Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 14, 1925, Page 7, Image 7

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More For What You Sell!
That's Us!
. Re-Washed Half CrounJ Salt, 1 OOi lbs 85c
Very Best Grade Flour, 4 acks..i...: ........$8.60
Bleached Hard Wheat Flour. 4 sackt $8.20
Good Biscuit Flour, 4 sack $7.00
Best Cream Cornmeal, 9 lbs 40c
See Us First. We Can Save You Money!
"Ship By Truck"
Save Dollars and Cents
We have a fleet of trucks leaving daily, Roseburg,
Eugene, Portland, Medford, Marshfield, making
delivery at
All Way Points
Oregon Auto Transportation Co.
Roseburg Phone 31-J
401 Oak St.
TIPVTOIV rhino ro 1 i
Heavy machine gun" and artillery cncKe38,n lie"tsln ' Piect
fire took place at Pehtang. 45 led barbfd ad , machine gun
miles east of Tientsin, during the
week end.
LI Chlng-LIng, the
Once again we will
wrap your Xmas pack
ages free for mailing.
Ws Call and Deliver.
Our Auto Will CaO.
Phone 177 -
Pacific Highway 4 Miles North
Open Evenings Till 11 o'clock
Meat toasted on spits before
the open fire. Coffee with real
cream. Sweet cider. They taste
pretty good attttr the shew.
Always a Big Assortment of
Fruits, Nuts and Candy
Blooming PI?ats
Christmas Itaskets with
("lit Flowers
Itoscburtt s Loading Florists
,;WS jK'?Sk
Th. Largest Stock of 1 yrTV- ( 5T I' A
Good Used m Q: f- J X "''Y
. EASY TERMS . ; VlT QrA T cL. HvfeLr
Hansen Chevrolet do. ,--1
Phone 4 .11 - - ji -.r I - i . ' . --
;iaiatTTaTIaTaltlItltllSlalIa:TaTTTaTTTTTIWI j
5 j
Portland Phone M 2266
E. Water and Yamhill SL
I Apply over tnroat and cheat
AsJV awallow small puces a
Qmr tf Million Jan Ul Ymrfy
Chill govornor, although outnnm-
iwiwu, ttutnuccu urn Liouys uuinHiinl "Afternoon. Tien "
'now is stronelv
eatrencaed la
llirft lines. '
The boundary of the Japanese
emplacements ana irencnes nave i
been constructed
at the French
LI Chlng-LIng Is fighting the
Ktinmine hnn nr nAtfnnitl neODle'S
iarmy, the head of which Is Mar -
Ishal Feng Y'u-Hslang, who con-
'trols the situation at Peking.
SHANGHAI. Dec. 14. Troops
attached to the army of General
iKuo Sung-LIng have entered New
:Chwang without flghtmgr accord -
iing lo advices from Mukden. New
'Chwang is about 125 miles souUi-
iwest of Mukden, tho capital t
Marshal Chang T-Lln, the Man-
churian war lord, against whom
General Kuo recently revolted.
1 . nf thna l.rn ntl-conDer '
wash boilers left (let yours at
Powell's Furniture Co.
LEGE, Corvallis. Dec. 14. Vivian
Orcutt of Roseburg, sophomore in
vocational education, was appoint
ed a member of the O. A. C. Daily
Usrometer Btaff. The Barometer Is
a daily paper published by the stu -
dents of the college. From more
than 50 aspirants, 13 were selected
on the staff. ,
Factors taken into consideration!"" If'" if'""1
In making appointments were ae-
pendabiltty of the ..udent In fol-,
lowing instructions. Barometer
class work, and number of boura i
j . . .1 .A (t.A II n ..I - M urn u .
u",n,,,"7 , .'
pirania irieu uu. ...i ....-
ter this year than In any previous
CALL FOR SCHOOL WARRANTS p08,(,nre lor the letters?" jhim?"
Ail varranu of t'nlon Hinh . -who In your, that you must fiho felt hard, noi-hlsttf atrfl
School No. 6, up to and including ! pnt A 0n the mall box?" i ruthless. She listened to the yr
warrant No. 121, dated March 6th, This ia my house! Ire alwho had ber-n h-r friends hi're
1925. and Indorsed "Not Paid for'fignt t0 Bp what cnterft It; to 1 hor marriage Untenod to tli"ir
Want of Funds," are hi day cal-;aff.gUard tho interests ot myjpotjinc, their brazen talk. !e
led. IntPrrot ceaxf-s after thU date. : home." SthouRht: "I aj. like that on-.
Dated at Wilbur, Dtmclaa Co., -Take alt the riphts you want l thought I kn'-w!"
this i n miY iit iffr- u.o.
jK. E. MKUW.. tUTfc
PnnWn Center Is close to Illxon -
j WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN THE on, gasping breaths, lasciuattd nousa lu lue evening.
I 8TORV SO FAR: Uy ino .carlet . stums on her j but) wus Inwardly athrob with
Sandy McNeil, hi love with life, 'cheeks, the hard brilliance ot her excitement, mat a the week ad
i marries Ren Murillo, a rich liai- eyes, jvanced turned to alarm. What
ian, to please ner impoterisued j g . fo, ar(a ..j brilliant " Murlho nuiuiMi home turn
family. Tyranny by Murillo and , d h con,ump,; brllllaut with ;eek enaJ Vnat if he came In
frequent quarrels Itillow. A son 'B c;u Xush " "l owe 'as those girls were all sitting
dies at birth. Dob McNeil, her rfi .V-l "V .. i around .uuiiiiugj lie might or-
uncie. aiosm pians lorsanay ana;
MAii.. Tkari. k a
uv.,1. ,..- .... , . i...
surf. On the same steamer home, " ' the- '"uowj ul?Xt
he declares his love. Murillo de- """" rw of books: dusting otf
dares he will never release her. ipowoer from the dreeing table
Judith Moore, cousin, tells Suu-
overtakes her as she goes lor a ' ner gilts joyous gifts. She w as
tryst with' Ramon. Follows a ; taking iheiu. blie had rlfchl to
clash over her promises to her jtake them! ,
airic mmhnr in kIva un elans fori "Dearest dearest when will
n if nva i avarv ininv Miiriun
divorce. She appeals to Dob for'you tell me that you careT iou
aid In a divorce action and he j will some time how I love
.( hap aha hua nn armunilH ' vou '
Sandy determines to make her
own living, wnen an is leaving
me poatomce ,wnere sne nas guns
to get her mall, she Is intercepted
by Murillo, who faila to get her
Go on with the story from here:
Sandy lurched from him, or
dering In a low furious tone:
1 11
Don t touch me! Don't move.
scream. I'll bring the whole
town on you. Don't follow me!
I lie turned gray, moisture fleck
ing his lips. Sandy, with her
L.-.J II f 1 I
m uiooa poaiiaing ucisviy, nurrieu " oi Uv... OH....D ,....., minui i,l T-iu.-n.
S down the block, ducking Into the H was ahumelul made up of lies i entering the gsirdeu the man re
5 office where May Arllss worked, land indignities,. Fling It away moved all his clothes. He then
S it waa was an Insurance ottice, all of It make It anew In flame walked In, nnd commenced nn lin
R the windowa on a level with the land beauty. passioned huningue, summoning all
(j street. Murillo dured her to flout him. I the snakes In the pnnlen to obey
d ilay, shifting a huge policy But why shouidn t she? W hat ! the powers he had derived from his
m from her typewriter, greeted San- had she to fear or to forfeit? one piinrnoh ancestors, and come rortii.
Sidy warmly. "Party a tomorrow i was awaiting some terrible climax ! Kot ninny moments elapsed after he
S night, Mac. Coming?" that would end this ugly sham. . had finished his harangue before a
Ji "Of course! I dropped In to Why ahonldn't she flout Murillo ; 0da. tliln snake enme gliding to
ff inquire if I'd been scratched from 'and hasten It? ward him. It wns followed by an
mC Hu .mm it., Buirf Mnriv tx-i ' other and another, till shout a
cltedly, wondering if V.nrlllo were ' with flying pulse she now stoie
waiting; if he had pursued her. 'through the buck garden these
Saturday merits, sues Ramon
May folded the document, i waited In the ahadow down the
"Tnere goes your husband," she; road. Murillo waa never home,
commented absently, "liuess he i Hut then ah one never knew,
aaw you. He'e coming In." She sped along till the hund
"Where's the dressing room, ; reached out and caught hers
May?" I warmly. She laughed, when Ma-
"Yonder second turn to your mon kissed her us she had laugh-
left." led In her girlhood at Jimmy's ar-
t HnHlna hai hraalh finnilv HtiUft
'between the high counters. She j
rellched the door, heard May's
With a short, hysterical laugh
she pulled open the moist, crum
pled letters. The words swam
glowingly. She
nvlrtlv then Inra
drank them
the pages to ,
mjnule shreds.
Hard, poised, utterly reckless, i
she returned smilling to meets could clearly see in tne wecem
him. iber moonlight, brought a flush to
Murillo bowed stlfly: "I'll drive
vn hnme mv rfeAr."
1 'm walking, my dear!"
He took ber arm, whispered
! with menace: "Come."
I Outside she turned on him.
I -stop pinching me! I told you
'rm walking."
I "Give me those letters."
1 "Let go my arm. Let go!
You re muking a fool of yourself.
White with anger, he followed.
;-rn DHIVE you home."
; she Bet a quick pace, doubled (to you.
lit, noted wltn glittering malice! She reached 1P her hand and
his charging breath, the clench- touched the tanned intent fuco.
ing Of hlS I1S18.
The hills were nndo and brown 1 near enough to come half a dozen
In tha hrik-ht. wintry sun. Theltimes in a week?"
water looked so clean in its blue, )
chilly ra drance. Sandy swung
along, arrogant, thrilled with de
fiance. With a blithe gesture
ghe pointed to hills and waves:
'Heautiful scene!'
"You'll pay for this!"
She laughed.
Finally they reached the house.
'Great exercise, wasn t It? A in
tlc out of breutb, are you? 1 fr-
si ; .,i.-..KO
Mrs. Dixon,
neighbor was
their next
Just getting Into
Sandy bowed cor-
She Bald to Murillo In an
- ; . "beater." ' i And In the company of Alice
. arm hoIdln, ltlBnd .0,her. she thought:
in a vise as they went up the I
He pushed her to the
j room,
Who Is vour correspondent
hi vnn tnt tn nnfH)iln2 to the
uviin vnnr nniiHr'. iuu m uui uuo
right Wim me.
' "And thnt
' She tilted her chin with a
IhrlgM, morkln;; latntn. "Tha riRht
to mpport mef- Permanently!"
He pushed hie Uce near to
here, scowling: "Take carol Yoo
niuy flout me oui-e loo otten. 'was a alienee.
"And what will yon do then? Sandy answered: "I guess lt'i
Turn me Into the street? TliaJ mJr turn."
what 1 want!" j "Yet." raid May Arllat. "1
She went up the atalra whlstl- guess it
tag, her bead flung back ai ". '"iluu make It next Saturday.'
he were tingling with Joy. She ' This was, the It rat time outlay
Mt.nA ufnhi iha mirfar taking hud luvlieri tne cntvd to bur
ne a-,hl ... ;
firm I
She walked with a quick
BteD about the room, shaking out
one oweu no one a
" -a auu - -
Phrases from Ramon's letter
'drifted to her mind, loitered like
a careaa.
She told herself presently, con
scious of an oppressive warmth:
lu tree of ail that! Free of
conscience! Free of restraint tvnd
the old hankering scruples Isaoel
had grafted to tne spirit.
She' was free to live; take
boundlessly of this exultant sweet
ness. He waa coming tsnturuay:
let him come Saturdujs ,
and Saturdays!
Tbere now entered Into ner at- pior.3 nnd other reptiles. An ex
tltude a pathetic abandon. She hitililon tit his uncunny power was
had nothing to loso; no sanctities ;
in h-w. Itr.. (nat n..l v n r,l i II IF
"You must care for-nie, Sandy,
or you wouldn't put yoursolf out
ilo meet me.
"1 like being loved, she an-
swered truthlully.
He frowned: "I'm coming south
the first of the year. Ill ue in
Los Angeles all spring. 1 tooa
the lob because of you." The
warmth of his eyes, wnicn Bne
! her heart. "You won't always be
Iboutld. Sandy."
"It eeeniB so. I don't know
'how I'll ever got free."
I "If you could listen if yo,u
could, would you come t me.'
Would you marryy me, Sandy?
She shut her eyes, liking the
itouch of 1:1s warm, sinewy hands:
"W ould you marry mo, Sandy?'
! "I don't know, Hamon.d'd want
to be so sure so terribly sure."
I "Oh, wouldn't you feci suro
iabout me? I could bq so good
JOU IIUVU ureu-juu mi.u .
You're glad I'll be nearer
"Not not that often
Not not that often . . . Sat
urdays aro safer . . . ."
"You look forward to Satur
day?" -Yes yes " She sank down
Joyously whispering: "I on't
think! I don t need to think!"
and laughed when he kissed lur.
Hut at midnight when she went
padding about her room, her feet I
lintd, her heart on tire, sue aa-
led herself fearfully:
-"What am 1 doing? How long
lean I do this I wonder how
What would they say If lliey
liv-lknew I went to meet Ramon
(sneaking out to ride witn nun.
!, anal nuiim vimr ruj n
1 her of Itamon that I kls him
that I flinsr mv armn nb')Ut
fine vtt.'iii aiunun .siia
Ki-fjunp uivno minus
I Murillo.
I Sprlnn rame the aet i.-.rly
That's Fair Enough.
,day pf February. They were I
gathering at Kdna Slacy'e. Some-!
lone said: "What's next?" There,
;ier them out.
"' ,a" 10 olm ''''ay morn-
jufi, uvnuTE nam. ua lu lim
ner tomuriuw night. Can you
tie looked at her narrowly:
"I've business that takes me out
town OB SaInrday. Tcli your
,t,.- ... l- . I
motnur to make n Monday
I "You couldn't be here Just this
j Saturday?"
I "1 can't be here."
I She ran Into her room, laugh-
Ing with relief, in this unsus
pected way the climax, she had
awaited, came.
Give flashlights for
them at Powell's.
Xmas. Get
Made Good Claim td '
Power Over Reptiles
I'm!! quite recent dnte il Luxor
was to be found nn Kitlun who
rluiitifd direct descent from the
pIuirmMis. uud who posscsswl won
Jerful power over snukes. scor-
given ninld the ruins of Karnak,
f.i.-n-ltn ......II.. llnf.iM
; rti.ien snakes hud come out on to
; the path where he stood, which
i were picked np by the anaka man
j sad srui-k Into a banker. The man
j qnietly apprmehed spectators and
i sskeil If they wished him to gather
j scorpions. He then turned to an
old well nnd exhorted the scorpions
to enierce. At once a large" one
j come out of a hole In the wall,
i the mon picked It un and placed U
OU his Palm. The SCOmlOn lUI-
medinteiy stung hlin, drawlng.a few
drops of blood, but the man paid
i not me sii-niest uueniion 10 mis.
The man's simnge powers were not
Inherited by his son, as the latter
wrs shortly after bitten-by a cobra
, and died Immediately.
No Method Yet Found
to Prevent Hailstorm
The I'nlted Rtntea weather bu
reau says It Is often asked whether
there Is not some way that hail
storms can be prevenN'd. The
answer, replies the bureau. Is In the
nrcnltve. Pathfinder Magazine re
porls. There Is no known wny to
prevent hull. Much powder hs9
been burned In Kumne bonibnrdlnt
the clouds In a futile attempt to
avert hailstorms. In some coun
tries nn elaborate technique lias
been developed, requiring the use
of special types of mortars, bombs
ami rockets. In Fnmre before the
World war It was customary to
erect hull roils or "electric Nl
nVnrns." These were large copier
liifliining mils Installed on liiith
buililirik's and steel towers built
especially for the purpose. A hun
dred years ago It was fi common
practice with Europeuns to put up
small hall rods, often consisting of
poles with metal lips. These were
erected In fields, gardens nnd vine
yards. None of these methods,
says the weather bureau, had any
plausible scientific hysithesls be
hind them. Any effects ascribed 10
them were purely Imaginary. -
' For Old andliounq
Th. patrana it a local ab.w hcuaff w.i.
: tarr nuca dt.t.irkwl and aanoy.4 ij tti, con
i tiniMW ccufhu.s cr a tci.oa 11 u a.ici.
i .nr.. Oca 1 b. a aulain-i baratia. Hon ha,
'; .'M T! Csji.J. taS.11 'mp'V
.Lu,H ut ., v. - ' .
h,. Pf.lB, V. "'Wi'fc
av. n iU
ttUy' Ho:ir and
A Tr Cnmwuind iff toltU
ixa aa coufu wi
itk Kticniail rtmitt."
W. F. Chwpman.
rl he. meei pctS
LiupQua avoti No. 16 UievU
Tuumiy to ciwi oi licvi a lur ;
lb 6. ie taero. lelivrt, ta tm j
u a buj 6buiou. i da auxumry
wui ito uj mom roai UUtVf
Uiuiuvui aiiwr (ue lutwuuK,
iwioweu by ft big feed. 1au i i
Nuttcu of Ml of novri.mnt tlm-
bt.4, VaUUl'4 A4ftlU OttlVUi Villltlr
lUlt, U. C, t kii, AUilC It
I4ws sJMjf kt tt LUI ftUWCt U tits ua JUfia J. l OlBL. 214)1.
jwr4try 4, Ov ftttti., Utj,
W4 t A4Vb4 t.t4W44 t (Ula4
WO440 Ul AirU , 144 lW 4- Us.
ttio ituiuer on iho Coliuwina
l41U Mill Um ftO.a JlU. It, 44.
isi V ClOCta 4ft. If., jyUUHV' ilH.UU
t LUW J, O. 1st ad OllKtt 4.1 1VJ4M-
uurin, Oiugou, 10 tbtj. uMU4)4.t biuuur
at 44 u 1 mm niu mo iypr4.i4a
an bubjvcb lu ih 4itf 01 Uiv
Auci-L.iuiy ut ihtt intuitu-, rhu iur
vliaao piu, touil Mil fciiuittouatl hum
11 UstU-kttlU Ul WltW lvt VVltL, UlVfLj-
ut, tuta MitutavU, iu mil
u uupwtta utitv ut H4ti, uiuavy
14J bo I'UlUlltUU 11 MlU 44s not tL
truvX uaaui ly-ikctit wtii ! u
4 or tut iitniHir, witKD inuai M r
uiuvvu wtiutu tea r, juitl will
u rwctttvvu iruut viiuviii of m
k,llUt;a b44liC, k4SuC.ll I IUU Ul UvO
viiiAvUa, miu Cvtpwrhitona urHut
v uiiur me iv ut in vuiu-d
tnt9 wi' i y Aittiv, tuiritor, ur
u4(,ll.L 111 V4 cut lll. LyU4 laJHk"al
t,4V4l Ut llUatlllltMl pUlv-llMovf lit
timber Oil aay av4 buuuiVtdiun ui
u uiaajiuU- ny4iiaijiy bviuiij imiiiiA
4ilCluUvU 111 KM)' Vi4f wl H
uutl. 1, Xtt b., it 9 V ., i, iu4 1
ill- rfOiU M, UnilCk:ti Ai. Ci.4jf v
lut X nr i.i 4U. niuiiM;at iti Jju,
t,LiUt' -i aal, OitH liV4 tr A"
utrtuiovt i Ai. voaar M, btt
41.14 lir i3v Ik, nvintui-K 2uu Im. ,
wa-r ioi m, 101 4 .r iito U, nviw
lUvti Uti M. VUKr li M. tut 11.
M, hvilllUCA. lii il Ccour lo 1
ai, i ti ur ltu M. nuituva
iV 41, t-oUnr aJu all, SWyg 1st
lJll M, HoulIiKK itftf Atv, ivvUitr U .
.Mkfe -oh-H '' VlU M, ItUlttKH'tt lw
1, v.cur -au M. inW 6h- nr l.w
M, ntSllllOv-A lul JU, 1K4H- 1 M. 1
nia'A itr lu fci, 11 Mm lu-at 1.-
Ml, ItMlUUXJI lit M, tatrur 44l ett, Nb-
it Lit 10 , IIVIUIUVK 14U aU, I
iitiiiuo-k Ui) JA. tnukf lull M, bbM
kit 3a&u M, tlmiock HV ita, ,
VU Ut Oil If Oil N Itr 1V iU,
st,1 In- li Al, cruitr u M,
A A -aa .Nlm UT 140 At. CtUHf tl At.
aNb-4 Ilf 2vU-i M. Vt!Uir Zutf At.
O.. ' Ab- tir H-t Al. UMlur 3 At.
aA) 54 llf JJ9V Ai. cur At,
iol i lir M, vU4ir v m. om.
,,t l4f lit Ai. letUr l6l At, lul A
ur vi At. ur Al, Mi'4
ttr 1J Ai. cvOr 44 Au Av, be.,
lt assa, CSTUtaX laitl At, toti
llf Wf Ai, Ct-Uail m.M Al, b i.-
ur iu Ai, wuitr 410 At. lw,
ll0 M. UeUeir ii m, lot 4 tir
4vo At, uvtii' . ai, 1st. St sir
tU Ai, 4- Al, lUI llf 4ii4
ctutxr 6au m, bee. a, MSi nttt
ur 2Uio ai, hmniouit itv ai. ceur
ai, N a ib'A fir -it At, no in
tuuk itu Al, cuaiir isu M, Btitt
ttr tii At, liejuiiucit AL cuusir u
bU H iNKlA Ur Ai. ilfltiluiK
Ibt) M, teuur 9 At, Mtt Nw lir
1U40 aI. AumluL-k. i Ai, cur 1
At. N.t ! .wv n (tr 41 u At, htm
vtk Uu Al, cvurfr IttU M, bJE. N 4
,ir 14- ai. UtitilucK 4.-0 Ak, UfUt.t'
l, M. tf W -4 -NV a Ur AL hvili-
luik 15u At. cedur 3&U M,
eci ur i.:0 Al, item tuck At, w
at jh. iNn-tm bBA itr iyu At,
utjinluck lOif Al. Ci-UHf u(l At,
Bt.t4 ur n&u ai, ifiiar a m, bv
btute ttr UhO Al, he mi OCR 76 At, c
ur lu At, fiitu t Itr 2wiu i,
uuiiiluc-K i0 Al. utfuur Jiu Al, .sft l
bii'A ur 2((l 31, ilfllllOCK lb(f Al,
ttiiar iuO iu, tfvi ur 21 Jit ai,
iiniiiuiK itm ai, cvatir 90 AL V
oVVa ur JoU At, liuniloc-K 4 M, fx
titti1 iiu Ai, &cc. lo, lul 1 tir u0 Al,
iui 2 Ur toOu a!, bCH Nfe'4 Hi' iwu
Al, KWh Ni1 fir to ai, iut 3 ur I
Hut) Al, cmiar iUV Al, Iut 4 fir wiO Al, I
CvUiir lUU Al, hii4lU4.-K ivit At, Db1) 1
.N H Ur U 4ftl, b V V N si A lis' j
aiuuu Al, ct'tlhr fto M, tlPiillcKH XuO Al, :
MiS ur K00 Al, A
slUU At, htL. HKMi Itr 0W Al. tV 4 I
rti-;1 ur iiwo At, fe.i bW'A. nr luw j
41. vvi bW tn- lou ai, 1'funr v
bfA rV lir lbfu M. hVN bVv !
hi Uutf H. bu. ., lot 1 ur 4UU At. i a 0u Al, Iut Ur 100 At, svtMUr
u 1.1, blCv Ni-Ji Ur afuu M, tLiinr
0. -o Al, by' M4 ur let) M, ci'Uar.
zoo M, hiVn Js A v ur loo hi, Ceuar
.Jau ai, rK bit1 ur nuu M, cinar
isu At, bUaVt bb.'sft ur kuu Ai. ci4r
auu Ai, an'i rlv tr l-o ai, ctdar
rfii) M, NfJ'y lir luu M, eur
160 M, NA4 HW 14 lir luo At, cedar
auU AU bVVU lir 1-0 Al, ceuar
JuU 41. bee. 21, Nb'4 NlV4 ur iOwO
M. lumiutk 2-0 Al, NWIt NK1 lir
iooo Al, ivt'tlar l&u M, licmluc Suo
At, Hta-H Ur ZvU AI, hemlock
mt Al. rfV4 Nfc.' ur M. iifin-lo-k
sun M. ISf NW fir 3-10.1 M,
nrtar 100 M. tifuilwk luu M. NW'-.
,VV fir 1-uO M, .-eiiar 00 M, hvin
luvk luo At, Hi; 'a NW4 fir Itoii Al,
u.ur t) At. luuiio.k Lin Al, HW
.NWi ttr H00 Al, n-dar COO M, NK
HK'4 fir litfO At. NW Mb-'4 UT fl'U
At, mmiock uu Al, bK' riK'4 fir
luou Al, H SK'4 fir loot) U.
li.O Ai, hfiiiiot k 100 At, .t MW '4
fir Al, licnilmk 100 Al. NW'i
WW4 fir TOO M, rt-dar 60 M. Ik-iii-
1. k luo M, Shi bv4 fir jhihi At,
rvdar MO Af, hrmlfx k J0 M, tV '
bW4 fir S..4I0 Al. crdar iu Al, hciii
luik 100 Al, bc. X, tK NK'4 fir
2. n) M. ct-.iar :Q Al. NW'A M"-' f-r
luo Al, Ct-Uar ')0 M. M".Vt tir
3i.O AI. CfUar 0 Al, NlVi NW'A Ur
24ii Al, vttar 1&0 Al. WKV fir
1i. Al. ctdar 1"0 Al, Xv. 31. J-.W'i
SK tir 4iu M. lot I fir tM M. c
..a, luu At. HI. '4 NW. fir 2luo Al,
.....iir ton ai. lot 2 rir 2noo ai, -
dr 00 M, lot 2 fir 4t)0 M. none of
th timtn-r un them tra-ta to b
nold (ur Ivnn than f.uu p-r M for
tiiu fir, $7.oo pit M for lh rlar
ami 90 r.o ft-r M for ttii hrmlii k.
T. 21 .. K. 1 W.. Kt. 27, NW
HV' fir Cai0 Al, rtMlur 40 M, nonu
of thf ilint4r nn tilt nntlon ti b
sold for ln than .1U pr M for
tin fir and 10. r.o dt M f'r tli" ti'-
T 2 !, It. II W lc. 7. WK'A
nr " in. i.r. iir inm
V Kl;i. NK'i fir liiilll M. HW'i
.,LI 1. IK.n M nn.. .i Ihu llmh.i
1. a - -
on IlitN tlon lo Do an a tor I 1
thn f i per M. liimra rpry,
Glassware Gifts
Beautiful Glassware always pleases recipients and
we are prepared to supply shoppers with a Great
i , Variety. , . ,.,
Water Sets, Vases, Fancy Plates, Cake Baskets,
Butter Dishes, Candle Sticks, and a great assort
ment of fancy and ornamental pieces.
See This Line for Your Gift Selections. .
The Iron Mongers
Classified Section
WOOD AND liJii for nale. Phone
foil SALS OR IUADK Hue play
er ptauo. tiee JuUU.
stse. Phouai 61&-J.
ruit UALh uaK aud laurel oioca
wood. 1'hone 4 r a.
FOK 8ALK Old fir block wood.
a.5 per Uer. Phone 14S1S. Mel
lon Bros.
FOK ISA Lb: JO pigs, two montns
old. J. '. van Alien, liaya Crovt,
txjit aALE ur Uaae, aparuueul
house with seven apartment.
Call at SUti S. ParrotL
FOK SALK Wool cards. Import
ed Iroin Finland; 41.85 poat
pald. Jonn Nylund, Norm Uond.
FOK SALE 2 black mares, 7 and
V years old. veie;Q about live
eacn. liox bi, Camus Valley, Ore.
UEHMAN police doir for sale. One
year old, very reasonable. Must
sen at once. Write box !'., Oak-
laud, Oregon.
FO KSALE Kl of SW1 and ottl
ot 8Ei section 12 T. 29, R. 7.
Make me an offer. U R. liar to.
Tliompson Falls, Moutaua.
FOK SALE Ked and "apTinBS,
4J.&0; auk flosa mattress, pracu-
tauy new, lls.Ut); dresser, fl7;
coat oil stove, three burner and
oven, 6.(W. 124 llrockway SL
iuh SALE 1 Slradlvara up.ight
puonoKi'apn. lias bo recurds, coat
4.25. Will sell lor '&. Kicellellt
condKiou. Viollu tone, liox 1J5,
Yoncalla, Ore.
Tnjt.vl ut .UrtllrJd lu good shape.
For sale at 3U wltiiln next lew
days; or will trade tor any klud
ot livestock. Also for sale, S tons
pressed hay al 416 per ton at
barn on Koute 1, liox 0-13, 21
miles eust Kelloy's Korner,
where inarea may also be seen.
8KB OUK Ul ear beldre you
buy; over 20 to choose from
1 li21 Ford touring, starter and
good running order , ' 175
1 JUil Chevrolet 5
1 lUil Dodge touring, cord tires,
new puiut-
And XV others, coupes, and se
dans. asy terms, year to pay.
r 1 I
littie vjkilc oe.
X'F ' ia -
J j
i VJ "a. al w- AV
PlAStO for rent Phone 81-FS
FOK RENT lve-room unfurnish
ed house. Inquire at 644 S. Pine,
FOK HUNT Furnished 1-rooin
aiiartuit-ut, ton ' a. btetmena.
FOK KENT Uood alx-room houae.
Cioati tn. Inquire 610 Huover fee
SLEEPING ROOMS tor roni, bam
and uviug room puvliee. &19
Slepueus. ' '
Oil KavaST , lie-room Ifcutuanrai
houae. inqture WV S. bieyneaa,
Phini 4J1L. , , j
WANTED Baby buggy in good
condition. Phone a-a3.
V ANT Ell Ookinete and checker
Loura. Audreys i, Xsews.ueview.
WANl'fcO lUUnud "of "wether
gouu. J. o. UaLOu. LTnipqua, oie.
A4.L aUi.Ua bl seivilib, kica a, aula
a specially, dio Muier oL i-uou
WANi'EU lieaiUiy lio.tea or old
cons tor lux teed. r. Curtis Cap
kins, Roseburg. "
WANT Llf A second-hami doTl
. bug,y in good condition. Phone
331-it . - -
iU 113 VVANTEU lllguoal marke)
puces .paid. W'iijou lir buop,
ajpposita News-Review, Hrlng 01
Soip to U. F. Shields. "i aiid" i 'cents,
work guaranteed. 217 6. Slt
pneus, south of . Ivoso hotel.
-aiue Airs. lull.
i lost and Found
STRAYED from Winston, dog, part
Airedale, light tan curly faalr,
long tan. Very Umld. Reward.
Mrs, (j. J. Dae her, Phone 2F4.
FOUND-aLady's wrist watch. Own
er call at News-Review office
and describe the watch anil band
a means of Identification.
: l
i i
CAR OWNER Don't ' forget ts
all 6ti4 when in need of aut4
Parte. Karri's Anto Wreckln
iiivt, iOLU HOI a nul pal lor
Chrisimas. Have a few pedigreed
Airdales left at attractive prices.
M. N. Humphrcya, Drockway,
llufiet Clarinet, seventeen keys,
full set rings, leather case, mu
sic stand; priced for quick aale.
C. P. Cayler, Phono 1W-J.
Hotel. Umpqua
Our Hhops are Equipped to turn
out all kinds of machine work.
Repair Work Don
Opposite Flour Mill
Chas. S. McElhinny
"Tha Widow's Friend"
Oregon Life
MS North Jscktori
Harry Pearce
ftito Tee Kanufaeturlnf
Repairing Tops and Curtains,
L'phoisterlAg of all kinds'
Tent and Awning Work
Wlnchonter Bt.
I , i . jii..'.'lalJjl.MI,'