Just Like Finding 'Em ! You want a car, of course everybody does, and perhaps you are considering the purchase of a good used car. That is the thing to do rather than walk or drive the team. ' , ' , ' ' ' !:'.- ' We are i pricing used . cars so low that it seems like Ae buyer is just ' about finding 'em. ', i ; ; . We Want to Show You Some of These Bargains " " ' The cost to you is so low and the terms so easy that you cannot refuse your fam ily the privilege of an auto. If jt is a new car that you want, why, there is noth ing for the price that wiil compare with any of the NEW MODEL STARS You have been thinking of coming down to talk over this matter, so pick up" your hat and start today. . R.app Brothers 1 CASS AND PINE PHONE 171 Mntnr car enthusiasts of southern ; California were thrilled last week by a repetition, previously an 1 nounced aa a public demonstration, of the famous 8tar car high gear climb from Ban Bernardino to Lake Arrowhead, over the winding Wa terman Canyon rdad. Any doubu as to the authenticity Of the Star's previous climb, offic ially recorded in March, were dis pelled for all time. Crowds gather ed at the start and finish of the run and along the route, while a trio of official observers recorded the feat which Is unquestionably one of the most sensational ever witnessed In toe entire history of motoring In California. A standard stock touring car was used for the run. The car was equipped with disc wheels and bal loon tires. ; Top, windshield and fenders bad been removed as a safety measure as the driver was a novice an employee of the Star Motor Company of California, who had do claim to fame as a so-ealird stunt driver picked from among the shop mechanics and sent out to drive the car and prova that it was the Star automobile and not the driver that had made all the remarkable high gear demonstra tions of the past few months. The climb was announced in San Bernardino several days previous to the run. The public was Invited, through large newspaper advertise ments, to witness the feat Almost immediately following the an- wlth deal'-rs and distributors, fac tory officials declared there will probably be produced and shipped between 17,000 and 18.000 cars daring November, as compared i with the 5,000 cara produced in November of 1924. I Cable advices from "London lndl. I cate tbat orders for more than t250,Utt worth of cars were taken during ths Oiympia Motor Exhibi tion Jusf closed, Great Britain's greatest automobile show, while other sections of the world report unusual aalea activities for the fall months. .0 . fresh grape Juice at Overland Orchards. Bring containers or leave at Brand's ttoad Stand. Will de livered when filled. CROP BASIS PLAN OF PAYMENT FOR IRRIGATION FAILS WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. A change in the method of reimburs ing the government for reclamation expenditures was advocated today by Representative Cramton. repub lican, of Michigan, In a report to President Coolidge on ae extensive, inspection of Irrigation projects inl the west, just completed. I Representative Cramton, who is. ehalrman of the house sub-corn- j mittee, which drafts the interior department aupropriation bill, said! settlers should be required to com-1 plete their payments In forty years with Interest Instead of having re imbursement to the government reckoned at five per cent of their gross crop as the law now pro vides. He said he was wholeheartedly fn favor of Secretary Work'8 ef forts to require payment from the users of water on reclamation pro jects and tbat while there was crlt- lor ail of tStis th& price is only i 595 . . Jffiai' fob. Toledo aounceroent. It became the chief, icism of the secretary's policy In inpic or conversattoin among the tie west, largely of a political r.a The best sales talk ever mode foe the Overland Standard Sedan was this remark made by Ae owner of smother make of light car to hit wife who came m to risk mt large WtUysAJveriand Sates I Efficiency in Sleep Now Aim of Scientists, Who Use College Boys, '.' Special Beds and a Chronoscope pfETSBURGH, Nov! I. ' Pittsburgh- has 12 "experimental sleepers," who nightly, while rest ing In the arma of Morpheas, are aiding- scientists In tests which are expected to make ths world a belter place in which to sleep. A technical study of the psych ology of sleep it being made by scientists of the Mellon Institute of ' Industrial Research and a dosen boys, atndents at the, Unl- The recording apparatus attach ed to each of the experimental beds will chronicle the decree and time of movements of the sleeper, which will Indicate periods whon there is not complete relnxaton. Experiments will be made after a sufficient number of "reading" are obtained to give a working basis, usng various types of beds and bedding In an effort to find tne most desirable aud sleep-In- verslty of Pittsburgh and Carnc-iiiuclng condtlon gle Institute of Technology, are Using the standards as to the the 'subjects." nr. H. M. John, irate or depth of sleep, it will be noted for hie scientific work and a matter of record-taking, the formerly of the faculty of Ohio scientists say, to determine the State University, ia in charge of 'relationship between sleep under the work, ' The 12 boys aleep In specially constructed beds, mounted on gymbals which permit of easy lateral motion in the two hori tojital planes, In opposition to the teaslbn of light springs, and to each bed la attached a recording motorwlse, and many wagrr were posted before the run started. Observing this demonstration of the Star car were George Moran, representing the San Bernardino Sun. James L. Marshall, of the Bet ter Business Bureau of the Jjm An geles Advertising Club, and Capt. Jay Boone and Officer Clinton Kingman of the State Motor Pa trol. . . . ' - A large crowd watched the car leave San Bernardino, and at vari ous points along the road, eager watchers were waiting for the car to finish the run. Many were gath thered at the Crestll:ie, where the car was stopped for photographs, and still more were at (he J.ak Ar rowhead ' village when the car reached the summit. At San Bernardino, 'the grant wero Prreu , "high", mesh, an,i the shifting lever removed and turned over to Unm k i i newspaperman. It remained In his I OAKI'A'n. Calif.-i-Compart.50ns' possession unill tho run was ovtor Oakland's undeveloped water-i -ne car was wnn tne Humors of Portland: ''Invidious and : the op'n'on of Mayor lure, the settlers, he tald, are not antagonistic and believe the gov ernment is attempting to institute a more business like program to their benefit as well as that of the gov ernment. Representative Cramton said be was opposed to the present method of computing .reclamation pay ments because it Involved compli cated calculation that bad not prov en feasible ard i.i the opinion of experts, would result in stretching reimbfteuea:s over at least 73 years. 1'reah giupc Juice at Overland OichicUj. iinng containers or leave at-Brand's rtuad Slund. Will deliver when filled. NEWS TIDBITS In one condition or another, under certain types of bedding and In certain types of beds, under tie j grees of fatigue and other pro blems. The scientists will be aided In their work by the chronoscope, an Instrument Invented by Dr. Johu- brought back In Ran n...i, ' ana San Pedro are under oh. r.n.. ..... .,.. ""' 'libelous' . me gears were taken from the rear end for examination. They were proved to bo stundard stock units. o , apparatus which indicates every I son. which records such conditions ehango of posture, both ai to ias mental alertness and the de flate and extent. 'rren 0f fntlgno nnd efficiency. 1-fcmm3mip,,..T Ml I ' lxr Price ' 1 III ii SEISKWflEHO Davie sought In vain to have the , city council order motion picture houses to stop exhibiting pictures j of the three ports. j Think these facts orerl The prife of the Overland Standard Sedan is onrf $15 higher than the price of the lowest cost sedan it is $100 lower than the price of the next nearest enclosed car. The $15 boy a standard gliding gear tranamtasion. honeycomb radiator, full size brakes note room than in any other light car boat, big car frame and drive system and many other features of construe tion that go to build srp-long and sat isfactory service. 7The $100 too save is that much" money in your pocket a study of Overland specifications will qviddy pcosst this to yon. "Here is what you gej A fall size sedan plenty oT room fof 5 grown people a trim, smartly de signed car with rjp-to-the-minute lines polished lacquer finish with nick eled trimmings beautiful and dur able upholstery heavy fenders a . quality cat from stem to stern. Unusual convenience is afforded by the wide doors it's easy to get into the front or rear seats and the doors are sturdily hung on four hinges they'll never, sag nor stick. Clear riding and driving vision the result of big windows and the latest type one-piece windshield. In seven weeks the 'pice wS announced Sept. 13 this Overland Sedan has upset all motor car tradition. Today it is the greatest, popular, favorite the country has eveti known There are 20 square feet of window; space it's like riding in an open car. with all the snug protection of en closed car construction. Wonderful power Is always available in the 27-Korse-power motor Overland ability in rough going has always been one re markable feature of its performance large valves in the I.-head motor give smooth power and mote of it and there are fewer parts than in any other type of motor construction. Sturdy drive system from clutch to axle shafts, the drive system is the finest that can be put into any cm Borg Beck type clutch, one of the finest clutches ever made, selective sliding transmission. Molyb denum steel axle shafts, the toughest steel known, and the axle shaft is as large as that used in many cars of double the weight. Big ear chassis unusually strong, rigid frame with' ' plenty of bracing Chrome LVana- Hkrm steel rprirrgj Tlmten 'rorier ' bearings in the front wheels New; - Departure ball bearings in the rear wheels Molybdenum steel steering knuckles only 27 points to lubricate, as against 35.-60 on other cars. How Overland can build this car, simply by advanced manufacturing 1 methods weeding out overhead here and there planning and studying every factory procedure. In this Over land Sedan you get every essential of big car performance big car equip ment big car appearance and com fort and convenience. And with it yon' get the most surprising economy ever, known in the light car field. There; . are years of trouble free service in the motor there are thousands of miles of trouble free service in the chassis. There is everything you are looking for in this tradition smashing sedan. . The terms are very easy a small down payment and IS months on the balance your old cat in part payment. Come in. See what you can really buy. in this cat; priced, at $595. . Some Idea of how greatly this rail a motor business exceeds that of a year ago Is awn In the sales and production figures of Wlllys Overlnnd, Inc., for October and for the period from January 1 to Oc tober 20. ism. M, llcrt wells and Chase, local distributors for these cars. Por the year to October 20 Wll-lys-Overland shipment, totaled more than 17t.to ears as coin- i"1"'" wiin i:ii;.7. for ih I -e-.ui.ii.il period or last year. MODESTO. Calif. A death bed ' statement by J. C. Nattrtss of Tu olumne county accused Charles ' Plummer, half breed Indian, of ! shooting him twice through the leg. I Nat tress died before the com pie-1 tlon of the statement. j BAKF.nSFIEU), ' Cal. George I Bouchen roeelviil fninl tnlm-t,,. ' when his automobile was overturn-1 ed by a whirlwind on' the highway near nero. , WELLS &CHASE . 317 North Jackson Street Roseburg Phone 399 Greater Heauty "Plus Tiner "Performance - ' "Plus Lower Price . J&tom" But All Three Without question the Oldsmobilc Coach occupies a class of its own an unmatched value. Comparison and demonstration prove conclusively that no other automobile oilers you tuch- Beauty such Performance at such Low Price. Let us give you a demon-' stration one ride will tell the whole story. ' ' Touring $875. Coach $950, Sedan $1023 mt LOS ANOKl.ES It. C. Mlllerj was arrested last niKht as the al- leged embezzler of two carloads of wneat in Kansas a tuv years ago. Detectives say he altered a bill of tailing while working as a railroad coinclerk In Newton. Kansas, and corre-i caused HO.SuO pounds of wheat to n au-ihe consigned to himself at Kansas KEt.SO. Wash. Mrs. Cora Zark. menied mother of nine children. ld approximately 1.1.000 cars, In- mming mat hetween in.Diio and I 21.000 cars will be built during', , ..........,..,, mure mat will break all proiluetlon records for October shipments and production ' m company history. This figure : compares with the October proilue tlon of 192-1 which totalled approxl-1 malely lo.otxi cars. Orders tor more than-13,000 cars for November delivery are now on ni"'d "d. after a cnn-ful checkup who has lived for 20 years on a lonely homestead in the upper Kal 'ama Itiver Valley, killed her youngest son, Gilbert, five, by hacking his head oft with an ax. She was brought hero by the sher iff after a neighbor had notified authorities of the tragedy. Men's suits Cleaned ana pressed St. So. Koeeburg Cleaners, phon J7 KLECKER-AMORT CO. 439 N. Jackson St Phone 593 OLDS i , i I MOBILE li TMsVHKsS3Bslf i It will toon be time to glvo -that car an overhauling and In doing so Dear in mind that SARFF'S Auto Wrecking House 129 N. Main St. will save yon money on the parts you nerd. Bear In mind, do not forget, money saved Is money earned. Phone 553 1 4 m T,rr-rr Tii :. : They held an automobile rare less than a quarter of a century. In linntlr.gton Park, near Los An- The race was won by a 1902 Old.4 geles. recently that did not cx- mo'ille, which bested two other eeed the speed limit. It was a makes of about the same age. battle between three old timers At times the Olds dashed along and. while no records were made, at a rdte of fully 15 miles an it showed the great strides Ihe hour. Small boys were cnrrled la automotive industry has made in the "racers, ' either as ballast or to helfl pu?h, if necessary. The lini'iue contest was staged by Les lie H. Lnmley, Huntington Park Oldmcbile dealer. Tho photo graph shows the "racers" lined tin for the start. Lnmley is standing at the side of the Olds nioolle ready to fire the Starting signal. You cannot expect any oth- , cr usrd car leader to have the same interest as the Ford authorized Dealer in seeing thut you Ret the best u;icd Ford lor the money you invest. C A. Lockvocd Motor Co. Oak and Rose Sts. Roseburg, Oregon iuii.isi'ra '.' Tijifwssarryiyr'ips" IS FAVORED BY half of certain Oregon interests, incisure of the use of and dntnaco Mr. Crawford seeks to viave the10 'ne highways so tar devised or M'nited States Courts Invalidated ru'"Cteo. line law of Oregon providing lor nnTiep NOT ."iinwrn m the present g.isullno tax which la.8 UTLE",?, ,rb. -'used for the construction and '. FINISH CLEAN-UP TASK I maintenance of the hlgliwajs. 1 WASHINGTON, Nov.s 4. Ilrlga- Mr. Lemen states that tho sine dl'r General Smedlcy D. Butler, cpethtors of this state throurh wno has been serving as head of tiiu Orecon Motor Stape Aa.-.iria- ,n8 Philadelphia police depart tlon. representing 95 per cent of ment under leave of absence, must ;th. stare interests of Oregon, return to duty with the Marine Ihnvo several times gone oi record Corps January 1. jpnliilcally and offlelnlly. as beiiii; l Further extension of General Aecordng to Mr. ft. W. Lemen, jln favor of, not only the present Butler's leave, which began two manager of Ihe Oregon Stare i gasoline tax, but an Inereasa t.i years ago, was denied yesterday System and a member of ths Ore-it til." tax if additional fjnds aril by President Coolldge, who, In s gon Motor Stage Association, the 'needed for oon'trurtlon anu main- letter to Mayor Kendrick of Phita organlied stage operators of the itenanre of our highways, their delphia. said there was no new de state are rot in sympathy with j position being that the gasoline velopment warranting change In the attack on the gasoline ux,ua .together with a lloen-e fee his position, set forth a year ago. made by Mr. W. H. Crawford in based on ths welgat of vehicle. , tbs) the arrangement shiid end IBs United States Courts ia be-!. the Uiiest and moss eiuable at Ue close of the year.