Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 26, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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I know they'll be perfect
the things I bake with -
Sperry Drifted Snow Flour
That's tlie joy of using Sperry
Drifted Snow Flour I can be sure
of perfect results every time.
In the 12 years I've baked with
it, every sack I have used has been
of the same wonderful blend. That
. uniform goodness is Sperry's
greatest pride.
I've seen with my own eyes how
they protect it with scientific lab
oratory control with special
methods in their big modern mills
and then they test it every hour
of the day by our method bakinz.
I suggest that you us Sperry
Flour for results you can be sure
oi every (irxte.
P. S. Have you any cooking problems
you'd like help in solving? Looking for
some new menus? Or party "ideas"?
Would you like a set of the wonderfv'
Sperry Master Recipes? Write, telling
me just what you want, and I 'll help you,
Sperry Home 8rvte Bur
eau. Dept. sOOl-B, 141 Cali
fornia St., Saa Francisco,
drifted snow
NEW YORK Mrs. Alexander
Dallas Pratt, who had Jack Barry
more for her first husband, has
taken as her third Leon Orlowskl,
an attache of the Polish legation
at Washington.
CHERBOURG Count Salm is on
the way with his mother to New
York, where his estranged bride,
th former Mtllicent Ropers, lives.
He says he Is going to the United
States to play tennis.
NEW YORK Court approval
has been given Mrs. Alice G. Van
derbilt for sale of the Fifth Are
nue mansion left by her husband.
Cornelius Vanderbllt, to her tor
life. The Influx of business has
made the neighborhood unsuitable
to her as a place of residence.
Service, Quality and Courteous Treament
We blit?v in all three of these and try to practice thera In our
buslmm r kition with you at all times.
ThunksKiving Iff coming and you will want the best groceries you
can gft (or that dinner. Why buy aomething cheap and ruin a good
riinnt-r to aav nothing about your disposition.
It 1 hard enougU to get a good dinner when you have good ma
terials to get It with, then why une Inferior foods.
if you will atep to the teh-phone and order from us you can da
pond on It that your dinner will be the bent.
You will need cranberries, celery, lettuce, aweet potatoes and
other vrgetublea. Kor your naiad you will want pineapple, bananas
and apples or in ay tie shrimp and tuna fish.
"Wo have a complete line of canned goods,
Phone 63
The Store That Serves You Best.
344 N. Jackson St
Frank Wilson, of Olalla, aa em
ployee at the Power Lumber com
pany camp Number 1, In Cuih
Valley, waa painfully Injured late
yesterday evening when he was
struck by a flying donkey engine
cable. The cable broke loose wblle
under a heavy pull, and a flying
end caught Mr. Wilson's leg. Just
behind the knee, severing tha ar
tery and painfully tearing the
flesh. He waa rushed to the hos
pital, and in sptte of a tourniquet
lost a great amount of blood before
reaching the city. Although very
weak because of loss of blood bis
condition is not serious.
Cook wtu I
Dairymen Attention
Here is what you have been looking
for in a feed., Umpqua Milk Maker,
mixed to produce results, build up
the stock and at the same time re
duce the costs of feeding. Milk
Maker is made from the very best
of grains and oil meals, contains 1 8
protein and is without doubt the best
dairy feed on the market today.
This feed is mixed in our own new
mixing plant that is second to none
in the state. Get the feed and let
your cows prove to you the state
ments we have made.
Douglas Co. Flour Mill
P.). Defects in the war stock of
army ammunition now held in re
serve are disclosed in -tha annual
report of Major General C. C.
Williams. Chief of Ordnance, made
public today. They are due, it said,
not alone to deterioration in stor
age, but to "hurried war design
or hurried wsr production,' and
have been discovered as a result
of the careful inspection system
including laboratory tests set up
since the war.
About one-third of the reserve
ammunition ia overhauled annual
ly, the report showed, making sure
that the whole stock is inspected
and test fired at the proving
ground in percentages of each lot
every three years. General Wil
liams did not indicate the exact
nature of the defects except to
say that deterioration of the "ex
plosive elements' is most marked.
"In connection with the - rapid
production of the ammunition to
meet the emergency of tha war,"
, the report pointed out. "it was nec
essary to adopt new types of expkt-
! slves. to permit new and more exy
: peditlous methods of manufacture
of existing types, and to use new
1 methods in loading the explo
The condition of the reserve
stock of ammunition has been a
growing source of worry to tha
wsr department and a project for
building up the reserve through a
ten year replacement program has
. been worked out which involves
around 1300,000,000.
Efforts during the year to de
velop a cross-country, ditch jump
ing aterplllar tractor car for recon
naissance work were without suc
cess. General Williams said, but
remarkable results were obtained
with "a Ford touring car chassis,
equipped with ballon tires, bucket
seats and a low speed auxiliary
transmission. The machine "ap
parently fills the military require
ments," the report said.
A "noteworthy achievement,"
through application of X-ray appa
ratus to study the structure of
steel and other metala was report,
ed from Watertown, N; Y.. arsenal.
Detects not otherwise discernible
have been discovered in castings
running ap to two and one half
inches in thickness, the working
having been extended to experi
mental testing for commercial con
cerns with the arsenal apparatus.
The pew high pressure steam pow
er plant 'line near Boston was
among those so examined.
At tha Aberdeen, Md., proving
ground. General Williams said,
Important research was being con
ducted by means of a camdra, OD
scura in a scientific study .of the
flight of bombs dropped by air
craft. The experiments were start
ed as aa incident to the testing of
the bombs but have disclosed da
ta which "will permit tha plotting
of tha trajectory and development
of a suitable range table (or use by
aircraft troops."
partment spent many days la de
signing the actual costumes wars
by tha people of that Ualkaa slate
Many of the extras who' appear
ed in the scenes, are' actually na
tives of the Balkan states. Anxious
to achieve the atmosphere of the
story as nearly as possible, Vun
Strohelm personally interviewed
1000 extras from among
whom ho engaged whole families
of Roumanians, Serbians, and Bul
garians, to appear la the big
Liberty Theatr
Everyone knows now, of course.
that thai best pictures are coming
from -popular novels and short
stories by recognised authors. But
not all novels make good pictures
and some that would if they were
produced properly don't turn out
that way. But In the adaptation of
the story "Salvage", front the pen
or the typewriter of Isola Forres
ter, Banner Productions present
This picture, under the title
"Wreckage" opened a run of two
days at the Liberty theatre last
night and proved itself at the start.
The story tells of intrigue In Ant
erica, gem smuggling in the Pa
cific and love in tha South Seas.
These ingredients are well mixed,
and the result is a sort of motion
picture cocktail which appeared to
be decidedly palatable.
The piece de resistance is a
scene of storm on tha Pacific
with a vessel going down. It is one
of the most realistic pieces of
work this reviewer has seen in
soma time. From the press depart
ment of Banner productions it is
learned that no great liner was
sunk to make the scene. Instead,
they fitted out a small yacht to
resemble a liner and sent it into
the gale with the cast aboard.
Aa a result May Allison and
Holmes Herbert were tumbled ov
erboard, nearly losing their lives.
But they were saved and the re
sulting scenes what in the vernacu
lar of Hollywood la known aa a
; . I i
Maiectle Theatre
John Strong, the role played by
House Peters in "The Storm
Breaker," Universal-Jewel produc
tion to be screened at the Majestic
commencing today ia a strong.
forceful man, just aa powerful
one would expect from the bearer
of a name that indicates strength.
Powerful physically, be was also
powerful mentally in that his will
. '. , , : i , . , t '!, ) ' ' ' ' '
' : ' ' ' ' '
i : i
Plan to take those
pleasant trips!
There are so many place you and the
family have planned to visit some day. .
4 Don't put it off any longer.
The statics arc waiting to take you when
and where you wish. You have nothing
to think of but to be at the depot on time.
Make this outJoor travel a pleasure.
Office at Terminal Hotel
Phons 586
303 North Jackson
You Bis Stiff
KNEE Watch Your Finish'
Stiff, swollen, inflamed, rhewnat.
ic joints should be treated with a
remedy made for that purpose only.
Remember the same of this sew
discovery is Joint taae and it will
take out the agony, reduce the
swelling and limber up any troubled
joint after ordinary cure-alls have
miserably failed. Just rub it ou
sue a tube at Nathan Fullertoo s
ask for Joint-Ease.
Always "remember, warn Joint
Ease gets in joint agony gets out
on call
Warmth is so handy
with a portable oil
heater and Pearl Oil
necessary heating auxil
iaries! A warm living
room, hallway, nursery
or bath at the touch
of a match !
Pearl Oil is refined
. and re-refined by the
Standard Oil Compa
ny's special process
so it burns clean ! N
odor fl-corrosive.
Order by name "Pearl
Tb:memwho make;a.hobby of pipes
Old peace-pipes, (&UTclvwttderat,
hookahs and briars make the .
finest sort of hobby But don't ;
let it run away with you. Spend , '
all the time and money you can . '
afford on tobacco tricks but stay
oS the trick tobaccos Don't
forget that what you get out of , V,
any pipe depends on what you ' :
put in it . And none of your:.
trick experiments will go entirely,
sour if your pipe's always packed
! ' with sweetspicmeUow Granger.' u j 1
If ever a tobacco was "made
for pipes". it's Granger
Fine, ripe old Burley, mellowed by
Wellman'sj famous 1870 method. And
specially cut for pipes (rough cut) to
burn alow and smoke cool and sweet
that's Granger. It's pipe tabasco firora
start to fiuiabt .
Packed In Heavy foil
instead f tins-luscs 10
Ui ?
. i ;
Ltocrrr & Mms Tobacco Co.
Mi. Shipper
Let Us Haul Your Freight
."Uf.i itrlW operate daily survice between ', , 'lit
, Distributing at way points
Express Service at Freight Rates
d f Irnrrnrt Anf r TVanerinrtntinn C.n. d
5 40 1 Oak St. Roseburg Phone 3 1 -J fij
Fairbanks. Jr, featured players in
the picture, by ttva wit of tka In
dian trading peat keeper, who waa
the only whits perssa to witness
It At Antlers tonight and Friday.
PLATTSBUTW, K. T. Tha awr-
oVa raka has rig noes to winter. '.
Florence Black, IS, palled two boys -out
of a poad with one when they
felt through tain ice while abating. ;
Antiera Tbaatra
The naiistiai costumes af thai
tiny principality of Montenegro j
now past at Juso-itlavla. ana
without Ideality as a Ballon were
duptkrated fos "The Merry Wid
ow.'" tha Metro-GoWysvMayer pro
dvettea which somes to the Ant
lers theatre on Buhday and Mon
day. Many of the scenes In the plc
rh which s modem rerslon of
tha famoas suae ptes by Victor
Leon, Leo Stein sod Franc Lehar,
and produced by Henry W. SeT-
age, show large crowds of peas-,
sals, sad tist studio cottuo ds-(
1 L7 h
brooked no obstacles. Self-sufflcl- the "Wild Horse Mesa" stampede
ent and arroKant., he strode during the fllmtnK of that Zans
throUKb his fishing Tillage lth(iray production at Red Lake, Arl
the same self-assurance as he pt- zona, entered Into the spirit of the
loted his fishing smack through some as though it were a tribal
calm and storm. To John rjlrong event.
there was no greater power thaui h0 wild were the steeds and so
John Htrong. fi,,et of foot, that the red men per-
' Nell Strong, his brother the formed a special tribal ceremony
character assumed by Jtay llallor, In onler to make their work of
was Just the reverse. Neil Is In handling the tremendous herd
striking contrast to the things I easier.
about him. He Is a thinker and a Capturing a strange bird that
dreamer. Une might call him frail happened to fly Into ono of their
and frail he Is, for to John had ; "llogans", as they call their adobe
been given all the strength and to huts, they took It to the Indian
Neil the soul and understanding of .chief. Whilo the band stood around
a poet To Nell hie worn, well the chief gently plucked sevea
thumbed books, and the delight he feathers from the neck, wlnga,
gets from reading them, bold the ; back, breast and two from the
soma relation as does the fishing long spreading tail of the bird,
smack and the dally battle, with i whieh was then released.
1 tha elements to John. The broth- 'I ho "Medicine man" then took
are are as dlflerenl aa ever two some powdered herbs from his
brothers wero. Yet they had one bag and mixed them with the
.thing In common affection fori feathers tint M they were covered
ei another. To Neil, John meant j with vegetable, dust. The Indian
.vsrythlng brother, fRther, hero braves. In the meanwhile, squat
I and this worship of the younger ted In a circle, muttering weird
awn was returned by a deep-seat- Incantations.
1 sd lovo and trust. After that, the feathers were
I Into the Jives of these two on thrown to the winds, with a pray-
the desolat Inland homo came er to the "sun god , who Is sun-
l.ysitto IxJon, a Wrl from the posed to protect birds, that hs
: mainland. Khe Is dainty and her would send some of the endurance
yosrihfat beaaly ssas as fragile and speed of the bird to the poo-
A Heat wttk gas. t Cook, with gaa. ,
a old china. 1 belonging to the tribe when
a) i I they participated In the stampe!.
Antltrs Thsatre I 'Uis plctunite ceremony n
The Navajo Indians who rounded de'ribed to Jack Holt, Noak
,up lbs five thooaaiul horses for Beery, Wily Dovs and Dou(at
j Gift puzxles
quicklyv solved V
What i waste of time to worry over the" ;
gift question I A short visit here will .
solve your problem ia a jiffy.' With our,
wide range of suitable articles,' front
automatic pencils to the latest styles in 1 aresure tofindmhatf
you want at the right price. We hive
helped aany people to select Just the gift
to suit the owasiw. JMve help you? 'M
Juwslera- . '
111 Cass St. .