EIGHT ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, MONDAY. DECEMBER 21, 192S. O O (1 a o 8 i) 6 Miss Margaret Homer, of tho Mercy Hospital nursing staff, wilt leave here Wednesday or Thnrs- day for Medford to be with her RADIOS and Supplies STROMBERG CARLSON GLOBE FADA FEDERAL Easy Terms f . . Supplies of all Kinds A. B. and C. Batteries, Dry or Wet, Bat tery Eliminators, Loud Speaker, Head Sets, T ubes, Aerial Equipment, in fact everything for the Radio. Ott's Music Store We will trade you a Radio for your old I LIBERTY 9 J TONIGHT 2 Matinee "Camille of the Barbary Coast" . ) WITH MAE BUSrH anri flWFN MOHRP Scenes and story of San in the times of the : : g 10c WEBFOOT WEEKLY AND COMEDY 20c For last minute suggestions, sure to please man, woman or child- LET US HELP YOU Tilings to wear are always most appreciated 3 BIG DAYS CHRISTMAS SALE TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Silk Knickers $2.00 la colors, pink, peach, and lavender, excellent quality, now $2.00 a pair Rayon Silk Knickers $1.89 A sale of new rayon silk knlrkera, special for the three big days before. Christmas, ' $1.89 a pair Silk Vests $1.39 To mnlrh the knickers In $2.00 grade, or may be noli) aeparately $1.39 each Rayon Vests $1.20 A special Christmas sule sever al hale all new and excellent quality while they last . $1.29 each Phoenix Vests $1.69 Silk vests In I'hoenlx make several shades Finely woven Bilk. $1.69 each ' Phoenix Knickers $2.95 Famous Phoenix silk knickers really a closo-out price several colurs $2.95 a pair Fancy Towels 98c . A stM'clnl lot conluining towels In 11.00 to 1135 (trades now grouped at reduced price. All have fancy colored borders. ' Each 98c Rain Coats at Cost Collet-late Kaineoats in colors. The few left will be closed out at cost. $2.50 to $5.50 Better Service Better Merchandise STORE , OPEN NIGHTS mother over Christmas, , Sho will return hore about Sunday. . , o polls 25'J, off at PnrsloWs. Piano. THEATRE V SATURDAY Saturday 5 Francisco. 20 years ago f. Cold Rush Days. 2 ; : Mama Dolls $1.79 Our great apoclnl on 21 -Inch. In destructible walking and talking dolls. The greatest doll offer ever made In this clly Only a few left. $1.79 each Mama Dolls $2.19 A final Christmas special on our walking and talking dolls With real hair, neatly dressed In assorted colors Only a few left $2. .19 each Blankets Now Reduced A Christmas Clearance special on all blankets In stock Includ ing Indian robes, and cotton, wool or mixed blankets for three big days buy while there Is an assortment. 15 Off , The Greatest Value in Silk Hose $1.50 , No Rift to a ladv for $1.60 can compare with Humming Bird Silk Hose packed in Individual pair Xmas boxes with card. $1.50 a pair KAYSER SILK HOSE In chiffon or heavier weights all colors $2.00, $2.50 New Style Pumps We are showinR sprinR styles In shoe now several weeks ahead of other stores Very select pat terns In oar better grades now being shown For perfect fitting and Ruaranteeil lonR wear, our shoea are famous $5.00 to $9.00 Rain Coats at Cost P. F. HIRSCH Public Accountant ROSEBURG, ORE. Your Books Kept, Charge able by the Hour or by the Month. AUDITING BOOKS OPENED AND CLOSED Inventories Figured The Pioneer Chiropractor DR. M. H. PLVLER Phone 162 Lane and Rose Sts. What Is Life's Greatest GlftT Health, Without a Doubt. Do you want to Live Long and Well? There ia nothing better known for Health than Chiro practic. Liberty Theatre Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Matinee Sunday A Dramatic Comedy With A Thousand Laughs The Prize Comedy of the Season It's a Gloom Chaser 5rm v. n i c. SNOW IN EASTERN ' OREGON. RAINS IN OTHFR VPTiniMC; rainfall for the last 48 hours to .nde'Srou W' !-' Prbr'Tn '"the "hm n this section yesterday and laat night. It la estimated tha here are five thousand cubic yards of dirt on ,lhe pavement. ! A crew of men worked throurh- tout the night clearing away the dirt and expected to have the highway open to traffic by noon today- i ne aoutneaaterty storm which I swept the coast over the week end was featured by the heavy rainfall rather than by the veloc ity of the wind. The weather ela tion at North Head at nine o'clock this morning reported that the 1 maximum velocity or the wind 1st ruction of rigid airships how Iwas 66 miles an hour. - The sea lever, and In 1619, had caused de ls only moderately rough. The hIkns to be "gotten up" for a dir precipitation during the laat 24 lixible to carry 18 airplanes, hours was recorded at the station j Asked whether tire navy and as 3. 26. inches. This Is the heavi-B0t lhe my ot "charged est precipitation on record for any I W(n development of rigid alr ,24 houra alnce the North Head Uhlps" Colonel Mitchell replied: Do You Need Money? We are making loans on Roseburg residence and busi ness property. Monthly re payment plan. Attractive rates. We are loan agents for the Equitable Savings Loan Association of Portland. Also we have private money Tor' city loans and Eastern money ' for farm loans. C. W. YOUNfc 6c SON INSURANCE 116 Cass St. Phone 417 FRANK A. TERRY ' Equitable Savings a Lean Stock Inquire of O. W. Young ft Son, real estate, or at Churchill Hard ware Co. CWiMH&WiiBEEiECHSHH' at the ARMORY FRIDAY NIGHT DEC. 25 e Benefit of Roseburg Fire Department .. Ladies Free Dancing $1.10 ItMII14.bIMMMMsl "Orugleas Health Center Dr. Harrison Folk Dr. Catherine McNeil Chiropractic and Electro Therapy Thompson Mineral Vapor Bathe 327 W. Casa phone 491 Roseburg Junk Co. 12S W. Washington We Buy All Kinds ef Metal, Rags, Sacks, Paper, Wool and Hides. PHONE 1S2-J Dr. Rupert A. Moon tlectre-Chlropraetor Nerve and Spins Specialist tot Perkins Bldg. Phone 664 DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist In the QttlLf of Olasees IK Jackson BL Dr. H. C Church OPTOMETRIST Perklne Bid. Roeeeerf, Or XfM ss ANNUAL j CHRISMS! BALL j t e 1 station was established. MEDFORD, Ore., Dee. 21. The la below the average. BAKER, Ore., Dec. 21. Six Inches of snow fell here last night. This is the heaviest fall " " " d" ; y " 'of the winter. The weather to- I . . (MITCHELL BACK AS WITNESS IN AIRCRAFT QUIZ fContlnued from Pare 1.) Ideal" to do with designs and eon "The Intent never has been to give the whole development to the navy as it oontended. The whole business has been in no way satisfactory to the country. The fact remains that after seven years we have no rigid airship in military operation." i Asked If he still believed non . froezlng solutions carried by tbe Shenandoah caused corrosion of :the dirigibles framework, as (charged In the Sun Antonio state ment. Colonel Mitchell said, he 1 waa not prepared to say from his I own knowledge. He had been told that the Shenandoah carried cal cium claride, he said, and he knew that substance would cause dura . lumlnuin to corrode. "Sneaking Suspicion." I Major Leonard asked about Colonel Mitchell's charge that the ; Shenandoah was "about five per I cent over weight.' ' The ship's limited cruising ra dius, tne colonel replied, led mm to believe that the Shenandoah was 50 per cent reduced in Us ability to stay in the air and ahould not have been ent on long distance flights. 'I had a aneaking suspicion that ahe was 60 percent over weight," said the witness. "On a 'sneaking suspicion,' then you are willing to alarm the country?" asked Major Leonard. "Yes. and I want to say right here that tbe question of aviation ia a public question and discussion of It Is not confined to the army and navy." . He said, he beard evidence dur ing hie army court martial trial that the Shenandoah was only three percent overweight, but In sisted that his 'personal knowl edge from reports and things of that kind,' caused him to believe that the overweight was exces sive. "I know that she was over weight and that her cruising ra dius was reduced fifty percent," Colonel Mitchell added. "Would It excite any surprise in your mind If it was shown that the Shenandoah waa not at all overweight?" WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. Colo nel William Mitchell bad another opportunity today to tell of his knowedge of the crash last Septem- , ber of the dirigible Shenandoah, the naval court of Inquiry recon vening today to hear the air offl- cer, now auspended from the serv ice for. five years, before winding up Ita affair. Meanwhile, Secretary Davis of the War Department was repre sented as planning means of em 1 phaslzlng to any other dissenting individuals or units within the , army the significance of the ver- : diet of the Mitchell court martial. I The colonel bad aomething else to think about today, a proposal to i Mayor-Elect Walker of New York. that be be appointed police com- : mlasfoner Of that city. Dispatches i from New York, however. Indicated that Colonel Mitchell has little j chance for the post; one of the prime requirements fixed by the mayor elect la that the police com missioner bea resident of New I York and the colonel is not. Mlt i chell himself had only a chuckle las comment on the proposal, which waa made last night by Represent ative Hloom, democrat. New York, In a message to Mr. Walker. The Mitchell case also cropped up In Chicago over the week-end. Representative Reld. republican. Illinois, Mitchell's chief counsel, declaring that his client Is a mod ern John Brown and that his Ideas will go marching on. Mitchell Verdict Scored. WASHINGTON. Pec. 21. Colo nel Willam Mitchells court mar tial aenlence of five years suspen sion from the army was described i as "cruel and unreasonable." today I by Representative Garrett of Ten nessee, the Democratic house lead er. "One of our most distinguished world flyers baa been punished." said Mr. Garrett, "for telling the tru'h of the aviation shortcomings or tne Republican administration "We have had investigation after investigation recently and finally I a court martial. The net result la punishment for one of the coun try's ablest officers." t merging the army court tnar Itlal had "shanghaied' Colonel Wil liam ' Mitchell, Representative Blanton. Democrat, Texas, demand ed on the house floor the abolition of all court menials In peace time. X BORN . X HI.AIR To Mr. and Mrs W. H. Hlsir of llillnra fin Sim.luv December 20, 1923. a son. OVNTEH To Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ounter, at their home in West Rose burg. Saturday, December II. 1925. a girl. MATHEWS To Mr. and Mre. I. N. Mathews, at their home on Win. Chester street, Sunday, December 20, 1S2S, a glrL MEW TOD AY I FOR SALE Fat dressed bogs, lSe pound, mono 14 KB. SlRD DOG for sale. Lewellyn Set" ter. A. A. Bennett, Looking Glass, Oregon. WANfED-Woman to keephouse for rancher. Good home to right party. Box 85, Canyonville, Ore. WANT KURS Bring or ship. If prices aro not satisfactory return at my expense . B. V. Shields, Wilson's Tire Shop. . SPECIaYTFRICES until Dec. Slat. Marcel, hair-trim, bob curl, and shampoo. Call Mrs. Amy Rogers, 137 N. Main. Phone 11 8-LI. FOUND Purse containing money. Owner call at this office and de scribe purse and contents as means of Identification. A BOOK that fits Christmas- What's that? One of Dr. Louis Albert Banks' new ones at tbe Koseburg Book Store. t on SALK Fir siumpagu at 40c per cord ; New Oregon straw berry planta, $3.00 and $4.00 per M.; also solid cabbages. Lind blom, Dlxonvllle. FORTTtESfrroom bouse on cor ner; one block from post office; possession now. Rent $20.00. LAWRENCE AGENCY, 12S Cass Street Phone 2 IS. ALFALFA, gram, nay, timothy, oats, barley and wheat .guaran teed quality; prompt shipment Prices upon application. Richard Nyman, Walla Walla, , Washing ton. IN SOLID COLORS or any com bination of red, green, blue, black or tile color. See the new cer tainteed strip shingle. Juat re cently placed on the market Denn-GerretBen Co., Inc. SPECIAL TIRE SALE We are setting tires tnts week - at leas than wholesale prices to reduce our stock for Inventory. 30x31 Cords, clincher caaing, $8.60. Othera In proportion. Wells ft Chase. 317 N. Jackson St. THOROUGHBRED COLLIE PUPS I have four Sable Collie pup plea seven weeks old;' bred from natural breeders; all males; price ten dollars each; delivered to the LAWRENCE AGENCY. 125 Cass Street. Phone 219. raiTllROWERS. ATTENTION! The Farm Bureau at Roseburg will sell lime sulphur solution, made by tbe Sutberlln Spray Plant guaranteed SO Baume test Costs about half as much as commercial dry lime and sul phur of same test i MORTGAGE LOANS Loans on residence, apartment and busi ness property. No commission. Investigate our amortized plan before placing your loan, limp ' qua Savings and Loan Associa tion. Douxlas Abstract building. FOR SALE Ope yearling Jersey bull at $55; also one 6-weeks old bull calf at S25 f. o. b. my farm. Will furnish Registration papers; this is St Mawe'a breeding of blgh class. Also some very fine 1 Collie and Shepherd pups, nat ural heelers at $10 each. S. M. Snell, Drain, Ore. PRE-INVENTORY SALE OF USED CARS We have Ford touring, coupe, tudor sedan, Overland tourings and. all-steel body 4-door aedan, Chevrolet touring, and are making apecial , pricea this week to close them out before Inventory. Call and see them and get our pricea. Wells Chase, 311 N. Jackson St.. Roseburg. GENERAL STORE FOR SALE j Big double store with fine stock 1 of saleable merchandise; good j fixtures; best location on Pa cific highway; wonderful place for fruit and melona; 6-room cottage; everything goes for $2500. Rent only $30 for every-! thing. Full Information LAW RENCE AGENCY, 125 Cass Street. Phone 219. BIG BRICK ""BUILDING RANCH I have a fine Income property located in heart of city. 63x80, with cement basement, two stores on ground floor rent ed; upper floor ia two and three room apartment; Income $140 per month; when lease expires can get $200 per month. Will trade for a good ranch stocked and equipped. Get full Informa tion LAWRENCE AGENCY, 125 Cass Street. Phone 219. PERHAPS YOU NEED AN ALARM, CLOCK! Do you real ise what this means? Here are 20 acres In full bearing apples, bordering on hard surfaced road; some buildings and improve ments; this place cost the own er over seven thousand dollars; a case of absolute compulsion makes him offer a clear title to you for $1600; a wonderful place for fruit and poultry: grab It or you won't have a chance. LAW RENCE AGENCY. 125 Cass Street. Phone 219 E. K. McLENDON. REAL ES TATE, INSURANCE AND BONDS ' ! ARE YOU PAYING TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS A MONTH RENT? THEN YOU ARE THROWINO AWAY $300 PER 1 YEAR. WHAT COULD YOU DO WITH THAT AMOUNT OF MONEY NOW? DONT WAIT FOR THE NEW YEAR TO MAKE A RESOLUTION, DO IT NOW BEFORE THE YEAR . THAT ENDS TODAY IS GONE. I McLENDON 8PECIAL $$150 NEW COZY 4-HOOM COT TAGE South Roseburg. plaster-; ed. modem, garage. $250 down, ' 119 MONTH HI DRV $800 LAURELWOOD HOME-' biik ml t-r.HU in the vicinity of fine modern homes, natural basement, earavated by nature. YET YOU SAY LAND IS HIGH. WANTED TO rvr Hivnr $7,000 COUNTRY HOME OF TEN ituu.vs new wnn basement and 10 acres for good city home In Roseburg. E. K. McLENDON. , 124 PERKINS BLDO. PHONE 124J. i The Book Most Desired! B OOKS from time immemorial have been given' as gifts but -the cheerfully accepted at Christmas time is the Bank Book. It's the one Bookthat becomes more valuable with the passing years for the principal is con stantly drawing inter est. Give such a Savings UMPQUA VALLEY BANK ' Roseburg, Oregon "FOR SALE Restaurant and lunch counter. Cash or easy terms. Ad dress Box 80, News-Review. - BICYCLES FOR XMAS Buy and save, our prices are right, so are the bicycles. Key. fitting and locksmltbtng. Rose burg Cyclery, 635 N. Jackson St Mahe your Gift Selections here From our assortment of quality merchandise. - , FOR LADIES Silk Stecklnge ', 11.00, S1.50, S1.75, 12.00 Satin Boudoir 8llppere . $1.45, S1.8S Felt Slippers : 95o, !.4S, $1.65 Leather House Slippers S1.95 SILVER SLIPPERS, VELVET SLIPPERS, SATIN SLIPPERS, PATENT SLIPPERS, KIO SLIPPERS - FOR MEN ' WALK OVER SHOES AND OXFORDS Silk Sox , Men's Felt Slipper , Men's Leather Slippere Roseburg Booterie IRVIN BRUNN .SHOES THAT SATISFY AND FIT YOUR FEET PERKINS BLDQ. ROSEBURG, ORE. TONIGHT AND TUESDAY MILO'S MINSTRELS T 8 -PEOPLE -8 . BAND AND ORCHESTRA MAXINE MILO Saxaphone Wlxard This Act is a Standard Act that has played . Hippodrome Circuit ON THE "THE WOMAN HATER" A Warner Bros. Screen Classic with Helene Cbadwick, Clive Brook and all-star cast! 25c-MAJESTIC-50c FOR SALE Seal larquette. worn! only S months. Will sell for less than half price If taken before . Xmas. Address Coat, P. O. Box ' 903, Roseburg, Ore. PROTECT THEM Work bard to make your busi ness a success. - Spend money freely to make your borne a delight Take pleasure In acquiring wealth of possessions. Then sit back and enjoy them free from worry safeguarded by dependable Insurance. suwttc not IWF8WC.W PETER PAN THE DELIGHTFUL PLAY From James M. Ranie's novel, will be abown AT THE PLAYHOUSE SUTHERLIN Tuts. Wed., Dec. 2223 Admission 15c, 35c ' 7:30 P. M. Big Dance at TILLER CHRISTMAS EVE December 24 .Good Music Everybody welcome, Come and have a good time. Book of all Books most BANK - P BOOK i account this year. BUSINESS COLLEGE graduate la Instituting evening class in stenography. Tn es d a ys and Thursdays, beginning Dec.' 2. Enroll NOW. Write Lilian Fur ton, City, or phone Jlil-R even ings. ' , 75c , ..$1.35, $1.45, $1.65. $1.75 $1.95 ALL WHITE Featuring . . - HELEN LEWIS ' Former Radio Star . K. G. W. Portland SCREEN 3 NOW SHOWING H4it.1t. McOrg eVfaMatfatoMsBtepflK 10c 35c Coming LON CHANS, in THE UNHOLY THREE" "i