Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 22, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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Leaves For Polo
, Mrs. M. Rice and daughter left
;thts morning for their homo at
Dole inter visiting in this city for
'a short time.
Wavers Visit
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Weaver, of
Canyonvllle, spent yesterday In
this city visiting with friends and
Christmas shopping.
We are offering some unusual Holiday Bargains, including several sets of
China Ware, very desirable, that will bs sold below regular prices. " '
For the children we offer a variety of toys and other
gifts that will be sure to please . the youngsters.
Some of these are mechanical, a lot of them are in
destructible, and many are of the useful sort that
can be put to practical -usages. Kodaks, Pocket 1
Knives, Scooters,. Wagons, Wheelbarrows, etc. ,
Stop and see our lustertea sets
Just the thing for wife or mother One 21
piece set in blue with gold decorations, extra
special price : $14.00 :
Another 2 1 -piece set in Orange and Gold,
reduced to - $12.50
Twenty-one piece Bridge Sets that will
please you .. ...$15.00
Pyrex Ware, Percolators hot or cold water"or electric; Electric Heaters,
Electric Waffle Irons, Electric Toasters, Boudoir Lamps, Christmas Carving
Sets, at 1 0 per cent discount, Fancy Glassware, Cut Glass Sets, Aluminum and
Granite Ware Roasters. There isa Christmas discount on Aluminum Wear
ever Goods. ' ' ' .
Buy at big savings here
To Arrive From Portland
Mies Adeline Stewart and Mrs.
W. T. Lauglois, ot Portland, the
daughter of Commandant and
Mm. Kiddle, are expected to ar
i rive here tomorrow and will spend
Christmas here visiting.
Mrs. MrFiulgrn Visits
Mrs. J. W. McFadgen, formerly
of this city, arrived last evening
from Eugene, to spend a day or
so visiting friends and attending
the meeting of the Ladles Auxil
iary of 11. of L. E.
.hty $eti$ibv Gift
yntrrWoVcn fjotksi for Chrtettmaiffi
We know what men lihe
L. F. T. dance sua Christ-
mas party Tuesday evening,
Dec. 22, at the K. P. hall.
Christmas tree, and exchange
of gifts. Each lady bring a
gift not to exceed 60 cents
for a man, and each man
bring a similar gift for a lady.
All members urged to attend.
In Vestsrdsy
Albert Robinson returned to his
, home at Tiller yesterday afternoon
after transacting business heie fur
a few hours.
I .1
Mr. Beck In
D. L. Beck. Myrtle. Creek resi
dent, was a business visitor In this
city yesterday, spending the after
j noon here. , ... ,
From Umpqua.
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Hibbard. of
Umpqua, motored here yesterday,
and spent the day shopping and
j transacting business.
j From Tiller'
: Sir. and Mrs. Thomas, of Tiller,
'spent a few bours visiting and at
i tending to business affairs In this
jelty yesterday,
From illde
i Mrs. John Burge and Mrs. Jack
Everetts, of Glide, spent yester
day afternoon lu this city visiting
and shopping. '
Visiting In Portland
Mrs. Paul Amort and daughter,
Vera Jean.-are spending, some
time in Portland visiting with re
latives and friends.
Visitor Yesterday
Mrs. C. Holloway returned to her
home at Myrtle Creek yesterday
afternoon after, spending a few
hours shopping and visiting here.
From Elgarose
Mrs. Carl Bachlund returned to
her home at Elgarose yesterday
afternoon after shopping and at
tending to business, matters In this
jelty. ; , .
I Browns Visit
1 Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Brown and
! daughter, of Camas Valley, motor
led here and spent yesterday - at
tending to business matters and
snapping. . ,
Xmas Dancing : Party. Wigwam
Tavern Xmas eve. Everybody wel
come. Special featnres. Swanee
Serenaders will furnish the music.
It's to be a jitney hop.
From Wilbur
Mr. nd Mrs. H. E. Brown, of
Wilbur, spent several hours visit
ing and Christmas shopping In this
city yesterday, returning home In
the afternoon. .
The Patrlarchlal degree will
! be conferred Wednesday night,
Dec. 23. Light lunch..
!: :
. .
,To Portland !H
I Mrs. Richmond, of this city, left
this morning for Portland to visit
'for some time, after which she
will leave for Seattle, spending
the holidays with her two chil
dren. I
Dr. ami Mr. Hell Here
Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Bell, of Pan
Francisco, are here for the Christ
mas holidays, visiting at the home
of Mrs. Bell's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. Black. Mrs. Bell was
formerly Miss Allie Black and Is
well krfown here. Mr. and Mrs.
S.J. Black will celebrate their wed
ding anniversary the first of Jan
uary, and all their children are
expected to arrive to be with them
At the reunion.
Returns From Portland
Earl Burr returned this morn
ing from Portland, where be
spent a short time looking, after
business matters.
From Riddle-Z
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horton and
daughter, Thetma. of Kiddle,
spent yesterday afternoon visiting
npd shopping here.
Visitor Yesterday ' .
tieorge Bacon, Looking 1 Glass
rancher, was a visitor In this city,
transacting business here for sev
eral hours. .
Visitors In Town
A. E. Rice and E. L. Rice. Dll
lard ranchers, motored here yes
terdav and IrannHntAfl . hiialftAta
during the afternoon.
Mr. Goff
Fred Goff spent yesterday af
ternoon here attending to business
affairs and trading, returning to
Melrose In the evening.
From Glide '
Oscar Selinas returned to his
home at Glide yesterday after
noon after attending to business
matters here yesterday.
From Sutherlln
Miss Mayme Baker, of Suther
lin, spent a few hours here yes
terday shopping and on business,
returning home In the afternoon.
Posts Leaving
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Post leave
tomorrow afternoon by auto for
Newberg, Oregon, where they will
spend the holidays visiting with
Lockleys Vigil
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockley, of
Portland, stopped over here last
night, enroute to Los Angeles to
visit over the holidays, with rela
tives. Mr. LLockley Is feature
writer for the Oregon Journal and
well known.
Roland Age Mashes Foot
According to word received here
by friends. Roland Agee, formerly
of this city, who Is now residing
in Portland, had the misfortune
to receive a mashed and broken
foot recently. According to the
letter, some wood, which Mr. Agee
was moving in the basement of his
home, fell, striking his foot, mash
ing It, and breaking one of the
bones. He will be unable to be
about for two or three weeks.
Gifts Attractively Priced for
The Last Minute Shopper!
1 Corduroy Bath Robes. ' Priced from
' $5.50 to $9.75. All less 25.
Umbrellas Priced from $2.25 to
$12,50. ; - .'v ;',;J:r.;;
Vanity Bags and
Attractively Priced $1.90 to $8.50
Children's Winter Coats. All sizes.
Priced from $6.00 to $1 7.50. 25 dis
count on all.'
Handkerchiefs Galore for ladies and children.
Imported Linens priced from 1 5c to 75c.
Hand made novelty numbers 50c to $1.50.
Ideal gifts. . ' ;
Give her a box of Phoenix Silk Hose.
With every Coat sold at cost we give you one
Dress free. ' ' ,
Leaving For 8a n Francisco
Miss Gertrude Morgan, ot this
city, will leave tonight for San
Francisco, where she will visit
her brother, who is ill at the hos
pital there,
To Present Radio At Home
Rose Stewart, state president of
the daughters of the O. A. R. ar
rived here this morning from
Portland, and will this afternoon
present a radio formally to the
Oregon Soldiers Home, a gift from
the O. A. R.
and will spend the H
at Cost and Less
Store all torn up for remodeling, and must sacrifice on
these toys and Christmas goods.
. Big Line, Fine Lot to Choose
from, and Remember. You
Save a lot when you buy Christmas goods Here.
1 1 3 Sheridan St., opposite depot.
The Ladies
139 N. Jackson St.
v Roseburg, Oregon
Goose Hollow's
Stock mnlcea ours still too large, altho' last week's sale
was a hummer. We continue till Xmas bargains like this:
This is only a part of them, tho
' $ 1 0.00 High Cut Shoes ,....$8.50
1 0 lbs. White Beans 79c
60c"Box Crackers 49c
21 lb. Calumet B. P '. 53c
' Nutrola Oleo .-. 24c
$1.20 Aluminum Kettle 39c
Royal Baking Powder, 50c size 38c
50c Schilling Baking Powder 42c
Shasta Tea. 1 lb 23c
5 gal. Western Cyl. Oil $1.60
One pair $1.00 ladies silk hose at 79c, or I pair
$1.00 ladies or boys or misses rubbers at 72c or I pair
$3.50 boys gum shoes at $1.75; must be bought with
each 2 of the above.
Airs, isririls leaves hgt
Mri Mvrtln Hnlflla. nt Fnff.tia
a former resident of this city and
well known here, left this morn-,;
Ing for Grants Pass, after spend- !g
ing the past two days visiting atii!
the home of her aunt, Mrs. L. T. j
Thompson. Mrs. Helflls will visit I S
her daughter, Mrs. Cramer, at 3
I Grants Pass over the holidays. j
' From The Coast
DnvM Prnwtpv nfiff DalA Smith
I residents of Port Orford, aro .g
spending a day or so In Roseburg, &
having business at the United H
States Land office, Mr. Crowiey 3
is a lumberman of the coast and M
has been engaged in quite exten-v
sive timber operations at Sixes, H
near Port Orford, for several 'A
years. ;H
Promotion Received 'S
Mrs. F. L. Strang this morning
received a message from John
Small, a first cousin, that he had g
Deen promoiea irom tne position s
of assistant general freight agent
of the Seaboard-Airline railroad, ijj
at Norfolk, Vs. and had been
transferred to Richmond, Vs.. with
the office of general passenger
Mas Tbvnfvp Hums
D. J. Walker, who is employed af
on the W. W. Csrdwell ranch near H
Dillard, as wood cotter, received
bad burns about the face and on
: the eyelids late yesterday after
noon, as the result of powder go
ing off In his fare. Mr. Walker
was grinding powder In a bucket,
making It finer a"d more por-'
ful to be used in blasting stumps,
when In some manner the powder
went off In bis face. He was
brought to this eltv and his in
juries attended. He Is getting
along nlc-elr and it is thought that , JJ
I oe win suner no in enects.
Gift Things
Our Store
The most beautiful and most amazing
collection of Christmas Gifts in town is
now ready for your inspection.
Come and see the magnificent displays of
our Christmas merchandise all fresh,
clean and sparkling for the holidays. If
it is the appropriate, the sensible, the dis
tinctive, or the unusually useful gift you
are seeking, come to us, we have it and at
the price you can afford to pay.
f m
Visit Here Yesterday
Miss B. Gilbert and Miss Diana
Nash returned to Coqullle this
morning after visiting In this city
A set of socket wrenches makes
a good, useful gift tor any man
who works on his car. Priced from
$1.50 to $3.76 at Wharton Bros.
Away For Holidays
A. 8. Mattson, of the Oregon
Soldiers Home, left this, morning
for Eugene, where he will visit
with relatives over the holidays.
Returns Home
Mrs. H. C. Tlnn, who has been
the guest of her niece, Mrs. A. H,
Sprinkle during the past three
weeks, returned to her home In
Los Angeles last evening.
To California . .
Mrs. E. V. Shortrldge stopped
over here yesterday on her way
I home to Westwood, California, af
ter visiting with relatives at Cot
tage Grove.
From Umpqua
Mrs. Anua Murphy returned
last evening to her home at Ump
qua, after visiting and doing
Christmas shopping here yesterday.
Truck Driver Fined
A fine of 15 was assessed In
the Justice court todsy against J.
H. Jenks, who entered a plea of
giilltv to the charge of driving an
overloaded truck. '
Property Hold
A tract of 111 acres located at
Melrose, has been sold by the
owner, Charles Keyes, to Kmeric
Dursirk, a resident of Melrose.
Mr. Keyes also reports the sale
of a 21 acre tract In Rrookslde
by B. T. Peratt to P. F. Hirsch.
Ltavs For Bandorv
Perry Foster leavea tomorrow
for Bandon, accompanied by
Charles H. Clough, local boxing
promoter, who will arrange for the
fight there Friday - night between
Charles Dundee, of this city, and
Ace Boles, of Marshfleld, The boys
are scheduled for a main event of
I ten rounds.
i Leaves For Missouri
Rev. Lewis L. Fllewood left
lyesterday evening for Joplln, Mo.,
his home. Rev. Fllewood was a
Under for the evangelistic meet
ing cooducted by Rev. Oeo. Kel
lems at the Christian church here.
Before leaving for his home he
had just returned from Coqullle,
where he conducted very success
ful meetings.
Vlsskttt Dakar Home
Heskett Baker returned this
morning fro-ii Oakland, California,
where Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Baker
are to spend levers! weeks. Hes
kett tj.,(t rlxm down In hip car,
making the trip In very good time.
Mr. Btkr Is -tn verlng from a se
vere stuck of rnenmonla and will
remain Ir. CsH'o-nla until recover
ed tiom bis Miners.
Dolls, 26 off at ParsloWs. '
A challenge has been Issued by
the Peoples Supply company bas
bet ball team to the married
men's team, a new aggregation of
basket tossers. The challenge has
been accepted and the game will
be played In th near future.
The first basketball game of
the season Is to be played tonight
between the Roseburg high school
and alumni teams. The high
school squad has been working
out regularly, and Coach IJouhet
will probably use a large number
of the players In order to give
them all the experience possible.
The alumni aggregation. In spite
of the fact that the players have
not worked out together, will be
a formidable quintet. . All of the
members ot the team are old
high school stars and as they
have been practicing steadily at
college are in good physical con
dition. -
The automobile stolen last week .
from Harrison Manning of Oak
land, was recovered last night. The
machine was found abandoned on
the Happy Valley road about a half
mile off the highway. It was ap
parent that the thieves had started
to strip the car of accessories bat
were frightened away by the ap
proach of another car. They had
the tools out and In their haste
left some of their personal effects
In the machine.
Cedar Mops, Bflc at Parslow's. -
Orily two more shopping days before Christmas.
May we urge upon all our patrons the advantage
of shopping early, that we may serve you better.
Plum or Fig Pudding, medium size 35c
Mince Meat, large jar 39c
Bulk Mince Meat, fancy, 2 lbs 45c
Cranberries, very fine, 2 lbs 35c
Sweet Potatoes, fresh stock, 4 lbs ..' 25c
Banana Squash, lb V4c
Walnuts, Jumbo bleached, lb ..39c
Walnuts, large fancy, lb .-. 33c
Almonds, large fancy, lb 35c
Filberts, large fancy, lb 33c
Mixed Nuts, fresh, lb. 25c; 4 lbs 95c
Layer Figs, 2 lbs ....35c
Dainty Dates, 2 pkgs i ...45c
Our Candy Assortment Still Complete. Priced from
2 lbs. 35c to 49c per lb. ' .
Remember We Deliver $5.00 Orders
111 West
Cass Strsst
Roseburg, Ore.