t Section Two Pages 1 to 4 tCoousCAs county" VOL. XXVI - NO. 328 OF ROSEBURQ REVIEW ROSEBURG. OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1 1, 1925. VOL. XIII NO. 999 nw tub ruruiun lieu. " ' "'"M'MM'aaaMigM I (I 'JtZF" SILK LOUNGE ROBES A beautiful assortment of Robes made up of heavy Brocaded Silk patterns. The Ideal Gift for him. Roseburg's Newest, Llveit Leading, Men's and Young Men's Store. SPENCER'S Dressmaking and designing. j ready-made kiddle clothes for I sale. Agency for Parker'a ho- i W CLEAR FOR I pre-war Bosisrii 'S MELLON YEW fml Proof of tne podding Is In Ust- Quick turnover. Advertise. A Ide whether Duyer or seller read classified ad today brings sales to the classified a dp morrow. v Situation in United States Satisfactory; Outlook Abroad Hopeful. CRITICISMS UTTERED Installment Buying Unwise, Private Loans to War ; Debtor Countries Disapproved. K s EXTRA! What ?-AutomobiIe Day. When? Next Sunday. Where? Christian Bible School. SPECIAL PRIZE for car with largest load of people. MENTION for other large loads. WRITE-UP in Monday's paper for the MAKE of car with the largest number of cars present. WELCOME to all. TIME 9:45 A. M. CHRISTIAN BIBLE SCHOOL WASHINGTON. Dec 11. Early accomplishment of a complete world wide economic stabilization Is foreseen by Secretary Mellon. Both at home and abroad, the secretary declared in his annual re port submitted to congress today, developments of the last year have been so satisfactory that the way Is now clear for a more complete world recovery." Mr. Mellon be lieves the underlying factors of the business situation here were fun' damentally sound and "warrant op timism for the future.' While the secretary saw no ap proaching cloud on the economic sky, he warned against expansion and speculative tendencies. The program of public economy has had its effect, as has the public debt re- 2 ; tlrement program, he said, but K i "there is some tendency for the K : consuming public to buy every con 9 I celvable commodity on time' and A I mortgage future earnings." On the A j other hand, he found business men 'A conducting their affairs with re- 2 straint and caution in order that R the prosperity may not bring on R carelessness. g "It Is hoped, furthermore." he f added, "that the speculative ten A . dency in real estate in some com 5j j munltles may not proceed to the 2 1 point of undermining the spirit of E caution In business." B . Enlarge Coast Patrol. Mr. Mellon reviewed the depart ment's work In enforcement of pro hibition and expressed the belief that progress had been made in re ducing the supply of Illicit liquor through -the reorganization direct ed by Assistant Secretary Andrews. He suggested that expansion of the coast guard was necessary If It were to continue efficient work In Its dual capacity as a conserver of life and property and a guard against rum smuggling, and reiter ated that the department's policy was to attack sources of supply rather than to attempt local police work. Included in the secretary's report was one by the American debt com-j mission, of which he is chairman. genius of the screen, left Los An geles today for Europe on a trip of observation to gather data and 1 select locations for the filming of a super-hlstoriral epic to be called. PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 10. To "Old Ironsides." Cruse will visit expedite the granting of appllca Trlpoll, .where the "Constitution"; lions of extensions of time in reached the climax of its nawil ' which to file Income tax returns, fame during the war against Hie Commissioner of Internal Revenue pirates of the Mediterranean by j David H. Illalr, has delegated to the United States in 1804. 1 Collectors or Internal Revenue au- Saved once before by Oliver thorlty to grant such extensions. Wendell Holmes' stirring poem, . Heretofore, under the revenue act "Old Ironsides," the frigate, now ; of 1924, applications for exten falllng to pieces from rot and dls-, along have been addressed to the use in the Boston Navy yard, is to! commissioner. day again being rescued from ob : - Extensions are granted in cases llvion by the school children ftf of absence, sickness or Inability to America under the leadership of obtain data to make a correct re the navy department, through mil- turn with certain provisions. No Hons of small contributions toward extension will be granted unless its reconstruction. The Elks, application is made therefor on or Daughters of the Revolution and berore March 16 the date prescrlb many other patriotic societies afe ed by law for filing the return. The applicant must state specif! I TURKEYS' WANTED Have Orders for 1,000 Turkeys WILL PAY 45c FOR NO. l's Delivered to Economy Market Wednesday, Dec 16th GEO. KOHLHAGEN lending their cooperation and su port. Although this will preserve tq vessel for another half century, It is now to be immortalised in larger way by Cruze. It Is to preserved not as a glorious hulk fallen Into sad oecav. but as a. 111 ling thlag, beautiful and proud, i nanvna tulMu4 In )w. ( ...I KaV down, sailing forever before tlii eyes of American youth across trie magic of the silver screen. Coincident with Craze's depart ure, Jesse L. Lanky, first vice-!30 to t days. Where a taxpayer president of Famous Players Las k' i requests an extension of more than corporation, announced that tlie9l) days, the extension may be "Constitution's" gripping stork granted only for 90 days and the from the time Its keel was laid til collector will advise the taxpayer cally the reason for such request, which will be granted only If the explanation is satisfactory to the collector. Illness or absence of a particular officer of a corporation or a member of a partnership does not constitute, In itseir, a suffici ent reason for granting the corpor ation or partnership such extension. In no case will a particular ex tension be granted for more than the Philadelphia navy yard 1794 and Including Its valiant vice against the pirates of Trlpol will be filmed on the mlgtitii scale ever attempted. " 'Old Ironsides' Is another col trlbutlon by Paramount to til preservation of the thrilling that If he is unable to file the completed return prior to the ex piration of the 90-dny period, a new application should be made before that period expires. In this way, extensions may be granted, in meri torious cases, for a period of not j i to exceed six months from the pre- trips to Washington for extensive research In the flies of the navy department and the congressional library. "Secretary ' of the Navy, Curtis D. Wilbur, is giving the full co operation of the United Slates navy In this gigantic undertaking, this story of youthful heroism and bravery which cradled the glori ous traditions which the navy has maintained for more than 135 years. For many years It has been my pleasure to pass on many possibilities for the screen, but In all the years I have found no niece of fiction or chapter of history so ricn in drama and color." In 1804 seven kings and two re publics of the world were paylnR tribute to the pirates of Tripoli. It was "Old Ironsides" which carried the flag of a puny nation, the I'nlt ed States of America, to the Meiil- epic history of the United States," scribed (late by law for filing the said Mr. Lasky. "For many months I return. No extensions may be our corporation has been quietly panted for more than six months, working up its plans. Harry Carr, j exwnt ln ,,,e ca" of American one of America's foremost newspa-1 d,lz,'n" residing or traveling per men, and Walter Woods arel00"""1' non-resident alien Indlvldu-co-authors of the story, which i jal and foreign corporations having historically accurate throughout no amc'1 or 'laI'e business Both of them have made special w"m wie uiiueo. nuties. ill I lie Last, in corporations, no quent press comments respecting refusal of the administration to sanction foreign loanB here when i the powers seeking new money had I not ninqea tneir debts to this gov I eminent. I Halt Foreign Loans. "Early In 1S25, after much con sideration, "the commission report (said, "It was decided that it was I contrary to the best Interests of the United States to permit foreign gov ernments which refused to adjust j or make a reasonable effort to nd- IJust their debts to the United I States to finance any portion of j their requirements In this country. , States, municipalities, and private i enterprises within the country con cerned were Included In the prohl hltlnn. Hankers consulting the j state department were notified that j the government objected to such I financing. While the United States was loath to exert pressure by this means on any foreign government to settle its Indebtedness, and while this country has every desire to see Its surplus resources at work In the economic reconstruction and development of countries abroad. national Interest demands that our resources be not permitted to flow Into countries which do not honor their obligations to the I'nlt ed Slates and throngh the United States to its citizens." Best for Xmas Feasts Hank, I hope Mom lets us have Roast Turkey, Pumpkin Pie and GRIMM'S MILK BREAD for Christmas dinner. Betcha no body can beat that . ASK YOUR DEALER FOR GRIMM'S MILK BREAD IDEAL BAKERY Phone 133 119 Sheridan Si Heat with gas. "OLD IRONSIDES" WILL BE SUBJECT HOLLYWOOD Dec. 10 The frigate "Constitution," lovingly known In history as "Old Iron sides," and the record of its glori ous career, are to be preserved to posterity forever. James Cruze, the man who made "The Covered Wagon" and estab lished himself as the historical noi one cent for tribute," swept tne pirates from the seas forevt-r. In that glorious chapter of our navy's history, leading parts were played by lads, most of them mere striplings, whose names form a veritable roll of honor of the Amer ican navy Stephen Hecatur, Law rence, Itainbrldge, Porter and Somera. , Full pressure on the work of pre paling the story, setting and prop erties is now under way at the Paramount studio In Hollywood. Cruze has been taken off all extensions of time usually may be granted, unless conditioned upon the filing of a tentative return and payment of one-fourth the esti mated tax. on or before the date prescribed by. law for filing the re turn. Iloweven If the application for the extension was made on or before such date, but It was impos sible to grant the extension In ample time to enable taxpayers to file a tentative return on or before due date, the dale for filing such tentative return and paying one fourth of the estimated tax may he advanced in the communication granting the extension to permit the taxpayer to comply with this requirement Individuals also are required to file a tentative return and pay one-fourth of the estimated tax, on or before the date prescribed by law for filing returnB. whenever. In the opinion of the collector. It Is possible for the particular Individ ual to do so. Where, in the case of such Individuals, the application was made on or before tho date prescribed by law for filing the re turn and where It is Impossible to grant such extension In time to en able the taxpayer to fll a tenta tive return, on or before the due date for filing and payment of one- fourth the estimated tax may be advanced, as Is done in tho case of corporations. In all cases of requests for an ex tension conditioned upon the filing of a tentative return and payment wise precaution, for the day had hardly begun when, a trail of smoke to the northeast proclaimed the arrival of the loyalist forces by sea. Sometime later a warship, once the American "Iowa" but now a Greek battleship, stole into the outer harbor, and luug range shells began to whistle overhead. One dropped nine yards from SUss Cuah man's office door. Another dropped near her clinic, where the doctor had forty little patients ln the waiting room. Before the day was over, there came also a squadron of loyalist aeroplanes, which dropped thous ands of small slips of paper, In scribed with propaganda messages. Miss Cushman sent peremptory let ters to the commander of the op posing forces, demanding that they move their war away from her or phanage. No answers came, but during the night a ten-Inch shell exploded on the campus, so close to a tent where 60 little trachoma patients were housed, that it got Miss Cushman out of bed and across the campus with her bath robe flapping in the breeze. "Are you all right. boy8t" she asked. "Oh, yes," they answered, "we did just as you told us." Every one of them, wise In the ways of war, was flat on the ground under his bM. At daybreak the next morning Miss Cushman sent an ultimatum to the rebel garrison, demanding that the aeroplanes be moved away from the school. She waited an hour, and when no reply came, she summoned the largest of her hoys and with their aid rolled the five big air birds off the campus and a half mile beyond. She fol lowed this with a personal call on the commander of the battleship, demanding that he move the war somewhere else. It Is not known Just how much her reouest had to do with termin ating the little revolution. Revol utions in the Near East are fre quently short-lived. This one last ed only htree days, and when It was over Miss Cushman was Invit ed only three days, and when it planes. But having pushed five of them for some distance through the sand, she felt it would be antl-cllm-ax to let one of them propel her through the air. "And besides," she says, "I do not like aeroplanes, and never will." Miss Cushman has lived In (he Near East for many years, and has been one of Ibe most important di plomatic figures in that troubled area. For nursing work In the Balkan war she was awarded the Oueen Alexandra war medal bv nreat Britain. In 11119 she received the French Cross of the Legion of Hono Mr humanitarian work with the Near East Relief In Turkey. TMirlng the past vear she has won the Gold Cross of the Holy Sepul chre and the Greek Cross of St. ysvlr for her work among refugee children after Ihe Smyrna disaster. GIFTS OF PERMANENT WORTH! i Real f crchsnd:ss for t!i; Christmas Shopper. . USEFUL GIFTS OF MERIT Flashlights Safety Razors Pocket Knives Carpenter Tools Dinner Set Vases ' Sandwich Tray Cheese and Cracker Set SCOOTERS KIDDIE KARS TRICYCLES ROLLER SKATS 1847 Rogers Silver Plate ZIGLER-FEE HARDWARE GO. Phone 25 WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR BARGAINS HOUSE OF SORROW TO BECOME CATHOLIC 8CHOOL FOR GIRL3 MILLERS VILLfi, lnd.. Dec 10 (A. P.) Joy and grief have fol lowed each other through the luxurious corridors of Laurel Hall, once the palatial country "eat of Sloughtnn A. Fletcher, lmlianano lia capitalist, which soon bt to be come a school for girls. The pretentious home and 220 acres of the estate have been pur chased by the Sisters of Provi dence, a Catholic order, who will convert It Into an academy. Fletcher, once ono or the wealth iest men In Indiana, built the home and laid out the estate In 1916 at a cost of more than (2.000,000. For several years It was the scene of many social functions. In 1921 Mrs. Fletcher, because of 111 health, took her life "In Laurel Hall. Her mother died the same night, either from drinking accidentally of the same draught which killed her daughter, or pur posely from grief when she found her daughter's body. Three year's later, Fletcher be came a bankrupt, through poor In vestments and speculation, and Laurel Hall passed to his creditor. At one lime, Fletcher had a pre tentious stable of thoroughbred horses, and among- the animala was "Peter the Great," famous; trotter for which the banker paid $50,000. Quality merchandise at lowest prices at Powell's Furniture Store. NOTICE nlU , . , , - ' , : or b ipnianve rMiirn Htm payment nH m Z r'"' W0!'k AtJrl"" of one-fourth of the estimated ta, Zl 1 f """I8" ,"r "' h' " "" 'hereon, such requirements not only gather local color and his- ,, m, or , ntvAtnn of no effect. The taxpayer need only show on his tentative return, filed torlcal data, but choose locations for part of the production Is to be ... '. . ion appropriate blanks, his name ., nIM ur- K.Mif w-iwn-ii ""iand address i "u! t!". wepk"',n nl" r'1"rn hH! amount, If any, Will tinlrl ai f ! n I.. ' ' 1 ii. mi LUIWlf ntr 111 I q WaahiriRton with Secretary Wilbur , am! on hln arrival In llnllywoo.1 Li?T f eenA nd Vr. Inln the nuBfuurg viwtuers, puunv and the estimated of Die tax flue. I7J. AMERICAN GIRL ORDERS ARMIES TO MOVE WARFARE NEW YOItK, Tlcc. 10. The Near East Relief has announced tho award of Its Distinguished Service Medal to Miss Kmma II. Cushman "for bravery under will plunge Immediately Into work of actual production. Consideration of a cast for "Old Ironsides," which will be a 12-reel. super-special, and will be sent out as a road show as were "The Cov ered Wagon" and "The Ten Com- maadments," la now In progress Jesse L. Lasky predicts that It will Be the most brilliant cast ever as sembled in a motion picture. "I expect 'Old Ironsides' to be the crowning event of my career as, of Koaton director," said Cruze, who is noted ,fire." ror his usual reluctance in making One mprnlng last spring, during predictions, as he prepared to 'the so-called "Seventh Revolution" board the train, "and .Mr. Laskv Islln Greece. Miss Cushman. who Is determined to make It the crowning the head of a Near East Relief event of his career as a producer."! training school for l.Vto orphsns me "Constitution" will nrobahlv at Corinth, awoke to find five army be sufficiently reconditioned, ac-1 aeroplanes on the campus outside cording to navy officials, to nias"ln,,r windows. They represented It ready for aea when the filming"1" rebel faction In tne army, and actually starts. I were preparing for an attack from tne loyal ractinn, which controlled the fireek navy. Miss Cushman, a descendant of the Robert Cushman who rliartep. ed the Mavflnwer, was distinctly opposed to having any revolutions fought out on her doorstep. She first of all assembled her family of 1.100 children, and Instruc'ed them to flatten themselves on the - VOUB PHOTOGRAPH It la time now to have It made. to avoid the holiday rush. It will solve a dozen gift problems. The Roseburg Bludlo. Salzman fildg.. 12 Jackson, Phone 462. o- A few of those large wash boilers left Get Powell's Furnitor Co. all-copper yours at earth at any Aindlratlnn bardment frouj the ica. of bom- It was I will not he responsible for debts contracted by anyone other than myself, after December 6, 1925. C. E. MATHEWS, o McCAM ANT'S NAME GOES TO JUDICIARY COMMITTEE WASHINGTON. Dec. 10. The nomination of Wallace MeCatnant of Oregon to be United States Cir cuit Judge of Ihe ninth district which Is opnosed by Senator John son of California, waa todav refer red to a sub-conimllteo by the sen ate Judiciary committee. The sun-committee consists of Senators Means, Colorado; Deneen, III., republicans and Kin, Utah. Plan to do your Christmas shop ping early more advisable this year than ever before better op portunities for Christmas are now on display In Crocker's Drug atore. See cur windows. ItoM, Classy stuff. Light as fluff. Fruit Ola Nut bread At the head. Oregon Bakery 231 N. Jackson SL an i s s 4 HollyWreaths In your home or place of1 business during the HOLIDAY SEASON Nothing is more truly decorative or fitting than wreaths from genuine Red-Berried English Holly. No substitute or Imitation ' Can Answer the Purpose S Price $1.00 and $1.50 See These Wreaths at Our Shop i 8 312 N.Jackson THE UMPQUA FLORISTS W. S. Carpenter Phone 630 Christmas Steps to Smartness New footwear modes for Christmas arid the days that fol low now dedicate themselves to stunning new fashions. We of fer irresistible footwear in glor ious styles and shades, including slippers in all styles for men and women, ladies silk hose, men's silk 8ox, fancy gift garters, and shoes for Christmas Gifts for every member of the family. Prices ihe Lowest. A. H. PERRIN fl 1 v f . r III W. L,ass St. Koseburg rA 5 s