TWO-. ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW i ' iMiMd Daily taoapt tiMiday by Tha Nawa-Ravlaw Co- Inc. . i Miitu mt Ifc Ammiiin rrm, Tha 'Aiaoctateo Pr 1 asolutlvttly ntltled to tha uh for repottl 'atton mt all a - dtapatvtea artdltod to It or H othvrwlM crvdltd In Miia papar u to all loual aawa pultahd hrtn. AU rltfata o ro ublicatlon of p dlipau-bct htreiii aro alio rrvd. 'B. W. BATKS BERT O. BATEd- totered a second tlase matter ... Roseburg, Oregon, under SUBSCRIPTION RATES per . br malL. Daily, Ix meatus, by aU baily,' three months, by enalL. Daily, etocle moatb, by aialL. Dally, by carrier, per month- Weekly Newn-Keview, by mall, per FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1925 COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION WORK. I Modern community development makes considerable de mands upon the people for active attention to public matters. At'tlie same time the facilities for carrying on such action have amazingly increased. ,' 1 ' - The telephone is one thing that has done a lot to pro jnote development. It sometimes seems marvellous what the old timers were able to accomplish without this facility. They had good organizations, they had churches and fraternal and social and improvement societies. They had their lectures and fairs and entertainments and did a lot of good work. ' But they worked under great difficulties. If the head V.t a rnmm!ffiA wanfol onmmnniiotA nrifU 4-Via momKaM tf sx mm viimt nvv ssk. v vv vvuuiiuiiivaiv TWbll Ulv 11 IV I iiLa a ui tliat committee, lie had either to address letters or postal -cards to those members, or he had to go around and see them .individually. That took a great deal of time. - ; Today if a committee head wishes to assemble his work ers, he simply sits down to the telephone and talks with them, or in many cases he has a secretary or helper do it for Shim. In that way the work of organizing the labors of that (Committee is very greatly reduced. The automobile also fielps amazingly. ' ' , ' ' 1 ". If a community does not accomplish social progress now, She trouble is in Itself rather than in the difficulties in the Vay. The practical obstacle is that the various people have Vo many things on hand that they want to do, that often you .can't get them to give attention to community efforts and or gnnization work. 1 ' . But there are many towns where people are public spirited enough to give that attention, and aided by modern facilities like the telephone and automobile, they can accom 'plish remarkable progress. RipplingRhumos jjr-Walt !.-.:: SUBSTITUTES.' -'"A pound of Johnson's mothballs, please," I-said to Druggist Hand ; "for years, to ward off dread disease, I've used that famous brand, I take four mothballs when I rise, and six before I dine, and J'm the healthiest of guys, I'm al ways feeling fine. And if at times I'm feeling faint, or weak from heels to crown, 1 mix twelve mothballs with some paint, and pour this tonic down. And it will banish all my aches, my nerves it will repair, and I can whip my weight in snakes, and never sweat a hair. I know that Johnson's moth ball drive diseases- far away, and so I swallow twenty-five some seven times a day." "We haven't Johnson's brand to day," the druggist made his talk, "but here's a kind that peo ' pie say backs Johnson's off the walk. We have some patrons who have bought the Johnson brand for years, and being credulous, they thought that Johnson's had no peers- But having tried the Kickshaw brand, they promptly changed their minds ; the Kickshaw dope they now demand, they'll have no other kinds." And this is why I go no more, my dachshund at my heels, to that misguided druggists's store, to spend rny plunks and wheels. For when I have the Coin in hand, to pay up, by the rood, I do not want some other brand, or something just as good. I want the goods for which I ask, the goods my futhers knew ; let Johnson's name be on the cask no other kind will do. And he who'd sell me other , junk will get my trade no more; he'll never draw another plunk from out my princely store. PO W E LL'S I CASH SPECIALS Simmons 2 inch Post Iron Beds $7.55 j Simmons All Steel Springs $5.65 1 1 High Grade All Cotton Mattress $7.75 High Grade Pllows, per pir $5.35 j 64x76 light color, Cotton Blanket, Double....$2.19 66x80 All Wool, light color, double $8.35 jf! 35 lb. Pure Silk Floss Mattress $18.35 Edison Phonograph, 100 records & Cobinet $11.65 Roll Top Office Desk, special at $21.55 Used Range, burns wood or coal, only $17.35 Used Heater, entire top lifts, bargain at $7.95 A good stove board, pipe, damper, etc., free with g new heaters. & Armstrong: Linoleum, 1st auulitv. ner sa. vd. ..93c A good high grade House Broom worth $ 1 .00, 73c $ S For few days only, Super X shotgun shells 99c 9 Large all copper wash boiler, highest quality $4.99 g -. ' "! 8 I We Have Discontinued Credit I And WU1 Lower Our Prices 25 -President and Manager Becreury-Treasurer alar 17, 1120, at tie post olllea at the Act of March S, l7t. .MOO -.0 .1.00 - .60 - .M year. 1.00 rtefon - . i s . " BY BERT & BATES GOOD EVENING FOLKS ' j , Tomorry the O. A. C. felltra ' And U. of O. fsetballsra Will clash and the . , 1 Proud parenta of ; i ' ' Both Institutions Will motor to the College town to i 8ce now well their Offsprings have Mastered the college yella Durin' the school year. DUMBELL DORA THINKS Herplcide ia punishable by hang ing.. The nation hat been dried and found wanting. i i ' Visitor Why do you not milk that ether cow? Parmerr-Because aha Is dry. Visiter Great Scott I What has giving milk got to do with a cow's ideaa Of prohibition. ' .' FASHION HINT Flappers theee daya keep thair anklee end kneee warm by wear, ing an extra fur around tne neck. Being conceited la usually about all a conoeited person haa to be conceited about. "fr ' Georgia What kind of husband would you advise me looking for? Sherry You let husbands alone, Georgia, dear you get a aingle man. f. 4 ' ' ! ' THE LANGUAGE Or FLOWERS He used to send her roses red : Or erchide every day; . , He said with fiowera everything ( A man could have to cay. it I - .i ! And though they new are wed, nas gifts Have never eeaeed to ahewer t ! He eiten bringe her tor a treat ' 4 n lovety sack of flour. . . a af. We were In a ptetwre show j has urged that this week be i b aome time ago and during the pic-; served as aueb throughout the ture a clock was flashed on the United tilales. The purpose of eoreen. A bird sitting next to us ; the week it to encourage and pro- took out his watch and set it the time shown. 1 ". . . ' . been arranged In which a special topic has been ussigtied for each ' J i. , ..'day of the weok. Monday la Con- j.. . .Li. .L. Z in marruge. , Teacher luy. Tnuraday, Consery- : PVT i i latlun and Thrift Juy, rriiluy, ' It Is said the road to a man's know your School Day, Saturday, heart la through hia stomach. But iCommunlly and Health Day, Kun a ehorter one Is through his vanity. I day. For iod and Country lujr. ' ''' Iu ItoseburK the public schools Wlial want to no down own' making plans for the obsorx- and Ls7 new hat .07 frocks i'l0 ot ' rir and oalr of allDosra. VVhat ta the The American 1-eRlon has weather foreciat?" ' generouly oflered to furnish the Hubbv Rain alsst hail , upwkeri on Monday to address froat and thund.r.torm 'tbe students of the public schools ., u ..nunu. orrna. i n ihe ullJect , edllrBt0n 0n i T T p iMonday nlxht from 7:30 to :0U A yeung girl shouldn't objsct too the blxh school will bold a nuar-I strenuously to a fellow stealing a kiss. Ha will gladly return it. schools will bold classes durlux Garlic la about the only ,hno the same hours, except In thosm yet discovered that will kill the K" h'fh here are no elec odor of onions. Ilrlc ln tne0 rooms visl- t. . t, tors will he welcomed ditrins; the ' afternoon. School Is held on these i SUCH IS F8 ntchts In order that the parenta There waa a young fellow named and neniile of Hoseburx interest- T8 In a hurry, he rod en a FR8 A CRS en the traek Knocked the FFiS en Its baok And T8 waa real LB tor his D8. Th champion flsnd for punish ment lives here. H baa a radio and a parrot. The man who pianta a flo or chard has great faith In the trend of feminine fashion. t A Thsre are two typea of flappers the Intellectual type and the . . . A girl ia only aa old as bar var nish. eur out of mean a flivver.1 five have it we Can save you $ir,n on practically new Ford sedan. Heo Taylor wllh Catching Motor Co. CHAMBER THANKS EX -PRESIDENT FOR HIS SERVICES J A resolution nf thanks fur the service rendered by I.lnvd I,. Croek- F cr. while president of Ihe Riweburg Chamber nf Commerce, linn been adopted by Ihe illrortnra. The res olution Is as fnllttwa: WIIKRKAS: It has been decided by our president, Mr. I.loyd I Crocker, that owing to Ihe condi tion of his health and Ihe pressure of business, be must rcNUtn his du ties and responsibilities as presi dent and director nf Ihe ItiwelHirg Chamber of Commerce, therefor, be It: RKrtOI.VKD. that we. Ihe mem bers of ihe hoard of directors, all Join In I hanking him sincerely for the untiring and efficient rmulnrt of Ihe affairs undertaken by the Chamber during the past year and for the leadership which has In spired our best efforts for the ili vekipmant of the community, nod be It further: . HKSOI.VKK: IliSt w extend to him mir bet wishes ami earnestly request nueh conrrsil(m as he will be able to gve us in the future. See the new Vogue." dresses at "The Miss Elizabeth Spencer : : i . : . eminent Soprano assisted by Lucille Collette Will be heard in a unique Recital at the Presbyterian Church on the evening of Thursday, November Nineteenth Mi Spencer is oiie of the beat known Sopranbi on the Con cert stage. Her roice Is rich and colurlul, of genuine Boprano quality. Wilh thta unusually beautiful voice ia linked a per sonality rarely met with, these qualities combined with splendid musicianship, make Miss Speucer a decided favorite In the Coucert field. M'.ss Bpencer and Lucille Colette are artiste of considerable reputation and the concert will undoubtedly prove one of out standing features of the musical season here.' Admittance will be by card of arrusiion only which may be secured from Ott's Music Store. E Noremlwr 16 to 23 has been proclaimed American Education mote educution. A program has etllu ; ter session of the day's work and ion Tuenday night the urade ed in the achools, may have an opportunity to see the scholars at:LowMt tPnip.riure last nl(n, 44 their regular work At this . time Pr.0lltaUon ,Mt :t hou visitor are especially urjjed to get acqualnled with the Hose burg schools. At the high nrhool on Tuesday 'at noon the cooking classes nnrior ' the supervUlon of M ina l'f iHnd, j Instructor In domestic science, will nerve luncheon to the Klwa ints Club and on Thursday tu the Hotary Club. On Tuesday night ithe regular high school Tarcnt- Teacher AsKOcuitlon will be held. A' "'""'V.? . ",r"t ,n,,er' ?,n 'ma- Juu" loT;n- k. ... ... KEARNEYS 3oow.fu.iit. GROCETERIA .r-a. Canned Goodi Specials from 9th to 21 tt Nov. Sweet Potatoes, 6 cans for ....1 85c Punmpkin, 6 cans for , 85c Hominy, 6 cans for 85c Libbys Asparagus Points, 6 cans for 85c Van Camps Tuna Fish, 6 cans for $1.25 Large Cans Columbia River Salmon, 6 cans $1.50 Red Ribbon Shrimp, 6 canS for 95c Ehrmans Best Mi nerd Clams, 6 cans for $1.50 Standard Corn, 6 cans for 80c Standard Tomatoes, 6 cans for 80c Standard Peas, 6 cans for 80c French Peas, 6 cans for $1.30 Campltcll's Assorted Soupe, 6 cans for 55c Lima Beans, 6 cans for 85c Spinach Ehrmans Best, 6 cans for $1.25 Kraut Ehrmans Best, 6 cans for 95c Dill Pickles. 6 cans for.. $1.25 Goody Goody Pineapple, Sm Yourself ami Save at p KFARNFV'K ftRfiP.FTFSllA t , The Store that Brought 'em Down J partments of the grade schools will be placed in the school build tiiKft and stores of the city. The committee In charge of the program for Education Week ur ges that the citizens of Roseburg otmerve the week and avail them selves of every opportunity to be come' acquainted with -the Rose burg school system. New Lamp Burns 94Air Beats Electric or Gas A new oil lamp that givea an 1 -inirly brilliant, soft white light, ttrr than gas or electricity. has been trusted by the U. S. gov- eminent and 15 leading unlversl- ties and found to be superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns wlth- Ing up; is simple, clean, safe. Burns i4 air and 6'o common kerosene (coal oil). The inventor, V. M. Johnson, 161 North Union Ave., Portland, Ore., Is offering to send a lamp on 10 days' FRKB trial, or even to Rive one KKKB to the first uner In each locaH"' ho wl" heln hlm 'n,r- diice it. Write hlm today for full particulars. Also ask him to ex- plain how you can net the axency, and without experience or money mako S2SU to iuO per month. . o Fresh xrape juice al overland Orchards. Crlnx containers or leave mt Urand's Road Stand. Will deliver when filled. DAILY WEATHER REPORT U. S. Weather Bureau, local of fice. Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 6 a. m. Precipitation In Ins. A Hundredths Highest temperature yesterday 62 Total preclp. since first month 2.44 Normal preclp. for this moth 4.87 Total preclp. from Sept. 1, 1925 to date 6.05 Average preclp. from Sept. 1 1X77 S.46 Total deficiency from 8ept. 1, 1925 .41 Averuge precipitation for 46 wet seasons, (September to May Inclusive) 3I.4S Vnsetilod with probably light rain tonight and Saturday; moder ate temperature. WM. BKI.L, Meteorologist. -4 large cans, 6 cans.... $1.25 : LOST Between t and T o'clock. Wednesday nlxht, on the road between Garden Val- ley and Roseburx. lone brushed wool scarf, red trim- med with tan. . Return to News-Review office. 3. ' South Deef1 Creek Grange met November 7, with a large attend ance. Applications for member ship were received from six per sons, who will be balloted upon at the next meeting. : It was decided to hold a com munity Thanksgiving dinner at the ball at noon on Thanksgiving IJay, with a dance In tbe even ing. i Tbe following program waa presented by Worthy Lecturer Mrs. C. H. Bailey; Piano solo, Miss Alice Jenkins; "jokes", Al bert Karcher, Calvin Smith and Lola Duncan; reading by T. E. Duncan; piano solo. Miss Josep hine Cachelin; playlet, entitled: ! "Chicken-hearted Wives of Our Fishermen," Mrs. Ada 'Melton, Mrs. C. H. Bailey and Mrs. T. K. Duncan: piano solo. Miss Ruth Blood; recitation. Miss Itachael Smith; reading by Mrs. Clarence Smith. W. C. Edwards of Butte Creek Crange, Wheeler County, was a visitor and made an interesting address. Mrs. W. L. Johnson of Kuna, Idaho, will stage on entertain ment at the South Deer Creek Grange hall on Thursday evening under the auspices of the Grange and the Parent-Teachers' Associ ation will bold a program imme diately after the entertainment provided by Mrs. Johnson. A cash prize goes to the wlnse. of the Charleston contest next Sal urday night. This contest Is being arranged by Miss Peggy Conlee, a graduate Cbrlstessen School of Dancing. Portland. Better than a arena. TRIKHKY -WINS BY K. O.; OLKK AND DKl'INTO DRAW At Marsh field on Armistice Day, Bert Tribbey, well known middle weight of that city, knocked out Kocco Stranaglia, of Portland. In five rounds. Ace Boles, the color ed lightweight, who fights in Roseburg on the 20th of this month, drew with Mike DePlnto, of Portland, ln ten rounds. , Boles lost a decision to Phil Hayes, of Salem, at Bandon, about ten days ago. In a ten-round argument. PORTIA MANSFIELD DANCERS TO APPEAR IN SPECIAL . ENGAGEMENT AT ANTLER8. Those who love both dancing and music have a treat ln store in the coming of Portia Mansfeld Dancers, who are to give one of their color ful a'.id unique Dance Concerts here on Sunday and Monday at the Ant lers Theatre. The eompauy com prises twelve solo and ensemble dancers. Their program Includes a number of rhythmic "visualisa tions" of famous composition. Among these are the "UnflnisheJ Symphony" (Schubert) and "Chan son Arnbe" (Rimsky-Korsakoff). In connection with these dance vis ualizations, the Milwaukee Journal comments: "One of the most ex quisite dance combinations seen on the stage for many a day. ' Thpy are artists and their lovely Interpreta tion of Schubert's Symphony In B minor and the Brahms Waltx ate something that make a profound Impression. Have a bargain In a good Dodge sedan. See Taylor with Catching Motor Co. A. 8. JENKINS ILL. Word was received here this morning that A. 8. Jenklni. for many years a resident of this vi cinity. Is very III with pneumonia at North Bend, where he now re sides. Mr. Jenkins, a retired min ister of the Methodist church, left Roseburg a short time ago to make his home at North Bend. He has been III for the past two weeks. It Is reported, and is said to be very low today. Men's suits cleaned and pressed. tl.50. Roseburg Cleaners, phone 472. G. M. C. HAS DIVIDEND; CHRYSLER UP 10 POINT8 NEW YORK, Nov. 13. Directors of tho General Motors Corporation today declared an extra dividend of $5 a share on the common stock. In addition to the regular quarterly payment of $1.50. With the stock market greatly strengthened by Its recent reaction, prices early todny bounded upward almost as rapidly as they fell earlier ln Ihe week. Expectations of a large extra dividend for Gen eral Motors stockholders brought In a rush of buying orders for that stiH-k, carrying It up more than six points. Chrysler milled 10 points. .Are YOU Near A Breakdown? Tf Mt, look ont! Tho in in of modern Ufa ia bnrinon or tn i art to bring on blood pratniiro and heart trouble. If yoo frH clono to a biftkloii( tthftt yoa need In that old mid irliahlo tonir. Ir. pKTro GoMn Media. IirorerT, madtv of herbs and mni broirrht to lr. Pl?ree labora tory by Indiana from Rrverrationa In tho tieinity. Tt is a pure. reoa f'ruetiro toitr, will purify the blood, ton op a taffrisn livr and belp metora health and atrcagta. 4ak FORK? FACIAL . .' u. fniA treatment to do away with early wrinkles, and to make less noticeable tbe deeply engraved wrinkles 01 miouie , q-i.. ,kA hai ii.w twlfltlnc something around the head. so no cream goes over the hair to make It greasy. Take a small amount of cleansing cream, rub quickly over the face and wipe off; this is merely to get off the surface dirt. nil a basin with hot water. then cover the skin thickly with cleansing or flesh making cream, throw a large towel over your head and bend over tbe basin. This Bounds aa thouvb you were to steam the face, you are not, for your water In the basin cools off quickly and gives you only enough steamy heat to open tbe pores of tbe skin, to let in the cream, let out the dirt and to bring tbe blood up to tbe face. Massage with the fingers as you bend over the basin, working the cream In thoroughly. With the ; backs of the fingers, stroke away I from the mouth toward the ears, 1 for mouth wrinkles, and go round land round the eyes to smooth out crow's feet. After five or ten I minutes. (live will do If you I haven't much time to spend on 'this) throw oft the towel, wring la cloth from the hot water and Iwlne off the cream. Notice how dirty It is too, though you have already cleansed tbe skin once with cream. Rub the face with a piece of Ice as a finish, keeping this up tor five minutes; for convenience, -L. 7 bus&kefei OT Laura A.rurKrnan CONTRIBUTED RECIPES TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast ' 1 Bananas ' - - cereal breamed Dried Beet Mufrins Coffee ' Luncheon Baked Beans Catsup Lettuce Salad tpple Sauce Bread : i . I , . , '. Tea " ;. j . i t , Dinner J Cream ot Onion Soup Lamb Chops Potatoes Squash Celery Floating Islands Coffee Reader Friends have kindly sent 'in the following recipes for other nouse-keepera to enjoy: -Cocoanut Layer Cake: Cream together one cup of shortening and I two cups of granulated sugar. Add one teaspoon of salt, five well- beaten eggs, and one teaspoon of 'Vanilla extract. Now sift four cups of flour with four teaspoons of ! baking powder and add this to the batter alternately with one cup of cold, sweet milk. Beat well and i bake ln greased layer cake pans, I for about 3S minutes In a hot oven. (Put together with this Ring: One 'cup of sugar mixed with one-third leup of hot water and boiled to the i soft-ball stage. Remove one-third ot this sirup from the fire and pour it on two stiffly-whipped egg I whites, continuing to beat. Ihe remainder ot the sirup is still cook ing over the fire, but when it reaches the point when It will 'spin la thread,' add It to the icing. Flay- ' or with one teaspoon ot vanilla ex- DietandHealth T a ewnvain, dv iiuu. wraiUT t .".. , 7mr iiri ma IT WON'T BE ANY No one likes to be fat I use the ! short and ugly term because It gives a definite picture more ex-! pressive than the term overweight, i No one likes to be fat. No one Kkes to be fat. You i don't like to be fat. You plan to ' diet tomorrow. Now tomorrow Is! today and you are invited to a lui- j cheon or a banquet or a picnic, and so you don't diet today. Still you are going to diet tomorrow. It Is to tho.-ie of you who are going to ' diet tomorrow that 1 address this! article. I m going to tell you something that will start you dirt-1 Ing today. It Is this. You plan to dirt lo- day. You are hungry. A very J tempting, fattening meal makes! you think again that you will ll t j tomorrow. When that thought comes sav emphatically tn yourself: ' "It won't be any easier tomorrow!" Picture yourself tomorrow going through the rame struggle with Ihe; desire for the fattening foods, and then say again to yourself: "It won't be any easier tomorrow I'NLESS I HKCIN TODAY." I have found that that thought has been a very helpful deciding force' wllh me many times. Now, after you have controlled your appetite today, you can say It will be easier tomorrow. Kor that i Is an absolute fact. It will be ten times as easy tomorrow. What you do today from force of will, you ' are able to do tomorrow frrmi force i of will plus a little help from force nf habit. Atler a irhlle you will (Ind that the force of wtll rrnptea MASSAGE tie the Ice In s bit of old linen. v Hn.-,lav Vnnr ulrin will bloom like a young girl's. Tbe Ice cannot cnup a ju nave jusi used cream, nor will the cream make the skin greasy after the ice ruo. i . Mrs. O. B. C; false hair roses Its shade if it Is washed very much in soap and water, but It ! verv necessary that it should be kept clean or It will collect terms and contaminate tne natur al bair. Tbe best way to keep such balr clean is to dip It in gasoline, and then shake It out In the wind and sun to -fluff it out and also to rid it 01 tne odor. He absolutely sure there Is nu fire ln the bouse when using tbe eusoline or for some time after- I wards. It would be safer to use 'the gasoline out of doors. As isuch balr loses its lustre after a while. It Is well to brush it a 'great deal. Never continue to wear a switch after it loses its 'color or the sheen that Is charac jlertstlc of natural and healthy bair. Two years use ia about the Imost you can expect from artifi cial hair before it begins to lose I color and life. Jobn F. G.: Camphor Ice or white lip stick Is very good for 'chapped Hps. Glycerin and rose I water ln equal parts make a slm ple solution for chapped skin. Chapping is aggravated by a poor circulation, so anything that helps this will be an aid also. It you bite your lips when out ln the wind you will encourage the 1 trouble. ' tract and turn it at once over the layers, sprinkling dessicaled cocoa nut over IU Also Ice top and sides, and cover with the cocoanuu Mrs. L. L. G." "Welsh Cookies: Some time ago one of our Housekeeper-Readers asked for this recipe. I chanced to come upon a recipe which my grandmother used in Wales, of course it Is in pounds and ounces Instead ot in cups and teaspoon fuls! But I give It as it is: One pound of flour, two ounces of lard, two ounces ot buttec, one-fourth pound ot sugar, one and one-half cups of dried currants of the small raisins, two teaspoons of baking powder, a pinch of salt and a little nutmeg. Mix with water into soft dough, roll and cut with cookie cutter, and bake on a grid dle." . mj H.m . . . ... . body says my quince preserves are especially good. Perhaps Bride readers would like ,the recipe: Pare the quinces, cut them in quarters or eighths, and core. Cover with cold water and cook slowly till al most tender. If too tender they will become mushy and lose their shape. Now weigh the pieces and for each pound of this cooked fruit allow three-quarters of a pound of granulated sugar. Mis this amount of sugar with Ihe water in Which the quinces were boiled, bring again to the boiling. point, and add 'the cooked quince sections to this sirup. Continue to simmer till the 'fruit turns red. Then place In hot. .sterilized class tars and seal air tight at once (adding the sirup to the pieces ln the Jar). Farmer's jJVIfe." Tomorrow The Housekeeper's Social Life. it . i 1 i . m w uutu I'ciers, rixi rr ..." .!-. ... raan andjiet iuJna'rtn EASIER TOMORROW! ample of the maxim WHAT YOI' i"i ai rittsi rKii.M MiKir. vr WIU, YOU DO LATKIt FROM FORCE OF HAR1T. While I nm talking nf . these psychological helps In reducing, let me tell you of some other helps. rlan the day Just before what you are going to eat and write It tlowi. Then it Is settled In your mind and you won't have to be holding debating societies with . yourself and making decisions the next day. if It is Impossible to plan the day bffore. plnn before the meal. If you should overeat one meal, omit tlin next Don't allow your thmighln dwell upon forbidden foods. IHn't look in randy or paRtry windows, don't read food ads or recipes, and don't "taste." The second fast' Is always harder to resist than the. f rst. When you see a potm' of candy you would like, don't think of It as candy but as a lump nf fat an nexed lo your fattest siot. When yoor friends eat Ice-cream sodas (."no or Slid C.s) drink your r'ai" seltxer water wllh the same rostn. Have pictures of women (or men! wllh beautiful figures, whose pro portions you want to approach, on your dining table and dresser where yon can see them when yon are templed to overeat and lo omit your exercise. If you go on 1200 calories a day. which is a reducing number lor most anyone, and if your meals an properly balanced and arranged you win not suffer from hunger. bfS5S Plan to have yoor meals t d.fl your fiMtftioor about it I a minor place. And you are an ex tCODUsued on page 7.)