ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1925. flk a iri ill ScettotrofBookcascs What co'j!d be more suitable or attractive for displaying rare china Uverware and glassware than this beautiful Sheraton design of G-W Sectional case? And how much more con venient is the receding door to each section I Made In a variety of designs and finishes to match surroundings. We'll be glad to send booklet Every Room in the Home' McKean, Darby & Baldwin Complete Housefurnlshers Roseburg, Ore. LOCAL NEWS From Elgarosa Mrs. E. Kdman. of Elgarose. (pent several hours here yeaterdsy shopping and veiling with, friend. Visitor In Town J. W. WrlKht, Tiller resident, was a business visitor iu thin city yes lerday, spending several hours. On Business D. Kgly. Melroso resident, motor ed here yesterday and transacted business fur several hours. From Sutherlin Mrs. L. i. Mohr and daughter, Metta, of Sutherlin, speiit yesterday afternoon In Koseburg visiting and shopping. Business Visitor Jack Parrott, Camas Valley rancher, motored hero yesterday and transacted business for a few hours ,.! i ' ! ! v l-. " 1 From Glide (. , i S -T &limm'motnred from Clldo yesterday Bad anVati the-afternoon here attending to busluess mat- Miss Flint "Here ' Miss Lllllnn Flint, of Portland, former Roseburg girl, Is spending some time here as the guest of Miss Eva Rice. Business Visitor" O. C. Brown motored from Tlx onville yesterday and spent tho afternoon here attending to busl ness affairs. From Canyonville Alec Worthlngton, Canyonville iiig to see ".Mrs. Bumpstead-Iy-lgh" finest ranges made at lowest prioes. rf.8ldn,BI"nt1,''e,'?rda1y ta . tha Dec. 3. Powell Furniture Co. iclty vlsl lng with friend, and at- tending to business affairs. Tonsil Operation- Mrs, t. S. Hoover of this city. underwent a tonsil' operation this morning. , iMartlmiis Visit I Mr. and Mra. A. J. Martineau, j of Grams Pass, stopped over here 1 last night as guests of Mr. and ! Mrs. W. J. Weaver. Mr. Manin euu is owner of the Hotel Josep-, hlne, and with his wife Is eoroute i to Portland, to attend the Oregon I 'State Hotel Convention, which' meets on Friday and Saturday. ; From Glide . W. E. Chapman. Glide resident. spent the afternoon here attending to business affairs . and visiting with frlunda. Spends Morning ' W. E. Dewey motored from An chor and sient the morning la this city attending to business affairs and trading. "An Insured soldier. Is a better soldier." Ueneral Pershing. And an insured citizen la a better cltlsen. Call 2U3-K and ask for an inter view. Arundel piano tuner. Phone 1-St-L, 1 El WASHINGTON. Dec . Renow ned Inquiry has been made by the M ate Department of Uovernor From Glide .. Pierce of Oregon as to the progress Mrs. Hulh Lilly returned to her! being made of a case arising out home at lilido this afternoon after jof deportation of a group of Jap spending several hours shopping anese some months ago from To- uud visiting here. Visitors Yeaterdnv Mr. and .Mrs. Swearington, of Drain, spent yesterday In this city visiting with lricndB and attend-, ing to business matters. ' ledo. Oregon I The matter was taken up at the nine vim me wiare Department oy the Japanese embassy and Gover nor Pierce, In response to a state department Inquiry, transmitted In formation showing the courts in Oregon were dealing with the mat ter. As nothing further waa heard from the governor after his first Mrs. Calhoun Visits M.r if -a r'uihmin nf Garden Valley, spent several hours here communication was reeeivea nere today shopping and attending to a"'l n ! of further request business mutters ,rom ,he Japanese embassy for In- business uiatltis. formation, another letter to the Oregon executive was forwarded a From Sclo I few days ago. but the State De- N. J. Phillips, uheep buyer or j p,,,,,,,,, hafl mad(, publ(! Scio. arrived here yesterday to either its communication or the re. spend a short time busluess matters. attending to THURSDAY December 3rd, 7:30 P. M. HOTEL ROSE A PSYCHOLOGY DINNER TALK ByDr.R.A.Burge Psycho Analyst Reservations, Phone 622 M usic Why go to Hot Springs, when science has brought the Hot Springs to you? Thompson Mineral Vapor Baths, Drugless Health Cen-j ter, 327 Cass St. Phone 491. From Glendale Howard Lvstnl. Glendale resi dent, was a business visitor In this city yesterday afternoon, spending several hours. Leaves This Morninq ! T. J. Tolly, who has been visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wade for some time, left this morning for La Grande. i Former Resident Here- Mrs. W. E. Carl, former Rose bnrg resilient. Is here from Port land for a few days visiting old friends aud looking after business Interests. "It previously made by Governor Pierce. Additional Information In the de portation incident has been re ceived by the state department Millers Visit- Mr and Mra. Ed Miller of the Hotel Oxford. Grants Pass, were irom tne department or justice, out visitors In this city the first of the ,nl baa not been made public week, and guests of W. J. Weaver. ""'"K "-plr to the last Inquiry Chenowsths Visit SAI.EM. Ore.. Dec. I. Oover- Mr. and Mrs. George Chenoweth nor pierce said today that he had and family, motored from Oak land, and spent several hours here today shopping and transacting business. Miss Graham Returns Home- Miss Vlolette Graham, who has been visiting city during the summer and returned this morning to her home ut Portland. not yet received the communica tion from the slate department at Washington relative to the Japa nese deportation at Toledo, Ore., last rnmmer. "1 do not consider that T have s right to say anything for pub- rtV, ,hllllratlon until the stste denart- rth friends lu this ... ,. ,. ,,. .. ...a ,ho fall, "' " ' " "When I et It I sll make a renlr. to fsr nM of'IrIM com munications bearing on the mat ter have been made public." Enroute to 8alem ' A. M. Stelnback. Salem merca- ant. stopped over here last .night as a guest of the Hotel Terminal. He Is enroute home from a trip to southern points. Cook with taa. Home From Visit . R. H. Maynard. formerly encntr. SSgT!; . pd n ti,e sawmill business at Dll- ' llnrd, who has been visiting at Col i TLsm.LW. lx . vlllp Wnshlnctnn. retutned to K i Roseburg today after an absence J jof a collide of months. 4 Burchards Return From Coast .11 r. HllU lirn. Vifingn nuiuim u. formerly of thin rlty, who bav ! bet a rfnidii.g at Marnhlleld. were her-yewtprday. They i tend lo Tftuin to their iHrin near i SEE US FOR SHINGLES Good Shingles Priced Right Roseburg Lumber & Mfg. Co. Former Resident Here Fred Tolles, of Coqullle, a for mer rosident of this city. Is heroj ior a lew uays vishiiik wiiii uia friends. Mr. Tolles, while residing In this city, operated a paint shop. i. . n tkii.if Uiass for tne winter. Visit Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Purlngton, of Portland, were guests of the Hotel Grand yesterday. Mr. Purlngton Is or the Fairbanks-Morse company. nAd with his wife was enroute to Portland from Coos Bay. QUICK SERVICE Holiday Gifts Delivered j 15C To All Parts of the City $c 1 louse Calls Answered Promptly Phone 61 4 Parcel Delivery PI LlF' lAnv For Port In nd - Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Weaver, of tho Hotel t'nipqun. lf t thin nftnr noon on Shasta 12 for Portland, where Mr. Weaver will attend the Oregon State Convention of hotel men on Friday and Saturday. . E MKPFORD, Ore., Tec. 2 Omar W. Murphy, on trial In the circuit court charged with manslaughter as the result of the death of hla wife last snrlng. following an al leged beating administered as the climax to m family quarrel, was the chkf witness Tuesday and today. That his wife was at a ' The Junior Class cftke Roseburg High School Presents , HRSBUMPSTEAD-LElGtr A Comedy in 3 Acts at the Antlers Theatre Dec. 3, 1925 For sandwiches or toast or drossin Ore (ton Bakery's Dread Is sure a blessinir. Whn you have It on the shelf. It is half the meal Itself. Oregon Bakery 231 N. Jackson St trouble some time of life, nearly fifty years nf ape, that for nearly two yenrs she had been dissatisfied." ioLswego ami mat -argumenis. irequennv i i. u. ir u" inumni m .n i fvir orni rni.r, nsru a, (yesterday afternoon after spending i haunting'' the Murphy home, un (lie day here. Mr. l,eche is sutler-! til the defendant hsd ordered him Intendent of plant of the Ort'gono stay away, "or there would be t Portland Cement company, at Os-1 trouble." weg. and while here made an In- Murphy testified that he "spsnk ispection of the company's quarry. ej nl, W(fe wtn my open hand." jthat she was easily bruised, and Arrive This Mornlng nhat he "never saw the time after Mrs. Joe I)enn and son, who the spanking that she could not have been enjoying a visit with walk and sit up." and thai the dis relatives and friends at Perth Am- colorations from the spanking "had boy, New Jersey, Mrs. Ilenn's for- disappeared In ten days." He also mer home, arrived home "this morn- testified that his wife waa subject lug. They have been absent from to varicose veins, this city about five months. Murphy snld that the quarrel arose on the night of March 31, Dr. Davis and Wife Visit I when Mrs. Murphy had "objected Dr. and Mrs. Paul Davis stopped to him pulling the covers off, and over here last night and this mom- that sn argument had arisen over Ing and visited, on their way to , the Parker boy." Portland from the coast. Dr. Davis' The defendant further fortified was a visitor here about two when he objected to tho Park- wei'hs sgo, when with Dr. R. A. Moon, or this city, ho held clinics, O. C. Baker Unimproved I O. O. llaker, who ia from a severe attack of pleural pneumonia. Is reported to be un- , changed lu condition passed a restless night and clanj pronounce him to be ( rally III. er boy. hla wife had said: "It's none of your business, what I do." Under cross-examination, the eyes of the accused dimmed with suffering l1,Tn ,ne mention of his desd wile in me morpu, luu lie biuui 1 denied the state's question: ( 1 l. .. .. .1 r. . . V. t .. a Vrlln waa today. Hh;.m . veKr. nM jij . 139 N. JACKONST. , PHONE 565 SLAUGHTERED DRESSE 125 Dresses must move. We have for, gotten about the cost to move this quan tity, starting Thursday, December 3, and lasting until every dress is gone. 35 Dresses at . . . . .$ 6.75 25 Dresses at ......... 10.50 25 Dresses at ........ . 15.45 40 Dresses at 24.75 You will find every dress here marked at i price and some at i their cost. This is a real saving sale- take advantage of it. The Ladies' Shoppe - if . ' Pictorial Patterns Phoenix Hose nTiinrirrnTn uni n .'w D uuti a unum FETEIIifDEFH ' The Presbyterlah Aid will hold their aale of fancy work and cook- ed food Thursday, December 8, at MfKean. Darby and Baldwin's Store. Wives sometimes object to life insurance widows never do. (Am elated Fm LmmJ WIN.) ; PULLMAN, Wash., Dec. t. In the face of official disapproval plans went forward today for a "walk out" of the student body of Washington State College tills afternoon in celebration of the Cougars' 17 to 1J football vic tory over Southern California at Los Angeles last Saturday. A committee In charge, declar ed to be headed by Harry Hymon of Seattle, announced It waa ex pected that 2600 of the 1700 stu dents on the campus would ab sent themselves from classes, which were scheduled to be con ducted as usual. A "pep" rally In the college auditorium and two matinee dancea this afternoon were on the program of the re vellers. The team was met by a commit tee of .students this morning at Colfax, - where it atopped tor breakfast, and was given k de monstration upon tta arrival bore later In the forenoon. Classes had been dismissed by the college authorities thla fore noon to permit the welcome. Dr. E. O. Holland, president of the rollege, who Is at Olympla, and Dr. O. L. Walter, vice-president, in charge during Dr. Hollands ab sence, both refused permission for the afternoon holiday. Tidies Sb Sh ' Thm Rf nenpve'a flulld'a bazaar ' Christmas sale will be held at Newland'a garage Saturday, Dee. 6. Tamatea, plum-pud- dings and other cooked foods, also fancy articles will be for sale. . . 1847 Rogers Silverware The best and hardest Silver plate. Guarantee unlimited. Get our. prices 0 ZIGLER-FEE HARDWARE CO. Phone 25 WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR BARGAINS Stndebaker models. bunas no yearly ihl- crili- slap 1 Reserved Seats on Sola at Box Office Beginning Tuesday ADMISSON 50c and 75c 3 J All Patrons" of this stnre appreciate the splendid values we ar offer ing on quality Orocerli-s. Prices are the Tery lowest. Maddox&Vether; Phone 499 Jackson Kf. at Deer Creek Bridge knnV your wife down, and her 7" ' "I never knocked her down In ,mr life." On Dec. 7th and 8th Mrs. Hii-ho H lllw denied the state's Intl and her students will offer for summation that he had thrown Mrs. at very reasonable prices a varlny Murphy out of the house last De of Christmas gifts done during cerehex, "with a boot of your knee." the year in the studio. There Willi Tho witness snld he had "put be paintings, parchment shades for her out playfully," during a dis hed lamps, boudoir and floor lamt. pute. book ends, candle sticks. Incense i burners. Jesso dworated boxes and Wo will loan In Roseburg all wall plaques. This displsy and sale ; monies saved with ns hre. See our will be held in the studio rooms, i display at Story lies', I'mpqua Ho Helnliuo Conservatory. i tel building. KIWANIS COMMITTEE MAKES INSPECTION SCHOOL BUILDINGS The fire and sanitation commit tee oi the Klwanls club, accom panied by Tire Chief Fletcher, went to the Fullerton and high schools today to complete their check of sanitary conditions and of fire prevention and safety pre cautions. They found the children t the Fullerton school especially proficient In their fire drill, evacu ating the building In 47 seconds. The committee will meet on neit Tuesday and will formulate ia complete written report, embody ing a number of recommendations i to the school directors, particularly j regarding a few steps deemed ad visable to Improve sanitary condi tions. WOOL CARDING Your own wool scoured and carded and made Into Batts, Com forters, Mattress l'sds, or Mattreases. Old wool bedding re canted and made over. Good work guaranteed. Prices rea sonable. Wool Malta, Blankets, Comforters. Mattress Pads, and Mattresses sold direct. Good quality and well made bedding. Reasonable prices. Write for prices catalogue. Information or shipping tags. WESTERN EATT & BEDDING CO. Stayton, Oregon ,JTI.I.MMIIWlMI' Travel To STRANGE DISEASE KILLS WASCO STOCK SA f KM. Ore., Dee. 2. Oover- Joe Oenn Returns Joe lienn returned here last night from San Francisco, driving his car, which was stolen shout ten (lav. aim Wtill. Mr llutin na. I i Medford. The car was traced to1"0' Prre Is urged in a letter Sacramento, and when found, the '""" F. B. Kngles. representing . - ..... , i 'l)),(.n , the Wasco County Livestock As- aocinlIPn. in SI." Iliai ruiinii ai-cessorh-s and tools had t, ma,l '.,ii..m..n,. .tih :" '"PPln the spresd i -....... .. . ..- "i a win MARRIED TOOAV James O. Clare and La Verne Frantzen. both of Dlllard, were quietly married this morning at the office of County Judge llulne. The wedding waa attended by only the necessary wlln-sses. The young couple will maae their home at Dlllard where the groom la em ployed as a lumberman. o Cook with gas. the company In which the car was Insured. He stated that ac , cording to reports, the men who. took the car. stnpu'd at filling us ndr that for a year h been killing off the horses. The veterinarians so far have been un sh'e to dlsenoie the disease cor- .A.f1v tw rlnl a rm fnr It. lions In fllfoniland when ! , ,) ,,e nr,i, hr of some fur- nan ine g- isiik rinea. arnve s y;n,n ,r. ,tni,.,t n n,,ih result without paying, and In that mannr , n(; from the malady, they were traced along the line to! 0 Sacramento, where the car was Order your Christmas announce abandoned. While In CallfornlsQIr. . ment" right now and psr for them lienn visited with friends si ,in ! Iny time during December. Newi- Itraucinco over the weeK end. Review oftlce. .10 HtlllKH HAVKD 1lOM FHIE. BP0KANR, Wash., Dee. I. Thirty babies were carried thru clouds nf smoke to safety by Sal vation Army workers when a fire broke out In the lauiflry of the army's home for women here to- uay. me aamage waa sugni. Men's suits cleaned and pressed. '1160. Roseburg Cleaners, phone 147L SAN FRANCISCO ' Loa Angeles and Way Points BY PICKWICK STAGE I Two Schedule Daily Leaving Terminal Hotel 7 A.M. and 3:35 P. M. I One Way Fare to S. F $14.75 1 Round Trip Fare to S.F 29.00 J One Way Fare to L. A 26.60 i Round Trip Fare to L. A 50.00 1$ . ; Two Day to San Francisco and Hire Day to 1 1 Lot Angelet by Pickwick Stage CALL TerminaHotel ' Phone 586, Roieburg, Ore., for Information