Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 26, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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Hsre From Portland '
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rokcrtaoa
and daughter, of Portland, ar.
her as guesta of Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Strang, over the holidays..
Are the features which distinguish this as our
Is Dre
Distinctive Coats of the better grades that were priced at
i i i
$75 , $85
Reduced to
.Fine Furs
Fashionable Coats for dress or sports wear that were
$32.50 $35 $39.50
Reduced to , .' :
Line and
; Colors:
Autumn Brown
' . Rust
Platinum Gray
for every occasion; Sports-wear, Street wear, Evening wear; Black and all prevailing colors.
Reduced 1-3 to 1-2 off. original prices
Values to $35
Values to S25
Values to $49
' Viiitor Wednesday .. Mm. Bowden. who has been visit- Released From Hospital , from Scottsburg, where she Is
i R. S. Duke of Rock Crook, motor- I" "' ,hat llac''. to " u' Mm. Edwin r'ollom and baby. '' teaching school, this morning and
LOCAL NEWS I'd here yesterday and spout tho , ' Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Ullbrealh wno navn Ht Mor y hospital will visit mull Hun. lay with hor
4. , aPi-rnuoii attending to business at- for the pant two works, returned parents, Mr. and Mrs. p. Sinnott,
., .. this morning to their homo hi r. 1 ,01 tins city.
Soe tlio noil I)o Null lino of por- ylrs,.r street. 1
fumes, comiuicts foil,.! waters. tlr
Li tit.. U'UiLit,a c. w t ,. Enroute 8outh
Arrive From Tempor j Arrives From Portland-
Mrs. O. It. Welch and !atn:litor, I Charles Spollman of Portland
of Tompor, Oregon, arrived here . arrived this morning on train
this morning to enjoy a visit with number S3 to be a guest at tho A.
thrir mothor and grandmother, i ;, Orcutt home over Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Ii. J. Anderson ovr r the hull-
day. Miss Oreutt Has Guest
Miss Vivian Oreutt, with her
Called to Holden hoi:-! guest. Miss Velma L'tt ar-
Mrs. f. M. M.ilrolm, of V,H N. ' rived from Corvallis last evening;
Jackson street, lert this morning to visit over Thanksgiving holl
on train Number M for Portland, days with Miss Orrutfs parents,
on her way to Hold. n. Mo., where Mr. a:id Mr3. A. N. Orcutt
he has been c.ll. d on airoutit of '
of the Illness of her mother. Mrs. To Riddle
Maleolm experts to bo absent Riftiih-y He
from this city about n month
To Wilbur-
C. B. Eakln. of the Pickwick
sden left this mor
I in for Kiddle, where he will Join
Her. On Business
W. H. liowls, sheep raiser of
Modford, Is siiendlng a day or so
In this city attending
Mr. and Mrs. W. I), Blake and stage company of Portland, spent
family, loft this morning for Wil-, short lime here yesterday before
bur. where they will visit over leaving for yreka to attend to bus
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Illake's Iness matters.
, i .i I'nM-.un, itnu mis. Lull inuun
jn t J
til 1
Coitjr. to
Whv not avail yourself of a tried Kjl
nr.d mi .ted t ransnortatlon service? Bfl
vthr expcrnneni won vaiuam- msi U)r(, (irove(
It factory service behind us. Rea
sonftple prlc-s.
9 A -
-We Aim to Pleas..
Phone 220
Here From Salem
M. Btelnback, PaJem merchant,
was visitor In this city yester
day before leaving for southern
poinu on business.
Leave for Cottage Grove
Carl Murphy left today for Cot
tage Orove, whore ho will visit
with Mrs. Murphy and frionds over
I Hats orfl To the News-Review
News-Review classified ads as dl-
Arrive. This Morning , rect loads to thrift and abort Ut
Miss Josephine Hinnntt arrived to soeeess.
Spends Wednesday
Mrs. Stlorwald, f Oreen. spent a
few hours In this city Wednesday
shopping and visiting with friends.
I, Visitor Yesterday
John Hatrteld moiorea irom
Dlionvllle yesterday and spent the
afternoon transacting business.
. In Yesterday
T. Hatfield motored from Dixon
vllle yesterday and spent several
I hours attendiug to business affairs.
' From Glide
I Among loose iiajih iiuiiii.
I,l.t- I.nn.ait. hllultlOBa here
yesterday was C. Chapman, or
Horn. From College
I Miss Jeauette Ulce. a student at
O. A. C. Is home for the holidays
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
1 1 N litre. .
Mr. Green Visitor
t Claude Oreen. who resliles at
! Sunshine, uear Ulxonvllle, motored
here yesterday and transacted busi
I pess for a few hours,
Visitor In Town
I Fred Parrott motored from Oar-
den Valley yesterday and spent set
! oral hours trading and attending
to business matter..
Visitor Yest.rday
8. E- Darby, of Garden Valley,
motored here yesterday and spent
a short time attendiug to business
matters and tradiug.
In Yesterday
Walter Rondeau motored from
Tiller yesterday and spent several
hours attending to business mat-
iters and visiting friends,
j Business Visitor
Ii K. H. ureeuiove return ea to nis
I linmA mt Ulll I h IIimiP fek VOSlOffv
I day afternoon after spending a
I short lime her. on busluess.
Visitor In Town
Mrs. K. K. gandqulst returned to
her home at Melrose yesterday af
ternoon after shopping and visiting
here during the day.
Arrive. From South 4 '
Miss Helen Sterling, of San Fran
cisco, arrived here yesterday on
train No. 12 to be a guest of Dr.
C. H. Bailey over the holidays.
From Tiller
Isadore Rondeau, of Tiller, mo
tored her. yesterday and ' spent
the day attending to business mat
ters, returning home In the even
ing. '
Her. From Portland '
Miss Ruby Saunders, formerly
of this city, has arrived from Port
land, to be a guest , of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Saunders over the holi
day. On Buslnoe-r
Among those from the rural dls
trlcts to spend yesterday trading
and transacting business here was
John Mctllnnls, who resides near
i Returns From Trip
j Mrs. Ialo Stephens, who haa
been visiting with her parents and
j friends In Astoria for the past
week, has returned to her home In
j this city.
! From O. A. C
I Dili Burr arrived from Corvallis
last night, where he Is attending
college, to spend the holidays vls
i Ring bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
j A. Burr.
Horns From O. A. C
I Miss Helen Churchill, who Is a
' sophomore at O. A. C. this year. Is
i spending the Thanksgiving holiday
here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
: F. II. Churchill.
, Horn. From School
I Miss Helen Falbe, a student at
O. A. C. this winter, arrived yes
terday evening to visit over the
school holiday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Falbe.
Leavea for Washington
Mrs. R. Doodreau. who has been
1 visiting with relatives at Tiller and
been employed at the Itondeau ho
tel for the past six months, left last
night for her home at Camas,
Shopping Here
Prof, and Mrs. Dean, of Buther
lln, and Mr. Hlttenhousi), were In
the city late yesterday 'afternoon
doing their pre-Thanksglving shop
ping. The gentlemen are both
members of the Katherlln academy
Leavea for Portland
Harry Melvln, of the Wiley H.
Allen company, left yesterday after
noon on Shasta No. 12 for Port
land. Mr. Melvln has been spend
ing the past two days here on
business at the local branch store
and visiting , O. E. White, local
Leavee for Grant. Pass - . ' . H.r. Visiting .
Walter Germain left yesterday L Adrian Fisher arrived her. yes
evening for Grants Pass, where he , terday from Yreka. California, and
will visit over Thanksgiving wltli i will .visit with bis parents, Mn
relatives. - nd Mrs. W. H. Fisher over
; ' 'Thanksgiving.
Guests n Holiday ' ' - ; '
Mr. Daniels and Bruce Bauer( of To Gold Illls V J ' '
Corvallis, are guests at the A. N. j Mrs. H. J. Demmer and Mrs.
Orcutt home over the Thunksglv- j Dora Buoy, residents of thK city,
lng holidays. . . . e(t Q, eVenlng for Gold Hill, to '
be guests of Mrs. Erlcson, a sl-
Vlsitor Yesterday Iter, over Thanksgiving. . -- -
Eugene Uurkett. Cottage- Grove
resident, was a visitor In this city
yesterday, transacting business
for a few hours.
To Cottage Grove
Mr. and Mil. H. K. Marty, of Ku-
gene left this doming for Cot-
after visiting here
yesterday, and lll visit over
yit, Dale Wl
C? Military j
fcC morn I
M The' I
.1! Grovs
i?,!!. W
af mxxX jljlX XaCTa: IKx JCHIXI a; jo-Kd. JsTar JC Jt arjrMTisrir-ia -
. , ,
Rose Dining Room 5
3 a i".- -
ft? r
lllard. a csdet at . Hill
ry Academv, arrived thlsi
morning fr'om Portland at'o visit .
over Thanksgiving with his par-' i
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wlllard. I S
family left ttMay for Cottage I J
mv fn he the a-iiats nt Mra l !
lllard for Thanksgiving.
ercaVL f
Full Course Turkey and Chicken Dinner
12:00 to (:00 P. M.
Parties Make Reservations If Possible.
VIslU H.r. Last Evening
Dentel Pleroy, former Roseburg
boy. who Is attending O. A. C. this
i winter, stopped over hero last
Win. Thrall Arrive , evenig and visited with friends
Wm. Thrall arrived from O. A. ! before leaving for Marshfield,
C. lust evening to visit over the
holiday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Thrall.
r. Hell Here
W. D. Hell arrived from Port
land this morning to be a guest
of relatives over Thanksgiving and
enjoy a visit with friends..
(iuesta At Jost Home-
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Smith and
family, of Monmouth, are guests
of Mrs. Smith's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. W. 8. Jost, over Thanksgiv
where be will visit with his par
ents over Thanksgiving.
Read the Classified ads,
in The News-Reviev Thej
mean dollars to you, V
Brother Her. From Portland
J. C. Berg, of Portland, arrived ;
this morning to visit with his I
brother, Horace Berg, and family I
on Thanksgiving day and the week
end. .
Return. To Green
Mrs. Pearl Smith returned to her
home at Green yesterday evening
after visiting here with her son
who Is ill at the hospital, during
the day.
Keturns From Portland
E. II. Herman. Roseburg attor
ney, who has been attending to
business arfalrs in rorttana lor
a short time, returned home this
Mis. Sapplngton Leaves . 1
Miss Lucille sapplngton. or tne
Heinllne Conservatory, left yester
day on train number IS for Grants
Pass, where she will visit relatives
over the holiday. . .
Mother's loaf. It feels so chummy
Tc my palate and my tummy. ' :
Try Jt and you will agree.
Like the bread agree, with me. . 1
Oregon Bakery
231 N. Jackson 8L
Her. From College-
Ray Jost arrived yesterday from
Corvallis, where he Is a student of
O. A. C. to spend the holidays vis
iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Jost
Mis. P.rry Leaves
Miss Hattle Perry left - this
morning for Eugene, where . she
will visit at the home of her .la
ter, Mrs. Fred Howley,' over;
Thanksgiving, .... (. '
Gueat Here ' ' "
Kenneth Lowell, of O. A. C, Is
a gueBt of James Pickens over the
holiday. Mr. Lowell has a num
ber of friends here, having visited
here last winter. , -
Chan. Jost Home-
Charles Jost arrived this morn
ing from Corvallis, where he is
attending school, to visit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Jost,
over the holiday.
Homo From College
Adalbert and Bernard Toung, ,
students at O. A. C. this winter.
are horn, for the holidays, and '
are visiting their parents, Mr. and 1
Mrs. A. J. Young. I
Her. For Day 'I
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bailey,!
formerly of this city, arrived from
Portland this morning to visit for 1
the day with Mr. Bailey's parents, 1
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bailey.
Mrs. Dlllanl Lest
Mrs. 8. L. Diilard left this
morning to be a guest at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph
Clougherty, at Ulendale. over
Thanksgiving and the week end.
Arrives For Holidays
Mrs. B. R. Scuggs. of Portland,
arrived on train number IB last
evening and will visit over Thanks
giving and the week end at the
home of her mother, Mrs. M. Ful
ler. lav For TtWdle
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hughes, of
this city, left this morning for
Riddle, where they will visit Mrs.
Hughes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
M. tlllbreath, and be tholr guests ,
today. !
urge assortment of Electric
Waffle Irons Just arrived tor
Round and ' Square Waffle.,
priced f 15.00 to S8.35.
Th. Early Shopper Get.
Wld.r Selection
Ten Style of Electric Perco
lator. DuLux Curllns Irons J1.50 to 15.
Large Glow Heaters, S14S to IS.
Foot Loga, th. new bed com
fort 13.76.
Toasters, Grills, Hotpla'es, 3.85
to f 12.00.
Sec our Christmas Tree
EUictrlo Chandelier. make
Perfect Gift
Arthur H. Crowell
225 N. Jackson Phon. 611
Here From F.ugeno
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paulos, for
merly of this city, arrived here
yesterday from Kugene. to visit
with Mrs. Paulos' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. II. liurker. over Thanks
giving. Leave For South
Mrs. C. L. Hayes, Miss Velma
Goff, of this city left yesterday
evening on train number 15 for
Grants Pass, where they will be
guests over the holidays of Mr.
snd Mrs. Herman.
To Marshfield
R. L. Rrockley left last evening
by auto for Marshfield, where he
will loin Mrs. Brockley and son.
who have been visiting there slncel.nn,i Thanksgiving and the week
Saturday, and with them will be a,,nrt here visiting relatives and
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barn- friends. They export to return to
& um over Thanksgiving. the metropolis on Sunday.
To Visit During Holidays
Mrs. H. W. Hates and son, Ross,
have arrived from Portland, to
Leave For Tacoma
U Mrs. W. J. Meadnr and daughter
and two sons, of llrockway, left
q and
a r"J"
K Whei
Party 8couts Enroute North
Bennett ). Ward. E. P. Living
ston and Wm. E. Muellen of Klam-
terday afternoon for Taronia, atb Falli, with a party of twelve
they will visit with tlfeir boy kooiiis, of that city passed
husband and father, who Is at the through here last evening enroute
veterans' hospital, and with rela-tto Portland, where they will attend
lives. They expect to be gone some . a patrol leaders' convention.
Return. From Sslem
Mrs. L. I). Keklet, who has been
Enroute to Ashland
Miss Katherln Pook and Mips
Jt'Snelle Pnnk nf Hllhhftffl nasaeiS)
spending the past four weeks vis- through here last evening enroute
Iting lth friends in Salem, return-. io Ashland, where they will visit
jed to her horn. In this city last with relatives over Thank jglvlng.
evening. While In Ralem she waa a 'They were met at the train by Mr.
guest at the home, of Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. A. 8. MrKensle. who
iymrrirt.mxmmimnnnnnrainnnijl and Mrs. J. J. Kdwards. ! visited with Ihem a short time.
See ours before buying.
We have some wonder
ful buys, both in open
and closed models.
, and other makes.
Buick Dealers