ROeSBURC NEWREV1EW. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1925 FENCE Just unloading another car of the well known "Zmc-lMulated" See Us First, We Can Save You Money. Turkeys Wanted Will pay 45c for No. I delivered . Wednesday, December 16th FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE R08EBURO OAKLAND . Ik It FLAWLESSA rrom all over the circuit played by tue Moroni Oiaen piayeie are corning euinuawuuc reports of tue success ol "ine chip," tne urauie wnica they will present m itose- liu.g, Tuursday, iiccemlier lu, at tne Antitrs tueatre. me I'orttaud ieiegram had the following to aay concerning .tne piay: n la doubtful if there has been a stronger piay presented nere tnia I season that "1 ue snip put on at tue Lincoln hign scuooi Saturday j evening by Uie Moroni Ulsen play ers Uuuer the autpices oi tue higo I school oi coiamerce. it was ua&euy.l uinio.. liuin tne atari, hut it i the uut ot py Utai uusu lor 4 ul-; twdiuu tu so lubt-u conleuy. with rheumatism. Many times tnis i uc svuwa w Uiluusv iiwieaa terrible nisvasa left him helpless aiiu uie assures uij omeu'and uiiabi to work. . Pijbib ot a wuicouie upon tuuir re-, n0 rmally decided, after years of turn in uie new, ' rieud , ceaseless study, mat, no one can be Haunan." raw Kesttra nialoricai ,r, ttom rheumatism, until the ac- romance. , .. I..iimiljit..,1 ImuiirttlHH rnminonly Ueat With gas. I-'ATllfcK OK HOSfeJil'ltO ' MAN. MliUli.n iiKniiUN'T PASSUe A UAY AT bAUiU. I SAlA.M, Dec. 9. Died In this city December 7, X-inus H. Baiu win, age IS years. . "tne nusuand of Mrs. Lorlnda Baldwin, father of Airs. Orbyer C. hotter of Sa lem, Klchard N. bald win of .uyruo Oreek, lien L. liuidwin of Nam pa, tuaho, Jess N. UlUwiu of Koseourg and uaipb i. baidin ot forterviue, California. Announce ment of funeral inter by tne iiig uou & Son mortuary. BOY VICTIM OF MODERN "FAGIN" TO RETURN HOME (Aiwcltcl lTMi Usatd Wirt.) MEDFOltD, Ore, Dec. 9. Rich ard Dunn, Jr., 13, whose story of criminal adventures In southern Oregon and California resulted Tuesday in the conviction of Harry McElroy, 26, his alleged coach In till robberies, will be returned to Chas. S. McElhinny -The Widow's Friend" Oregon Life 248 North Jackson GEAR CUTTING Our Shops are Equipped to turn out all kinds of machine work. Repair Work Done PINE ST. MACHINE SHOP Opposite Flour Mill AT BRAND'S ROAD STAND Pacific Highway 4 Miles North Open Evenings Till 11 o'clock REAL BARBECUE ' SANDWICHES. Meat roasted on "pits before the open fire. Coffee with real cream. Sweet cider. They taste pretty good, after, the show. Always a Big Assortment of Fruits, Nuts and Candy BULBS QUALITY FIRST Better Pricea Than Ever While They Last THE FERN The Largeal Stock I Oood Used , , Chevrolet and Fords In Roseburg We Will Sell on EASY TERMS Hansen Chevrolet Co. ePhone 44. -. CORETHROAT . a Oargl. with warm wit wetet 0 - then apply m throat V VAPOR.U ir arm. Jar. ,",,0, nnea uu. Tuesday b ,n JuveDlle autu0riUea. His f Richard Dunn. Sr.. a sheet .i7 i. k . hi. son home aa soon aa the remaining indictment against McElroy la die posed of. The lad'a mother la un der a nurae'a care In Oakland, ac cording to the lather. o Says Rheumatism Left Him Forever James H. Allen, ol if Forbes St.. Rothasier, N. y sutfsred for years culled uric cid deposits, wen din- solved In the JuiDta and muscle , and xpU4 from th body. . With thtm Idea In mind he eon-. sulled pliyaK'ltiitfl, man experiments uad tintlF eotnyotituirtl a nryacrlp DanUhtd every urn and inpiota at ri.umatisa tiom hi aittem. Ue fruely save d'scovary, which he caUitU AlUnrhu. to others who too 1U wltlv wut niitftii ue .ailed nisirvelous auccess. Aftor yais ox uryluK e deemed to suiiurers everywhere It now about The blesaed relief thli marvelous prescription qutukiy mjivms tiai niade lor it itiousanus oi Ariwuu, .Nathan Fulletton who has been ap pointed attont In your city. It yuu live out ot town ask Mr. Allua to send you full particulars. JIGGS' DELIGHT WILL COST MORE CHICAGO, Dec. 9. It looks like a hard winter ahead for do votees ot corned beet and cab bage. The difficulty Is In relation, to cabbage, wholesale prices tor which have advanced sharply, and are now twice as high as a year ago, - o ' Plan to do your Christmas shop ping early more advisable this year than ever before belter op portunities for Christmas are sow on display In Crocker's Drug store. See our windows. NOTICE Wilbur Spaugh has in stock la dies' wrist watches priced at $9.76, up. Pearl necklaces guaranteed in destructible at 14.60, up. Men's watches priced tl.50 up. to $40, men's chains In white or yellow gold filled. Having no overhead expenses my prices are lowest In town. 804 8. Pine St. TUBBY I j i r ee-e oow I 1 1 sT ' 1 J ' , VaV a IsY I ! "SANDY" By ILENOKsJ MtHERIN WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN THE TORV 0 FARl Bandy McNeil, forced by her Im poverished family Inte a loveless marriage with Ben MwrUlo, a rich Italian, aaertfieea her love for Tunny, a childhood sweetheart. Frequent quarrela follow. A eon 1 born, dying almost Immediately, Seeking tome escape, Sandy ap peals to her Uncle Bob, who en ables her to take a Honolulu trip with her mother. There she meets Ramon Worth, who bares her life In the surf, lie boards the same steamer home and during tne voy age declares his love. At borne Sandy tells Murlllo she must be freed. He declares he will never release ber. Judith Moore, a cousin, tells Sandy love Is everything. Ramon meets Sandy on the beach at Santa Barbara. Murlllo over takes her as she goes for a second tryskwlth Ramon. Follows a clash overseer promise to ber mother to give up plans for divorce. NOW 00 ON WITH THE STORY; CHAPTER 45 Sandy was appalled at her moth er's betrayal. That promise was given to ber only. Why did she tell It to Murlllo? That he might use it to make more binding aud inescapable ber chains? Since he didn't Intend to divorce himvery well! naturally she meant to re main his wife She thought, with her breath swelled and flaming; "This la a showdown NOW I" She kept ber eyelids lowered. They were weights -little redhot weights. From the tone of bis voice she knew be had that smile of su percilious disdain on his lips. "So that's why I'm here to din ner, my dear. That's why I'm spending the eu'nlng with you." "Not glancing up: "You're mis taken. Must you discuss tnis before your cook?" He was sitting at the opposite end of toe ubie1. He now moved bis chair to her side. "Did your mother deceive me? She said you had put aaide all Idea of divorce " stoop ing close, looking in ber face. "Did you not promise your mother?" - "What 1 said U. you at oar last meeting still remaina. 1 atu no 40Uger your vue.'' "An, nor -but what are you, tueul A fcuubl in buy buuiuf xxow lung do yuu Uuna una can utat i"- 'iuu can end it wneuevuf you wiBh." ' "1 intend to. In my own way." Sue lull her mouta suiteuing. The liys were wnite as cnaia: "liu yuu woui. tta enueo. 111 ; Ml way." - f ' : , ' is if He remained stooping Close, peering at' tier: "la HT" riis uaiiu sua over hers, squeeied uie miters till tne rings pressed Into tier tuasn. she smiled: ber heart, her mind, her eyes burning witn tears auu anger. bue waited while be ate Uie knlie and , fork clicked viciously againet bis plate. He drained a giaas of wine, poured another. He talked in low, sneering tones: You tnlnk you'll piay fast and loose: You tiiink you'll bo my wife and uot my wife?" , She stood up, leaning an Instant on her sinking hanoa. "Excuse me!" and Hew quickiy across the room, leaving him astonished ana gaping. She shut her door rocked It In a frenned quieL Sbe looked through swift, blinding tears at her fingers wnere tne rings had crushed. She pressed tbe bruised flesh against nor lips. Wild, disordered thoughts flash ed In her mind. Beatrice Murlllo would choose her friends! They were mad all of them what did they think she was! She walked about the room flinging herself. On the table near the window were some books. She pausedT-turned the pages, not see ing them "because of tne flying tears. 'i'liey were books Sandy exulted to-possess. She displayed them proudly. The year before her mar riage she and May Arllss had got what Timmy called "an Intellec tual streak." They road Schopen hauer and Neltssche, quoting glib ly In aeason and out. And Sandy had liked thinking -of herself as a ruthless, magnlficient person with a titanic capacity for joy a queen walking heedless over tne hearts of slaves, making of them but a road to her own sclt enrichmenL She now noted the marked pas sages; the comments In a school gin band. With a little furious shove she dashed the books to the f 4IMMINEY TrtATf Time door. She thought of bur mother, when the did that; the day she had bowed to her. mother; eurreadered I uer tue up kaua uer niouier wept a litLo auu aeu it riau Uabel consciously betrayed ; nerl tlmX sue oeiibeiauiy put uie j evaueii in atuiiue s nanus uutt ue nugut force her I berepa et Her nuiuiers conversation returnee, "uoq may seuu you another caiiu. Tneu you vui be uappy. toil uava a guou aula, 'what mure no you waul: Your husband luvea you. He a utue wise, ueier to sum: oe guidea by him. You know una will pieas him" She pressed her teeth against the butt lingers, wincing ana want ug tne tmm. bue wouiuu I keep tne pruuuso now. sue couiunt Murlllo was coming UP the ' stair . . . knocking at the door aiiocklnt louder. She stood with her hands clench ed. Open 11 ana dety him I Shu saw aim rushing at her witn tne tonga! lmi him In I Tuey wouid only quar- ret again. Hha want us and Drasaed her lips against the craua: "Voutl neve to break it open, i wont un lock 1L 1 ve'aaid au I have to say." tie uiumpeu quickly with botn fists. He took the knoo aud shook iL "Open it! Open It!" She leaned aaamat IU The panels vibrated. , "Will you open It? Open 11!" "Nor Ue gave one battering thump. You " He went stamping down the steps. Tbe front door slammed. She di-dpped to the low cnalr at her window, closing her eyes. Wave alter wave ot clammy, presalve heat awept over her. She felt stilled, resolute, grim. sne wouia go up eany m uie morning sou aay to ner saouior. , t ve come to reu act inat piumise. m not going to aeep it. She went over this ecene a thou-1 sand times. She heard Murlllo say ;colialllon. The west O'llowi has cuttry to May Arlisa; "lnauk you! bfva dl.lttig without a rudder tor tve made other pians lor New,tvr., day, 4D0U. f2W miles f.-om Year's. " And she must go baca to him; ask his sister if she wouiaul ainuiy aeiect a few nice, proper Iiieuus aue must defer to him It was biowy aud cold outside. No stars touight, either. Ramon walked up ana uown hoping yet uit aue migut come. He would go uuwn to-lue pier wan lueie wail ill we .luu auu wiu . evuj Ml vw.v lying toward her She turned her cheeg against the chair, presalng it At 1J o'clock she lay down. She fell asleep. She awakened at 3. h,"1"!1"0 :! hada't returned. e e. e dy dressed tne next morning. Her heart recoiled at Uie the thought In a chilly, nervous tension San- vi sivs suvkuti sub evutiu vu- ir"'' Uabe' haai". r Jimmying c her tuet lagged. She walked siowiy. nail -ajr tnere sue inougn of turn ng back-go ahead withou ... i . . .i li be waiting. Alice would think she was "weichlng" because there was too much work to oe done In the big house. She chose the obscure streets. She dallied along. Suddenly some- ono fell In step with her ccmoono said, "Hello, dear!" pluasantly gaily. She looked Into Kamun's sunny brown eyes that were now turned kindly on ber face. Her lips trembled. Ill hand reached down for hers. "You couldn't make It, could you?" . . - "Ramon" aho whispered almost In tears suddenly glad, a glow of sunlight touching her. "Oh, Ramon, shouldn't you be gone?" "I should, but I'm not I saw you last night driving down." "Then you knew It was no use to wait?" "I waited. I thought there nih;ht be a chance. Did you want to come, Sandy? Look nt me, II you please. Did you want to ccme?" "Yes." He laughed. They walked along laughing. Ho said: "You Inuxh. Sandy, but you'rq more than ever unhappy. Why?" "Nothing nothing much. Whon do you go, Ramon?" "Soon. 1 Just wanted to look at you. Sandy just wanted xlo say goodby. I'm coming again next week or the week niter." "No don't do that." "Don't you want me?" She snid breathlessly: "Wliat Sood wllCit do? No dcu't come " -jc she looked up at him, ber eyes dark and appealing. He aald hastily: "Darling what a the matter? "Nothing." They yere coaling msr the old bnune. "Go, Ramon. You bcl'er go." "It's tarly there's no uie about." They reached the old buck gate.' She said again: "Go!" But ho (ollowed ber into the vines. He looked aiout qi l( ly. Headwork t CRICKETSX !1 THE THIRD Nue-n iTt vniic-S ive oootr OWM FAULT. IF VOO SO VKCVLDM'T 00 "T' caught her lu hi arms, kissed bar ana laubbcd: "1 U com bark m u (evk aud carry yoc oft. Khali L Sandy t" sue pushed from hlni quickly, her iieart thundering. She aald reckleaety i "Goodby goodby. And you came yes 1 may 1 may!" AID SOCIETY WILL HOLD PKE-CHR1STMAS BAZAAR DEC 11-12 A : pre-Chrlatmaa t bazaar, at which will be ottered a wide rar lety ot fancy work, house ureases, and dainty articlea of all kinds, suitable for Christmas lifts, srtli M uu lluai- and j-Mturday, Decern bur 11 auu It at New land and Kiin . Douieh Brothers' Karaite ... u 4.- auu Lass street. The baaaar J being given by the Latliea Aid society of the mit.tu.iu caurcu auu wiu be one ol u.e urguai u.ey have ever held. In addition to tbe fancy add hand work to be ottered, mere will be a sale of cooked foods. Including chlckeu tawaiee. 'she aa.e UM open at a o'cioca each morning, cuutuiuuig throughout the day. No pnuue utuers laauu. WESTO'ROWAIS A I LAS! IN TOW tAaauaud fnm Unl Vi'lw.l POKTLAND, Ore., Dee. . tha steamer West Holbrook, whlud has been ordered ta aid the steamer Dewey la tewing the rudderless l 1 .... . ntu. 1. ....n... ha ih. .r ""r-. n,,Z ." "h op-L... ,,k. ,., u,h,t ,Klle lM. ..tht mbB wllh,11 ,40 ... . . ..aki.H t. .i,.,r haTl traveleil u3 miles In the DrBCI.dn- 24 hl)lu No votA ,M fPom ,k Weet O'Kowa. and comoanv officials of .,, ,h . ,hn. in har Portland out on tbe Paclflo ocean. rn, uewey has been standing by. 0 Tbe Ilapturt Ladles Aid society will meet at the church on Thurs day aiternoon. Those wishing to contribute to the Chiiatmaa box ,h ,,.. u. ... . ,.,. ,lr lo &aMi., school next Sunday. Toys, candy, soap, beads, eta, are needed. Old ; Klm;as .uutable. r, . t-t ! YEGGS BLOW SAFE KLAMATH CREAMERY (AejorUitMl Prew LcuH Wirt.) -- KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Dee. 1 afe" tT'cuT Cream, r "Jfr as a result of their expert Job on Entrance was open a rear window, Footprints in the place Indicated th t anfe-blowars AutharUle, t00ay were V vvissi laaaas aaa at at tempting to procure fingerprints. YOUR PHOTOGRAPH tt la time now to have It made, to avoid the holiday rush. It will solve a doien gift problems. The Roseburg Studio, Baltman BIdg, 129 .tncknon. Phoue 462. Whon You Feel a Cold Com On Take 4 Laxative Brom Quinine 1lA 4UUU M v-- to work oT the cause and to fortify the system against an attack of Grip or Influ enza. A Safe and Proven Remedy. Price 30c. The box bears this signature mr VtI Aw 5 .Vk lCARELESS ME Ev,El i ff -that's eMiV A CN a H 5MAHT ILL VJtlLr. U l oe V V " R H VOO CAWTDBlveA . El l'",n y tt in NAIL VJlTHOtT HITTIM II tfJSh e rX VOUR F1MCER. 0 n 4 K A -'fc "i lutr il. - tfl I!."!' I J AS. A :t t .- 1 I MU REVIVAL ETirJ9SWIU.BE siiEOVEnrsoOii Representatives of the five lead ing Protestant churches of the city met last night at the M. E. church to consider plans for a united evan gelistic campaign to be held In this city some time during the next few months.- The Baptist, Christian, Presbyterian and two Methodist churches are uniting In this evan gelistic eflort, and expect to call to this city one ot the best known! of the union evangeUsta. Aa yet no man has definitely been selected. I Each pastor has been asked to se cure names of men who may be available, and from the list present ed a preacher will be chosen, It Is hoped to start the union meetings soon after the first of the year, and the campaign will con tinue tor tour or five weeks. The committee having charge ot the plans consists of the pastor and three lay members of each congre gation. SPINAL MENINGITIS IS FATAL TO KLAMATH BOY ' (Aatoelaud rraa Uiaul Win.) KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Dec. B. Norman Burke, . oi Pelican City, a suburb, died laat night at a local hospital from aplual menin gitis. The lad was taaen violently ul while amending school last week. This makes the second death from the disease this week, mere are no.otner cases in the county and health authorities are hopetul there will be no epidemic. sttuaeoaaar 0 atlas uo yeeru uioaeig. ALLEOtSD ACCOMPLICE OF CONVICTED MAN 18 FREED ' (AauclsMl rins Lucd Win. I KLAMATH i ALLS, Ore. Dec. 9. Artuur Aniea, ciiarged Jointly won C. K. atccartiiy witn ateaiing imt) iruoi Lairy itunuisou, was lOuu not guilty III tue verdict ot a jury last ni,ut. 'ine Jurors de iioerated less uiau two hours, ato JarUiy waa Ovnvicted last week and aunu-uced to two years In the state penitentiary. The Lady Jduncovitec v. ill have a pot luck uupper, Friday ovtjumg, Uec. lUh, 7 ouiock, tuiiowed by a uutfluuua uieeliutj' aud Xmaa Uu, ikisjiuUerB bring a fcut uot over 2uu ai vame bur uuuer liic. ataVtry aiwiubor reuuj3teu tobe presbut. KOriCIQ OF FINAL HUAKtKU lit Cwuniy Coun ul ui tt.uiu ot Oivtfun ot Luutfiu County. In ti uiatiur ui .. uaittiu ot Marl N. Cut-slur, UuutaSMi. Nwtua is heruuy fcivcn that H. W, Mai slurs, auuiiiiMiieaitir. with tn VTi.itkanxaa, ui' uiu ubjiuie ut Mart Jit currivr, awiisjasvu. ims iiU ui uuuuty court oi ins Dials ui urs aun lur jjuugtas Cuuiuy, his final uccuuitt ana rupuri ut u a4iuuii uaiiiua. tutu iuj vuuri nas nxwU It VUUUSUaay, lll JtilU Uy Ui UWCettU- ur( iJ-. ai ins liuur w o uiuik, ti.aU.uf ssstd uay, lu His vuuri ruwtu iff eld uoui i m ia Jity ot hUlt( UUaoUi taat llid llttist Mild pteaCS tor iioatn.a oUjticisOiiM lo Saia ihii siccuuiii auu rMpurt, and Uit ssitiw tuunt titruoi. Utitad slid first published this 2ii.ii duy of aNoveiiubur, in. H. W. .UloTEU3. Administrator. ltu iua wiu an noktiu of tn ttat of atri 4, currmr, pjcjasuU. AUTICn OK tllCKIKP9 BALM OK KtC.wL. I'Hul'KHTk In tha C'Ouuu Cuuri ot tue state ol Uietfuii tor Iouaius County. t Mil t-arotiisrs, riainttif. vs. Vtiruiella McDonouah und W, E. Mcuouougti, Uuiwtidaiiis. ISoiiua Is nsruby atv that by virtus of an eiwvuilou and ordsr of state Isaueu out of lit above in tivUd court lit lno abovu entitled ususe od tb mm day ut Novtuntiwr, ivitt, to me directed and dultvervd, toniinaiiding lue to suit the lieivtn iir utcriuud real piuperty to sat in. y ine JUU....I.... -MM loraciosuia ruiiuurva sua eiiLoreu me abovw sntuied suit on ine nQiu day of Noveuiour, in lavor ol .'; a..r aula, tor the sum oi J41.77-wuu iiuursst ou liuuu.ou turnout at H" r;w.?'. ,.p!''.S,'i!1 ptlri ?"iT,'i. .0.,'!J the 20tti Uay ot Muvunibvr. Itfs, ana . 1 ....,,.. i sii.i ami in. lurtnur sum v. iw.vw - faaa, and tno t urthar aum of and Ulaburaoiiiams, 1 will, on Monday, tha llh Uay of Oao.inbr, iurthr sum i( IJOu.uu attorney's iu. .t in huur uf 1 uclotK ihe altsruuun ol saiU day, at Ihn ifiont Uuuf of His tuurt house lu '.Mh.iitutliiE tor Solly Burns, bat- !uJr"vrs-n.M 1 uon. to tne highest bnidvr tor wih ujj, of hJug-tne, lu tbe apeclul event Jin liand, the following dvavribtiT - "LofouT'tL'.uS.'La.t ,u.r,.r of KLAMATH FAU-8 Ore,. Dec. 9. th iiuiUiwal mwrivr and His Willie Kech-r, KelloKK, Idaho, .nurth.ast uuartor of the suuthsuat bravywelttht and Jack McOreer of .quarl.r, all in acUuH , towliliip j,, lu rounds Sam"ue Mrriuian in miuKiaa c.,u.i-ln the msln event of the next box ty, Onaon; .ui.J..:t to rvdnmptlon iug card hern Deceiuber 17, It waa las provid.Kl by law, and will apply lajnnouncs-d today by Matchmaker i?."n?rirS: "'"'? iSeV.:.. ' J Bylvwter. J."k Crlm M.kIoc linTBor, snd tha unlnnco, l( any. I Indian, ami Hid Herbert, lumber will pay to tha Clark ol ths above iit buxer, will appear in Uie suinl TOIItlixl court as ruulrd by law. j' , , i Uatud Novauilmr iitli. mil. wiuuup. H. W. bl'AIlMI-ilt, - 0 ' Hhorirr of tViunlas County, tx.Kon. Cook witn gaa For VASES AND Comprise a wide range to find in the collection LOOK OUR FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO, The Iron Mongers Classified Section AJX NEW ADS ON BACK PAGE. FOR SALE WOOD AND HAf tor aale. Phone Siu-Y. OTiRiSTMAS TREES tor sale. Any sue. Phone tili-J. suit biu. a beau ol atock. 1002 Prospect St. young uNfcTlDil FOUD touring car aud t.ttUer, cheap fur cash. 6:u Haui lltoa St. phone kjLi tiALiS or Uad, aparuueut buuM Uk ieveu aparuucuia. CaU al ti. i airutL t 6AUir Wool carus, Uuport- 4 iroui Kiuiauui 1. o pusi ; paid. Jo tin INyiud. ISorlU jUfiiiU. V uZlikiiA or . win owullmg. liii coruer weal ldt sU)le aud lai avyuue. Apply 4&Q ti. Kaue bu fQ RSAaUe E. Of SWi aud SW4 of tiil section lit X. a, K. 7. Maku luu aa olfur. L. It, liarto. TOUUipatUU aV'ttUl. MOUtUll, W'OUO jTOR SALE Jjt "block; J.uo; oaa biuck. J.uO; oaa tovj, h; lK-iu. tir. taj-bo, a- Uvered. Jcuouo i'Jl, tuouaauU tlrat Lloitsi uuiuipiovati HobtUui'rf prupviiy. At a Uuikoiu. Aligui toavciiuugu lor cit-ar iaim or Kitu small iuuriuiio. Junk uoed uul b olturwU. Address r.ww-ncnuw. y " 6b.ii uLli uauU cum beiuro you .buy; ovur AM to citoobe trout X Aa.i ord 'loiu'iug, s tai lor aud guou ruiiuiug Oiuwi t6 X Xvii CUevroiut . VJb I lUfcl aUhlKtt touring, cord lirt-s, iivw paiUi ....-I lil6 A ad i.u Liltiora, coupes aud se Uau. Kasy turnii, year to pay. HAN b UN CUbVUOUT CO. FOR RENT PIANO for riiDt. Phone 1-K bA iuNTurB b'. k, room witb bath. 844 b. Jackson. EUGENE BOY BEATS FRISCO ttCHAWPER IN MAIN favaNT tAMK-utei I'nm Lmad Win.) .EUOENK, Ore., Dec. 9. With four knock dowua to hie credit, a..,,, , ,nit. rtfJ tav-lt-ht .flVAtl L- .v f"-" age, Muck Una id of bugunu won eieAa cUt df-ulslnn ovtr Bobby Ctok of Ban Francisco In tho ten- round main event at the Wlntur ijaidi'a card here last nlftht ine senil-windup of six rounds v " , went to George Dixon, 144, of Port- iland, over Joe JJlackwull, 147, of .isuu. wn,-r iiuw The if" , . . ifrom Portland clever colored boy waa entirely too intmucn lor ine a,uaeua vuui.hmi.. Humid Heoae ot Puitland, By WINNER Thai Gift There U nothing a woman e-?re elate more than beautiful ano Wi' ful Pottery. Our line of ; i JeARDMErO 3 of choice, and you are sure ' just the piece you want. e.ajij.tavi- STOCK OVER FOR RENT Furnished J-room apartment, toi a Stephens. .FOR RENT i-room apartmenL No cnuuren. iu w. Douglas UU FOit Ki.NT uood six-room house. Close in. Inquire 876 Hoover St. FOR 'RENT FKeroobT rurnish-d bouse. Inquire til S. Stephens. Phone 471-L. FOR KhiST o-room apartment, modern, wood and gas range. Jul W. Lane. Phone 64-R. , FOR RKNT Partly "furnished housekeeping rooms; heat, llghi, and telephone lurnlahed. Ji? 8. Stephens, Phone Ua, FOR KiiN l a-rooia1urvished uouse, poicU, basement, $10 per nioula. io Second Ave. 8. Phone 'J t ' ' fort llKNlCCtwo Urge weBTuK nlabed housekeeping roeane. Private front entrance. Close In. m a. Main. . , . ALL kinds ot sewing, men's sbvts a specialty. 825 Miller Sl Phoue 4K9-L. . . ANitu A la.igu uou car riage. Aduicsa "Hoil Carriage," care Nevs-ueview. AM LU-ic buy, one uva. Waits) Leghorn hens. Paul Auvl, Wil bur, Ore VV ANTKD Second baud ivrewiip or, alust be lu good ooudiUoa, John Abeene. Oakland, Oregon. tt Kj ltd Vv AN i'Si Hiaiieat mai aai pricea paid. WUsou Tlie Shop, oposito News Review, IJrlng ol ahip to B. F, Sirielda. liLMSlUClil.NU and 8 ceau, work guaranteed. 217 S. Ste phana, south ot Roae hotel Pimne 636. Mrs. Hill. YtANiUJ, SKIM KfrtK delivered at state farm or In town. Can use 8 to 10 gallons dally. H.' . . Wells, Phone 46F2. ' PARTNrJit WANTKD For highly profitable business. S'A fisaraor tee on Investment to start Ad dress Box 1, car News-Review, i ft I - I LOST AND t UVnU STRAYED from Winston, iof, part Airedale, light tan curly .-hair, long tall. Very timid. Reward. M ra. O. J. Bacher, Phone F4.' KliJND Lady's aTrlst watch. Ow er call at News-Review Turtle and describe the watch and. band as means ot Identification. -: ' i MISCELLANEOUS MARCELS, bob-curli, halrrnttlng and shaniooa. Mrs. Amy Rogers. Phone 11N-I.I. 137 N. Main. . UAH OVVNalH ilsi't forget ti salt i$ when In need of auta parts. Sartrs Aato Wrecking Huuse. liui v. SMITH ranch ou ilyrtlo Creek, w hich has been orr local nalty lista has been withdjawn, from the market. STO LION From grip. Army;, dis charK" papera, certificate No. 1061058; 21Juwoled Elgin -watch lu nickel case, gold fob, with gold nuggeL Reward. Return to Ed Noah, 11 W. Court St. - W11EN IN ROSEBUIG STOP AT ; HotclUmpqua . I lorry Pearce Auto Top Manufacturing Repairing .Tops and Cer Upholstering of all kind lent and Awnlna Work Wlncheatr St. I UMPQUA FLORISTS Choice Cut Flower; ; . Flower Shop, 112 N. Jackson Pbone (30, West Roseburg Phons 4UFJ WALTER CARPSNTIM WANTED . ! . . ' - -. J I i w ... , s" r , i