. ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1925. " STANDARD FUSE INSURANCE ESATEG ON NEW LIGHT WEIGHT PASSENGER CARS: CHEV. STAR 50 Cents per $100 60 Cents per $100 60 Cents per $ 1 00 75 Cents per $100 We quote these figures to correct erroneous reports being circulated throughout this territory regarding fire insurance rates on new Ford cars. C. A. LOCKWOOD MOTOR COMPANY "6 C.'s bail there. I JITRY ACOUITS Snider went through center (or a I MVii iu mum O. A. 1 1 rF n ANT) n A. P. -yarl Une. IN UKILHKUIN BA 1 111. yard. Luby made four yards : I around right end. Snider punted j (Continued from pace 1.) to Anderson on his fifteen yard HYMAN HUNTLEY IN 40 MINUTES PUBLIC CARD PARTY FORMER ROSEBURG MINISTER PASSES (Continued from page 1.) In style, in quality, in variety of new coloring and texture, Dobb's Hats are supreme. Duds for Men, Inc. QUINE BROTHERS llne who returned it to his own 23- iSchulmerirh's kick for the extra yar dllne. Vitus lost half yard ! 'point was good. Score: O. A. C. through left tackle. Wetzel failed 'this city to visit him. 1 14. Oregon 6. to gain. Wetzel punted to Schul. Grant Clayton Investigates. ' i O. A. C. kicked off to Jones on merich on his 40-yard line. He re- The most picturesque witness of his ten-yard line. He returned it turned It to the 46-yard line. Car- the afternoon session was Grant to the 34-yard line. Vitus failed to ter going In for Johnson at center (Clayton. Clayton admitted that he gain through left tackle. .Anrter-. for Oregon. Time out. for O. A. C. had been a star witness In the Dr. I son went through center, for four piay resumed. O. A. C. ball on O. llrumfleld murder case, but stren ,yards. Wetzel punted to Schul- a. C. 46-yard line. Luby made one uously denied he was aiming to jmerich who fumbled but recover-. ,-ard around right end. Schulmer- assume the same role In the pre ed on his own 24-yard line. Snider icn to Edwards, on a pass, for 30 sent trial, as hinted by the state. punted to Anderson on his 48-yard yard brought the ball to Oregon's Clayton said he had known Hunt jllne. He returned It to the O. A. twenty-yard line. Snider hit right ley '-for a little better than 3J C. 45-yard line. Anderson hurdl.d tackle for six yards. Edwards years" and "still owed him a little left tackle for three yards. Vitus made three yards through center, money." thit right tackle for three more. ' Schulmerlch hit center for three Clayton testified that he had ex ! Anderson failed to gain through yard, and first down. Ball on amined the woodshed last Wednes jleft tackle. Oregon's 8-yard line. Schulmerich day where Gibbs slept and where LAJU2,.A,!"le70,? Ma.V'!i mf5 hit rirht tackle for four yards. ,Mrs. Huntley went to pray after " I DnUa. mlll0 aha vanl thrnnirh .XttB VlBlt Of Mr. DCTfV and the Benefit Woman's Club build- lug, auspices of tho Woman's Club. Monday night. Novem- ber 16th, 8 o'clock, at Moose hall. Five hundred and bridge; 4 prizes and refreshments. Kv- 4 eryone welcome. Admission !5 cents. ! i PR in A V MrtRIMINP. KNCAI'Ell COX VICT FROM HAN QUC.NTI.V ItfcTAKK.V will take charge of the OXFORD ROOMS On Monday, November 18. LEVKR.NE DRYBURGH. Hev. A. S. Jenkins, formerly of this city, died Friday morning following a two-week's Illness, ac cording to word received here late yesterday afternoon. Iter. Jenkins was a retired mln- iter of the Methodist church, and sided In Roseburg for a number of years, where he made many friends. He recently moved to the coast, where he since had made his home. He has been suffering ! from pneumonia for the past two ; right tackle. Schulmerich the ball to the one-foot line. Schulmerich Scores 7. penalized fifteen yards for holding. I Wetzel punted to Edwards who was tackled before he received the ball and Oregon was penalized fif teen yards for bitting the receiver before he bad the ball, giving O. A. C. first down on their own 38-yard Score: O. A. C. 20: Oregon 13. line, cuwaras mane one yarn liattey replaces i-evm at leu lac- tPT Tne mother-in-law and the through center, but O. A. C. penal- kle. Schulmerlch's kick was good. wl(jow testified that after the izcd five yards for backfleld being Score: O. A. C. 21; Oregon 13. :f,al melee thev had seen the In motion. Snider punted, but j Snider kicked off to Jones who ...,. ..imiti.'. v- j in. .nautz uiui-Kt-u nit- puDi huh leu .reiurnea uie pan io uregun s oo on It on the O. A. C. five-yard Une. ivard line. Time out, Oregon. Hey- weeks until his suffering resulted In death Friday. The body will he brought to this city for burial. lle leave many friends here to mourn Ihis passing. Rer. Jenkins was bom near Dela wars. Hhln IVm SI lKfil hHtf fiS CVuaia ornnA lillM at 1 1 VSB1-1 ml 1 " -i -rt took, prayer meeting ,an produced a pa-1 OrcharUa. Bring containers or leave I )f f aKe Rt'h? tlme Va,Ji' per nark full of chips ho had path-1 at Brand's Road Stand. Will de- ered. He testified that he had i Uvered mhen tilled 1 null ilnivn In lha annitohorl anil Schulmerich went through right ,h, .. ,. , fcn .-i,..- . tackle for another' touchdown. ..,, H. M ,, . imn,..hi for cloth prints to show In the lit on the dirt. The defense main tains that the shed, alleged to have Vitus made 3 yards around left nnl.li replaces Jones Vitus take used tryitn(, place, was covered with litter. He also told of bruises he saw on Hnntley's face end. The referee was in the mix- fullback and Reynolds halfback. up under the players. He can Reynolds make one yard but ball hardly ..walk. ;Jones , made left returned and Oregon penalized two wk aftr.r Bf(alr ,na on guard for two yards. Ball on O.lve yards. They pulled th dead hl shoulders the last week. A. C. one-yard line I man play on the same play but it i A)ton RIr. tP,tlrpd fo , rooi ; Oregon Adds 7. 'didn't count on account of the chRract(lr of , p,UKltt, Vitus went over for a touch- penalty Smith replaces Smith at connlv., The wnPM M he had down through left tackle. Time loft end. Reynolds, hit center for i , , ,K ..ki im. out Oregon. Anderson hurt. The five but both taems were of side ,,, , ,h niin hn block by Mautz that paved the way and the ball was returned. On a With his parents he moved to Il linois when 4 years of age and. was Charles Whltaker. who es- raped two weeks ago from tho road camp at San Quen- tin, was arrested here this morning by Deputy Sheriff George Sewell. Whltaker had served 18 months of a 6-year sentence Imposed for the 4 theft of an automobile. He had been permitted to go to the road camp from which be escaped with a rompaii- 4) Ion. He was recognized by 4) tha deputy sheriff from a 4 description furnished by the San Quentin officials. Whit- aker says that he was ar- rested as a vagrant at Ash- 4 land two daya ago, but waa 4 released without being re- 4 cognized. 4 - - cult two years and at Jacksonville one year. On account of his physl- .nr.. , i. t- . . 1 tl'-.l. Illluru Eiruna. Ul nniw, nanu. n . , ,.., , ,. . j .in ..-i ,nnii,, im v. sepiemoer 2t. iid ne was unneu gene, where he attended tne tooi-i"" "-w ball game today, and will spend to which union was bora five chil Sunday visiting his parents, Mr. ren. two of whom have passed on and Mrs. F. A. Bemla, and with before. He leaves to mourn bis friends. death a widow and three sons, J. Have a bargain In a good Dodge H of Little Rock. Arkansas; K. E.. sedan. See Taylor with Catching i and F. J.. of North Bend. . Motor Co. He was a staunch Christian and Plows that will plow Wack mud 'a powerful worker. At the age of at Wharton Bros. Si-e this quick all ennmel Quick meal range, worth 8126, for left fatherless four years later, on CBl coudltlon he retired from the ministry after serving at Jackson ville, and moved to a ranch In tb vicinity of Roseburg, where he re sided until last January, when h moved to North-Bend. $98.60. Judd's Furniture Store. 'A cash prise goes to the winner of the Charleston contest next Sat. urduy night. This contest is being 27 he entered the Southern Illinois arranged by Miss Peggy Conlee, a conference of the Methodist Epls- graduate Chrlstensen School of coi.nl church. He moved to Oregon I Itanrlng, Portland. - Better than a In 1911 and served the Wilbur cir- circus. nsmed Akers at a dance." He had ONLY HANDFUL OF BRIGANDS MENACE !; I . LEGION NOTICE. w i . r t Tr nrnAnT UAMUtua, KCJ-UK 1 ; 4, Meeting Tuesday night, Nov. v )4 17, at club rooms In Armory. (Aoootatrd ma Ual win-.) 1 ArmutJce Day report and oth- BEIRUT, Syria, Nov. 14. One4 er Important matters. Norni- hundred and fifteen bandits and nation of officers for ensuing forty Maronltes have been killed year. Entertainment touchdown was a beautiful trinle pass It was broken un by u...i .i n. ,if . . Mautz getting through the Oregon who rot the ball for int-r- .. v. t iw.w. , q'ho Hefenan nlifecteil trt the Reasonably "The Vogue." priced dresses at Keep an Eye on Your Property Values Property values change. Tour fire iniumncA policies should change to correspond, lnntiran.ee that was adequate yesterday may not offer you full protection today. We shall be glad to tnepect your fire rinks and Insuranre protec tion tn the light of present-day values. wnwe.iiK '4 t ATTENTION LADIES. 4 A complete lino of new, w up to date dresses, reasonably 4 priced, at "The Vogue. during an attack by bands of bri gands on the village of Kawkaba, near Hasbaya. The information comes from French sources. for piny, j line In plenty of time and blocking ferenre with the receiver. line kick, tne Dau roiling DacK taAnderson to Wetzel, waa Incom- ,... ,-,,- , thR frncas s. the flve-yard line, hut Mautz could plete. Anderson fumbled the ball ..,llrjr.. h ... tine.l hv not pick It up because it wa too on the next play while trying o tnUur't. sustained Dy .-..un. no ,v-m on int. U.MI wiina pass ann u. A. i;. recoverea ine the O. A. C. men were diving for htill on Oregon's ten-yard line. ;lt. Wetzel's kick was good. Score: jMlnlmaugh replaced Anderson at iOreeon 13: O. A. C. 14. quarter. O. A. C.'s ball on Oregon'3 I Tho Oregon stands are wild, ten-yard line. ! There Is not a vacant seat In thq , Schulmerich Kick. Goal, stands and lots of people on top Two mlnu,P , KO, Lubv mt ;of cars looking over the fence. 'fir,Pn v.rd, ht th t,n ,trn- Luby replaces Dcnman at right hprll,. , ,-.m, wpr side. Luby failed to gain runnlne the ball out of bounds. Schulmer ich made one yard through right tackle. Schulmerich kicked a field goal." Score: O. A. C. 24; Oregon 13. nn I a i . a-.. v. n. m rU i w " nnn pu- i" i my un a. x u -fg-yard line where Vitus returned oavaiu linn. oninon Ki"-n ill mi Dfzon. Oregon, at right tackle. On half. Jones kicked off o O. A. C.'s 29 yard line . No gain. Luby circled left end for five yards as the gun ended the quarter. Score, end third quarter, Oregon 13; O. A. C. 14. DR. DEAN B. BUDAR OPTOMETRIST ' Specialist In the fitting of Olassea lit Jackson SL AUCTIONS We tell anything and everything you have to offer and get the high dollar. See me for dates. M. C. RAOABAUGH - 630 V. Pine St Men's suits cleaned and pressed. 11.50. Roseburg Clean era, phone 473. STEPHENSON FOUND 4 GUILTY OF MURDER NOBLESVILLE, Ind.. Nov. 4 14. I). C. Stephenson, former Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Kl.m of Indiana, was found guilty by a Jury Ibis after- noon of the charge of mur- der 1 nconnection with the death of Madgo Oberholtzer. who died of selt-admlnlster?d 4 poison following a brutal as- sault alleged to have been commltteed up her by Steph- enson, with the assistance of 4 two co-defendants, KUnck and Gentry. a bko pmu tscnu mericn lauen to vi'ns made 8 yards. The pistol igaln through center. Luby made ,,,,,,, tn(, Score. Q A c seven yards around left end, and u 0rp u first down. Ldwards made left 0 end for four yards. Time nut for I ' j Oregon. Resume play. Snider hit I ; center fo rthree yards. Luby Inst I i five yards around right end, Mautz LOCAL NEWS it-.. : I ' Mrs. Ed. Marks and son of Oar den Vsllev, motored here and snent ,lhe sfternnon shopping and visit Ing with friends. See the new dresses at "The Vn-Tie." It to the 40-yard line. A pass was 1 Pruning tools of all kinds at grounded. A pass Mininllaugh to Wharton Bros. Heat with gas. getting through the line nnd nail- : ing hfm before he could get start- . ed. Mautz is playing a flashy game, paving the way for both . touchdowns. Time out for O. A. C. Snider went back for a punt. He punted to Anderson on his 20- i yard line, where he fumbled but recovered with no gain. Anderson hit center for one yard. Jones hit center for two yards. Wetzel punted out of bounds on his own Heat with ga. Fresh srnne nrire at Clverlnnil , - o-rn ii.-rw nil uiiNiut'iin, iu Orchards. Bring containers or leavej they returned to their h dale dresses at "The Vogue." o Cook with gas TELEPHONE FOR YOUR GROCERIES AND LET US DELIVER THEM It Is much easier to lift the receiver on the phone than It Is to carry a basket of groceries home. Reliable persons may open a charge account with ns and then phone for their groceries and have them delivered to their homes. We sell at as low a price as la possible, considering qual ity and service rendered. It Is a pleasure to serve you at all times. Try Knight's Rogue River Catsup. We have Knight's Saner Kraut and Mince Meat, and they are fine. Support the Community Chest, give all you can. ECONOMY GROCERY O. L. JOHNSON The Store That Serves You Bast. Phone 63 Secretarial, Stenographic, or Bookkeeping Course EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE (82 Willamette SL Phonf 668 Eugene, Oregon Enroll Today It's a Good School . . A. E. ROBERTS, President Miss Doris Sandrles, of Grnnts Pass. Is spendingjhe week end here visiting, as the guest of Miss Ruth Pickett. Peg harrows, spring tooth and disc harrows at new reduced prices at Wharton Bros. Mrs. 8. P. Holmes, of Medfnrd, met her husband, who has been been here on business, today, and rime thle at Brand'a Road Stand. Will dellTeriafi,.rnoon. Mr. Holme- U with the when filled. I freight office of the Houthern Pa- Iclftc rompanr at Medford, and Is Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 189 L. well kanwn here. ) Axes, wedpe. rrow-rut aw and A complete line of new, up lo; other wood rutinrs tnnln mt Whor. iton Broii. I While not out of dancer, V. An tdrleaff. who wan rlouxlV Injured 1 yeMerday when a larne tlnibr top- iriv-u mini uimiii mm, anu iHKen to Merry HoapUal, In reported to I'M WOK In the rirriitl Purt t the Hint of fr-rKon for IjomkIh" f 'nun I y. K.!n M( ron-inn. IMnlntlff. v-, t'irf MfCiii'Hii, rftnint. T rharlHta Mn'omai, thp ntmv naiD-Ffl I M'f-r-nilnnt: In th nnme of I he Ptnt-r of Or-aT'tn. You ore h-ri'h n-'intri-ri1 lo appenr nnd nnt-We-r Hi rnm plutnt of the jiiitlntiff. fl!i nRulnnt you tn th ntiovp It Ifil rntirt nnd odtja-, on or ti"for the 21 f 1 )y nf i)ffiilisr. Ittl'S. hflnfc th" it-r pr'B-riol Uy lh rotirt In th .r- or fir puMttlon of nnld rnim ynii to mnie-rtr Hiiil Hnn--Mtnplalnt. and If ymi fall to nnnwcr the naM roniplnlnt on or tirtfor hU tint. th plnlntlff will rily to tho court for lh r--llff nruyrd for In hr roinplBlnt. a iifi lni't ftfnttment of whl h tn at follow: for a iJi-cn'O dl-tiol vlnic ih marrlna:1 ronirm I now t iittnar hitr-n yurnflf and ntnlntlff ami edr you erer Of ml. other applieationa. If you havi not': bJrin T InVnrrUl. Your bunions may be o swollen tried KmeraM Oil then yon Itave thin aummona la ttuhlinlird In th and inflampd that too think rod aomethlna that will end tout foot Rm-hiirar N wa-tl-vi w Uy oni-r of cant ro another step. Your shoes; troiioies for ever, may feel as If they are cutting1 It's a wonderful formula this riKht Into the flenh. You fel sick coiuhlnatlcn of eatentlal oils with all over with the pafn and torture1 ramphor and other antiseptics so and pray for quick relief. What's . marrelous that thousands of hot to he done? Mies are sold annually for reduclnjf Two or three applications of rarlcose or swollen veins. Moone's Emerald Oil and In flftepnl Kvery rood drnnrlst guarantees Here's Instant Relief from Bunions and So ft Corns Actually Reduce the Swelling Soft Corns Dry Right Up and Can Be Picked Off. EMERALD OIL MUST GIVE COMPLETE SATISFAC TION OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED. Get a twoounce bottle of Moone's tlons nt remilar Intervals and thelj"""" Emerald Oil (full strength today. ', i.welllns: reduces. ltn"rnw Kvery well stocked dm store has, And as for Soft Corns a few ap thls, with the dlntlnct understand- plications each nleht at bed time Ins; that your money will be cheer- and they just aeetn to shrivel right fully relumed If It does not reduce up and scale off. the Inflammation, soreness and No matter how discouraged you pain much quicker than any rem- have been with pads, shields orj'' the ll.m tie". K. guln, Jml "f th" e.nintv eonrt, h'H.t" on ll 1 tlh d'lV nf Nov.inlir. In:'-'., and th. flmt pul.llenli'tn nf thl. .iifniiien. I" nf ilt. th. Hth il.y f N'.ienihr. Vi.'.'i. sni th. L.t piihtlf-.lli.n will t. i.n th. 2ftlh dnr of lie-mhr. tr.klna a p.rlr.4 of sis full and consecullv. -..-t.. It. W M AftMTKft. i... ., . ! ii f ..,a .... Aitorn.v rnr i-inmiui. n"- . mU,... ,,,,... .,. .... . , (P,rkln, ituiidln. fti.el.ur. Or.- i fllHappi-ars. A few more appllca-i foot troubles or money back. (rin, like JSfifc 90utstaodlfig Maytag FatttUfM For homes without electric ity, the Mar tag Gyrafoara it aviiliblc with (jaaoluM Multi-Motor attachment. 1 Waihcs faster. 3 Wsihesckantr. I Lsigest hourly capacity in the world. 4 Most compact washer made takes floor apaca only 25 inches square. 8 Cast aluminum tn b c a a't warp, roe. swell, split or corrode. 9Rsasona for World Leadership Easily sdjoarsd -tojwaVaci(hu . 7 Clothca can be put in or takes) out with the washer running, t Tub dean it self. 9 All aetal wringer. Self adjusting. In stant tension release. A STARTLING new wash j ing principle has been Va created it is the May tag Gyrafoam. No other washer can match its perform ance equal its service com pare with its helpfulness. The Maytag washes a tub of clothes in 3 to 7 minutes elim inates hand-rubbing even on collars, cuffs and wristbands washes easily and immaculately lace handkerchiefs, heavy blan kets and grease-caked overalls. Prove all this in your own home next washday. Call us and we will bring a washer right-to your home. The only obligation is one that you owe yourself. And remember if the washer doesn't sell it self don't keep it. Dtferrtd Payment I you'll never mi Atk to w th New Maytag Iror.tr, too ' Tftmftsw Gyrafoam RVasher CAST ALU M INUM TUB MAYTAG SHOP WITH Churchill Hardware Co., 202 N. Jackson St., Roaeburg, Oregon Phone 73