanted wildly well; since Sappho there Was never seen a
CAKOIVtl, MlilK'll It Wll.l,
bard more prone to rinir the bell. Hest ai-llir up ln.e iw,v i Mercier,
f.r II,., ,1.... II, I... . j , . . ll'elKllini
vo i U ui-nimuiiiK jtlun at Brussels. Iioeember I'll, fi
poeis viewea inrougn unrs the trail of smoke she left behind.
IIRI SSKI.S, Uep. 26. Cardinal
4 year old primate, of
will undergo an niiera-
Our ancient grannie, can mull when Addie'i
a lesion of the stomach. Cardinal
' Merrier, who rerennv NiifrerMil an
is lioems trave aitaik ir inrin.n,.. i. r.,.,i ,
tnem thrills; it was fiRreed by one and all her glory would inl" Kp""pi palace at .Valines to
..,il....i ,i. u:n . , . . galller streualh.for the nuerutinn.
uutinsv me inns. vnunp scriooiers ol the iirownint; breed r 0
would shortly journey to the dump; pale Tennyson would go attention,, students
to seed, but Adelaide Mould never slump. She was rnC i
ftrong, perhaps, on Art she had a better graft than Unit; Ail students back from ci-
licr verses SL-mvlinrl the liunum h.mri u,l I i.. '''"' '"' hlk'h schrad students
. . . , .. . ' "- .ptlally Inv
nnc ii in iiiiu ii.i, wiuii s oecome oi ner renown; Mie now
unknown, who onto was great; Uiey tried, last month, in
Lunnon 'own, her natal day to celebrate. Hut w hen they
tried to raise some funds, to make Uie roundup one of glee,
the people rent their cummerbunds, and asked, "Now, who
in hock, was she?"
limits will have
Ice. "WHAT'S
COIt.NKIl," will be the subject (lis
cussed by Rev. H. L. Caldwell.
and influence. We navo a place
lor all ages and tirades. 11:00
a. nt. Morning worship. Message
by the pastor. The pastor has an
Important announcement that he
is anxiexia that every member of
thn church and congregation!
bear, flood music. Tho punhc
is Invited. KSIil p. m. Three
Young People's Meetings: Seniors,
Intermediates and Juniors. All
under capable leadership. Claire
Taylor will lead the Senior group.
7'.10 Kvening Worship. Students'
Night. This servh-e will be espe
cially for all students from the
lowest grades through codecs.
"What's Around The Corner" will
he the pastors subject. Several
college student will be on the
platrorni. and some of them will
hnve a part in the service. All
students hsek from college, and
Some eolhwe etu- those in Ilit-h School are pe,-.
part In the sen-- tly lnvltd. Good music. The
AitliCM) lilt Invited.
Something for everybody! Pure
es, gift sets, perfume, toilet wa-
o ter, bill folds, key rings, stationery.
Men's suits cleaned and pressed, j cards, candy, incense and numor
$16tf. Rose burg Cleaner, phoa ous other useful and beautiful gut.
' Lloyd Crocker.
The Biggest Edition
of 'Em All !
Eighty-Four Pages Filled With
Hundreds .of Photos Show
ing Views of Douglas
County. .
Order Extra Copies of the
Roseburg News-Review
New Year's Number