Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 04, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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leased wse s.::t::i
Consolidation of The Cvanlnf Newt
The RoMburf Review
An Impendent Newspaper, Published far
the feet tntoseete et the People.
Bj!!BHP I ' . ' --.
Pnuiui.1 f CI-. 7 ! i
frospect of fcarly Verdict
Poor; Judge for Night
Session, If Needed.
If Jury Decides Kip Lived
With Wife Knowing Her
Color. He Will Fail
to Get Decree.
Justice Morschauser at 5 o'clock
today announced that if the Jury
which is. deliberating on the testi
mony in the trial of Leonard Kip
Rhinelander'a suit for annulment
of his marriage to Alice Beatrice
Jones, New Kochelle mulatto, has
not reached a verdict by o'clock
be will order the Jury locked up for
the night.
The jury remained In the Jury
box for nearly 10 minutes while
Justice Morschauser went through
the court records In an effort to
find the testimony requested. It
was not found and the Jury return
ed to the jury room. Justice Mor
schauser told the Jury that he
would send in the testimony as
soon as he could find It.
WHITE PLAINS, N. T., Dec. 4.
The Rhinelander jury at 3:55
o'clock, filed Into the courtroom
and requested enlightenment on
the testimony of Rhineiander re
garding an Interview which be
gave to Barbara Reynolds, a news
paper woman.
7 Questions For Jqry,
The suit for annulment of mar
riage brought by the wealthy young
Leonard Kip Rhinelander against
his part negress wife, Alice Bea
trice Jones, went to the Jury short
ly before noon today.
Out of the mass of testimony,
much of It conflicting, taken during
the three weeks of trial, the jury
men were charged by Justice Mor
schauser to find answers to seven
ouestlons propounded to It. On
the jurv findings on these ques
tions will be based the justice's de
cision whether or not annulment
shall be granted. If granted his de
rision will act merely as an Inter
locutory decree, to be finally re
viewed and passed noon by the
next regular special term of West
Chester county supreme court.
Opposing counsel both expressed
confidence a to the outcome.
Color Blind Or Ignorant?
The Jnry's decision on . the
seventh point upon which It must
pass Is of the greatest Importance
to the outcome of the case. This
point Is:
"Did the plaintiff cohabit with
the defendant after he had obtain
ed full knowledge that the defend
ant was of colored blood?" If the
bur makes the case favorable to
Rhinelander on the first six points,
but answers "yes" to the seventh
question, the whole case will be
The other six questions were:
"At the time of the marriage of
the parties was the defendant col
ored and of colored blood"
"Did the defendant before the
marriage bv silence conceal from
the plaintiff the fact that she was
of colored blood?"
'Did the defendant before the
marriage represent to the plaintiff
that she was not of colored blood ?"
"Did the defendant practice said
concealment or make said repre
sentation with the Intent therebr
to Induce the plaintiff to marry
"Was the plaintiff by said con
cealment or by said representation
or by both Induced to marry the
"If the plaintiff had known that
defendant was of colored blood,
would hehave married her?"
ni'nT..R htmi, sm
KF.INiOI.I'S arm
The plea-tire of htivlng
his own suit of clothes from
a burglar who hss rinsarked
his home earlier In the even-
ln. belongs to Sam Fein-
gold, a local pawn broker. 4f
4 Early last evening a prow-
4 ler broke a window at Fein-
4 gold's home, entered and
made away with a new suit
and a 45 automatic pistol.
An hour later the burglar
walked Into Felnsld'a pawn
4 shop, laid the suit on the
counter and offered It for
sle. After some bickering 4
Felngold bid 110 for the suit
4 not recognising If as his own.
Felngold Is looking for him
grand jury frees
orUt-l Pr-s Uued Win.) e
ANY, Ore., Dec. 4.
' rhwindt, 15-year old
.i boy, who fatally
Vndcd his father early In
November In a family fracas
at the family farm, was freed
last night by the Linn coiin-
ty grand jury in assion here.
A not true hill was reported
by the jury after investigat-
lng the charge of flnrt degree 4
' murder filed against the lad.
U Joh0 schwindt inflicted
the fatal wound while his
4 father was severely beating
Joe Schwindt, Jr., November
Evidence gathered from the
Jordan district showed that
the elder Schwindt was a man
of violent temper and fre-
fluently beat hia children.
At one. time be was balled 4
into court for beating hit
wife. .
Destruction of- Hasbeiya
by" French Artillery
Expected to End
(A-eclated Tnm l--arl Win.)
BEIRUT, Dec. 4. Almost simul
taneously wim ine arrival 01
'France's new high commissioner In
Syria. Henry De Jouvenal, the
French have gone on the offensive
against rebel Druses In southern
Lebanon. Yesterday they began
throwing shells from their artillery
against various points occupied by
the Druses preparatory to a man
euver In which It Is hoped to sur
round and capture the 5.000 rebels
who are still In the field.
After the bombardment has been
completed. Infantry and cavalry
ara expected to be thrown Into the
fray against the tribesmen who, at
a council of war at the headquar
ters of Sultan Attrash, their lead
er, announced that It was their
purpose to give combat to the
French to their last man.
The shells of the French yester
day had as their principal target
the town of Hasbeiya. to the
oiitbwest of Damascus, end report
has It that this stronghold of the
Druses was slowly being leveled.
No civilians were In. the town.
M. de Jouvenal on bis first day
In Beirut said that order and se
curity must be restored before
peace wllh the rebels could be dis
cussed. "Peace to those who want peace;
war to those who want war!" he
He received pledges of co-operation
from 10,000 persons compris
ing itelemllnTKi from nil the nnllt-
Ileal and religious groups of the
country, wllh the exception of the
rebel Druses.
SACRAMENTO. Cal.. Dec. 4.
Release of Alfred Llndaley. Eure-
I ka editor, now servln a lnnoday
setence for contempt of court, was
ordered here today bv the third
district court of anpea!. which
granted Lindsley's counsel a writ
of certlorerf. returnable January H.
The editor's bail was fixed at
SALEM. Ore, Dec. 4 The right
of the state of Oregon to execute
the sentence of death Imposed up
on Tom Murray, convicted slsyer
of Guard John Sweenev In the pri
son break of August 12. until Mur
ray has served out the 20-year
sentence he was serving in the pen
itentiary at the time of the break.
Is attacked by Will R, King, coun
sel for Murray, In his bill nf ex
ceptions on appeal filed In the cir
cuit court here today.
King contends that Murray was
regularly convicted and committed
to the prison to serve 20 years on
conviction on bank robbery
charges, and that until this Judg
ment Is satisfied the state cannot
substitute a subsequently Imposed
sentence on a separate and distinct
Murray was convicted of first
I degree murder by a Jury In the clr
Icnlt court here on October 13. and
was aentenced by Judge Percy R.
Kelly to hang on December 1. The
jCourt allowed Mtirray'a .attorneys
j until December G to file their bill
The sale of Christmaa seals was
continued today with good auccess.
Yesterday the Umpqua Squaws as
an organisation purchased , 120
worth of these seals. Today's ssle
was managed by the ladles of the
South Methodist church. Reedsport
has written In to Mrs. Boyle, the
county chairman, atating that they
have prarticallv sold out their
quota and need more seals.
Reclamation Bureau Chief
Says Controversy Must
- First Be Settled.
Reflooding Lower Region
for Fire Protection Is
Urged Delinquent
Taxes $29,000. ..
(Aa-ocUted Pre Leued Win.)
WASHINGTON. Dec. 4. Plans
for the settlement of 8,000 acres of
the Tule Lake division of the Klam
ath Reclamation and Irrigation pro
ject in Oregon and California have
been deferred. Dr. Elwood Mead,
commissioner of reclamation, de
clared In his annual report, made
public today, owing to a protest
by the water users on the settled
part over the construction charge.
This charge has been fixed at
ISO an acre, he said, which Is the
amount needed to repay construc
tion costs based on present alloca
tion of costs to the 24.200 acres In
the division. He nroposed that
8.000 acres for which construction
has been completed be opened to
settlement and further construction
on the area be suspended until the
lsnd Is occupied and the construc
tion cost controversy Is decided.
- Need Flooding For Safety.
"The lahds In lower Klamath
Lake have been unwatered and the
nsrt of the bed of the old lake lo
cated In Oregon Is being developed
hv the Klamath drainage district."
say the- report. "The disposition
of the xo.000 acres of the lake bed
In California is a problem which
awaits action. There Is danrer of
the rtrv neat catching fire. If re
flooded this danrer would be re
moved, but this la oonosed bv the
K'amath drainage district. A board
I of experts Is to make a study of
he problem, renort whether the
land Is suitable for cultivation and
recnimMid what should be done. agreed on the nuestlon of laving
with ltM '. . i , . . . . . . .
with I'
Financial Showlna Good.
The report also aavs: "The
Klamath project has made a fine
ftnenclet shnwln In- the pavment
of Its debt to the ITnlled States.
Klrhty-eleht ner cent of operation
' '
accrued constntctlon assessments
ZXln - However -this
.Zn t?r. eVl. . 71. .
In!J rt HJ, V I . .
- i
matter on csrvlng water to the
V'sn trimmer ditch and the vearlv
additions made to the assessment
rolls amounting to 10 per cent to
cove probable dellnqulncles.
"The fnft U that a considerable
number of water users are delin
quent to the district for their Irri
gation taxes. Four lsrge hnldines.
comnrlslnt? 1 370 acres, are de-
:tlp"itet In their sste. county and
ilt-rlgptinn taxes .Including nensl
i ties for a total of 12S.KR4. If this
son. and other delinquencies of les
iser amounts were collected and
the portion of these renresentlng
Irrigation taxes. Including penal
district ft would be In a verv sol
vent condition. Th. enforcing nf
the dlstHof's tax llen In such
cases will accomplish this result "
A new teiV phone directory, which
.has JuBt been printed In the exclu
sive job department of the Rnne
huric News-Review, has been turn
ed over to J. R. Harrington, man
ager of the local exchange who la
Martin the distribution of the
hooka today. The work of (retting
the directories out to the aulutcrlb
era naa been turned over to the
Hoy Seoul h who vlll be paid by the
telephone company for their aer
The new directory la complete
In every detail with a well compll- .ternatlonal business, with eslali I4 edition several hours. He
ed classified section as an aid and llshlng a monopoly. The still l4 cause of the press trouble It
gnlde to patrons. Several colored Jbroughl. counsel for Mr. Kessen l4 was Impossible to print any 4
advertising inserts adds to the ap- den explained, under the provisions of the regular edition until
pearance of the booklet. of the Sherman anil-trust art andi4 very late In the evening, so
All information and material the Clayton art. ! that the msll trains both
was prepared under the personal) Fessenden, who lists 3 patents jO north and south were mls'cd
direction of Mr. Farrlngton. ilsrgely concerned wllh radio an-l4 and tha city routes were left
n..... D...I. u -
Wrings reOOtar Mere
A tmrkload of ripe oranges,
brought np from California, appear-
ed on the streets here today and
Ihe fruit was sold out In bucket
lois. many people loon advantage
Of the sale, a large amount of the.
fruit rHng disposed of here, lastjrranv and the United Radio Teld
vear I aniornla rrult peddlera fni-
Kiwea ins isms practice ana urn
to mu vguiiuniDiF unm-unr iu
forcing payment of the licenae fee.
A license waa taken out today,
however, before the sale waa commenced.
Irish Free State- Ulster
Boundary Jntact;British
Debt Lifted Off Former
(AaorUt-d Pre- Lt-4 Wire.)
LONDON, Dec, 4. An agree
ment reached by the Irish Free
State and Ulster on the trouble
some boundary question provides
that the old line between Ulster
and the Free State ahall remain
The Free State will receive no
additional territory. It will be ab
solved from paying a portion of
Great Britain's war debts, but will
assume the costs of compensation
tor damage to property In Ireland
during the recent disturbances
and increase the compensation ten
per cent
Criticism of Enforcement
Record Puts Liquor .
Issue to Fore in
(A-ex-Ut-d Ptm LnH Wire.)
WASHINGTON. Dec. 4. Prohl- prohibition agents believe they
bltioa enforcement suddenly has 'have smashed the most powerful
taken Ita place among the out-1 smuggling syndicate on the
standing public Issues that are ax-! Atlantic coast, with the arrest or
Hating Washington on the eve of '19 men. Including the alleged head
the convening of congress. jof the ring, William Dwyer. wide
Aroused by the cumulative force ' sportsman and race
of a long aeries of events, ranging
rrom General Andrews reverberat-l ."" "-y nntr, unn-
lng shake-up of the prohibition tin-1 co,at w-rdsmen lavishly with
It to a row over local enforcement mnn nd wine women and
methods In the national capital, l""5' operated a fleet of IS or
both weta and drys are again com-1 ""J"" ' off the coast and do
ing Into action for another round tom.rl an elaborate system of
of the old debate over liquor.
On top of an attack by the drysjto m)inon, of doiUn, annuaiy.
on the preaent prohibition regime. all ni,mh,r, o( , c0t
two wet member, of congress -to-jVce. among the prisoners gathered
day renewed their attempt to force jn yesterday after six months In
a change and one of them. Repre-jTP9t,aton Thpy Uee four,
Bentative Dyer, republican. Mis- tlal.
souri, said be would ask the new The rnnndMn rfe.nrlh. it,-.
congress for outright repeal of the
Volstead Act. jtion." was still under way today
A large section of the drys are with 24 federal warrants waiting to
seeking to narrow down respomd-ibe served.
billty for the conditions of which j Dwyer. part owner of the Monnt
thev . comDlsin. but thev are notiRoval race track In Montreal ami
ine oianie aireciiv on me aoorsiep i incinnsit. was released on s.o.ihh.
of President Coolldge. ball after he had denied the
The Methodist board of temper- ch-fges.
ance and public morals, todav dls-! Tne lrt began when 82 prohl
sentlng from' the round robin of . bltlon agents. ( deputy United
complaint sent the president ves-!s,at'" marshals and seven pollce-
. i l . I men roldeil a rin.on nine.. In V'n
Izatlons, and Mrs Ella A Boole
I , p,,d(,nt of ,
Wom-n., CM'gilRn Temperance
"" " ' "'"-
i Coolldg. the union
,-,.1,1 ,.m t..n.ij .nn.imnn i nr in nnnorr nr rortain-
port In hia enforcement efforts.
The brickbats that have aalled
Into enforcement headquarters
from the wet camp within tlit last
?4 houra include a complaint bv
Representative Galllvan, democrat, '
MnHnafihusetts, that ft prohibition
agent spent $l,f)00 And ned liquor
plentifully to trap the hotel em
ployes here and secure their ar
rent for prohibition violations.
Representative pver did not go
Into details about his plan for an
entirety new prohibition deal. butnnfl ,rif.- htHln rOW hoftti
said he would seek to substitute i Wft mot0r hosts and a service
ror me vnisrea aci a law or more
liberal pro v I i on s.
fAanrUlnl Vtrm txxml Wlm.)
riOSTON, Dec. 4. Damages of
J20.n"0.0flC are asked In a hill of
complaint filed In federal court 4
here today by Reginald A. Fcsmn
den of Newton, inventor and selin-l4
list, in which he rhsruea eight ror-l
poratlons doing a national and In
pllanres held by him. asserts than
'leneral Klectrlc company, the'
R.dln Cnrnnrallnn nl Im.rl-. Ihe I
i American Telephone and Telegraph
companv. the Western Klectrlc
comnanv. Inc., the United Fruit The management desires to
.company, the Wirelesa SnertalliMw express i. thank for the
Apparatus company, the Westing
house Kltre Vannfarttlrln emn-l
irapb comnany have formed a com-
hlnstlon In restraint
through which he h
damages amounting to S2n
Under the prnvlAws of th
w, 11 is ciaimcn, ne may ronrci .
Itluloe that amount. r
The northern government ob
tains the transfer to the Ulster
parliament of the powers hereto
fore Invested In the council of Ire
land. The agreement Is subject to rat
ification by the British parliament
and the Dall Elreann. Just what
reception It will receive In the
Free State and In Ulster remains
to be seen. Advices from Dublin
say that the Free State ministers
must satisfy the Dail that they
have made 'the best possible bar
gain. The Hall has been adjourned
until next Tuesday so that the
question can not come before It un
til then.
6 Members of Coast Guard
: Included in Haul That "
Stops Traffic From
Eighteen Ships.
NEW YORK. Dec. 4. Federal
mS? own,'1r' ... .
I, , ,,,, Dmn. wnnlle
"greatest In the history of nrohlhl-
lof the Cnnev Island race track In
. , ., . .
l,(,r "a inng isiann. reoerai
! Attorney Bnckner said the raid
.had practically smsshed the ring.
. r0""t 0,"ClRl" ,n W"n"
"" said thev had known for
i irwi, out una noi inierierfa
hfv wptp a nx. mm in (clv Mr.
P'-rkncr hnd hn rr hoc a
chan cp nt the "mn lifRhpr up."
PORTLANO. 0e.. Tec. 4.
Two Cimimnnd ..rnllons of moon
shine' ai.nrnvf mninlv plu-ht nr
i boat were seized and three men
; were arresfrt by customs officers
jher laut nlcht.
The nelfire in the blggent ev-r
;msde on the river, customs nffl
!cfnl say.
! The man ar"eted gave thetr
names rh llnrnld 'tertnens. Frank
Cp-er end Kd McCov.
The seizure was mode at Sup-
, ple' dock.
! Watching from the darkneft
I the officer, saw the scow towed
In. Then thev hcgitn to function.
The. moonshine wax of high
nrnof, nil hottlnd and sacked and
tdv for delivery.
i4 Till ItNDAV l:lil'l'lov lath
The Ncw-Itevlew greatly
regrets that difficulties sutl
trouble In the mcclmnleal de-
to partment delaved Inst nisht'a
undelivered nntll sfter :0i 4l
p. m. Kvery possible effort
Waa mad. In ..innl. A
! to the subscribers as soon as
could be done.
-i4 patience of Ita subscribers.
Hundreds, nf neon I e called
tha office to learn the rea-
irmed a com-! son for Ihe dWsy, many of
t of frede'4 them erjresr.iiig their re
as suffered ;4 grets. all were rotirte-
oaa in their acceptance
the situation.
Borah Fight World Court,
"Mussolini" Dawes Is
- Menacing Senate.
Regulars Beseech Coolidge
to Sanction Welcome to
Progressives Once
Given the Boot.
(A-ncUtnl Prna Lesml Win.)
WASHINGTON. Dec. 4. Wllh
the senate republican conference
called for tomorrow and the La Fol-
lette Issue atlll troubling party
leadore, the pre-convenlng atmos
phere of the new congress today
was keying up (or the gavel fall
on Monday.
Republican leaders In the senate
still faced an uncertain situation In
their efforts to hare the party con
ference tomorrow recognize, with
out Issue, the republicanism of 8en
atorelect Iji Follette of Wisconsin.
Senator Mutter of Massachusetts.
chairman of the Ttepubliran Na
tional Committee, la one of a num
ber of senators apparently not yet
convinced that the plan to treat
the Wisconsin senator as a party
regular Is warranted by his speech
es In his recent campaign.
A Partisan Volley.
The first political gun of the sea
son has been fired by Senator Pat
Harrison, democrat, Mississippi,
who declares In a formal state
ment that -the ''long vacation In
which the President has been per
mitted to exploit himself and the
misdeeds or the administration Is
now at an end."
"In the coming , congress," . ho
said, "an accounting will be de
manded and the people shall know
the hypocritical manner In which
the government has been adminis
tered during the year.
"What a spectacle Is presented
In the house and senate! In the
one, the leadership Is not yet de
termined whether recalcitrant pro
gressives are to receive committee
csslgnmenls and In the other the
same political musketeers Wat
son. Ernst and Cummlngs who
were most vociferous In reading
Iji Follette, I.adil and Drockhart
out of the partv, are now holding
pilgrimages to the White House
Imploring presidential sanction to
welcome them back Into the fold.
'The republican party enters the
coming congress In fesr and
trembling. Wllh Borah as Its lead
er In foreign affairs, challenging
the administration's position wllh
reference to the World Court, and
Dawea, the Mussolini of American
politics, tbrcstens Invasion and de
struction to those of his political
fsllh who dure oppose his senator
ial reform views, the poor old re
publican party Is In for rough sle
ding and a hard time."
M--I.I..I lva t,-, wire.)
WASIIINtlTON, Dec. 4. An ap
peal to INii'e Hits XI for moral
Unix"! if "civil authority" In the
United Stale was made nubile to
day hv the United Committees for
t.rnhihltlon enforcement, ntsde up
of a number of Catholic and Protes
tant reform organisations.
In a letter to the Vatican the
chairman of the committee. Clinton
N. Howard, referred both to prohi
bition and Ihe Ktl King Klan. He
said the npposl had been "author
ized and atmroved-' hv the com
'mlttee. which yesterday sent to the
White House a communication ap
pealing to President Coollilge for
better prohibition enforcement.
The letter addressed to Pope
Plus declared there hsd been many
evidences of the pontiff's apprecia
tion of American Idealism Mr. How
ard continued thst "as a friend of
Catholics" he desired tn call atten
tion to the attitude of 'sn many
Catholics" tnwsrd prohibition. This
altitude, he said, "has created a
great deal of opposition to Utn
Catholic church, and did much to
call Into existence the Ku Kltix
I 0r- Marcsll Hr
! Dr. Msrce nf Portland, spent
Ial night In this city on his way
south to California where he ex
pects to establish several branch
agencies for his radium ore min
eral. Dr: snsrcell recently had an
encounter with his pet bear when
he endeavored to teach the animal
a few tricks. Tlie frar tnrid on
him a SQond time Wednesday and
as a rennir the doctor has decide. I
Iio irea
.to treat his fsmllv and neighbors
w bear ateaks on Christmas.
.. .. .z r .. :
(AMOcuirci rnm lmmi wir,.)
application for a rehearing In 4
the case of Congressman John
4 V. , Langley, of Kentucky.
convicted on charges of hav-
conspired to violate the Vol-
atead law, was denied by the
4 United States circuit court of
4 appeala here today. Langley
la under sentence of two years
In the Atlanta penitentiary.
4 Langley waa sentenced In 4
May, 1924, by Judge A. M. J.
Cochran In the federal district 4
court at Covington. Ky. Tha
.conspiracy Involved alleged re- a
4 moval of 1400 cases of whls- 4
key from the Belle of Ander-
4 son distillery of Lawrence-
burg. Ky.
Milton Llpsrhut. rhlladet-
4 phla. was convicted with
Langley and also was sen- 4
4 fenced to two years In the At- 4
lanta penitentiary. . 4
The conviction of Langley
and Llpschiits waa affirmed
4 by the United States circuit 4
court of appeals recently.
Langley filed a. motion for a
4 reheating which was denied
4 today. .
Mother of Fourteen Chil
dren Passes Away This
Morning at the Age
of 80 Years. .
Sarah Kllcabeth Agee. one of
Roseburg's best known pioneer wo
men, passed away this morning af
ter an Illness which has extended
over a period of three weeks, Mrs.
Agee, who would have been SO
years of age, on the 2ihK of thla
month, had enjoyed fairly good
health until about three months
ago when the Infirmities of her age
made her a victim to the ailment
which finally ended In her death
this rooming shortly afl'r , 9
o'clock. '
Mra. Agee was born tn DcCab.
Missouri, on December 20, 1H45. In
the year of 1852 aha. came to Ore
gon with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
William Lady, and aettled near
Sheridan in Yamhill county. There
she waa married to Benjamin
Coata Agee, who died In this city
on January of l2n. She and her
husband came to Douglas county In
1X62 and her hnaie has been made:
In this locality Since that time.
She was the mother of 14 child
ren, two of whom died In infancy, j
All of the surviving children, ex
cept two. were with her at the
time death occurred. Oscar Agee,
who Is In Alaska, could not be lo
cated to be notified of his moth
er's Illness. Mrs. C. J. Kurti, of
San Diego, was unable to come to
Itosebttrg at this time. The surviv
ing children are Oscar of .Alaska,
Roland of Portland, Norman of Kit
gene. Miles of Roseburg, Mrs. W.
K. Cochran of Portland, Millie
Agee of Itoseburg, Mra. C. J. Hurts,
San Diego, Aher of Roseburg, Mra.
K. A. Kurls. of Salem, Fred. Karl
and Klmer all of Roseburg.
The funeral services will be
held on Sunday afternoon at 2 p.
m. at the chattel of the Roseburg
Undertaking company. Rev. Cald
well will officiate. Interment will
take place In the Civil Ilend ceme
tery. . - i
$250,000 DAMAGE
lAMncllitM Pra (aJ Wlr.)
YAZOO CITY, Miss., tier. 4.
Two negro women were kllbil and
between 20 and 30 persons Injured
when a tornado dipped Into the
city from the northwest today,
blowing down 50 homes and caus
ing a protierty loss estimate at
morn than a quarter of a million
A large number of residences
were badly damaged while tele
phone and telegraph rnimniinlca.
lion was destroyed for several
The situation was aggravated by
a deluge of rain that flooded the
KUTTAWA. Ky. 'lice. 4 A
windstorm of tornado proportions
struck Lynns county this morning
blowing down sevcrsl homes, un
roofing numerous buildings and
uprooting treea and telephone and
telegraph lines. No one was In
jured Insofar as Is known. Damage
ntnounted to several thousand dol
KLAMATH FAI I.S. Ore.. Dee. 4.
Tnm O'Connor and Harry Davis,
found guilty In circuit court nf op
erating a moonshine still, were to
dav sentenced to twoears In the
stale penlleellarv. Sentence was
Impos'-d by Clrrult Judge A. L.
blaze m Mine
Colorado Rescue Worker
Brave Fiery .Tunnel
to Reach Them.
Miners Believed Overcome
by Density of Smoke '
Which Prevents. ' ,
Prompt Help.
' DENVER, Colo., Dec. 4. Of- ' .
flrlals of the Falrvlew Mining .
Company announced at 1 o'clock 1
today that the fire in tha com- ''
pany'a sliver, gold and lead mine
near Nederland, Colo., bad been
extinguished, but the , force of ,
miners in the workings still la
The fire burned the timbering
at the entrance of the nine wnd '
the passage way Is blocked. Th
work of clearing the entry was
begun at once. ' - .
BOULDER. Colo.. Dec. 4. Be
tween 20 and 30 men were lm- -prisoned
in the Cardinal Tunnel,
a property worked by the Fair
view Mining Company, by -fire -that
broke out In tha workings
early today. The mine la located
20 miles west of here..
' Six rescue crewa. equipped with .
pulmotora and other equipment,
left here for the scene.
Mine officials said that ! they j
feared the Imprisoned men were
unconscious from the heavy smoke '
that la pouring from the mouth
ot the tunnel and that has pre- .
vtAed "workers, 'wher -were? not"'
equipped with masks, from enter- .
Inv hm wnrlfln.1
' The telephone operator at Ne-1'
ilerland, the nearest town to the-:
mine, said she received fnfornia-'v
Hon that between twenty- and!
thirty miners were entrapped tn J
the mine. She did not know at.
what level the miners were work--'
lng when the fire broke out. '
Two I'lllcs Rush Aid.
The Moulder fire department
arrived at the mine late thla fore--noon
and donned amoke masks to"
enter the workings In In effort,
to extinguish 4he flames.
The Nederland telephone opera
tor said her Information waa that
no gas explosion preceded the 1
fire and that mine company offi
ciate believed the 1 hitnera Were -safe.
1 The slate coal mine Inspectors
department of Denver dispatcher,
rescue morkers from Ronlrlef and
Denver. '
Kvery able bodied man In tha 1
little town of Nederland went ttx
Ihe month of the mine to offer
nsslsliince. Practically every mart
in the town Is connected wlth-4he
mining Industry and a number of
volunteers . are experienced, . In
mine rescue work. .
On HtNt-Koot Level. ' ' j'
DENVER. Colo.. Dec. 4. 'Alt-
proximately twenty-five miner '
were entrapped bv the fire In the .
eonl mine nf the Fslrvlew Mining
.:ninpany near cieneriann, in ine
opinon oi .llllill r.. nrrRrru, "
sldent of the company, which baa'
lln offices here. The men. he be
lieved, have a good chance of
being saved, as they were working
on ihe Hii -font level of the main
lunnel. The fire started In the
compressor room at the main
tunnel portal and has destroyed '
jibe compressor and air fan sys
tem. I The reports which Itergren re
tcelved at 11 o'clock Indicated that
the fire had been brought nnder .
PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. -4. The 1
Oregonian today cerebrated - Ita '
7'lh anniversary with a special i
program and dinner In the Audi-
torltim at which early residents of
ihe Northwest, and particularly:
j subscribers of the paper, were ;
I guests. . "
' IllMhop W. C. Shepard delivered: -'the
Invocation. Mrs. . Henry W. ;
! Melrger sang and Professor Ed,
'mond S. Meany of the University .
;or Washington spoke. Edgar - B. .
Piper, editor of the Oregonian, who .
'presided, made the opening ad-
I dress on the hlslorv of the paper.
A dinner for 1500 guests, with .
program, was the closing event.
IThe Oregontsn was founded Tie-
ceniher 4. 1r.O by Thomas J. Dry.,
er and In 1W0 was acquired by the
(late Henrv L. Plttock, who wan '
jldentirted with the paner for M
veers. From WS until bis death
'In 1010. Harvey W. Scott was axil-r
I tor of the Oregonian. He warn
siwceeded as edlur by Edgar B.
. ti I