FOUR ' - - . ' ROSEBURG NEWS-RE VIEW FRIDAY. NOVEMBER' jo! 1925. f. SUNDAY AT THE " ! t CHURCHES J I t T ! Church of OirUt or Myrtle Creek. Halny weather and warm blankets caused old man (lump to appear last Sunday morning, but this coming Sunday let ua all try to reach our goal of 100. And remember, "IT PAYS TO 00 TO SUNDAY SCHOOL! At the reg lular preaching hour there la to program that la different From Soup to Nuts For many months we have been gathering together good things to eat and now we have everything you will need for your Thanksgiving dinner. Have (he following to offer ad quality guaran teed. Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Cabbage, Turnips, Beets, and Carrots, Onions, Cauliflower, Spinach, Lettuce, Celery, Radish, Cranberries, Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Grape Fruit, Grapes, Toma toes, Boiled and Sweet Cider, Fancy Mince Meat, bulk and in jars, Raisins and Currants, Dates and Figs, Citron, Lemon, and Orange Peel, Walnuts, Almonds, Brazil Nuts and Filberts. Candy, Chew ing Gum and Pop Corn. Come in and do your Holiday Shopping while stock is complete. FOR SATURDAY SPECIAL A few more of those Brooms at.! 49c and 59c New crop fancy small white Beans, 1 2 lbs for $1.00 Qt. Jug of fancy Cane and Maple Syrup for 40c 4 oz. bottle M. & R. Vanilla, per bottle 49c Stores at Roseburg and Sutherlin QUALITY MEATS ot Roast, lb 15c oilinz Beef, lb . 12 1-Z Fancy Veal Shoulder Roast, lb . 15c Heavy Breast of Veal, lb 12 1-2 Veal Steak, lb. .-. :.'.-20c Hamburger, lb .15c Nice Pork Roast, lb 25c Pork Sausage, lb 20c Pure Lard, 2 lbs 45c Cottage Hams, lb 30c Picnic Hams, lb 23c Dry Salt Pork. lb. 30c Half or whole Eastern Hams, lb ......35c Heavy Bacon, lb 34c Bacon, light, lb. 37c Bacon Squares, lb 28c Fancy Fryers Heavy Hens - Where Your Dollar Has More Cents PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. Grocery Phone 145 Meat Market 363 . ' , . ' ' Free Delivery be ft from the regular routine program. jThs young people are to hare charge of the eerrlce. They will lead Ihe tinging, have charge of the offering, and will preach the ermon. Three of the young la diea of the church will deliver a three fold sermon on the subject of, "God's Ureat Desires." This will be a message worth hearing. Ilrlng your friends and come to this service. ' The young folks will give you somoihing worth while. i You can't afford to miss it.- The Christian, Endeavor at :30. The C. E. Is keeping up fine and let ull the young people continue to show their loyalty to the program of the society and the church pro gram a well. The sermon In the evening will be on the subject. "The Kaltb Men Die Kor". and 1 should be heard by all. Bring your nelgbbor and come. j LUKE ELLIOTT, Minister. 1 International llilile Student As xoruttkm Hible Study at the Moose Hull, Sunday at 10:30 a. ni. i The subjects for study Sunday will j be "The Necessity for the Aton J ment The Curse." "And There ;Shall He No More Curse." Kev. 122:3. What la Implied by this I stntement of Scripture. All. Inter ested In Iilble Study are cordially ' invited to come and study with j Catholic Church Kane, and I Oak streets. Kev. B. Clery, Pas- , tor. November 22nd. Mass and ! Sermon at 8:00 a. m. Catechism ; , Classes at 9:45 a. m. High Mass land Sermon at 10:30 a. m. Ros ary and Benediction of the M. B. S. in the evening at 7:30. Mrst Methodist Oiurrli Cor- 1 ' ner of. Main and Lane streets; Kev. Joseph Knolls, paator. A parent's duly it not fulfilled un til the parent bn shown a real Interest in tho spiritual develop ment of the child. The best way ' to do that Is to come with your children to Sunday School and slay for church. Regular attend ance Is a great help to efficiency. Come Sunday morning at 9:46. The Junior League meets at 3 p. m. The Senior Kpworth League meets at 8:30. The morning ser non theme Is "Our Neighbors ". ! This Is a special sermon preached by the request of tha ladies of the W. H. M. S. The evening sermon theme is "Drifters." Do not miss hearing these sermons. Uood music by the choir. A cor dial Invitation is extended to ail, particularly strangers. DELICIOUS ROASTS ARE OUR BOAST j- 1 Savory Cuts from our choice Meats are fully ap' preciatcd by the entire family. A" our meats are fresh, cut from the choicest cattle, and always sold to consumers at lowest prices. You get the best for less here. . SATURDAY SPECIALS . No. 1 Steer Prime Rib Roast, lb , 15c No. I Steer Pot Roast, lb 14c All Steer Steaks, lb 20c Shoulder Pork Roust, lb 23c Shoulder Pork Steak, lb .25c Loin Pork Chops, lb :...30c Fancy Milk Fed Veal Shoulder Roast 16s Veal Shoulder Steaks, lb A 20c Fancy Eastern Bacon, half or whole 37c Heavy Eastern Bacon, lb. 33c Fancy Eastern I lams, half or whole !...33c Picnic Hams, lb .24c Cottage Rolls, lb 33c Pure Lard, lb. .: 20c . Methodist Church, South C. I S. Coberly, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. - W. L. Cobb. Supt. I'reaclrlnw at 11 a.' nr. and ?:3(l p. m. Wednoduy owning prayer meting at 7:30. Senior Kpworth League devotional meeting at 6:30 p. m., led by Miss Velma Poo.. ' Junior I.eague Sunday afternoon, '2:30. The public la cordially in , vtted to worship with us. ... The First I In pi M Church Corner of ,ane and 'Mote streets; 11. L. Cnldwell, Minister. 9:45 a. m. The Church School; Carlos Page. Supt. This service Is the church In a teaching and charac ter building function. Are you doing your part In this work by being present and twisting your children or other people's chil dren to receive this unmeasured benefit T If not, begin now. You are Invited lo be In this splendid school. 11:00 a. m. Morning worship. A Thanksgiving Message by the pastor. Two special Thanksgiving numbers by the choir. Orchestra. A welcome to the public. 6:30 p. m. Young People's Meetings. Three socie ties: Senior, Intermediate and Juniors. A place for every young person to express themselves in activity for Christ. An Invitation to all young people. 7:30, p. m. lEYenln Service:' Message by the pastor on "Tho Lure of (Joodnoss versus The Lure of Evil." It Is a message that young people espe cially will be glad to hear. Music by Ihe choir and orchestra. A 'quartette will be featured In the service of iiiuhIc. You will enjoy the music and the message. In- ivlte your friends. Tho public Is always Invited. North Side Market Boyer Bros. Phone 280 First (liriMJan Church There will be great service at the church on Sunday. We aie counting on 'a btg Hlble School. Ho sure to bo In your place next Sunday. We have been having some great ser vices. Have you attentled any yet! I'vangellsl Kelletus will lirinx to you line gospel meagcs on ' the Lords liny, l.els crowd the' church to the garret and pruy for' a great harvest. You will enjoy ' the singing of Mr. 1'llewocd. Com morning and evening. Kemcmber i we start at 9:45, ' 1 II. K. MOW. . ; Itihlo Slanilmd Rer. L. P. Iturror, ussier, llavo, you been i attending the services 'at the big tent on Hone street? If you have not, yon have been missing some thlgg good and you had better plun lo attend some of thee good (MILL W0R KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, MANTELS. BUFFETS If It It Md of Wood W Make It im 1 1 i Headache Roseburg Lumber & Mfg. Co. Stnn them with the tv r-s physicians' sale pre. v. J L-cripiion An-a-tin. - t 'nntflln no narcotics l)oea not cilcct heart. Cttnlestlr provrs by phi -isti throimh tin yt ronrtAAl IM twr tibUdita sua adult ni sit as. An-a-cin Sajely Relieves ; TiMthschs CaMs Neiirslals tjtnt li lnJliMa KtivuutMillMV) TheOriginahd Operation of ' SKAGGS, Stores ion Without Watte J JO t4Viit 2rO If Distribution Without Wail savin? i Cash stores THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving is near again and with the coming of these cold blustry days comes also an increased appetite. 'This is the time of year when food tastes best. Tantalizing odors coming from the kitchen inform us of the delicious foods which are being prepared for our Thanksgiving dinner. .... How convenient for the housewife, when preparing her meals, to have her pantry well stocked with good seasonable foodstuffs. ' i . ' i . . :'"-.. Skaggs Stores are filled with all the "makin's" necessary for a fine meal whether Oregon Products or products from the other side of the worfd, wo have them for you. And whether you buy a can or a carload, youwill save at Skaggs Stores. THESE PRICES IN EFFECT FOR ONE WEEK BEGINNING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20lh STOCK UP YOUR PANTRY NOW SATURDAY PRODUCE FEATURES Cranberries, 3 lbs. From the beginning of tbitf ex planation of the essentially co-operative plan of operation that has mnrln th f.hpnnniinii.l srnwfh nf skagra atorea possible it must be Celery, nice and white, Wivau; uuurmtuun Hint ting tut I j O C cern does not and never haa post'd or a nh a natlful An T... I OB SS JU1II.U11UIV UIDIHUIIUU, f C haps, because of early influences, toward their associates and the public, and these. In turn, may have innplred many of the soeni lnKly revolutionary' policies that have been put Into practice. But these policies have only been made operative after it had been deter- 50c 25c Lettuce, fresh and crisp, each .. 5c Sweet Spuds, 6 lbs. 29c mined that tin y would prove sound. aay, Cr A CAW A Dt P r srvrs the executive heads have been poa-' ixdm -tV l KJUD sessed of ft more than ordinary ! KUN I he best Italian pack deep sense of Justice and fair play I lb 59c ORANGE or LEMON PEEL Fancy quality 1 lb 35c WALNUTS New crop of Oregon's finest Large jize. 2 lbe 75c Mrrliiim ' 4 Ik. ' OC ZV11 ?c.Sahcn!h.?;PEANUTSF;eah rorinSheli practically everything anyone does Z9c is based on his conception ot self- ALMONDS Fine sweet meats interest or lelf uratiflcatlon. And 2 lbs 57c this applies to our noblest as well i RR A-711' MV'-fc"""V"i -------- e as to our meanest actions. We do, BhjAf 'V. FS !nly " feW to the things which we consciously or I had this year , subconsciously hellere will satLily Large, lb. 29c onr spiritual or material desires. 1 PAMnv ci T"i"". This is a. it should be and-upon j UY Skaggs hand dipped . a little thought will be aeen to asorteclchoco!ates ! 3-lb. boxes 91.79 Old Fashioned Chocolate Drops, lb :...;.i..24c 3 lbs. 67c French hand-made Bon Bona, ! COOKING FIGS Fine quality white j FLOUR, CEREALS and STAPLE figs, 3 lba : ....:....28c ITEMS ' rl t icTrn r a ioiio t i ; Dir .t. c . n 1 1 u.uoiu rvtJli'iJ in lancy pacK- uivj r rinesi an purpose nara age, 2 for 38c ' wheat flour. Price must advance SUNMAID SEEDLESS RAISINS 4-lb. Market Day bags, each. .....39c, PKUNLS Large Oregon Italian harmonize perfectly with the lohl-! est teachings and the most altru- Istic ambitions. Even unselfUbness i is selfish. . I Therefore, when our men work ' overtime they do so because It lj distinctly to their own personal ad vantage as well as from a sense of loyalty to the organization and the j enjoyment they get out of ttfelr work. And the organization. In! turn, has made It possible for thej Individual to profit from extra ef- fort, not only from a sense ot Jus-, tlce and falrnesj, but slso as a mear.8 of Insuring its own euccbss-! fill operation. ' CfUntlmes the things xvhlch-iwet do as a nitens of stltfylng rli:ri own sense' of fairness will ruacl, unexpeciauiy, 10 our own matunai t soon. 49-lb. sack $2.39 Barrel $9.45 3 lbs. 33c CORN MEAL White or Yellow 10 lbs 98c' 9-lb. sacks, each 45c PRUNES Fine Sweet Oregon I ROLLED OATS No. 1 0 sacks. . , Petites. 3 lbs. '. 28c Best brands, each :...55c io ibs. 85c kellogg-s corn flakes or DATESV'Dromedary" Fancy ! j POST TOASTIES, 3 for 28c pack, 2 for ....;.....r-44c CRACKERS No. 5 wooden boxes "Sunset" Pitted Variety in ' Perfection Sodas, each... 55c Glassine package, 2 for ...45c No. 3 wooden boxes, Graham "Hallowii" -Golden fruit, ' 'Crackers, each 85c 2 lba .I..'!.f.23cl, I TJo." 5 wooden boxes, Snow- STRA1NED HONEY new crop. ' ! flakes, each : ...65c fin flavor. Full pint Mason 1 MACARONI or SPAGHETTI - jar :.i.-.v'..'... 32c Bert Grade in bulk. 3 lbs 29c Full quart Mason jar 57c BEANS Large white 5rlb, can .,......-.. .....'....85c Good cookers, 3 lbs 25c 10-lb. can lb,.;. ........-: , .'...:29c 'ASPARAGUS Libbys No. I square tins.' Medium green, 2 cans 78c Salad points No. 1 round tins, .. 2 cans .'..63c Medium green tips. Picnic tins, 2 cans 1 45c CANNED VEGETABLES ....$1.63 COFFEE Skasgs Best Blend 3 lbs :.. .:...:..85c Extra Cream Mix beautiful assortment, lb ......;.i..24c 3 lbs. .,67c Special Cream and Gum Drop 1 mix, lb ;.19c I Ib- - -.;-55c CORN Standard grade. No. 2 advantage and It will be found that, POP CORN Satin Mix. all hard candies, lb. 18c 3 lbs. . , ,...50c Christmas Mix all sizes and ', colors, lb ;.....:...20c 5 lbs. .i.....: .;:93c vo have accirlentally uncovered a nrlnelnlp whlrh If Intelllirentlv ni I . 4 105 piled will solve many of our most LAYER FIGS Delicious eating rcrioua prnbiems. Such a thing happened with the opening of the second Skaggs store. , . . . , 4 When the second store op-iyd It became necessary to em-t ploy someone. tti operate it and the' owner of boih stores believing! v earnestly In the -principle; that every man la eatitled to share In ! the profits he heliu to create and desiring, sincerely, to provide the ' new man with every opporttinliy ' and incentive hit upon the plan ot1 faying , Hie mnyiwr i. the now tore a noininal salary plin 3;) per cent of Iho net profits of his store, such slmre of the net profits to be paid every three, months. It should he made clear that the plan nf eonipFnfatlon decided npon -The kind that pops : ' ,.,Z5c variety, 5 -lb. box .89c Lb , 20c lOLIVES-Large Ripe Olives . was i Medium tins, each 25c 3 for ..l...;;..:.... Queen Olives small bottles Each I... ..14c Queen Olives small Mason jars Eacn .." ..28c Large "Royal" Mason Jars 1 1 Each .... ....i.i.i., . 55c tins, 2 for ............v 25c Case r24 tins-....!.... $2.85 "Native American" Minnesota Baby-tooth, No. 2 tins, 2 for 33c " Case 24 tins v.."...'!:......$3.48 "Xmas Tree' Fancy Minnesota 'White Wrap", pound 47c Skaggs Medium Blend "Blue Wrap," pound 38c . 3 Ibs $1.10 Skaggs Peaberry, Blend "Orange Wrap", pound 47c 3 lbs. $1.39 TEA Skaggs Orange Pekoe or Green Japan, J lb 39c Pound , 69c COCQA "Our Mothers" Pure Cocoa, J lb ...13c ' Pound ..; ...23c 2 lbs 39c Crosby, No. 2 tins, 3 for 55c PEANUT BUTTER Best grade Case 24 tins ..$4.05 "Lily of the Valley", white or j Golden Bantam, No. 2 tins, I 3 for ..:....4....:...:...72c; Dozen . ... $2.85 in bulk, pound 20c 1 -lb. toy pails, each 27c BAKING POWDER "Calumet" .Mb. tin 29c 7 I. IV, tin R.!r - - 70c PEAS "Brentwood" small tender - - f ' 5-lb. tin "S""S"SS"'$i.l9 peas. No. 2 tins, 3 for 55c BAKING POWDER "Royal" Case 24 tins ....i.,.: $4.05 12-oz. tins . 43c "Lily of the Valley" sifted early 2Mb. tins .., $1.29 June. No. 2 tins. 3 for 72c! 5-lb. tins $2.29 Dozen .... $2.85 BAKING POWDER "K. C." i-. w om TnMiTnr! 9.,j.rj r.,j. i is n. Stuffed Olives small bottles i I .,. nu 71 ,;. 1 f, aa- cvui ip" "ei.'""6"i"r "- '"'Z'j " ."ft-,. t 4 " ............ i ivi uic vauu fi 1 1 V. Case 24 tins $3.0a Maple" Pint glass jugs, each. ...32c Island Urand, Oregon solid pack, 6 large cans $1.00 Case 24 tins $3.85 "Hunt's Supreme" fancy solid pack, 3 large cans Case 24 cans , Each .... 15c 3 for ..: 40c i 6-oz. larger bottles, each 27c 3 foe 78c Small Mason jars, each 43c for the flrn Slciwm manager re- PUMPKIN No. 21 tins. Best ! bmii'-u, prniiiirii , iniui i,ie unnern . , ( desire to he absolutely fair with his i brands, can .'. IC - assotiate. However, It was also! 3 cans obvious that such an arrangement i PINEAPPLE- II Duiiiu iiihhv ine inniiHK' i ft per-1 soual earnings dependent, lo a ! Inrge extent., upon his own effort,1 Intelligence anil efficiency and lend: to Insure his enihnsiatlc cn-npera-' tlon In the niethods which the sue- cess of the first Kkaggs Store had demonstrated to be fundamentally! correct. That this plan of -No. 2 tins. Best cans .55c Quart glass jugs, each 57c 2Mb. tins 53c 5-lb. tins 93c 10-lb. tins ... $1.63 55c SYRUP "Golden Mnrshmallow" $4.05, 5-lb. tins 65c $1.27 ...98c' $2.83 ..89c' broken slice, Doz. cans No. 2 tins, fancy sliced 3 cans Doz. cans No. I tall tins, fancy sliced 2 cans 37c Doz. cans $2.10 pvoriis wiih the mm who helped to MAKArCHlNO CHKKKIti SAUER KRAUT Libbys 10-lb. tins No. 2J tins. 2 for o5c BROOMS Skaggs "Domestic 6 cans $1.00 Hiirh erade. each 79c HOMINY Van Camp's" j MATCHES-4-arge. well-filled , No. 21 tins, 2 for 35c boxes, 6 for 23c t, ' C 1 A1 r-. li a nfn lAnn I . r- as wn i wij-c i rrtrLi i Kjjj snect line ...s.o PEACHES Hunt's Supreme. tissue. 3 rolls 25c Heavy syrup. Cling or rree- 1 2 rolls.... 88c stone. No. 21 tins, 2 cans 55c SOAP P. and G. White Naptha 6 cans $1.55 j Large bars, 10 for 43c 3-oz. bottles, each 5-oz. bottles, each 14C; earn them was the result of s uiore or les ldiallstlc impulse illil not, tli-al value, both to emiei.y.-r and OYSTER COCKTAIL SAUCE impinyel, end Its cnutimiH'.ifni and ; Sniders large bottle rislorat'on to - the pr.!eni lime : Snidrr's small bottle rui.,titut s one of ihe niriol liupor- ftaiv,-.r- Mr ax li f.nt fonndalim sion-.i uK.n which M't MtAI Hienz this vast i) gatiinitun nin The 1 -lb. glass jars, each ; pii;i v tilth il .vrapHlles h;n at- "None Such". 2 packages HBCieil II) us I lie mcne.l iyi Oi 1 1;, k -rU DILL PICKLES "Pandora" Casf! 100 bars ... 22c No. 21 tins, each 19c CANVAS GLOVES Cotton. 4 cans ,. 73c 1 2 pair 39c CURRANTS "Young's" j DRY PEACHES Extra choice 25c ' Fancy reclcaned, 1 5 oz. pack- I Pound .... I ages, 2 for 43c' 5 Ibs ,43,' n tine assortment oi iresn iruus in t-t.lU5U. Uregon full Cream $4.15 ...19c 35c all Skaggs Stores Oranges, Apples. 2 "lbs. 53c ee. Bananas, Grapes. Grapefruit, Lemons. SHRIMP Fancy dry pack, can.. ..18c i and ni-.w to l found In any . . ,. . T,',.. ' ,. ' Cranberries. Celerv and Sweet Pola- A ran, Si nn similar lnuiue-n In th- world, but rU-M I 1-IJUliM-i menz , : kJ, criAP trmrjo ".-" r-.-j - for w!i.)ro loj uhy. m.erest anil in-, Medium tins, each 43c m'..""" , , r.. , CH'PS Sw.ft s Quick trlligence It would be impos Ible CATSUP "Sonoma" Brand. I BKUW N SULiAK Gulden C Naptha. Lare package, 2 for.. ..45c for n, to successfully opiate our, WV i.... llTlI. 2?r! 10 Ibs 79c SUNURITE CLEANSER, 3 cans....!4c , i-.- - - nriirnrDrrt enr a u D - TAnirm w i . r ah -i ure i-niic i iui)av.i.u v civet, rtincc MDert, 48c, Union Leader, 2 cans 25c more than 300 stores. widely scattered ( pe.l , ' APRICOTS-Good fruit POWDERED SUGAR in medium syrup 5 lbs (Ntxt Wesk-"Who Owns Skaaai Stares?") No. U tin. 2 for 45c PURE CANE SUGAR "Berry' Doz. tins JZ.bJ; Brand. IUU ids. ...... . ; CIGARETTES Camels, Chester- .$6.03: fields. Lucky Strike, 2 pkgs 25c SHOP EARLY SKAGGS UNITED STORES No. 255 115 South Stephens St. Roseburg, Oregon in' Itcml those service..' NOTICE JO WATER Handy Pocket Tin Only 25 C live tervlies. Services tnnlglit if'rlday) at '-.CO, sermon by the , pastor. Our Sunday school i growlns and we will snon he ever ihe 10 mark, this l s live rrlionl and you will tfim it. Clautes for all competent teacher In charge. At It .-on rrm'B hy ho paator, "The yolre of the Tiir jtle". This will he a hit-' i mon relative to (he aerund com. log, be sure to hear the nuiuiii: mosfuKe. Our younpr reopln meet at 6:30, heny Is Dumber of real live young people and you arc Invited to attend their meetinas. Evening worfhlp at ::iu. You should hear this evanaelStlr mes saKe by th pastor "HOW doe." YOl It ticket read." Special mu lc at these services. Week night services eery Tuesday and Friday aveninga at iiSD. To You. la cuiijial welicm exttnded to at tend these services. j Hen Ires at Melius Theie iwtll bo preaching at Melrese on Sunday mornlns. Kev. Tt. R. Mil hnllar.d of Kiddle will deliver the ; message. ' 0 i.i . ! Mrs. C.eorge Kaicht. of Pays Creek, spent a fo hoar here yesterday morning ' attending to I'U inij aftalit. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS ' ', Owing to repair, water w ill be Ishut olf Saturday, November Jlst from 1:10 to 2:(HI p. m.. sf feeling the following diitrlcts: From Jack son ea?t on Commercial: Kast Sixth from (ommen'ial south to Fleser street: Second Avenue South from Eaxl 3inh to end of Main, and i all retard s Addition. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON I POWLR CO. 9 4 The ladles of the Haptlst 4 church will havo for sals all- i chicken hot tamalca and candy i next Maturday, Nov. 21st at 1 Mckean, liarby Raldwln's. W'iil take orders and deliver. Phone 10 or JCt-Y. Heat with gas.