RCTIMJRG NEWS-F'VTEW, THURSDAY, DECER-? Tt 17. 192 5. lim More For What MSeE LESS FOR WHAT YOU BUY A J Ke-Washed Half Ground Salt. 100 DmI 85c Very Best Grade Flour,' sacks .....L&M Bleached Hard Wheat Flour, 4 sack ....:--.:...$8.20 Good Biscuit Flour, 4 sacks ,...........$7.00 Best Greats Cotntneal, 9 .fo ...v.. .: .. 40c, See Us FirstSWe MMq Yoii'Money! .;,.,'! - ' . . , : . '.- FARM BUREAU , COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE ROSEBURO "Ship By Truck" Save Dollars and jCent$ We have a tleet of trucks leaving daily; Roseburg, Eugene,' Portland, Medford, Marshf ield, . making delivery at All Way Oregon Auto Transportation Roseburg Phone 51-J-01 Oak St. ' U. ' S; EXCEED 1 (Ajwot latnl 11 Ms Lesjetl Wire.) t ! ' CftlCAjGO, Dvd ilSJ-idlions, of barrels, millions of boxes and mil lions of bushel baskets . of apples are on hand in the United States, thn bureau "of' agricultural econo CHRISTMAS AGAIN Once again - we ; Will r wrap our Xmas pack ages free for mailing. Wt Call and Deliver. Our Auto Will Call fhon 277 ; AT BRAND'S , ROAD STAND Pacific Highway 4 Miles North Open Evenings Till 11 o'Clock REAL BARBECUE SANDWICHES Meat Toasted on spits ' before the open fire. - Coffee with real cream. Sweet cider. They taste pretty good after the show. Always a Big Assortment of : - Fruits, Nuts and Candy CHRISTMAS , Blooming Plants Christmas basket with Cut Flowers THE FERN" Roseburg s Leadurg Florists Phom- 2-tO .,r r7iga5Q I .Srr vbL- come VMHAT.'wEMiA 0r here awo Ntxr AMOTttca , rl TfS i ' - : 1 ' ' T-J Wo-TM .JJ .... - (l ' .'J i ' , ' AMiawwOoul 1 Th. Urgest Stock of . i : ' ' fitV A Si' ' ". p k 1? Ji. ' ' ' vjA ' I ' J-r . - .'. aevrolets .1 1 r' yfeSS ' f' "'"'MxlP'l ' Jft " U -C . WT ' ' OAKLAND M Points Co. Portland Phone- M 226S E. Water and Yamhill St t r rui(TiAAiKAaj3s-. - I KUStHLItCi feT-AOES i V i ur.u. ,cn . WWOiaiU) ' i T . . (AmdcUM Vfim Uw4 WUc) 8ALEM. "Ore.. Dec. Id. Maximum service and a de- linne system ol acbeduies is T T I t the purpose ot an lncorpora- tion filed by the Oregon Slate Lines, inc.. with, the 4 state corporation department . yesterday. The capital Is JJOO.UOO -and. the meiaber- ship is mode dp of (ha oper- ators who ply their vehicles 4 between Portland and Salem and Salem and Hoseburg. The Incorporators ard H. W. Leinen, Karl A. Iiatlield'and i'rito. Jacobson. t ' '' LOWLY 8PI'I tWM - - CHl'Iit'll MOU'l'GAGE. IDAHO FALS. idoha. Dec. 16. Contributions ot pota- : toes have lilted the mortga-e from the trinity .uemouist w Episcopal Church, one ot the fiuest in the conlerence dts- trlct which Includes Idaho, ' Montana and Wyoming. The edifice, which cost 90,00t) was freed of encumoerance yesterday. ( Kof three years committees have canvassed country dis- tricts collecting sacks of po- tatoes which were sold and the money turned Into the mortgage funds. Rev. Horace Turner, pastor ot the church, originated the plan; nilca'rcported today. ' Specifically .the .official report says thnt the storage stock of ap ples in the United States is 26 P 'r cent greater than a year ago. The aggregate is 4,2!0,000 barrels, 1, 000,000 boxes and 2,430,000 bushel ibaskeu. . This Is respectively, 15 per cent and 8 per cent more than ia vear ' last year. - ... a n-eit deal nr tne annies mat nsed to f o Into common storage, , I the report points out, ar now n. ln ,A Mmt,.AtnInl fatf,l-CP hnnses ileslcn il esoeclallv for IfUK keeping. Karthermore, according to the ropor, the larse icserve stock is tending" td hnld'tho apple market steady to a surprising de gree, prices changing but little day "An ie sb Dinem. toT" ow "7S ...... , -..-i, mostly . from Washinglon stale, from Idaho and New York. ; g Studebaker bullOa no yesui) moflels. 1 TUBBY I : v r 1 . ,r-rtt-i 1 : r I SAilDY" 1 By CLftNdRE MEHERIN WHAT HA& HAPPENED ' . J.f THE BTORi" s6 IT Ail .1 . Sandy McNeil, la.Iove lin llfejthough cold, ' heavy, waters rot marries hen tiuriito, a' rich lml-j- higher to bar neck, to hot Ian, to piease Hot inipoverisued luioutu over her bead, lauilly. tyrunny by' munlio aud i alio closed her eyee. The moon request quarrels tullow. A sop and the dark, austere trees elcu.4 dioa ai birttl. Hob McNeil, bur ed Uieui.olvea on her lids. Tn uutlv, aid la plant lor Sandy ud' might ana the cold and ihe dreari hor uiotuer la MM trip to lwti9-; uess walked everywhere. ' tutu. , i ucra, .wo uu-t;-.. h.u.o'os Worth, wh svb3 har lifo in, tne surf. On-tlie asms steamer iioiuu I ha declare hia love. , Mur.llo de clares h wltt . never release her. ijadilh Moore, a couslu, teila ban- df love la err thing, llurilloover-'.derness lattoa ner a. one gow ior a tryst with Kamon. Follows a -clash lover her promise to ber sick mo-I itber to give up pluua (or divorce, Murllio appears, unexpectedly, (about her, tucked over ber shonr at the party ana la giving (or her .den. Aud something held to ber friends. After the party be strikes iiips. -. ; her. "Take It Just a little you'rs us on with the story from hart: freezing. Sandy - trust me , "' ' ' I Liquid corning ulcus her touguo, ' pi.) A pTFR S2 ' jsteeitug with duiiciuus fire url . Her eyes closed. She reached lka,.k'nrri uli'-MiWmff hnrnnH' hlilld- 4y along the wall, unable to con d I trol the little moaning gasps shak & log trout her lips. ne put up 2 her hund In a startled way. toucb Sred her mouth. It was wot. Ri dripping and. wet. She looked at (lithe fingers. They Were covered 4 : with blued. i , 0UO BRIU UVnilUVICU. V'l via and suddenly bearing Mu- 2'rlllo's voice, R i to' ydur root "Oo np stairsl Go trembling ilpa, BheUiwered her headi She sprang to the door, pulled it bpen, went stumbling and running down the ateps lie called: "Sandy!" soft, des perate, furious: "Sandy!" She run quicker. Sue . jwessed her hand over her mouth and lie through the garden How along the road, unaware mat sae iam- ed; protesting against him In taint, broken sobs. - The wind blew her hair, wrap-i pea the tlimsy drets -- a white streaa ronnmg-aioig in me ai, !keeplng to the denser shadowj, tnurmnring: ' "Oh! Sioi i wont! streak running along In the dark- I wont! oh " Lights sweeping along the; round a machine coming. She darted against the shrubs croui h- ed there. It whirred silently. She n. A ... -.-!....-..-.. IIBKUVU.' ' v - ' - i A footstep the crunching ot her to the house. pebbles under a swift, anxious I v step. " ' ' She stood 'in the "talddlB of the Sandy cank hef tact) arair.;t tho;,biBj badowy rojm,i Ho kneeled dewy leaves,-1 hnd jfrayeU. trsnUc!,tS4lre lmntellse fireplace, ally: "Hide me Oh, Ood, Cod' twjnK newspapers, piling on hide me.". - - : , ' Uot;. ulama sprang up. in its A hand touching fieri 'reeling iiaic U!S face w as bronzed, lumlu qntekry along her oiioMIdeTr','!Jan-l5ua ana . ,wcct. ;l dyl . . she suid brokenly. 'You're . She foil 'seatasJhtm. Sheeaupht.t.(lUlt to hie, Ramon." , t ' j r a glimpse of histi almcked, yiot- i.ii, pmuud a divaa before Uio shipful eyes, aud gave a soft, by- :nleo. H came over and took llor sterical laugh! "You Rmnon (hands. 'TUut's what i want, l5au take me away quick-" . tly--l want to bo good to ysu. Sinkings-floating into shadows, KBat;. Vou're to tori-ibly . cold." , black,- - Impenetrable, borne on- .ward, awarp ot bis voice and his arms hiding her; his arms sweep- lug her along, almost carrying ber. . '-. . . ' ' ' , -. Her lips planning ana msisieni: qulcR itumon uwuy. He lifted her to the machine. Would have -wiped acl- face. 'No! Horry go inieker. The car hummed, tho road be- ifnr them a ribbon wavering. In ,,. headliehrs. ' Irees looioea ivahlshed in the plunging shudov.-s. Miles living Into the Past. she peered from the window, tne cold air soothing- to her hurt, ; burning mouth whene tho skin jWM so cruelly split. ' - -a machine 1 hear a machine. Don t let it catch us!" "j won't. V'hero, SandyT v nore "Far anywhere!,' She shivered, the wind blowing through tne ngni sua ot ner rfre.iR. s.ne saw me moon nums - , a .-., t.i 1 1 ii (1 fltid rold land glimmering, a peurl swaying on the chill bosom of the night, i ne put. ner . v.-. .. .. eyo and wept. Where will ou Make me Ramon?' s r .,iv-v....... .... .n( tn vn ,"lclB,cl " Tve left. I've - lei t for good.' Shall I take you to your mo- ItherSf " ! "'Vo! Uo"' e. bar:k Co on." I "You're cold. Put on this coat. Uultou it up.'- Her hands wero stiff and fro- en.- She laid th icyi palm against her cheek, fighting against i f imsKes U3HU1X rraaiiy through -her mln..t.lng out the hotr.ess of his breath the jlriglitful giltter of' his eyes. j "Going away," she told lierelf in a stricken qulot. "Away." And her heart was filled with panic though she were drov nlng: a ' ' MASONS ATTENTION i ' A spiclal nieotius of Laurel lode. No. 13. will ' 6"j held &;douic U-taplo Woilnesday evcaing. Dec. 10 Li. ' Work la E. A. Degree. Ni .v by order V. M, ' W. r. Harrie, Becty. ! -iis aura, tuituou iila band covering bers. "Let un atop a moment." . . "Not yet no!" ' 'Don't be frightened " HI faca turned with consuming ten- to hera: "Durling h Your cheek aid tbat to you. ivour mouth?" she sank. down, presently she felt a warmth, a softness wrapped ner veins. Bieen a luuo tralipg into Warnuu l.ud suit, en bracing sweetness. . " "Dont gd back, rfainon on j Lighter he was liutug her no, Anu it Was . .light, radiantly light And they were on" the tea ot ths world, treai Arching abo'vothcm Water dashing on the rocks ber lo'w. . V i 'i. . Bhe fouKht against awakening. She hid her race against his sboul- der. She Said vngueiy "Let me Oh, Ha- down. ' I'm all right.. mon lt'a morning " ' ' "Ves -morning. 'He support ed her. with his arm, he tried to look In her lace. She covered H with her bauds. "Y. uero have you' tuhen ino?" "ilome, darling. ' I've taken you home.1' "Ah "Your home, Sandy, as long as lyou want It as long as you need it. -.. - i There was a little stone noose set on the highlnnd-i. Tries tramed It tlio wind-blown Mout- erey cypvesn trees. - teiow u.em "woie tue uluesit waters aua i whirAsf Whilo.st UUlda. ' ! she gave a laint, sobbing laugb: r"v drove all night, Kamon : ; '-All nights . Ian I that wnat ypa iwaniedl" - ' . !. t u.: -..AArA i CT.a 1a, him InVn - - Dlia UUUUI-Ui .- uu - ..- fat .propped pillows, about her. Uin took oft her ahoes and chahnl ij,,.,. lcjr Icet, ;e pressed them want Joctween his two hands. . j -"Don't, Kamon-rl don't m lo ,j0 m,, i "Don't you. -BandyT. But U seems 10 mo I can't do enough." She winced when he brougli il a little bowl and bathed her eneek. ej i I it wa'( nuinD and swollen. TesrsjYoik Ui WOV, in Schenectady, and creui tnroufrn ner tignieiiea ims. -'Am l hurting you?" ; , "No." ' "Don't think about it.' She tried not to. Her mind seethed. Sunday morning Aiice phoning. May Arlhs phoning. What would Murllio tell them WJiat wonld he do? ' She shuddered. Then Ramnn stooped und pushed her hair back. He kissed her. "I'd like to die, Ramon. I wish t'A ..llu ..0n n0. Bandy. Why fhou'.d yon wsh th!g She thought: :But I wish It. What else what else? She pul led the robe up and hid her bruised, despairing face from him. o- t ; RADIATORS FREEZE Donmured aicohol ready bot!lcdJ,. ,m(h.. pi,i c V Pfff. at front or back door and we an'Souneril P4tlfl. locomotive n t"ll you how much you need. ; Kinv tho portond division. Priced right. Llojd Crocker's Drug; hR, bcpn awarded a gold cap Store. ) i badge for efficiency In locomotive o fuel ronsumptlon. .F.J.Connolly, Quality merchandise at lowest i has- hsn similarly honored for prices at Powell's Furniture Siers. r ion the Portland divinion recelv- Medicine 'SSX? - U-rldvoutttemofCatinhotDtsf.i11"t fnr third quarter of this ness cio-t oi iatsrro. SoU by irntlitltfmmr 40 ym F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio Whiskers Have iiLGLinuuro' .'i? Protection of Neutrals at ' Mukden Needed on Eve . of Battle for Its " ' ' - . Possession.. . ' TOKYO, Dec 18. Government upokenun today ulatdd that troops nsd lift Koiva lor Mukden, Maa- churlan capital, and that addition al lori.es would leave tomorrow af ter w.iKb uo lighting weaid be per mltted within six miles ot the cap ital. . ., It was stated tnat both Marshal Chang Tso-Lin, dictator , of Man churia, and Ueue.al Kuo bung-Lin, hia (oimer henchman and now his principal adversary in the faction al liguung In progieaa in Manchur ia, would be uutliicd by the Japan ese that this order mnst be obeyed: It also was stattd by the govern ment spokesman that all- consuls met recently In Mukden ' and - re quested that Japan take all neces sary steps lo protect foreigners at tlio Manchurlcn capital. .,, All Japanese troops, It was stated, have been Instructed to maintain the most strict neutrality In the factional Chinese fighting. It was explained that the treaty of Portsmouth (the peace treaty between ltussia and Japan at the end ot the Russo-Japanese war), allows Japan to maintain approxi mately 1C.O00 railway guards in Manchuria but that the recent re placements of troops make the to tal Japanese troops In Manchuria only about eight thousand. ' It was not expected that Marshal Chang, In case of defeat In the Im pending clash' of arms, would leek leiuge In Mukden even as a priv ate citizen, as it was declared his lire was In danger from the Chin ese. Chang, it was said, was ex pected to seek safety in Daifen or tome other Japanese territory if defeated. The Jcpanese foreign office un derstands that Chang's mercenary troops arc near revolt and that nunurcuJ cas-es of looting have b-ea reports. Strtngest measures are deemed necessary to prevent loss ot lives -and property among the foreign nationals. EUROPE DANCES TO mm (Auw-faM rrm Win.)' " 1 NEW YORK,' Dec: 18. Thous ands of persons in Europe dadoed eaily this morning to the strains of Jazz broadcast from the United Stale. Associated Prets dispat ches from London and Berlin tell of men and women In hotels and supper clubs of Knglish and conti nental cities training tne UKUt fau- tiUc to syncopuicd strain from j 3,000 milus away. I uanco numours were rarrieu from the Waldorf-Astoria in New i re-oroaucasi. nurtA, i-uisuursu broadcast a program of its own at the request of the British broad casting company, which conducted the European end of tbs tests. The dispatches from Europe did not mention receipt of the music from WCY but did report excellent re sults from KDKA. The music was picked up at the British company's station at Davcntry, England, and then re-broadcast throughout Eur ope. "Santa" buy your "Fords" at Churchill's. They have a stock of rondsters and coupes, also a few Furdsoas. . ' ' LOCAL KNUINKKIM WIX ' l'ILL HAVING 1IIDGK8. r,F0f the : tho fourth time. Other engineers l'" ""''"' "" v.. J. t, m.., - Th. A 11 yfnnre and M. T. Muldmin. Their Use After A ina dest-rdlng. ' read' -made. klddl oxha-lor 4 sale. Agoiiey for Parker's ho- slry. US Fowler Bt, Phone ttt.-R, . t; wtuia oaiHr nil wiv juurv m iuwiU fe'omtuuv Cow Notice ot salt of government tlm t ber, tlonvrsl Land otfic, Washlng lun, i. C, Nov. si, 1. tiotloo is ! bmtby glvow .tbal subjoct te the I conditions and limitations e( ths acts ot Juno S, mi lis htlH till, I February II, ills (II) St.!., Hit), I nd Juuo 4, ! (It (flat., Jell, and pursuant to deparimeulal , .letful- , tioits of April li, llll 140 U U I ii. tno tiiuiMr on tno rouowins lanus will im sold Jan. -tie 1S, at 10 o'clock a. m. at nublia asatloa at tbs U. 8. land ottlco at Hoeo- uuru. orea-on. to tno bicnoot oiooor ai uot less man too appraised val ue as snown by tais notice, sale to be subject to tho approval ot the I iSfcrelary ot the Interior. The pur- j chase price, with aa adultioaal sunt i ii yne-mtn os oue per cent. u,n if. bottler commiselono allowed, must bo deposited at time of sale, money to be returned U sale Is not ap proved, otherwise patent will Issue ior tho timbtr, which must bo re moved within ton years. Bids will reoetvo4 Irons elltseas of the Uniu-4 gattes, associations of such citisens, and corporations organis ed uader tno laws ot tiio Galled aiaSes or any Mat territory, or uilrtct lhe.'oi oalv, Vyo applica tion ol a uuulltiva purensserr too umber on any legal subdivision will bo offered separately tutor being lucluaed la any filler . ot a larsur unit. 'i. s a., tu s. w eeo. e, toc .x tir iOll) U. hemlock Is M. cular 40 M, lot J tir S130 il. hemlock Tt M, cuuar ss si, nmy sis. iv toe at. hunilook M, uedar s3 At, UW14 .No.l fir Ills U, hemlock . lull si, eeUar 300 At. lot t fir 31 JO M. hem luck 160 M, cedar 1st At, lot fl. Jbso at. hendoca llo At. cedar leu ft, KU (lr 14V M, beinluck to m, eeuAr leo at, bw nwts tir IV 10 At, hemlocM 110 At, Cedar. s at, A,k.U HKU Ilr 11190 At. humluck 14u m, vudar 4Su M. NWk bs)4 Ilr lift M. ueniioca ivv jt. cuusr ibo al, Mi ( tlli fir Kill M, humlock lu us, aeuar eiv. at. wi. eea nr tnuv M, hemlock 110 At, cottar OS At. HWA HWU tir IS. 0 M. humlock 130 At. cedar 110 at. NW14 HWV fir IU0 AC nuiuioca sv at. uewar uv m, dd. bW'ti lir SOuii M, Hemlock 110 At. cuuar sou m. evvts sns sir sitt J4, hemlock 100 U, cedar 1O0 St. Hoc. 7, nUfc Mi ' tir lou M, eexiur IS 11, Nt-A fir 14(0 At. cedar 40 M, St '4 Mj.", Ilr luoo At. cedar 10 At. bVt ti 11li4 Hr 21s At. c4ar Ss At, f.1.14 M Ilr J0 At. cedar 40 At, lot 1 111- S4I4 M. cedar OS At. SK- rW)4 fir nt M. caue uo At, lot i sir s At, ioar So . iStits bt:V nr At, cedar 410 At, h Kb) tir use at, cvUAr - - w ai, vu. 1 1. . .. AI. 1 - no hi u.vc ..:i. fir 1 At. ctmar Its At. awc, nr s.vv je. uciui no js, tot sir loss At, C'U.- ..I St, bH bVrvi fir 4 Is, tMH.er 44 At. tot 4 fir lilt cedar 440 At. 8X4 I. NA'k MttVl -lr 1U40 At. hemloca lit At. cedar 110 At, Nls .Naii ir SiVO At. ham luck 1st M, cellar 1st At. bU Nh, Ilr 2410 M. heuilock So si. uvdar 4u At. SWvi MKt4 tir 1430 At, hemlock xeo At. ceoar su sa, p&i pivva nr 610 At, tremlock 16t At, oedar lbe N vv hk NWtA fir at. tt- At. netn- iock 140 At, cedar Its At, 84.14 Ilr I0 At, henilooft-.SilD At, osaar lit At, HWli MW44 (lr 3080 At, hem lock. 140 At, cedar S40 At, MS1V4 rfbl'S ilr 1420 Id, hemlock 20 At. ce dar 10 At, ,NWfc Haiti fir 16-0 M. hemlock 100 At, oeder to At. .HKti ac'4 tir 1160 At, ceoar It At, BWfc anis fir use at, nemtook is At, ce dar luo at, Nl'.- nWiA fir tl At, hemlock 170 M, oedar 1140 M, NW awia nr ciiv ai, ncmiovs -jev JV. cedar 100 At. Shi 4 tvvt4 (lr 1140 A, htunlock loo At, cedar 46 At, BW)a DWt (ir ,V0 Al, heuilock 40 At. cu dur lot M, Mec, It. lot 1 (lr 700 M, lot I (Ir 00 At, HUH KB 14 (ir 700 At, HWti b&A (lr too At, tot I (lr 100 At. cedar 100 AL lot 4 (lr 400 AI cedar loo M. beailock 100 M, HE 14 NW14 (ir loo At, HWV, NW'4 (ir 2000 At. cedar to At. hemlock SuO Al, Ntlt BK'4 tir 100 M. NW14 SK Ilr M. bails ukk rir sou At. nwy, dl-114 (Ir 11U0 AL Ntlt W (lr loud Al, NWU XWlt (ir 10 H. cedar 60 Al. SK'4 BW'14 ilr 1600 At. HW 14 bWU lir 1200 At, buc. 17, lot 1 (ir 200 All cedar 200 At, lot II tir loo At, cedar 2j0 M, btcy, M-,14 fir too AL cedar 4..0 At, HWI4 MvK lir 100 AL cedar 200 AL HKI4 NW14 fir 100 M, sedar 260 At, M., HK', (lr loo AL Oedai 260 At, bK'4 BB'4 (ir toe AL dar 300 Al, bvt A bhiti lir 160 M. cedar 200 At. Nki'A BW14 (ir 100 AL cedar 260 AL NW14 lt (Ir 100 AL teuar 400 Al. BW1 BWVt (lr li At, coder 260 At. beo. 21, M.W Nt-14 Ilr 2UO0 M. hemlock 160 Al, ftw4 NSI (Ir 2000 At, cellar 160 At, faemlooa ttt At, HBi Ntlk (Ir loo At, h.inlook loo AL BW14 wfcti (ir mot) M. nun lock 100 AL NK-A NW4 (ir 2100 M, Cedar lt M. hemlock 100 M. MWV4 .VW14 (ir 1200 M. cedar 100 At. hem lock too AL br-14 sv. (Ir.ioo M, coder 60 M. hemlock 100 At. RWy, NW'4 fir 1400 At, cadet S0 tt, NKK st: 14 r 1200 AL KW1I SH (lr 1200 M, hemlock 200 At. K'4 BE14 (lr loOO At, BW14 HBtt fir 1400 Al, cedar 160 Al. hemlock 100 M, NE'i bWVl (Ir 120 AL hemlock 100 Al. ttw S1V14 fir 700 At. cedar 60 it. hem lock 100 M. BK14 BW4 (Ir 2800 At, cedar 100 M, hemlock 200 U, HWVi BW14 (Ir 2200 M, cedar to At, hem lock 100 M, Dec. It, HKA NKH (lr i;ii0 M, cedar 460 At, NWA fiKi fir 1600 At, cedar tOO At. flIOlt NKU (lr 200 M. cedar 260 At, NK4 NV.'5 (tr 200 At, cedar 160 AL bL fir :.o Al, cedar 100 At Hec. II, hWy, NH14 fir 460 M. lot 1 fir 650 M. ce dar 100 At. Hh. NW!4 (lr 2400 M, cedar 400 M. lot 1 fir 2000 11. ce dar too M, lot I (Ir 400 M. ndhs ef tne limber on llievn tract to ho sold (or lees than S2-Q9 per M (or Hie (lr. 17.00 per At (ur the cedar and 10.(0 ber At (or tho hemlo. k. T. tl B tt. 4 W.. See. IT, NW HWf4 lir 620 M. cedar 40 At. uone of ths timber on this section to he sold (or l4e than 11. 7t per si (or tiie (ir and lo.to per at for tho cn dar. T. 21 H., R. It W, S.hi. 7, Nfcu Mi'i (Ir t0 Al. NWU NK (ir 17e y, bUi NK14 (ir 1100 M. B4 ABU Ilr IO60 M. nons of tho timber on this section to be sold (or lee than $2.26 per, AL lVlll,4n Hpry. CommliMloner. AH. i;'l.,tii'i'l.ii:lri,'i; f lj.eraeie Beautiful Glassware always pleases r we are prepared io supply shopper if. Water Sets, Vases, Fancy Plates, Giltu -clj, Butter Dishes, Candle Sticks, and.sj' irt- ment of fancy and ( 1 ' t 1 See This Line for CHURCHILL HARDVAIIE CO. TIm Iron Moiigert ' . Classified Section MX NEW ADS ON BACK, PACE. , i FOR SALE WOOD AND Bai lor tale. Phone mnor, . . . . CHRISTMAS TRelKS tor sale. Any atae. Phoue 16J. uu LaiDAH PUS I M tor sale. Iv. A Huntley, Brockwtty, Orw " ' FOR SALE Good milk cow fresh soon. Lea Mohr, Wllbar, Ore. FOR SALE 10 pigs, two mouths old. h e. Van Aden, Dtvy 4ttk. Ore. . - '. . ' S , . s'Olt SALt Kel baby buggy in good condition. Call 741 South Main. FOR . HMJShrliH , iTortt , coupe ) caeap. uooa conaiuon. 1 -. -tknwtock,- enthertto. Orw - ULRMAN poUce dog for sale. One year old, vary reasonable. Musi sell al unce. write .Box use land, Oregon. '. HOMliMAUE CANDY at the novel ty sale. Hollow's ,. Radio Shop, Saturday, Dec. 1. Ladles of the Bcllvlew Club, n - . , WOOD FOR BALE Round ash block, oak and laurel block wood. 1 and 16-tnch block tin -phone 4M. FOR SALE B-llat tenor Buescher saiaphone. Low price- for cash sale. See R. N. Huyso' at ' nest high school bitlgi j -i-i 10 ACRES on 'Coos Bay highway. Level, In ftood location. ;160o. Halt Cash.M.1 fW. leungffc Son. Phono 417. - r . - 1 ' t . - FO RSALE ti of BW ana SW'i of Bfct section 11 T. UK, R. 7. Make me an offer. L. R. fiarto. . Thompson Falls, , Mon taua, i Nifi A'f"" COTTAOElor saler 6 roonis and bath, all piasteretl, good DaaemenL Good - garage, on pav ed street in North Hosvpurg. Call owner. ' Phone 140-J.' SEE OUtt tuexl cars bulor ' you buy over 20 to choose trom 1 ltll Ford touring, starter and good running order i ,. . Stfr 1 1(21 Chevrolet So 1 1V21 Dodge touring, cord tires, new paint f-""i And 20 others, coupes and se- Easy terms; year to psy. HANSEN CHEVROLET CO. FOR RENT PIANO for rent Phone 1-F5 V Foil RENT Heated"- sieeplug moms. 212 N. Stephens. FOR RENT Good, six-room house. Close In. Inquire 875 Hoover St. FOR RENT jVrtly . lunilshed 2- room house. Apply 12ol Wlnches- tet. .. - ' .', t ' rOK RENT Five-room (urulsbed bouse, inquire 647 8: Stephens. Phone 471-L, . : : ; . FOR SENT FuruTsTied "aparlmenL Gas and wood range. Close in. 221 W. Lane. Phone 61-R. . STEE PINO "ROOMS Tn tiew house with furnace heat, private bath and garage. Phone 8 R. Foil RENT--Portly furnished house for rent and wood for sale. 1124 Raniona CourL By WINNER I . r 1 ( ornamental j. J , ' ' Your Gift Se.et. jits. 4 WANTED Job of pruning. Wr i John Clemoiil, Rt. 1, Box 21. a,1 WANTED 'Woman ior gene! 1 housework. Phone ilS-R. WANTEDKo head of Sheep. L. , : Wallace. Jig 6. 2nd Ave. N. 2 W Ahi'l'ltiiJ iu Lead ot weih. goats. J. U. Bacon. Umpoua. or . ALL kTudsorseWuJg, ntea sh a . a specialty. ,Sio MtUer SL fbo m-u I r ' i - Want kd ti-phfii," "Tieeph 4 T , ugnt wore. ru-aMioasie. jeset . Jackson. ... WANTED- Work aa janitor by 1 liable experienced man. "J. 1 r,ia Kiera.ltuwlMW .' . wmi lua-or ikk tiik 1 "X Y.." Nw-RTrtw. f. 10 -utAtittgw" -M-ivSj h- dred duhars. Will pay 10 In terest., Call .1WM .or. address P. O.. Box 7S1. ' . . i'Caa WANfEti Highest markW . prices bald. Wiktou Tire Uh: : opposite News-Review, Bring Ol 1 ship to B. F. Bhieldaj 1 r 1 .' NTElPA boy'1 KconJ Ewt ' ' coaster wagon." Must be reason - able and in good cdirdlutyn: P. H, ' Durch. Rl 1. Box 612. .city. : jf03T,AND FOUND I '. : ; f OS'iVuesda nigh, auto rokwt , t betwt ta . Wigwam ) Tavern and -' Rosebnrsa ilntter please leave at this oClloe. Reward. STkAVLD ifom itiston, dog, pari Airedale, light tan curly Italr, kng tail. Very timid. Reward. ' " l Bcher-- Phone ri. ' FOUND Lady's wrlsTwatcL 6wtr , er cull , at lews-Revlew otflot add describe the- watch and baud a means of ideDtllloatiou. - KliSCELLANEOUS MEN'S halt soles, rubber or leath er beela, $1. Ladles' the saato, 80 cents. 112 Bowen St. ' CAR OWNER Don't fortsi-5 all 661 when la BeeS oi s- parts. Sartts Auto Wrna mj House. : -' - ' uiu.bsai,UtiKi tsuiy'a iL slze ii, priced . A coat auoi i vest tor 16-year-old boy, reaswa able price. tl 8. Main St. - - PLACE YoTjanSbjIstmaa oldur .with the Crlspette shop, 164 N. . Jackson Bt. tor popcorn eonfew- , tlon and homo made candy. - TXKE.J"t'P At tWTttatTfarm,- roan, and white yearlln .steer. '. Will owner pleawe call and pro ..core same? Hnxoid B. .Wells. Phone 46F2. . . . ilOM-;Y To- uA.M'rlva-le nion- - sy to loan-on Improved city-rest-. dence and 'bnslncxs prorfriien. Large or small amounts. .Quick action, C. W. Young 2k "Hon. Phone 417)'. ' . - ' , VOUR ' ' OPPORTUNITY No experience required, we teach you, train you, cooperate with-you, . no Investment for samples. Ytu re your OWN BOSS. 73 stores from coast to coast to help you. We are placing - Partner-Representatives in nvery town; YOU can clear $30fH) np yearly. Write or call, 303 Exchange Dldg., port land. Ore. i : CEAR CUTTING Our Shops are Equipped to turn out all kinds of machine work. Repair Work Don PINE IT. MACHINB SHOP 1 ' ' Opposlta Flour Mill ' Harry Pcarce , ! :. Auto Top MsnufaxtuMrig-' , Repairing Tops And Curtains, . Uphnlslorlng of all klnda ' Tent and Awning Work ' Wbichwrtor St. WHEN IN R0SEBUF.G STOP AT- Hotel Umpqua Hansen aotet Co. ' M'' ' ' I ' r.--H- V y i Phono 4t -i.Zi.-' " ' ..?..... 7, Vl" , L' : I . ..' ' - I j ''--'' " ' ''. '11, 1 ' . ' "'X, ' ' ft 1 Wt " (iepf rilii Wt T. Uo , i ' ' -'..' ' -'... . , - let 4 ' w -. . I "T ' , I 1 I , I ' I . ' - . ' . ' '