SIX ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1925. 4 Tomorrow, Nov. 2 1 , we'll hold our DRESS Holiday Opening SALE li TOMORROW SATURDAY 90 Silk and Wool Dresses that were Priced to $25.00 $11.75 Marksbury Co. Sell for less is this store's creed. Quality Merchandise at'a Price Less than . elsewhere is a fact not a phrase. Hand Decorated China minimi TnriTiTfAf.. lYIUDIUAL IfitAI VvLUiWvvy3S Costless Vf3arLon&r 1)7 Values up to $1.00, Your Choice Saturday . . One for the Men Folks 55c Special Purchase of these Ine ltlt Outfits each with heavy "Clam drip" Sllverplatn Buckle and Holt Chain and wliln cowhide Leather Belt. Wide Belt Outfit BEND'S PROJECTED NEW WATER SYSTEM FACING A CONTEST BEND, Ore., ..or. 20. The Tu tnalo Irrigation dUtrlct notified the city of Bend yesterday that any attempt of the city to divert the water of Tumalo creek under the prorlaions of chapter 61. law of 1925. would be oppoaed bjr the dls trict became the water bare been adjudicated and are now appurten ant to the land within the bound- arlei of the Deschutes county Mun icipal Improvement district, com monly known a tho Tumalo pro ject. The bid for a pipe line to Tu malo creek are to be .opened to night by the city council, against which a temporary injunction was Issued this week prohibiting It from delivering $00,000 worth of bonds recently sold to a Portland bond house. adpri Makes a Great Gift $1.39 1-9" A i m Mantel Clocks $12.75 118 Cass St. For all the news read The Newt-Review. The Store witti the Selection. " JEWELERS 118 Cass St. Thanksgiving Sale Of Winter Hats at big reductions. Some as ' low as $2.50 at the Specialty Shoppe, ' 235 Jackson Street. MRS. S. M. KING 'UU AT PRIPF fll ORY" June and demanded an auto "to AT HEIL1G 1 Ht A 1 HE, in a series of advertisements. EUGENE TUESDAY ThB demand waa refused. One of the most Important pro- Don't forget the Charleston Con ductions of the season Is tile sen-! test at Maccabee Hall Saturday satlonal war drama "What Price . night for a cash prize Miss Doro--Glory," which will be seen at the thy Ogle who won the prize last Heillg theatre. Eugene1 next Tues-1 Saturday will probably take part day night. Nov. 24th. This is the .again. play which has astounded the en tire Kngllsh speaking world with ; Its frank exploitation of what actu ally happened In the ranks of the American Expeditionary force in France. . While all the players In thla ter rific comedy drama from the pen of Maxwell Anderson, a former - San Francisco newspaper man, and Captain Laurence Stalllngs, form erly of the United tatea marines, are men, with the exception of one, the play is reported to have a tre mendous sex appeal as lu the case of "White Cargo." i The main action of the piece. In I fact, revolves around the passion ate desire of two of the characters ' Captain Flagg and Sergeant i Quirt for the favors of Charnilne, the French fllle de jole. Their bit ter hatred of each other Is shown In their battle for the "woman of Importance' reaching a smarting! climax when one of them wins, , only to toss away his prise. . 1 The splendid cast which conies to Kugene is by Knimett Corrigan and comprises thirty other excellent players, and the at traction la considered one of the moat important road shows in years. The concert given last night at, the Presbyterian church, given by I Ott's Music store, waa attended by; lover 000-music loving people of' , Itoseburg and vicinity, and was pro-i jnounced by all to be an unqualif ied success. I Probably a number of people who attended the recital given last night by Miss Elizabeth Spencer1 and LucIJe Collette were at first! puzzled and disappointed when they discovered a phonograph cabi net occupying the center of the; ialage. However, thla was only for i comparison, and Miss Elizabeth Rpertcer reached the side of the Edison singing with her own rec- ords, pausing from time to time, an . parently at random, and permitted her re-created performance to be heard alone. This gave an oppor ! tunlty to compare one with the 'other, and it Is no more than Just i to state that there waa not the Isllghest shade of difference be j tween the re-created voice and the original voice. ! In the courae of' the evening simi lar test were made by Miss Luclle Collette on the violin and piano, ! with the same miraculous result. There must have been a slight dif ference in volume when the artist stopped Blnglng or playing, but it I was not noticeable, for the tone which came from the cabinet waa round and luscious with all the vi brant, pulsating quality of that which came directly from Elisabeth . Spencer a throat, and the instru ; ments of Luclle Collette. It was i only by watching the singer's lips or the violinist's bow or the piano keys, that one could be sum when they sang or played or when they did not Thla proof was convincing. If it were not, another proof was offer ed. After Miss Spencer had com menced to sing one number, the lights were turned out ostensibly so the audience could, not watch the singer's Up. It did not seem difficult to de termine in the dark when the sing er sang and when she did not. The writer was pretty sure about It hint self until the light were turned on again and It waa discovered that Miss Spencer was not off the stage at all. and that the New Edlaon alone had been heard. Ott'a Music store Is to be con gratulated on bringing these fine artist to Roseburg who were well appreciated by all attending. When spirits droop and bodies lag . . . Brew a cup of Hills Bros. Coffee and it to your lips! Watch the sun break through the clouds! Feel fatigue slink away at the approach of new vitality, fresh alertness. For the spirit of the pulse-stirring West is in every savory sip of Hills Bros. Coffee. Hills Bros, is the favorite drink of a coffee-conscious, coffee-loving -- people. Sucharomal Such flavor! Ask for Hills Bros, by name and look for the Arab on the can. Hills Bros. Coffee is economical to use, HILLS BROS COFFEE ORANGE'S BLUFF FAILS. (Aaxolatnl I'rvm lunl WHO I , DETROIT. Nov. 20. The Detroit News today quotes C. Harbld will. ! president of Wills Salute Claire. Inc., motor car makers, as saying that Harold "Keil" Orange, appear- i eu at me main orricea or the com pany at. Maryavllle, Mich., last ' " ' i no reewB-neview lor resnus. ! Sock Special Sj to and J&rrl " 85 ' The Most Durable , i : Wool Socks ' . I l ' Made -. '" ;jj K One Lot ; 55 Nationally Advertised j at $1.25 . Special i 89c I 1 DUDS FOR MEN, Inc. I j Qyine Bros. Creator mili, nraaWr satia faction,, greater dependability ira built into tkia economical tb. Economic mad poaaibla by ouaatity production ami our tnotbad of aalUac direct to you ana dm) u to oat VrcarCcrd3 at these Low Prices! CltMlMr 30x3 -7 cam 303tt IZSZ 30x3 Uto 31 14 31x4 33x4 32x4 33.4 V. 34.4V4 OtwtJj KJO' i. t4e Mr. 9.75 10.95 13.80 16.95 17.85 18.65 25.75 26.85 27.90 T WESTERN GIANT CORDS xtra heavy extra evertlte-extr' weioht. Used on many delivery ear and buasaa where uninterrupted ssavlce la d napdad. Exam to thla tire ith It measure the width and depth ot the sturdy non-skid tread compare It with Urea elUnc for much more. MaKi CI. Rao. Sla...12J8 I 32x4A 8.8. Ovsrslze.. $32.75 84jc4 Over!.. Oveesis. . iverslae. . IPS . 8.8. Overelse. . 8.8. Overlae.. 8.8. Oversls.. waa . wen talS 8.8. Ov H.s 1.7t 17J8 2S.48 MM 84x4 5x 80x S3x5 ISxS Sftxi 9A. Overaise.. 33 M Overall.. 34.90 Overaias... 35JJ5 8. Ovrnln.: 43M B.BJ. Oversize.. 40.85 J. Oversize.. 47.90 8.8. Over!.. 88.75 m 8.8. fit This Week's Specials t Steering Wheel Cover A liquid Ridutor Cement Bepalr leaky radlatar. tracked cylinder and water Jacket. Ottered tin wraa at the reduced prto el Tour Bnawr (rip tb teer- lna wheal firmly. The h!-h quality claatlo rubber la wanner to the hand. Flu IS an. IT Inj-H llMrin. E7l I Wheel. Reduced wavw for thi SI. 10 Give Accessories for Christmas -Ukxe than l25 8tots in the fest- ; Simmy Ca lltlD Stare -1100 8oa4 Grand Am LOS AMGBLBSl A8 a J WINTER NECESSITIES Put en your cat winter clothe tasikm your motoring aio uiS comfortr.blo. In ad dition to tho listed below, wo also carry complete lines of Qlovea, Kobes, Wind shield Weath-r Btrlps; Bkld Chains. Wind Wlnrs, Top Re covers. Alcohol, ela . "Waller" Heater For qulcknea of heatlrar per fect regulation and control the ."Waller" heater I unequaled. Model "E," for Forda S.45 Model "C." for Riadften Toupes and Touring Cars. 811.75 Model "A" for larger cars, $18.75 "MOORE" CAR WARMER Slmpla, practical, eafe. For Fords only 95o "KINCSTON" HEATER A aafe. clean, healthful hear. For Forda $3.75 Chevrolet $5.00 For larger cara $8.50 "Frost Kiag" Radiator Cover -also covers the motor. The Ions; grain rubberized water proof ft brio -ia lined with as bestos. Radiator cover only for all popular makes of cars priced from 4)3.45 to 540. Radiator and Engine cover for all popular cars priced from $SS to $10.60. . . , It - '-V7 'Cv, Windshield Geaners ;arm 01 ma matio Clean- ' irives you '3 a ClMP viaw of the roevd -ahead. Abso lutely ae-pendablev bur Low Price, 13 35 Standard Automatic Cleaner, $2.55 Klec t rlc ' la ner, w o rk i off the storage battery ...$6.50 Hand-Operated Windshield Cleaners Efllcient and A C CI O C practical.... HOCto s I U3 Western Air Patrol Radio Set "Western .. Auto's" five-tube tuned radio frequency set, man ufactured for us and UenlRned to moot western radio recep tion cnndiliAna. Tnu'll niflrvl at Its tone, volume, selectivity,' simplicity ana Beauty. $110.00 complete. Conven ient terms may be arranged. Roseburg Store, 117 South Stephens Street fever rMadach.orripPe Colds break in a da for the euHkms who use Hill's. Headache and fcver stop. La Grippe is chfcktd. All in a war s reliable that dnigguts guarantee results. Coldi arc too important to treat in loser ways. tLLV. Ms 30 CASCARAQLININE OatMBos IVJJr iriH:jX'i I I Ikt trifim! ftiuum Ftrt vkitk kttfi iti ctftt )riik. eiel,wh1 Tf One Night Only AVx Tuesday THEATRE f EUGENE November 24th The Most Talked of Play in Years! iTOU iSOTAXCLOON Presen-tcr CBy arrangement wifh ARTHUR, HOPKINS tPRLD rAMOUS COMEDyWAR BvANDERSON AND STAlXiN6S EMAtETT CORRIGAN aiS& STAGED BY-LILLIAN ALBERTSON Director rom i INEWLYORKJCIIY PRICES Lower Floor flrt to row 82.50. last 8 row 2.oa Baleony first 1 rows 8200, next 1 row t.M, nt t rows 81.00, last 4 rows 75e. Plus 10 ptr cent T. Mak all chscks and money order to Heillg Theatre, enclose slf-ddred (tamped envelope for return of ticket. MAIL OP.DIP.8 NOW TOOK ALL SHE HAD THEN KIDNAPED HER, AGED WOMAN SAYS (Aaoebtad Tnm laud Win.) NEW YORK, Nov. 20. Joseph Ouatavson, formerly of Salt Lake City, waa indicted today on charg es of kidnaping the 81-year-old widow of Lnman H. Stewart, chief accountant of the Delaware and Hudaon Railroad company. Oustavson, who said he had been twice divorced, la Interested In a patent food which purpose to ef- i feet rejuvenation without gland operation. When arrested today be declared the charges grow out of financial advance made to him by Mrs. Stewart for investment These ; have approximated 125.000, he told the police. Mr. Stewart told Assistant Dis trict Attorney Murphy she had 140.000 left her by her husband. Oustavaon started by borrowing 1 10,000 without secuii'ty to put in a taxlcab business, she laid. Later he obtained 115,000 more with which to promote the patent food and finally a ecu red ber power of attorney. He induced her to sign four different wills, the widow said, the last of which made him her sole beneficiary and he re moved her furniture, the pictures on the wall and the family silver. The straw that broke the camel's back, she told Mr. Murphy, was when Ouatavson took away with him the deed to her hiiahanrf'a i grave and bad her taken to the Bellevue observation ward. EXCITING CHASE LANDS PORTLAND HOLDUP YOUTH CHRISTIAN CHURCH REVIVAL ! The revival at the Christian church I (rowing from night to nlRhL Two famllie responded to ths Invitation last evening after a powerful . sermon by Evangelist Kellema. He ha a great message and preaches It well The gospel ha by no mean lost It power. It will win. No tmall contribution to the success of the meeting la the singing of Mr. Filewood. He baa a fin tnar vale mnA lit mnm. pel message very effectively. Last night a good delegation from the church at Myrtle Creek attended the meeting. We appreciate much their Interest In the work her. Don't mis Kellero's sermon tonight 03 "What Must I Do to Be Saved?" (AnoeiatM Prea, Uuri Wlre.V PORTLAND, Ore., .Nov. 20. Af ter a spectacular . chase In the course of which two policemen were forced to hold up their hands, two other officers today captured a youth who confessed to two Portland daylight holdups, one -of which was committed thla morn ing. The chase began when Forest Bradley, employe of an auto com pany, recognized on the street a machine stolen yesterday from the company. - He gave chase through the downtown streets, and the fu gitive finally escaped 'after threat ening Bradley and two policemen with a revolver. The noilce and the fleeing youth engaged in a pistol battle. The youth was caught later by !two officers In another part of tho downtown district when he was recognized while afoot. You Need a Typewriter In your homo and Corona is tho best all-round typewriter tor of fice and home. Standard Key board. - Corona Four coata Sold on easy terms. Russell L. F. Lintott ', At Parslow Furniture Co. Rofiehnre. Orrcon Rich, Mellow Chocolates for Quiet Evenings at Home 16 VaMin oOur Final Cforafau Art Rtpmmtti STELLAR CHOCOLATES A trackling grate fire, a deep easy chair, a Kek and good ehocolate to munch that's 'paradise enow" for blustery November. For delicious centers artfully varied and mellow chocolate talte home Krause'j Stellar Chocolates. Why not - 9I.S2.$3anJS5 Another VERY popular boa for rtw indoor stato it Knax't Fmiti aadKt . tht eaafeaioa wMttf rlcblf i perfect chocolatt. Tit or 11.50 If VW Dmhf C..1 5o', 4 m em w mm w itiir i'.r v J CWrf Df'tvf ro" CORRESPONDENT. TRV BLU Pimm Cm i e Pltqf