ROSEBURG NEWS-REVlETfr. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1925 Goto xl a Said the Elevator Boy. Buy your winter' supply of flour while the buying is good $7.00, $8.20, $8.60 Good as the best, cheap as the cheapest. Guaran teed to please. . See Us Fiist, We Can Save You Money. "SANDY" By ELINORS MIHERIN U they sir away la Los ROYAL JAPS SHAKE "You're too proud to ask for the money. I suppose? Why didn't you take It then? You're not too proud to take. Or have you changed? The wallet l still in my pocket." Bhe nerer let him see how ! there goads (tuns her. He wa imIoiiIIm. 11 1'.r bi.n. Til. thftntht 4tir. SIWHI BU T AH when von married mi tha walls New York Th an nn the wav Bandy McNeil weds Ben Murlllo would be papered with greenback! home after a three-year tour, a foreigner with large wealth, to land you'd nave your own little Japanese and American dlplo please her parent. She leaves jcar and a maid and what nptt" mats met them at the pier, when ihe altar for a farewoll meeting 8he smiled: "You read my In-( 'hey arrived on the liner Paris, with Tlmmy, an old sweetheart, 'most thoughts! Poverty and l,The royal couple greeted their in the garden of her home in San- ara f0od old pals, Benny you compatriots aceordlng to Japanese .MBt mak, ma mad lavms ai Tuimraa, wuicn requires aevs ioiieisances ana noes not permit He walked up. hi. teeth half J?"""" . :Zw"J'l 1a HANDS WITH PLAIN AMERICAN PEOPLE (Aaoelatrd rna Ummi Wbmt ' NEW YORK. Not. Princess Aaaka, sister of the emperor of Japan, and her husband. Prince Asaka. who likes to dance and play golf and tennis, are visiting ta Barbara. Sho toil Moore, a San Krarelsco cousin, 5jone. woo nnas ner taere, inai sue ASHHn. . L . I II. II.., . 1 . " .L. -V"" bared. Bhe expected him to strike iLakeTahe she meet a two Santa; r' . . Ij (the couple to a dinner dance. Mu- jAd ess night 1 he aat in the , llr- rlllo locks her in the r room. Ao.,;' gered by this and other ,ndlgnl. Fln"y be got up and leaned over MTrlir 1. ri?.. to" her:"" ' ."Vou t.k. it our in; FRENCH FRANC IS ' there and plans to take forceful 'nBginaiion. ao your ' r h.r H.n,t ,. Sandy closed the book hotly, I FARM BUREAU 1 COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE R08EBURG OAKLAND I MeTTOTgeIg.TTgr. them. But they shook hands cor dially with all the Americana ther met. Including two policemen as signed as bodyguards. Hear with (a. 'ONSTIPATION harmful, and a cause" of much worriment and iU- heajth, - a real danger to elderly people who can not easily resist its poisonous effect, is yet readily over, come by Chamberlain's Tablets Now back to our exorcise for Prompt and pleasant. One who has walked about the room. He fol lowed her. "On the level, though, why did you marry me " She said quickly, not thinking; I "I dldu't know what I was do ling. DOWN 10 POINTS (Aarvlatrtl Itaa Ueant Wire.) PARIS. Nov. 8. The French political situation caused heavy selling of the franc this morning, and the rate which haa been gra' she will not return to him. She asks Judith to help her. CHAPTER 16 He treated her with sarcasm and resentment. His eyes nar rowed and. he grew murderous at her continued indifference. When she looked loveliest, he followed her about, makinar little: ol. ',1' v.. I (Aeeoclatr.! Preae Laaard Wire.) slurring remarks, pleased when 'han-ts on a little tahle ' lie oud ' NEW YORK, Nov. 5. French he succeeded In hurting her. Her .JStad'h.?. presVng'hi. "."udYon : J "KS'JlJK? coldness lashed him to Inner fu-hi lauuhlnr anftlv "Ra.Uv. i " B"r ,ow record for the year at cents in seiiiDa; in u. vi. ., .dually sliding durng the last few "But" you knew "torX'??..?. .'.".Tllnl"' doing when you stayed all night , 01 10 e pound sterling. in a bill side cabin,' She hsd her back to htm, her f rlos and hta hurt nride keDt snnd- ... . i , ' . r. . 1 ing him to strike back; crush her jinhu coWnesV of your .trifle ,p!Tl b)P the Freach "",lc"1 as much as he could. ' overdone9" i crista. She was appalled at this in-j At these times Sandy was afraid I Heavy .elllnjr of Frnrh francst "j . " m.r.rr.v iot n"" did other things that ,::r r ; DIET AND HEALTH (Continued from page t.) is needed at rest, because the amount of physical energy u.-ed is so small as to be negligible. Duly the physical activities requlro ad, ditiuual energy food. m oacu to our exorc.sen tor i i-rompc ana pleasant, una wno nas i - - : or mm. no am otner tntngs inai f':z vTL.i. T..w. , reducing. Unfortunately there ! osed them says: "They keep my sto- jvlolence and strain to their re- shipped her. Like one afternoon '"e the New York market open are a great many who cannot avail j mach and liver in good order, but I unions. ; vbea Mw ,nd nernlce Arllss ?fn'ni! ,rJ, 'r Jf " Going about roe house, Sandy dropped In and Sandy made them ,7. . " ..,;;' ,' jJ. would sometimes stop before the a cup of tea. Murlllo came home )he .b,,lk ,,t ""' oren " little Ivory elephants In the cabl- early. He was very suave. He ,'ore'Bn origin. net or that old piece of pewter, went up to 8andy and put his . ' i.j fingering th,e treasures in a still, arms about her. He kissed her Lre' nv,er!" frightened way. This was Muril- and laughed softly. His eyes had 0"hards Bring cortalnere or leave in hnn,. u. k.H nn,ra,.d it'. -..i ..i,.'. i. -at Brands Road Stand. Will de- r his bride. These silent clashes made her ; "Teryu wnen will under go training for a period i She was Ills bride, but he bated nysericai. i m a uok to stay on j of three months ner. . sne lett HKe a stranger nere "o nersi-u, a ouj. i The Marine Corps at the present lranger under punishment, i ' lime offer, to me, l the ..rvi?. She moved about uneasily, rebel-. Then one evening the thing she) f, f ,h... k.-.i Uous and baffled. . nreaaea nappenea r.i . . ,. , inx mev ii sv carre to uta. i ,.ti ouh clullv nice to exercise, to music, books cf the largest correspondence J0"1- Whille or sing la noy your neighbor) a' phonogrnph themselves of outdoor spor's ;ind use them more especially for con- activities and they have to con- stipation. especially wouia 1 corn tent themselves with Indoor exer- I mend it to elderly people." Only 26c clues, with jthe window:, open: J The exercises that are most no- iand Oregon. After completing the ccssary both for reducing and i examlnatlo38 there they will be general health are the exercise -j , n.Fr.i.1. r '5at. l" V!Ve ibB trU"k M'd'"! San Diego. California, where they ' 'LliLil138 systems. Walter Camp's Daily Dozen, which you can get in book form for ten cents in any store, are very good. Then there are phonographic systems of exert'i xi. if yoii dant an- school in the world are used, and,but " had a charm. And that 1 If you havea t st the present time approximately bedroom of hers with the big . ' ' , h,.rrtr no. mJL.. ... Ji 1 windows looking out on the water She was in She could have loved thia little Sraen smat aeugniini , Nothing costly about It. '". - " man.. Soft Corns I f REE . , FREE ' One 1x10 photograph with every order of Is 00 or over. This offer elosM No. 10. Clark Studio. Case 81 Rose burg NaL Bank Bldf. : , Phone Ml.'. . , - XMAS ANNOUNCEMENTS Don't delay ordering your Christmas announcements. We are showing a nice line , of both printed and engraved cards. Place your order now so that the best attention caa be given your work. News-Re- 4 view Exclusive Job Printing Department, Roseburg, Ore- son. a red pepper and two Money Back if Moorte's It was Ihe end of Octo-, ' , , .. ,, n acacias. ber. The settling sun was a gau two hundred fifty .oures are inaows looairg out on ine water - - ----- , r.;:, .. ,i f.-,t tk. , .k. , ana tno arternoon sun bringing i 'jr'i. . .v: ' 7::. ,;;.! i.i" z : sr ;r t .w UM nd Boid m the r. Emerald Oil Doesn't Do Away With All Sore ness and Pain in ' 24 Hours Ot a bottle nf Moons' Fmerald exorcises is not so important. crultlne suuou is in the Post Of- u iVh .no-hor h Sandr wore black. That made Take them when you Van. 1 have flee building. i woSld have flaunted about chang- P' '" her found this a helpful, little stunt i The local recruits have rlM'TX;u l thm eTP w,,h shadows, fihe had if I take a long walk or other, to take up courses In electricity. J-L. ,,m k.v. ,'o.h Sih picked the last three roses, cream exercises just .belore dinner, the thirteen courses In that subject handsome' color with the petals blown. She on wiib the undrotnain th.t tf It, fatigue produced lessens my ap- ; being' offered by the marine corps.! , . j ' ,. . i.k i leaned against the treo. watching ; d.n not iut an end to all th naln petite. ((The stimulation of ap- . . . ,' Instead, she was frozen with th toiors tossing on the waves..'""! soreness and do away with tha petite comes afier the fatigue is ! 0 ' " .apathy and Murlllo acted as tho , she wished .he was far out : VVturnia Wm' . over). You might try it a les-1 Uif 1 Ul A M AtHflnTll he coud gladly Rill ner i " ther9 on the ocean. She had cried I Nt'vtT mind tlia cause, how longt arned annellte is a consummation i Ulllftll nlllnlll I U whole thlug was a desolate tra- ....... ... nn.iv ,! ria. you v had It or how many other Huvnutlv in l.o ilnlrl for thoaal . i vesty, , i.n.l... pnnarattons you have tiari. This of us who have this ovorweight ocro always hanging around. Touiorniw llesS Kercisi For - ltoduclng And taeneral . -) . - Itt-aliu Fart St, . , . Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 189-L. o ROSEBURG BOYS EAT ANYTHING ok. .,, , ki... n leuneieno. - ,...''. j 'powerful pt-ntratlna oil la the oria She was partly to blame. Ln- Now she stood with her hands r,llrall lh, w"u mk your consciously, of course, but lnes- behind her head, taklnai alow loalniul a. hlnu toel ao healtliv and "I was afraid to eat because I a!-icaPably to blame. She grew sick, sweet breaths. She thought life . 'r' from i n and bunion trouble way. had stomach trouble after- admitting this. . ... jh.d used her bitterly. , !.hd X0ui'nyh,hlnb,"ln0 SSS" wards.. Since taking Adlerlka 1 can I She did admit it ceasued ber I Suddenly she was awnre of ,umfort. , eat and feel fine." (signed) Mra. A. self bitterly. She should Save Murlllo staring at her. She didn't - marvalnnaiy powerful l Howard. ONE spoonful Adlerlka i known how she would feel, known know how long he had been there. ! n'"vno1iTu'alv. wond'erru. n' removes GAS and often brings sur-'that she wanted lore; waited a I He enme toward her slowly, hlj !Un in the treatment of dangerous prising relief to the stomach. Stops 1 million years, If need bo, till It face flushed. Unsaid In1 a con- ' avoiiru or varu-oae vclna. All drug- thai full htnmlaA !.. . .... . ok. .... 1 1 n f A a.n.lvt" Tl... haiflallL LN1J5T IN MAKlINtO oi" waste matter from Intestines wild asking herself how, how, how ,bent down and kissed her hands. anu niaxes you reel happy and 'Bhe had ever geen so blind. t one trembled, ine teste ,iow Three of the local boys, Harry cheerful. Egcjjllent for obstinate) And tbo heat would fly about i'o her eyes. Howard, Vernon DeLaunay and constipation. N. Fullerton, druggist !hre neck. I 'When?' l'latt Randall were accepted for en- he asked. llsini"nt In the V. 8 .Marine Corps today and were transferred to Port- James J. Crossley of PORTLAND, OREGON Hereby Announces that hs Is a can didate for the Republican nomi nation" for U. 8. Senator at the May, 1925, Primaries. Will work sealoualy for develop ment of Oregon and support of measures for real benefit of farm ers as suggested by their orgauiza tlons. Favor World Court and re orm Seuate Rules. Cook witn gas. PORTLAND FIRM IS TRYING TO BUY 5 FEDERAL LINERS But 'he was Into It. She would She couldn't answer. She was say: "Ire got to face It! That s bo ,ou.hed and rlcken by the Ilhr u",8 batk- h' 8 " P lk of his face. She had a feel ,abot It. )n. s of rt(,ath , her heart. ! sne wonaerea incessantly wnai i ... .... ... .. . ... . i r- ...i.h.i.- he would do when he found out ,h. .llr.rf , ,h. i,.. I.,, h. ,.. .i.i,i' th'.'i tk. c.n. She wanted greatly to cry. lumhla-Pariflc Shipping Company He was unnerved with emotion. ;of Portland seoks to buy five pas- Maaarlatrd ITna Uaanl Wire.) SEATTI.K. Nov. S. Advices SENATOR WHEELER ASKS DISMISSAL OF FEDERAL CASE' how much longer she could I keep it from him. She lived in WASHINGTON, Nor. 5. Sena-!droad of the moment of this dls- ; " ... , , ,. h .. . h ...l liners onerated out of Seat- tor Burton K. Wheeler, Democrat. ! ""yoy- . , derstnod now. She could feel his . tie for Ihe United States Ship- Montana, prosecutor In the senate She would be In his power then iexu)tnce j , Hoard by the Admlral-Orl- , . rental Line. Representatives of Althrough the dinner she felt the company are In the nation's It. His ststcr was there. Heapltol conferring with members kept looking at Sandy and toast- of the snipping board. Daugherty investigation, asked ' completely. How he would roar District of Columbia supreme lwHh laughter at her threat to court to dismiss Indictments i leave. How he would make her charging him with conspiracy ta 'V ?---n ...... ...... lu - - . neui iuuiiuk i emmy miu luaai- .in tue aiiiit"uii uvam, defraud the federal government In L She trembled thinking shout it. ,n her 8 opoIVCQ th8 (lnogt 0d i A bld o n. Stanley Dollar, pre- .nnnMtlnh wltk nil nM.null-. Rllt Rhf, WOUld CTii her teeth. (1" l ' I . , . .- 1 . , j . ... . 1 . .1 I isl..l The Social Season Is again at hand Put Into readintsss your apparel that has beeu stored during the summer. We Call and Deliver. connection with nil Hni But she would grit her teeth, de- ! permits in his home state. termlning to be game. She'd not i Two orinclnal around for thnlback down. She'd not be cowed imotlon were advanced: That the 'by ,ht or anything! wines he owned urged her to sident of the Admiral-Oriental drink. , Line for the ship, was not sccept- She snw him talking with Bea-'ed because there were no other trice. They wore talking of her. bidders. Dollar had offored the senator waa acquitted by a Jury i Then she would go about laugn- i . k ,h .... ... , tf . nd aMOCBtep oaid in the federal courts In Montana "IB. Insolently gay Ignoring nis t0 fee) yet he) fBjt trapped. ;(or ,nillar type vessels operating on a charge baaed onidentlal alle- jerorts to hurt her. This bonny -j, )f((,r cBm( oyer of,,cOUy oat ol 8an j,-ranclsco. gation or facta, and mat tne Dls- uutnjr . .,.1,. -"" jk.d her as though she were re jtrlct of Columbia courts have no , not stop until he had crushed her. ceT)n, her Into the fold. ; Jurisdiction over the offense ' gandr wished to run, scrcsm- cuaiKeu or suugnt to ne cnargea. , ".i --jtng from the room. tne piea oi lormer acquittal , "reaa. nw. no Ko.o , That night and the demurrer atlBclnir lark nf , ner but he expected her to ask ij Jurisdiction probably will be urg- 'for It. She wouldn't, though she ;,., came ,ft, e to(;k h(,r ed the latter part of this month, hadn't the price of an ice cream ihand(1, drew her to him. She said !For Stiff Joints Nutlce ef sals et government tim ber. Uaneral Laad Oltlae. Waalilus- ton, 1). C. HepL It, Nolle la hereby given that subject . tu tha eontlitiona and limitations ot tna acta of Jun, S. IBIS ISS Slat. 1181. February It. 11 (40 Stat.. 1I7. and June 4. lo (41 But., HO, aud pursuant to oaperiraaatai raauus. llona of Anrll 14. 1S14 ! I. D. I7t. tha tlmbsr on th followlas lands will be sold Nov. K, IMt, at Is a'clock A. li. at nubile auction tba U. at. land ofllta at Moaaburg, Oregon, to tha highest bidder at aot leas lhaa tha appraiard value as ahown by this notice, sale to bs subject to tha approval of the Sae ratary of the lalarlar. The purchase erica, with aa additloaal mm f ena-flftb of one per cent thereof, oe-Ina- eommisstons allowad. muat be daposltod at tine vf sale, aaoney te ba rsiurnad If aale la not approved, otherwtaa patent wtlMaaua for the timber, whlcb muat ba removad within ten years Uldt will bs re calved from citlsena of the United kttuiMa Maanclatlnna nl auph elllaana. sad corporations organised under Ihe laws ol tna united states, or any state, territory, or district thereof only. Upon application ot a qualified purchaser, the timber en any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being laoluded In any offer of a larger unit. T. It 8., ft, 1 W.. Sea. 11, IfWU Mill fir 1100 U.. hemlouk 40 si., KW14 NWU fir 1436 M.. hemlock 100 M., 0WI4 Sv tit II., hemlock i IL. SGtt N't4 fir S5 U.. hemlock to St.. SK KKIi fir Iis M-. . NW(4 Sl-.w fir Tito M. KB 14 BKL rlr loso U., cedar 14t M., 8WV1 oltH fir lu aa . . . 1 . ja u hfL'L. kUru , 1 . Mi H . NW(4 Mr 147U at. SCt4'bVt4 fir 1140 at., heaaloak 4 U-, d.r 46 41.. 8W SU'vi fir Sta M., haul Lock 121) si- GeUltr Co IL. aon of the timber on this section to be sold for Ives than tl.50 par at. for tue fir, II per M. for the cedar and fk ccuu per U. for the hemlock. T. IS H, K. 1 W., bee 14. Lot 4. fir 4o sL, ixt ( fir o M-. T. IT a., K. W., See. II. V mtli fir till 41.. T. II 8.. it a V7.. 8eo. l, Lot I (Ir ite M., white jcedar 40 M . Lot t fir 610 M-. white ueUar 10 M.. Lot 4 fir 240 al., white cedar lut, M.. red cedar 3t St.. SI.1 tWU fir tbV il. white Wdar II 14., I) WW ,HVi fit lit. U, white cUur' 1(15 :linSll nti fir 141 U., white cedar 141 14., Mi-I bKU fir 140 14., whltai .cedul Hi) U.. bWH at; 14 fir lk at. white cedar 10 14 none of the timber on tl)aa aeotlona to be aold for less thua 4 per al. for the fir and red ueUar and 17 piiM. for: the white CeUar. V. 10 ., K, 4 Wi, Sec.' 11, tuu NW 'A red tlr 400 II., T. It tt.. K. f W, bee. II, Nlii SVVK yellow KvVl4 SW(4 ''yellow tir'-m M.j red fir, irr m : wiirtTtr-'t'-J.. none of the timber on theae sectlona to be sold for leas than II. 4! per 14. for the red and yellow lir and II per at. for lb walla fir. T. 21 IS.. It 11 W.. Hec. 17. NKW sWt4, old growth fir 471 14. eedar lu M, hemlock 200 M., spruce II M., MWVi bww old growth fir 400 at., second growth fir 400 M.. hemlock luo St.. HW BW4 old growth fir luu M.. second growth fir 440 at..' hemlock 100 M., ttK HWU old growth fir 1011 II., cedar 10 If., hem lock 100 M., NHW old growth fir loo li.. second growth lir 7&0 11.. cedar II 11.. hemlock 15 14., AWti Bt" old growth fir 400 M.. second growth fir 40O St., cedar 10 M.. HWV, SB4 eld growth lir loo 11., second growth fir 44u If., cedar ITI 14., xeVj KKV, old growth fir loo 11., second growth fir 171 St., cedar 41 St., hemlock 21 M , See. li, NK' NliU old growth fir 1IS0 M. cedul Oo M., hemlock ISO 14., NWii MK old growth fir 1440 AL. hemlook 1170 AL. UWU. NkU old arowth fir IJt.O 11., hemlock 110 M., mcyi NK14 aecond growtk fir 1400 14. cedaur 40 it., henuock 71 At., Nf. ti sec ond growth fir 2110 Ai., hemlock 140 M HW ini'n sm'nnd growth f.r S420 M., BWJi KV. aocond growth fir 1431 AI., EICU NWM see ond growth fir lS0 Al,' hemlock 1.0 At., HK't tfWu. second, growth fir 4440 M . NWlA 8WU aeennd growth fir 2100 II , HV. u bWU abo und growth fir 1490 St., HKI4 MW14 aroad growth fir 4470 At. NKV SK'4 aeiond growth fir 4100 aa., .yWU H13V, s-cond growth fir 4140 11., Iiemloik 100 At., MW'i HK'i see ond growth fir 40 M., BKI4 gltu; aecond growth fir 1171 11.. cedar 111 14., sons of Ihe limber en tkeaa Sections to bo sold lor leaa then 12. &o per AI. for the spruce and old growth f.r, 2 per li. for the cedar and second growth fir and 10 canta pt-r it. for the hemlock.' T. IS . K. ,1 li, Hea 1, BW'14 M4U. pine 171 44., fir 40 At., Lot 1 pine. 27( At., fir loO M 1M 4 pine 70 41., fir 470 U . lSWV pine 171 14 .. tlr loo 14., ault of the Umber oa this- section to be sold for l aa than 12.10 per M. for the pine and II per M. for the fir T. 1. a, R. 11 W., tteo. 11, KKU HWU yellow fir 410 II. white ' fir 20S AT, hemlock 100 U . SWy, 8KH red fir 1600 14., white fir 200 14., riM cedar 71 It, HK HK!4 yellow fir lUlt M.. red fir 7i0 M. hrmlocH ti M.. red crdar 40 14., T. 21 H., It, 12 W. H.ic. 22, Lvt t, red fir 410 14., none of the timber on theae Mentions to be sold for lna than 2.I0 per AL for the red and yellow fir. 91.10 per At. for Ihe r-d cedar and 6 Cents per at. for the white fir and hemlock. Ttioa. lfavsli, Aetlng Com-mlaalnner. Our Alo Will Call. VT Phone 277 rl gwH . evf, VlJ W) "TUBBY-r thet I I faintly: "I love to watch light on the water. Don t . He laughed: "Sandy! Kvery thing la different now." The Largest Stock of Good Used Chevrolets and Fords In Roseburg We Will Sell on EASY TERMS Hanson Chevrolet Co. Phone 4i( soda. He said to her is giving a dinner: get a new gown. Go into tA Angeles for it. She said quietly: "All right." The day of this engagement he had still given her no money nor even the fare lo I.oa Angelas. Rut when he saw her in a gown f he had worn dozens of ' times, he got while with anger a criioi HcnHiiiiua iri'iir.v. i .he tloutcd him: "Oh, keep RffittiCtMfi U,Corab,ned your eyehrows out of your hair,' TT , , Treatment, Henny! I'm good enouh for ; tnd Inrernal, and ha ben Queen Paznzaa, lt alone Hebe i uccMful lu ihe treatment of Catarrh Murlllo!' An for the gown, you ' -or ov forty year. Soldby alUruggUu omitted to tell trie whirh rtny It F. J. CHENEY 6t CO.. Toledo Ohio That night she wai standinir at t . It w late. Mu lllirrnrir"al y iitt nm 11 sen ntlu r it-tlld ri'mdiB full. Joint Kane la mure to apecdily au'fd. !" for Joint llninta only ttmt In why you re ilv.ri1 to iti It for rrc. rrpnky. painful, Inflamed rhuu tnatlc Jvinta. Jnint-Kane ltmbr up the ininta. , . 77 makt-ii ffl nunicvr la r-a Come In and Dear the new Ortho- and h.n-imtlnr and iul k reaulia phonle, Vtctrola, Ott'a Music Store, lar utiuredMixtv rnia a tub at Hohurir. Oregon. Hall's Cat srriii dritMit 4sv r here. Alwnva remember, when Jolnt r.a Kfta In Joint mier- Ki-ta oul .,ui. k. HlKKi-Kt BfMlttft Julnt n'liiedy In th wurld, Joint-Ease . SPHCiilL . i ' u ctmmmowdon of 7Weit-refr I. fteeeiiilHiHM verrlf eraier 444W I 1 VV Sli:;. . WSsflS -V 1 H4f J .V..4J' f Cw.SU m, isaliitMeeMe X i "Wear-Eve?" ONE-QUART v ' Aluminum Pudding Rui 1 .imit tlivatat tt m eiliwhaaatr j Mail 43rders10c ftxr postage, p W) 'oilJRCHILL HARDWARE CO. h A. The Iron Monger f J ',' 1 4 Classified ALL NEW ADS ON BACK PACE. - FOR SALE FOR BALE' OR IlENT laftaore farm. Phone UtX . . Section r" . . . . . 4 S . j -1 sleeping (or by FOR SAirt, siay. Wood. .0 per ' per Uer. Phone J70-Y. lfVR8Al,k5--thr!e-burner 4Ii,ion oil stdve. Phone' H-i ' FOR 8ALB Praet;tally .new 1 liimbl blcyclaPhoneintKj FOR 'BALEbbou usedjVayef Pt 'alio. Terms if desired.' CO at Sit North Jackson St. '.. liXlk ' 8ALS Chrysanthemums. . Phone T4J L or call Mra. Fred . . .Fields, 786 rj. Pine, i ; , slAPLrJTlR ?IR Mock wood, 3.00; I oak cook wood delivered, 13.60 Der .tier.. rjQf 54, umrd . i FOR RENT Heated ' rooms. "Children, cared; day. m E. Douglas. ; ; , FOR KNT-I room wuse on pfe-; mint. 8 cords ot wood ta basoi merit Call at lUi Wlnrl.ivti- ft, tUK RiJNT Flveoom moJa unfurnished houser with' f irep'si garage,, chlclen house, mAt school,, on ; pavement, fa.ll cement baseusent, sevrfkl cords of Wood. Very choice. io 3-room larnfshed aparrtraent' an " ground floor, with frarayo. fjc and cold crater, ererythlBC Jfr- nlshed. A' flue place for catid- run. Reasonable. Ptone 70-J I call at taa ist Av4 N, III If, WlH, BELlTorrinT dweTHnTlMA1,3' 9 wf-??" corner west 1st street, and 1st ' tt.-rzxr; , 5 . I arenue. Apply i20 8. Kane Bt. iVitTi "SB8rllt bouewo,J'er. FOR SALE Three or four tons Ut. ..lAm.-.-ri -1 : rr hay, close in, in barn. Phone U. j ,,". "a s- i U. Helblg. or call 41)7 W. Cass. j.?:..M' St-Mrs. Uuthrldge. ; REMEMBER The b. horsa saloj w ANTED-Rellsble girl fof fen-. nexi . csiuraay,' raor. uesi shipment of horses erer brought to Roseburg. CTtV8ANTliEMUIS for 'sale. , If you want to ship any now it the time. They are at their best. The' season will soon be over. At the home of H. B. Church, 318 K. Com. Ave. . . Used cAft barcSain.s- ' ' " IKiJ Cher, sedan, the finish and all like new for 1550. ' 1D2J Ford roads., paw. 1 paint 1260. . 'i ' . Late Ford tour., good condition, 1300. ti - ',.,,., ' lte Tllg Bix Etuila. tour., U50. ' We need moro need cars. Iirlng them in. We will take them as first payment on a(n--w one if It haa ennuch ralue. . 1 The Chrysler. Denim, 627 N. Jackson. ' ' ' I lostandTOund, "'v 1 1 ; FOR RENT PIANO for rentPbone 31F5. FOR'RENT A modern" bungalow .for rent In Ratnona Court. 1124 Corey Ave. ' FTTirHENfMfMlurn five-room fttr , nlshed cottage. Adults only. Call 644 8. Pine. KCr SALE Purebred-PeTcrTeron atalllnn, rearlstered. Address A. MLsdy, Box 2:tl, City. r FOR SALE One" laFai-"cook ranii In first class condition. J. C. Oerety, Route 1, Una 19, Rose burg Ftiil SALl )uo handmade 11 ineh steel axle, spring watrnn, with new Concord spindles and boxings. This Is a fine wagon. In order to pay a debt will sell for r.n. J. W. Draper, fizn N. Main. era! housework. Call it 111 I. : Lane bt., or phone S16-R after t ; p. m. - i WANTED Fireproof aafe, Insula , measurements must be ttxiSi ' ; inches by 13) Inches high. AdV ' dress Safe, care News Review, ' Rosebnrg, Ore. " ' ..... j FOUND Wflst wntcb. Address N." - W care News-Review, i. 0UNI-Wrlst watch, dwner may ' ' havo aaratt by proving property - Hint paylfig for this ad. M WRlsfWATCH LOST-Ou Rose-i burg' Oakland , highway, or In Roseburg, Sunday: black ribbon attached. Finder please notify 8. , - care , Kews Review, . r return,,' there. Ronard. 7 , . 1 I MCli4N6us' I 1 . . . ' . ... .'.as t CAR OWNER Don't torslf t, call Hi when in need o4aut parts. Sarft'i Ante Wreckln 1 House .'.'-.'', '. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. H. it PI.YI.KR Chlropractio. physlrinn. 1 as W. Ijiie St. ' LAlfl)HfKID3 1 1 V, -VSACT a f BV HJ-.i tr?C I i,. in A a a COTTA SO IT" ''"E- HOSH UOVO AM' I DOWT WA40T4V LEAVE Nt)U AKC , IK) VODl? 60X-20iAETWlMG MKSV4-T HAPPEM TO Nfco OOT HERE His Strategy is a Success. By WINNER fjraw HMHHM M J I I J"THfT VOO. I Ml ERE A MouNt - HOP .' ' HELP!. fr Smelisuke fl I ( at THOie cookieI? ocrr aj seABt j 1oh.goodn:s$! L if;. I TMEKE v;aS f i'4 1 &f 1 4VT VWWT'TlLL GET HER. H. IT WAS A J I 8 cookies irJ JR I ,1 im i"ERE 6t i y V mousey V HERE AM I , "OLD OP 7 lliZ-cl I J i T J I . fL. I 1 I fcrw mml I V .Si 1 1 - - I l. . 7J- t I IVbOLL FIND Wt t SERVE TH1 PUQUC WCU-1 Vbu'LL FIND WE r. SERVE TH1 PUQUC WCU-1 I THEY UKt OUR WORK I VYI RJ Hlvi ' . ' : ' The finger of public lorv. Ice points to us with pride, It Indicates' the laundry where the family's clothes and purso 'Will be treated with the proper considera tion. ' Sanitary methods and courteous service pre vail hero. ' Roseburg Steam Laundry ; ' - i PHONB 7 "