isivsvL.. J TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, Tl 1UKSDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1 925. .itijrfiixtitiiirtiiiiii: Rainy Weather ..Time to figure up a little. How much have you j lost by just buying wherever you happen to be? Get the habit of "teeing us first." We buy for you and sell for you. It we haven't what you want we can usually get it at a saving. Flour $1.80, $2.10, $2.20 Remember IT'S GUARANTEED. "SANDY" By ELENORE MEHERIN New Bain Wagon Gear $125.00 New 350-lb. Cream Separator $45.00 See Us First, We Can Save You Money. FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE HOttfcBUKG OAKLAND X dress. Thanks for tho picture." She folded this page with reliic taut slowness, title remembered UU iiulut when bu -aid; "I love you. I'm not going to forget you. Tills la love, Sandy, i know." WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN THE STORY SO FAR Sandy McNeil, forced by bur im poverished lauilly into u loveless mairlage wltb Ben Murillo. a rich Italian, lacriflcei bur love lor TUu tny, a childhood sweetheart. Fre quent (luarrcia follow. A ton la born, dying almost Imn ,iii,.i ooeaing some escape. Sandy ap-! ... e Peals to bur Uncle Hob, wbo en-1 She folded It llowly, thinking ii.1";r lu u,kB a Hnolulu nip "He'll write again! ' sue want wllh ber mother. There sbu tnucts ud bin) to "rite anyway. Kaniou n unii, who sates ner nie I She thought oi the envelope at in the sun. He bouids the same efurillo s piate the lock on the aleamer home and during tue vu- mail' box. Even Judith s letters age declares bis love. At home would be opened! Sandy tells Munllu she must be Standing in the little store, the freed. He deviates he will never tablet resting on the counter, San release her. Later he interceuiai . dy mined th.s thought over nn.i OPENING DAYS OF ,,. OKLAHOMA STRIP IS ELKS, ATTENTION ENACTED AT KIMBERLY The Marsbfield lodge wJJ KIMBERLEY, Dec. 3 (A P ) be unable to visit Koseburg 4 Scenes similar to those enacted In lodge us announced, on Dec. Oklahoma when the strip" was w am, .uu me special meeting tniowu open tor settlement, have km mat uaie nas ueen post- poued. 4 SECRETARY. ELKS, ATTENTION been witnessed repeatedly in dif remit parts of the South African diamond districts within the last ten months on grounds which hcre- loioro had been considered barren. There are thousands of persons I W m tfc South Scua, tuis pliuto ho have become nomads wan-1 sounds au enUteiy new uoic I UlU- The Marsufleld lodge will be unauie to visit iloseuuig a1 9 louse as announced, on jjisu. jiu, anu tue special meeung lor tnal uaie nas OevU post- v poued. vp SECRETARY. dering about the country and gagb-ig in every rush possible to I stake out claims at the opening ot diamond diggings such as took place some weeas ago at Oerson aaiaal near Bioemboi. '1 be race, as in uaiaiioma, is made on loot, uy men and women on horseback while others tollow up in the rear wuh their "covered wagons," oiouud permitting, to lurnisu the aiajuoud se-.-aeis wuu supplies, me area to he slaked out is proclaimed by the government, us in me llieratuie anu uun plctUies. in ihe roie of Tamea, the hail caste island piiiiceas, .vuua BtaW an appears in a cuuiucic.iaLiua u,uiuuBsij suiteu to ner eucnani ing peisouaut.v a porta ay svj wuicu cans lor uiaii) pnaocs oi uranianc mauaiij, vumu ,Min comedy situ ations. Bert Lylell plays opposite Miss Stewart in the role or Dan I'liichaid. ANTLERS The tremenuous euibusiasui "The DONALD PARKER Concert and Teacher it' .it . miti Advanced Pupils hccL-pleti. High School oremu fciviiu. 218 So. Juckuuu, across frouj Kuhlhagtm Apartment olii;j.4i IMVKItSlTY IMS I kISK j I, .svt AU. (AtmtfCUlllM i'iLk LoMJKii Wilt.) Dr. Rupert A. Moon E lectrn.C hi ropr actor Nerre and Spine Specialist. 209 Perkins Mdg. Phone 664 KUOENV, Ore., Dec. ... With the ajipearuncu ul Roy Oktjrbtry, urtL ii-ur'a varsity teniur on the L-nivormly oi Ort-guu buKtabaJl eam, prospects aro very bi Igut iur auutuer taut and hard playiug aKreKaUua p buup slais ibis seaou. Okerburg wan high poiul muu ol tliu aNuriJiwesL cuniereice I iaai year, and was one ot the best j Lip-oil men m the couureucu. Thirty tivu asplrauis tor the team aro out this NIMD, ftu A letter irom Bamoa BMUlr, CHAPTER 40 "What lime is it, .-undy','" 'Six o'clock." "Six o clock." "Days getaiug short." 'October, uioilnr. Thev alarava do, you know. Vou look so lovely luda), l.-abel." Mrs. .McNeil, propped by the pillows, the solt gray nair In damp nugieis aiiout ner temples, kept her eyes closed. XMTI (QIUMUd ! yourself." ii ' it i it unsiiL no lon ger write to her.' The linage oi the torn envelope that pelicd. lie was going to open all her letters. He wanted ber to know he was doing thia Would he, though! She decid ed BWUUy. She went out hotly flushed to the eyes. She went. In ; the post oftice and rented a box. She said lo her. -ell. "I'll drop jjude a line und tell her." Her thought answered: "You're not doing u tor Judith. Don't kid -ai.y alter oonie lucky prospector l'ouy r-xpuss" has moused irom under the lid "Sandy you Hunk I'm get ling better ; ' "Ob, jou arc! You'll ho cook ing ihe turkey again Thanksgiv ing " "Lean down. If 1 " The kind, suit lips twitched. Now Hie le.ic. ran . i "It t ... i letter men from last years varsity, I tor you'll keep ' your prom! i ! Her ejes wide otien now. lurk- "Drugleia Hralth Center" Dr. Ham. on Folk Dr. Catherine MerJeil Chiropractic and Electro Therapy Thompson Mineral Vapor Baths 327 W. Cass Phone 491 which lost to U. A. C. in ibo nual game of liiu ihree-coutesi play off aeries to determine the chaui- , piousuip ot tne northern huchoii of the coast contereuce, ate in- eluded ill the lisL The letter men back aro Oker berg; llobsan, lorward; QilleAW 1 lets, t and (iunther, guards; and "Swede ' V e.:teigreu, lasL year s all-coast guard. Kiunnki, Keynuids and Harri son are the most likely candidates uuioug the new men. ing wuu terror, pleading. Sandy tried hard not to meet them. She uiougni. sues ding: She cold und m dark knows it. She s allaid of it." :n. She pretended not to hear. .-lie walked down to the water out on ihe pier. A year and a half since those April nights when 'i'i in in ; bad snlspereq w ith such hoyish fervor: "(lee. Handy, 1 love you so:" Dear Tlinniy, so sweet and so young. Bui Sundv was not young now. She felt old dear, happy, careless things, and hard shoved away those A yacht swayed on the gloom waters. The waters looked so Thia was the Her mother luaaea a uiscoveiy oi traces ot tne precious stones. Then ihe race ol I ino diggers begins. Claima are staked and a new town appears. The disappointment ol tue dia mond diggers has been great. At most but two per cent of the men muhe a stake, and in most cases a lortuue slips through the niin 1 1 s lingers through uruik, gam ming and sordid living, uuly is per cent make a decent living, lo per cent, sume kind of a living' and yuite w per cent sink into in creasing distress, said au investi gating committee. Ibo Woodcraft Thimble Club menu the epl win uom a cookcu tood and uprou evoked, .-.ale, Saturday, Dec 5 at McKean, luioy and Baldwin's. Circle mem bers are kindly asked to donate. UllOUgbout Ibe counlly is convlUc ing evidence uial James iltue, ine j director, has remixed his aumiuon io make a new iunu oi moiiuu pic ture what he terms the "nislurlcal reality" as opposed lu the conven tional "hisiuncal romance." "it was my idea," admitted Cruze, 'io have 'The pan) Express,' like 'The Covered Wagon," hisior icalij correct. By thai 1 mean nut only correct as to the clothes worn ami the locale of the scenes, bui coneci in spirit, in atmosphere and in historical events.'' And thai he has succeeded in ac complishing lhat very thing is at tested lo by the laudatory com- pioduciiuu has Kodaks Always Popular r r - ' We carry a wide range of styles in Eastman Kodaks, and they make most desirable gifts. Prices from $5 up CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Iron Mongers Classified Section ALL NEW ADS ON BACK PAGE. w thought that was right. She should leel quiet and cold al pulllng ways. M ? sijMsss' 5 I fOK W RPtV I I f .c.n.i mi n An on-- I B On mic ic end rvivO I Her mother's eyes wer. her. These wide-open, frightened eyes had hold of her like hands. "Yes 1 11 keep It." . "And If- 1 go? Sandy ' "I'll keep it." Isabel Mailed. Sandy turned her hmuil ..iiii.lilv -tin j ok.- ..... TV.n' n.i. nit n-.l -I .. anut.unetl. )iie ICIl v-- -"i"i c hoked. Christmas announcements until the got tell that hands rose In the last minute. 1-lace your order now guthuiiiig darkness. They rose so that your work can bo given 1 with flat, open palms and pree ed ..... t.t,i,. vuti .tint see uui ttgaillSl IleT. mII .....I 1) it line ot both engraved and printed I She touched her fingers against ' on - h ' T, ' . , C ' k . "V.' her blouse. A telegram was hid-; sinewy hands 'pressing on hers. ' den there. It had come ten nun- .she trembled and iried to push Utes ugo. .Not opened vet. She v 1... . i... , ki It .. .1 .. . .1.. , , .. HWHSMI lltlU IIU1II liei. v uu..., w open h. rromj Hut ivauion. oae waiieu tor Alices coming. . . walled choking and " -l liling with huspi II e She heard herself repeating "I promise. Yes. Ml keep It. ' Hound lu this whether Isabel lived or died. it made her shudder to keen re peating this, it made ber breath les wlih kot, speechless revolt. She wouldn't keep the promise Yea, -he would! -So. It wouldn't be kept : And she suddenly pictured her Here's the Way to Heal Rupture Marvelous Self-Home-Treatment Tnat Anyone Can Use On Any rlupture, Large or Small. FOR SALE the announcements. News-ltevlew Ex clusive Job ruining DepanmenL TH YE DOWNS BURNS. MNAnoii-- r ivvSC its: end ftD I.I W W W M The womenfolk of this town are mighty well pleased with the sanitary methods used by us. They know that It Is a protec tion for their health and the health of their families (lo let us do their laundry work. Let us do yours. Roseburg Steam Laundry PHONE! 71 (AMiK'lati-il 1-riH Ususd Wlrr.) PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 3 Ted Tbye, Portland light heavyweight wrestler, took two straight falls lioin r'rauk Uurns, Flint, Mich., area tier In re last night. Thyu won the lust fall in 31 minutes, 30 sec cuds with uu urm scissors and the second fall lu five minutes, tlfieen seconds with the same hold. Snappy line of both engraved and j printed announcements at reason able prices at News-He view olflce. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WILL CHANGE LINE-UP FOR O. A. C. all evening It remained She looked over the kodak pic tures. One of him on the anil I hininl )triti..,t,l I ...... 1. 1 .. tik.. it,., t. . i..-. u. -.i- .. ' .... oue m l looaea at tnein until the ine Hiapeviiies silting on the bench tearing softly at tliu yel- I low envelope. In the morning she had wired; won't write again. Hi Largest Slock of Good Used Chevrolet and Fords in Roseburg We Will Sell on EASY TERMS Hansen Chevrolet Co. Phone 416 (Associated Vmm I . .v l Wire ) l.OS ANtiULKS, Dec. 3 The l u- lverslty of Southern vursily bllca. tield will undoubleilly present a changed appearance In Ihe g un with Oregon Agiiculiuial CoP.ego Saturday from that seen by toot. j ball fans In Ihu lust four nui s t flayed by the Trojans. Two broken toes suffered hv I Honey Earle will keep Uio hail' back star on thu bench. With Hen- 1 ry Li ii bvi e. Id good shape for the fullback berth, It was indicated to day lhat .Manuel Jjiraneta will fill Ka lie's position with Motley Unity at left halt mid Illll Cook at quar ter. in the event either of his bait backs fall Saturday, t each Howard Junes will shove in Newton Siat:., end, whom he has been grooming for several days. in Dee. 7th and lib Mrs Rosbo and her students will olfer for sale ut very reasonable prices a variety of Christinas gilts done during the year In thu studio. Theie w.ll be paintings, parchment shinies fur bod lamps, boudoir and floor tamp . book ends, caudle sticks, ltn burners, lesso decorated boo- featnres re graven on her mind. Then she knelt at the fireplace and burned them all. She tli.Migbt nitti ,. ,..,.i, ' . t it.tiit.tiii,, . .iits iiiuves us au .7" . ,, ., "UCll BUIl IIUI.-llill. II .," " " ,. 1 told him not to. ..vie nna ine answer: ICS. Sent jou u sketch ot the Pall at 'wito lua: Mr, atOrtllO got a iiic- message except title 'Where Ilea- lur0 , , ma ,)ll3 ThT w" v , l he in. ii was all. No signature. ,1m witi, n .imps, i.i wuu worus ol love I she had dreaded. HorUlO had been I eiieaieu. svue icaileil tliu k eX- I hauMed and unnerrad. She i i all over the house lor the etching. Finally she raid He put It in She leaned back wall hlng tho 1 sunset sky. She felt her mother s hands her mother's eyes in that: moment of fright and pleading. And then shil felt other cm -They were limnon's, filled Wttb yearning and anguish as he lilted I her from Ihe water. . as she' j lay in his arms, Hunting down a I sea of I lowers. And then wore his eyes the ; night she clasped her hands about I his neck, druw his lace tu hers. 1 kissed him. Her mind recreated the scene - made her warm and restless. I And suddenly ready to cry with loneliness. Her mind recreate, I the ne uu nt . took her out on the hip ender the starless sky. T he warmth ot his clasp, the sweetness ut their ! breaths mingling She took a leaf Item the vine. ' Uealltllul leaVea, changing' color now. dappled vcllh scarlet und sil ver. Winter coming- -the touch of winter in the breeze, s Iv let Hie leal drop from her filigeis. Mild lo herself iniic-lil use almon d at Ihe w.ii null and re t and lesslless ' I t.r,uii U...I Ii ..II wall plmpics. This display and aale I settled now." will bi' held In the studio rooms. ' Ittil aha ... .,. . 1 Hemline Conservatory. I S tori on Ibe viae Soma shl. Iioilgllt a tablet and peln li. scrib bling a note: "llurauu --- HonT write to mo again. Please. My mother Is III. Don't send another letter lo my bo I wish we were back on the IslaiuK A hundred venrs l nun now 1 may see vou again down I there Summer is over now The grapevines are all in iiiitutnu Hall's Catarrh Medicine :c"cf.r t It rid your nyitcm of Catarrh or Deaf, neu cio-.-i by Catarrh. 5iW hr sVf rvli fot iw 40 rmn F.J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo. Ohio k null picture pocket." Since their unarrel. Muiillo , didn't dine at home. Sometiuiea he remained away all night. At these times Ida watched Sandy with that peculiar angry eompaa j sion on her broad, stolid face. 1 Several limes she started lo speak, 'then shook her head, became sul len. The dav .liter Kalinin's telegram and her answer Sandy was in the kitchen prepurlng her moihcr'a lunch The phone rung. Luckily Alice was sleeping. It was a long distance call Irom Sun I'ranclsco. A girl asked, "la Mrs. Sand) Murlllo there I wish to speak with her dllectly." "This is she." 'Then wait a moment." It was he. She tell crowded oppreeied shivering and gliuj. Hi- deep, feeeneil voice: "Yog,-: Sand).' I m wilting to you. Where. can I si nil It?" "No don't." "I'm coming down." "No don't.' "Where ran I send a letter:' "llox 172R." ' iloodhy:" Kinging like a song. Paint almosi overcome, .-'.uuly heard her own voice giving that number. She stood at the phone, nerveless, panic-held. "You wane id him to have It." a voice uo cunod. "You got It for him:'' In this way It began. Costs Nothing to Try immured people all over c'tuiury am i the aliuusi iniraculpua resuus or a snupiu .i inou tur ruplure that is oeitia i- area to all wlio write tor it, t Um . i . nupiuie ajateiii is vnv e. Kieaiesl Oiessliigs ever uilereu lo i uj, cured men, women anu eaUdren, u is betas pronouased u.o most sui DeaatUl atailllM ever Uls mvereu, unit mAs,s ine use ot lrusss or supports umieeessai y, .NO mailer tOW Und ine lupiure, how long )u nav nau il, or now uaid lo noiU, no mailer now many amda of treeeaa you nave worn. V iioiaina prevaai you irom aeiiuiK mis TlUfiATaUSlitT'. WheLhal you IhuiK you are punt help or nave a rupture us luigc as y our ilsis. inis marvelous System will so control it anu keep It up insiuu as lo surprise you wuu us mugle lliflueliee. Il will so Help you reatora lite tuns w-lielu llie ruinore comes ttiiuoKii mat soon you win us as iree lo worK ul any occupation aa Ibough you had never oecn rutnurcd. ou can have a free trial of this tpoaaarftu atNaattkeaina prepara tion ny merely waaS your ammt ami aodress lo . MMJLUsUa. . Colllnas llullilloa. Wairr lon, J . aaad no money. Tile trial is free. Write now luilav I. may save tne wearing of a Iruss the re.l of your lite. MAJESTIC "Now or Never," showing tonight at tliir .Majestic theater, presents Harold Lloyd at his funniest and speediest best for three reels of real fun. A pullraan car is the backgiound for laughs that come With everv turn of th.. locumotive's drive wheel. The agile Harold travels under the train, where be has a thrilling fight with a tramp; j on top of the train, giving you a thrill when he comes i-j a tunnel; and ir. the train, where a four-year-old girl left in bis charge causes bim no end of trouble. ADD BRIAND VICTOlt Lourheur Mends Hoise. t Associated 1'rcs I.. .... 1 Wire.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. Sec retary .Mellon has ren ived word from Pittance Minister Loucheur of Prance, expressing hope for early renewal of negotiations for Minding Prance's debt lo the Lull ed Slates. The treasury also has been ad vised that Jugo-Slavia would send a debt funding delegation to Washington within a lew weeks. I The Lntapheuff communication j transmitted through the French embassy here said renewal of tbe j l-'rench negotiations depended lurgely on restoration of the gov- ernmeutal stability. M. Loucheur promised that the American debt would have lirst ! attention after the cabinet bad become firmly established. FOK SALE Guernsey bull. E. C. Bur life, Melrose, Ore. FOIl SALE Dry old growth fir, 3.50. Melton Bros. Phone 14F1G. FOK SALE Any make of rebuilt typewriter on terms like rent. See Mr. Gray at 31U N. Jackson. W ILL SELL or rent dwelling, 1016 corner west 1st street, and 1st avenue. Apply 330 S. Kane St. FOR SALE Good strawberry plants, Gold Dollar variety, $3.50 per M. Dell Wood, Myrtle Creek, Ore. PIANO for rent. Phone 31-F5 FOK KENT 3 lurnlshed house keeping rooms. 104 N. Jackson. Phone 198-Y. FOK KENT- ."erooui modern fully furnished bouse. $36 per mo Call 111 W. 1st Ave. N. ioit KENT' a-room ruruisucd modern house, adults. Phona 471-L. or call 517 S. Sti pbeus. FOIl KEN 1 s iootu hoL.-e. at II; S. Main. Partially lurnlshed. Call at French's Transfer, or i'jl S. Main. FOK SALE SUO head breeding ewes. Write Alex Anderson, Brovvnsboro, Oregon, or phono Med I old 13F33. The ladies nl Evergreen Grange will hold a bazaar and rooked food sal". Including hominy, rnttnge cheese, homemade bread, phkloa, salads, rooked chlrken wlih drone Ing. cake and lues, at Zlglop. Fee's Hardware Store. Sulimlss. " Il rv.i.i.... n : ll I What a dlaappolntmenl to II i I" I have a .-nil lhat looks I. TI IDDV su I flushed and yel has lhat ills- I 1 J DD T I agreeable odoi from beltif II I 7ll el, .int. ..I IV. , . i J I, Il I ZI ' ! , , , it wiihuui tnai dJaappptnt- I y riAveio-rA (AlO But vMtM i ocT ltTrtXA T WOMT 8C GOOD ( "MW- v .IZ. We Call and Deliver I can vwo wnmt FoSiml - I'll vaitA-rS that ) fejg-- nd Deliver. ! VouThmlovc U "fntAT him fcTrvtw P I A UTTTEQ. CODSISJ J J , 7.) ' . ' !'v 'I 0flBCSfittUaVlQ LlbLn I "Flattery," wnich was plcturized by Hi,. Mission Film Coinoiaiiou from the original screen story by II. II. Van Loan for chadwick Pic tures will be the attraction at the Liberty today. The story carries a theme that "strikes borne" to practically every one of us, lor where is there to be found a living mortal who Is not prono to bestow glowing compli ments that often lack sincerity, or who does not sincerely love to bu filled with "blarney " "Flattery" will no doubt bring nn awakening to manv whose course in lile is being affected by idle praise showered upon them by insincere seekers of favor. Its au thor has taken the thread of his screen play from every day life, itid has built around II a vivid and absorbing narrative Uiat subtly ex poena the dangers of fulsome com pitmen t. Plan to do your Christmas shop ping early more advisable tills year than ever before better op portunities for ChrisrniH.s are nniv on display in Crocker's Drug Store. See our windows. FOK SALE Player piano, in good condition. Easy terms. Owner is moving. Act quickly. See J. A, Meredith at 30tU Century Grocery. Full SALE Stumpage, fir, per cord 35c and uec, also New Ore gon strawberry plants per M 3.00 and Ji.oo. Solid cabbage and lancy petite prunes. Liud blom, Dixonville. SEE OUK used cars before you buy; over 30 to choose from 1 11131 Ford touring, starter and good running order $75 1 11)31 Chevrolet J95 i 1321 Dodge touring, cord tires, new paint $295 And 30 others, coupes and se dans. Easy terms, year to pay. HANSEN CilEVKOLET CO. FOK KENT 3-rooin apartment, hot and cold water; electric plate, also wood stove, lnquiru 3U3 West Lane. FOK KENT Two large well fur nished housekeeping rooms. Private front entrance. Close in. 331 S. Main. FOK KENT Kooms upstairs. Bell Sisters Bldg. Suitable lor dress making, hemstitching, marceling, and ottice work. Phone 0tj5. FOIl KENT Six-room house, partly furnished, two blocks east ot East bth street. E. L. niond. WANTED 1 I W ANTED By experienced lady, a position to manage or lease rooming house. Phone 2iS J. FOR RENT 1 FOK KENT Furnished housckeep- ing rooms. 2iti S. ParrotL Full KENT - Garage at 3111 B. Pine. Inquire at 330 East Lane. FOB KENT Furnished room, downstairs. Outside entrance; heal. Phone 36S-Y. W AN 1 ED Second hand typewrit er. Must he in good condition. John Abeeue, Oakland, Oregon. 1 , t... vva,xit.u mgncst niaraei prices paid. Wilson Tire Shop, opposite News-Keview, Bring or ship to B. F. Shields. LOST AND FOUND I 1 For sandwiches or toast or dressing Oregon Bakery's Bread is sure a blessing. When you have It on the shelf, It is half tbe meal Itself. Oregon Bakery 231 N. Jackson St GEAR CUTTING Our Shops are Equipped to turn out all kinds of machine work. Repair Worn Done PINE ST. MACHINE SHOP Opposite Flour Mill LOST All electric soldering Iron. E. 11. llufham, Penney s store. LOST Square brown cameo slone from ring. Liberal reward. Leave ut News-Review. FOLND Gold pencil. Owner may have same by identifying it and paying lor this ad. Ncws-Kc-vlew. STKAYEIl from Winston,' flogfpart Airedale, light tan curly hair, long tail. Very timid. Ileward. Mis. G. J. Bacher. Phone 3F4. MISCELLANEOUS I ANTLERS "Niver Ihe Twain Shall Med." Pe ter 11. Kyne's enchanting story of the South Sea Islands, will be shown at the Antlers theater for two days, beginning Friday, accord ing to an announcement made by the management yesterday. Perhaps never In the history of moving pic-lures has there been a story filmed against such gorgeous ly beautiful backgrounds as those which appear In "Never Ihe Twain Shall Meet " Filled with all tho magic and romance associated wi'it r r : r vtw 1 s: - ' 1 1 ,v 11 BULBS QUALITY FIRST Better Prices Than Ever While They Last. THE FERN CAR OWNER Don't forget t sail iu when la need of auu Parts. Saiff's Auto Wrecaina House. At Brand's ROAD STAND Pacific Highway 4 miles north Open Evenings Mways a Fruit, of big assortment Nuts and t'andv YT.S1..L ( C I " lui rt .J;" LI. 11 Announcement A Job for Hawkshaw. By WINNER NOTICE -Marcell's Miiaele MITT- oral can be obtained from Mis. O. W. llubbaid, M3 Miller Si. Pnone 3ta-j. fkltt GROWERS Pruning done by the hour or by the Job by ex perienced pruners. Address, Pru.ier. 703 Fullerton St., or call between 5:3o and 7 p. m. WE WILL LOANinHoseburg""all monies saved with us here. See our display at Story lies', L'nip qua Hotel building. CAMERA AND SA VINT IS IlANr? given tin- to iv civ body starting a savlugs account this week with the Northern Savings and lavan Wo. See our display at stnr. v I'nipqua Hotel Uldg. Da DBala9BEaSap ivur0"ie Voo a 1 tnA or vou 1 i . J tav. IF vtx Mm FA-rci shoes?!; B I Lit k-TT like n vbugsTTei! i U t aaaa M fi NOT CTTTboFRtSH jsivk B I aaaaWr' ! if Vcu MalT Think cOR I ME I'HAiH.tOV . 1 i1 laalT S ! AVNFOL TUFF & " ' I ?, X 1 fsfll ' tPOKOOTTHC 4IB1IV V Jo fi J EE I eix WHEN IN ROSEBURG STOP AT Hotel Umpqua Harry Pearce Aiilo Top Manufacturing U-pairlar Tea and Curtaiaa, I pholstering of all kltirts Tent and Awning Wot k Winchester SL UMPQUA FLORISTS Choice Cut Flowers Flower Shop, 312 N, Jackson Phono 30 Greenhouse, West Roseburg Phone 40T2 WALTER CARPENTER o