Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 10, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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' f. I- . V . -T
r ... a-
Dec. 10-11-12
Three days of Bargains of seasonable and suitable mer
chandise for gifts articles have been selected from all
over the store especially for your Holiday Buying.
Corduroy Bath Robes Bath Towel Set
f 5 .25 $4.50 In Holiday packing, at special price
625 $1.25, $1.45, $2.95
Two lots, reg.
two low, reg. v.o
Blue, Rose, Ceris
Fancy Trimmed liobes $7.25
Ju Kimona Corduroy. Full range a II 1 J' J -m m J
COiorg. All Ladies and Children
36-in. Kimono Corduroy I,llU an'1 Si rvicuibie gifts, 20.
noCTiar $ $1.25. ' Look These Dresses Over
Full range colors. for Qftj
Wide Kange $6.75 '
Vanity Bags and Boxes $10.50
at special price (or Holiday Gifts ' $15.45
' ranging from $24 75
$1.85 to $7.50 '.
2-Piece Vest and Step-in Set ;,,. rf" Ilt
Reg. Sfi.25, peclal J. $4.25 Reg. $1.50, spfctal i $1.19
2-Plece Vest and Step-in Set nille) Rose fast colors.
Reg. $3.75, special $3.00
Finest quality Rayon Bilk, all . . .
colon. Mnyon Silk Vest
Reg. $1.25, special 98e
Ladies Flannelette Gowns aii coin- and i,e.
Brighton quality 20 dlfcount. Bath Mat
. In beautHul picture designs, at
Gloves, Chamoisette $4.00 and $4.25
Reg. $1.35, $1.50 98e Staple Numbers
$1.50 to $3.00
i Windsor Phsse Crepe - ,
special j9c Maderia Night Gown
Reg. 35c. Full range colors. Reg. $2.63, special $1.85
i Reg. 13.75, special $2 95
one lot Eve Coat
Holiday Umbrellas ,
1.50 259
Regular $2.25, $3.50
All cnlnrs. Discount
139 N. Jackson St.,
Roseburg, Oregon
Senior and Junior Students
Show Excellent Training
' 1 landling Important
On of the most instructive pro
grams held at a Itotary luncheon
for a Ionic time was Kiven today,
when senior and junior debating
teams of the HoKrburg hlh school
discussed the follow. ntc subject
in a most Intelligent manner, "Ke
solved, that the policy of federal
subsidies to the t tales, accora
Iianied by ft-deral supervision
should he abandoned." The affirm
ative was represented by senior
j members composed of L.ah Mc-
Oauhcy and Hoy Strader, the
', negative by Hurl and Anton and
iJorothy G-ddes, juniors. The first
rebuttal on the negative side of the
question was taken by Harland
Anton, and the rebut til on the af
firmative by Iah McGaughey. .
Many decidedly Interesting
points were brought out In today's
discussion of this very Important
Bubject which has engrossed the
minds of many able thinkers
throughout the nation. Both debat
ing teams proved they had given
the subject much thought and
study and the clear and construc
tive arguments presented by both
sides certainly redounded to the
credit of Miss Kmma Iterg, under supcyvJston the debate was
The judges. Dexter Rice, Mose
Rice and Jos. Shock ley, gave the
honors to the students represent
ing the affirmative, though the
juniors put up a very able argu
ment on the negative side of the
question. Constructive arguments
were limited to eight minutes, four
minutes being taken for rebuttal.
Hill Weaver made a good report
on the meeting between Eugene
and burg Hotarlans Tuesday !
evening, and expressed the thought
that more gatherings of this kind '
would be conducive to the best ;
interest of both clubs and that he ,
wouhl like to see intercity meet
ings between various clubs con
tinued. .
It was deckled that the local club
will have a Christmas tree at their
meeting December 24, and a com
mittee was appointed to look after
Joe Murphy had a birthday to
day and it didn't take Joe long to
tell how he got started and ended.
The president gave him a nice
little gift In honor of the event.
Laat Thursday President Booth
had a string of birthday gifts to
hand out. three members claiming
honor to having swn the lteht of
day" on December 3. They wore
Stanley Kidder, Claude Wallace
and Joe Shockley.
At the meeting to be held on
December 24, the grand prizfc, a
gold watch, will be placed on the
Christmas tree and given to the
Uo tail an who has carried out the
best principles of Rotary during
the pint year in the club. Pres
ident Booth, when fir.t elected io
' his office, made this promise to
the immtM'm and some one of tho
boy a will carry home a fine prize
u week from next Thursday.
(wocbuil Prai Irtsrd Witt.)
PITTSIIURGH, Dec 10. Harold
Grange, Uie red-head star of the
gridiron, met with Injuries here
this afternoon during the Chicago
lkarsPlttiiburgh All-Stars battle
at Forbes Field. In addition to
the loss of their drawing card, the
visitors were overwhelmed by a
team of former college players 24
to 0.
Grange, taken out at the end of
the first period, was found to be
suffering from a torn ligament and
broken blood vessels in bis right
! arm. An .X-ray will be taken to
! niKht to determine the extent of bis
; injuries. ,
. "Ship By Truck"
(Continued from Tape 1.)
We have a fleet of trucks leaving daily, Roseburg, f
B Eugene, Portland, Medford, Marshfield, muking
Q ' delivery at j
t All Way Points
j Oregon Auto Transportation Co. ?
HotM'hnrg Phone 31 J Portland Phone M 22fi J
4U1 Onk St. E. Water and Yamhill St. 5
MONTANA TOMORROW NIOHT vplopnirnt of neronuulrs anil that
' ; its continuance ii elvntial If Am-
Sntlor Jack Won), liKht heavy-: .rli a is to itmintnin its pp-o-nt
weight wrestler, was In the city inlvamcd position In aircraft dp
today purnute to Marshficlil. where j v.'lopnu'nt."
he mi-cis Hull Montana, the wrtvt-j "The condition of the aircraft
ling star of the movies, tomorrow industry and the prospects for the
nlht. Wood took on Mike Miller i development of comm-rclnl avia
at Grants Pass last niht. v inning 'tlon on a sound basis have maler
froni him in two straight tails, the tally improved during the p:ist
first in 31 minutes with his favor- ear. To cnrotiratre development
He wlnglock and tlie second In of com menial uvlation I wl-h
eight minutes with a hanimerlock ipeehiily to endnr-e the rccoin
and leg scissors. Wood Mans to ; mendutlon of the committee for
return to Hoseburg after his bout!'1"' cieatlon of a bureau of nir
with Montnna. and he will ,.. navl(;ntion lu tlie department of
deavor to staKe a match in this commerce."
city with some gooil outsider. ! o
Since his Invasion of the nott h- SEN ATE LAUGHS
west anout a year no, Wool has
defeated every opponent In his
class with the exception of Ted
Thyp, whom he gave the hardest
tussels of the title holder's career.
(Continued from page 1.)
Auction Sale !
On the 12th day of December, rain or shine, I will
ell to the highest bidder, at my farm one mile east
of Oakland, the following articles:
1 Molina Tractor, Plow
1 Dearino Binder
1 McCormick Mower
1 Manura 8prader ,
1 Van Brunt Ortll
1 Hay Rak
1 Sulky Plow
1 Walking Plow
6 8ect!ona of Harrow
1 Two-Horsa Cultivator
2 Wagons, 1 SJ-ln, 1 3-In.
1 aet good Work Harnasa
1 Bile
, Household Furniture and
and I 85 Head of Sheep
t Blacksmith Outfit Complete
1 Bun Saw Outfit
1 Fanning Mill
1 Da Laval Separator
1 Lard Praia and Sausag Staf
fer Combined
2 good Milk Cows
40 tone Baled Hay
7 tons Baled Straw
250-eag Incubator
1 Saddla
200 ft. tin. Cable
many other articles too numerous to
me niion.
Tarmt of sal undtr twenty dollars, cash; over, bankable paper,
aix months' tima.
. .- H. E. K RUGGER, Owner.
Auctioneer, John Abeene
Clerk, Ed Young
For Stiff Joints
nlutinn Introduced by Chafrniun
i the rtfnuto post offUtj
om mitt re. ant hortrJiiK cnttnnn-
t ion of i In iironent ttmpfriry
, , pos-titl ratm until opt-niti uf
nv Hint whrn nil . i. t.. .
utlirr ntt-i-alit-tl rrlUfdifN full. .Inliil- , ... , -i "'"h ' " "r
Kh.-k I- miio to iMt.lilv au.'-aMl. Ill'l'll M" lOimnKtw.nnw iuvt-sti-U
rr joint ailment only- Kilting the rate t'Oinplrtes Its rt
I why on aii' nii!4. it tif It r..r pert.
iiiiinptll.-uHy irpeiil of the fed-
Tiiky. tijiiiiful. in flu mod rlnu-
iiiiillt Joint. i
Joltit-Knj-f llmttT up tlif jftnt.
nuikvM ytui ftM-I i.tiiim-r l -l-ftii
tn.l )iTlrirr1trnf Htn) tpilch rMultK
iitf iiiiir'il Sivly n-mit it lull m
tlniKsiiNla rr hir.
.Mvn romt'inbrr, win n Johit-
h.atf k1 in Jntnt nilst rv i
H'irtrewt HlnK r'n,lv In
Ihw Wui'UI.
rati inlu rilanro tux wn dt'tntiiti-d
Nxlay in a rosolni in ndoptcd hpre
at n ttti'iMintc aMfMitltxt by mt in
lers of 111 lf-fslfltitr8 of IVmin,
Alabama. Ark an .an. IMawarp.Kfn
lurkv luii-fann. Murvland. Nurth
ul -Carnl'im, JUiudc Island and Stmt b
CliHirinnn poruh of (tin Hon:,t
for tun relation!! romniiltte ttl:iy
II " ( P V intn(liu-d rc.tohtllon . ralliui;
U P JT fr the r-( OKnitii'n of tlie Rinnan
llIIMalHra& riV&4 S.vift (coriiiunt !' the t nn-d
V Villi (b llWV At nts rtxintvL a. u. u ai
pi) !i pi IH-d,
itriM.i r atiok uma.i ii
, Anion by tbp rounly court on
I AKIN N-c. M.-lhc Uoutiml Wli: not tak Vnc u:iM
MTU toly tbtit th Fr.-mh co-m- January torm. owion t. ih
m. nt on re'-ommytidiitiim ot Mar- (1(.iv ,r the tatct tux rn mni.i-'.nn
Klial I.-tahi. ban tin, lo raisr , ,,., lfy th() Bmmlt f ,,,, ,,,
t'olniul t'harli-a Smw.y of ,po- ( ntil nlato tax In annouin-.d the)
kaiip. Huh., lo Ihf h ii ',i of'rountv ronrt raiinot tfrMr tho
Krand offli-rr of tlif b alDii nt hon- atnaiint h mimt ! ra!pr! for
or. rolont-l Hwrrnry tu h.nt of ,onntv riiirpoipf. and ronapiiurn'ly
tha Shrririan air equadron. coniifM- .,,.., d. lny i.rtlou on thn b'l.U-jt
oil of Amrltan fiwrn nho ranld- ,,nli n h time a lh n-n-iMiy
patwl in lit" Mnrncran aflslr. I"f. rniailon n forth 'imin,;. Ij.i.
11 o 1 i rpi lr.indations of tho i.nijMvri
Wa rarnr a romulHta ltn of tha in.-..., .. r.. a,itt hat ,r..
flnrat ranKee mail at lowest prices. ( but anion probably 11 not Ik'
CHAMPAIGN, 111., Dec. 10. A
chick (or JDOO.OOO. made out to
lllurold (Hed) Grange, was received
today by the Illinois Trust and
Savings Dank of this city. The
check was signed by Dr. V. E.
Shallenberger of tbe Arrow Pic
turps Corporation.
"Tbe check Is to be held In es
crow until Grange completes his
contract," said Harrow E. McNev
in, cashier of the Illinois Trust and
Savings Bank, McNevln Is a part
ner of C. C Pyle, Orange's mana
ger. In the operation ot theaters in
Champaign and cities in the central
"We are receiving checks made
out to Grange every day from the
cast," said McNevln today.
"Sometimes there are three or
four In the mail."
$135 cash gets a Zenith electric
washing machine Thursday. Zig-ler-Fee
Hdw. Co.
Mnjesic Theatre.
Would yon like to sea a story
depicted of a real Queen's life?
A Queen who ruled with her bus
band in a brilliant kingdom in
Europe, was dethroned and then
forced into exile in Paris? A
Queen who had all tile beauty and
magnetism of a story heroine.
Powell furniture Co.
Inkiii until tit January Utm.
After Chriatmms whra to
many gifta mrm forgotten and
discarded, your rrnmbrmnca
wilt go on bing aaed tfnd n
joyed vry day for yaars mif
it'a aotn ting alactricaL
If yoa would Hka o aava
yoor wifa much of bar hardest
work ask your alactiicaJ daai
r about hia apadoJ I hooaa
kaaplDg aquipmant. Ha will
undoubtedly arrange easy
dma-paymanta for you. Check
OTaf tbia liat of acceptable
gifts with him today.
Electric Toaster
Something every woman
wants. A splendid gift for
the girl at school, college,
or in business.
Electric Table Stove
Quick endless uses.
Cooks entire luncheons,
suppers right on the
Electric Waffle Iron
For delicious, crispy
brown waffles. Mother
can sit right at the tablo
and yet keep tha plates
Electric Percolator
Makes rtJfTee better and
quicker. Anybody who
keeps house will appre
ciate one.
that do the Work
Electric Range
Vacuum Cleaner
Electric Sewing
Washing Machine
(Oa r paywmin)
i YqilJlTH01VrCCTT
1M f
Steal prcdouj mlnntcs from kitchen lrud ;
gery by serving New Style H-O Quick
Cooking Oats for breakfast!
On and off the fire in 2 minutes! A new.
breakfast dish. Filled with flavor packed i
with nourishment! -
Oat flakes that cook into granular oatmcaL
Smooth and firm in texture, yet retaining
the roughage that stimulates digestion. , '
, That raU-night cooked" );
' flavor in only two minutes &
TfM 1 mr saarsrv mrf
v ouauty raooucTf
h-o Moawava OAra
io in i rtiAH ecmuT mm
. "fcook2tbV
minutes only
and whose gaiety and laughter aid
bitter tears?
Such is the story of "Confes
sions of a Queen" which comes
to the Majestic Theatre tonight.
it la a victor aeusiroiu proauc-
ion - for Aletro-Uoldwyn-Mayer.
adupted to tbe screen by him and
Agnes Christine Johnston front
the famous story by Alyhonae
Liberty Theatre..
"The laughs the thing!" says
Harold Lloyd. "And if yon spice
langh with a thrill, . it s the
greatest thing!"
'.Never eaken la more tnan
just a comeuy. One of the most
popular ot liurold LloydB come
At the start Harold Is satisfied
to stay on terra firma for the per
formance of hia anica, but tne last
reel sees him hoisted atop a sky
scraper's framework, where he
pertorms stunts tnat wouia make
even an iron worker shudder.
The Liberty Theatre presents
Harold Lloyd In "Never Weaken"
Liberty Theatre.
"Fifty-Kilty," the new Encose
pictnre now playing at the Li
berty Tbeutre, Is almost as gooa
as a trip to Paria Itself, tor half
of the scenes are laid in that
lancinating capital. The produc
tion isls made by Henri Dlamant
llergec considered Frances most
brilliant director, and he has In
jected fhe spirit and atmosphere
of the gay city into the very tex
ture of story. . Among tne most
interesting scenes are those in Le
Chat ftouge, an Apache cafe.
"This reBort. or one similar to
it," says the director, -is the Pa
risian counterpart of tne Hroaa-
way boob-trap" or the 'Chinatown
Opium lien," operated by canny
proprietors to garner tourisrs
money and to give them a glim
pse ot wickedness as they bad al
ways Imagined It to be.
Antlers Theatre.
The Edelweiss, fragile flower
of the everlasting Alpine snows.
torms an Important bit or back
ground for "Uraustark", the cele
brated George liarr McCutcheon
novel which has been picturlzed
l.v Joseph M. Schenck for First
National, with Norma Talmadge aa
When it became necessary for
members ot the company to de
vise an entire kingdom in which
to set the charmingly romantic
atory, the edelweiss was selected j
as (iraustark's national symbol. It
a widely used on uniforms oi i
soldiers. In the city's decorations, I
and for drapes and baa-relict ,
figures inside the palace. j
Norma Talmadge appeals In one :
of her most charming roles in this I
romuntic drama. As the Princess .
Yetlve, she is once more the
lovely young woman who has won
such a permanent place in the
nation a arleclion. tugeneii orien
appears aa Urentall Lorry, thei
handsome young American adven-
"Craustark" at the Antlers ,
Sunday mid Monday.
Antlers Theatre. j
It you were left an Immense
fortune In a will that placed a
restriction on your conduct, would
you resurd It as "an insult from
the dead "
This attitude Is felt by many
heirs and heiresses, who find that
strlnxrnt clauses contained In the
wills are exacting In respect to
what they may and may not do.
An interesting situation ot this
sort occurs in "The Coast of Fol
ly," Gloria Swanson'a new starring
picture coming to the Antlers on,
Friday and Saturday.
Joyce Gathaway, portrayed by
Miss Bwanson, Is left millions by
uer father, with the provision that
should she ever become Involved
in any scandal she automatically
lose her fortune.
The reason for the provision Is
that her mother, also enacted by
Miss Swanaon, had (led from home
in search of the glamour and ex
citement of new love affairs, and
thereby disgraced the family.
The girl. Keing mgn-spintea.
resents the distrust of her con
duct which emanates from the
arave. A tremendously aramstie
situation is involved la the work
ing out of the atory.
Rats off! To tne News-Review
News-Review classify ads as di
rect leads to thrift and short eats
lo success. - - I
"Quick turnover. Advertise. A I Proof of uie. pudding Is In ttst
classlfied ad today brings sales to ! tag whether nuyer or seller read
morrow. the classified ade
Holly Wreaths
In your home or place of business during the
5 Nothing is more truly decorative or fitting than wreal
from genuine Red-Berried English Holly.
No substitute or Imitation
Can Answer the Purpose
Price $1.00 and Si.50
ths 5
See These Wreaths at Our Shop
a a
p f . 312 N. Jackson ' p
W mmnw l ar tb a kt ' a iw a f rT"0 . A
4 ih uiviriUA rUKii a
it W. S. Carpente
630 g
The telephone has saved millions of useless steps, but millions
more can be saved. Sometimes this trusty messenger is forgot
ten. Forgetting the telephone is a waste. It means Just so much
more energy and time lost Phone for food. It's the easiest and
safest way. No need to stop to dress and go to town nor to send
the children through dangprous street traffic. Telephone us. We
deliver free. Fresh vegetables are getting pretty nearly gone,
so you will need good canned vegetables and we have the ltoyal
Club brand. There are no better canned goods.
Phone 63 The Store That Serves You Best. 344 N. Jackson St.
5 For Cannery Work Trimming Apples. Good
i Stock to Work On.
I Work Will Last Until About December 10 to 15
? Frank J. Norton Company
j Sutherlin, Oregon.
Plan to take those
pleasant trips!
There are so many places you and the
family have planned to visit some day.
Don't put it off any longer.
The stages are waiting to take you when
and where you wish. You have nothing
to think of but to be at the depot on time.
Make this outdoor travel a pleasure.
Phons M3
No i.