ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 192?. ' " ! . . ....... ;... t ii'.Miiim i ttj t . t j; h ,,.(' ' V ?f ;i i. ji ? ,,, . ' ' V:' ', ' ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. Although defected to 0 by Grunts ?ui hlich school yester day, the Koseburg high school football team made the beat show ing this season. For three, and almost four, quarters the local teum carried the game Into Grams Pass territory, forcing the light over the entire distance, only to lose on a fluke play with only six minutes to go. Koaeburg bad carried the ball to the Grants Pass 20-yard line, nd with 5 yards to go en the third down, tried a pass over ths , goal, line. A desperuto Grants Pass back speared the ball In mid-air and raced 90 yards tor a touchdown. The local boys for the first time this year exhibited an of fensive. Throughout the game they forced the Grants Pass play ers to stay on the defensive and the entire game was played out side Rosburg's 35-yard line, and mostly in Grants Pass territory, with the exception of the one lone touchdown. Hoseburg made first downs time and again, with the line tearing holes wide enough to drive a horse through. The Hose burg backfired, however, was slow, and the runners were un able to dodge the Grants Pass backs; and consequently failed to take advantage of the openings made tor them. The ball surged back and forth, chiefly In Kosebarg's possession for the first three quarters. Near the end of the third period Rose- ! burg carried the pigskin to the Grauts Pass 3-yard line, and tried to drive It over with line bucks, but was held for downs. The game had the appearance lot a nothing tie during the final ' period, but near the close Rose lourg started another drive toward the enemy goal. On the 20-yard Hue, wiih two downs to go. It looked like an opportune time for a scoring pass, but the attempt was Intercepted, and slipping through the broken- field, the Grunts Pass runner made the only touchdown of the game with six minutes left to play. The -kick for the goal failed, leaving the score 6 to 0. Other High School iam. LA GRANliK, Ore., Nov. 11. La Grande High School defeated Portland High 18 to 13 hero yes terday. BEND, Ore., Nov. 12. Bend We have a houseful of new cars, come down, look them over. We will take your old one as first payment if it has enough value anil give easy terms on the balance. THE CHRYSLER DEALER 507 N. Jackson St. High School football team won the ; Armistice Day football game from Redmond n the home tield by a 'score of 27 to 0. The victory ties iPrlnevllle and Bend for the Cen ; tral Oregon championship with I Redmond and Prlneville schedul- ed to play a final game in a short I time. ...... i ! MEDFOHD, Ore.! Nov. 13, ; Medrord High School defeated the I Ashland high school football team I yesterday 68 to 0, before 3.00U people In the -annual Armistice iiuy guui. . KLAMATH FALLS. Ore., Nov. 12. Klamath High School defeat ed Alturas, California, high school at football here yesterday, 47 to 0. The light Alturas team was no match for the locals, who used their second string for nearly half of the game. , - , A cash prlie goes to the winner of the Charleston contest- next Sat urday night. This contest Is being arranged by Miss Peggy Conlee, a graduate Christensen School of Dancing, Portland. Better than a circus. UsedCar Bargains W'" One 1924. ' Chevrolet Coupe . V. ..1 - -$395 - '.--IT'riii One 1924 Chevrolet Roadster ; $325 One 1922 Chevrolet Touring $175 ' , -One 1921 Chevrolet Touring $125 One 1919 .Chevrolet Touring $75 Onel92S Ford Touring, New Extras and Lie. Included $462 OTKI KANCKHrt TMING. The announcement that the Por tia Mansfield Dancers, a conipany of l.. are to give one of their beautiful and unusual Dance Con certs in this city Is most welcome. Thoy comprise twelve solo and ensemble dancers, all girls, with the exception of Harold Ames, one of the featured members of. the company. Their program will ap peal to all lovers of music ana dancing for one lovely scene fol lows another in rapid succession. Among the classic compositions to which they will give rhythmic vUuulation Is Tchaikowsky's 'Sym phony Pathetlque." The Dancers will appear at the Antlers on Sunday, Matinee and evening and Monday evening in conjunction with "Scaramouche". the world famous $10,000 prize moving picture.. :' BUSINESS WOMEN'S .CARD . .PARTY. The Business and Professional Women's club will Rive a card party in Moose HalLMonday even ing, November llh. The public Is invited and urged to attend. Bridge and Five Hundred will be played. Both ladies' and gentleman's prizes. Admission 25 cents. Refreshments will bo served. Games start at 8 o'clock. ' ' One 1925 Ford Touring $325 One" 1 923 Ford Touring $250 One 1922 Ford Touring $175 One 1920 Ford Sedan $225 One 1921 Ford Coupe $225 DAILY WEATHER REPORT U. S. Weather Bureau, local of fice, Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 5 a. m. Precipitation In Ins. A Hundredths Highest temperature yesterday 67 Lowest temperature lost night 46 Precipitation last 21 hours 44 Total precip since first month 1.66 Normil precip. for this monin 4.31 Total precip. from Sept. 1, 1:5, to date -2? Average precip. from SepL 1 1X77 - B.31 Toinl deficiency from Sept. 1, 1925. ..- 1 04 Average precipitation for 46 wet seasons, (September to May inclusive) 31.48 Unsettled; rain tonight and prob ably Friday; moderate tempera ture. ... WM. BELT.. Meteorologist. One 1923 Ford Roadster $125 One 1920 Ford Touring, New Bat, 4 new cord tires, $125 One 1921 , Dodge Touring $2S5 One 1920 Oakland Touring $200 One 1920 Liberty Touring -$225 j One 1921 Overland Touring $175 .One Chevrolet Ton Truck $275 HANSEN CHEV. CO. Phone 446 i Rote 6L Roseburg. Ore. SIDE PAINED HER TERRIBLY After Childbirth Women Should Take Lydia E. Pinkhara't Veg etable Compound to Restore Normal Conditions I St. Louis. Missouri. "After my ' Erst child was born I was bothered I will) pain ui my siaewoicn wcsiiro more severe the longer 1 let it go. It was terrible. I r . i i A .. i: Olien nau w uv down to eet any ,r relief. I was in wealc and run down condition, and my aide aAAVnAlt til lA tllA point for all the i 1 was this f ,i,m(inthi.thenIreadyour . . . i .1.1.1 ..J Ik, na,irTW,niail it 1 contained. Bna sianeu u"n K. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound. i I could feel relief a.'U r the first bottle i and 1 have f. fund it to do all you claim j - ! for it. I hid to reat it again after t , my second child was born. I sure will ; , recommend the Vegetable if? , to mv menus. 2WA University St, fet. Iouw. Mo. . If you are fullering from any weak ; nese which causes such symptoms as ' feeling, pre Lydia t. Puikham a VrveUbla Lompouno Do not continue to teei an ru"-" and half sick when relief is at baud. old by druggiau wywoare. f " 1 r O n O0 S i) I lll.f.atrs.lFara'ni tLM h a. 1 1 n fl I fl 1 1 fl I I M A I I - m . m m wm m-m m sKsa r atk. f mm mm mm mm mm am w m mr a m mm m -mm m mm iiM ii a j asav ,i ! M I A ,a Ss l . i - ,; 11 1111 11 J 1