TurkeyTioriey Sell your Turkey where the buyer' commission helps you. Market price and fair grade. Friday, November tytKl1; See Us First, rVe fan Save You Money. . t FARM COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE R08EBURQ Bring Your Turkeys Friday, Nov. 20, j DIET AND HEALTH ' (Continued from page I.) some exercises. One hundred and fifty-five pounds is not too much for your height What you want to do is to get it more evenly dis tributed and this you can do by your exerlcses and massage. For other who want to gain, I will call attention to the need ot more sloep and lest worrying over trivial annoyances. (We have, ful ler instructions for gaining (and Chas. S. McElhinny - rrna Widow's Frlsnd" , Oregon-Life !, 248 North Jackson . . LUJNDRT KID3I: I Good iaund&y work I MAKCi Hone Lift BRI&HT ,i.MOV0ULl. ACrOeE I B -THPCTWe ARERtfeKT. I Superior laundry bright ens ui the home life as well as your personal ap pearance. Let ns under take to show you what laundry quality and serv ice really means. Phone us. Roseburg Steam Laundry . PHONE 7' ' '"' ' - Dr. H. C. Church OPTOMETRIST Perkins Blda. Roseburg, Ora Phnaa M The Largest Stock of Good Used Chevrolet and Fords In Roseburg We Will Sell on EASY TERMS Hansen Chevrolet Co. Phone 448 Employees of the City It Is a noble calling to be In the public service. We de sire also to bo public ser vants. Our "service car" will atop at four home whenever you call. We Call and Deliver. Our Auto Will CaO. Phone 277 BUREAU 1 r,. OAKLAND .- - - - XMAS ANNOUNCEMENTS ; : Don't delay ordering your Christmas announcements. We are showing a nice line - of both printed and engraved cards. Place your order now so that the best attention can be given your work. News-Re- view Exclusive Job Printing Department,. Roseburg, 'Ore- goa f - i . . . j ; , FREE- FREE ' s One 8x10 photograph with every order of tt.00 qr.0ver.i4 This offer closes Nov. 20. , v Clark Studio, Cass St Roseburg Nat Bank Bldg. . Phone 33L . ' . '. ' " -' . 4 44 4-4 44 FANCV w ADF00D : ' 1 ' " ' .... 4 1 w 1 1 ne uaiea ot at josepnw rhnrrh will hnM fan aril, at 4 cle and home cooked food sale, 4 ' 4 Saturday. November 21. at the 4 J. o Newlanri and Mnn aalaa. av : 4 room., - t - . . i - ' - 'i . ; , i Z. m. . . . . 11 . . I T "-Tv"T"" T 7 r 7 T 7 iAaina .uihinh Miau h. Mhi.i.;i, aeniiinff a ulf Jlll,lrn.aei1 atamtwid' : envelope with tea cents In (tamM, I with reouest) ' v . i Timina l.aair. ,a Unth.r. i o i i i -T TABLE DECORATIONS i - 1 .' A full line of the newest place cards, score cards, napkins-, crepe paper and -necessary- articles Jar nice selection ' your party. Also , for prises. Lloyd L. Crocker. -o- GOLD STAR MOTHER, FORMER RESIDENT OF CANYONVILL, DEAD i knew It was Ramon's step. . I though all this dearness andeau ' He saw, at once, that her pique jty would soon be hers. , . I . SALEM. Ore., Not. 20. Mrs. Laura A. Fallln, 61, Oregon's gold star representative to the national convention of American war mo thers In Kansas City In 1923, died last night. She wss the wife of John J. Fallln. The family for merly lived at Canyonvllle. Mrs. Pallin was the mother of 12 chil dren, eight boys and four girls. Two of the boys were killed in action oversess during the World war and a third was gassed. She was the wife of John Fal lln. mother of John F. Fallln ot Valsets. Mrs. Orie Ellis Galbralth, O. B. Cland, Joseph, Max and Lee Fallln; Misses Doris and Ardythe Fallln, all of Salem, and Miss Bea trice Fallln of Sheridan; alster of George Rudolph of Merrill, Ore., Mrs. F. Cook of Elk City, Bertha Singleton of Yuma, Arlxona. and Mrs. Alice Cummlngs. Mrs. Fallln was a member" of the American War Mothers, the order of East ern Star and tha Rebekah lodges of Canyonvllle, Ore., and the Christian church. Funeral ser vices will be held Friday.. Novem ber 20, at 3 p. m. from the Rig don mortuary. Interment In City View cemetery.. ;j FREE 1 . , For a few days only we offer our Pslmolive Shaving Cream and 1 Valmollve After Shave talc for the price of the shaving cream, a tun: i value for 15c. Lloyd Crocker. ' Fresh grape juror at Overland Orchards. Bring containers or leave at Brand's Road Stand. Will deliver when filled. - . TUBBY UK AO MET FCtlOWC cot-eMB tw ro owe I ttitv SMtru Aaf i cav2 I twuprinntt inai wi wiuvm aEut -to cou&uvj pATeict. au xat ire iniaava iwm : :r.r --r r:' ' "SANDY?! ' iy UENRi MEHERIH I . - ' ' ,i i ,r ; i THE BTOBY SO FAR i .... .r-.--t .. . . , . iTX.W.nJ i-TT V anyone even a very dear friend." poverlshed family Into loveless i-rould you hr in ,n for a marriage with Ben SlurUIo. a rlqli!-rlT,0wIfth'rD?.7ar 10 8.'0r.' XOfSHmS ber If i Sa : 1k11 Certainly be my. a. childhood sweetheart. Mur.c,n,e you're the one to be grate- v. viunr aoy iuw,ui-q caujee her to write lo Judith Moore, Ban Francisco. cousin, for help la escaping ber marital bondage, but Judith la absent oa a long vaca- Uon. A son bom, dying almost unmeaiaieiy. in unutterable lone. linens', Sandy appeals to her Undo RoK. Win SHiMb, ho. tn . t.V. . bob, wao aaabies her to-take a Honolulu trip with her mother. There she ,- meets- Samoa Worth, and drives and dances with him. Leaving Murlllo't letters to her unopened, she finally receives a cablegram from him, asking why she had not returned. ' y Go.an wlta ins story. ; CHAPTER 29 ' The night was drenched with stars. A dreamy languor exhaled from all the ,f lowers. ,. i, , Sandy wore a big drooping hat of Jade color. It made the red hair gleam softlv. brourht a faint glow -brer' her pale features. She walked slowly through the hotel gardens, loitering ' toward' the beach. . ; 1 f ah. ... i. . .-. : : 8he wanted things to happen exciting, thrilling, and , beautif dl things. -.... , ', . v . As she went alone she nlotnred 'Another, handsome- and gallant. walking at her'side.'hls eyes lurij lng to hers with adoration.' For two days she hsd kent verv much to herself. She was storm ily resentful that Ramon Worth had learned her ' history. She wonld have been vrtfling to subtly drop a fact here and there, en hancing her own story. But to have her whole, luV f la anted be fore him. -the way: Jack' Horace 'would, do it mails hor feal utrfn- pen .0d shamed. : ' I. . ) "She had revealed herself as a jcaprictows, sdJm jut one debonair insolence at a frowning I world: a oueen who dlsociuca fa- vors as pleases her royal srhlni. ' . . . , .' k SJnw ha k. -h.... .h. was. ' She wns humiliated that he ''might .thinio Acr 'slavish, 'living with -a muu . aeoantlna . aannnrt . , r Uimi". .ri,..i . . : i.lm; i Ti,.i 12..!.. .. -JLi;:;;;- - . iT.ni.hin. If ha tllotieht thla of U1.. i i i . - i.l.. ! Innlnlnrl ... RhSalonrf'nn lha hun.li watchiug the swimmers, wonder-! ling where Worth, mliht be. - fiha kintaif fat-'oul In wh.ro ttia vmoon snower wavered -on tne wa- ' On. nights like this she andlJiow glorious how beautiful! rramtn.. 1. . . .ftjui., ,h. Im : pier. How sweet it had been . to close her . eyes, waiting for his I kiss. . It . made, bee .piercingly, lonely to recall those young, bap- pr ioiin.i m 1 1 1 1 . Tonight the memory taunted her. The air. was so warm and I still! the bight all spattered With tne stars.- , l ' T Anv Mn.1 l.h. .,.MB. .ha was over, i He said, iatighlag: Are She turned from the thought ot you going In the water!". - Murillo in a cold freniy. She . "No I'm Just out for a stroll." thought: He evea killed tho child: "In search of me. Sandy?'. - He had no claim to her. . She 'I can't say as I'm angry at would be free ot him. She would having found you." 'settle the matter definitely the "I saw you from my dood. I 'moment she returned. She would wouldn't have kept you waiting, ask him quietly to release her. but I wehrback to, get this out of i She would go to the city and' get my trunk." , lie showed a little! a Job begin all lifo anew, package wrapped In newspaper. . And ehe was wise. She was "Thev match your hat. I thought onlv taking- a strav sun beam of them the. first time you wore it. Aren't . they - exquisite? I plcked them up In China and have! been casting' about ever since tor the proper setting tor them." i It was a string of Jade, the besds of - a shimmering, water green, most delicately carved. Sandy ran them through her fin gers lovingly. ' i I "Put them on they'll go over the hat' She laughed, tried them ' and took them - off again, handing thorn back. "They are boautlful." "Why don't you keep thein? "Why don't you keep them, then?" ' . ' "Oh, did you- mean them for me? Very nice In you, my dear! It's not being done, Is It?" "I should say not. ' Itd you ever see a string like them? Won't you take them, Sandy?" ,.of t0una Dot! Wny .honid , . , ' "Why shouldn't yon? I give them becausn I -consider thorn ifovely and they would look bean-1 til ul on yon. f thought you were ; a law unto yourself. Why do you refuse becsuse ot a silly eonven- lion." - . : gna shrugged. aiw ET. 1MB ucvooues wea a bks , wt , I.'-'-i r Vj t'l " - lll ft ILUJ - - ii ii in i . '.a MJesV XS!'"it f f J I "I accept the friendship bar (turn the beads.'...1.. ; ; He looped' (turn slowly trowa- ;ed. He said, battled: "I wanted ysa lo have then. I'll offer them three time and yoa'U take them as Caesar did the crown." I "No, t won't take them be cause I hate to be given favors. ; i cam near to leei graieiui m ,u j0. that! ' Ha vii In tha hlvhaat -snlrlta delighted that her resentment had cooled. He missed her these two days.. When she refused his : Invitations he became angry and ' glum. He meant, of course, mere- t. n fcava . fa a..n . i n . flirtation ly to have a fascinating flirtation with this tall, lovely glrli She would go home and he would for get about her. ' - They would have a gay week or two nothing more. , So ho talked very happily. He was full pf flattering attentions. He chuckled mirthfully at Sandy's fran(c audacities.. He liked ' toj-t r hear her air her views pn men J 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 and women, marrrtage wives ot 4 . 4 yesterday wives of tomorrow. 4 L. F. T. DANCE . 4 Sandy entered Into It with her', .4 old feeling of gypsy eultnnce. Do Tuesday evening, Nov. U; 4 as she ' pleased! She was one 1 4 the lu. V. T. dancing club wilt 4 porn tor joy ana ror love. ra this was but sparkle dew on a flower song notes from a bird. Now and then a fear ahot thru her. She would stop abruptly, whispering: "What am I dolngf She was Inwardly aware that this affair was not- like the af fairs with Timmv and Heinle or any of the boys of her school set. There was depth and power to Ramon Worth s . ' r Once when they were walking through the gardens, Sandy, stop ped, raised her arm, pointing to the clouds . . . luminous, blood- red, floating over the tons.' She looked up to his face, low ered the merest bit to hers: Ramon did you ever see any- He didn't look. He never mov- aii hia .... .. ui. from hara Hla hanits went to her .honld.r. elasnlna them. "Yna Yon! Vnn'ni tha moot hiillfiil ' nH hantitlnv ihin, fv " . Kh al.vut knithkn niuwMll r flashed nn ahont her sh fiimr Ihar heari hark- with a owlrt tnlaka or breath: Murmured: Oh. Ha imon!" and rushed on burning. 1 Reaching home, she remember- l, hi. . 1 . . 1 a... iinnr.H rnr ha vi.. .h. hrtn't!he were floating over a sea of tlnn,, fn. (ha 1r!a. h. holn'i I She' lav awake thtnkina of him. qi, - .i,n.hi ' i.,i.h- 'ahoilt Inva . . Inva thai .want. two beings tdgether in a flood of music aud color. - - Kho law heraalf eanrht In IrTOtt here a pailness Ot -, longing. er otooa racea. uova like mall .fih. h.H . .l.h. In . 1. such a lovejj'"8-. , rever dnI-ULJ !' 'o1'"' I All the blgh-hearud her nature waa. proo Was she fo- be forever 1 because of Den MurilloT ' I She became burnlngly excited largulng these rights with her con- science. The love she had missed now seemed priceless beyond- alM icsumate. rjne areamea apoui, u Ihn.t.h -h. .-. .Innt. . .. - here. Ramon knew It was but an episode. Just aa she did. Her feeling sometimes belie4 these careless mumurs. She was particulars. Also ask nyn to ex exuberant In his company de-1 plain how you can get the agency, pressed and fearful If be failed to. and without experience or money Join her on the beach. -imake I25U to MU per month. I . o One evening he . didn't come,-1 He was out in the water, riding on the surf board. She went with a crowd out to the raft. Tbey started to swim hack. The water looked so calm. Randy struck out beyond them. Ueorge'a Cathedral, Kingston, Ont., She was a strong and fearless committed suicide yesterday at the swimmer, -moving through- the iDeaconness hospital here where ho water easily. , as a mermaid. . ,a,, patient, . Medical. Examiner ouo uirau.-u a. .no ..uc... Soon ehe must . be going home soon those long, tropic daya would be over. Grim things confronted her. i , i i She swam slowly, growing a little weary. Her arm seemed heavy.. This heaviness Increased. She thonght Irrltablyr "I'm tired. Why did I come so far?" '. It became an effort to take A stroke. pne . turned; toward tnor graft ne, coutu ould see it. or i, lonRet hear the I e first time In lierf frlghtcntjd In the t did she -any voice. For th life she became water. hhe began breathe Aial' - r aji) U1AV t?rw HEtt"W ACT - W COOttW POTRtClft LIKEO tAM miVM BCTTEB-'M ' Awoov eue whem ne cave HCD CAMOV Axf PIOVDCK am Bv ul a., nne . SAY YOUR XMAI GREET. INQ WITH A PORTRAIT Have your sittings ' mad now. A dosea portraits will solve a dozen gift problem. We have the best equipped 4 studio In southern. Oregon, 4 4 where you reqelve profession- 4 4 al attention In all depart-. 4 4 meuts, until the delivery of 4 4 your portraits. The newest 4 4 line of mountings and frames, 4 4 we will be glad to show you. 4 4 The New Iloseburg Studio 4 4 Remember the pluce over 4 4 Batman's . ", 4 4 129 Jackaou St. Roeburg .Ore. 4 as4tt4S I. .T r 7 ! . .... - J 4 Nicely furnished, steam heat-4 4 ed rooms, all modern conven- 4 4 lences. Booms single or en- 4 4 suite. Prices reasonable. 4 4 The Oxford, 117 S. Stephens. 4 4 LEVERN PUYBUROH. Prop. 4 . . ,4 4444444 4 4444444 hold Its flrrt dance of the sea- 4 4 son at the K. ot P.- hall. All 4 4 memboVs are urged to be pros- 4 4 ent Uood time assured. 1 .. 4 ' 4 444444444444444 pulckly forcing her strokes. They didn't rer.pond. She was almost gasping. 8ud-. denly she remembered tales of sharks iow they rolled over, came at one with their hideous silts Of mouths open, snsp oft an arm or a leg. She grew rigid. I almost unable to keep afloat Her mountain "".""'"" rion the water. Sho thought with a sickening terror; , ' Jm don in drowning " ' AS me SirengI 1 as tne strength ictt tier Doay M' mind bees me wlMly alert. It "maperea; rioai juucaouuai: I Siroae. , 1 She cooldnt do It couldn't ' - - I A .arlih ikMlmh tha ' A hand gripped her arm. She went Streaming along exaltea in vision, she knew who had come. Bn ;ay penecuy sun. ne leii rao'SDl Kioaaeas as lliuutu luo sun -were showorlna on her and flowers. H" carried her in thb. crook of one arm. swlmmUiR on uls back I Lilting Her DOW. bne Was in niS : Brm8-. She. Pen' hp' eve' H11 jiac, intent, very untie, pourm? Oh Ood my darling She felt happier than In all ber i NEWINVENTION SAVES MILLIONS A' (.AMP THAT BURNS M7o AIR ' A new oil lamp that gives an amacjugly brilliant, soft, white lleht. evcn bettor than gas or elec tricity, has been tested c-y the u. a Government and 36 leading univer sities and found to be superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns with out 'odor, smoke or noise no pump ing up, is simple, clean, safe. Burns 4' air and 'h common Kerosene (coal oil). The inventor, V. M. Johnson, 1(1 North Union avenue, Portland, Ore., Is ottering to send a lamp on 10 day's FKKE trial, or even to give none FliKK to the first user In each locality, who will help him lntro- duos it Write bun today for full J : o-. . I ' . CHURCHMAN SUICIDES. A-anrittnl Traai Vrttti Win.) BOSTON, Nov. 20. The Vory Rev. Dr. George Starr, dean of SU Qeorgo It. McGrath ssld today. No details were made public- Men's suits cleaned and pressed, (1.60.- Roseburg Chtanera, phone 472. , H EAD COLDS Melt In spoon; inhala vaoorst T M rJ n '1 . ' - M Q M CZ " ff V fet Y JrJ , "V VAPORUS appiy irasiy up nostrils. (W IWa Jmn Y'"l U - ( HEKE HAKlK ! j A ' II It HEEE H A.'fJK ! llj , Kf HtftH rveJK I ' jtpi , Liberty Theatre An excellent exan.ple of what can be done- la teaching dogs Is promised Friday t at the JJberty theatres where gh Perfection Pic ture, '8ped Mad,f released by Columbia will be shown. ' The canine In question Is a lit tle bull terrier by the name of Buddy. Baddy displays an almost humaa Intalllawnce and a fine ; sense of dramatic value. He be longs. In ' Speed Mad," and espe dally to the popular star, William Fairbanks,' who has the role of a daredevil speed demon wno risks his neck In air and on land to save his sweetheart, the favorite screen heroine, Edith Roberta. . , Buddy displays-bq hesitation la dolug his part at ' exactly the right time. "We had no trouble at ail, said Director Jay Marchant. Who made "Speed Mad." "Buddy Is a splendid little animal and under stood his particular work. In ract, so delighted were wo with Buddy that we developed his part until It waa much larger than originally planned. i , fNaJestte'Thsatro '"Tho Everlasting Whisper, which opened at the Majestic the atre last nlgW with Tom Mix as the star. Is a picture with all the expected Mix thrills, plus a roman- Uo story of .-air mnuaual-sort It Is an adaptation of Jackson Gregory's novel and retains all the beautiful atmosphere of the book. To this It adds the action expected of the not ed William fox western star. In many pictures the redoubtahle Tom has appeared as the tamer of men and of horses, but In "The Everlasting Whisper" he applies his indomitable Qualities lajqulte another direction. He tames a wo man. The woman la played by Alice Calhoun. Sho Is a daughter pf so ciety who has strayed Into the wild spaces under- the delusion that what she longs (or Is freedom from the bonds of society. She meets Mark King, played by Tom Mix. and. after deceptions of the villain and sundry other dealings, marries him. Then she realises that all Is not glamor about the big men and rough. She rebels, upbraids King and belittles him He breaks her as ha would a recalcitrant colt-. and she loves htm for 1L Mi.' ' ' . , I AnUera.-pieatr.k-1; ' Acting a thousand foot scene with bia hands Is the) strange feat ot Lon Chaney. appearing to the starring role In ."The Phantom of the Opera," Universal's new spec tacle which Is the successor to "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", and which la now playing at the Antlers theatre. ' ' Chaney throughout the scene wears a mask that completely covers his face no chance for any expression being registered and a long cloak that envelops his body completely. ' "All I have left to act with are my hands," he declared when he appeared on the scene. 1 ' ' But with hla hands and bis art he "puts over" what Rupert Julian the director, calls a remarkable piece of acting. "The scene la a thousand feet long without a single title and Chaney, though masked ' ' and shrouded, tells the story perfectly with nothing but the gestures of his hands," says the director. "When one realises that this means fully half an hour of acting with out anything but ten fingers to ex. press tho story one can realise what a feat thia Is." ' Chancy plays "The Phantom", a weird and mysterious personage haunting the cellars below the Paris Opera, who, because of his awesome face, wears a mask con tinually. Chaney prepared a make up for this part which took months to design, and then wore a mask over 1U The face Is seen only to a few fleeting scenes, and the actor does practically all his dramatic work with his face covered. TO PROTECT YOU Cod-liver oil promote growth of body and bone in children and is a strength-pro-tectingfood for grown people. Scott's Emulsion is cod-liver oil made into a! rich .cream. It builds upi vigor and strength. Tak it for It health protecting benefit. ; ScoHBo.BIi.ll, W.J. B H i . fiTna VrtiiO miuimOPOiaJ ' ' HAMK, I BUT VOOKt eoMMn oc . n I i .twit hoe kiovu You'll I , LIKE. tUCV JOrOE. AWJKiCHT .AW .ILL Thete' beautiful, Teapot t tie Jov Li our window American. EngKshu and Jzz- They are ao grouped in qur.dUplay, and ti.'.'. a teapot ia a commonplace 'article, these per ticular line ' will Tna!: delightful Christanaa . presents. . , '., tw ... r -,';; ; We Suggest that You Shop Early anal get the benefit of large .i i ' f' Mrtjatij ' ' J CHURCHILL HARDVARE CO. The Iron Ivfongera i ' r )U -, Roaeburg;:bre.' f ' Classified Section ALL NEW ADS ON-BACK PAGeT " FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE Delicious apples at j, the flu in. $1.25 pur, box. ,.V. , N. Uusenbark. - - ' POTT'S ALE, CUCKkUELS Buff Orphtngtons and White Minorca. Fred A. Goff. 6FS. Roseburg.- WILL SELL or rent dwelling, 1048 corner west 1st street, and 1st avenue. Apply 220 S. Kane SL FOR SALE Three or four tons hay, close In, la barn. pjon O. U. Helblg. or call 407 W. Cass. FOR SALE Registered Jersey - cow, SL Mawes breeding. Geo. Weber, Garden Valley, Ore. Phone 4F1J. - MAKE AN OFFER ON THE DR. SETHER HOME A client of mine has Just traded for this , wonderful modern, boms. Mn has no particular use for the place ; himself and .will consider any reasonable, btfer, either tash, . terms or part Hrade- See foe at f L'mpqaa' HuM or write meat Eu ' gene, Ore. Frauk Kinney, agent. I WJHGrJll ukaLTV OFFICE i EUGENE. OREGON $-8th Ave. W. . Phone E35 hunt rAi kent When you can J buy homes lor a small payment 1 down. Vou can Uve near the new Sw? and w m NEW BUNGALOW 5 rooms, lot 621 i. 'Oarage. : Price l.'.KSO.OO. . down and. balance I3W.U0 per month. EXCEPTIONAL DUY-Jn toor home, all on ' on floor. 3 Of I rooms could be Uifcheii upstairs to rent out lor slmpuig:roo.ns or bo made, Ihtd su fivrtmont. Largo lotcarage. Not far from schools. Price t3.jil0.t)0. Good terms. : C07.Y 4-Bcom haUKe, Oa 'writ side, Largs gardan spot, 'prlee- I1H0U.U0, I100.UO down .and bal ance easy. ili!ii' COltNRH LOT 8-room homv room for another bouso. Price 2ti00.u. J300.00 down. . ) WEST MORLAND New S-roofn bungalow, beautiful dlrtrlot. Com plete for (3800.06. I6W.00 down.. These aro just a few of I the nice homes we have listed. Get , in touch with us at once and get your pick of these homes. Write or call Mrs. lola Striker at office. BERGER REALTY OFFICE I'Jutrene, Oregon For One Week Only Automatic ' Windshield , WIPERS -43.00- EACH AT THE. Highway Service Co. Cor. Jsckson a Oouglas 8ts. By WINNER HfE TO OO TMtS, . COMB. TO SE-B l.Itl1Sf0: re? re-nt, Ml FOR SALE Reed hahv lam aal . auisy, also baby bed. All in goof 2 jg!iloat'boie joFll. WHAT HAVE TOU'TO TRADE? 5' Client owns a desirable 40et tract just 1 mile northwest o ; Wilbur, and 1 mil oft Uta Pa" clflc highway; all la eultivwthmf ' ""Wacres In fruit, new 6-ronm pub- ' galow,- bam, and other 'buUditurt, price Is 6,00o. .Clear f.-aebC Will take in other property ot ; MU en easy terms. . Bee ' Frank Kinney, agqnt at Umpqua- Hotel, or write him at Eugene, Oregon. TORRENT GOOD GARAGE for rent. 2 . Pine." 1 ' -.' ' FOR iiNT M7dern Vroom huji close In. Phone . lAIMVOttTAULfc! room, with - Without board. 444 N. Ron.' VotC RErTrNicelynWrnfinferuu sleeping room, dose In. 247 Jnokson. I i i 1 WTST!D-TS9v.1ng b .the hourai. ' Janr home. Mrs. M. B. Oermond Phone 269-R. FOUR NICELV TJHN1SHE housekeeping rooms for renC Phone 41H-J. ... . ? UJ N.T Lroom house, partlf ' u?L",hi Tw, bloclr sw umv vAmui. WKD General bouseworker. v ta .Hoover st. WaJFiTSvA . strong woman for ' U2fln 1 'eanlD Pbona iiiGS WaST liiHighest market ,STV Pa'd. Wilson Tire Shop. antiostto News-Review, Bring or Wit tQiBf F. Shields. vvSXED Sewing especially, bul , wMi do washing, Ironing, cleaning ftf any kind of work by hour or ,: day at your borne or mine. Phone 491-L. ).XStSliUGriiri for stamping! ' j Cpibroidcrlng, crocheting, knit- ting or plain sewing. Write or 'cU and see samples. mile eouth of Butherlln oa highway. Blanche Merrltt LOST. AND FOUND IjOVs 4uncli of key n leather '.oasw Finder 'please' return to ' News-Review office. ' &T Blacfan'4 Twhlte spotted fe- . aiiOa bound with 'collar. Phone ! 2S-K. T. E. Ware. ' - Miscellaneous -f all lit when In need of ants arts. ; Sartf's, Auto Wreckial House. 1 ' PROFERfimmai raana DR.. It IL p'lYI.EH ChlropracUo pnysician, l.u W. Lane St. ' UMPQUA FLORISTS Choice Cut Flowers Flower Shop, 311 N. Jackson Phone 630 Greonhotue, West Roseburg ' 1 Thone iOfi ' -, ..WALTER CARPENTER At Brand's ROAD STAND IM ! Pacific Highway 4 miles north' Open Evsnlnns Csod Things for Thanksgiving:! Flis1 7 ' - Hates , ' 1 Apples i r Pears ! ; Grnprs ( Bananas - Oranges J ... . . Pomegranate ( WHEN IN ROSEBURG ' ' STOP AT. Hotel Umpqua