Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 02, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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It Can't Be Done !
But we do it. Wk)
Sell good flour at $2.20 a tuck or $8.60 for 4 aacka.
1 " .'" When we say good we mean
Good u the Best
If you want just a good average hard wheat flour
why try our Bear Brand at $2.10 or $8.20; but if
you want a real flour, guaranteed to please try our
Exchange Brand.
See Us Fii 3t, We Ca n Save You Money.
To work ofi apples
Umpqua Valley Canning Co.
Phone 525
(Continued from page I.)
expensive, but I believe It an ex
pense that is very much worth
while and with your Increased ef
ficiency and lessening of table ex
ana lessening oi tame es-
you wm o aoie la-jinee.
It. No, I have no financial inter
est whatever In any reducing con
cern. My interest is the same in
terest I have in any legitimate
health promoting concern.
I have found that most of the
reducing institutions I have in
vestigated are doing splendid work.
Most of them are following scien
tific methods of diet In accordance
with the principles I have given
In the column. If you should go
to an Institution that is not do
ing so. just explain to the man
ager that you are going by my
Instructions as to diet and want
to continue them.
Monday The Benefits Of
Kxerclainir. . .
i nave no financial inter-l
Fresh grape juice at Overland
Orchards. Bring containers or leave
at Brand's Road Stand. Will de
livered when filled.
On Wednesday, October 21, we
had the following visitors In our
school, Mrs. Myrtle Tharkerey,
Mrs. Elva Peterson and children,
Mrs. Anna Gummo, Mrs. Alta Con
ley and baby and Mis Mary
On Wednesday. October 28th,
Miss Leona Sberratt and Miss
Thelma Ross of Canyonvllle, visit
ed our school. We are always
glad to have visitors, so we ex
4end the invitation to all parents
and friends of our community to
visit us.
Our monthly report b as fol
lows: Number ot days taught,
18; whole number days attend
ance, 1391; whole number days
The Social Season
Is again at hand Put into
readiness your apparel that
has been stored during the
We Call and Deliver.
Our Auto Will CalL
Phone 277
Th Stock of
Coed Ustd
and Fords
In sPosebura
W Will 811 en
Hanson Chevrolet Co.
Phone 446
Roseburg, Oregon
Visit in spoon; inhale vapors'
apply freely op nostrils,
Peer IT MUUmm Jmn tssst r
absences, 4..;
Average number ot
ongt,,-. g;
average dally
EUendant 7J cenl ,liena.
ance. .96.
The aged father of Mrs. John
ConJey is quite ill at the home ot
Mr. Bolsinger of Myrtle ureeg.
We wish him a speedy recovery.
Mr. B. I. Moore and son Bax
ter, are employed In Roseburg.
They are lathing for Mr. Creason.
jar. ana Mrs. aa Morgan ui
Bridge. Oregon, spent a few days
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Mr. Jack Illlge. who base Been
employed in the forest service, is
home again.
Mr. John Conley has recently
returned from a trip to Medford.
Miss Leona Sberratt ana mo
ther ot Canyonvllle, have been
visiting at the home of Mary
Earl Thackrey was elected as
health doctor In our school.
B. I. S.
Fresh grape juice at Overland
Orchards. Bring containers or leave
at Brand's Road Stand. Will deliver
when filled. -
lllLl.Ultll FXPEItT Wll.l,
George E. Soears. world's cham
pion straight rail billard player,
will again be In Roseburg Thurs
day and will play a 200-polnt ex
hibition Same on Thursday night
at the Pullman billiard parlors.
He offers odds ot 100 or no
count. Spears holds the world s
record high run ot 5.041 at
straight rail billiards. He has
nlaved here before and is a fa
vorite with the local green cloih
A warm friend Keep handy a
Goodrich water bottle.
Tbs pstrens of a ls'sl show botm were
eerr much dlilurbe4 sad sanoytd bj tk ees
tiaBeas eoulbis. sf a errte Is th auoi-
sacs. DflB'i It s auitssrt becam y
a cough er cold. A frw doser of
of roios's
' !."ci.!,'
Bcasi sad Tar Corspsasd Ufcfa
White PIsiBf, i s.. e-ritet: "We aas uied
felev's HonT slid Tar Compound for colds
tad Sad eoasaa vita sploadid totalis."
ot ONceraTAiM
BaeED CfkME to
the 8a.te (i woose.
kFFEc-r loto, t ueav
l PAfZTlCuLAft,
80WV.V MJ0ri AT
ft QuickRelief
' For Old and youny
V '
Sandy McNeil weda Ben Murlllo.
please r t
alTfor'a Trewel. "u", wuS,
foreigner with large wealth, to1
Tim my, an old sweetheart, in the!
garden of her home In Santa Bar-
bars. She tells Judith Moore, a '
Sao Francisco cousin, who find.
her thora that she cannot no with " "v
Mtlrillo But she dot. go ou Ihe ""'vely whispered: "Don't, dear!
hnr 'LBUt a. il.? rll" .hek''" yorself-slt down!" '
meets two Santa Barbara boy
- . . ..... . 1
inenas wno invite me coupie to
j. . ..... . . l
a dinner nance, oiuriuo iocs, tier
In their room. Angered by this and
other Indignities, Sandy flees to her
home, and Murlllo in a rage, puns';
i to take forceful possession of hir.
They were speechless. Sandy
reached for the old ' percolator.
J poured herself some coffee.
They waited for her to speak,
staring fixedly They had a atllf,
vacant air as though thei.-' mimi
had suddenly lost the power of
function. The mother said blankly:
"What madness is this, Sandy?'
It's not madness. Its happen-
ed. I couldn't help It. I've li'ft'canwv
T,. ' Thaf. nil la n II J'
Ben. That's all there is to It, ex
cept that we've parted for good
It s all over
"Parted for good? Nonsense
what nonsense! Did you quarrel,
Sandy? Tell your motner. Did
you quarrel and run away?"
Sandy answered quietly, but
keeping her eyes down:
"I've told
you. That s all there
Its just ended." .
Mrs. McNeil sVmed able only to
run the palm of her hand back and
forth across the table. She started
several times to tpeak, but the
soft, double chin moved uncon-'know
trollably Finally she raised her
fnf.ii th ahnllriw tves Rwlmmlnf
with tears:
-What is the meaning of this, :
Sandy? You know you can't put ;
aside your mariage. For what trf-
film matter have you Quarreled?
Is this the womanly thing to do?i
la tuts any way for a daughter of;
mine to act?"
The white lines deepened
from Sandy's nose to her nothing just a little hysterica, i ,h, oiendale News. The point at
u pa. She looked transparent, cihe I Sandy would feel better now that ! wnich the car went over is probab
felt that her heart was breaking . she was home again. They wouldn t , n)) of the most dangerous places
It was sick and breaking.
It waan t a trltlo. It was every-)
m not Koing to Ulk about
It. It's done now. You cau't undo
It. Nobody can!"
Your husbaud permitted you to
return home like this alone? He
sent you back to your parents,
Sandy ?"
"Oh, no! There was nothing else
to do, of course. There was no
place else for me to go. We never
should have married
He sees this
as plainly as 1 do
She broke off abruptly, seeing
Allce push-the table andt aa aghast
fright leaping In her mother'a eyes.
'A hey were staring at the open
door. Murlllo and Angus McNeil
were there, mey nad come noise
lessly. Murillo's clothes were covered
with dust, his eyes bloodshot. Hut
Angus had a shrewd, bluff air his
face a little grin, but twinkling.
"So he knew you were leaving,
did he? He gave you the fifty dol
lars to get yourself here? Come,
now, Sandy, you ve had your fun.
I guess you're glad enough to see
yonr husband again."
The blood pelted t Sandy's face,
She turned lo Murlllo, her eyes
burning witn natren. bne said son-
ly: "You got my note? 1 meant
what I wrole then. I mean it doub
ly now!"
Murlllo was exhausted villi his
; long, tranUc ride. But he had mas-
tered himself. He had formed ills
plan with a scheming oldness
Sandy was his wife beautiful, ad
mired, young the type of woman
he dt'sired. He exulttd In the com-
i ments her loveliness evoked. He
IU1CU IBM 1.0. ,.. .,. v. ' .
loved those soft, appealing bands,
bhe was his, and he meaut to have
She would be bis wife again It
only long euougli to be punlsiu il; to
be subuued; to be hurt for ilie vio -
lence she had done his prid.-, the
outiage of his velvety self esteem.
He would have her again bend her
In two; break her to bis will. thirty now unclaimed. Her mar
He was sauve now as in the days ! rled sifters acted as though this
of their engagement. He glanced made Alice a person to be snubbed
gently toward Sandy as she stood j She detested them,
there, hnr stricken face blazing "The old hens are at It," she
with hatred. ! said mallrlomily. She lookd a Ut
ile shrugged. "Don't be hard on! tie like Sandy, but her chin was
her," lie said wearily "She's ex-1 somewhat square, her nose a little
cited. She can't be very well. AVe
had two very happy months. Every
thing was beautiful. I did every
thing to please her, I took her
everywhere. We never quarreled.
Hut without saying a single word.
,he stole from the hotel In the mid'
die of the night.
I don't know why. 1 can't think
of the slightest Cause. I'm not totienl disdain: "1 know yoti re not
f !tes CLUB. flS no.VoO MaBtrTUW I CEeTAIMWAMNl J ' V OLtFLOFFvX '
SKtJ TeitsLSooiK 1 Hr I help! J M30sveDMeA6oo
Wll OM UeMS-TMirr OP VOOM rgR rrS i THtvT HE'S . A ( 1 VfrlALIeT As) I TAKe
iioeihn nTTf S aI O -T ( MOUSE' ' J emec&wo MX J
V fi lW Vrrrf r: 15
American Legion
Minstrel Revue
Nov. th and 10th
. x. -.'... 1. n
I dont know what U
He looked with oulet appeal tot
the mother and father: "1 don't un-
0f C0U9 WU ov'r
DUUJ -ueu " "
"''r... ".. ..
"I AM calm! 1 know just what i
t ji I .. . . ...V. .i . 1 M.uan In H (1 1 ,
"ui"s j..,.......-.-
I'h. .nl ' ..i.llat n, KM! V IIT 111?
1 - v. --
I've J"8' finished wUh marriage,
that's all!"
She flung her head back, con
fronting her father's eyes. They
were black now. She said hys
terically: "That's what I said I'm
finished with marriage. Oh, no
you can't glare me down
.. . . ,
Dne oacaea lo tue uoor, licit...
clasped against her chin. !
"Come back here,'' Angus roared, i
"You think you'll do as you please !
nd ..'II .11 n Ihn nim.r? What
do you propose, i wonder.
don't need
to pay, said
ve PAID!
You made me
many him!"
"Made you! You ought to got
down on your knees and thank any
man who married you after the
mess you made of things!"
Her hands flew out in a little ges
ture of appeal The mother was
urging soltly, 'Huh, Angus, hush
p,,,,,. cnid"
robbing laughter: "I ouyht to be
1 glad ho that's what my husband
! told me 1 should be glad. But I'm
not glad. You can't frighten- me
' with that talk oh, no .you can't. I
what I am! I don't need to
; tnank men for marrying me 1
itnn't n c.H ,n"
She glanced at Murlllo, who was
now biting his pale lips. She push- j
ed off her mother'a restraining '
hand and went running from the!
Isabel knocked at Sandy's door:
"It's your mother. Let me in.
And she spoke wlnningly. It was
try to force her. But she must re-1
member that marriage was a sacred
... . . .
d : deS V Zt 't I
d. dear, iou musm t taiK 01
j breaking your vows.'
Sandy said, despairingly: "Don't
blame God lur it, mother. That a
such an easy out! God had nothing
to do with it! Oh, if I'd only
"You're not a child. Sandy, You
won't want to hurt your whole fam
ily. You must meet lire bravely.
, i had to. You hava a good hus-
: band. Few men would race after
a woman who treated them aa you
, treated him. He is downstairs now.
i n w,a take you to his .sisler's
house. She's away. You are to the night. He was brought to Glen
stay there till your own home is dale and received medical attcn
ready." tioa from Dr. A. J. Fawcett and
Sandy fastened her bands In the wal found to be suffering from a
runiis at the foot of her bed. She wrBnched back. He was cared for
said wildly: "No! I'm NOT going
with him. Don't try to make mo.
1 won't. 1 won't!"
They loft her alone.
The after-
noon tun bathed the house fra-
j grance of honeysuckle and sweet
peas drifted through the windows.
, u was home just as It had be-n a
kW months ago, yet wish tms
funeral hush about it Sandy felt as
f.'iouKh ,nhe ' wvri abandoned la
some forgotten cloister She heard
them moving about In a stealthy
way on tiptoe as though someone
had died.
Her married sisters came. They
were in the dining room. A loud
ton?; a shocked exclamation; a Cup
flounced down on the saucer Ihey
were talking about this new dla-
1 grace she had brought on them.
Her mind was on fire. She didn't
douerve thin! She'd not stand It!
Have her life ended at nineteen?
; She would NOT! She would NOT!
strike out be free again
j Alice pushed her way into the
i room, gave a slgnlfiraut twist to,
; her shoulder. Alice, too, hail been
j a b'-auty at nint-leen. But she waa
pinched at the nostrils; the auburn
hair sireaked. bne was now eaten ,
with ruslonltyi "(live us the low-l
down. kid. What did he do to your'
"Nothing Just what I told you. I
don't love him "
Alice made a chut ting sound with
her tongue against the roof of her
mouth a sound of supreme, lmpa-
The Hatchet is Buried.
such a fool as that!
mats tit;
"Keep It lo yourself then! Peoplt
llko you that are so almlght per-
feet In their own opinions!"
She waa about to flounce from
the room. Sandy called her back:
"Ally do cie a favor! Mall tnun
iToniKht He SURE!"
' It waa a letter to Judith. It would
wk() ca ot 8linny, fulure, Ju-
With wouldn't fall her!
Late that evening, Sandy waa no
.hrouch the hall
She saw iult-
cases-three of them
They had
(she went to her mother: "Are
those my clothes? Did he bring
them to me?
They are your clothes and your
nustiana B.
...what do you meanr
..Ju whttt ..Id. You refuse to
to to him. He Is coming here
. H
If you believe the spine la the
seat of most of your physical Ills,
and more people are thinking so
every dsv. Just give It a rubbing
no one'everv ntttht with Joint-base and
1 watch the helpful results.
11 1 mbera un the apinal eotumn
., yu can stralnhten out
round shoulders ani mak, s old folks
look ami feel younaer. Many people
are getting It eally Irom good
. pnarniaeiaia.
The name la Joint-Ease and It's
I the one big cltseovery for still.
HwolR-n, rrt'uky. tnflampd Joint
and a tut) (or only tit) cent. 1
Atwava rcmemhwr, when Jolnt
Kam nuts In Joint unny get out
Biggest Selling Joint
Remedy in the World
Clyde Gaxley, well known
from Canyonvllle, ran amuck here
Tuesday afternoon from the alleged
drinking of flavoring extracta and
narrowly escaped death when the
iiuht tourina car which he was
driving went over the grade
le op
r lead-
the south fork of the highway
nK OIIt to the pavement, about one
mg oi bj ".
I half mile above the Lystul-Lawsou
half mile above the i.ysiui-1
In,ri, .bout six o'clock, says
thp flI.d no one i- able t0
i 4lt, u,h . wnfl nn kilipd.
' " ' ivtt ft- -i,
! UtJ tar IUI IH-U inw vs ss
tandlM bottom-sldo up at
. . .rllll. . r.azlev
the grade, . Galley
staying with the car for the entire
tumble, crawling out from under It
after it bad stopped.
lie was discovered by Mrs. Frank
Marshall and Attorney Albert Abra
hams who were returning from
Wolf Creek with Jim Be: ion -in
Mrs. Marshall chanced to see the
light that was still burning on the
wrecked car and had It not been
for this, Gazley would have prob
ably been compelled to remain
there for hours and possibly for
at tne utenuaie rioiei ior tne nignt
and on Wednesday morning was
able to make the trip homo, In com
pany with Ur. Fawcett.
It Is alleged that Gasley had
been drinking until crazed from
the effects and had bad two or
three minor accidents In the after
noon on the streets of Glendale,
but had managed to get out ot
town before being pick d up by the
' The makm of Tan lac will alwyn har
my warmest thank a, for I don't con-iflw II
any riiixptTatlon to aajr I nw mihlifa and
prntfwt K'xmI health to Tarilar," la tha
tnkintf ftatmi.t of Andrew Qroeaflbnar,
"Worrta nim ply tmnt gprwfsj th RiiMiry
I radurvd fir 2 yn from ui-iisCMtinn. At
times iu paitia would catrh mo around lit
hmrt and aimoat cut otr my hrnatb. Th
awful pains would lest two uid three hours.
My nerrmmrrmmUvtuitmnit. I itopt poorly
Md tot In ffurh bad way that my dayi
gWomed to be aliortanlnn rmpkiiy.
"I tried every thing, but disappointment
wm my only reward until X bvnn taking
Tanlac, I hare bono taking TanlacotT and
on for a year now and fel ao diiTrrrnt that
thfre'ti no room for ootnLaritm. I eat good
and aityop good and foel that Taiilao baa
given me a now loaae on life."
Tanlac la for aale by all good drugglta,
Accept do lUbaUtutft.
Tanlte TvfiM Pills recoramendett
by the Batuufacturara of Tanlac
ttf ft
iw .
d One 8x10 photograph with
d every order of I&.09 or over.
d Thla offer cloaea Nov. 30.
Clark Studio, Cass St.
Roseburg Nat. Bank Bldg.
Phone J31.
Don't delay ordering your
Christmas announcements. We
are showlug a nice line of
both printed and engraved
cards. Place your order now
so that the best attention can
be given your work. News-Re-
view Exclusive Job Printing
Department, Roseburg, Ore-
Nolle of ! of government tim
ber. U ne r til Lnl urfu. Wftshluic
ton. L. C. Hiu its, lr. Nolle la
hereby given that ttubject to th
condition., and limitation., ot th
a .' of J una . ml U ttaU MM)
KVbrimrv Zk- lWli (40 titat.. UTtfi
and Jun 4. lVu (41 Stat.. .S8, and
pursuant to deprtmenlH, regula
turn of April 14. 124 (bU U U J.').
th tlmbr ou tit following lands
will b sold Nov. M. l-6. at 1
oclock, A. W- at public auction at
ths U. b. land ofilcs at Kosvburg,
Oregon, to l tie highest bidder at
not ! than th appraised value
us shown' by this notice, sale to be
subject jto ths approval of the tiee
retury of the Interior. The purchase
price, with an additional sura of
onvflflh of one pvr cent thereof, be
ing commissions allowed. niut be
deposited at time of sale, money to
b returned If sal Is not approved,
otherwise patent will Uaue tor ths
timber, which must be removed
within ten years, liids wilt be re
ceived from cltlsens uf the United
mates, associations of such cltUtna,
und corporations organud uuaer
the laws of the United Htutes, or
any state, territory, ' or district
thereof only. Upon application ot a
qualified purchaser, the timber on
any Ivgal subdivision will bit ottered
separately before being Included la
any otter ot a larver unit. a. it o.
R, 1 V 8ec. 11. KWk Na. Ur 12l
M.. hemlock 40 U., AW .w. ur
16,15 M.. hemlock 100 M.. bV W tW
tlr 1300 M.. bi-mloi'k n U.. UKji
NWV fir Hi al- hemlock so m.,
NK' an fir 11SO si.. KW
Bhi, (Ir 1110 SL, BEH SEh, fir 100U
M . cedar 110 11, 6W' SKI, (Ir 10S0
II.. hemlock 40 M. KKU ijWU fir
mi M. NWH HWtt ur 11.10 al..
Hbl). BVa Ur lino M., hemlock o
Al.. cedar it U.. tivtW SWU llr Hi
'M. hemlCKk lio St., ci.r lu'lL. none
, of th Umi,r u,i. Mction te be
sola tor use thao per sl ror
tne nr. si per Si. cur in. cecur aaa
16 cents pur M. for the hemlock. T.
IS t. H. I W.. Sec 24. Ut i. fir
430 U.. Lot fir 360 M.. T. 17 R, K.
S V.. Sec. 1. tW NW)4 fir T0
St., T. 2 I)., It. 10 V., See 11, Lot 1
fir 240 M., whits cedar SO M., Lot I
fir 610 Al., white cedar SO M., Lot 4
fir 1160 M., white cedar loo at., red
cedar lo M., Hbti HW)4 fir ISO si.,
white cedar IS M . UWW SW)4 fir
mi M . white cedar luS St., Nlltt
K fir 844 XL, while cedur J4S IL,
t:H HK fir 40 M., whlta eedst
fii) IL, UWft HUM r ISO at., white
ct-dar .0 M., none of the timber on
these sections to be sold tor less
ihnn 12 per sf. for th. fir and red
cedar and 17 per M. for the white
cedar. T. 20 b., U. 4 W.. bee. Is,
NWIi red fir 400 11, T. 21 8..
U. 4 W , Sec. 2, NB14 BW1 yellow
nr. lull u red nr. lit Is.,
KWIi HW yellow fir 221 M.. red
fir. Hi it., white fir 16 M.
none of the timber on these
sections to be sold for less than
91.76 per M. for the red and yellow
fir and $1 per M. lor the while fir.
T. it a. IL 12 W.. Sec 27, t.K
SWft, old growth fir 41S II.. cedar
60 M., hemlock 200 Id., spruce 26 M.,
NWf, SWt4 old growth fir 400 ..
second Krowlh fir 400 M.. hemlock
100 AL, Svt'44 HV old arowlh fir
sifo ai., secona growin ur sou sa-,
hemlotk 2110 Al.. KA HW4 old
growth fir 1026 M., cdur 60 M.. hem
lock 200 Af., SI0S4 old growth
fir 600 St., second Kiowth fir 760
il. cedar 26 Al., hemlo.V 26 AS.,
MWH HKH old growth fir 400 Ad.,
second urowth fir 400 Af.. cedar ljo
Al.. SW HLV4 old Krowth fir loo
M.. second growth fir 4.0 AL. cedar
ITS Al., SK)4 BKIt old growth fir 600
Al., second growth tlr 776 Al., cedar
.6 At., hemlock 26 At., 8c. Si, Nr.'
SK'A old growth fir 3BS0 At., cedar
60 Af.. hemlock 680 M.. NW44 NrJ'a
old growth fir 1240 M hemlock M., DW'A NB(t old growth fir
3;t0 Al., hemlock 660 At., SU44 NB4
second growth fir 1400 M., cedar 60
Al.. hemlock 75 Af , NiU NWt sec
ond growth fir 2010 Al.. hemlock
140 M. NWl NV'A second growth
f.r 2420 M., SW'i NW. second
growth fir 1126 Al., HI-: '4 SvA sec
ond growth tlr 2K60 Al., hemlock
160 Al.. NK'4 SWU second growth
fir 4460 Al., NWt, SWt4 second
growth fir 2900 Al.. HU (4 tW sec
ond growth fir 3K0 Al., bl'.'A SVN'4
second growth fir 4410 Al.,
rilv'i set, did giowlh fir 4190 Al.,
.s vt St'4 second growth rir 4to
At., iieinlock lll AL, SWU KK'4 sec
ond growth fir 4S60 Al., Hblt4 KK'4
second growth fir 2176 M.. cedur
126 M., none of the timber on these
sections to be sold lor less than
62.611 per Al. for the snruce and old
growth f.r, 12 per At. for the cedar
I and second growth fir and 6ti cent.
Al. for Ihe fH'lnloik. T. Jl M.
it. 1 K Hee. 1. WK M.. pine lib
Al., fir 40 At., Lot 1 pine, fii Al., fir
loo AL. Iit 4 olne 7u Al., fir 47U M.,
r)t:U NW4 pine lib Al., fir luo M ,
none of tne tlmter on this section
to he soltl for less than per AL
for the pine and $1 per Al. for the
fir. T. il H., H. 11 W..lHec. t. HK
SWU yellow fir lit) At., whit fir
luo At., hemlock 100 Al.. HWH HK'i
red fir 1AV0 Al.. while fir 200 Al., red
cedur 7t Al., HK HK yellow fir
l-ii) M . red fir 10 Al., h.miixk 15
Al., red cedur 60 Al., T. Z. 8.. II. Ill
W. h.t. u. I Ail t, red fir 40 Al.,
none of the timber on these sections
to be aold for ls Ihnn 12. &0 per
AL for the red and yellow fir, II. oil
p.!r Af. for the red ci-dur and R0
cuts per Af. for the white fir and
hemlock. Thos. llavell. Acting Commissioner.
In commemoration of ,Wel'vt'i,, l"S
, we offer
versary, we oni
qtutrt Pudding
soc hies. taucmM t
rig.ralor h
ALUMINUM II .,'! I '"!"' ' '" "
uminum Ridding Pan. '
Limit three to a purchaer.
RAat il XkalsBisl 1 Aa isajs isaju m yaa
The Iron Mongera
Classified Section
FOR SALK Hay. Wood. 13.50 per
per tier. Phone 27U-Y. ,
FOR SALE Large reed baby bug
gy. Reasonable. Phone 234-L.
FOR SALK Il ry old growth fir
wood, price 13.50. Melton Bros.
Phone 14F1S.
FOR HALE Ford light delivery.
with new long top, (100. Terms.
225 N. Jackson.
FOR SALE Fine large chrysanthe
mums. Mr. C. H. Meuscn. 734 8.
FOR SALE Chrysanthemums.
Phone 143-L or call Mrs. Fred
Fields, 72 8. Pine.
MAPLK OR FIR block wood, 3.00
oak cook wood delivered, 13.60
per tier. Box 64, Dlllard.
'. Dodge touring. Perfect mechan
leal condition. Phone 604-J. -
FOR SALE Pure bred English
fox hound pups. Missouri slock,
males 110, females, $S. (Jhas. B.
ltader, Tyce, Ore. Phone 20F13.
team, wagon and harness. Will
trade for cow, wood or something
to eat. 1. W. Draper, 523 N. Main,
you want to ship any now it the
time. They are at their best. The
season will soon be over. At the
home of H. B. Church, 318 E.
Coin. Ave.
PIANO for rent. Phone JIF5:
FOR RENT An L. C. Smith type
writer. Phone 131 J.
Poll KENT Furnished housekeep-
lng rooms. 1110 Prospect St.
FOR RENT House. 1124 Ramoua
Court. N. O. Williams, Roseburg.
FOR RENT 1 C-roora house, 14
room apt., 1 3-rooin apt. Phone
FOR itbNT 6-rooiu house, 729 E
Douglas St., $115. Inquire Mrs
John Allerbury.
FOR RENT Nov."lli, unfurnished
o room nouse on pavement. 726
MOSher St.
IMLLAltli Garage for r-m, good
Ituatlon, inquire Virgil Rust, Dll
FOR KK.Vr (Jroom house al 6U4
8. Slephens. Inquire A. T. Law
rence or phone 13F4I.
foil REM J huge- tuinlsUud
housekeeping rooms. Close In.
Private front entrance. 331 South
you thU "Wer-BTr '
at th special prics
Corerto Pstl9;
TAILORING and dressmaking, tzl
s. Main hl wrs. tiatnnrAgei
WANTED Girt or woman -ror gen
eral nousawork. call 47ISJ. or
HOME LAUNDRY wants, twenty
more customers. Good work dona.
929 Winchester afreet.
storing 35 cords of wood. Ad
dress J. C. Koonts, City.
WANTED Small house avith gar-
aea plot ant) placer lor Mm
chickens, not far out Call 1ST
8. Stephens. ..... .
ranch work, or any other Mn4 ton
winter. Address Box t. tart
News-Review. . .i
WANTED Fireproof aattwlnslds
measurements must bo 11x16)
inches by 131 inches high. Ad
dress Safe, cars News-Review,
Roseburg, Ore.
WANTED A capable man able to
work and care for Bartlett pear
orchard In full bearing and ' In
prime condition. Must ' have
11250 cash. I will give a proper
party a very attractive proposi
tion. Write owner, Box 648, or
phone 419-Y. ' '
ESTRAYED IS head Delalne
lambs. Crop, split and and un
derbit In left ear. Alt sheared,
but 1. Ivan Swift, Looking
LOST Uetwoen Bogus Creek and
Glide, grain sack, containing saddle-bags,
pistol, spurs, bridle, and
other personal property. Ten dol
lar reward to finder If the abov
things are left at thla office. .
GIRL of IS will care for children
evenings at reasonable ' price.
Phone 1S9-Y.
CXit OWNUU Don't forget t.
all Sm wben In need of aoM
parts. Sarff'g Auto Wrecking
House. i
Fill: E" ' INSTRUCTION Button
holes, mending, blanket stitching,
etc., Wednesday, 9:30 a. m. high
school, room 2D9 by factory sew
ing machine expert.
OR. M. a PLTLKR Chlrtipraeta)
physician, US W. Lane Be
Chas. S. McElhinnx
"The Widow's friend"
Oregon Life
' 24g North Jackien
TOf AJ y ,
Hotel Umpqua
Pine Street Mchin Shop
' Opposite Flour MIIL
The beat equipped shop in
town (or repair work.
We are able to handle your
large fobs aa well as
your small one.