ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1925 ' Two extraordinary days to mark close of our 1 0 Days Clearance Sale making a great two days. ' ,; ; C ' ' ' " I dllil .1113 X 1925 Clearance Sale! , FRIDAY AND SATURDAY So great has been the success of tHi3 sale that it is only fitting and incumbent on us a3 a special act of appreciation to bring it to an end with a grand final and dramatic presen tation of reduced prices and close-out bargains irr all departments. . NEW BARGAINS ARE ADDED.' ; CROWDS ARE PROVIDED FOR. if - FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL DRESSES Many under half price. Many below coat. ONK LOT $9.90 s silks and IlalbrlKKans In late IhII and winter modes Valuea up to ISOO. Thin la a final close out price, and a value never before leen ki Kose burg. . . . . . - DRESSES A that has been further reduced for (rand climax of aale. $7.59 Remainder of stork haa been picked over but many excellent valuea easily worth two or three times as nnleh. Grand climax value on one lot of Indies MuiisIiik I'nion Bulla, In Pink, Knitted, with Silk Tops. $1.29 Regular 12.50. t-'ain. This ia a wonderful bar- Grand Climax Sieclal on Ladies' Coats mark down to close l t now. $22.50 A further mark down to clone remainder of in me lot dow. Fur trimmed and fur collar coats, all wool matt-rial no better value can be offered In coat a. Great Reduction on all hvh priced Coat. Everything Entire stock is still on sale 1 5 per cent reductions on all regular lines urday the last days for these reductions buy nowl '..' ' Calling attention to items that are important: - Chiffon Silk Hose $1.00 Cliildrens Wool Dresses J. $2. 95 i 9-4 Pcquot Sheeting" ....64c Men's Union Suits i ....89c Friday and Sat- 32-in. Ginghcm3 19c 36-in. Ginghams '....17c Phoenix Hosiery, 85c ......$1.00 Cotton Hose, Special '. J.. ..19c Outing Flannel 18c 36-in. Pajama Check 19c 36-in. Lingette 64c Work Shirts 63c i 15 Off ALL CORESTS UNDERWEAR DRY GOODS HUNpREDS AND HUNDREDS OF WORJH WHILE SAVINGS , . 150 Off-' ALL HOSIERY STOCK DRAPERIES SILKS, ETC Hc(tet Service Better Merchandise ROSEBURG, OREGON i ! ! ?X jKdXyI FOR SALE 1924 Star touring. Box It, News-Review. WANTKI) Milk rout. Weeks, Ruck In, Ore. A. R. PI MHKINH ONLY 6 per Ion at farm. J. F. Bon. brake, N. Curry KHrate. COIiN ON COB 11.15 ptr bu. at ranrh. 8 miles south -Myrtle Creek. M. II. Bauer. ISK1) PIANO-We have a bargain In a Ufled piano tor . eomeone. Terms If wanted. Call 315 N. Jackson St. FORD TOUR1NO for aale. or will trade for wocd, goats, potatoes or apples. It. F. Huntley, Brock-way. UO YOU KNOW THAT T per cent ! la 75 per ceut mure than 4 per) cent ? You are aunt to be pleased . v lib the savings plans offered by : the Western Havings St Loan 1 Ass'n. Wayne B. . Jocea, lilsl. Mgr. Phone 192R. i A .STl'CCO HOMK I.N RIVER-, SII)E New, modern. B room.; .built In, plastered thronihout. garage, two larx lota, very rich garden soil, 1200, convenient , terms. McLendon, 221 Perklna Bid. Phone 124J. i BICYCLE SALE! Thla week we POWELL'S CASH SPECIALS LOANS If- you wish to build o buy a home or refund your pres ent mortsane. w-e have a liberal monthly payment plan whereby loana may be repaid. In monthly ' Installment extending over a ' period of years. No commission. No delay. L'nipqua Savings and Loan Association. Douglaa Ab stract Building. will give 10 per cent discount on all bicycles and tires. Koseburg Cyclery, 635VN. Jackson St. FOR SALE $57.00 Liberty range for 49 50; $76 Hoosier Cabinet, 139.5(1: long Oakcraft bed Dav enport, $29.50. J. M. Judd" Fur niture Store. !I25 DOWN New. modern. 4 romis, comfy little, home, In South Rose-burg, very quiet dla- trlct. $20 month. McLendon, 224 I IVrklns Illdg. Phone 121J. jFOR SALE Ford-fourlng car, wire wheels and starter. A bar I train at $9000. Oldsmoblle Six I Touring at $150.00. Call i iee them at Wells and Chase, 317 i North Jaekson St. FOR SALE Strawberry plants," New Oregon, well rooted, $4 per thousand. Solid cabbage, any quantity. Improved Petite prunes, 10 lbs. for $1. Llndbloom, Dlxonvllle. Simmons' 2-inch Post Iron beds, '. $7.05. Simmons' all steel springs, $5.65. ' High grade all cotton mattress, $7.75. High grade - pillows, per pair, I $5.35. 04x76 light color cotton blankets, double. $2.J9. jKx0 all wool, light color, double, , 1.J5. 35 lb. pure silk floss mattress, $18 35. Edison phonograph with 100 rec ords, and cabinet, $11.65. . Roll top office desk, special at $21.55. Used range, bums wood or coal. only $17.85. ; I Used healer, entire top lifts; bar-! gain at $7.95. ' .A good stove board, pipe, damper, ; etc.. free with new heaters. j Armstrong linoleum, 1st quality,1 per sq. yd., 93 cents. - - A .good high grade house1 broom, worth $1.00, for 73 cents. For few days only. Super X shot gun shells, 99 cents. A large all copper wash boilert highest quality. $4.99. We have discontinued credit and will lower Our prices 25 per cent. HaveYouTried if. i not, wen you have miss ed the beat. Order It today , and enjoy the - , best , t and Butter? Your Dealer will Supply You With This Exceptionally Fine Butter Ask' for Mel-O-Maid.- i !(-;' ;- Turkey Prices Today i 3031c; dress- t I to producer: 48e to retailer. ' Htalth Canter" Dr. Harrison Folk Dr. Catherine McNeil Chiropractic and Mlectro- ; Therapy Thompson Mineral Vapor Balhs S27 W. Cass I'hone 4!ll BORN. j BARKER To Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Barker, at their home In River side, Thursday, November 12, a boy- i LIBERTY THEATRE Tonight and Saturday With Kit Carson "Over the Great Divide" With an All Star Cast Roy Stewart Henry B. Walthall MaroutriU (now, 8hsldon L.wla. Earl. M.tcalf., Billy Franty. Ov.r 100 Othtrs An "Epic of Frentlsr Days" packsd with Thrills and Romanes WEBFOOT WEEKLY 10. - - - COMEOV ISO BOVINtiTON To Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bovlngdnn. of Glide, Friday, November 13, a girl. DANCE AT LONG'S HALL Cole Valley SATURDAY N1TE NOVEMBER 14 S Music By SUTHERLIN ORCHESTRA S Everyone Invited v : DONALD PARKER Concert Vloliniat and Teacher Beginners and Advanced Pupils accepted. High School credits given. Phone 42 J. CITY CASE AGAINST WM. GATES TAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENT A liOOU 400 ACRE slock ranch at only $13 an acre. Improvements and personals worth $3,000. Two barns full of hay. Excellent feed. Good terms. J. F. Bonebrake, Koseburg, Route 2. ON SO t " T HST E P 1 1 ENlTTREKT rooms, built ins, closets, cement basement, garage, concrete drive way, yawn. $500 down, easy monthly payments. Mclndon. Perkins Bldg. Phone 1I4J. Portland Live cxnp iVmu-' T iQTrvZlr,rti,ii vn ed 40fr41c. have saved a few dollars each I - SaI Francisco Young live. J.e month In the past? Think of the! oId- 30ft38; young dressed future and Investigate the new. j fi 48c; old dressed 39M3c. ssvines nln offered hv the We.r. ! Seattle Dressed, prime, 4041c em Savings ft I,oan Ass'n. Wavne j:. JonesDist. Mgr. Phone 19?R. I A FIRST Ci,Xl"S olvrTubeRmlio' set w ith head set. for $15.00. Kna had all roast stations from Cl- I gary to Iis Angeles. A two tube set. hooked tip to equal most five tube sets, for $3500 only. Left with us for sale. Churchill IMw, Co. - IT'S NOBOPY'S-B1TSINHSSWHY Unless Interested in buying my Improved ranch of 70 acres In edge of town, 2 blocks off pave ment, th!eo - blocks from high school, J5 rcres creek bottom land tinder cultivation: some fam ily orchard; -nil kinds berries; good six room house situated In . a beauty spot; big barlt: commcr ' cial poultry house: fine water autu'ly: place is well fenced and worth ilonbl.' niy price: clear title to this place for $.1200. one thousand rar.h, balanco long time. Full Information, Lawrence Agen cv. 125 Cp.hb Street. Phone 219. ' JUST ONlT-rW'WlTTfS ACTUA L VALUK 160 it'mi; 3 miles from town: 2 miles from Pacific Hign way: on hsrd surfaced roitd; three and a half million feet fine mer chantable timber: big lot; house: barn, and other bulltllnes: fine spring wnter: 5 acres fine gar den land; some fnilt: outrange ndjolnl ik. Th's will make a fine poultry anil stock ranch, and you enn get clear title to I he whole works for Fleven Hundred and Sixty-Five Dollars. Seven Hun dred each, balance long time. Grab this and think about it la ter., Lawrence Agency, 125 Cass Street. ;i;t USED FORn RARCAIUC J 1 1920 Touring f vono Visit the Creamery at Corner of Jackson and Douglas Streets and see for yourself just how we handle the. Cream that your farmer friends bring to 'iis-theri you are sure to like Mel-O-Maid, : A lot of folks are enjoying Mel-O-Maid Ice Cream every day,' too1 the very finest for desert or the party." ' ' ' " Douglas County Creamery ; J M -'--Phoned !'"t' Mulberry jacquard overstuffed -Mrs. C. E. Miller, of Melrose; Davenpo(t and chair, thla week spent a few hours here this morn-, only $99.75. . Judd'a Furniture , Ing shopping and attending to Store: I business matters. " -wUUUUttaHilaWahaUaHl Tonite and Saturday BUCK JONES In THE ACTIVE Heating Stoves The Active is an all cast, cast lined, is handsome and is made to give service and comfort for many years. . . . , ., , . . ,., See our line of heaters before you buy. ZIGLER-FEE HARDWARE CO. (Phone 25 I ' " A: REAL BARGAIN ON ' iHOTPOINT VACUUM CLEANER Dr. Rupert A. Moon Eleetro-Chlropraetor Nerve and Spine BpeclatUL 209 Perklna Bldg. Phone 654 DANCE OLALLA HALL SATURDAY NIGHT Nov. 14 j GOOD MUSIC ' GEAR CUTTING Our Shops are Kqulppcd to turn out all kinds of machine work. Repair Work Done PINE 8T. MACHINE SHOP Opposite Flour Mill i ne raee or tne rity or Rose- 1 1 1921 Touring $i"snt) burg against William Oates was ! 1 1922 Touring . . $M0 AO heard before City Recorder H. L. 1 1923 Touring, balloon tires $2Vi no Whipple yentordny afternoon. 1 iri2S Touring ( "53 00 (lutes is alleged to have threaten- 1 mji Touring ' 1 $"i;nn ed to shoot a dog belonging to U 192 Roadster (new palm) $2f0 on IT,h ,hr"'n- ln.U1 X'" 1 1921 Roadster $135 00 wtth the owner of he dog. Oat j l9.., , the testimony In the case was I , ,i , heard yesterday afternoon beloro j 1 19:5 ' wheels, the recorder. The matter was " bar!r,!n r"r w I taken under adviaenteut and Judgnl c- A- LOOkW OOI) M(TOKt'(). ; Whipple will render a decision af-IOOIXO TO CALIFORNIA And tor being fully advised regarding ,lhc case. In yesterdny'a paper un I error was nitulo In the account of "TIMBER WOLE" : " A story of the Great West and love for gold. 4TH CHAPTER "WOLVES OF THE NORTH". "Scrambled Eggs" Comedy ' 10c 20c Exclusive First Run Pictures Only ftili TTMHiarnm Tie ! Young Man Get Hep - to the Style-Pep Step! W'hafi the new shoe styles for fall? 1 Be J'obrselfboy friend, non't ask questions. Asjt for Waik-Oversj and get the style-pep answer. Lamp these styles. Stick these out from under your elephants' pants, and ankle down the boulevard so far ahead of the style parade you can't even hear the band. When you walk In Walk-Overs, you keep In step with style. ; ' $7.00, $8.5(' sio.00 ...... ; ; . Rosebiirg Booterie ; ; , IRVIN BRUNN " SHOES THAT SATISFY AND FIT YOUR FEET ' ' PERKINS BLDG. . ROSEBURG, ORE. New Hosiery Just In ANTLERS Tonite and Saturday the case. The name of William Hayes was given instead of Wil liam Oates. UMPQUA FLORISTS Choice Cut Flowers Flower Shop. 31 N Jackson I'hone s.lO Greenhouse, West Roaeburf I'hono 4 OKI WALTER CARPENTER Beautiful mohair davenport Judd'a Furniture Store for $137 REBEKAHS, ATTENTION. I Those having articles for the bn xaar Idease bring to the salesroom of New land's Oarage on Tuesday, after S o'clock, so that they nwy be plnccd on display. If you bring them earlier ttvin Tuesday pleas have them at Mc Kean, liarby A Baldwin. I Masquerade Dance! I AT Tiller Hall f Saturday, Nov. 14 GOOD MUSIC I Everybody Welcome t DR. DEAN B. BUDAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist In the tlttbif of 1 Olassea 1I Jackson SL AUCTIONS We tpll tuTthlnr and vTiryth!tn you hnr to offer n.1 (trt th high Uollnr. 8e tne for datr. M. C. RAOABAUGH ftO N Pin St. mutt mukp a quick turn. Will b'U my utrlrilv mmlern bunpa low. rully fur i(sh,M, for hair itn value: a plastcn-il, itVroratptl. tmlixlifil home, with extra fi" built in f'aluns; very fine mod ern balh. toilet, lavatory. HMric liRhtn. This Inrhiileri a hunilretl dollar rnnce. b"ds. beddinc din init room aet, niK. roeklnir uti'n sllfl. efe. About one acre of Innd, with all kind of fruit and Bur den; bis commfrcinl poultry house and gamce and a fine plae to kf'p a cow, Price, tn rludinK everything 235. Can be hamlled for Sii Hundred' ca-"li. Balance I-hi lime. Ijiw-re-ice Aeacy. V2i Ca.-a Strict. Vhnne 2I! Keep an Eye on Your Property Values Property vabim chur-c. Ynnr fir liimimiir ritirtfn htmhl rhuna In corraiH'i,t, Innuritni thnl W4H ai1rllr It yvplcnlrty nmy in't offer you full liroUTtlt-n t'Mtny ' nhjitt h KMd to InnprM your fir rt-k apl tnmutnrt prott-t In lh-' litcltt of pre'iit-lny VttlUfB. LOANS That cost you less and pet yoi out of dt'ht. Equitable Favtnx loan Attciation. We aollelt loai. on city resi dence and bu.tlne3 prop erty. Monthly payment plan. Farm Ixvtns Sl money, fi. 7 and 10 yrara. h'tnilRht loans. Simple In teres t. G W. YOUNG & SON - INSURANCE 116 Case St. Phone 417 The Big Comedy Riot BUSTER. KEATON In- 'GO WEST" "What Price Goofy" Feature Comedy Palhe News 10c 25c SUNDAY MONDAY Attraction Extraordinary The picture that won the $10,000 cash prize as the best picture of the season. 'SCARAMOUCHE' By Rafael Sabatini A Cast of 10,000 Headed by Alice Terry, Lewis Stone, Ramon Novarro Also the World Famous PORTIA MANSFIELD comofis DANCERS This Act played the Heilig Theatre, Portland, Arm utice Day at $2.00 Admission Company Music and Scenery A Guaranteed Attraction 2 Shows Nitely 7:00 9:15 ' : Sunday Matinee 2:15. , . 25c. tilMvlIlW.t'IOII'MI.II:I.I