ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1925. GOING OUT AFTER BUSINESS BY CLOSING OUT BIG QUANTITY OF MERCHANDISE REGARDLESS Cl; SALE STARTS Wednesday, Nov. 4 th V 9:00 A.M. ENDS Saturday, Nov. 14th 10 DAYS Everything Reduced Note Clcse Out Prices ' On Wool Piece Goods Wool Serges, Crepes, $1.49 a yd. Regularly $2.25 to $2.50 value.. About a dozen pieces, big variety of color.. 56-In. Coatings, $2.59 a yd. Polaire cloth, with nib dued plaid patterns, very heavy. Color, tan and brown. Priced hard . to believe. $3.50 values. 50-In. Coatings, $1.59 a yd. Regular $2.50 value, color, brown. Great bargain. 36-in. Wool Baptiste, . Etc., 79c Several pieces of this well known ma terial. One of red serge. . 56 Wool Skirtings, $2.59 a yd. Finest of wool materials, mostly dark with beautiful stripes. Reg. $4.00 value. 40 and 48-in. All Wool Plaids $1.89 Excellent pattern, such a. can be used in combination with velvet for sport suits. $3.00 and $4.00 value.. 58-in. Coats and Dresses Woolens, $2.98 Dark goods, very best quality, with pin check pattern, $4.25 value. 56-in. Silk Figured Wool Crepe Price $3.25. Regular $4.00 value. Ex cellent for wool dress or skirt. 42-Jn. Wool Crepe, $1.79 Several colors. Regular $2.25 value. 56-in. Tweed Coatings, $1.79 a yd. Remarkable close out value. Regular $3.50 value. Good quantity, but speak early. . 54-in. Blk. and White Check $1.98 For suits, skirts, dresses. Regular fash ionable small check. All wool. Regular $3.50 value. 42-in. Wool Plaids, 98c Regular $2 and $1.59 values. 54-in. Jersey Suitings, $1.79 Regular $2.50 value. Several colors. 36-in. Comfort Challies, 20c Best material for comforts a low price. Baby Flannels, yard wide, 29c Regular 35c value, all colors. 32-in. Ginghams, 19c Checked and striped pattern- Regular 25c and 29c value.. EXPLANATION Only a few words are necessary. The prices tell most of the story. It has been a long time since our last big sale. This is a big one. We believe many are waiting and now is the time. Let the prices tell the rest., ' ' Better Service Better Merchandise , Roseburg, Oregon ATTENTION You will find most things any family needs for winter wear at this sale. That makes it most important. The goods are those you need and want, and priced to start activity in every household. Remember, winter and the gay holidays are just ahead I ' 11 i n n ,r m Will low prices move several thousand dollars worth of goods for us? Well, we will see. For ten days we will cut so low you will think we are selling out. , You will buy. Cost price is no consdieration in a case of this kind when we decide the goods must be sold out 36-in. Cotton Serge and Plaids, 33c Such a value only at a close out price. Good, long pieces. 56-in. Checked Flannels, $2.59 A variety of colors. Best of wool material. Regular $3.50 values. v SILKS! Remnants in one to three yard length. all , colore all kinds. Priced for a rem nant clearance. $2.00 Crepe de Chine $1.70 $2.25 Crepe de Chine $1.90 $2.50 Crepe de Chine $2.12 r mm $3.50 Crepe de Satin, All Colors, $3.00 a yd. Towel Special, 19c Huck Towels 30x 18 in. Turkish Bath Towels 40x20 Big Special .'.'.'.1.. .....23c Outing Flannel, Special, 18c Standard grade, white outing, 27 in. wide' and limited quantity. 36-in. Outing, 29c Regular 35c value. Best quality plain and striped, all colors. . OS- Lumber Jack Sweaters Leading plaids for both girl, and boy., all sizes. 44.95 values, now. $4.05 $7.85 values now $6.67 Sweater Specials I lot Ladies and child's. Your choice .$1.00 I lot ladie. wool, silk, sev eral type.. A close out t $3.98 All Sweater. . in this store will be reduced. , 36-in. Percales, 17c Regular 2 5c values. Good patterns. 36-in. Striped Cretonnes, 29c Good for . shirting, upholstering a variety of, uses. Fast colors. Reg. 40c value. '10-4 Bleached Seetings 10 Days Sale, While They Last COATS PRICED SENSATIONALLY TO CLOSE THEM OUT There are new coats just received for this sale these and all regular 'fall stock now on hand all are cut to a new low mark. This is the b'g price cut of the year on coats and we have gone the limit. Two Remarkable Groups 67c a yd. Extra quality. , A remarkable price. ; : - 9-0 Bleached Sheeting t 59c a yd. ' - Reliable quality. Very special. 9-4 Pequot Sheeting, 64c Best standard grade of sheeting very special. 36-in. Pajama Check, 19c a yd. A wonderful buy in white goods. Ex cellent in material. 36-in. Lingette, 64c Another special value that is unbeat able. This is the well known lingerie material. All colors. Good fur on collars and cuffs of most of these coats of Veloria, Po laire, New Scotch Check,. Suede cloth, etc. Some tailored without fur. Close out price- Excellent materials and trimmed with rich fur in new shaded color ing. These coats were valued to $30 and up. Close out price $ 1 8.85$23.85 One Group Priced at $14:85 Conde Coats of highest quality of material and trimmings, marked down from $29.00. $32.50, $31.00 $46.00, $50.00 and up. Not a Coat reserved. Closing out all numbers in low price range. Dresses Undreamed of values. 7?; UA $8.85 A group of Silks, Balbriggans, and some wool suits included. Great Reductions Hosiery on Phoenix Fast Color Play Cloths, 25c Regular 35c value, includes school day, Large c i: -i-.L- tit : "5 . iiuiH. -iiu yiay uuiin, yji. m. models, wide.) quickly. All gTades are included real close out values All $1.50. $1.65 Phoenix Hose, now $1.00 All $1.25 Silk and Wool Phoenix. .85c All $1.00 Phoenix Hose 73c All $1.39 Phoenix Silk, Wool and Silk 93e $14.85 Mostly wool, several plaid and check flannels, including outing num bers. Up to size 5 2 J. $16.85 Exceptionally good values. New Silks, new bright trimmings. 16 to 42. We have a line of party dresses just in $22.50 each. $11.85 group, mostly Sizes 1 6 to silks 40. new Grab Silk Umbrellas, $2.98 Several, best grade silk, long handle, very artistic, at close out price. Regular $5.00 to $7.50 value. Bob-rellas, New, $3.00 - Very new short handle style, fine silk , cover. Pequot Sheets, $2.07 81x108 in. Regular $2.45. Fine Quality Sheets, $1.49 Size 81x90. Regular $1.75. Hope Pillow Cases, 34c Size 42x36. Pequot Pillow Cases 42c 42x36 Size. Regular 50c. ' Silk Georgette Blouses, . $2.29 Closing out all numbers regardless of cost. English broadcloth, crepe, pon gee. all sizes, all colors. Cotton Tub Blouses. $1.79 Closing out entire stock. Values to $2.50 in organdie flaxon,' dimitie. Fine Lingerie Two-piece suits, vests and step-ins. Regular $4.50 value, now $3.29 Two-piece voil Lingerie, pastal shades. now $1.49, $2.29, $2.98 Corset Special, 98c Closing out several numbers of R. & G; V. Gossard Corsets. Brassiers and Corsets ' Entire stock on sale at big reduction for this 10 days' sale. Indian Head Cloth I 36-in. Lingerie Crepe, 32c )2 in. width now 25c Light colors with flower designs, yard 32 36 in. width now 33c 46 in. width now . 42c 54 in. width now Sic 63 in. width now 59c Ladies' Silk and Wool Union Suits?$l. 49, $1.90, $2.12 Standard made garments. Reg Jar value, up to $2.50, wide? regular 39c value. . Children's Union Suits, $1.06 Munsing wear, heavy cotton suits, all sizes. $1.50 Union Suits now $1.28 $3.39 Wool Munsing Suits $2.03 All Munsing Underwear Now Reduced New Wool Plaid Hose, $1.37 The new sport hose in wool. regular $1.50 value and just in. Our Special $1.98 Silk Hose Now $1.70 All colors either regular silk or chiffon. Cotton Hose Special, Children's Sweaters $2.39 $4.50 values, some slightly 19c Limited quantity in brown. Children's Cotton Hose, 21c Our reeular numbers. Buster Brown and Munsing make. Curtain Scrim, 19c Regular 25c, extra value. Colors, white, cream, acorn. Terry Cloth Drapery 79c Regular $1.50 value, beauti ful coloring.. . Cretonne Drapery, 29c Several piece., regular 40c -jc value.. salectcj: Vednecd-y, I':t. Ci V Saturday, Kov. Kij 10 DAYS Everything Red-c: J Shoes Dept Offers , Unrivaled CIinc3 Values; Here are Outstanding Clan ket Values on Sale - About I dozen and a half all wool, full bed size blankets $10.39. Regular $12.50 value Some slightly foiled. Wool Nap Blankets, $3X3 ' Special lot, plain pattern, in acru, lav ender, blue and pink. - ' . .- .: " 1 ' ... All Blankets Reduced . . For Fall Clearance Sale Boys' Fabric Raincoats .pedal lot cut to the core. See display downstairs. Men's Khaki Wool Shirts, $2.69 Special value, sizes 14 to 17.' Men's Work Shirts 69c Fine Chambrgy Cheviot. Regular 89c to 98c value Men's Light Weight Unions,. 89c ;. ' Fro' those who wear lightweight underwear the year around. Nain-, sook Athletic Balbrig gins, $1.00. Men's Silk Hose, 69c Regular $1.00 value, the cream of our stock. 3 pain. $2.00. Men's Lisle and Art Silk Hose Value, to 65c now39c, 3 prs. $1.00. Fine Grade Cotton Sox, 19c AH colors, a guaranteed how. 6 prs. $1.00. " Boys' All Wool Knickers, $1.39 Regular $2.25 values. " Boys' Caps, 89c Regular value, to $1.25. All color and sizes. Men's Broadcloth Shirts, $2.69 Also airplane cloth shirt, in white and tan color Men's Cotton Sweaters, $1.00 Sturdy all-cotton sweater, gray color, fine for knockabout wear. ' Men's All Wool Sweaters, $2.69 4 pocket, coat style, value, to $6.50. Boys' School Sweaters All sizes and colon, several very spe cial price. Pumps, Shoes, Oxfords Every pair reduced tor fall clearance sale, with exception of only 5 number. 150 pain ' children' (hoe and pump, 8 to 1 1, special at $1.68 Special price now on men and wo men's Hi-Cut with Mocassin toe. About 500 pair women pumps, ox fords and shoes, special at $1.00, $1.85, $2.85, $3.85, $4.85. Value regular to $ 1 0.00. 100 pain men' shoes, oxfords, etc special at $2.87. j