ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1925. NOW IS TM TIME Rush Fall Farm Work -WITH A- . Fords oxv A,ways" l mn NoFarm Work ihB 17 t- Withouta Makes ' '-WOi Easy We Can Supply You With Any Needed Oliver Farm Implement Come in at once and talk over farm problems with us we can help you to the better way. C. A. lockwood Motor Co. I DETROIT, Oct. 28. Tho Pulse-' craft Boutlined above are 700 or Detroit Motor car company Is plan-1 more honors which the girls may ninff for the production next year I earn. The dally tasks at home, of at least twice as many Pais : such as washing dishes, cooking, cara as in 19:15, and more t.'ian fifty helping mother with the house . ht cent more Jewetts. This an- j work are no longer drab and unln nouncement was made today by H. i teresting to the camp fire girl. The Jewett. president, in commenting , honor system is a success because on the company's high production In September. (Preference to merely knowing 1 The homes of Portland cout will lit August and September the lnenl. The camp fire program Is provide lodging Friday and Satur couipanys production doubled- the hablt building, and wholesome hab-,da. nights and breakfast and din- figures for thoso two months last,,, year. Mr. jewett says mat me Through service In home and com mand will continue brisk for the ! munl, nmp f)re , hei.,lDff to milliliter OI mis year, ami uini. will be a bis year for the automo bile industry. Men's suits cieane.1 ara pressed, 31.50. Roseburg Cleaners, phone 472. ORGANIZATION OF CAMP FIRE GIRLS IS EXPLAINED ! "It is the desire of tho ramp In compliance with the request fire association of Roseburg lo es of the community chest committee, , tabHi-h a headquarters in Uose Mrs. Mitybelle Wilson Church has burg: also a summer camp for the written a letter to that body telling girls similar to that of the Boy them something about the Camp Scouts." Fire Girls. "The enmp fir movement," I stales Mrs. Church, "was organized In March 1D12 In New Yoik City.; Today, there are groups in twenty-, one different countries. Approxl-j mnt"ly 6110,1100 Camp Fire Girls are, liviig a program of work, health, j love and service. 1 "Hut camp fir cannot bA esti mated Id fi'.-n" nunib-rs. Practi cally every wholesonv activity which would naturally Interest the adl rrent a,lrl Is included It the camp fir" program. Tu"e aiv lns Kl:ied undi r seven irafts. which form the basis for the k.vstem vt honor and award. board. 'wide and thai th seating capacity "Home craft lwl'.des every-1 As a result of the legislative act of the amphitheater should be 20. thlng a girl might accomplish In u , believi 4 here In official clrooo. A rought estimate of the cost connection with the hime troni do- cles that liiiKstion of considerable of a permanent structure with Inir marketini: 10 taking care of a magnitude is in prospect. flighting and all other equipment baby. i " would be approximately lliii.elni, -liealihcraft Includes snort. : Etudcbaker builds no yearly he said. Durinr the nast year. first aid and the forming of health habits. Handcraft Includes s-w-:ic .'"' signing, weaving and handiwork of all kinds. "Camp craft and catur lore . . TOE UNTVERSALTRACTOR nHfiSravSr2 IermS tw-eser T?A Roseburg, Oregon Tt1""""" ' give expression to the desire of camp fire girls to be at home In the out-of-doors and appreciate-Intelligently the beauties of nature. , "Uusiness includes punctuality and thrift. -r-atriousm ami cmz-nsnip in-' eludes community service and par - ticipatlon In civic enterprises. Distributed among tne seven j jt requires the girl to do things in . building is character building. build a coming generation of; spieniim citizens. boys themselves. All important ! lure of high grade trucks, and to "There are at present aboitt fifty; things pertaining to scouting are their immense plant In Kvansvllle, camp fire girls In Ros-burg. Twen-ltsken up and handled in a business-1 ind., Graham Brothers have a ty more are ready 10 organize as . uke manner. In a good many casts I plant, opened this summer, In , soon as leaders or guardians can be , addresses are delivered by scouts I Stockton, California, to nianufac I secured. There are countless more which would do honor to many ; ture trucks required by their deal- w no w in w ant 10 join as soon as . tnr y Decome acquainted wnn in ; (ciders of Roseburg will be able to work and spirit of camp fire. The j attend. Transportation will be ar only age. requirement Is eleven , ranged for. . years. I A warm friend Keep handy a Goodrich water bottle. Lloyd Crocker. OPINION FAVORS BEND. l.ijlJ I'rna Larl lr.) HALtM. ore., on. ZH.-i he way j ( a nnw nm-n tiir tho ettt' nt Ttenrl to avail Itself of an act of Ihe 1925 legislature whereby It will take i-ltven second feet of water from Tumalo creek for purposes of a municipal water suppW, according to an oninlon of Atlornev-General ' " "i - Van Winkle to Uie desert land models. I o Have you an a( 10 rrtnir There are hundreds who want the Job. To learn their names read tht News-Hevtew calsslf led ads. BOY SCOUTS WILL HOLD CONFERENCE IN PORTLAND SOON A nntrnl lenders' conference for ai y,e patrol leaders of Hojr iScout organizations In Oregon will , n(,rt in Portland November 27lh . 29.1, The conference will open on the afternoon of the 271b for registra tions, and on the same afternoon Governor Ileree will present Kagle badges to all scouts who have them coming. All patrol leaders, senior patrol leaders and troop scribes are eli.lhle to intend this conference ner 8unday morning. While the adult leaders from over the state attend these conferences. th meetings are conducted bv the men. it ) hoped that all patrol Cook with gas. STADIUM TO COST $150,000 PLANNED FOR ROSE FESTIVAL p., RIl N";J ?T. f -, "ct' "'- imHnr.r meeting of the Rose restlval As so- elation last night for construction of . stadium, in which to stage pa- Igeants and other features f the f fete, an well an rlrtff functions I which demand a greater area and - , . i . i n Kleiner BeaiiuK nratiii now available. J. Ii. Haley, general manager the 1925 festival, said that a tract of ground not less than 500 feet square should be provided for a stadinm, that It should be equipped with a covered star. 20t feet $17,000 was paid for rental of grounds and oilier things w hich : would not be necessary If a perma- nent pageant theater, he said. This a.nmint would more than pay for ' I permsnent stadium In 10 years. Reduction of both the Star stan dard sedan and coupe 70, which marks the eecoud uric cut within the past two months, la the an noun cement made by Kapp Bro., local Star and Durant dealers, and records one of the most Important price announcements in the low cost car field, since previous prices were considered at rock bottom levels for these two popular makes. The Star standard sedan and coupe are equipped with four wheel brakes and balloon tires, these two factors alone mean that the low cost car buyer obtains these features which are found only as standard equipment in the higher priced cars. These two Star models have also all of the other well known mechanical features identi fied only to the Star cars, such as the "million dollar motor" and to day Rive the Star car buyer values at a new price mark that is bound to be one of the outstanding an nouncements in the automobile field for some time. During the past several months the production on the Star sedan and coupe has been stepped-up to to figures larger than ever antici pated by the Durant factory offi cials. Realising that the popular ity of these two models was a gen uine reflection of the choice of the buying public for the sedan and coupe, the Durant officials indorsed this drastic price cut knowing that the Instantaneous response from the buying public would create an increased sales volume which would easily justify th price drup. With the second price cut of $70 on the Star coach within the past two months only announced two weeks ago, a recent factory com munication shows a sales increase that will shatter the record break ing mark established by this model during the past mouths. A similar sensational Increase in sales for these two closed models is now a foregone conclusion. I Official figures disclose the fact that production of trucks by the entire Industry during - the first eight months of exceeded the figures for the corresponding per iod of 1924 by 23, according to J. O. Now land, local Dodge Brothers dealer. "Compared with this sound, healthy gain made by the Industry as a whole," explained Mr. New land, "Graham llrothers sales in crease of 105 for the first eight months of this year over sales for the same months last year is con vincing evidence of public recogni tion of the merit of their product. "An annual Increase In sales of over 100' is not unusual with Gra ham Brothers. Their sales In 1922 exceeded their 1921 sales by 154, 1923 exceeded 1922 by Ills':;, and 1924 exceeded 1923 by Si'r. The 1925 growth would logically be ex pected by anyone who is familiar with their policy of giving the greatest possible truck value at the lowest possible cost. "To produce sufficient trucks to supply the constantly growing de mand has necessitated repealed and extensive enlargements In manu facturing facilities. When Graham Brothers moved Into their new De troit factory, July first this year, their 250.000 square feet represent ed a 19-fold Increase In floor space in Detroit In a little over four years. In addition to this modern steel and concrete building. Ideally laid out for economical nianufac- ers In the Pacific coast and the Itorky mountain states. "Within the few month since the Htwkton plant whs opened the rapidly increaMinx demand in thn far wentrro tat ha lar xcfcd t expectations and it l under stood that plans are already being made to Increase ,'tn itlze. "As ImptoveO f'ciliti and In creaHf d production have reduced I manufacturing costs the savinga I 1 t J U 1- the form of price reductions. Hut at "" 'he truck ha, been ..!., . . . ""Utantly Improved-never has "jr DP')n ""'I'1,, t0 lve ,ne l,,er bH,er trllci'- o f BAD IT TO 00 "If the buyer of every automobile had to make Just one car he would understand llioronghly howj much Ihe term 'On-Ifrofii Manu- facture' intrisluct-fl lo the Inaus try during the sumiaer. means to each puiehaser, declare Btude-j baker officials. In other words, II he had lo buy the enclne from nun uisker, lh body from another, and from dlf- ferent makers had to purclae ax Praise! Praise! Star Praise Corner les, transmissions, springs and other Important component parts, then fit them together to make the car run, these things would bo ap parent to him at once: The necessity for revising his original plans to accommodato the size, shape and power of the en gine; to make the body fit and present a neat appearance; to ar range all component parts so they function with each other. The profits paid each separate manufacturer for the part which he produced would add up to a re spectable total In the entire cost. Now If this buyer were to sell his product adding his profit to the entire cost to him. ho would real ize what a projHirtlon of his sell ing price was represented bv no actual value in the car, having gono to pay these profit.. titudehaker lays no claim lo hay ing originated the thought, hnvltig found it already taking strong hold of the car-buying public mind. Hut a survey of the field demonstrated that Just as Ford was the only manufacturer of low-priced cars having sufficient plant equipment to manufacture cars complete and avoid filling his price with parts makers profits, so Ktudehaker with JloO.oon.oou In assets enjoyiil (hat distinction alone In the line car field. Probably no phrase has lM-en much talked of during tho past season in Ihe Industry, and the result has been a continuation of sales through l.'2'i, considerably lu excess of those during 1124. ; IANCH AMI FOI.F.V IHIAW. f Afwa-l.lM'. 1 Ytm funt W'lf..) SKATTI.K, Wash.. Oct. 2. Joe l.ynrh, Kan Pranclsro, fought six rotinds to a draw with Victor Foley, Vancouver, B. f.. bantam weight champion of Cunada and claimant to Ih Pacific coast title here lat night. IWith were over weight, th northerner sealing liH and the southerner 1 i 1 4. on Everyone's Lips BIG, honest value for the money is winning coast-wide and coast-long praise for the Star Car. Fighting its way towards leadership on the sole issue of value,Star is the talk and the sensation of a thousand "Auto Rows." By its epoch-making high gear power achievements, the famous Million Dollar Motor proves for all time that Star values are practical values proves that there is an immense op portunity for thousands to get hitherto-unknown motoring satisfaction at the lowest prices. Many thought we boasted when we announced the Million Dollar Motor RAPP BROTHERS, Dealers Cas and Pine Phone Thonny Trnmliltus, Portlnnd. received an unpopular six-round division over Mln Minnlck, Ban Francisco Hr.htwclght. ' All auto truck freight for Eu gene and tnterniedlntn points should now be di llvered to 401 Oak street terminal. Oregon Auto Transporatl-in company. Phone 31-J. X LODGE DIRECTORY J Knights of Pythias, Alpha Lodgl No. 47. Meals every Wednes day In Knights of Pytblas ball 130 Rose street. Visitors alwayi welcomed. BAM CHW3TENHON. C. C." noy o. voi;n(, m. r. K. K. WIMI1K"L. K. fl. Laurel Chapter No.31, H. A. M Meets every third Tuesday of each month In Masonic Temple. All members requested to attend and visiting companions wel come. A. A. WILDER, High Priest WlJj HAI1H1S. Secretary A. F. A A. M Laurk LOCga No 13. liegular communication! second and fourth Wednesday! each month, at Masonic Temple Roseburg, Ore. Visitors wsl come. M. 8. HA MM. W. V.' W. F HA Hit 1ft. Bec I. O. 6. Phlltrno Uotlg. No B. Meets In Odd 1 allows Tero pie every Friday evening. Visit lug brelhnrn are always wel com ' C. V. CRAMKK, N. O. a. t. 'iMH)i:a, itec. Boe, J. a BAII.ICV, Fin. R.C. Union fcncampm.m. No. 9. I. o. O F. Meets In Odd Fellows Ten pe on znn snq tin weunesuavi , of each month. Visiting Petri I arch, slwavs welcome. KRKI) MIM.Kft. 'I. P. W. P. VSETlitJtEJX, Scribt- now, those people know the truth, for every startling claim has been backed up in such practical fashion as never before witnessed in the annals of the Pacific Coast automo bile industry. Star praise is earned, deserved praise! Star praise is the natural, enthusiastic applause that good, red-blooded Americans always give to an unus ually superior product. t t r t Opportunity! you pay only as much as you desire under the generous, history-making terms of the Star Qold Certificate Save and Earn Plan. Investigate today 1 Roseburg, Oregon 371 O. K. 8, Rossburg Chapter No. I --iolds their regular mesUag on tie first and third Thursday! In each month. AU sojourning brothers and sliters art respect folly Invited to attend. CORA B. SINGLETON, W. M. FRKK) JOHNSON. Becreury. United Brotnernooa or Carpentsn and of America Meets at 47S B. Main second end fourth Tuesdsy evenings ol each mo. th. All carpenter we) corned. T. r. HOLMEj, Ree, Beo. EML2RY COLE, Pres. ROaEHL'KO IXJIXJiZ NO. 1037 V O. O, M. Meets every Wednesdaj night. Moose Hall, 248 N. Jack son Bt. Club rooms open 7:30 U 10 p. m. Visiting brothers wel enme. W. A. BOOARD, Dlctstor. II. O. PAROKTEIt, Becretary. JNO. U. THKONB. Treasurer. Eegles, Hoseourg Asrle Meets U Msccabee ball, on Cass street, on second and fourth Wednes day evenings of each month, al 1 o'clock. Visiting brethern li good standing slwavs welcome OLENN WOODRUFF, W. P. TJIKO. W. AI.THAU8, W. P. B. F. OOOIIMAN. Beo. i W. B. A. O. T. W, Nossburg He I . view No. 11. Holds regulai meetings on secood and founk Thursdays a 7:30 p.m. Visit j Ing sisters Invited to attend re views. Maccabeo ball. Pin ant Cass streets. Cf.AHA HONEDRAKE, Com. JKSrile! IlAl'P. CoL I Neiahbofo Woeaerart, lium so Meets nn first 1 Circle No. and third Monday evenings. Is ft of P. ball. Visiting neighbor! Invited to aitnd. ALVI WKTHERELU O. N. MAiGAKET WBITNET, Clerk Umpqua Klasj No. I. Meet tnf and 4th Mondays of each BOsrtaV Address P. O. Box IS, burg. Oregon. - - 1 K. O. T. .Meets ssk and fourth Thursday of eacl month. In Maccabea hall, eoa ner Cass and Pin streets. Tl ltlng Knights always walooss U C. GOODMAN. O. W. HAPP. B. K. Ui.lted Artisans Beet la Mac Csbe ball first and third ThBrs days. Visiting member al ways welcome. MAV PINOEL, M. A. - milored Mcculloch, Treat. REI.LW HTKPHENflOSl. Seo. . P. O. Kirs, Rosesurg No. 329. Hold regular eomtas nlcatlons at tbe Elk's Tempi o each Thursday of every month, AU member requested to a tsad regularly, and an 1sltln brothers are cordially invited u attend. . S.Q. DAT, Jr., E. R. 1. T. GOODMAN, "ecretary Woodmen or tne worm, camp No 126 Meets la th Odd Fellow! Hall In Roseburg every first and third Monday evenings. VI ltlng neighbors alway. welcome) JOHN DELL HESS. CO. M. M. MILLER Clerk. ' Ho.eourg Raoekah Lodg No. 4 I. a O. F. Meets la Odd r lows Tempi every week o Tuesday svenlrg. Vlsltlni member In good standing art cordially Invited to attepd. ANNA WICK1IAM. pi, O. CIERTRCDF HATFIELD, R, 8. ' RMMA Ly;K0X'Ail- Pytnian ieters,umss,ja ! Tsmst, N. 4 Meet the ecand an fourth Monday evenings of sacs month, at th K. of P. hall. VI Mors slwsve weinnre. ' MARTHA CHRIBTErfSEt. HJC.Q EVA MARKS, M. of A. C, MAY . PARAU3, U. of .f.