FOUR arid NO TEMPORARY : OREGON LICENSE ; -FOR OLDER AUTOS (AMOclabd fmi Uutd Wire.) -, .- SALEM, Or., Deo. 24. Sec- retary of State Korer yesterday ' aent a letter to sheriffs and other ' . peace officer of the state advising , them not to Issue terporary auto t ' mobile llcennes to owners whose cars have been previously llcena- ; "When an. applicant for a 1926 ', motor vehicle license presents himself to the sheriff with an ap--plication for such license," says the letter, "he must exhibit lo '. " the sheriff either a certificate of tile or tne certificate and, receipt -of registration Issued at the time ' and in conjunction with such cer-lally burned, three others were ln . tlflcate of title aa evidence that ljured and 13 others escaped with ' . aucn motor venicie owner naa i compiled with the law requiring him to secure certificate of title , J. lor his motor vehicle." ,. The letter concludes with the statement that "motor car owners , "who are found operating their ears after January 1, 1H2S, and SPENCERS Ur.MIIrHUlMiaV Rossburj's Nswsst, Lives, Lssdliia Men's . .. ' , ' Young Men' Store T t cHeariy Christmas Grectm& Sincere Good Wishes f the Iprjfear The Ladies' Shoppe who have not made application for 19:8 license, will be dolus so In open violation of the motor ve hicle law of the state and sub ject themselves to the penalties Imposed there under for . viola tions of such law," 600 cases of children's diseases during last of school to one " in iirst pan wnyr ask imperial Cleaners. Hotel fire fatal to three persons (AsaMUUd Prm Uued Win.) ' OkMTJLOEE, Oklal. Dec. 24. Two children and a 19-year-old Rlrl were burned to death. . the I mother of the children was cfltio- their Uvea when a three-story frame hotel burned today. , . o The Baptists are putting on a program Christmas eve. There will be a play, primary exercises, songs and Old Santa Claus. Come. QJllristomi mi and FREE CHRISTMAS GIFT IF you own a Chevrolet we give you as a Christmas Gift one hour mechanic's time help ing you to service your car. It is to our interest to see that your Chevrolet is satisfactory. WE WISH ALL OUR PATRONS - 1 A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR Hansen Chevrolet Company far .M TO PROBE OREGON EXPRESS RATES SALEM, Ore., Dec. 24. The public service commission has or dered an Investigation of first ftiiH Kf,M)n1 flnfln atmhi rfllnii rtn ,,.. i,,mariiarin and othr similar articles of merchandise from Portland and Spokane to eastern Oregon points east of Pendleton. Tne hearing will prob ably be held soon after the first of the year. An investigation of express rates on paper from Cali fornia and Oregon point la under consideration. We carry a complete line of the finest ranges made at lowest prices. Powell "furniture Co. MOVIE" OF LOCAL MAN DIES AT MILO, IOWA' C. E. Trueblood. who resides a short distance west of Itoseburg, received word recently of the death of his mother, Mary H. Trueblood. I burg many of the old carols are to at MUo, Iowa. Mrs. Trueblood was i heard upon the streets and In 8 years of age and had lived at 'home and public places tonlghL MIlo. Iowa, for 56 yoara. She was ! Oroups from the churches are sing the mother of 7 children. 25 great m 0 Invalid this afternoon and grandchildren and S rreat. areat grandchildren. .She was known by number of people In tins com munity, having visited with her son for a short time a few years ago. . (Tnvn vnil reml the Imnerlal Cleaners add this weekf It's worth your while. ELKS CHRISTMAS SHOW GIVEN AT ! ANTLERS TODAY ' , The annual Christmas show elv. en by the Elks lodRo for the child ' rcn of Itoseburg and the surround- ling community, was held this after- ,wun ul lhA.ill.,M Ihuutm. 'Ph., i popular movie house was crowded to the doors with the eager young- with the sho orreVe'd." j Goux presented the feature film. "The Unholy Three.'" featuring Lou Cbaney, and In addition gave ; two delightful comedies. Following J the skow Hanta Claus distributed , fruit and candy to all the young sters. . Conk with (aa TBISSPEEB!ii6 TBfMEOPCE Mm CHARLESTON, 8. C, Dec. 24. John W. Weeks, former secretary of war, was slightly Injured and four trainmen were killed la a head-on collision between two At lantic Coast Line trains today near Maccks Corner. " The two trains, one northbound, the other southbound, both late, were filled with Christmas travel ers and were said to have been go ing at a fair rate of speed to make up for lost time. The point where the collision oc curred is a single track section. The engineers of both trains and the fireman" of the southbound were found dead in the wreckage. Fireman Williams or the north bound could not be located. No details were given a to the extent of the Injuries of Mr. Weeks. it is believed that due to the blocking of the northbound track by a freight train, derailed laat night, the two passenger trains were running on the southbound track at the time, KNIGHT TEMPLAR XMAS SERVICES FRIDAY MORNING The annual Christmas exercises of Ascalon Commandry, No 14, K. T., will be held at the Masonic lodge temple on Friday morning at 9 a. m. All members of the order are being urged to be present for this service. . Heat with gas. CHRISTMAS CAROLS TO BE SUNG ON CITY STREETS TONIGHT The custom of singing Christ mas carols 1 seeing a wonderful revival In the United States In re cent years, and this year in Rose- evening and In some case are carrying gifts of fruit and candy, Tonight at 7 o'clock the Camp Fire Girls will sing carols at the community tree and later in the evening will sing at homes and at other places about the city. At 8 o'clock the Douglas County Concert Band will appear on the street playing sacred and concert numbers and will conclude their program at 9 o'clock at the com munity tree at the corner of Cass and Jackson streets where Mrs. Fred Strang, with band accompanl ment, will sing that inspiring oldi carol, "Joy to the World." ' 111 the Christmas programs be ing given In the various churches tonight the old carols will be sung' by the youthful choruses and choirs. The Boy Scouts have volunteered tholr services to aid in keeping the ! ZlTLTI PL'". ' ,the carols and the band concert. The boys will take their places shortly before 7 o'clock and will direct traffic, keeping cars off the block around the Intersection of Cass and Juckson streets. All mo torists are asked to observe the It structiona given them by the scouts and to cooperate in main taining order. A piano has been se cured a accompaniment for the carol singers, and a very delightful exercise will doubtless be enjoyed. ATTENTION, SIR KNIGHTS! I All members of Ascalon Com mandry No. 14. K. T., are re quested to meet In Masonic hall Christmas morning at 8:45 o'clock. Christmas service will be observed at 9 o'clock. W. C. HAKDIXO. Recorder. The Armory will be raffled off and musicians will be sold at auc tion at the big New Years Noise Ball at the Armory Deo. 31st. GREAT CARGOES OF LUMBER SHIPPED FROM PORTLAND roim.AND, Ore.. Dec. 24. Ac cording to the flKures compiled by the traffic department of the Port of Portland. Oregon, there were 14 vessels cleared for forclcn nnn. during the past week, 11 ol which! lami a run or partial cargoes or l'in:br amounting in all to l:!2oo OW feet. , Ihe steamer O.l.'nt, 'under hw It to the Darling Sinner lumber ccmpany, cleared from Portland oa thr 12th with u carj-o nf lumber for Puerto Columbia, Columbia Tlila cargo coiijistel .if 2,oJS.4i I ' fiol of fir lumber and 12t,i'8 HmiI feet of fir nilln,r. This rlilp fKnt Is to be used In thn building of a breakwater and la part of a noarani of deroii i,en: to be cir ncd on at thlr port TMe la ihe firal shiiiment frvin PonKnd tri i'ie Columbia flv-r tn this rountiy for several years and - should be the forerun ner of many others as Ihe development coitlnues. The Kirllng smger Lumber company, ttates that the territory surround ing this port has wonderful natuml i rrsourcvi whim are now about to ue i-ainniirfii. Another Interesting lumber shin ment was that carried on the West Lonob which cleared for Ihe east ! w wi oouin America lumber to al .... ,, .. Montevideo, t rnp,t... Iti,..n,. ai- . ., --'-7, n,..ii rr'rn"ae 'd au- io urai ii. m n . ,,1"',''n,l "" oeen mine to Australia so far Oils month, and the Casilrmoor rlea'-cd on Monday with a cargo of 3.111.. .M fret valued at T2.71 for this country. The entire shipment la 'be delivered at Sydney. The ships IIML ftOMburg Cleaners, phoaslieals yet? in the Oriental series al.o cj47l. j Tomorrow Ajiswsrt to Mathsrs, I WONDERED IF Hit ! -REVOLVER WORKED: I IT DID;. HE'S OEAD (Aaoekmd ma luw w ' 4 NEW YORK. Ilea 24. Af- ttr placing 'the last trinket on 4 Christmas tree, prepared for his young daughter, Bryaa Colemr.n. 27. World war vet- 4 erao, shot and kilkd himself today at Roosevelt, Long la- land. "l wonder1 If thin blame thing works," Coleman marked aj ho pulled the trig'- 4 4V ger of the revolver. 4 JjtijLoJ rled lumber as did several of them In the European service. In addition to the lumber aboard the West Jessup which in Itself amounted to more than 8.000.000 feet, there was the Usual comple ment of automobile for North China, newsprint and old paper for China and Japan, cereal for China and a shipment of 800 case of cigarette for Manchuria. Ves sels of this same line carried a cargo of tobacco to China laat month and it II expected that a trade in this commodity will con tinue. , ' An interesting Afnmeht cleared on the Noorderdyk of the North Paclfio Coast Line. This consisted of a cargo of 84,880 doors destined for London and Liverpool. Allow ing twelve doors to the ordinary bungalow this would be sufficient for nearly 8.000 bouse which would populate a city, allowing four to the family, of nearly 12.000 people. Beside that the Noorder- dyk had aboard flour, dried apples, wneai ana prune sufficient to feed this mythical city for a short period of time. Shipments of doors so far this year have been mnch heavier than in previous years, but thl is the record ship ment to date. A few of those large ail-copper wash boilers left. Get yours at Powell's Furniture Co. o- mm K.0.B FIGHTER, (AaoeUte Prea UtMd Wirt.) KA.JSAS CITY. Mo.. Dm. si Nursing a battered chin, Wayne "Big" Munntoday had given up dreama of a career in the prize ring. Munn concluded that the eauln- ment necessaiy to success In the wrestling game avails nothing. In ooxins. shortly after he stepped In side the ropes here last night with Andre Anderson, heavyweight box er of Chicago. - lilovcs thudded on Mun's chin and two minutes after the opening of the first round be was counted out. It was his third and final ap pearance in the role of a boxer. "I guess I wasn't cut out for box ing," MYimn said after the bout. "I'll stick to wrestling hereafter." M unn's third attempt to turn his brawn to account In boxing waa n.i more disastrous than his first or ne was Knocked out twice at Sioux City, Iowa, after leaving the lulverslty of Nebraska, where he played football. ' Cook with gaa STUDEBAKERFIRM STARTS INSURANCE (Aaoclated tnm Let ltd Wire.) ' SOUTH BEND, Ind., Dec. 24 As a Christmas gift to Its 25,000 employes, the Studebaker Corpora tion haa contracted for cooperative Insurance covering death, accident and sickness. All active executives and employes of plants snd offices tnrougnout tne world are eligible. It was eatlmated the life Insur ance would aggregate 140.000.000. the accident insurance the same amount and the weekly benefit in surance 16,000,000. - 0 ' . Arundel, piano tuner, mono 1-8J-L PIERCW ASKS IIMIIO FrtUt IMIIt WASTEl IX CHIOS CO. (AmocIiM rna Leased Wfrv.) SALEM, Ore., Dec. 24. Gover nor Pierce today Issued two re quisitions on the governor of Id at ho, asking the return lo Oregon of E. J. Roberts and B. Willis, both of whom are wanted 1n Coos county to answei1 to charge of larceny by bailee. The offense Is said to be con nected With a shipment of cattle. The men are under arrest at Payette. CARO OF THANKS We desire to express our appre ciation snd gratitude to our friends and neighbors for their sympathy and assistance during our recent bereavement MRS. CRANT TAYLOR, AND FAMILY. Electric lights 60 and SO cents at Paralow's. 40 watt. YAP ISLANp DISASTER. (AanHatal trim UuH Wire.) TOKYO. Dec 24. A report from Ihe Navy Department today atated that the tidal wave snd storm which struck the Island of Yap on December 16 broke two wireless antennae nolen and damaaed virtu rir,j uuiiuiuh Au,ug urn 7. . . . casualties were reponeo. jjoin cabins and wireless communication j lories protein. was suspended for a short time Fresh Frulta while repairs were being made. With the exception of berries, .During the storm wind of 150 miles currsnts and rhubarb, which have .velocity was reported, accompan-1 10 calorlea of protein, fresh fruits led by waves 10 feet high. . Ihave only 2-6 C. of protein per lo 0 C. Men's suits cleaned and nresscd.1 Have von bouht vnur rhHiinu 1 ' X l 6tssMsSss' BUILD IT UP I People) have cough! and' colds mostly Because they lack resistance and are nor adequately nourished. Scott's rich in vitamins' supplies the weakened system with nourishment that helps -restore resistance. Jra. Build up your1 itrength AW with Scott's Emuhloti. -4JL Scon A Bowse, BioomHeld. If. J. 23 23 ONE TIME MESSENGER NEAHS PRESIDENT CHAIR (Aaoctated Plm Lmmi Tr.) YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, Dee. 24. Frank Pornelh who started1 as -a messenger boy, today advanced a step nearer to the presidency of the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company, third largest' independ ent steel company in the country. " James A. Campbell, 73-year-old president of the concern, an nounced that he la relinquishing part of his activities and that Mr. Purnell, , now vice president in charge of sales, has been elected to a new position , of assistant president. . - In the near future, the announce men said, Mr. Campbell will be made chairman of the board and the presidency will be given to a younger man.. Quality merchandise at lowest prices at Powell's Furniture Store. MAXCHTT ARMY DRKKATS CHI.ESK .NATIONALISTS. (AworUtrd mm Laue4 Win.)' TOKYO, Dec. 24. The ver nacular newspaper and war office 'advices from Mukden today Stat ed that Marshal Chang Tso-Lln. "war lord of Manchuria," has de feated General Kuo Sung-Ling and occupied Palklpu and other positions near Slhmlnfu. The advices sre somewhat con flicting, but lndlcato that Marrhal Chang obtained a decisive victory. PEKfNO, Dec. 24. An in ternational train running from Tientsin to Shanhaikwan was fir ed upon at Hslnho yesterday by troops of the Ruomlnchnn (na tional people's army) and com pelled to return to Tientsin, ac cording to a wireless message to that elty. . There Is no confirmation of the reports that these forces have capured Pehtsang and Tientsin. . Hea'S suits cleaned and pressed, 11. SO. Boseburg Cleaners, doom 471. TWENTY-THREE KILLED IN ENFORCING DRY LAW WASHINGTON. Dec. 24. The : prohibition war claimed 32 lives in tjie fiscal year ended1 June 30, of-1 I Twenty-five dry law violators 1 were killed by agents and seven " agents were slain by bootleggors. Kentucky led all other states in ' the outlaw fatality list with four1 killed In 12 months. Missouri, South Dakota, North Carolina, New Mexico, South Caro lina, Tennessee, Wyoming and Maryland each had one man killed by prohibition agents. Since General U C. Andrews' be came assistant secretary of the treasury on April 1, In direct ' charge of enforcement of the pro- hlbition laws, he has discharged 102 dry agents from the service. Thirty-seven of them were fired on charges of criminality. Including drunkenness and disorderly con duct, and 65 were discharged for derelictions of duty. We make special sash and doors and cabinet work. L. W. Metxger. J i DIET AND HEALTH 4) (Continual from paere'2). I .mi. n. rn.H,n i ik i a ... i,"-,--vu,.w, u m- WE EXTEND TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS ".. ' '. AND BEST WISHES FOR A " PROSPEROUS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR THE WEST Packing i COATING SfllPPJG It's a real pleasure to travel by stage! Speed with safety, combined with scenic beauty, comfortable stages and frequency of service, stage travel is enjoyable at any season of the year. We take the work out of travel and put fileasure in. Ask your ticket office for a ist of the beautiful trips on, or in con nection with, our lines. COAST AUTO LINES TERMINAL HOTEL 303 Jackson Street OFFICE; Does the Wet Weather Bring on Your Rheumatism? IF SO, THEN TRY Marcell's Miracle Mineral It Can't Be Beat! Let me tell you about It Fred Pomsrlsau Phone 638-J ' 605 E. Douglas Some Women Walk Thirty to Forty Miles a Year " for Groceries Do You? If you sre walking to the store for your groceries and luggtr.g them borne Id a basket several times a week, stop right now and figure how many miles you cover in a year. How lar is the store from your home and how often do you walk there and back. Kstlmste the distance yourself. We don't ask you to walk 30 or 40 miles a year to get your groceries, when you can telephone your orders and have them delivered to your home without extra charge. ECONOMY GROCERY O. I JOHNSON Phons S3 Tht Store That Serves You Best. 144 N. Jackson St CburcbUl IHarbvvare Company extents SIDE GROCERY SERVICE We attend to all of these details with expert ability. Having spe cialized in tho execution of such work we are adept at iu Let us prove this by a trial. "W aim to please" H.S.FRENCH TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. . Phons 220 Phone 689