ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1925. We are offering some unusual Holiday Bargains, including several set? of China Ware, very desirable, that Will bs sold below regular prices. Just the tKing for piece set in blue with gold decorations, extra special price .. ..." - $14.00 Another 2 1 -piece set in ' Orange and Gold, reduced to $12.50 Twenty-one 'piece Bridge Sets that will please you - $15.00 Pyrex Ware, Percolators hot or cold water or electric; Electric Heaters, Electric Waffle Irons. Electric Toasters, Boudoir Lamps, Christmas Carving Sets, at 1 0 per cent discount, Fancy Glassware, Cut Glass Sets, Aluminum and Granite Ware Roasters. There is a Christmas discount on Aluminum Wear ever Goods. ' v ; ; ' i : i ' 'V ' Buy at big savings here CHURCHILL HARDWARE COMPANY NEWSY BITS GLASGOW Women voters are hearing the latest authorative gossip"- of parliament while having ' their hair bobbed. James Stewart, labor M. P., helps out In his barber shop on week-ends. LONDON Lvdia Lopokovn, Rus sian dancer, who married Profes sor John Mavnard Keynes, thinks honeymoons have gone out of fash Ion. "Busv folks have no time for honeymoons," she said. "The night after T wss married I dnnced ss usual " A dissenting debutante points out that Lvdla has been married twlre and her second hus band Is an economist. NEW YORK There are times when It Is proper for a woman to keen her hat on while on the wit ness stand. Mrs. Conrtlnod YonnV . testifying in the divorce proceed ings brought by hor husbend ex plained: "I'm so sorry. I've Just been to the hair dressers fo- a shnmpnn end I csn't do a thing with It." Justice Cotillo gracefully accepted the Inevitable. KOEGF. Tlenmark An official proclamation gives notice tint Ismps on motor vehicles "must he lighted 30 minutes before sunset." the exact hour of which will be fixed by the mayor. NEW YORK Achmed Abdullah says the reason his nlay "Salvaee" Is not comliflt-to Broadway from Washington and Baltimore Is that he had an altercstlon with David Belasco because Belasco Introduc ed a forelrn element, namely the ROSEBURG ROD & GUN CLUB WILL HOLD A SHOOT SUNDAY December 20th At the John Marks Ranch Lunch and ammunition served on grounds. Everybody come and win a turkey or chicken for Xmas dinner. Roseburg Rod and Gun Club For the children we offer a variety of toys and other gifts that will be sure to please the youngsters., Some of these are mechanical, a lot of them are in- ., destructible,, and many are of the useful sort that - can be put to practical Usages. Kodaks, Pocket ' Knives, Scooters, Wagons, Wheelbarrows, etc' ', Stop and see our luster tea sets wife or mother One 21- 'character of "San Francisco Sal.' NEW YORK Some folks who came from Miami to New York on the Kronland say that gambling losses aboard ran as high as $30, 000. Three gamblers were arrest ed at the dock in response to wire less messages. BERLIN A new time record for simultaneous chess plav has been established by Frank J. Marshall, American champion, who conclud ed SO games In t hours, 20 min utes, winning 24, drawing threa and losing three. LONDON Mutton chop whis kers among members of the oung er set have come back. The whis kers among members of the younc among literary, musical, theatrical and other "lions"' of the moment. NEW YORK Nancy Lane Knuffman, daughter of Franklin K. Lane and divorced from Philip Kauffman of Washington. Is .low sn understudv for lna Claire on Rroadwav. she made her profes sional debut a year ago In San Francisco. i LONDON A women's Jaja band Is shrieking nightly for fox trot ters in convent garden, the home of, London's opera, the season of which does not begin until May. WASHINGTON, N. J. Old Bill, the oldest horse In the world, so far as known, has gone at 57 years. On a farm he was horn, lived, died and was burled. His epitaph will be: "Old Bill A Faithful Worker and Friend." His owner recently refnsed (5,000 for him from a cir cus. LONDON Bricks and stones from a demolished house In which a : ' 4 ANNOUNCEMENT Barnes Barber Shop, Cass street, wishes to announce the opening, of a modern, thor- oughly equipped Beauty Shot. In- connection. In charge of Miss Leta Barnes, of Port- land. Miss Barnes Is a Marl- nello operator, and expert In marcelling, and all lines of beauty work. The Beauty Shop has been completely re- modeled,, and tho latest equip- ment Installed. for appoint- meht3 Phone 1G9-J. the poet Keats worked as a drug gist's clerk have been removed for the erection of a memorial to him. BREMKRHAVEN, Heligoland. Germany's once Impregnable fort ress In the North Sea Is being turned Into a lobster raising sta tion. Extensive beds ar- being laid arounil the Island. Tho forti fications were ra'ied under the Versailles treaty. LONDON There are to be arti ficial berries on holly and mistle toe because the natural ones have been iten by hungry birds In the hard winter. ITnder the mistletoe tho berries will make no difference. NEW YORK They're wearing blue drnim smocks in Wall Street now. Every attache in one brok er's office has one from the part ners down to Gunbont Smith, ex pugilist, now messenger, and the boys who post the quotations. ODESSA A boy and a beautiful girl who pretend"d they were the children of the Czar are In Jail with 15 adults, who used. them to extort money from superstltuous peas ants. ' LONDON Forty brlclnyera are on strike till an alderman apologis es for a statement that It lakes them 72 seconds to lay one brick. He says he timed them. MEXICO CITY A trip f-om Ita ly to visit the ralnce of Fernando Cortes, an anceHter. had tragic re sults for Prince Vnlerlo de Plena telll. His princess was killed and the prince was hurt In a motor ac cident. WASHINGTON An "angel with four wings'" Is Representative Howard of Nebraska. At least he says Representative Vpshaw of Georgia so characterised him at. a birthday partr. The congressional record by unanimous consent will .give all details. Electric lights. 00 and 40 watt, 60 cents at Parslow's. LEO BECKLEY MEMBER OF O. A. C. POLO TEAM Leo Berkley of this city Is visit ing with his parents before leaving tonight for Arlsona and California. Mr. Berkley is a member of the O. A. C. polo team, and Is joining the other college players here tonight on the trip south. The tam will play Arlmna college and also at Stanford, returning to Corvallls about January 5. , CAR STOLEN A Nash car belonging to ft. R. Ilartnell was stolen last night fvntn In front of the L'mnqua hotel. The officers were notified ImmedlafWy and telephoned to' all cities along the highway, but at a late hour to day the car had not been recovered. i , local' news m: la YVsttrdny-- ' m i Edgar none, or Nonpareil, spent yeslvrduy here attending to busi ness affairs and trading. , ', From Tiller- J. J. Van Dyck, Tiller rancher, motored here yesterday- and transacted business lor several hours. , Visitors In Town . . " , Mrs. Telford, of Happy Valley, pent a few Hours Here yesterday, doing Christmas shopping and visiting. .....-. Admitted To Hue-dial . i Cecil Rgdden, bookkeeper for L. W. Metiger, wa admitted to Mercy hospital toilay (or medical treatment. . 1 . I-Wiig Friday Mrs. O. Smith, of I.lttle River. spent Friday :n this city shopp ng , and attending to business afluira, , returning home In the evening, j Krom Glide--. V. H. Klamming, of Glide, mo- wreu Hero litre jBijrijr ...... , spent the afternoon attending to j buslnsa affairs. . llueinoss Visitor J. D. Illig returned to his home at Hack Fork yesterday evening after spending the day hore'look ng after business affairs. , From ltrnln ! ' ' Mr. and Mrs.. E. Whipple and P. Harlan, of'Draln. motored here vestenlay and spent several hours , shopping and visiting. , . . I ' , , 1 Glcmlnla Man III " 1 Clifford Wilder . of Glendalo wos brought to Roselmrg today and admitted to Mercy Hospital, where he will receive medlcfil trcatineut. . Visitors Today i Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Manning and fnmily. of Oakland, are Rose burg visitors today, spending sev eral hours Christmas shopping. VfcH Here Today i Miss Houlah Parker, of Willi'ir. snent the day here visiting with friends and doing Christmas 'shopping. t Ttetttrns To Portlnml Mrs. L. W. Myrlck. who has been spending the past two weeks! vlsltin her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Patterson, left this morning on her return to Portland. From Oaklaml v. F. Loatherwood. Oakland resi dent, was a business visitor In this city yesterday, spending sev eral hours here. , . . Moving To Medtord Arthur Marsh, of this city, who hns sold tractors In , the county, the nnst few vears. has accented !a position with Hubbard Brothers, hardware and farm Implement dealers, of Medford. He wl't be- gln work there aV-.if Jituu..ry I, leaving here after Christina with II in. Marsh to make their future home In Medford. I Goes To Montana Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Bllven ar rived here from Illlhee yestordny, nrenaratory to leaving today for Saylo, Montana, where they will vltt relative for a month or six weeks before returning to the coast. Mr. Bllven has been man aging the store and hotel owned hv Charles Pettinger at IHahee for the past year. Illahee Is quite noted as a sportsman's paradise, it being In the wilds of southwest ern Oregon and is roa hrd . by boat and pack train. Horticulturist Hero 1 Prof., C. L. Long, horticultural specialist with the Extension ser vice of .the Oregon Agricultural College, spent the day In Rose hiirfr. He was accompanied by H. W. Johnson, manager of the Ore gon Apple Company orchards at Monroe. The two men have been attending the horticultural socie ty meetings at Medford. and re port one of the most successful meetings the state horticultural society has ever conducted. The next, meeting of tho society Is to be held In Salem. Magic Passport If fellow went over to your bank every day, signed your name to a check and regularly drew out a part of your balance, you'd simply raise the roof have him arrest-d for forgery and throw him in J;iM in a minute of course you would! Yet the do)ars are getting away from you every twenty-four hours. A systematic, persistent, pitiless thief is at work on your pocketbo,ik dnily he never lets np and you can't get away from him. His Name is Mister Tires Today I have a plan for you U outwit him, to put up immediate. stop lo his Inroads on your purseL I can save you a lot of money en your tires. Let me retread your worn tires with heavy duty rubber jand save Ihe cost of new ones! uig oaiioons snu cores we ren'-mi 'em all. Our Jobs are as nearly perfect In workmanship and ma terial as complete equipment and long experience cart make them; our retread gums and rubber are of the best ouallty. and your choice . ., a t ...i Burn raw mnipriais, nnn uiw rntw:i of a husky Diamond or II. 8. Koval . .",, ... ... ' A mt. cord tread pattern. All the advan-1'1' '""'ro1 T? ew and tages of newtire. at less tban half ;'"m"ce bo"1 " to ",pplr 'n1 the coL means of greater econ-jl" Acilnn h(( omy to yon and WM nr,.nlmou, and ,, f Au. , p... TL-Iftt 'h" resolution said It would be IVlagic rassport to Inrtttl p.hHd ,h,,llth ih house m short Let me prove all I'm said-drop I""'' ' ' brought up for in. and III show yon Just how to,' ' thwart the demon of expense! . , . ,. I Hava yon an ax to grind T Tbera CARTER'S TIRE.SHOP.trlnerX"".' ft 445 N. Jackson J SALVATION ARMY'S KMI'LOVMKXT NKKIM. , Captain Humphrey of the Salvation Army la making an 4 appeal to the resident of Roseburg to aid blm in find- Inn employment for needy a persons.. He Is beseiged dai- ly. he states, by people, local 4 and transient, who are In a need of: work. Many of them 4 a are men with families. Lo- a cat people having: odd Jobs 4 or who know where work can he found, are asked to notify the Salvation Army aa soon as possible. V ' From O. A. C Miss Vivian Orcutt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Orcutt, of this city, In expected to arrive today from O. A. C. to spend the holi days. , ,i from looking Glass George Bacon. Looking Olass ranr1Rri ,eVernl hours here yesterday visiting and attending to business affairs. , i Mrs. Smith Ir Mrs. Fannie Smith returned to . . . . vesterdav after- hh' at TUiT, noon after shopping and visiting here during the day. From Peel 1 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sellnas. of Peel, spent yesterday afternoon here transacting business and Christinas shopping. From Melrose John F. Drown, who resides near Melrose, was a business vlsl this city for a few hours this ing. - Mr. Brown states that It Melrose, was a business visitor In morn-snow ed in tho hills near Melrose last night. 4- From Drain. V. Sanders returned to his home at Drain last evening after attend ing to business affairs here during the day. , , From Dillard T. II. Evans, Dillard fruit man, was a visitor in this city yesterday and transacted business for a few hours. Visits Hera Yesterday O. J. Morrison, of Portland, spent yesterday here visiting and on business. Mr. Morrison Is a form er resident of Clendale and la well known here. ' For Sntlierlln Mrs. Arthur Jones, of Suther lln, spent several hours here yes terday shopping and visiting with friends, returning home in the evening. ' leaves For South Arthur Brown, circulation man ager of the Oregonlnn for the southern Oregon district, who has 'been spending the past week here on business, left yesterday for Rid dle and Glondale, where ha will attend to business matters before leaving for his home at Medford to spend the holidays with his family. . ' J BORN J CALDWELL To Rv. ad Mrs. H. L. Caldwell, of this city, Fri day, December 1 8, 1925, a son, James Keith. ' HOUSE LISTENS TO ATTACKS ON VOLSTEAD LAW (Continued from Page 1.) ed out by the Department of Agri culture In cooperation with farm leaders would be Introduced In the house and senate, perhaps before Christmas recess and rushed to passage early in the year. Coal Strike Comment. Demand that President Coolldfco take some action In the emergency resulting from the anthracite strike, was made In the house today by Representative Black, democrat of New T ors. Consider War Debts. Action on the war debt funding settlement negotiated during the summer, including those with Ita ly and Belgium was postponed to day by the house ways and means committee, pending a hearing. The committee which must ap prove the agreements before they are submitted to the house, called upon Secretary Mellon to submit certain data and then recessed un til January 4, when Mr. Mellon and some other members of the debt commission will be heard. While this step was an unusual one, members Insisted It was not Indicative of opposition to the set tlements. in the senate also the settle ments have encountered an Indef inite delay. Rubber Prlc Probe. Asked. A resolution rating for an In vestigation of alleged manipulation of crude rubber prices by British colonial governments was given preferred status today on the- leg- '.. " , , ,.,.. Th. rp,0utlon wa introduced yestprrtar by RBpre,,ntatlve Tllson of Connecticut, the Republican floor leader. The action If! giving It priority was taken by the rules committee. It would direct the house commerce committee to con duct an Investigation "of the means and methods of control of production and exportation of crude rubber, coffee, aisal, quick I "T.i' . J News Review calsslfled ads. CHRISTMAS GIFTS Gifts for our loved ones are not to be chosen lightly. There must be no doubt whatever as to their quality or fitness, for the occasion. If ypu want a diamond, watch, ring, a chest of silver, vanity box oij silk umbrella, we with our 20 years experience in this business can give, you the best quality for your money. ' NEWS GLEANINGS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD LONDON. Dec. 1. Prince Christian of Hesse dined with King George and Queen Mary re cently, thua giving the answer to the question which has been rais ed often since the war, as to who would be the first Individual of German origin to be entertained at Buckingham Palace after the close ot hostilities. Prince' Christian came to Lon don to attend the funeral of Queen Mother Alexandra, "Aunt Alex," he called her. . Early In the war he attracted nubile notice by writing an open letter to Kaiser Wilhelm at the beginning of the submarine cam paign and resigning his commis sion In the German navy as a d rot est. Even before that Inci dent, however, the ruling family of Hesse was not exactly on what could be considered good terms with the Hohenxollern. . Prince Christian Is preparing to J return soon to Cannea, where ne has a hoautlful home and apends much of his time. , Ti' n h... InvaAmA .Via rai ling or bell-rtnging In England to nnn.M.Mhl. Avtnnf anil In T.nn- don women have a bell ringers' guild or ineir own. MISS r . 1. Hairs, secretary ui .V. .,.114 IibIm In vlna fttt.. hells IIIO PUIIU. .,.., w ..... of St. Margaret's, Westminster, for weddings ana is me oniy wo man employed there. ' The bell ringing at 8t. Clement Danes. In the Strand, for the A In.n.r. .flit mmflll IVOrk- ed vigorously for 45 minutes. The heaviest bell, the tenor, which weighs 21 tons, was handled by Miss R. Hawkworth, 19 years old, the youngest members ot the guild. "A strong man, who does not ..nJHnj hall vlno'tnte would probably hang himself, if he tried to handle tne rope or a greav church bell," aald Mrs. Hairs. "It aii m.11., of Itnnck and nrae- llce. One must pull the rope the right time to Keep me dou swing ing properly." , naa hunitrpd and one orofes- slonal pantomlnes are in rehears al In England for the Christmas season. This la discouraging to Ihe Croakers who have contended that the days of the pantemlne are over. Plays which are not very anc- -.,..1 In Iha larva FnBtlh Cities are preparing to make way for pantomlnes to amuse i.nnur and grown-ups alike, during the holiday season. So great Is the demand for pan tonine actors that the regular stage cannot supply more than the principals. Minor roles aro Beted by amateur performers. many of whom have had years or .I..,... , ifnamnlnved moving picture actors will appear In marv pantomlnes ana atreet venaorsaim even charwomen are called In for some of the parts.' . ' . a.l.a ... flll AllMten n lliri a nrio . i.u - --- Chamberlain In parliament are with the resemblance he bears to the late Woodrow Wil son In the days whan tne late president was making his first when Sir Austen Is not wearing his monocle, his sienner iac nan a striking likeness to that of Mr. Wilson in his earlier political career. . P, Sir Austen Is about the sfl e height and figure as the 1st r -sldent and carries hljnself wifn much the same nulet dignity. There is also a similarity In their method of public speech-making. Sir Austen Is deliberate and slow In his speech. He uses few ges tures hut employs his right hand In emphaslilng nolnts much after the manner of Mr. Wilson. u....r Ihn resemblance Is confined almost entirely to per sonal appearance, manner and bearing. Sir Austen's voice Is wholly unlike that oT Mr. Wilson. Oeorgn Bernard Shaw hates the movies and will not allow any of Y. I- na-. In t,ftlm.(I H WU horrified npon attending a produc tion of his "Haini jean - ai mm Palaca Theatre, Manchester, to see .,aia- nictiira ad vert Isemont flashed on the curtain during one of the Intermissions. Oh.a ImmaHlatalV sent OhS Of his famous postcards to the house .aaaamanl aBVitlV hft WOllId DO aanaalarf tn ttmt 1RC?. of fh "eV- a..a aa.fVArf frRffl Ihll SdVPrtlse- ment In addition 10 tne royalty eighteen shllllnes for the week's display of the advertisement. But Allen Young, tne manager oi tne BUBAR BROTHERS theatre, had Shaw's postcard pho tographed and made a consider able sum from the sale ot copies. RUSH OF XMAS MAIL IS NOW ON IN FULL BLAST (Continued from Page 1.) led again to the special handling etamps provided by the post office. These handling stamps give parcel post packagea the same handling aa is given flrat olasa mall. A handling stamp and special deliv ery a tamp will secure rapid tran sit and immediate delivery of . ,. i - ynuaafic. , , .. . . .. TURKEY DINNER Turkey with all the trimmings, will be served for dinner and sup per Christmas day, for 75 cents per plate. Doardorff Hotel, Oakland, Ore. , EUGENE WOMAN IS BADLY INJURED IN AUTOMOBILE CRASH ( ma Uuti Win.) MERCED, Cal Deo. 19 Mr. W. C. Yoran, ot Eugene, Ore., who Buffered a broken pelvic bone and serious Internal Injuries In an au tomobile accident near Merced yes terday, will undergo a second op eration at the Mercy Hoapltal here this afternoon. Her condition is critical and physicians advance small hope for her recovery. Ker husband, ho was driving the, car which akldded on wet pavement and turned over, was on ly slightly hurt. The couple were enroute to Pasadena to visit rela tives. 8TATE FLAX PLANT UNDER JURY PROBE (AancUtrd Pras Laund Win.) SALEM. Ore.. Dec. 19. The Marlon county grand jury this' af ternoon began an Investigation of the utate flax Industry at the peni tentiary. - This Investigation comet as something ot a surprise, since It waa not shown that such a probe was pending, arjd af whose request tne investigation is Doing maue could not be learned. It la under stood, however, that a minute scrutiny of the book records of the Industry will be made to ascertain what buslnesa methods are being used by the state In promoting the flax enterprise. Another phase. of the Investigation, it la believed, may grow out of criticism made by a .number of farmers during the In cumbency of Robert Crawford as superintendent of the flax Indus try to the effect that poor seed was furnished by the state, resulting In the cnrlailed crop ot the last season. t Crawford was a few weeks ago removed from the post of superin tendent by Governor Pierce and J. J. Qulnland took his place. Fur ther the mechanical methods used by the state In handling the flax at the prison may be looked into, If you want to enjoy a Christmas Chalk Talk", be at the Baptist Sunday school at 9:45 tomorrow. If you are late, you II mlsa It. ' Would yon welcome an oppor tunity? There are hundreds wait. Ing for you every day. Read the classified ads. For all the newa read The Newr Review. t LODGE DIRECTORY J Union tnesmpment, no. . I. O. 0 F .Meets In Odd Fellows Tern pie on Ind and 4th Wednesday! of each month. Visiting Paul arch slwavs welcome. . FRED MIT.Lr.R. C. P. W P WBTWHTtri.U Berth. Umpous Klan No. fc Meet Ini aad 4ib Monday of eaeb month Address P. O. Box 186, Rose burg, Oregon, VShe" would delight in having a new wrist watch. We have a large selection for you to choose from. Laurel Chapter No. II, t A. M- Meets every third Tuseday of each month In Masonic Tempi. All members reqneeted to Missal and rial ting . companions, wet coma. A. A. WILDER, Riga Prieat. , W. F. HARRIS. Bearwtary. Circle Ne, and third Honda? arantsta, ta K. of P. kail. Vlsl Hag neigh bort Invited to attend. ALV1A WETHERFJLL. O. N. MAROARRT WHtTNlTY. Carl U O. O. F. mileta-ia Lestae N t. Meet la Odd fallows Twas pis every Friday srannvc. , lsr Ing bretbara are always Vsres C. F. CRAMER, N. O. ' A. J. OEDDFia, Has. Ie, I. B. BATLaTT- 11a. dee. Woodman st tne war, Oases N) 12ft II sets la the Odd FeUow Ban la Bosebarg every flrat and third Heads ereamjrs. Ys ttlng neigh hove always john dux rasa, a a UK MILLER. Clark.' K. O. T. M atWKs sad foartk moatn, tm Tbaiaday af ner Cass aad Pins stissn. ttlng Kalgbta always U O. GOODMAN. Q. W APF. B. C leeeburp Rsbekah leafe Me. T L a a P. Meets Odd fei Vows Temple every week on . Tneaday astaatag. YWIttM , members ta good gtandlaa art cordially melted to attend. - -ANNA WICKHAM, N. O. ' OERTRCDE HATFIELD, R. ft EMMA LENOX. F. 8. ROSEBfKO LODGE NO. 1UT L O. O. M. Meets every Wednesday , eight Mooae Ban, IU M. J seat son St Osb rooms spaa T:ts M 10 p. m. VKIttat krotbers wat W. A. BOOARD, Dictator. H. O. PAROETER. run v throve. United Artwaiia meeta la Ms Cabes hall first and third Thurs days. Vlsltlnf members a MAY PINOEL M, A. MILDRED MoCrrLLOCH. Trea BPJTjLE "TEPHENHON. Has, B. P. O. Elks. Roseburg Ledge Na 92 Hold regular communicarlos at the Elks Temple on each sees ond and fourth Thursdays sack month. All member reqaested to attend regularly, end all vislfr Ing brothers are cordially iavlb ed to attend. J. O. DAY. Jr. S. R. . ' J. T. GOODMAN. Becretary. DE MOLAY CHAPTER Regular Commnnlca. tlon, 2nd and 4C Thars. days, Masonlo Haft. k r. a. m It. Regular eommanloarloal second and foartk Wsdassdsy eack moatk, at Masonic Temple, Roeebarg, Ore. , .Ylaltors wet come, M. 8 HAMSf. W. M. W. r HARRIS, Bee. United Beetnernood of Csrsentsn snd Jointer st AmerleB-a Meets st 471 8. Main saoond tad foartk Tuesday sreamaa ed eack roc to. All earpsatata we oomed. T F WOI.MFJA Km B, EMERY COLE. Pre. "ytnian tiaters, Umpiaja Tampta No. 4 Meets tbe saoond and foartk Monday evenings of saetj month, at the K. of P. kaJL Tk ttora aiwav welcome MARTHA CHRIBTBNSEN, HXM EVA MARKS. M. of R. O. WAY B. PARKER. M. of 9. Knights of Pytnias, Alpha Lads No. 47-MeeU every Wsdsea day In Knights of Pytklss hall, 110 Rose Street Visitors arwayf welcomed. RAM CHRIBT15N80N. 0. 0. ROY O. YOUNG. M. T. e. iwrnpaiB t. . a. A. O. T. W. Wetattirj Na view No. 11. Holds regal at meetings on second. and fowrtk Thursdays s 7:10 p. m. Vtstk Ing slaters Invited to attend ra news. Maecabe ball. Plan sad Caas streets. CLARA BOKEBRAKB, Com. JTCSSTE RAPP. fint lagiea. RoMrxirf Aenl Meats t Maceabee hall, on Cass Street, on second and foartk, Wednes day erenlnas of sack montk, at II o'clock, visiting krsthora la good stsndlns- alwav weleoma OLENN WOODRUFF. W, f. THEO. W. ALTHAUS, W. P. R F OOODMAN. Bee . I. Reeeburf Onastsr . s Holds their reralar nrlad on the tint and third Thursday m each montk All Mjoaralna brother and alstsrs ar rasps a fatly Invited to attend. ' CORA B BINOI.RTON. W. M. raxs johnbon, aVMrstur.