Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 19, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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y'.V'' : ; Travel To f'yU'.i V 1
Los Angeles and Way Points
Two Schedules Daily Leaving
Terminal Htel 7 A.M. and 3:35 P. M. ,
One Way Fare to S.F. $14.75
Round Trip Fare to S.F. 29.00
One Way Fare to L. A L 26.60
Round Trip Fare to L. A. ..- 50.00
Two Day to San Francisco and Three Days to
Los Angeles by Pickwick Stage
Terminal Hotel
Phone 586, Roseburg,
Secretarial, Stenographic, or Bookkeeping Course
992 Willamette 81 Phone 66 Eugene, Oregon
Enroll Today It'a a Good School '
A. E. ROBERTS, Preeident
We need them for our Xmas Trade.
Prompt CASH Returns, Unexcelled SALES senrke
Ship to
General Commiaalon Merchants
8. W. Cor. Drumm and Waahlnitton 81a. San Francisco
ill JLAIIIM ' Hovmo ' ti
19 HHUVINU. To not stand In fear and dread of nn
9 jsx - of moving day. Tell ua In advance Ba
9 ' fA yur moving plana and we will Mm
(J execute them with apeed and satis- KH
jj t ' 1. ' faction at lowest ralea. BO
m " "Ws aim to plsass" EQ
J 1 2.X ' H. S. FRENCH
44444 44444444l
s -
(Continued from page 4.)
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nichols,
Mlsa Jane Wharton, Miss Bess
Wharton, Leete? Wlmberly, Lymon
Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Skin
ner and Mr. and Mrs. George
' Johnson. .
College Folk to
Gather at O. A. C Dance
The O. A. C. dance on Tuesday
evening at the Moose hall will
bring together at one of the first
social affairs of the younger set
..during the holiday season, host
of those returning from college
and a number of young folk of the
Seniors of the high school, O. A.
. C alumni and O. A. C. students
r have been invited to attend, and
preparatlona are being made to
decorate the hall with fir boughs
and fraternity and aororlty pen-
Banta .. will be hung from the
celling. The Swanee Serenaders
orchestra will play for the dance.
La Verne Hawn is general chair
man of the dance, Miss Kathleen
Bltney Is In charge of the decora
tions, Jack Crawford la finance
manager and Miss Emma TJeland la
, In charge of the) refreshment com
mittee. 0
At the regular meeting of the
. Mlwaleta Camp Fire Girls, Thurs
day at the Petersen home, the or-
. ganlsatlon decided to hold a cooked
food sale December 24. Plans were
alio made for a, New Year's watch
..." Prty.
lW. R.C.andG. A. R.
' Enjoy Christmas Party
- The members of the W. R. C.
and she O. A. R. had a pleasant
afternoon when they met at the
. Armory Friday for a Christmas
A program was presented, which
included readlnga hy Virginia Cy
ma and Ella May Morris: Scottlah
ballads, by Mrs. Chandler; folk
ongs, by Mrs. Kldd: address, by
' Past Commander Taylor; talk by
. Commander Riddle. Christmas
. greetings from absent members
-were read to the group, lter the
, guests enjoyed fishing In a Chrlat
t jnss pond, each receiving a small
gift, and luncheon waa served by
" the committee Id charge,
0 0 0..
; Mrs. Johnson Hostess
Friday Afternoon
";' A Christmas party which waa
.'one of the pleasant social affalra
of the week, had M"rs. O. L. John
, son as hostess Friday afternoon,
Ore., for Information
when she entertained the members
of the Woodcraft Thimble Club.
Attractive Christmas trees and
other Yuletlde decorations gave
the rooms a festive appearance. A
large Christmas tree In one corner
of the room waa decorated with
email lighted Japanese lanterns
and bells. Following the bualneas
session the ladles chatted and the
hostess served luncheon at a ta
ble, where the Christmas decora
tions were carried out with a min
iature tree aa centerpeice. Spend
ing the afternoon were the Mes
damea Wamaley, Dowell, Cawfleld,
Wetherell, Keglater, Kepper. Tay
lor, Johnson, Earl Rhoads, S. W.
Tlnkman, of Seattle, Misses Helen
Wetherell, Betty Kepper, Eloda
Taylor, and Ruth Rhoads.
Theodore Burr
Complimented at Dinner
The birthday anniversary of
Theodore Burr was observed by a
dinner party Friday evening at 6
o clock, for which Mr. and Mrs. w.
A. Burr were hosts at their home
on the Curry estate,
Holly formed attractive tnhle
decoral Ions where covers were
placed for Mlaaes Thelma Trefren,
Krancea Cssaetl, Thelma Newhard,
Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Smith, Theo
dore Burr, Bill Burr, and Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Hurr.
0 0 0
Christmas Carols to
Be Sung This Year
The old time sweetness of Christ
mas carols will again fill the ah- on
Christmas eve, when the four
Camp Fire Girl groups will
sing the Chrlatmaa songs which
have been Invtd and hallow
ed through the ages at the
community Christmas tree. The
singing of Christmas carols Is a
unique feature of holiday entertain
ment, and one which will bring )oy
and gladnen to many.
0 0 0
Annual Homecoming Xmas
Program at High School
The atudents of Roseburg High
School will have their anual home
coming Christmas program at the
high school. Wednesday afternoon.
The program will be at 1:30
o'clock and a number of Interesting
things am being arranged Includ
ing a short play. This will be fol
lowed by the alumni tea.
0 0 0
Business Women's Cluhi
Meeting and Party Last Eve
The Business and Professional
Women's club meeting waa opened
last evening at the Helnllne Con
sersvtory by ensemble singing, ltd
by Mrs. C. A. Brand, following
which bualneas. Including the nomi
nation of officers for the ensuing i
year, was transacted. The offknrs
elected were tfrestdent, Libel
Webb: vice-president, Dr. Lncetta I
Smith; secretary, May V. Pyron; 1
. , '. t
Following la a Hat of the county
cialma allowed at the last regular
in 1 01 emnlT .MUr,:. JJone. $8.97. Ray Alklna $5.99, Areh
r. R'. .Tn' i, C0"1?"' Abstract LoU,Knont $2 99, Dist 20; C. L
J;.?'" Roy ,Utchl11 Mo,or Co-8palding $8.97. C. L. Bpald-
pl.. t
Frear $8.00. M. C. Bowker $12.00; 5 9 Henrv Hedrlrir 117 84 Btive'W. I.undeen $15.10. J. M. Spancake
STST nUeKd 8U,et ""S' ,Co IKw,o $?47 ? Victor OuMer ILIJ C. W. Lundeen $39.80. J. sr.
$28.00, Roseburg Newa-ReTlew ,Frant.i, Gunter $6 98 Will Adam-1 SDam'ake 117 4S' r' M' "lcolm
$204 00. Roy Catching Motor Co. . iS9g n n Powell 15 9 iBi s- S"11 3 n- - '
$163.86. E. E. Lea. $24.00. W. A. ttoon $2 99 Wm M .ttocT $2 99 ! $77.45. Dallaa Shelton (asstn).
Branham $1.00, C. H. DaUKherty I " " ?; e hi97 r' 0 Weatherly $24 37. Alfred
iiik, r. d ol w ,. Harry Koss IX.S7, M. fc. Koss $8.97. 1 ..., ,Bnin v w r.ii lieia
T..v, .... ... DiLiiiumu .join,, I
Weatern Union $4.92. F. W. IJillard
$3.50, W. C- Grubbe $4.00; C'lr. I
eT Umpqua $8 ; a K. 'S
. B. Houaer IIO.OO; Roa'L21.; nugiSS
elopment Co $40.00. Zlg-! .1??, 'S"',.." !l EL""
Ct.: Hotel Umpaua $8.45: CL
Uouae: A. B. Houaer $10 00. Roa-
. , -
uuik uv.r mnnniE i n s.ii nil iv.
r .7. . ' .
'.'e" "ow; " . 1?. '
iHdw. Co. .86c; Co. Court: The
I Oakland Tribune $66.80. The Suth
lerlln Sun $27.80, Myrtle Creek
I Mall $13.85, The Riddle Enterprise
l$32.00. Port Umpqua Courier $38.
195, Glendale Printing Co. $26.40,
Roseburg News-Review $130.80;
iJuat. Ct.: Jan. H. Dearllng $3.45,
I E. E. Leas $2.60, Geo. Jones $54.15,
'Albert Hague $15.20, C. H. Pauxh
erty $7.00, F. W. Dlllard $11.80, In-
nnue; ur. r.. u. ciewart Sb.UU, LfUUS
for Men $39.17; Sch. Kuit.: Lillian
B. Davis $100.00, Edith 8. Ackert
$84.71, Churchill Hdw. Co. $1.20,
Dalton Add. Mach. Bales Co.
$10.00; Co. Home ft Indg.: C. L.
Reckley $16.00, O. E. Gardiner
$26.88, Geo. Solomon $1.00, Doug
laa Co. Flour Mills $25.97, 8. S.
Bolalnger $112.92. Churchill Hdwe.
Co. $2.25, A. J. Lllburn $5.96, Deer
Creek Jersey Dairy $7.92, Ideal
Bakery $10.32. Oregon Bakery I
$10.28, Stonea Cash Store $46.70,
Can Street Market $14.75, McKean
Darby Baldwin, $1.60. Fisher's
$19.63, C. H. Daugherty $9.75, J. A.
linger $36.00, Mercy hoapital
$68.10, W. C. Grubbe $16.22. Sarffa
Auto Wrecking House $7.00, Roae-
, burg Dairy ft Soda Wka. $3.60,
Morgan's Grocery $21.32, Douglaa
I Grill $36.60; Jail: Lenox Furniture
Co. $10.50, Roaeburg Cafeteria
$115.80; Jut. Ct: D. R. Soambrook
'$8.00. Agnes M. Pitchford $34.81;
Ferry: H. H. Fryer $11.01 Paul
Bernhardt $108.00, Stearns ft
'Chenowetb $14.60, Bounty: John
Halght $10.00, J. P. Bennett $10.00,
Frank Ingram $10.00. E. R. Flts
gerald $10.00, Martin Chapman
$10.00, W. J. Yokum $10.00, M. E.
Tavener $10.00, Carl Collins $10.00,
L. B. Scantlan $10.00, Card Saw
yers $30.00. Ervln Rice $30.00. In
' Dysert $10.00. Cluis. Parasoo
$10.00, Geo. C. Grout $20.00, Elmer,
Weekly $10.00, Harry ' Bushneli
$10.00, R. V. Hatfield. $20.00. H. 8.1
Stevenson $10.00, Chas. T. Smith
siu.vv, J. A. Monroe $10.00, Health
Unit: Roseburg Book Store $1.06,
Crocker's Drug Store- $1.05, Red
Cross Pharmacy $1.65, Bureau
Public Nurse ft Hyg. $4.80, Ore.
Social Hyg. Society $5.60, Ellen
Post $33.20, Shaw Supply Co. $2.31,
Co. Surveyor: Geo. Spaur $20.28,
M. C. Bowker $24.00, H. L. Epp
stein $71.98, P. D. Wolford $17.98;
Medicine: Crocker's Drug Store
$15.80. Marsters Drug Co. $7 90.
Red Crosa Pharmacy $5.35, Hort.
Uen: K. A. Currier 130.00. Herd
Inspect.: R. E. Hunt $250.00,
Indemnity, J. E. Marks $8.75,
Misc. and Cur. Exp.: J. H.
alnnlger $117.15. Pacific Tel.
ft Tel rv siniaR n,,rrnt,. V
ding Machine Co. $56.10, Roseburg ' I)l,t- 75: R- D- Harvey $22.45, L.
Newslievlew $329.40, Roseburg a Nnkaton $5.98, Roy Medley
Book Store $3.65, Calif. Ore. Poweri149' Ca' Spencer $7.48. Victor
Co. $72.60. Roseburg Electric Store ' "vl $12.72. Zene McNsbb $2.99,
$9.00.. Koke-Tlffany Co. $34.83.1? D Harvey $17.45. John Abeene
Josephine Jones $44.30. i $23.96. John Richards $32.94. Alva
' ' Road District Payroll j " h Cla,ud,
Dist. 2: H. D. Connlne $25.96. H. ".'.Via' n r I
A. Blakely $11.98. O. . Kins'.'?!? 8 ' M;7.W J PMCk,,m
129 95 V a n.ri, ii oo ,i $'19S. Dist. 77: J. F. McClanahan
$29.95, V. 8. Barker $2.99, Dist I
3: U. . Weatherly $16.22, Dallas
Shelton $12 47. Dist. 3N: C. 8. Mc
Collum $27.92. H. M. Clay $41.86,
D. E. Clay $41.86. A. Rehm $8.97,
w. H. Hmlley $2.99. Dist. 6: D. O.
u. .."' K?f?'r'Si''nP1 Mills ft Timber Co.. $270,
im m V ih-. - .... :29; : w- J Burchard $32.50.
r! 95 rr? Hhl't ti i !Rrd Ryd''" 0. H. I Boaaen $15 80
$.695. Card Sagaberd $4.48; Dlat.iand $20.50; Diat. 16: I. B. Nichols
7: Clyde ftydell $61.83 Chas. Rlch-ins.oo. J. A. Denn Powder Co.. 6 .
anln $13.49 Stacy Flnlcy $2.99, 75; Dist 17: Elder. Hardware
eye Hansen $2.99. Francis Mack j $24.60. o. A. Houaer $10 65: Dlat
$17.97. 8. P. Flnley $5.99, Arna 20: Cool Motor Co.. $29.20. Andy's
Johnson $20.91, 1-ew Rowe $20 96. Service Station $17.02, Union Oil
Geo. Binder $2.99. Carl Binder I Co.. $19 91: Dlat. 24: Daiighertys
$2.99, Claude McDonald $2.99: Dlat. I Auto Service $10.00: Inst 21- A.
10: E. H. Olllvant $61.38, E. M. OI- Teal $9.50; Dlat. 31: J. A Denn
llvant $67.87. Fred Byron $39.40, ! Powder Co.. $9.83; Dlat 32- A 8
$17.94, Floyd McAboy $9.9,7, Wallace $33.20: Dlat. 38: C. W,
Geo. Croucher $50.91, V. McAboy Groves .75. Paul Spain $1.50; Dist
H. Z. Ireland $1.49, James! 62: Churchill Hdwe. Co., $4.40;
Myron $2.99, Ivan Swift $11.98. Ham i Dlat. 64: U E. Hennlnger $1 0, T.
Ruahnell $8.96, Ace Gurney $5.98; 1 1- Weaver $3.80, white ft White
Dlat 12: T. F. Heard $29.94. Neal 1 $12 00; Dlat 68: T. L. Weaver
Heard $2.99, Corvln Heard $1198, 1 $5 65; Dlat. 71: C. Vleck 134.46;
Dlat. 16: Edward Edmonds $19.47, j I1'"'- ?: V. S. Woodruff $27.50:
Percy Wolrott $17.95; Dlat. 17: A. I HIU $220.49. 0. W.
C. Mara $123.05. Bob Townsman 1 short J fi": I"t 78: otto 9te
$76.37, A. W. Wlatom $29 95, Elmer ;P''ens $3 60; Dlat. 71: M. 1.. Ktm-
tr'aaurer, Grace Taylor; sergeant-at-arnis,
Virginia Jones.
Afterward there waa entertain
ment and refreshments were serv
ed the group. This waa followed
bv distribution of sift, from .
Christmas tree, each s-ueat r. win. '
a gift and forming a ring, while mu-
sic waa played. When the mualc
stopped, each gift was opened. If
the receiver waa Dlea.ed with It
she kept the small token. If not
new groups were formed and gin.
were passed on to others, until earh
one present had a gift which suited,
There will be no luncheon meet-
Ing of the club In Januarv. How.
ever, there will be an evening meet- Manning $13 45: Dlat 62: James
Ing. the third Frldav of the month, l-eatnerwood $24.43. Iiuls Kxgle
at which time there will he a ban- ,'" $17 97. Henrv Selverts $11.98.
qni't and installation of officers. J ' Hamilton $16 46. Geo. Wilcox
The committee In charge of Inatat- 7. Joe lvsnlorff $5 99. H. I
lstlon are Mrs. H. B. Yount Mrs.,Kniae $5 99. W. F. Stesrns $5 99.
Story lies, and Miss Dorothy
Announces that he has resumed
possession of bis offices In the
Porklna Building, Rooms 30010.
Surgery, Oynsaology, Goitre.
, Moore 140.43, Pete Didtel, 'jr.,
$5.94. Tom Slmmi 147.0. J. M.
' Cornutt $14.95, Ctrl Ollbrettb 18.97,
Frank Bramball 147.84, Perry Cor-'
nutt $5.98, L. 8. Howard $16.44.!
Pete Didtel Sr . $29.95, Elbert Ball I
$34.44. Jim Batei $8.98, Chaa. Mont-!
baff $5.99. Chas. UIJa $17.97. J. LI
I Hanks $17.97, Henry Huntley Dist 49: O. E. Baker $819.00, H.
I $8.97. T. H. Montgomery $5.98, R.'E- Baker $211.31; Mat. 52: K. N.
iB. Klrkoatrlck $49 33. U. Y. Ann I Howard $4 66: Diat 0: rhaa.
: 131.40, J. M. Yokum $27.65, P. W.IMoore $9.28. Drew Store 119.05;
Klng $79.79. Fred Bwearlngen
.(, . j7 liin SVv,.r I
V.... o.iV ,,''L.
ii.T' U a.. iI.'.V iw . !
t... i
,.,. .
i.ini R to..., .'int. cu
'iz..i. rjeraiu Mejrera iu.0, rrea
... ... . , nn .
le $2.00. T. H. Mltchel $1.49. Clay
ton Meyer. $2.99; Dlat. 23: I). Van- i.3o( Roaeburn Garaae 155.89.
devert $30.95. Mark Markeaon Uenaughty Machinery Co. $27.99,
$1.49, Plat 24: T. B. Hucklna $86.37. orecon State Highway Comm. 14.
John Potter $20.93, Ray Potter I so. H. W. Hharn Co. 179 61. Union
$23.92, Geo. Potter $22.45, B. E.
Newman $11.20; Dlat. 27: W. L.
Leonard $17.96, E. F. Hall $11.47,
Gall Winnlford $1.49; Dlat. 28: Roy
Agee $29.45; DIsL 30: J. M. Span-
cake $5.61, J. E. Marks $14.96, L$26 55. S. B. Crouch $3.55. Ira B.
Corvalho $4.48; Dlat 31: J. R.
Chaney $26.45, Fred Perdue $14.95,
A. Perdue $11.96. J. A. Rachor
$13.46. H. Rachor $17.97, Glen
Rachor $8.97, Newel) Wood $6.98,
Wallle Whitney $5.98, Frank Rach
or $1.49, I Mat. 37: J. M. Spancake
$13.09; Dlat 38: D. P. Frenrh
$42.17. Frank Klllaon $17.97. Geo.
J. Thomas $20.94, Plln Cooper
$23.92. Paul Spain $5 99. C. L. Web
ber $2.99. Frenrh Nichols $23 96.
Dee Nichols $11.96. W. M. Burdlne
$2.99; Dlat 39: E. C. Davia $38.94,
Palmer Davis $2.99 Glen Cox
$8.97; Dist. 40: J. M. Deardorff
$28.47. D. B. Deardorff $8.97; Dlat.
48: Roy Strader $35.97. J. P. Baum-
bach $35.97. C. L. Branton $14.22,
T T U.I'InM CO OA Y T O. l
v. - iiaiunu a. r . oinuvr
""kV- ' 0ms
$98.57 Robt Kwelatroin $35.87.
Fred Hartman $68.76. H. A. Carlson
$2.99, R. H. Peterson $26.90, D. T.
Craig $11.95, H. E. Baker $20.96.
Robt Davia $4.48. G rover Davis
$5.98: Dist 50: John F. O'Mara
$16.70. A. W. Hartshorn $5.98. Art
Ridgeway $99.00. J. F. Lamoreaux
14.97, j. a. uniespie $14.97, C. a.
Austin $7.47; Dlat. 51: Fred Hand
$8.98. Harry Bambridge $11.98. Ed
ward, Manning $11.98, Alfred Hand
$5.98, B. H. Manning $5.98, Dist.
55: T. C. Johns $17.47, C. A. Rob
enson $11.98, W. A. Jackson $1.49,
D. T. Johns $4.98. Dlsf. 66: C. M.
Slegel $19.47. Albert Mathews
$5.99, T. L. Godfrey $2.99; Dist.
69: Ira E. Pierce $59.90; Diet, 63:
J. H. Peery $13.47. 8. P.
Peery $8.97. Dist. 64: John C.
Ulam $22.96, E. L. Davis $11.98. W.
C. Campbell $11.98. Ray Porter
$11.98. W. M. Porter $5.98, Walter
Cole $5.98, Pearl Davis $5.98, John
Hart $4.48. T, L. Weaver $1.49;
Dlat. 6: T. B. Burnett $55.67.
Ralph St. Onge $16.43, Tom Burnett
Jr., $16.43, Gordon Burnett $11.96.
W. C. Campbell $14.97, Dist 68:
Joe A. Snyder $7.47. Raymond
1 8nydor $29.97; Dlat. 68: John
ulam 1,2 98' c- rav1" T.
L- Weaver $16.44. W. M. Porter
$8.97, Pearl Davis $8.9,7. Walter
Cole $7.47. John Hart $5.98. Dist.
73: 8. A. Lane $18.21, J. J. Sylves
ter $11.98. '.: A. Black $5.98, James
Ferguson $5.98. P. R. Lane $5.98.
$15 69. R. E. Brown $8.96, A. Hume
Read District Bills.
Stesrns ft Chenoweth $5.15; Dist
3NJ. Frank L. Taylor $7 00. J. A.
janeiie 137.64; Dlat. 6: Frank L.
mel $20.00
niat. 75 ; Jeff Medley
Spsclsl Tax Payroll,
Dlat. 4: . R. 1 Wiley $.16 15. Em
ery Dailey $19.43, Joe Clawann $14.
95. 1. A. Peaaliar $29.66. Ilnaaell
Palley $23 98. Clsilde Dslley 14.48:
llt 33: F. B. Lane $86.71
W. E.
'Chapman $35 94. Curly Chapman
' ""rr suss. t nss.
Halm $1198. W. C. Curtis $698.
Sylvan Boroughs $8.98. Clyde Hat-
$5 98; Dlat. 37: O. O. Mat-
'news us. Wallace Matthews
3149; Dlat 61: Chss. Hunt $8.97.
'"""d Hand $26 95. Harry 1 tarn-
"""ke .' .95, fcdward Hannlng
$-6.95. Alfred Hand $13 45. II. II.
Win-!1"1? Townssnd $7 47, Alva 8te-
iPhens $5 91. Victor Balrd $5 98, D.
I. Dav $2 99. K. I- Settle $149:
Dlat 55: T. C. Johns $16 47. Wm.
Damewood $5 98; D1t. 69: Elmer
A. Pierce $30 00; D11. 60: E. I.
Williams $10 46. C E Moore $35.
95. Wlllard Cook $11 96. O E Cook
$11 96; Dist. 62: O. 11. Winnlford
$21 SI, Im Winnlford $21 95, Adam
Schneider $1 49: Dist 65: J. M.
jDeardorff 131.33, D. B. Deardorff I
I $50.83, Wta. McGovern 132.89. Thos.
McGovern $8.97. J. C. Hamilton
$35.88; Dist 77: J. V. McClanahan
$16.71. R. E. Brown 111.98, Koss
McClanahan $8.97. Howard Russell
$8.97. Albert Brown, A. Hum
$5.99, Frank Grubbe $5 99.
Special Tax Bills. '
Dlat. 70: Cowan'a Garage $142.55.
General Read Fund Payroll.
E. W. Riddle $33 66, D. O. Weath
erly $( 49. Dallaa Shelton $4.99. C.
""""" ' 7' . ' "' -.'-
B. B. Sutton $44.89. Henry W. Balrd
$79.00. Walter Polle $69.
00, L. E.
Thpaon $49 a N Gurney
00' Loyd C' Lw,nard 1,3 5'
" Bill.,
e.-ii nil linn An n....
n. " , n," nrin n.
Iron Works $37.50. O. A. Houaer
$20.41. Churchill Hdwe. Co. $43.70.
V. Hogan 2S12. O. W. Carter
$31.00. neall Pipe ft Tank Corp.,
$180 95, Willamette Equipment Co.,
Kiauie, .43. itoseDur' tmrare sun.
09.' A. S. Wallace $88.80, Wharton
Bros. $4.60, Geo. Gurney $17.60. C.
A. Catching $96.25. Henry Huntley
$51 00. Roy Catching Motor Co.,
$5.70, H. S. French Transfer Co.,
$6.85. '
Market Road Payroll.
D. O. Weatherly $20.07, N. 8.
Weatherly $2.99. C. W. I.undeen
$89.88. J. M. Spancake $104.80. C.
M. Malcolm $74.24, Stanley Malley
$48.39. (flssgn) F. C. Frear $40.60,
Alfred Cloake $22.71. E. W. Galla
$U.. B. I Rmaler $7.47. M. J.
Inscho $2.99, H. J. Fretwell $10.47,
MUea .Tones $35.97, Clifford Mab
ley $17.9(8. .T. E. Marks $11.99. Carl
I.undeen $29 97. Clyde Catching
$39.97. C. M. Malcom $9 98 and $41
. rlllea.. octal tr
Larson $29.95. W. 8. Moffltt $li.9'.
Mr. Bradfnrl. Jr.. M.97. Albprt
Matthews $2.99, Oliver Fredrick-
son $5.98. O. O. Matthews $126.79.
Market Road Bills.
F. C. Frear (pd augn.), E. W.
Riddle $2060. Frank U Taylor
stas is. C.ilhama Oin il.20. N.
Hogan $13 65. J. N. Hedden $13.70.
M. C. Bowker $24.00. A. S. Wallsce
$665.28. C. A. Catching $139 50. C.
E. Mabley $81.00. A. 8. Wallace
$252.80. C. W. Lundeen $66.00. Ore
gon State Highway Comm., $56.76,
M. C. Bowker $6.00.
Bridge Payroll.
W. V. Hurst $347.99. H. M. Gal
lop $84.83 (aaagn.). W. E. Watklns
$54.86. H. Wlnnop $32.91. Neal
Heard $26.95. Ollf Newton (aaagn ).
$71.82. Corwln Heard $11.98, J. F.
Sellers $128.49, Russell Malcolm
$78.80. W. W. Haskel $114.71, M.
N. Humphries $10.97. D. J. Burk
$54.89. Rex Allen (assgn.). $35.91,
Howard Gallop $3.99. Homer Gallop
$17.10, F. B. Lane $9.98. Sylvan Bor
oughs $2.99. G. T. Royer $48.92. E.
Chambers $25.43. L. Royer $5.98,
Frank Smith $23.95, Ira Boyer $5.
98. Frank Miller $2.99. Pearl Miller
$2.99, Shurley Clavton $8.97, Oren
Jones $8.97. Ray Prowell $7.47. R.
B. Spack $5.99, D. Coon $5.99. C. A.
Catching $111.86. O. J. Collins 63.
62, Bert I.ane $53.86, Earl Strong
$102.73. H. Wlnnop $11.97.
Bridge Fund Bills.
Rice Bros ft Adsms (assgn of H.
Gallop) Lane Mt. Lbr. Co. $24.60.
Otto Meutzel $33.13. C. A. I.ock
wood Motor Co. $5.62. The Clare
Morrison Lumber Co. $36.00. Wood
ruff Bros. $15.00, 8. B. Crouch $28.
35. Riddle Bonded Transfer $15.00.
Frank Rover $39.26. Churchill
Hdwe. Co. $6.30, W. A. Burr $15.00,
Cowsns Garage $17.00. Calif. Ore
gon Power Co. .50. Louis Kay $18.
00. Chas. and F. X. Jantzer $19.44.
Myrtle Creek Garage $16.45. Forcla
ft Larsen $550.15, Coen Lumber
Co. $1 68. R. O. Thomaa $17.20.
Shell Co. $20 00.
ft Eldon, Estimate No. 6. $4,527.59.
(AhocUIihI Prej. Leued Wire.)
PLYMOUTH. Mass., Dec. 19.
Suffering from the effects of a
desperate struggle with a gale
which carried hia plane 176 miles
out to sea yesterday. Lieutenant
Fred H. Decker, a naval aviator
serving as test pilot for the Wright
Aeronautical corporation, was
brought here today for treatment
His face, badly frosen In a six
hour battle to reach land against a
high wind, was spilt and seamed
and both eyes were closed. It was
said at the hospital that Lieut
Decker would remain there some
time for trestment
The aviator hopped o'.f at MRchell
field yesterday Intending to make
an altitude test. At s height of
26.000 feet he had ran Into a 100
mlle northwest gale which carried
him 175 miles to sea. He lost his
bearings and when he picked up
Martha's vineyard and later New
Bedford, he failed to recognise the
landmarks. It was dusk when he
fought his way to a point over
K'l'Mton and landed In a marshy
V. 8. Weather Burean. local of
flee, Roseburg, Oregon. Si hour
ending Ism,
Precipitation In Ins, A Hundredth.
Highest temperature yesterday Ct
I jo west temperature last night 88
Precipitation; last 24 hoifS .31
Total preclp. since 1st of month 1 15
Normal preclp. for this month 6 91
Total preclp. from Sept J,
1925. to dato I ll
Average preclp. from Sept, 1
18.7 11.4
Total d.Me.Wine from Aunt. 1.
1925 - , , 1.14.
NnPYorkmf a Act of
Courttty Was Wasted
He Is t New Torker distinguished
for his unfailing courtesy. Jt has
become second nature to him to do
the right and kind thing. Strangely
enough, he la also given to momenta
of absorption In which externals
register only automatically uoa bla
consciousness. Frequently, In hit
homeward walka, be becomea so oc
cupied with bis own thoughts that
be Is In a world quite apart from
that wbicb la worrying past him.
However, the Instinct of courtesy
remains, no matter how preoccu
pied be may be.
Ho was strolling homeward an
evening or two ago, lost In reverie.
The people who went by were mere
ly gray shapes, a flutter on the
screen he dimly saw out ci the tall
of his eye.
On shape cam toward htm, a
vague thing, one of many. Aa It
reached a point abreast of him b
saw something white flutter from It
to the sidewalk. To bis engrossed
mind that meant only one thing,
that someone dropped something,
and the someone s woman, as they
are the ones who most often drop
things. Courtesy demanded that
be stoop and pick It op and return
For Just one Instant he emerged
from his preoccupation, stooped and
picked np the white thing be had
seen flutter down. He proffered It
to the young woman, and then, all
of a sudden, realised he was hand
ing her a woolly white dog I
"Thanks, ever so much," she said,
"but I Intended to let bin) down for
a little run."
And Mr. Courtesy raised his hat
and passed on and back into his
reverie, New York Evening World.
Belief in Hortethoe
Traced to Druid
The Idea that It Is lucky to And
s horseshoe la regarded by author
ities on folklore aa a Druldlcal sur
vival. The superstition Is peculiar to re
gions where Druldlsm once flour
ished, and the Druldlcal places of
worship, as exemplified by Stone
henge, made their Inner circle of
tones a broken or open one.
The Idea that a horseshoe brings
the best luck when you And it lying
with the points toward yon the
sacred Inner circle open to you, as
It were also bears upon this
theory. .
Druldlsm passed, but the super
rtltion outlasts empires and re
ligions, snd when horseshoes be
came common the superstitious
fonnd ready nt hand a representa
tion of the ancient symbol of the
broken circle. The idea that In at
taching the symbol to the house the
points should be up hsd a Druldlcal
significance which has been lost
People nowsdays say It Is "to pro
vent the luck running out"
RWic of Pagan Cod Day
Not everybody knows that every
rime he or she writes down the
name of the day of the week, the
name of a pagan god or goddess is
being perpetuated. When England
passed under the sway of the Norse
men the people largely sdopted the
Norse system of gods, fitting them
Into the nearest corresponding
planet or deity of the Roman calen
dar. So the day of Mars the
Roman god of war turned Into
riu's daeg or day Tin being the
Norse god of war the day of Mer
fury into Woden's daeg. Jupiter's
lay Into Thor's day and the day of
Venns Into the day of Freya, the
Norse god of love, corresponding
with Venus. Whether Saturn's day
remained as It was or turned Into
the day of Snter, we don't know
for certain. But the sun's day and
the moon's day are obvious. Fam
ily Herald.
Architectural Cents
Besides Wolsey's great hall and
kitchen, Christ church, Oxford,
boasts two of the finest English ex
amples of the Gothic style of archi
tecture, both built more than a cen
tury after Gothic became merely
historical term. One of these,
the stairway to ths hall, waa de
igned In 1640 by a geniua known
nly aa "Smith of London."
The other. Tom tower, carrying
the Great Tom bell which every
night rings 101 peals to announce
the closing of college gates, was
designed by Christopher Wren, ar
chitect of St Paul's, In one of the
few happy moments when he really
sensed the feeling of medieval
Rad as Doath Btekontd
A reader asks whether we know
which work of Voltaire It was that
was found on Sargent's deathbed.
We don't But It may Interest blm
and others to know that Tennyson
died with his Shakespeare open at
"C'ymbcllne"; Macaulay when he
was found dead In hla library bad
a number of the Comhlll Magaxlne
before him, open at the first chap
ter of Thackeray's "Lovel the Wid
ower." Msrk Twain, with almoat
the last effort of his mind, turned
to Carlyle'a "French Revolution."
W. Ortnn Tewson In the New Zork
Evening Post
Had Con Far En6ugh
A married couple were knocked
down by a motor car. The car
sashed away. The police arrived
snd fonnd the couple bursting with
"Do yon know the number of the
rsrT asked the pollcenisn.
"Tea." replied the husband; "by
t strange coincidence the drat two
numbers formed my sge and the
second two the see of my wife."
"John." said his wife, "we wlU lot
the matter drop at once."
So to Spoah
What excuse can there be for s
"Well, they're the fighting men."
"1 see. And the country with a
nobility Is always willing to put no
Its dukea," ' r "
Avsrago precipitation for 46
wet seasons, (Vptember '
tA W.v InrliiafvAl .1 J.
ft'robably rain tonight and Sunday.
1 WM, BELL, Mete&ologlsL
Bt Our Stock is large and fresh. Look it ;
Be over before buying. , j
The Rose
j . ., "Sweets and Eats"
j jjj We serve delicious Toasted Sandwiches, jj
5! Hot Chili and Chicken Tamales , ' 3(
Mrs. Joe Raker apent last week
lalting at the home of her sister,
Mrs. F. A. Goff and with other
Mrs. Topping and daughter of
Salem are visiting with their sister
and aunt, Mrs. John Busenbark.
They stopped off on their way
home from Montana, where they
have been visiting.
Mrs. Wheelock and Mrs. May
cock and little daughter came hut
week to visit at the homes of their
nephew and cousin, H. P. Conn
and other relatives. They, return
ed home Wednesday.
The Melrose school will have
a Chrlatmaa tree at the Grange
Hall on Wednesday evening, De
cember S3.
Mr. and Mrs. Busenbark went
to Medford Wednesday to attend
meeting of the Oregon Horticul
tural Society. - .
Scout Manager Wm. O. Sand
atrom. J. F. Conn and sons Otto
and Otis, Edd Reece, Joel Fenn
and Wood row Conn attended the
Scouts Court -of Honor in Rose
burg Tuesday night. Edd Reese.
Jel Fenn snd Woodrow Conn took
the second class test.
Several of the Melrose young
people went to Looking Glass on
Sunday, to attend the rodeo that
was to have been held there.
The M. F. Club will meet with
Mrs. Flumer on Thursday after-
The scouts put on s good en
tertainment Saturday night with
their drilling, games and first aid
demonstrations. Scout-Executive
E. A. Brltton with the assistance
of the Melrose people pulled off
a goodly number of stunts. A
prise was given to Mrs. H. P.
Conn for the best acting. Mr. Brit
ton and three of 'the Roseburg
scouts gave a bandaging demon
stration. Cafeteria supper was
served. The proceeds for the
evening amounted to about four
teen dollars.
Mot Good Eating
SPINACH Is a vegetable which
ahould be served often, especial
ly In families of growing children.
It Is best when obtained fresh,
though the canned variety will
mnke a fair substitute,
r Spinach la Sou. a. Boll one
half peck of spinach In the water
which clings to the leaves, stirring
lightly at first until the cooking
has started the Juices. When ten
der, drain, chop, add two beaten
egga and two tablespoonfnls of
Parmesan cheese; mix and season
with one-half tea spoonful of pep
per, one teaspoonful of salt, two
tablespoonfuls of butter and a grat
ing of nutmeg. Cook for Ave min
utes, stirring carefully nntll the mix
ture Is well-thlckened. Remove
from the Are aud add one beaten dgg
white. Mold Into shapes with a
tablespoon and saute In bacon fat
Arrange on a serving dish and pour
around them a tomato, bechamel or
any other sauce.
Sweet Potstoes 8tuffed With.
Prunes. Pare and parboil sweet
potatoes ef oval shape; core with
an apple rarer, and All the cavity
of each with two or more prunes,
previously stoned. Insert Into the
ends of the potstoes, halving the
cores, used ss plugs, to keep In the
Juices. Bake on the' grate of the
oven with a pan beneath to catch
the drippings. For six or eight
sweet potatoes place In the pen two
rupfula of water and two cupfuls
of sugar snd sllow to remain until
the potatoes are cooked. Remove
the potatoes to warming oven,
boll down the sirup, then penr over
the potatoes for a glase. Serve with
fried chicken, broiled mackerel or
roast goose.
Fruit Salad. Out In halves and
remove the seeds from Tnkay
graiiee. Slice Into small lilts celery
snd arm Juicy apple, combine equal
pnrts and mix all together with
French dressing. Arrange on leaves
of lettuce, mixing a few broken
leaves of Iceberg lettuce with the
other Ingredients of the salad.
Do not add the pepper to a
Frenrh dressing until ready to serve
It. as It hns a tendency .o separate
the dressing.
(A Wafers Nms.r Catoe.)
December 27 will be our reg
ular day for church services, Rev.
Mulboilsnd will preach at eleven
In ths morning and at aeven
thirty in the evening. Sunday
school every Sunday at ten o'clock.
A mock trial will be held at an
open Grange meeting next Satur-
uay mgni ai a: id, wnen a xarmer
will be tried for robbing the soli,
The play Is fulr of wit and humor
as well aa good practical .points.
Everybody welcome. A closed ses
sion of Orange will be held at
7:30. when all members should be
present . . M. O. R.
Mrs. Carl Kollman eft for
Grants Pass to be present at ths
bedside of her mother, who has
Just undergone an operation for
appendicitis. . r
Forest Holmes and family, who
have been residing in Iloaeburg,
during the fall, have returned to
Looking Glass for the winter.
The pupils of the Grammar
School are preparing a Christmaa
program to be given in connec
tion with the annual Christmas
tree at the Grange Hall, Tuesday
night December 22. ,
The Board of Directors have
granted the school a Christmas
vacation of ten days, dating from
December 24, to January 4.'
Mr. W. Brlney from Idaho Is
now visiting at the home of R. B.
Montgomery. He Is a brother ol
Mrs. Montgomery.
After spending the summef
with relatives,- Mr. B. Williams
returned to hia homo in the Val
ley. He la now -having a radio
Installed there.
Mr. A. B. Nlckens Is now re
ceiving medical treatments Ig
The funeral of little Betty
Louise Rodley. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Rodley, was held at the
Looking Glass cemetery, Sunday,
December 13. L. O. H. S.
South Deer Creek Grange gave
a dance Saturday night.
The P. T. A. was well attended
Fridsy night. There was a short
program and the rest of the even
ing waa spent. In playing games.
All reported an enjoyable time.
Mrs. Ada Haley of Roseburg
spent lost Thursday at the home
of Mrs. H. E. Blood.
Mr. Henry Cox and family
spent Saturday afternoon In Rose
burg, shopping and visiting aomo
Miss Josephine Carhelln of N.
D. C. spent Saturday evening with
Miss Rachel Smith.
Mr. H. E. Blond and family
spent Sunday at the home of W
A. Jenkins, of Roseburg.
Oran Smith was in town Mon
day on business. XX.
The ladles club has sent to the
children's farm home In Corvallls
two dozen quarts of canned fruit
as their part In the Christmas do
nation to that home.
The school children In the lower
grades assisted by their teachers.
Mrs. George Ay res and Mrs. W. O.
Watson and Mrs. H. Sibold made s
lot of scrap books for the same
home, the club paying postage on
them. There were fifteen books In
all and each child that made a
book signed his Dame In It
Sunday school will be held at
the M. E. church every Sunday
morning at 10 o'clock. Preaching
every two weeks morning and
evening. Our minister. Dr. M. M.
Reid will give a aeries of lectures
beginning Friday evening, Dec 18.
We hope everyone will come and
bring their friends aa these lec
tures will be both Interesting and
Instructive. Some of his subjects
are "The Cause of Chronic Diseas
es," "The Law of Physical Heal
ing." "The Law of Mental Heal
InK." Our young peoples' choir visited
Mr. Martin Bushneli who la In poor
health and sang for him In his
home lasf evening. He greatly en
Joys the visits of the young folks
snd their singing.
Mrs. Floyd A. Watson who has
been working In Powers for the
past Six months will he hnm fnr
Jtbe holidays. ,
Miss Bessie Brltenbusber, who la
a teacher in the blind school In
8sem, will also be home for ths
Our school Is giving s fine pro
gram at the church Christmas eve.
W. O. W.