ROSEBURG NEWSREV1EW. FRIDAY. DECEMBER II, 1925. FIVE .1 s 20th Century Yuletiilc Greetings t SUNDAY AT THE T I : churches : The Spirit of Friendship and Charity prevails, warming the Hearts ot mankind, i-ienerous thoughts are uppermost in the mind of everyone, giving to the unfortunate happiness, E ner ... I . . j tl -a.l Josepn nnotts. pastor, and making cheerfulness the universal word. Ihese ZUth A tjuuduy Hchool meets hi 9:4 iritof the Sea- g m-.'"J!1 Century Stores, contributing toward the spirit son, make these geneious Christmas offerings. Remember ami mothers living In Koscburg awake g to Hit) Importance ot setting a that if. better to shop early and buy you, food supplies at I "Ty thoT and" a 20th Century. There really are no better places to trade, g Church? Tbe Junior League will ESSENTIALS If a child is denied the essential vitamins, rickets. Hm Methodist (-i.ur.ii cor- wea( bones, imperfect teeth r ot Main and Lane mreets: .. . .. t or otner manifestations 01 faulty nutrition follow. Iter. Joseph Knott, pastor. The Prices "good from Saturday, December 12th to Thurs-1 I uay, uecemuiT in, inclusive g Wesson Oil, AQn I Jello any Q- I Crisco 3 lb. ..73. g Quart Can 43b flavor pkge 3U Can .... (Ob g 39c 35c Scstf s Emulsion meet at 3 fi. ni. The Lpworth . . . j league mu't.4 at 6:.,u p. m. oil is the ideal nourishment Nnndit and mend of for growth of body and $A the I hurch is urged to !' present . b ' , 3 Sunday uioruing. An Important bones. Cill'e your OOy Jjf B vlceA. .M.rm"n ,lh,'ma, 'S orgrlScoft'sErnuIsiori. iVlf E The Gifts of the Holy Spirit. ' ' JfcV A Do not miss hearing this sermon. I ' scott at Bowae. B'.oomieid. N. j. K-il ! K ine evening sermon tneme is E "The Individual Lite." i'rayer Crystal White Soap 1 0 bars I! 1 E Plum Pudding "Richardson and Robbins America's Finest, Pound can bconomy Matches ru 10c Prunes Fancy Pack 5 lb. Gift Boxes a Carnation Milk B Tall Cans Sj ''Underwood's" Clam Chowder, No. 1 Cans, each 98c Good Sized boxes 6 for Sleeting on Wednesday evening. lSoj!erg meeting; Thursday, 8:00 A cordial welcome Is extended lo , Youn(! people's meeting; all, particularly .strangers. Saturday at 8:0(1 p. m.. "Free and Lasy." The public iuvited. Wide Standard ltev. L. F. Hurror, pastor. Have you been I Cuiliollc Kane and attending the services In the Iti o:li streets, ltev. n. Clery, pas tent on Hose street? 11 you have (or. 13th, Mass and not, you have been missing a real sermon at 1:30 a. ra. Catechism treat. Two big stoves make the classes Immediately after. Hosary tent warm and comfortable, you UM(i iienedletlon of Hie il. 11. S. will enjoy the services and feel m the evening at 7:30. at horn here. Sendees tonight at I ndnlo Mass und Sermon at SiilU a. m. wt -- I Beauty' Latest nC Pack. No. I Cans 2 for AH I, Campbell's Tomatoe Soup 3 cans , 25c Uysters Beauty", 5 oz. cans 2 cans for A orninn htr th nitKiitr. Kun. . W duy Bervirea it follows: Sunday lllp S School at i):4.", a liv und grow- JUU $ ing school with clanM-a lor all g'wliri competent ttarhers in American A cnarKe. I he older luiks will en Electric Washer Sale and Demonstration ?7- mttiinil&r ii of the new 35c What Men Want. What All Men Want. You ore one of them. You Hearecely know how to express It; Joy the bible class tauaht by the, ' , , about u V. niislor. (!ome heln us trow. At . .. . . . .. Maraschino Cherries 5 oz. bottle bottle.... ..15c ..22c Ripe Olivi Quart . Bulk Pint 15c 28c at the Presbyterian chureh Hun- day mornlnK. It will be an hour well spent. How about setting Pure Lard Bulk, 3 lbs. . . ITEMS FOR BAKING 72c 1 g"k,.n8Z 58c j Citron Peel pound 59c pastor. Come help us prow. At l 1:00 a. in.. Mention bv tue DUHtor. Subject "Ju The FikM To Wlu," g you will enjoy the n.orninK me- thoS(litUe foIks to the SuDUuy A uae. it will be a wiun-e of eu- s hooI? Uim out your car and fit couruRement to all who come. .;.. D ial,, .m w . wn si ders meet at 3:00 a"- up to It W years: Mia Uora Broimhion, lea 's $ Orange and Lemon 33c Libby's Mincemeat Bulk Very fine. 2 Ho nb.4oC 1 2i Market Day Raisins 4 lb. pkge 39c Preferred Stock Currants twice cleaned, 'I 5 oz. pkge alternoun ineeiiiiK, they will re i'a'eive some v.ry prolitable luslruc K tlon. The Senior Crusaders bieet Royal Baking Powder 12 151 at 6:3o; here is a sniiudid lot oi can 43c vi 00 S yulin llJ"'a ,n uln ,Jn (5 thinKs". The yoiiui; ji.-ople will Ids y I I4.W a enjoy there service. Mr. Walter Herman la the leader this Sunday used. Do your bit to make good i Americans. Come back In the evening at 7:30. "Toward Kven- i lng" thoughts will be suKKeated I lor your meditation. Finding I (iodl In Nature? At Church? ! On the ninth green? On Highway No. 1. or on the road to Kniiuaus? l.t;e lo meet you in the l'resby l nan Church Sunday. Test the welcome of the young people in 19c "hem. of."1" church ",rtor " 6:3 3d. pound Flour Kerrs Best Patent 49 lb. Sack . CANNED GOODS 8 Sakhalin Crab Meat, Sweet, Firm White Meat Halves, Can Cocoanut Bulk Long V Kvening wor.-hlp 7 1 hread Sugar Cured, Ofln V sermon: 'Craveyard Keliglua aBd &UI H tomosione I 'opit; . iuu i inn iu Yo7ll a.,gh yU cry and catcb Coberly 0 Ifl & a new vision of the Kospel of our S, . . ?, V . WAliU Lord Jesusu Christ. Liun't forget g Sunday evening 7:30. Kverybody S In Koseburg ouxht lo hear this. Special music, the public- Is cor- 33c dially Invited to ateud. inunduru rco Uuod Quality Tender 2 cans ..... .28c Ltd IVlunte l omutoet 19c, 3 for -large Cna .55c i- Del Monte 3 cans .... -Fancy Corn 59c Pineapple Standard Sliced Cans, 3 for -Large 20th Century Coffee Perfectly Blended and Koasted. Roaster to you pound 47c, 3 lbs. Direct from our Royal Garden Ten It's the best That s all lb. 7Jc, J lb .38c Cocoa Bulk 2 lbs 69c I $1.38 Si ...15c k Crystalizcd Gums and Creams, X lb. ZZc. 1 II. CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, POP COiiN, ETC. Tl - . , . . .... V ins i ear s selection oi Anias tandy far surpasses, in every way, that of any other year. M.tliiHllst (luirch, South Corner of Kast Lauo and South C. S. Coberly, pas- . m. l'nachln! at 11:00 a. m. and at 7:30 p. m. Senior Kp.worth Lea gue meeting at 0:30 p. m. Junior League meeting. Sunday atternoon at 2:30. I'rayer meeting. Wed nesday evening at the usual hour. ;a full attendance at the usual Tlio First ltiiprUt tliui-cli nour A mu attendance at all Corner of Lane und i;oe streets; lhB gt.rViL.,.a 0f the church Is It. Caldwell, yimrter. UVged. a. m. Tlie cnurcn hinooi; Marios , , o rage, supi. lteing on lime is being stressed by the Supt., offi cers and pupils. An object lesson la given each Sunday innming promptly, when the seslon be gins, und only those on time get to tee It. 1 he school Is hold'im o H K O O AtlKICTLITRAL high standard, and all who are rf,i , y,-,i: i-orvnllis. tiec. 11. M not in a siinllur school, are cor- Vt i,h but ore wt,,,k of practice left dially Invited. 11:00 a. m. -Mom-1 before the tirtgon Acgie basket- g Ing Worship. Message by the pas- : bl(1 B(ll( E,rlI on j,., fourth E tor. .Music by tli choir and or- i ailllm, i:iinst(ir:iilnir invasion of A .l...ulrit III it ll' lOlUlil IV VI H. 6:30 p. m. ounif i'eopic'a Aict t- I . Cninr I n I ' r Ill.-I I 111 I M illlti A lll-. fc'ii..'.. P .lunior -S.H b ties. Ail are under the verv best of leadership and A NEW WASHING PRINCIPAL 4000 Years Old The Clothes are Not Washed In Water Special Features Women have always dip ped clothes into water to .soak them but havq always 'taken. them out of water to wash them. Then dipped them back into water to rinse them off. It is the rub bing of one fabric against another in soap suds out of water that washes clothes. Even a school boy wouldn't hold his hands under water to wash them. Here in this new Double V Washer you see the tlothes come up out of the water and into the suds, rub themselves against them selves and then go down in to the water again to rinse themselves off. Just what you've been doing for four thousand years and now at last what we are doing for BILL BURR WILL TAKE TRIP WITH AGGIE BASKETEERS H (quality, Variety and Prices.) .lumor I. n.-. a,, are unucr B C f L J . "-c"- A ,,, v,.rv I,,.,! f leadership "u K Satin finished Mixed Candy CQn I Christmas Mixed Candy, COn ?! hl,VB in'eroting meetings. All lb. 20c. 3 lbs OiJC lb 20c 3 lbs OjC S yo"nK v"lA" ",vi,,ud " K '" 3 " UUU V their plac In i of the societies. Bj r .. , n E 7::!u p. m. Licniiig Worship. Beats Electric or Gas ..43c Commercial Chocolates, 2 lbs. E Extra Cream Mixed E Candy, lb. 29c 2 lbs . 57c French Creams lb 30c 47c I Hand Dipped ChucoLites Fancy OI TQ A 5 lb. Boxes gllJJ g Calllornla, Cosch Hob H.'iKer is putting his fighting OranKemen through some stitf training. In three seasons under Coach Kager, the Ai;gie b:tsketla11 tea: has won two Northwest cliompion Hliips, placed third In the ratings the tirst ear, and la -t season won the championship of the northern division of the coast conlerence. Men who will make the trip as announced by Coach linger are , oi-uinary on lamps. l.oris tiaser, cainain. inise uiwo- jim ui,i uu you. Four thousand years is long enough for any woman to wait. . . k " This new Double A doen't have to be greased for ten years. It never has to be moved, because its wringer is adjustable to 1 6 different positions. It is almost impos sible to get out of order and the tub itself is copper out side and pure nickel within as clean and bright as your silverware. You will realize immediately it 13 the machine you have wanted for all these years. FREE1 14-piece Berry and Water Set with each Washer this week. Small amount clown, easy payments. Demonstration closes Saturday night. ParslowFurniture Company 1 1 1 N. Jackson ' Phone 116 Fastest washing 60 lbs. an hour. Cleanest washing, safety to clothes, big capacity, no oiling. Only small floor spaeo required 25 inches square. Nickel , piated copper tub; latest' conveniences Including loading and unloading when in operation .or when idle, correct height for washing and wringing and many others. 16 Position Automatic Locking Wringer built to precision stan- B daids. Over half a million A. 13. c.'s New Lamp Burns ,bdit invasions nw. i OF DAMASCUS ARE fXiX RI.OOrjY FA11.1JRF.S (AmwIMH I'rtm Iti Win.) PORTLAND NATIONAL AFTER FRANK BRAMWELL'S SCALP SALEM, Ore., Dec. 11. State ments relative to the administra- ; tlon of Frank C. llramwell, state j superintendent of banks, that It is J ht-licveil w ill li ail this nru.rnnon to I1KI11UT, Syria. Dec. 1L News'. dir,.,.t demand for his removal lamp that gives an j came today that bandits had been were made to the Btate banking Walnut Found . -Large Budded Franqucttes 40c Mixed Nuts Newest and Best No Peanuts, lb. 30c. 3 lbs ! Special Quantify Prires to Churches and Socie ties on Candy and Nuts-Ask the Sales People Gulk Dates, 2 lbs. B Memorie Layer Figs E 10 oz. Pkge .25c Memorie Pitted Dates 10 oz. Pkge ..22c .20c Cluster Raisins lb. Pkge. I7ic 3 lbs for.. 50c Pop Corn Globe brand, 2 pounds ... .23c ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT AND APPLES The very best Navel Oinnges and Florida Grapefruit Special Prices Several Cars. Apples Many Varieties All Sizes Special Prices. OAKLAND STORE KOSLBURG STORE 130 N. Jackson St Mptisauo by the pallor. 1 he In termedia'e choir under the din-e-llon of .Miss hdna , saiidblotu will mi b Its lirst uppenruncc. They are a fine group ot young pcnpie yv nny r;raap. Hill iiurr and you will he glad to hear them, i-jniicrton. Don llartung, ..r.-h.wtril Will Ulr-O be UD f'.ln Marnr hand. An lnita:i.'U to the pub- Kol'lowitiK Is an Itinerary of ihe lie to worship with us. trip as outlined by Coach llager: i Leave corvains liecemoer ; ,s oilering to send a lamp ou IU uu auiiuiii v u.'s .......... - uays MibH trial, or even to give mher 21. Amblers Athletic club oao KKLL to the first user In each A new oil amazingly unioant, soit white light, I ,.,,,,, , ,. iv.wi,,- , i board today by representatives of even bi ner man gas or electricity. I . f , . . j the Portland National Bank, for- has been tested by the U. S. gov-1 mascus. A force of 200, after en- mr). ,he Broadway Dank. The et nuicnt and 35 leading umversi-, tering the city yesterday, was driv-' bank accuses llramwell of arbi- ue auu lounu 10 do superior lo iu en out by policemen w ith motor- trarily refusing to grant it a char-oi-uinaiy oil lamps, ll burns with-1 iZ(.j machine guns and the use of : ter an h rrnrvn di iinsitnrv for out odor, siuoae or noiB no puuiy; artillery. Stven bandits were kill-1 state banks and thereby discrlm- Uig Uu: is sinilile. clean, hhih ...i i . .. , . ... ln.-k . . ... ru" i-ai iu uie uay anoiner par- 1 muling against 11. Jack tjuius s,4v air and b', couimoui,v of 2, ..,,. ..,, , ,i,v vi "CwmTr vU. i hn n la C?W- bu' speedily put Punkin Center Is close to Dixon- llle luvelilor, . .M. Johnson, 101 ,IO rout iv'lle Noun Lniou Ave., i'ortiand, ir : ' First ( Inn i ll of t 'lirist, Si ience i . sci vli es are held on j , Sunday morning at 11 o clock aim eilneda evening ill S o'clock. Thi nieetiug Includes lesllmonies ot healing. Sunday School con venes e;e h Sunu.iy morniiiK at !.!!. All iiupila from the uge of 4 lo -i) years may hi admit ted. Ihe kesdlng Kiom. side entrance lo the Chun h is open dailv Itiim J to 4 p. in- except on Sundays. Here all christian Li dice literature may be read, bor rowed or pnnhaseil. The public Is Invln d to at tend ihese services und visit tlie K. ill 1 UK llouin. Sub jeil of ti-itnlM lesson "Cod the rrosetw-r of .Man." of Stockton. December 22: Y. M. I . San Francisco. December :l. The learn will rest the day before Christmus and on Christmas day. Chas.S. McElhinny -Ths Widow's Frisnd" Oregon Life 248 North Jackson locality who wiil help bim intro duce it. rite hlui today lor lull particulars. Also ask him to ex plain how you can get tlie agency, and without experience or money make siu to SuOO per mouth. Knm ('unyonville . .Mrs. Tool Weaver, Canyonvlllo resident, was a visitor in tins rllv for a few hours yesterday anil Visited friends. I i-oin Oakland .Mrs. v. Parker returneil to her home at (Oakland vesterday atter noon after spending several hours here shopping and visiting. Colds LET THE TELEPHONE RUN YOUR ERRANDS The tch phone has savei liiiillioiiaJol u.-ele Vlep.,,"liul 'uiililons tnoro au be saved. Soinelitucs this trusty messenger is forgot ten. hoigetting the telephone Is a waste. It means Just to much , more energy xi d time lost. I'lione lor food. It s the easiest and saii st way. No i. d to Mop to dress and go to town nor to semi the children through ilnnc-mus street tiaflic. Telephom. j. We deliver liee. Ku.-h vegetables are geitlng nreiiy neatly gone, so you will need good caimisl vegetables aud we iiaie the lioyal Club brand. Tueie are no better canned goods. ECONOMY GROCERY O. L. JOHNSON Phons 63 Th Btors Thst Serves You Beit. 344 N. JacVton St. i be cons What li nci.tis: i ill ion itlll:.. S lo i'li;i If you are really liiiereslcd In your Health . Call 638-J ; llilile SlinMiln g ! Association lllble Study at tlie (J, ! Moos Mall. Sunday at inSi'l a. y int. The els lor study will be g i'Mur Lord's ISe'lirn" and The , .loni tllellt. Ms .Necessity - - the y Curse. Some ot the quit!o:..i to M ,1 are as f' now s: il s verdict or i arse .s I: it is a death nont- Jj will il ic J'e delay tlie exc- Cp ll 11 .' All lllleresled in V ,;,H i.r,. lOlilrlll; l.ivltcd .-r.idy with u-. ij . V I liiistmu t li nt t ti Tl:.- l ible M Siliool i . ii -r. i.i liistltntion. More peoplo ate el 'oiled In the bible j s. :.oo tli. ti :,n luslliuiion in uie world v.-t there is more room for pn ''i i'i r.eseluirg. However, g the !i,i:ui -is o' atieiutaiits will be A sm iled next Sunday .,. Day'' 1" our 'JJ P . eacher has deilar- iS, tar will bung more V l,v folk. io itde .-. hool lhan a:.y car in Ko-.!i-.:c. 1: yen tlon I l. neie i-i It. c on e a-. i s e for yours. If. V , Suiniii line mi. u the minister will V level -li cents If the Portland gne a mn.ii iij, of the great J Shoe Shine Shon Owners ss.-oelH- .Nor' li we t 1 On December 26 the Uranne and mack heavers will play Kniglus ul Coluuious Of Oakland, 'ine i n cllic Coast ot Loug Iteach will be met on December i; H. Hollywood Athletic club December -t. Soilth- TMKKKKIM,KM!L l'lu lllunt'l' 01 L'unerslty ol culi ; S lornia Decemuer and W liltuer college on the lollowiug day. on V New Year's day the team will A attend the Last-West lootbatl Fever Qrippt Be Quick-Be Src tVt the right mneJy the best men Vnow. So quk:k. eoeurc ttut millions now employ it Thr utmost in s Uiitivr. llrccaKleAKlininf in h1iI form. Colds stop in M twuri. Li CJcipre in dUvs. Thciyslnn isckinej anc toocd. Nothing comp-vrs with hdl i. AlldnwlMe .stLLV MaJOi ,ia -"iit s muio at 1'asadena und wind up y its schedule by playing i a htale Teachers college on Juuu & ary 2. A 1'uukiu Ceultr is close to DUuu & ville. J Ll'lM Ol-AL, t ill III II K CALLS VK AIl. CASCARAiOliNINi CeeHedBca sntk potmM Cara Nome Perfume and Toilet Articles PORTLAND SHOE SHINE LEAPS UP TO 15 CENTS ( lss rr I W -f.. roiiTLAM), Ore., Die. 1L- price tif a shoe shine here will re turn tomorrow to lh war time i-on si.i.i a 1U bv Anion.. SI ho. I I 'IC e.l that In- And s.ik me about thr HAML'M OHE known as g MAutLLLS W1KAILE il i KKA I It costs nothing for the i:itormatlou. Just phone me aud 1 will call ai'.d see you. J FRED E. POMERLEAU, Cffics DOS C. Douglas 5 f I Ion. organlcid last night, unci, da r In earning out Its plsn. Til price for several years has been 111 cenis The assnctstlon slso d cided ou Sunday closing, and fl-.l hours from 7: SO a ni o s:::o p ni. daily, except sanrir, ieti ihe closing will bo ln..M. m. ilMineiit being held V 11. this week. A , Ine i ai cel."-a seime will be n lo id lit llic i vt nun:. Mi In beautiful Satin lined boxes make the most icrr ptable (lift. fur ChiLtinas Line of I'eifunies Is Ihe mo beautiful and most collection Mr. J. C. Hume. Senior W arden 55 of ist. Cvorge s Churrn, Kpiscopal, Si receiieil a.ii 'ii'runm lli.-nop duin ner his uiorning, stating that me 55 liev. Krnest i'ouer Kufllleits, of lj Ihe DU' ol .ejv liuiupshitu V had wired his acicpiance ol ihe A, Vu-arsiiip of si. tleorges. The new Ji iiar is lii.tkini; pi eparat urns to come to itoseuurg ly, aunl the Uectory is being put inlu a habiialiie condition lor him. 'Ihe Kev. 9ilr. Kunnells ai-rvcd A his countiv iliirmi.- the world war ChiDlinaa and made -a remargabie record. t. liuiri-e. He is married aud has V a Jeung lamily. K 0 I'uakiu Center Iu ville. close to Dixon- We carry a complete line of the finest ranges made at Ion est prices. Lowed furniture Co. I'uukla Center is close lo l, li. L MOW.- I The Snhnlloii Aunt- Sll N" nps'sirs: "apt l M. ! Hitn''-. i o oiniindri ;Su .Vl.-stiae-. Mr "(1 a in. ll'i- line meet ing. Suba cl: , n.s " ':i"l ni ; Sllf-lav S, hool. ill ::o p iv. ; M.ettng st St.i;o Sol ,1' UoRie; i.reil p in. Vi.uns ' Treeles LeaiTiie ! p. m . iiat:etl 1 tneetim;. Titesilavs st " t m. nitsi. ndnsl: "Evu-e." Week!) wstinis. iuesv, at t.uO p. iu. aniai' have i o r had. we iu and niaki your si lection while the sunk Is compel. Ail prices. NATHAN FLLLERTON A CHRISTMAS CAROL ; REVIVAL ISCROWING 5j Oregon i :iTI1iTT- (Asxrlilnl Prn IsiH W.r. ) ft CHICACO, lec, 11 Washington. J Detroit snd other cliles are follew Ing the lead of Chicago la sponsor- A ing the sirglng of carols at t'htlst- V ma.-, aciording to Inforniatiou re- 55 lulled bv Harry Kdwaid t'leund. I, liirecior of the carol and origiua- . tor of the phm. t A Caiols will be sung In schools, clutis, hosiiitals aud Jails and mauy .s.7.7.:.t-Si;.:.T.tv7.:i cl tie p.-ptram will b radios. a.u MEATS Lowest Pdees Hwghest Quality I 4 This is a broad statement to make, perhaps, but after you have once purchased some of our Delicious Meats, the reason for it all will be ap parent. For Quality and Wholesomeness the Meats we sell have no superior, and Prices Are Lower A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Pecf Pot Roast, lb Beef Rib Boiling, lb. . All Steaks, lb Veal Steak, lb Veal Roast, lb. Corn Fed Pork Sbioulder Roast. C orn Fed Pork Leg Roast awut Mams, halt or whole Fancy L-astrrn Bacon, lb. .. Picnic H.ims. lb Cottage H.m. lb Creamery Butter, lb FreUi Eggs, dozen . 14c 12c 20c 20c 15c 23c 25c 33c 37c 24c 33c 52c 50c North Side Market BoyerBros, Phone 2S0