Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 03, 1925, Page 7, Image 7

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It Can't Be
But we do it. What?
Sell good flour at $2.20 a sack or $8.60 for 4 sacks.'
When we say good we mean
Good a the Best
9,1,. By ELENORE MEHCRIN ' I 'vrTrT ' "
I ihbmmmmmhhhm! i understand."
Amtrlcan LtBlon
Minstrel Revue
Nov. 9th and IGth
V: Sandy Murlllo weds Ben .Vu-
ff Hlln a fnroli-ncii. with w.alih
If you want just a good average hard wheat flour S!!LplrT.i?L!.
...l... . o o I i a . in i . -e 3B lne nllar 'f a farewell meeting
iijr wjr uui uu uiaiiuoi l., 1 1 or lO.U OUI II a
you want a real flour, guaranteed to please try our
Exchange Brand. ' . ' , g
....... . v
See Us First, We Can Save You Money.
with Tlnvny. and old sweetheart.
In the carden Of her home in
Santa Burbara. She tells Judith
Moore, . a San Francisco cousin,
who finds tier there, that she can
not go with Murlllo. But she does
: go on the honeymoon. At Lake
jTahoe'she meets two Santa Bar.
' bara boy friends' who Invite the
I couple to a dinner dance. Murlllo
t locks her in their room. Anger
ed by this and other Indignities,
; Sandy flees to her home, and Mu
rlllo, In a rage, follows her there
and plans to take1 forceful pos-
i session of her. Sandy vows she
will not return to him.
Nowaday! nearly every,
one is impressed with the
health-building and strength
caving merit of
Scott's Emulsion
; of invigorating cod-liver oil
; Millions of bottles are sold
la R
Women Wanted!
To wort on apples
Umpqua Valley Canning Co.
Phone 525 Roseburg, Oregon
, Ohi so that's It! You think
you can" do that? ' i-.
"Hush! Come back here, San-'
Sandy trembled. "It's no use,
motheri. I won't live and be bis
wifel ', That's: all .there's to It!
ilil'm not going to be trapped Into
It!" ...
to MO one is going to trap you,
N'your husband lease of anyone!"
The color splashed over Mrs. .Mc
j Nell's face. She had hold of San
i dy's arm. Now she sat down,
breathless and flurried. What in
I the world was the matter with
I The strain In the house became
acute. Murlllo rose late In the
I morning. .Alice was forced to
wait in the kitchen prepare a
fresh breakfast be sure that the
tablecloth was unspotted, . the
cream thick and the bacon vory j everv vear A virv littla-ncrrl
jcrlsp. She grumbled about it. jC VC f ,u U.sea
The Lord knew she naa plenty scguiuny aauy DU11U3
I to do without a permanent guest J,eatk J Ll
.In the house. She wasn't Uen , ealtn fna nelP Kf eP
Muriiio's wife, she'd like to know the body in strength.
;whv she had to be the coat. " 1
I And at dinner, when Murlllo j f " T!LT"fah''''l,&l'
ibluffly. He poked fun at Sandy i -
'In a crude way; asked her it she 'glass, wiped It off. '
wasn't getting over her spell of I "Won't you answer? Don't you
Ibrtdytis. Once, her face crimson, :th!nk you could be happy here?"
Ir-he ran from tho table. .She J "Not with you. I'm not corn-
threatened to leave the house- lot 'lng here."
the world find out about It j Ills sallow faco darkened. He
they would pretty soon, anyhow! 'said quietly: "Oh yei, you are."
But she had. to keep up ap-! Tnat night her mother talked
pearances. She had to attend the 1 lon "'" Sandy must at least
dinners her married sisters gave "lake some effort to adjust her
tor her on the return of Beatrice Marriage was a solemn
Murlllo. These dinners brought I union. She had behaved like a
other engagements. Everywhere I child. They expected her to act
Sandy was treated as the Joyoua!w"h courage. She must go with
bride jhr husband to the home he had
' She became nervous and exclt- IJTJliZlntlrk fa?
ed under the strain. She evaded !" fd ?n?l!!e,.rVl,ttr.
One SilO paotograph with
every order of $6.00 or over.
t This offer close Nov. 30.
Clark Studio, Cass 31
Roseburg Nat. Bank Bldg.
. - Phone 331.
iuuuuu. anv wuumi. i .veil icc(i . . , . . ... . , . , . .
in her own room. She lost trust I. S " rt Leave , mo alone
I.. A .l .. lllllO WIIUU, IIIMWICI. PH.
steal Into Alice's room. . Then
Alice would keep her awake half
the-night coaxing her to talk,
asking what planB she had and
III II 1 1 1 1 1 WHf vk w.p, 1
funds for
pleasure .
Join your friends aboard Shasta route
trains to the Southland.
4 Pop ul jit Trains every day
New Comfort Features-at no extra fara
Club car, with barber, valet, shower '
bath, on the Shasta. .'
Observation cart on Shasta. Southern
California Express (furninhing direct aerv '
ice to Los Angeles), and Urcyonian.
Get further particulars about this attrac
tive travel service. Ask Agent;
Southern PacificLines
L. B. MOORE, General Agent,
Phone 11. Roseburg, Ore ' '
NATIONAL APPLE WEEK Ootober Sl-Novtmber 6.
"Everybody an Apple-Eater."
ROFfetiiunAk UArtu
SR. M. H. PLYLHR ChlmpractJi
physician, 12 W.
hma St.
The Social Season 1
Is Benin at hand Put Into
readlnnss your apparel that j j
has been stored, during the !
I summer.
We Call and Deliver.
""ErTCsIL j
Phon. 277 J
Th. Largest Stock- of I
Good Used I j
Chevrolet j t
ni Ford j
In Roseburg -1 '
i rr
W. Will 81l on .
Hanson Chevrolet Co.
Phone 44 ' '
' 1 ni
EUGENE, Ore., Nov. 3. Mark
Droom was found guilty by a cir
cuit court Jury late yesterday of
possession of liquor. He had been
acquitted several days previous on
a charge of setting up and operat
ing a still. There are two more li
quor charges pending against bim.
Cook with km.
Stop thorn with tho
physicians klic pres
cription AN -A-CIV.
Contains no narrotics.
Docs not effect heart.
Clinically wwrrn by phji':tan th'mjt'i
ten years ot o-.nUnt ue for children ukI
fetulta of all aces.
An-a-cin Safely Rclleivs
Toothache Cold Numlfila
. EarftciM Influenza Rlwuauitiim
Bandy Pocket Tin Oaty 25c
Sandy? Such talk! Did she want
I tho whole of Santa Ilnrbara to be
ircandaliied? Did she want the
iMorning Press to publish the ruii
jaway? Of course Mr. . Murlllo
must stay here. They must think
of the family both families.
Sandy had no right to put herself
before everyone else.
Mrsj McNeil was now crying.
"I little thought. Sandy, when I
saw you so beautiful as a bride.
you'd come back to me like this!"
"I shouldn't have come. I see
mat now. i snouiu nae kuuu
somewhere else. Anywhere!"
"Don't talk like that, Sandy.
I was so prond oi you. I thought
i you were going to oe so happy.
Youd have everything. You
haven't even - tried to beep the
i holy promises you made."
"I did try. I tried lor two
months." - '
"Your mother and many thous
ands of good women try for
thirty years and keep on trying.
I didn't think a child of mine,
you least of any, Sandy, would be
so cowardly " ,
"How do you figure that?"
Sandy faltered. "I'm not a cow
ard! I'm not a quitter! I can
meet most things- You don't
know you can't know. I, hate
him. Oh, Lord God, 1 hate
him!" S - v ' '"Ja'ooot-
"Ssndy! Yonr husband! .You
married hinv.'1-- -
"I never dreamed I could feel
like this! I didn't need to feel
ilike this! He cculd have oh.
I If he'd only been half way even
(half way decent! Ho never
thought of. me oilce what I
wanted oh, that didn't count."
"Men are all alike." .
"You .can't tell me that oh
no. they're not all liko Ucn Mu
rlllo!" "Hush hush. Sandy. Do you
want him to hear you'ro married
to him. Nothing can .'change
that.' ' :
Yes Sandy in married to
him. The marriage was for life.
When God had Joined together
no man could put asunder.
All this and o great deal more
Isabel McNeil told her daughter
agRin and again. In the morning
when Sandy helped her make the
beds, she spoke of It. In the af
ternoon when Sandy stole Into the
back yard ad sat with tho hlg
white cat in her arms, her mother
followed. Did Sandy reel better
today? Wasn't It really kind In
Hen to bring thwe snuntw for
dinner and those wonderful roses.
Didn't Bhe appreciate this
Didn't she appreciate all tho
enrorisca her hirsband wns pre
paring? Mrs. McNeil waited after
1 1 hi mteqtinn.
I Sandy rubbed the cat's head
: until she purred, settling as If for
' a quiet eternity.
I "You don't ask mo what sur
i prises? You don't w ant to hear
Rliout the house he hns bouKlit?
:Thc way he has remodeled It?"
j A Jonz name. Then Mrs. Mc
Neil wiped her eyes. She was
broken-hearted. She felt. In some
obscure way, that Sandy's soul
doomed unions she rose brave
ly as a dutiful wife and met tho.
late. God had decreed.
Sometimes Sandy listqned with
out answering a word. (Then Isa
bel as ure the wa.V ' winning.
Sometimes Sandy said, "Oil, leave.
Ood out of It! Maybe He can
thought: "lly the time tho house
is ready, Judith will be back
und then!"
, She became excited giddy with
excitement. The moment Judith
! . . ; . .w . . .u.tiiui
ir.r,,v''"?,".,'"vr',i:r t letter, h8 woUm i
.....b foT hpr j,1(iith would say: "Come
"Ye gods!" Alice would say, AT ONCE! All I've got Is youra
"you must have hod an awfully ,-ou know that "
tough time If you think life in 'nfif0re the letter from Judith
this shack Is'better. Give me a ! came Sandv'a fate was set. "It
chance to gef out of this ever
lasting mob scene and I'll stay.
What In the world happened, any
how?" .i
i And she didn't weary. She gave
Sandy no peace. .
Sometimes Sandy was utterly
panic stricken. She toid herself:
"That's true, I can't stick - here
I much longer. I'm beat if I don't
;do something QUICK."
can't be!" she told herself stark
ly, her heart going wild: "Lord
God anything but that!"
Heat with gas.
Don't delay ordering your
Christmas announcemeuta. We
are showing a nice line of
both printed and engraved
cards. Place your order now 4
so that the best attention can 4
be given your work. Ncwa-He-
view Exclusive Job Printing
Department. Roseburg, Ore- 4
gon. .
O. E. Holdridge, a merchant at
I 'Yoncalla about twenty years ago,
f She was waiting for the letter jij laat Sunday at Albany, Ore.,
ifrom Judith. Then ahe found out where he had been living In re
ithat Judith was away . . . had tirement for the past seven years.
taken a leave of absence for six He was 73 years of age. Hr. Hold
weeks and treated herslf to a noire was born at Laytayette, Yam
imaRnlficnt vacation a trip to h)11 colmtyi May 29, 1852, and had
;Lak Louis and Banff. . KVKnt n o( hl. llfo In the Willam
I Th day Sandy got Unit letter elte valley with the exception of
ifrom Judith she walked slowly the time he was In business at Yon
:up the hill. It wasn't so overly calla.
.warm, but she folt stifled throb-1 He married Miss 8arah Beard of
btng wlth, and a heavy faint- Sclo August 14, 1880. Beside his
jness. Judith didn't even know widow, he Is survived by four half
I what had happened. They hadn't brothers, Amos, Marion, and Qen-
j forwarded i'.undj"s'lctter. ). . eral living at Amity, and Dan of
! Four weeks had passed since Goshen, Oregon.
hj homecoming. It was worfe j The funeral was held today at
now than in the-beginning -much 'Albany. '
fwoTBe.' Everyone was getting lr- ' " ' o '
ritable. Even Alice thought tt wosf fOOD IN WALES
labout time Sandy was coming to i r-a i- ta cnrM
j her senses. :,, FATAL TO SEVEN;
j But now Sandy walked up the i VILLAGE RUINED
iimi. iimvu iirr iipau osck, nmmng
brightly. She thought, "I've got
LLONDUDNO. 'A'alea, Not. 3.
i, u n , . , . oeven persona Bra repyricu lu uoib
IJ' Ue" bn downed and seventeen., in-
eluding a woman and nine children.
She. walked more quickly. They iuf,
thought ph. ,r. fl missing,
mother thought that; so did An
gus. "They'll see you bet,
tllAV'll Okn'J .!. ttll
dith returned a few weeks more. awa)r a"d hundreds of cattle and
as a result ' of the
bursting of a dam and the destruc
tion of the village of Dolgarrog.
Houses and buildings were swept
sheep drowned when 180.000,000
gallons of water from Elgian lake
rushed down the vale of Conway,
Judith would grub-stnke her,
(- i m not downed! Tako more
itllflll Itpn Mltriltn in .rnmn m
Istyle!" She blinked, gave an en- yeraay.
Chanting smllo to old Mrs. I'prta, Mo,t r the occupants of the
! dashed tears from her eyes. They houses escaped. North Wales is
were from tho sun. Oh. the sun uiwij . iu.i
was so hot. the flood.
Sho was home five weeks. It j
was a. r. nnav. ai r n snin pa -' riH--..
lantly. "Come for a Jaunt, mother i . bi
all of u?" I ..-J . E Iffij. .
Sandy held the funny noner i nr - B K ' tl f l
ly before her face. Sunday Mf . V ' u '' f R E i
a ghastly day always. It . : tfrrrrrrrrfTri-ft-. .
like this: then they would g)--0 iR.lMrLftl.
fr i i t'MfUllI Jit .ii rfJ8nT
P-.VWl .lb . I I I I MM .
go to Muriiio's sister for dlnnor.
Mrs. McNeil blushed when any
one was very chivalrous to her.
"That will bo lovely.'
They drove past all tho-e beau
tiful homes In Montectto. Tlioy
No ConfinementHa Hospital Bills
stopped on a curve of the road. : MY celebrated non-surgical
' i on couin iook up ana see tno ... , . ni-- a - I
brown bin: you could look out on treatment for Piles does not
i the blue, glimmering water and . confine you to your bed or room. lou
the line of mountains, shoulder
deep in tho sen.
"Here," said Murlllo. And It
was the house ho had remorinled.
He took Sandy's arm. She" didn't
say a word.
I lint It was a lovely house. There
;-as a room on the third floor
with Immense windows feeing the
hay. The sun streamed across
the floor.
What Sandy thoueht was this:
"I could steal up here at night:
what a gorgeous place to try?"
Murlllo whispered: "Sandy, tell
me. do you like It?"
Fhe Mew hr hreaIt en the
can come and no about your work as
tuual. From the first treatment you will
be relieved, and no matter how severe
ING to cure your PILES or return your
fee. If you are suffering wttb PILES or
other HKCTAL or COLUN ail
mtnt write or call for my imw
FKKK BOOK of Information.
It aUo conUlol nearly a hun
dred Utten from PATIENTS.
I, DEAN. M D.Inc
porYland orFitts; scattic office;
Dr Dunn Bu)lVlirig 8T lt ShTtw Building
CJH jANDAIN fTrt.f ,N.9r. flf.'
Notlc at nal of ovwnntRt tlm-
tuit, l. C, iSepl, it lttaiiV. Nutlce U
tiuiuby Riven that at ub jeer,, to the
cumluloiiri und Ituiltatlons o( ttiw
aaa ut June V, Ulti i HtaU Sl
Mut uary 2. '1IS U Stt., 1U.
MtiU Juno 4. mu (41 Stat., 1&8). and
lurauaui to dopurtnttjuiul rutcula
Uohi ot April 14. l2l (60 U U. it'll),
tlta Umber on th Jollowing laiidu
will be aold Nov. lti. lHj, at lu
o'ulock A. At. Ht pub4lo auction at
th U, b. land oftic at ltoneburtf,
UreRun. to tt. hlKl.l bidder at
not Ivttm tliau th appraluetl value
aa ahown by thla nouco, al to bo
mibjuct to tlta approval ot tho iSec
retury of tho Interior. Thj purcliava
price, with an additional . iuia of
ona-flttti uf on per. cent thareot. le
liitf vommia.kona allowed, inunt be
dvpoalttid at time of aul moncf to
bo returned It aula la not approved,
otherwiae patent will lamia tor the
timber, which muat bo removed
within ten yuura. bids will be re
cetved troin oitliana ot the Cnlteu
Ututea, aaaootatlona of auch cltUena,
and turporutlo1!! ortf AiiUt d undr
the law of the United btatra, ot
any aiute, territory, or - tiatrlc.
triorcof only.- Upon application ot a
quallfltxl purchaser, the timber on
any legal aubdlviaion will ba offered
separately before be in a included in
uuy oftar ot -a lamer unit. T. 17 H.,
H. 1 W.. Sec 11, bW4 Sb fir
M., heinlocK 40 M.. KW SW fir
lbJG AL, hemlock 1U9 M.. siW Wi
fir liou M.. hemlock M.. tiW'
NW'S fir t8& AL, hemlock CO M.. t'r lio NWfc
hl.St fir 1710 Jkl., K4 tir 1V0U
M , cedar l4i M., bVVH luetf
At., ht intuit 40 At . aNK UW fir
i.t Al. NW4 HWSi fir lt;0 M
bWto fir liao Al hainiovk ko
At., cedar 4e A!.. tiW HW4 fir
Al., hem look itu Al ceoar to Al., none
of the timber on thla section to bo
sold for leas than 11.60 per M. for
the (lr, $1 per Al. for the cedar ana
16 cents pur AL for the hemlock. T.
lti a., ll. x W.; Wee. as, Lt 6. tir
430 Al., Lot fir eo Al.. T. IT 8., lC
V., ISeu. 11. 8V4 NW fir 720
Al.. X. 2M 8., It. 10 V., beu. 31, Lot X
fir 240 Al., white cedar V0 M , Lot
(lr 610 Al., white cedur bO Al., Lrot 4
fir 1E0 AL, white lou Al., red
cedur X0 Al., tev .fir KM) At.,
while cedar 3& Al., bWfi HV fir
1V& M . white cedur lub 1 M., Nk"'-,
bK4 ilr 846 AL, white cedar 346 AL,
K1O14 fir 04o AL, white cedur I
4:0 AT, HWH 81-; 'A fir i:tU At., whltej
cedar 90 M., none ot the timber on
these sections to be aold for less
than 'i per Al, for the nr aad red
cedur and $7 per M. for the while
cellar, i ill) 8., H. 4 VV iSec. 16.
lib. NWH red fir 4U0 M., T. 11 H
U. 4 W., btio. cV. Nfc.' HW'hi yellow
lr, . iuo Al red nr. l" b Al
8VJt yellow fir 22t M.. red
fir. 37S Al., white fir 15 At.,
none of the timber on theae
auctions to be aold for leas than
1.76 per M. for the red and yellow
nr and It per Al. lor the while ilr.
T. 2 H iL li W., Hec. 27.
bW44, old giowth fir 476 AL, cedar
00 M., hmlucK 200 M.. spruce Hi AL,
.NW'4 bV4 old growth fir 4U0 Al.. I
second growth fir 400 M., hemlock
luo Al., b.V'A old growth fir
tiOO M., aecond giowtii tir ftf0 AL.
Hemlock H'O AL, bK4 SW, o,d
giowtii fir 1026 AL, cedur 60 Al., hem-j
lock ZOO AL, iNU'A 8UW old growth1
fir 600 AL. second growth lir 760
AL, Cedar 25 AL, hemlock 26 Al., 1
aW14 bliH old growth tir 400 AL, I
second growth tir 40O AL, cedar 160
M ttV Hk.' old growth lir auo
AL, SRCond growth fir 460 M., cednr
17& M.,-brJi hK4 old growth fir 600 I
Al.. second growth Ilr t ib M., cedar 1
ia AL, hemlock 2b AL, Hec 3ui.N1i.a
.K'i old growth Ylr 2i0 M., cedar
60 M., hemlock 680 Al, NW4 Shiyi
old growth fir aaio Al., heiuloca
1U0 M, 6V NKW old growth fir
ititQ AL, heimock boO M.. bK'A NK'
second growth fir 400 At., cedar 60
AL, heimock 6 M . NU'a MW14 sec-1
ond giowtn fir J'JIO Al., hemlock
140 AL, NW'A second growth
f.r 3427 AL, KW'4 NW'A second
giowth fir 34L'4 , NV4 sec
ond growth fir 2hn0 Al., hemlock
ly AL, 8W4 ( nnd growth
fir 44&0 AL, SW' 8VVH second
groHth fir 2300 Al., tiW t.i-a-oad
growth fir 2bV0 AL, hK'A OWM
t)coitd growth fir 44.0 Al., ISki'A
second growth fir 4190 Al.,
HK'-i Beond growth fir 4etiU
L, iiemlock 100 M tiV 8K4 sec
ond giowth fir 4fetf0 AL, Hlw4 HWS4
acond giowth fir 2176 M.( cedar
125 AL, 110110 of the timber on theae
sections to bo sold for less than
$J.uo per Al. for the spruce and old
growth f r, $i per AL for the cedar
and second growth fir and 63 cents
.er Al. for tho Iiemlock. T. 36 8.,
li. 2 l;., H.c 1 8W14 M;Vi. pine 376
AL, fir 40 Al., Lot t pine, 276 AL, fir
100 AL, lt 4 pine 70 M., fir 470 At.,
HK4 NW'a pine 276 At., fir 100 AL,
none of tne timber on this section
to be sold tor less than 2.60 ptr AL
tor the pine and 1 per AL for the
fir. T. T 8., It. 11 W., Hec. 21, HL;
8W14 yellow nr 4r,o AL, white fir
300 AL, hemlock 1'iu AL, 8K4
red fir 1'tO'i ii., white fir 200 Al., red
cdur li AL. HK'4 8i:4 yellow fir
l.'.O M., ref fir i.'tO AL. hemlock 26
M- r-d cedar 60 AL, T. 2 8., It, in
VV 8-M-, 2i. Lot 6. red fir 4Su AT.,
none of the timber on these sections
lo be sold for lss than tl.Lu icr
AL for the red and yellow fir, 11.60 KOR
I'tyr ii. ir me reu t"iinr ana tt
tents per M. for the white fir and
heimock. Thoe. llavell, Acting Com
mit" ""(finrr.
In commemoration of T."r-F'JtV 1Z
nnivcrsarv, we offef you t ii "We-r-Lrer .
one-quart Pudding Pan at the tpeciul prlt, '
FIm for pwUlnrj,
pot pits, mmm ana
fritraior use.
h I I.!
Aluminum IiddingPaa yj?
Limit three to a purchaser.' ' '
Mail order, 10c for pottage.
Corer to nun:
iUfvUr atrio
i v: 'T The Iron Mongers
Classified Sectioti
! FOR RENT House. 1124 IUU
j Court. N. O. Williams. Rowtt vc-
:FOR RENT 2-room house. ,ih
, basimeot. H. C. IMwaon, : lo4
Aie, 8. Phon 4-U ,
FOR 8ALK Hny. Wood, 3.50 per : FOR RENT Three-room rurnH3d
per Ufr. Phone 27U-Y. I apartment. Adults only. I0-W.
- 1ai - .
FOR SALK Three-burner Mission ' . 1.H
oil stove. Phone 604-J.
FOR SALP- Larue reed batjy bug
gy. Reasonable. Phone 234-L.
Foil's A LE l)ry old growth fir
wood, price 13.50. Melton Bros.
. Phone HF15. .
i FOR RENT 1 8-room houa, 4
I room apt. 1 8-room apt. PWe
1 39-J.
i FOR RENT Nov. 9th. unfuraiabed
j 6-room house oa pavement T2f .
Mosher St.
FOR SAL1S Foru iignt delivery,
with new long top, (100. 'Verms.
225 N.' Jackson.
FOR SALE Oooa used nlityor pi
ano. Terms if desired. Ca-1 at 315
North Jackson St.
FOR SALU Chrysanthemums.
Phone 143-L of ckII Mrs. Fred
Fields, 720 8. Pine.
DILLARD Uarage for rent aood
location. Inquire Virgil Rust, tM
('Oil UUMT ti-room house at lui
B. Stephens. Inquire A.
rence or phone 13F41.
T. Law.
MAl'Lb IJR Fill block wood. S3 .00:
oak cook wood delivered, 13.50 i wsMto-Experienced
per tier. Box 64, 1'lllanl.
FOR SALE Fir wood, stove or
block. Jos. Heidenretch, one
mile south of Roseburg. -FOR
Uodgo touring. Perfect mvchan-
at once. Terminal Cafe.
TAILORING and dressmaking. 221
S. Main St. .Mrs. Uuthridge.
I WANTED Girl or woman lor t&n-
erai nousowork. Call 479-J,-or
3S6. ;
WANTED Ford truck. Must
lc;il condition. Phono 604-J.
FOR SALE Three or four tons iie model, see Parker at '
hay, close in, In barn. Phone O. I "oseburg Garage.
U. llelblg, or call 4U7W.Cfts. I WANTED TO RENT 8hel 5t'or
ReMKMUKK the"blg h6rse""sale storing 25 cords of wood. d
next Saturday, Nov. 7. Uest I dress J. C. Koonti, City.
.hl.,.nn o l..,r.... ,., l.f h H.f. ST .
............. . ,r,, apian nouse with, ear-
to Roseburi
FOR 8ALB Two down barred
Rock pullets, ready to Iny. Also
petite prunes.
nen plot and place for lomt
chickens, not far out Call -131
8. Stephens. -t-
F. I. Bolts. Phone '.YOUNO MAKKIKn man iX.i
! r 11 II I'll a..,,!, nw Anu I. 1.1 a .
v. nil vtucr nioaiioi
winter. Address Box 66, 'cr
News-Review. "" '
WANTEDReliaol'e 'glrl for
eral housework. Call at 2l",'ia.
Lane St., or phone 315-R affipis I
p. m.
WA Nffi'!) Old lulse
FOR SALE Puro bred English
fux hound puis. Missouri stock,
males $10, females, 5. Chns. II.
Hader, Tyeo, Ore. Phone 2"FI3.
FOR SALE Oil TRADE -Ono Unlit!
team, wagon and harness. Will
. trade for cow, wood or soiinHJting
to eat. J. W. Draper. 523 N. Main.
Cft YS ANTHEM U Al 8 for Mle."'!'!
you want to ship any now it the
time. They arc at their best. The
season will soon be over. At tho
home of li. II. Church, Jig E.
Com. Avo.
PIANO for rent Phone 31F5.
FcmRENT--Au L. C. Smlth'typ?
writer. Phone 131-J. .
VtiU "RENT--Furnished housekeep
ing rooms. 1110 I'rospect St.
fl)R . 1ti:.N:f2larieurnirhed
housekeeping rooms. Close In.
Private front entrance. 331 South
KENT Modern five-room
furnished apartment, wood
runge, also gas range. 221 W.
Lane. Phone 64-H.
teeth. '" W,
pay nign as 10 for full ,aU.
Don't matter If broken, We-. buy
crowns, bridges. Western Metal
Company, Bloomington. III. To-
WANTED Fireproof Tafe, riltde
measurements must be IJxl'6
Inches by 12t Inches blgluaaaAd.
dress Safe, care News Review,
Roseburg, Ore.
W A N'i'EljA capable man able to
work and care for Bartlett pear
orchard In full bearing and la
prime condition. Must have
11250 cash. I will give a proper
party a very attractive proposi
tion. Write owner. Box 668, or
phone 419-Y. '
!J?IOq 5 I Att RIGHT
m j !
weLL. i should HJK Voo
riPT-riWfi A ccori spaiovikg,
' i r what Did Voo
ll - asj I l l - l I
IT f Ott A PET MOW. 1
; VTO CCT OOT ! J ' -A
1 i .i ii t
ESTRAYED 15 head Delaine
lambs. Crop, split and and un
derbit in left ear. All sheared,
but 2. Ivan Swift Looking
Glass. .
LOST Between Bogus Creek ami
Glide, grain sack, containing aad.
die-bags, pistol, spurs, bridle, and
other personal property. Ten dol
lar reward to finder If the abort
things are left at this office.
CAR OWNER Don't forget M
Hall fiu2 Vhfin In rtA
parts. . 8ar(('i Auto WrecklnA
I House.
FREfi" "INSf RL CTiOlV Button
I holes, mending, blanket stitching,
etc, WMinetdA', t;3 hUh
i! nl. room S" by tavtory tv.
j lu unu'hine eitrt.
CAprrtfbt by Kcal. ermlKal la
STOf AT , ,
Hotel Umpqun