I , J , t-i.. RCCSBURG NEWS-REVIEW. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1923 r.l.l.re.l.Ia'elelUI.T.T.TCT.teT.MWaTa). I 3 Thanksgiving Sale Of Winter Hats at big reductions. Some at low as $2.50 at the Specialty Shoppe, 235 Jackson Street. MRS. S.M.KING Sock Special o and ftcrt The Most Durable Wool Socks Made One Lot Nationally Advertised at $1.25 Special 89c DUDS FOR MEN,nc Quine Bros. THANKSGIVING Turkey and Chicken SHOOT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22ND at the John Marks Ranch LUNCH AND AMMUNITION ' SERVED ON THE GROUNDS ; Everybody Come and Win a Turkey or Chicken for Thanksgiving Dinner. Roseburg Rod & Gun Club Secretarial, Stenographic or Bookkeeping Coarse . EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE 92 Willamette St Phone CM Eugene, Oregon Enroll Today It's Good School A. E. ROBERTS, President JemceCuaroitfoed 2L HAULING Our trucks trawl over all roads. They never grumble at the moving tasks we impose npon them. Our Ion distance rates are as low as cau be found for such a service. "We Aim to Pteaee H. S. FRENCH TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Phone 220- Travel To SAN FRANCISCO Los Angeles and Way. Points BY PICKWICK STAGE Two Schedules Daily Leaving Terminal Hotel 7 A. M. and 3:35 P. M. One Wav Fare to S. F. $14.75 Round Trip Fare to S. F. ... .... 29.00 One Way Fare to L. A. .- LI.- 26.60 Round Trip Fare to L. A. S0.00 Two Days to San Francisco and Three Days to Los Angeles by Pickwick Stag CALL Terminal Hotel . Phone 586, Roseburg, Ore., for Information fliM8i;i- n fail - v. . v FREE! FREE! , Ob ItlO pbeto with every 1 order of f (.00 of over. This of- fer cleeee Nor. , loth. Studio open Sunday afternoon. No hot air, bat satisfaction. Clark's Studio. Cass Street, Roseburg Bank Building. Phone 1. - IJIeTreT.raeTJJeW ''I m , 1 m j (Aieoclatei) ha Leues Win.) ' DUBLIN, Not. 10. A bomb to day wrecked a motion picture thea ter which has been sawwlag a film of the battle of Tores. Two policemen were shot, on seriously, when raiders threw the bomb. The raiders, who were . armed, dashed up to the theater 1 an au tomobile, aid arter nsrneaiy throwing the bomb, had a alitol battle with the police as they were leavtac. . Blnn Feiner have been stirred recentlv by the display of British films In Ireland. The day before Armistice Day, seven armed men raided a movie In Dublin and stole a film of the battle of Ypres. They compelled the manager to return l the money to the spectators. I The same day at Kingstown masked men stole a film of the Prince ot Wales. On Armistice Day there were many arrests In I uuDiia as tne result oc street A more serious phase ot the re cent renewal of Seta Finn activity la indicated by doenments found ion Bean Russell, an agitator, com mitted yesterday for trial nnder i the treason act These documents 'indicated that there was a secret organisation to carry out reprisals in ease the free state should exe cute any republicans. Quality merchandise at lowest prices at Powell's Furniture Store. LOST VESSEL HAD 2QQ ABOARD; SEAS bei::g searched flarbM rreaa Laaeal Wire.) WA8HINOTON, " Nov. 20. A wireless message picked hp today by tbe navy said the Haitian steam, er Ville des Cayea, believed to have been wrecked with the loss of 200 lives, had been' picked up by the tanker Brazos in Cuban waters. It was not indicated whether anyone was aboard the vessel which was taken in tow 18 miles east of Pllon Harbor. Tbe Ville dee Cayes left Aux Cayes last Saturday for Santiago loaded with laborers for. the sugar fields, and several of her crew have been picked up. The Brazos message gave no details as to con dition of the wreck. The plane from the American naval base at Guantaaamo and several destroyers have been searching tbe' Caribbean Between Cuba and Haiti. The engineer and two seamen, picked up by the British steamer Wanderer, have been landed at Aux Cayes. XMAS ANNOUNCEMENTS i Don delay ordering yoor I Christmas announcementa. We are showing a nice line of both' printed and engraved l cards. Place your order now I so that the beat attention can ; be given your work. News-Re view Exclusive Job Printing e) Department, Roseburg, Ore- gon. f I PORTIA MANSFIELD DANCERS AROUSING INTEREST The coming of the Portia Mans-; field dancers on Sundsy and Mon day la arousing unusual interest; probably because this unique or ganisation appeals not only to ma-1 ale and dance lovers, but to all who are interested in the physical strength and grace. The emasing acrobatic feats which these girls perform with such apparent ease, are of interest to all who believe in the development of the race phyai-l cally. The ancient Greeks and Ra i mans were devoted to acrobatic dancing, and many of their most famous philosopher and thinker were adept In the art Socrates, himself, is said to have been an ex pert acrobatic dancer. One of the most Interesting dances on tbe I Mansfield program I "From .an Etruscan Screen," as Its poses and steps are taken from the statues and painting of the ancient Etrus can period, and represent the danc es then used In funeral ceremonial and which were regarded aa most dignified and fitting to mark the departure of the souL The screen used at an exact reproduction of aa ancient Ertascan tomb mural. It i danced to music by the French composer, Gabriel Pterne. At Ant ler Sunday and Monday In con junction with Gloria Bwanson'a Wages of Virtue." A few of those large all-copper wash boiler left Get your at Powell' Furniture Co., BRUSH FIRES HALTS LIGHT AND POWER AT SANTA BARBARA (Aaneiat' rTMa lean! win.) SANTA BARBARA. Cal., Nov. 20. A call for more men to fight a raging brush fire In the lower OJai, 35 tnlle from Santa Bar bara, which ha cut off the two main power line of the Southern California Edison Company, leav ing Ssnta Barbara. Montecito. Go lets. Carptnterla, Summerland and other smaller districts without light or' power since last evening, waa eent out by the power com pany this morning, i Street car aerviee In this city 'Is at a atandstill and all business j houses and commercial enterprises in this section are attempting to operate only In a meager way. i All night long large forces of men fought tbe flames, but were powerless to make headway after 1 the fire had spread Into the Casl- tas, where the brush hsd not been burned over tor years. I This morning the first was 'raging along a five mile front and both the pole and steel tower lines of the power company had , been put out of commission. FREE ' For n few day only we offer our Palmollve Shaving Cream and Patraollve After Shave talc for the nrica of the shavlna cream. A SOe value for 35c Llovd Crocker. ' ) 1 DEADLY .22 RIFLE MAY CLAIM ANOTHER BOY f Aaaxtated Proa iMnd Wire.) .. r BEND. Ore.. Nov. - 20. Edgar Norrts, 17-year-old son ot Mrs. En-' la Noma of Mitchell, Wheeler countv. Is serlouslv ill In Prine ville as the restult of being acci dentally shot by a .22 calibre rifle yesterday at his home In Mitchell, according to word from Prlnevllle today. The rifle was accidently dis charged when Norri jumped over a small creek near his home. Heat with gas. DAWES ACCUSED OF ULTERIOR MOTIVES BY LABOR ORGAN f Aaanriated Ptw Laavd -) WASHINGTON. Nov. 20. An attack on VIce-Presldont Dawes and his plsn to reform senate rules was made by the American Federation ot Labor In Its weekly news service. "In favoring a gag on senate Fresh grape Jinoe at overland Orchards. Bring containers or leave at Brand's Road Stand. Will deliver when filled. CURLS IN PASTEL SHADES TO MATCH DRESS IS DECREE (Afaortated Preai Leaetd Wire.) LONDON, Nov. 20. The curl once seen in the coiffeur Is com ing back. The latest edict of the hair dresser I that the hair again must show from beneath tbe brim of woman's hat. The (tern, man nish line of the small hat crammed upon an Eton-cropped head, so thst not a single hslr Is visible, hss been ordained a thing of the past The lost curl, or a bunch of stray, wavy ends ot hair, which will give softness to the face, are, to be the vogue. Dame fashion has decreed that the curls must match the dress of the wearer. They come In pastel shades and are pinned on so thst only hair in pale blue petunia, rose or green shows from under the bat For evening wear complete wigs In pastel shades can be obtained to match evening dresses. TABLE DECORATIONS A full line of the newest place cards, score cards, napkins, crepe paper and necessary articles for your party. Also a nice selection for prlzos. Lloyd L. Crocker, o Fresh grape juice at Overland Orchards. Bring containers or lesv at Brand's Road Stand. Will de livered when filled. stwwovs In the rirctnt court of the Pi me of Oregon for Uouvlaa fount?. Kdna MrComae. Plaintiff. va. harlea Md'omaa. I'efendant. To fharlca McComaa. the shore named fefenrtant: In th name of the fllate of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and anawer " the eom plaint ol the plaintiff fllel aaalii.t you In the above entitled court an1 cauee. on or before the tmh ilir annate, me r eueraiiim emu. i of neremoer. 12&. h.lne the 'General Dawes let the rat Oat of : nreaerlbetf by the court la the or the bag In New York last week. He said a filibuster defeated the Muscle Shoals hill. In diploma tic terms General Dawes assured his select aadienre that If the ball could be jammed through the senate, as In tbe house, one of the country's greatest water power projects would now be In control of private exploiters." Declaring that In tbe next con gress reduction of surtaxes, re peal of tbe Income publicity lew. abolition of taherltance taxes, the Teapot Dome scandal and several other embarrassing subjects would come up, the Federstlon said there furnished a reason "for op position to senate rule which Per mit tbe public to become ac quainted witk matter of vital In terest to Uum," . aer for penlu-atlon of aatd auin- mona for you to appear and ana- i wer aalrt complaint, anil If yno fall to anawev tha said complaint en or before Bald dale, the plaintiff will apply to Hit court for the re. Ilef prayed for In her rnriplalnt. a eeerlrtet statement of whh h la aa followai For a d'-eree dlaaolvlns the marriage contract now catatlna between ymiraeir aitd ilaintlff anl for her e.-ata and d. iburaemente herein Ihenrrrd. This eummona fa ftiihltehad I1 the Roaehur Newa-Ilcvlew hy or.ler of tho Hon. leo. K. (Jutne. Jnrise of the cionty eeiirt, marie o tho 14ft ear of November. Itie. and tha hret publication of thfa atimmona la of date the HTh ilny of Kovemher. 1S:'S. and the laet publication will he , ll,s tittt dv .,f reeml.r. 12, maklna a period of ala full end eoereciuttve werke. K. yv M Aft STUB Atlomef foe Plaintiff. Jl-! Parkins Building, Roeabur. Ora-Sa. aae ' m Ma a aa . e . I t 'I ' ' . 1 ' "... : ' !" '. 'I ; i - ' i ; : i ;.:':? '. . - t ..v.,- - ' , ' ' . ' .'"' s ' v ' 1 , . " . . 1 if.'. . t : u U u pu u ass i Tl , . - ' MBasxl """ L-jJ Ly U U U UrUU mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I In the will State of Oregon be the Ntrabeir of the YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY!!! Make Your Reservations for Space AT ONCE hi mi .ii Annual i Hew