Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 01, 1925, Page 7, Image 7

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Rainy Weather
Time to figure up a little. How much have you
lost by just buying wherever you happen to be?
Get the habit of "seeing us first." We buy for you
and sell for you. If we haven't what you want
ye can usually get it at a saving.
Flour $1.80, $2.10, $Z20 , .
Remember ITS ; GUARANTEED j j
New Bain Wagon Gear
New 350-lb. Cream Separator
See Us Fir3t, We Can Save You Money.
(Continued from page I.)
ot them.
Treatment. There is only one
treatment for wen.. I am sorry I
can't tell you that it, the proper
diet and a change to more health
ful habits. No, the treatment is
solely Burgicul. If. very simple
and can be done under local anes
thesia. A one line incision Is us
ually made and the moss with its
enveloping sac are shelled out The
sac must come out also, for ft it
doesn't the tumor will grow again.
If you have a wen, the sooner you
have this done, the simpler it will
Complications. Occasionally
'. these cysts willgrow to enormous
Bize and they may become inflamed
and ulceration result. In old peo -
pie these may finally go on to can-
Have yours shelled out if you
have one. Wens are not pretty,
1 8nwm,w wniwri 10 wwrr
pond en U.
John Wananaker, the merchant
prince of America, said: "1 tiud
life insurance one of the beat
forms of Investment. Don't fail to
Bee Charlie McKlhlnny on Friday
December 4th. . - , ,
The Glide P. T. A. aro holding
a business meeting Friday evening
to be followed by an entertain-
,., ...1 niA .ti Th. nfn.iii ;
ment and pie social. The proceeds
of the social will apply on the
purchase of a piano tor the Glide
church. A number of Hosebursj
musicians have volunteered to
help onthe program. alls. Klu-
line Is to give a talk ou the bene
fits ot music to the' home, the
school and the child; Mr. Walter
Germain will entertain with, trom
bone solos; C. H. Arundel and W.
E. Ott will give violin and piano
selections, mil Mr. and Mrs.
Omara will present musical num
bers ond readings. The entertain
ment is open to the public.
Mrs. Annie Holmes, formerly of
Roseburg, has assumed manage
ment of the Star Hotel at Eugene.
She extends the courtesy of tho ho-,
tel to all lioseburg residents. I
Order your Chrisucas auiiounce
ments right now and pay for them
any time during December. News
lteview office.
DR. H. H. I'LYLKIl Chiropractic
physician, 126 W. Lane St.,
1 &-mpi;tA 'i?
The Largest Stock of
Good Used ,
- and Ford
In Roseburg
We Will Sell on
Hansen Chevrolet Co.
l'hone 44
Odorless Cleaning
What a disappointment to
have a suit that looks nicely
tinned and yet has that dis
agreeable oaor from belnt
dry cleaned. We can clean
it without that disappoint
ment. Let ns prove it.
We Call nd Deliver.
Our Auto Will Call.
Prions 277
. I
1 oenn
We will loan In Roseburg all
! monies saved with ua here. See our
diBplay at Story lies', Ho-
lol building. -.'
Send the youngster, in the after-'
noon and come yourself In the
evening to see "Mrs. Butnpstead
Leiih," December 3. '.
j ,
'good COMB?"
j ,
n our as-sorted stock of high grade .7lv. f,iiv
ki u u'Servative iamiiy.
hard rubber combs,-you will hr
ante to linn Just the My e anil flja
you aro-Iookimr for. Hartley CoTBtf-J.
Men's Combs. Bobhed Hair Combs,
limbers' Combs, Handbag Combs,
CofkM"Cf nibs,' Little-CoinlJe Ul
t ombs. Let ns show them to you.
Reasonable prices.
Nathan Fullerton
70 $-3-agZ, stm
fljjl j
1 rl I '
For sandwich, or toast Or dressing
Oiegon I!aker-s Bread is .sure a
blessing. ' -
When yon have It on the shelf.
It is halt the meal Itself.
Oregon Bakery
. 2ol N. Jackson St
I ...
II . I . II h n ' I I If
j Phone C""
Tl-vS FIX NiOvo iht
lr4 1. ' II
1 1
OnnU I
! Sandy McNeil, forced by her Ira -
poverished family into a loveles.
-i,k i.- ...
1 . . .... -..
luy. childhood .weetheart. Fie-
some esc,
peala to her Uncle
llob, who en-
" to take a Honoluju trip
with h.r mn.u. tk. .h7 ti
"Kamon Worth, who drlvea aud dan -
c. -Sh T .nJ Tfini i .1.
life In the surf. Oil aaillug for horn
auo ... auipruwu to iiuu nun a
paasenger. During the voyage he
declare, hi. lov Murtllo meeu
iuuy aud bee mother at the per
Sandy demand., a .epaTate room.
A rpil.. kn.n. .lid. ..1 1 U.,.m.i
Arriviug home Ud lelU Murillu
! Clares be will never release her.
VX' ZL. "Z.Z'A '-Jl S
"""""""'"V'""' rn"
1 '
iuadttd . '
LHAr ILK 38 '
Bandy picked ud the cllnDtns.
frowned to hide the sudden pamx,he doled, eat when he ate.. Guess
What's It all about. Isabel?"
' "Head It.' Madeline saw it
Chrlasie Keistoa was there this
morning to talk about it. So yom
see " Mrs. McNeil clasped her iChe said hoarsely; lou re beside
hands, rubbing the thumbs back yourself,"
and forth one over the other, she I "No, I'm not besid myself. But
said with .frightened resolution: j I'm not going to sit here and have
"I told them 11 wasn't truo." you all calling me a weloher. Tel-
Tbo clipping was from the, ling me I knew-i-I KNEW) Of
Society News a rambllug Item 'course, I should have known,
writteu with smug provincial cnai- Everybody ought to know every
linex.. - ; ' thing aud there'd be no mistakes
"Kumor has it that one' of our made. Some things you can't
popular young matrons, a bride of kuow! Could I know that he was
last year, may soon enter suit for going to tell me where to head
divorce. Gossip that all was not In on every God's blessed thing!
tranquil on the matrimonial sea Could I know be was laughing up
ha. been floating about the is sleeve at the visions 1 had of
younger set almoxt since the;Our marrluge?"
honeymoon days. The bride wa "At Yosemite a man picks up
formerly one ot the much courted imy shawl when it drops, and I'm
members of the debutante group, ; immediately, called, to our room
being considered a particularly und given a lecture on wifely de
pretty eiample of the tltian type, .portment. He orders me to be
She ha. recently been sojourning ; more circumspect not to flaunt
in the Hawaiian Islands, where imysetf before strangers. Would he
she went to convalesce from a-have dared that when we were
serious illness. We are told, on ( engaged? . ,
excellent authority, that she was "And at Taho aa acquaintance
besieged with admiration during offors bis cigarette case. I taka
her trip, which those in the know ,one.. . My husband, somes up and
state was taken as the first step orders before every one: 'Sundy,
lnlthe separation proceedings. ' put that back!' . t laugh. He
"The bride belong -to -one of It from me'with a calm:
(Ui pionoer laniHieor Saiila Bar-.
: I termti I side Cwlti the Spanish
' aristocrats of the mission daf. I "And at KlveTslfle I dance twice
.i .The, groom is one of Uie, richest "Hilh -the -same man. Ho comes
""lyoung men In the South. lie; up ready to kill nit. Ho says lie-
Icomea of an old and very cop-jforo
.'As 8aHdy- read hen. mother
, wau.ke4 lit a Jwiued; breathless
f - nxiBiy he 1. raueatedi ."It s
-, ,,. , -,-;r.i vm. fl.m'i
v f',hi.?"'
Sandy1 Wn'P ahsVuVf .' v
"Did you know of It?" ' r ;r
"llf fHIIIl.A not "' - '
. Leaning forward1, iljo Warm hand f Sandy was now gtnncfiig reso
pressine on bandy's: "You, haven't lutuly ut her fork, the tine r.-ru
tsken anv uch stebs. 'hnve you?" thlu these forty or fifty years. Siie
I "What chunces have I had?iwished Alice would get linishvd
jl'm only home five days. What drinking teu! . She didn't dure
'richt hava they to print such 'raise her oyesfT. She whDpered to
ithings?'' ' .. -1 ... . ' 'herself hysterically: "Lord. I'm
. Mrs; McNeil drew a long, ro-'going to bawl!- Another inluuie
i lleved breath. , . "They have no
! I right, of course. I'aper do the.-e
i things. SandSK I want you to tell
mm the truth, are vou THINKING
I mean even thinking' of dl-
Torre? You said -well, I never
know whether to believe what you that
say or not, you're so daring. You "Oh, yes after thai, you dio!
intimated something l'kc it while! All the feeling and the defiance Is
we were away. You were Joking, -.killed and you just hang on a
were'nt you?" t (ghost! -an unburled corpse. W'o-
iman did th.t years ago. They're
Alice, drinking her tea, now not doing It now. . You ran t tell
put down the cup with a longius today-that It's a holy and
suffering, tronlc -emile expressing .surred union when : two people
to nil the MrNell family her utter : hate each olher when they bring
disdain. Atica was a violent ene- out all the meanest und ugliest
y of family Interference " She
ru" '
ouslv warDed.
At 19, when she wa in tho "I tell you, Sandy, that you
lists as a beauty, she hud fallen. must rise to your problem. You
wildly In love with young Teddy 1 must bear and grow noble lit the
Sasnon, a handsome, light-hearted bearing of these little unpleasant
deckhand on a boat plying be-'traits In your husband. In time
tween Santa Barbara and Santa j you cad change him. And forget
Rosa Island. She wanted to mar- once and for all this ldia of il
rv him. In vain did Isabel iiu-'vorc6. You were In' full poss-s-
' plort: What kind of a inarrlaan slon of youf rrnrs when you
Is thls for Mi Nell? , Did I think mado your vows." '
I'd ever live to see' ths day a "Maybe I was In full possession
(iiiuehief of mine could so far'nf them. They didn't amount t
forget her upbringing A sailof much, that's nil I've got to my
a coninon sailor!" ' lur them.' If It's my enses that
I Alice was olidurnte. So AnKusot me Into this jam, they're not
stepped in. lie called on Teddy, going to keep me In It.' And I'd
He threatened him. He had him never hnve married Ben Murilio
transferred to Los Angeles. If ynu hadn't all treated me like
! Alice, recalling thh episode a scarlet sister because I got
Jwi!h ever-growing bitterness ns caught in a storm. You made rie
'the yeHrs Vent on,-could becomo feel I'd dug the graves under both
perfectly furious In her recent- of you. Oh, you did!
ment. "inilee ! If tthe enly knew j "I admit I was a weak little
oj much then ns she knew now", fool to have fulen for It. ' I mmli
looked nt Handy, cloned her a mlMakr. Why do I have to
0f 07 y ,
. . L
mc -
'eyes, and repeated btr Jtnile of
diuiain, .1aU plainly said: 'Reu-,
dy to. back down; are you? Aw
luny- -oravo wneu yuu re -boi. .up
.gainst the. guns, aren't you?"
"I want you to answer me,
Sandy. You r ant trying to put
a.lde your snarriake?"
"I've put it. asiae already, mo
ther. I told, you so,'
'"What do you mean? Have you
started tbe ault?"
j '"No. But I mean to -
1 ' '' rou sayingf . Do you
rea,h"' what. yoT .aylngf A
girl brought up as yuu wore, to
ray uch a Ihtug. You married
'n-- ,Yo kn8 wlu,t ou ,re
thin, yon never know
jest of it?"
' . ?y ? ,hrV
almost in her throat.
'' Sandy' heart rapped awlltly.
1 ului ",r" Ju"1 ZT.
Prlenced a you were remember
Other girl are Juut as Inex-
rh ut Thaw kMti thHr rom nap in.
"1 meant to keep mine Via not
:.ak out I'm not quilting
"A i d have atuck vth any
wl? to give me
li " - m
"e -rrangement He didn't give
U '
"If. the truth. It doesn't even
occur to Ben Murilio that a girl'.
Prt of it needs to be considered.
- He. the lord and master the
Important one. Ail that's neces-
.ary is hi. happiness. I was noth-
iliig but an automatum who should
'smile when he smiled, dose when
tne rer:-4 , . .
1 -Mrs. McKslI turned white as the
inapkln in her . trembling bands.
'I don't like your conduct. .1
ito smoke!'
this ' perfectly cultured, fel
low: -itiBt your tnings: were
P "Those are all
very 1 trifling
' .vhar's ' lira tint frlfl.t , If
IVbn look' at .A" that av ' what
does It mailer, whether 'an nfOm
Ike Ben Murilio or 1 Is happy?"
und I'll bawl!"'
Her mother hecinnlng again,
i"I repeat. Sandy, Iheso are all
trifles. F.very wife ha. to adjust
herself an the new llf.-. Thctarly
.years .are the hardst. After
, traits. Y ou cen t tell lis we re
, ""VS " ""' '
Hank ICnoxvs f low
1 r j 1 - 1 1 1
-t.-'.-v-" U 1 f A ft .
r,o 1 II 'if.
ft. r.V
1 I T Mi
'One 8xU photo with every
order of i.uo of over. This of-
fur dotes Nov. Juih. Swdio
open Sunday afternoon. No
' hot air, but satlsiaclkiu. Clark's
! Btudio. Cass Street, Roseourg )eBr, work euTrv m'the I all. Su
l Unk IHilmlng. Phone 3S1. wa ,m,irt luneon mid piea:.uui
1 socuil iioars have been uutfojed.
I I Mrs. Earl F. Strong, the 'presl-
. fleiil. hWI tun riraf mnptlnir ut liftr
. .
i.ix;ion mm: lis tlkkiiav
I lupnua Post ot tiie immr-
lean Legion will meet 1 ue-
day night at the armory.
Nomination ot olflcers and
a reguiar peppy session, be
ou deck sung tor a ival time
nk tome teal feilowa.
iBpend the reet of my life abiding
by a? Why cao t 1 wipe it out
i no name us oioor on ore are cor
recily?. I dou't why luuri'lage
with only two people coucerued
when '. a gran"d fraud iTke mine
Mrs. McNeil, very white about
the lips, her 1 eye. ; down, said
thickly: "Promise me not to act
rashly, Sandy. Promts to wait
a while."
"1 don't think you ought to ask
it, mother."
"1 do ask it. Tour family must
be., considered and the principles
you were taught. Will you pro
mise me?" , . t
Sandy thought bitterly: "She
knows I 'can't rofuw'her! She
knows I'm tho dupe of my affoc
tluus yii. Lord "
She was subdued and uncom
municative the rest' of the hour
'she spent in the old home.
I Walking back she was burning
1 with agitation. .
! - Toward o'clock that after
noon she went out to the garden.
' It was sultry oppressively warm.
She began to pick aweet peas.
She turned with that feeling of
! Impending evil cue sometimes
. has.
' - Her mother was coming up the
I road. She reached Sandy, gasp
ing, the perspirutlon running
down her cheeks.
I "What In the world brings you
here, mother? You didn't walk
lall the way?"
1 'Part of. it. I was worried.
You didn't do anything, San
dy?" I "Of course not! Of course not!
Now you're worn yourself out!
.Come in!"
j Sandy tun Into the house,
frightened and shaken at the look
oil Isabel' faro. She senrched
Jor a little brandy a little wine.
Murilio had a good etock.
L An empty bottlt! three empty
Jbottles. She called to Ida. "I
lliink my mother s going to faint.
..Where is the damn stuff, any
way!" .,
' 'it's a'.l locked up. Mr. Murilio-
has the only key." , '
"Oh, Jinn like Ulin!"
' She brought a glass of water.
I Isabel smiled. She seemed to re
.Coxer, llulf an hour lator Sundy
sunt her home in a machine that
siie called. She told herself:
,'Toor darling Isabel. It was the
jheat just the heat."
Hut early the next morning she
'went to her mother's house. As
;she opened ths door she saw her
mister .Madeline going up the
ttnlrs. Madeline was crying.
..Whnt's the matter? Lord, has
anything happened?"
Madeline swallowed bitterly
With streumlng eyes slio glared
at Sundy: "You're satlsiif'd now!
i I.
bullas no yenrtj
.Don't put off ordering your
Christmas announcements until the
last minute. Place your onkvr now
so that your work can bo given
proper attention. Call and ee our
line of both engraved and printed
announcements. News-Review Ex
clusive Job IMmhigDepartment
Don't Let That Cold
Torn Into "Flu"
That cold may turn Into "Flu,"
Grippe or, even worse. Pneumonia, un
less you take care of it at once.
RubMusterolc on the congested parts
and see how quickly it brings relief.
. MnjIflMl. mui. fr,,m nnm nil of
mustard. camphor, menthol and oilier
simpie ingredicnuj, U a counter-irritant
which stimulates circulation and helps
break up the cold.
, Ase(IecUveaatliemesiyo!dmust.'lrd
piaster; docs the work without blister.
Kub it on with your finger-tips. You
willicd a warm tingle as it enters the
pores, then a coiiiing sensation that.''.
brinn u-rlrnme relief.
to Handle ths
1 r- Tubes
Dtttn than a mtulard planer
The Yoncalla Yi'omea's Stady
Club, a cultural club of restrirt.d
membership, organized In 191i
humu in October. 1 la the time
Kiven to discussions in thin ineet-
iuk the.everal line ideas of "what
our Club should do ttui year" were
outlined. - loiu amoutf Uiem lue
dtudeuf Loan Kund-wa. selected
as being Uie llnAi, -most wortuy
cause any. club cuuld work for.
i. ..... ............. :u l....i.r.l
member, would leud every effort!
to make the contribution tula year ,
ths largest possible. The pledge ,
to lha Doerubecker Hospital was
kppi'oved and forewurded to the I
proper committee. A cootrloutiun
to the Kndownient Fuud was re-1
commended. Some discussion of '
up, but no deuuet action was
taken. .. - -
Ou November tweuty-I Irat. a No
Hostess Thaulugivlng . lunuheon
was given at the church Hull.
Program and , refreshments in
keeping with the season made this
una more in the lino ot pleasant
events. Hostesses whose charm
ing hospitality the club has en
joyed this year are Mrs. L'url. F.
Strong, Mrs. Leslie P. Miller and
Mrs. Frederick Christie. Mrs. J 0:111
Kruse will eutortain In her lovely
country homo at a ope o'clock
luncheon December 2. The topic
for study tbis day, is . Ura'id
Opera. Mrt Edgar Richards will
present "Faust , Vine uouemian
Girl" will be discussed by Mrs.
Hugh Kdwurd Warner. Mrs. llcr
mau Miller will sing "The Heart
Bowed Down" and Mrs. A. C.
llreymau will entertain at the
piano. ' XX.
Heat with gas.
At the regular mevtlnit of the
council of Ua Uaipqua t hiHi hold
last night Uie matter of erecting a
cummualty Christmas tree was dia-j place, block wood. Pnon 23FU.
cuased at considerable, length. N;FXJir"8ALB."'eHEAP La rge" cook
definite action was tak. p, however , . condition. J
the matte being len open antil
the meeting of Ui meoibir. which
will be held ou December 1. At
that time a proposition of holding
a beuefit dauce tor the atudeut
body ot tl.o high school will also
be cousldui-ed. .
The annual meeting ot tho organi
sation is to be held oil December
lu, at which time a banquet and
imitaluuiou program will be held,
i'li squaws are to bo Invited to
meet with the chiefs for tills event
aid to participate In the joiu in
stallation ot otilcers. .
Heat with gas.-
(Aouolilnl Vttm Uml Wit)
Meeker, u5, Oregon trull pioneer,
is here to usk cotiKress to author
ize O'i-cent pieces conimemoi aiing
the T5th anniveisary of the lurcli
of pioneers over this routo.
Mr. Meeker proposed to Repre
sentative Howard, Democrat, Ne
braska, that proceeds from the
sale of these pieces be used In
111111 king and Improving this trail
which lead from St. Louis to
Oregon coast.
Northern Savings A Loan Ass's).,
will give camera aud savings bank
free to every person stnrtlng sav
ings account with us this week.
See us at Story lies',. Umnqua Ho
tel building.
ltOY'H Itl HN.S F.tTAU
TortTLANn. Ore.. Der-.'l
Btiins received Hundny nhtlit
lo ;ear old Percv Hooks, h
he I
ws IrapiM'd In n pool of h:rn:ng
oil und Kasollne In a rilllnjt sta
tion caused his death nnr'y tcdnr.
Tho boy Btarted to clean grcne
spots on the floor with (taiollne
land It Is thought he rn .Jied w tn
the inflammable fluid Inlj an
011 neaier. ,
I Hefore he could get out nf the
j'tntlon lie wss badly burned,
1 . , n .
1 Men's suits cleaned and pressed,
11 50- Roseburg Cleaners, phone
isnta rniavtn rvT
I'. A. Hmlth, detnity wti d. n from
San (Juenlln prison, nrrlved In
jllosebiirg this morning lo take ln-(
to custody Charles Witeher, who
esc:iied fruin the. road gang ftt the
, prition on November 2, snd who
wail urn-.ted hiri two weeks inter.
CwiyTH.1.1 t VniuA rljTt Srwllut fast VoWEs
Always i
. : lit
We carry wide range of styles in Eastman Kodaks,
and they make most desirable gifts. .
Prices Iron. $3 up '
The Iron Mongers '
1 . ' 1 1
" .
Classified Section
FOR SALE Dry old growth fir,
J.!i. Mullou Uios. Bhoue HF15.
FOR 8ALB Three-good" show
cases, inquire at It. A. Pilcher
WILL SELL or reut dwelling, luiti
cuiuer west 1st stieet, aud 1st
avenue. Apply H20 S. Kane St. I
FOR' SALE Ford ' delivery, " good 1
shape, new body top. Easy pay-
nicuu. Sttii N. Jackson. I
FOR" SALK Full "liooded Narra-
gausvtt turkeys. Also oak flre-
n ,. . , M
L 'vl'-f1- -
"-ii straw oerry
plants, Gold Dmlar variety,
per M. Dell Wood, Myrtle Creek,
Ore. ,
FOR BALK HUO head breeding
ewes. Write Alex Anderson,
Di'ownsboro, Oregon, or phone
FuR BALU-Wnfte i sewing ma
c.ilne. Does good work. Price aid.
M.s. Charles Morllmor, Wharton
for" BAXwrfisrw i-?.KrfcT:
ness in Roseburg. if you are in
i u .. .....
terested in this
I in this See Lester
ice & Rice.
is- .
,Lfc-14 b oid touring
wltu Rice
cntap;. just overhauled; must'
sell at oncu, R. K. Aluir, Diliard. i
l'ii one iiFzl. ,
Ono hus 5 pigs; one 8, and 7.
Price Ua. tM. U. Phone 7F5,
DixoiVilie, Ore.; .OtU ked iuisboLurt! you
buy; oor u to ciooa. ti-oui .
1 i'j'il Ford touring, uturier and
good running oidur
1 Wll Chi violet 'J
1 1121 Iwdge touring, cord tires.
new paint JJi6
Aud 21) others, coupes aud
Easy terms, year to pay.
FOH RENT 8 room hcufco
garage. Phone 485-Y.
FOR RIONT Furnlshed uo'kweiP
lug rooms. 2-16 b. Parrotl.
Foil KENT Oltlce riKinis uiistairs
lleli Sisters building, Dec 1st.
l'hone fiiifi.
Mr. Smith went to Salem where
th requisition papers vA-re hon -
ort u by Governor 1'lercu, and . he
will leave tunlrlit to take his pris-oin-1
back to Ssn Ouentln. Snn
Qu'-ntin prison now has L'.IHO ln
matrrt, the ofiieyr says, 4'Ht more
being trusties lu tho road camp.
Hlxiy nf the prisoners are Women.
Kali's Catarrh
Medicine SJ'sSnTte
H rid your system of Catarrh or Deai
hese Cio. by Catsrrh.
SeUbr eVsct mil far nr 4C wrt
F.J.CHENEY &. CO.. Toledo, Ohio
fe j '"'ft
F(?.RE!T-A "We-NeUonjiton
CalI 21S s. Roe. 1
RENT Furnliht ...!..'
-olose In. Inquire 181 Flint Street, ,
FOR RENT Good sigroVm houset
close In, near round house. S7'
Hoover St . . "
tiTRENT-Room for gentleman
in private family. Furnace heat,
close in. Phone 202 R.
rooms, lireplace, c!se In. Also
.usjejwiaijitt a. jackson. -
FOR RENT 6-rooni furnlsnea
modern house, adult. Phone
47I-U or call bit 8. Stephens.
FOR . RENT 3-room apartment,
hot and cold water; electric
plate, also wood stove. Inauir
3Q3 West Lane.
FUR RENT Two large weU fiu
nished housekeeping rooms.
; Private front entrance. Close in.
331 S. Main.
FOR RENT lrajtn modern apart
, mont, close in, 117.60 per no, IS
tier dry hard wood In .bed for
sale reasonable. Inquire 62S 3,
Stephens.- , : . 1 1 .
wo,lt auur or day. Mr.. Ed
Nouh. Pboue Zii-J.
' 1 , . 1 ," ." -' - ' , ' .
' WMfcD-Couplp wiikouk, child-
n-a tb work -ou. rfenth. P.O. Box
113;, Roseburg.
HIGH SCHOOL OlitL experle'n'ceS
wishes to care for children even
ings. Phone 370-J. .
prices paid. Wilson Tire bhuu.
op,iuiie NewsRuview, Bring 01
' suip' to B. F. bhlelds. .
FOUND Gold pencil. Owner mat
have same by identifying It and
paying for this ad. News-Ru-
ginghams ami silk, carefully
laundered at 2 Winchester BU
Oar owner Don't forgeT u
all but when la need of ants
parts. Barft's Auto Wrackial
WILL LOAM In Roscbum all
monies saved with us here. Ses
our display at Htory lies', Ump-
1u Motel building.
given free to everybody starting
a savings account this week with
the Northern Savings and Loan
Ass'n. See our display at Storey
lies', cmpqua Hotel illdg.
Harr Pearce
Auto Top Manufacturing
Repairing Tops and Curtains,
Upholstering of all kind.
; Teut and Awning Work - .
Winchester at. -
Choice Cut Flower.
Flower Shop, 312 N. Jackson
Phone 6.1U
Greenhouse, West Roseburg
Phone 4UF2
At Brand
fPacitio Highway 4 miles nortfcZ
Dpen Evening.
Good Thing, for Thanksgiving:
Dates . ,
At'l,,' . , ,l
I'efirs J. . . j
' Inan;' '- .
(Hotel Umpqua
1 : i It.
; -4