ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1925. TH- V 8 I These stores are exerting everv effort to enforce bution, of Quality Foods, through the elimination of unnecessary service. The E patronage of thousands upon thousanda of keen discriminating buyers, daily, is $ H ample proof. It's the saving on every item in a 20th Century Store that counts. E I OFFERINGS SATURDAY AND MONDAY,. NOV. 28th and 30th K N t? ffl Economy Matchei, Full I Crcme Oil Soap, 0Kf I Carnation Mills, Cp. 1 Good Sized Eoxes On. 5 bar, 3, fe Tall Cant, 3 for Zj'j 6 for Ivo Liim, 5 bare"" $ 0 Jj Mushrooms Imported "1st g Raisins, Thompson, Seedless, 3 lbs. 29c A Lnrrowts Buckwheat Flour 4 - White Figs, Fancy 27c a 2 ibs A Adironda'k Cane and Maple Syrao The best Cane and Mnple Syrup packed, Full quart, 55c; full J fcallon, P.nn r..l Palo 1 fl 4 Bon Ami Powder 12 Jc I Kerrs Best Patent Flour, 49 lb. Sack Shasta Tea, g i lb. plr. . 29c g 20A Century Coffee "If sJl K be used" Roosted today, on , ROSEBURG STORE $ 130 N. Jncfeton St. -'I'T'I'I'WIs.-'i'iv.Iil.iiw. Any Social Function or Dinner t Affair will be made more $ 1 Enjoyable end Host3 Try thi3 Really Nutritious and . Luscious Rossburg Product Everybody praises it See to it nlso tbat Mel-O-Maid Butter is served on your table regularly. There ir. none better t Ask j our dealer for Mel-O-Maid Douglas County Creamery I We carry extra fln fa ' Guaranteed Phone in a S .St Powder just Coffee. Spiccj r Schillin Tea wings Vsssm.wtx? Two Thoughts Predominate I in buying your foodstuffs Quality and Economy. And simultaneously your mind turns to the . 20th CenturyStores I ' Choice' Button New Pack Del Monte Crosby Corn, 1925 Pack, Can CQn 29c; 3 for 00b Pure New 4 lb. Sack. 40c; - - ' . . "Icrshey Cocoa, 28c J lb. pkg. 15c; 1 lb ... Shum Shorn Oil, 49c Quart Can $2.23 Groners Walnuts Franquettes, lb. 20th Century Brooms, "6" Sewn", Strong Par- QCfi lor Broom, only vutl Coffee were at good as 20th Century, more would M 0Q your table tomorrow, lb. 47c; 3 Ibs . vliJO to Guesl3 When Y' Cream. to Whip. 340 . o For flavor bc sure your coffee comes in a real vacuum tin and not just an ordinary tin. For convenience be sure it comes kev-wind tin and ' an ordinary vacuum of th I J : V f ssw fcf economical Food Distri- E cn- I Halves,' Can w3u & g Crystal White Soap, 6 bars 25c I 75c I 9 lb. Sack Small White Beans, OQn S 1925 Crop, 3 lbs ZOO & Heinz Catsup, Large Bottle .. Large Budded '7Qn 40c; 2 Ibs I wU Pompeian Ohve Oil, ' IE a E Pint Can fob 1 OAKLAND STORE . Baker-Hanarv Bid. t LOCAL NEWS i ; Visitors In City Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porter of Cot-j tage drove, aro r'lests at tho homo' of Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Cockeran. Home From 8chool Lynn and teo Ileckley. who are attending O. A. C. this winter, are hunie during the holiday vacation. Here Yesterday Merrltt Senter. formerly of this elty. arrived here yesterday Jrom Eucene and spent the day visiting with friends. From Myrtle Creek II. M. Shlrtcllffe motored from Myrtle Creek this morning and smnt ft fpw hours ntti'mllnir In business matters. I Guests Here Yesterday ' Mr. and Mrs. N. C. V.'a'nscntt. of Oakland, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. K. J. Walnsrolt. nt their home in this city yesterday. Small Daughter Improving j Thp small dnticht.T of Mr. and i Mrs. CfcM Tenr. who Tins bfn i III at Merry hosjiltal, in rcrorterl to I be slightly improved this morning. I III At Myrtle Creek j Pr. Coryell, of Myrtlp rreok. Is ! report pd to bt quitw Ml at his homp; sufferlnc from a serious utrokc of parnlyaU ypnterdy, vhlrh loft him in an unconscious condition. In Thit Morning Mrs. Roy IIui i and rhlldren, of Looking (ilfiKH, were visitors in this city this mornlna: and spent a Hhort lime shopping and ou busl n'NH. not tin. nn7 ..- do noi think ihsv f j Schilling Coftee is th' be$f c oiicc you can bu Tj. your grocer will return f mt moor "awntlj ana - i?aiy. You r.e k,p,hO $1.03 1 ...28c 1 LOCAL Vlvllorx Thursday Mr. and .Mrs. Frank E. Allen, of Myrtle Point, spent Thursday In I city visiting, reluming iiome today. , From Willamette, l". Lnclen Cobb, a Btudent at W11-' lament) I'nlverslty, la home dur ing the vacation holiday visiting with hi parents. - Her Today . Mrs. O. L. Chenowlth, of Oak land, wan an arrival here this morning anil spout tuu day visit ing and shopping. 1 Here From Corvnllls Wallace kapp. wlio Is attend ing O. A. C, la upending the holi day here visiting hla parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. V. ltnpp. ' Return From Riddle- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hurtles re turned from Riddle this morning after spending Thanksgiving day there vijltlUK relatives. From Corvallis Mr. and Mrs. Fred McMullen. of Corvallls, are spending a short time here visiting with ' frleuds. Dotb are students at O. A. C. Front Oakland Mrs. Mary Smith, of Oakland, arrived hero this uinrning to spend the day visiting with some frleuds and shopping. Visitors Thursday " Miss Marie Jones, ot -Monroe and Miss Ida Hillaud. of Kugene, spent a few hours in this city visiting Thanksgiving day. Arrives From Portlun'l Mrs. W. I). Hell, formerly of this city, arrived from Portland this morning to visit for a short time with friends and rclatves. Here From Corvallls ' Mrs. Krederirksou. of Corvnllls. Is visiting with friends here for a short time. She was formerly Miss Donna Love, of this city. Arrive This Morn I nip Clifford Thornton arrived from Corvallls. where he Is a student at O. A. C. this morning and will visit with "relatives dnrins the re mainder of the holidays. To firnnts Pi Tuls Huff, of this city. left this morning for Cranti Pass, where he will visit over the week end, and deliver .a sermon on Sunday. Homo From rVliool Harold Irwin Is spending the hoilcliiy in this city visiting nt the home of hs parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Irwin. Me is a student at O. A. C. this winter. Returns to Stayton C. S. Pass returned to his home 1 at Stayton. Oregon, thU morning, after spending the Past several weeks at the home of his son, J. I W. Bass and family. . ; Return To KprlngfMd Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Taylor, of ! Springfield, who have heen vislt 'ing at the home of Mrs, Taylors I sister. Mrs. Frank Foot, returned to their home yesterday. . Return To Portland Mr. and Mrs. Ilownrd Bailey, who vlylted here with Mr. llalley's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Hal ley, over ThanksKlvlnir. returned to their borne In Portland last evening. Leave For South Lfston Uowdrn and Adrian Fisher, who visited with relatives and friends hero yestMrdny, left this morning for VreJca. California, where both are employed. They made the trip by auto Iidy fining To Furipe Mrs. O. If. Newport, of Dixon vllle, wns In Ilosehurg today at tending to business matters pre paratory to making a trip to Ku rone In December of this year. She leaves tomorrow for Kverett. Washington, where she will visit with her mother, then proceed to .Montreal. Canada, where on De cember 10th, she will begin her ocean journey, with Belgium as her destination. In that country she will meet her husband, a min ing engineer, who has spent the part three yenrs In Africa and who will return to DlxonvilI with her. Mother's loaf, It feels so chummy ! To my pilnte and my tummy, j Try It and you will agree, . Like the bread Ss' with n.p. I j. Oregon Bakery I. Qoe. r Z31 Jackson St. - Phone I NEWS From O. A. C Joe Ward Young, who Is at tending O. A. ('., is spending the holiday vocation here vi'ltlug with Dla parents. Hem From U. of O. Miss Vlolette Cole Is home from Eugene rnr the holidays. She Is a student at the University of Ore gon. Visitor Today llorman Schnl'.s. of Brockway, was a visitor in thla city for sev eral hours today, tiu iM'-C(ii! busi ness. ltetnrna Home J .Mlsa Velma (.off returned to this city last evening after spend ing Thanksgiving visiting la l.runts Puss. Krin O. A. O. Miss Thelma Smith, a freshman at O. A. C, U sHnding the holi days visiting at the home of her parents at Winston. Hero From Portland Mrs. Ivan II. McKinney, of Portland, Is here for a short time visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Haynes. Front O. A. t Clifford Fields, a student at O. A. C.. Iins arrived to visit over the holiday vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fields. Hero Vewtenlfty ' Donovan Denning, former Rose lmrg hoy, who Is attending O. A. C. Is here for a short time visit ing with friends. Goes to North Bend K. K. McLendon, local real es tate dealer, drove to North Bend yesterday, having been called there on busiuess. Hihim From forvttl I Is I Miss ltrtha Kohlhaeen. who Is sttendlng O. A. C, Is spending the I notiday vacatton nere visiting i the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kohlhagen. Homo From Cotiat Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Brockley and son. Bolihy, who where guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. ltarnum at Marshfleld on Thanksgiving, re turned to their home in this city last night. Return. Home I Mrs. L. 8. Rowland, who has been spending the pnBt five weeks visiting with friends and rela tives In Kansas City, and Oklaho ma. Nebraska and Montana points, returned to her home In this city yesterday. Leave For Portland Mrs. Nathan Fullerton, Mre. O. A. Bradburn and Mrs. John Throne left this morning for Port- ' land, where they will attend (meeting of the Daughters of the Nile. Tlicy will be gone lor several days. i Car Runs Into Bank Mr. d id Mrs. Ben Palm, of this city. who. with a party of friends iwere motoring north yesterday af (ternoon. received slight Injuries when the car In which they were driving, as they drew near the top I I of Rice hill, struck a wet place on ' the pavement and their car skidded i Into the bank. The other occu pants were unhurt. .Return From Corvnllls Mr. and Mrs. Paul Amort and daughter. Vera Jean, who visited lat the home of Mr. Amort's par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Felix Amort, at Corvnllls, over Thanksgh Ing, i returned to their home here to day. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Amort, Sr., who will remain here for a week or ten days visiting. 0 (Aanclafd rmi UuH Win.) WASIIINOTON. Not. 27. Argu ments on the Indictment returned here against Senator Wheeler of Montana were begun today before Justice Uailey in the District of Columbia supreme court. Senator Wheeler's counsel. Sena tor Walsh ot Montana, contended that the present charge of conspir acy agnlnst his client was based upon the same set of facts Senator Wheeler faced In his own state where he was acquitted of a charge of Improperly representing Gordon Campbell, Montana oil op erator, before the Interior Depart ment It Is tha contention of Senator Wheeler that In view of his former acquittal, the federal government cannot legally proceed against bint In the District of Columbia. The government holds the cases are wholly unlike and are based upon different transactions that consequently the Indictment must stand. JUDGE ENGLISH IS CITED FOR HIS PROFANE ENGLISH ( A w 1. 1 1 hM ttmmi Wtr.) EAST ST. LOITIS. III.. Not. 27 Federal Judre George W. English, ofMhe eastn Illinois district. Is defTnded In a brief filed with the special house Judiciary sub-committee In Investlgstlng bis orrictal conduct, as man who hS'nt some mists,, but who bss done nothing for which h can properly bo Impeached. Q In a document of morsr tban 25, 000. words, mad, public today, "BEST VALUE9 Most every day patrons tell us that quality considered, town. A trial will convince. Make a list of your requirements and shop early.' UNUSUAL BARGAINS UNTIL NOON SATURDAY Corn, Standard, limit 12, 2 for 1 Royal Garden Tea, black or OTfi Tomato Soup, limit 12, OQfl green, half lb. L I U 3 for i :L Jb , , EVERDAY SAVING PRICES ' Jewel Shortening, 01. Q Q Fancy Burbanks, ' Q 1 C 8 lbs 0 I iD J 100 Its 0 JiT J i 1 Local Lard, . CI OR Fancy Onions, CO PC 9 lbs ' OlitfJ 100 lbs OZiDJ Broken Pineapple, large, J Ea Flour, Kerr's Best, ' C 0 C fl 2 for : M-Jli bbi : OOiUU Peaches, table fruit, . Atft Flour, white loaf, . C Q D 0 2 for : tdl best for bread, bbl. QOiOU Squash or Pumpkin, - 11 n Tomatoes, fancy, . 1 flft per lb. I74C per lb ..: I UU Jumbo Celery, fancy, OKo Bananas, ' OOli 2 for :. ... ZJU 3 lbs. I Oil Boneless Shoulders, per-:'-f.-.'4C..t.vV;:;l BaHieless Cottages, '.s.i- pw.Bvu': California v and Oregon counsel for Judge English gave an exhaustive analysis ot the evldonce and concludes with this paragraph: "The most that can be said against Judge English, as shown by the evidence In this case. Is that he has made some mistakes." Among the other charges against Judge English, the brief deals nt length with his use of profanity In a lecture from the bench to a group of state's attorneys and sheriffs. It asks the Investigating committee, "In view of all the good work done by Judge English," not to condemn him for using a few curse words. "Very recently," continues the argument on this point, "a certain candidate was elected to a very Important position In our govern ment who Is reported to have hail tho habit of frequently emphasis ing his remarks with a little pro fanity. In former years a member of congress who had the same ha bit, was honored by his associates for many years by being elected speaker of that body. One of the greatest governors that Illinois ev er had who also served a term in the United Htates senate, was lu the habit of using such profanity In his conversation and public- ut terances as would mane Judge hiiKlinti luuK like a faunuuy sctiubl superintendent.' All Patrons" of this store appreciate the splendid values we are offer ing on quality Groceries. Prices an? the very lowest. Maddox&Wethercll Phone 499 Jackson St. at Deer Creek Bridge A Business Man Goes to 5ed Happy and wakes up happi) a if his business. is adOcrtised U8 ' Stone's Creamery Butter, all day, lb 23o Dutch Cleanser, limit 4 SMOKED MEAT 33c Bacon, fancy, per lb 33c Dry Salt Pork, per lb $5.00 Orders Delivered Free. Doors and Stock Sizes Bring your ss. ."av ssbw Roseburg Lumber & Mfg. Co. Miss Edith Miller, who has been visiting with friends In this city for the past several days will re turn to her home In i Portland, where she has beon special nurso for some time. . i 1 SHIRT S Collar attached and Collar to match in Fancy novelties Broadcloth, Madras, and fancy flannels stripes, checks . and plaids in all the new colors. Duds for.Men, Inc. 0 QUINE BROTHERS our prices are the best in 55c 58 36c 28c 311 West CJ3 Eostbnrg,0reoi Windows and Odd Work. troubles to us. Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Musson, ot Marshfleld, who have been In Hoseburg visiting over Thanks giving with Mr. and Mrs. F. O. 1 Rchults, loft this afternoon for I home.