" EIGHT ROSEBURC NEWS-REVIEW. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1925. . J U ' t' :" '.T-.V' -a 1 'Kwicy Boudoir Caps now $ 1 .00 Wool Scarfs reduced to $2.50 CHOOSE YOUR GIFTS NOW! From the season's newest novelties and gift goods. Our displays offer hundreds of suggestions. , Gift Purses and Bags $1.95, $3.95 Up . A Una of real leather gooda hav ing no equal. Select now! . New Velvet Pumps Are nnW In $7.00 to $9.00. Felt SlioDers Our apodal. All Hhadeal 11.00 Men's Silk Hose Boat makes, the pair -75c, $1.00 Bath Robes With a hanger,' now 16.95 Umbrellas Oti special with bobbed hnndlo 13.50 THE STORE OF,' CHRISTMAS CHEER (; I f u " im: ' ' Better Pervfi C. H. Clark, Cleveland realdent, ' waa a bualneaa vlaitor In thla city ' for a few hour yeaterdny. SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY ' ' ;. 1 ' ". . : ' MATINEE SUNDAY, Columbia ajw rWHHW ar Jl II 4.VJ II. 7 vl V M FORD STERLING AN r ;: A Dramatic Comedy with a Thousand Laughs ; 10c K1NOGRAM BRAYS COMEDY 25c LIBERTY THEATRE TONIGHT AND SATURDAY Matinee Saturday 1 " irvs.v-- The atorjf of the great open space and a alrl who came from the Kast -It loaded with atmosphere, mystery ami mlithly ristlc hat Ilea- la parketl wllh awa-lnaplrlni allots of the: natural marvela of the We. t. 1 10c .'. WEBFOOT WEEKLY COMEDY 20c . : ing days left. Suggestions for Gifts at small prices Dresses New modela Jn llp-stlck red J'j.it arriving. ' Hummingbird Silk Hose $1.50 In Individual gift boxes. A smart fitting, lustrous hnr.e, Handkerchief Specials 5c, 10c, 15c Close-out prices on several doz ens, valuta up to 60c. Visit our handkerchief booth for new val-' uca up to ' 11.50 Fancy Bath Towels Now 50c to $1.50 Fat Colora. Gift Sets With g.irters, aprens, etc., and lllfuutu' Beta, aperlalty priced at 50c to $1 25 Sweaters For men, women or children, prlreil now $2.95, $3.50 Up. Better Merchandise Cinly'canea Mcde'to order, any! alae. Place your onlera early. Pal-1 ace of Pweets. pfcoi e 7(i I THEATRE WITH DOROTHY REVIER, COST HARRY A T" yify j . J.. 7- r, -T-li Only 18 shop- '. A Christmas Special OVEN GLASS PIE PLATE with fancy pierced Nickel 98c A 12 00 Value. Thla la a wonderful bargain, the result of a fortunate purchase. We advlae prompt buying aa stock will not last long. Table Linen and Sets Finest Imported linen $3.50 to $4.50 Blankets All rolora and itradea ' $2.50 and up. ' Coats : ' New aperlala with fine fur ' $18.00 up. t THE STORE OF CHRISTMAS 'CHEER Quality merchandise at loweat prlcea at Poweil a "urnlture Store, - PROTECT THEM Work bard to make your bust neaa a sucopsi. t -. ' Spend money freely to make your home a delimit Take pleasure In acquiring a wealth of possessions. ; - -Then alt back and enjoy them tree from worry -safeguarded by dependable luxurance. dam onc wiort DANCE AT Melrose Country Club SATURDAY NITE ' DECEMBER 5 ' Good Music Lunch Served Everybody Welcome. dance! AT LONG'S HALL Coles' Valley t SATURDAY NIGHT DECEMBER 5 g Music By A 8UTHERLIN ORCHESTRA $ S Heal Music A Real Crowd 5 g A Heal Time. f tIIIWWIlWWl-lM:Wll DONALD PARKER Concert Vlollnlat and Teachor Beginners and Advanced Pupils accepted. High School rredlta Ktven. 218 Po. Jncknon, acroaa from Kohlhaaen Apartmenta ''Drugltit Health Ctntar" Dr. Ilarrlaon Polk fir. Catherine McNeil Chiropractic and Electro Therapy Thompson Mineral Vapor Ratbs Sl'7 W Cass I'hone 491 Dr. Rupert A. Moon Iloctro-Chlropraotor Nerve and 8pln Bpeclailat. 209 Terklna Itldg. Phone SS4 DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Speclallat In the flttli.g of Olaaaea 111 Jackaon SL Dr. H. C Church OPTOMETRIST Parking Bldg. RoMburg, Ora PNen tM SMMi'iilliii'li'iiS PAST PRESIDENTS ln' and thtiT W,VM nd 1,r ONI oriTADV DDrD a! n umber are planning on being lUUlAIVI:praeiit at the banquet. A good i ' - ! program ha been arranged for ' Yesterday's program at Rotary i the occasion. luncheon waa taken up largely byj lllrthday gifta were distributed three (ion talka by past prealdenta'hy President Kooth to three mem of the dub, which Included liexter bers at yeaterday'a meeting. l)ex Rlce, Cary Seely and Max Hamm. iVr Kice. Carey Seely and Max Caib of the boya lirouglit out llatnm were the lucky Individual aome good food for1 thought along coming in for the president' the line or Hotary principles and generosity, all of whom gave a lta objecta. They were high in , brief history of their past career. their praise of the general con-. n duct of the club and Ha mtmoer-' Cook with gaa. ahlp. o - Tbe Rotary quartette, compoa-. 44444 ed of Max llamm. Charlie McKl- I hlnny. Uert fiutherlln. and Jimmy : t rTTCBS tTDHM TUC Geddea. rattled off a couple of : 1 1 ti) f;""1 1 aonga In a way that would make; f - , , PEOPLE , J proleasionaia touna nae uuvices In the eongbird arena. '44a Ullly ()tt. Gordon Cook and COUNTY COURT WRITES Jimmy lioodman. "done their ABOUT OAK ST. BRIDGE Bluff" In an Instrumental wayi that brought forth a lot of V1 KlWar Newa-Itevlew pluuae and ad.leil a pleasant mo-, ,n tQ your lr(,e )n Thort -'Sf,vJr?,tX I- l-klnglVrteT'br "gar'"n! inn t KuRoe next Tuwi.Iay ovenl rt i altother to blame for Intr rlort.d thr.wonl4 be a h muddy condition of the Oak Rood otndunc from.llje local streK brlde. club, TblH meeting n for Rotar-,: In the first plac the county LOANS 'if That coat you leaa and get you Out of debt. Equitable Ravlnga A Loan Association. We aullcit loana on city real dencea and bualneaa prop- erty. Monthly payment plan. Farm Loana ' 1 money. 6, 7 and 10 years. Straight loans. Simple Interest G. V. YOUNG & SON INSURANCE 1l6CaasSt Phone 417 FRANK A. TERRY Equitable Savings A Loan ' Stock Inquire of O. W. Young & Son, real estate, or at Churchill Hard ware Co. USED CARS 191.1 Buirk Touring. Uke new. 1921 Iltilck 4 Touring. 19J.1 Maxwell Coupe. ' " v r See Theae Before .Buying MOTOR SHOP GARAGE ,1 DANCE Wigwam Tavern. J ( ' SATURDAY ; ' DECEMBER 5 ' L1VFT WIRE MUSIC , Dancing $1.10 : j ' INCLUDING TAX DANGE! MOOSE HALL FRIDAY NIGHT Music by Baldy ' Barbarians 8ome Musle and a Swtll Gang) 1 Gifts for every member of the family that are sure to please. For Men or Women SHOES SLIPPERS HOUSE SLIPPERS HOSIERY ROSEBURG BOOTER1E IRVIN BRUNN Shoes That Satisfy and fit ' Var feet Parkins Bldo Roaebura riiuri una Ktirttiij bjt-hi iiinu.T timei the city's share of the road fund, which heretofore has been thirty per cent, on this bridge this year, or fn the neighborhood of $7f00.00. The center pier, floor and sidewalk were all repaired and the the bridge painted. At the time the bridge repair work was started the city council was asked to assist In building an entire floor avntem. this they re fused to do. Had the floor system been elevated two or three Inches the water would have been drained off. Owing to the fact that most of the stringers were good It was Im noslh)e to change the floor sys tem, to provide for the drainage, without considerable additional ex nensn and delay In laying the floor. n the cltv refused to assist In the least, the floor was repaired In the miickest possible manner and at the least expense. The city then turned all the drainage water from two streets on this bridge and in turn have refused to sweep or clean the bridge with their street cleaning department. It would, therefore, seem to the ounty court that tbe city. Is at least partly to blame for the con ifHon that exists on the Oak street; bridge. Very tmlv Tours. POt'r.LAS COf NT Y COURT. By Geo. K. Qulne. Its Judge. By Edwin Weaver. Its Commissioner. By C. L. Beck ley. Its Commissioner. ELK MEMORIAL TO TO HELD AT LODGE HALL ON SUNDAY The local TCIk lodge h Inviting the general public in for the Mem orial pro it ram" to be held bv the lodro on Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. The services are held each year honorlnx the members of the lodee who hav panned away. The ritual istic nerviceB- of the Elks lodee honoring , departed brothers are ImpresHhi and Inspirational and this year will have snecfal fea ture selections by the Elk orches tra, two vocal solos by Mrs. Fred Strang and an address by Dr. Fannin Albert flanks. , This Is one of the few exercises of the lodee open to the general i public, but upon this occasion alt I residents of the cltv and county as i well ha visiting Elks are Riven ft general Invitation to bo present. PORTLAND MARKETS (Awcislrd Pms lul Wlrr.) ""PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 4. There is another decline In the local egg market toduy with all grades of frerh stock 2 cents lower wllh the exception of nn derslzed or pewee ' Fresh standard extraa now posted at 47 cents on the dairy exchange; standard firsts 4iic and mediums 4Uc. Current recelpta are 3!c net and undersized re main steady and unchanged at 32c. Freah receipts are increasing with arrivals during the past 24 hours, the heaviest In several days. At the same time atorage storks are coming out In the coolers at a rapid rate as opera tors are eager to get rid of their holdings while prices are still high. Cube butter la down 1 to 1 1c 'in the local market In all gradea but top extras. Standard cubes GOic; prime firsts 50c and tirsta 49c. Extras unihanged at &2e. The markefls weak wllh a lower trend Indicated. Portland millers have advanced flour prices 20c a burrel through out the entire list. , I lest ruin II y patents now quoted at $9.ti0 with bakers' hard wheat $10.20 and linkers' blttestem patents $9.40. Radical advance In grain prices l responsible for the higher flour prices. Very little live poultry Is com ing In now and the market Is In a good healthy condition. Com mission men are urging the ship pers to get their live stuff tn now white the market la good Instead of waiting until Christmas, when there Isn't time to drese it. This bappens every year, the dealers any and a break In the live mar ket nlwaya results. ' Choice light veal and pork sells at 1 to idle In ihe local dressed market. Country receipts are moderate with a good demand (or fancy stuff. 8 AN FRANCISCO. Dec. 1. (I'. 8. Ilureau of Agriculture I Turkeys, llv young. 4:lc42: drcaser young 64fhai; old 62tf I Mr: culls 4.1i4ac: Idaho ana I Montana dressed o5i 5Sc. Leaves Hospital Henry Speaker, of Wolf Creek, who has been conllued to Mercy hospital following a major opera tion, has recovered sufllclenlly to return to hla home. Mr. Dorr, manager of . the Pit cher store In this city, left for Portland last nUht. where be 1U attend to business matters over tbe Week eud. For the first lime in the, bls tory of New YOrk City more than 1,000,000 children attended tbe public schools on the opening day. NEW TODAY FOR RENT Garage at 119 8. Pine. Phone 15-Y. fOR RENT 2-room furnished bouse. Mlller'a Addition. 9 montn. l-none ZJO-L. WANTEIOne""or two email chlf dren to care for. Address Box Z25. Newe-Revlew office. FOB RENT l-room unfurnished modern bouse, $16 month. Call 625tnd Ave., 8. Phone 49J-L. FOR KENT A five-room unfur nished apartment, close In. In- qulreat 318 Washington. FOR SALE Wool cards. Import ed from Finland: 1186 post paid. John Nylund, North Bend. FOR"- RENT l-roo"in"furnlhed apt. on W. Douglas, hot water all hours. 248-R. SPECIAL SATURDAY A good guaranteed electric Iron for 2.98 at Powell Furniture. WANTED To buy horse, not over 6 yra., 1200 or 1400 pounds, well broke Bates. Box 76, Riddle. THE P. V. SMITH ranch on Myrtle Creek, which baa been on local realty Hats baa been withdrawn, from the market. FOR. SALE 6-roora plastered real dence. perfect condition, 2 large lota, fine location, a bargain at J1900L. O. Maddux. 248-R. OK KENT Steam heated; four- room apartment, partly furnish ed, adults only. Phone 74 or call 232 S. Jackaon. WANTED-To see you at the Crispette ahop. Leave orders for home made candy for Xmas and Crlapettes. 664 N. Jackson. WOODCUTTER-WATJtErTAiT-wlnter Job. partly furnished house free. Addreas J. G. How ard, BoxK8. Roseburg. FOR SALEOffice 'deak and chair, both almost new. Reasonable. Ad dress J. G. Howard, Box 1086, Roseburg. FOR rheumatism or neuritis you can't beat them. Thompson Min eral apor Baths. Drugless Health Center, 327 Cass St Phone 491. MUST OB SOLD AT ONCE 3 in cubators, 1 garden planter; 1 Sattley separator, all in good condition. Lane Street Rooming House. , . WANTED, 300 HEAD OF SHEEP I will pay $12 per head for 300 head of good ewea, from 1 to 6 yra. old. George Ward, iiox 1032. Roseburg. . - FOR SALE i 2room furnished apartment house; 3 garages; paying $0 per mo. Price $3000, terma. ('has. Kyea, 826 N. Jack son Kt. WE NOW have plenty ,of money to loan on improved city property. No commissions. No delays. I niKiia Savings and Loan Asso ciation. Douslas Abstract' Build-inK- . FOR SALE Barcelona filbert trees, 2 yra., vigorous' well root ed, direct from grower, $26 for 100; $120 for BOO; $220 for 1000, delivered, subject to approval; pay when accepted. Hardy, no spraying, frost free, no ladders nor boxes required. Cash market awaits. U. S. and Canada import 25.000,000 lba. yearly. Plant now save regrets later. B. Johnston, Saginaw, Oregon. flfO V SA"Ni)S OF DOLLARS WORTH OF PROPERTY TO TRADE IN SMALL PARCELS FOR HOMES. FARMS, BUSI NESS AND INCOME PROPER TY. Oi:R RESULTS ARE QUICK, SERVICE SATISFYING AND DEALINGS SJUARE. COME IN. LET'S GET AC QUAINTED. A FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLAR FARM Have you got one? Take In on apartment house showing big Income, must stand rigid in vestigation. IS YOUR FARM FREE OF DEBT? Have clients in Portland, oth er citlea who will trade you in come property, take In farms up to $50,000. TRADE YOUR HOME FOR FARM IN EUGENE Will take clear home to $5,000 in trade, act quick. A LARGE RANCH. THE LARGER THE BETTER Have large vol ume of city property to exchange for ranch. ABSOLUTELY NEW, CLOSE TO HILL MILITARY ACADEMY, PORTLAND 6-room California Spanish type bungalow $4200 equity trade for farm. WANTS HOME, IN ROSF,BURG UP TO $9.000 Trade on fine home In Laurelhurat and Irving tnn districts, Portland. A BEAUTIFUL HOME IN HOLI DAY PARK ADDITION. PORT LAND Wants home In Rose burg up to $9,000 In exchange. FINE CONCRETE CONSTRUCT-! ED DUPLEX BEST RESIDEN-' TIAL STREET IN IRVINGTON. EAST SIDE. PORTLAND Clear , of debt, wanta Roseburg home to $9,000. PLENTY OF OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM ON ANY KIND OF TRADE. E. K. McLendon. Real Estate, 224 Perkins Bldg. ; Candy canes made to order, any , size. Place your orders early. Pal ace of Sweeta. Phone 76 PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. H. H. PLYLER Chlrr.pracUe physician. 126 W. Lane St. The Pioneer Chiropractor DR. M. H. PLYLCR Phone 15J Lane aud Rose Sts Electricity and other Therapeutic methods used Established II years Rogers Silverware ' The best and hardest Silyer , .plate. Guarantee unlimited. r.. ,' . , 1 ' Get our prices ZIGLER-FEE HARDWARE CO. , , ,. Phone 25- ' - WATCH OUR WiNDOW for bargains Last Time Tonight Big Double Show --A Parampunf Feature . a : a mss : in The Dark ; ; - .. '' th Adolphe Kenyon and Aileen Pringle It's a Comedy Riot This Is the Big Laugh Special! iOc . MAJESTIC - 25c ? -1 Tonight Special Donald Parker PflAMan I W JK. S a Maid ; dfllVlJlsa-''-' ariaf il ' ,p"er B- iCT,', 'm0M 7j c-Tv SLT4b ' Jf2? 5 noTt' k "d ut js V nf25r-r f?" - gripping film drama of 3 7 ' . -'7"wt ' arCtiSJ atitring otauty and tea- ' . Anita Stewart Emily Fitzroy 1 Ifi Lionel Belinore Justine Johnstone ; : . Bert Lytell Pacea de Bourbon g'SJtt? - William N orris George Seigraann " Huntly Gordon t Florence Turner ' ! ztcm adapted by Eugene Mullin ' ' . Vl?la tetlings by Joseph Urban Sm ' i trj'3 $l directed by I fbsmoDolitan I i ipod"ction ' 10c .... ANTLERS 35c Sunday Monday Tuesday Only A MX! IT D Q All of the Best fll I .U1L.IV J tie fj.,, S47 .'. -... ' Harold Lloyd In "NOW OR NEVER" and Saturday.' Music by and Grace Thrull rmrcoMPSon KAROO CORTI Z lasaisT toaaiNcl MTAUACK SiiHY