Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 28, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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t jolldntlon af The Evening News and
An Independent Newspaper, Published far
- Tha KoMburg Review
the Mat interests 01 ina reepie.
A. J. Weston, Life Tenner,
Freed After Serving
Only Half Year.
Governor Convinced Man
Innocent in Spite of
Strong Evidence
- Against Him.'
' (AaoeUtcd Pm Uuti Win.)
SALEM. Ore.. Oct. 28. A. J.
Weston, twice convicted In Des
chutes county and once In Wasco
county of second degree murder in
connection with the killing of Rob
ert H. Krug, aged citizen of Sis
ters. Ore., last night left the state
penitentiary with a full pardon
from the bands of Governor Pierce.
Weston has served a little more
than a year of a lite sentence. His
first conviction waa reversed by
the state supreme court and the
case remanded for a new trial. The
second trial was held, Weston was
again convicted of second degree
murder snd once more the supreme
court reversed it on grounds that
the lower court erred In admitting
new testimony and again remand
ed the case. A change of venue to
Wasco county was obtained for the
third trial in which Weston was
tgain convicted and sentenced to
life. No appeal was taken after
the third trial, but Weston's wife
has constantly kept the case be
fore Governor Pierce, declaring her
husband was the victim of a
""frame up" and asking for his pardon.-
The governor refuses to
comment on the case other than t6
say that he became convinced that
Weston was Innocent. The crime
was committed March 24, 1919.
-The murder of Krug was one of
the most revolting In criminal an
nals of the state. The evidence In
dicated that the aged man had
been beaten, then tortured until he
died, after which fire was set to
his cabin and the body burned.
.Weston waa arrested for the crime
18 months after It was committed,
when he was taken Into custody on
Information furnished by George
Stilwell and Joe Wilson, who were
employed with Weston at a saw
mill near Krug's home.
Evidence Shews Quilt.
Stilwell declared that he was
compelled by Weston to accompany
him to Krug's cabin, but that he
had no knowledge the aged man
was to be killed. He testified thst
Weston struck Krug on the head
and then tortured him in an effort
to make him tell where his money
was hidden, firing the cabin when
Krug died. Joe Wllson'a testimony
was that Weston later confessed
the crime to him. There was other
testimony indicating that Weston,
Stilwell and Wilson were engsged
In bootlegging thst Krug had
knowledge of their activities and
that this was one reason for their
wishing to get him out of the way.
though the prosecution contended
thst robbery was the primary mo
tive. The stste to prove robbery the
motive, submitted testimony thst a
note for 2300 made out to Krug
and signed by W. S. Fullerton, was
found among Weston's effects af
ter his arrest. Also there waa tes
timony that Weston had borrowed
a revolver and threatened Krug's
(AaanrUtml Prm LxuM Wirt.)
PARIS. Oct. 28. The Syrisn
situation has assumed such a ser
ious aspect thst President Dou
inergue and Palnleve, in their
conference of an hour this after
noon, diverted fully half the time
for consideration of the minister
ial crisis to discussion of the re
cent events in Damsscus In Its
vicinity. This is the Information
Imparted by the semi-official Ha
vaa agency.
It la rennrted that General Sar-
rall, the French hlch com mis-!
sloner. has asked about 15.000
more French troops he sent to
Syria to re-lnforre the garrison.
Premier " Palnleve Informed
President Doumergue this evening
that be would form another ca
(jfanrUtM TMt ImH .)
NeW YORK. Oct. 28. The
will of Thomas Franklin Manvllle,
head of the Johns-Manvllle Com
pany, who died October It.
filed todsy, disposing of an estate .
reported to aggregate $28,000,-1
V (AanrUtrd Pm burt Wire.)
MEDFORD, Ore.. Oct. 28.
P. B. Lowd, district state fire
warden, left this - morning
with a pack train and force of
men to fight a forest fire near
Gallaway gap on the Umpqua
divide, which Is said to extend
over a ten-mile front. Local
forest officials declare that
the tire burned for some time
before It waa discovered. Con-
tlnued dry weather makes the
forest fire situation In south-
era Oregon serious again, ac-
cording to forest service old-
clals. w
H. F. Wooster, Proprietor
of Telephone Exchange,
Sustains Crushed
H. F. Wooster, owner and man
ager of the Canyonville telephone
exchange, died late, yesterday af
ternoon from injuries sustained
earlier In the day while engaged
in work at Rest Haven auto ramp
south of Csnyonville. Mr. Woos
ter and Mr. Stenger, the proprie
tor of the camp, were engaged In
felling a large tree, the upper
part of which was destroyed. A
heavy limb broke from the snag
and fell upon Mr. Wooster's head,
crushing the skull.
Dr. 12. B. Stewart was hastily
summoned and made a quick trip
to Canyonville, where he found
the Injured man still alive but
unconscious. "After applying some
stimulants and giving first aid
treatment. Dr. Stewart made ar
rangements o bring him by auto
to the hospital at Roseburg. Mr.
Wooster died as the car reached
Keller's Korner. .
The body' was held there until
Coroner Hitter could be reached
and permission obtained to bring
the body on into Roseburg. Be
cause of the nature of the acci
dent and the fact that there were
a number of witnesses, no Inquest
wss deemed necessary.
Mr. Wooster was Si years of age,
a native of Iowa. He was a resi
dent of Yoncalla before moving to
Canyonville, where he made his
home for the past 13 years. He
leaves a widow and several chil
dren. Arrangements for the fu
neral have not yet been made.
TACOMA, Wash.. Oct. 28.
Bert A. McGlllls, 29. convicted in
Portlsnd tor violation of the na
tional motor vehicle theft act, and
George Temple, alias Louis Law
son, 24, sentenced from Pocatello.
Idaho, for forging post office
money orders and violation of the
motor vehicle theft act. escaped
from the McNeil Island federal
penitentiary aliout 2 o'clock this
mornrng. McGilrfs wss serving a
term of fifteen months begun last
June and Temple was under a
sentence of two and one halt years
begun last November.
The two were assigned to some
plumbing work outside the main
prison building during the night
and no one1 was guarding them
except the night watchman who
had his regular rounds to make.
He made frequent checks to see
thst they were doing the work,
but when he returned at .1 o'clock
they were missing. Daylight re
vealed the fact that a rowhoat
belonging to Guard Nathan Mit
chell was missing from Its moor
ing near the machine shop and a
search of the vicinity failed to
discover It.
Prison officials were conduct
ing their search for the men on
the theory that they were able
to get to the mainland or to one
of the other Inlands In the stolen
boat. Both were clad In prison
overalls. Warden Finch R. Ar
cher authorised rewards for their
Both the father of MrOilll and
the wire fit Temple are living In
(Jam-fattd fnm mmt N.I
DENVER, Oct. 28. Winter's
first bitter onslsught of the season
In the Rocky mountain regions to
dsy sent temperatures hurtling he
low tero In Montana and apread a
mantle of snow oVr the region
The frigid thrust waa most se
vere at Rapid City, 8. D . where the
mercury descended to 14 below. At
Judith Gap, Mont. It was 12 below,
and at Miles City I below.
Vegetable Crops Committee
Predict Huge Yield for
Coming Season.
Marketing of Single High
Class Grade and Canning
' of Seconds Offered as
Aid to Market.
The vegetable crops committee of
the Douglas county agricultural
economic conference met last night
In the office of County Agent
Cooney and definitely drafted a
program of fact finding upon which
to base its report to the general
conference November 19 and 20.
D. N. Busenbark. chairman of
the committee, presided. The com
mittee proposes, on the basis of
Its study, to draft a program of
broccoli and vegetable crops pro
duction that will permit the con
tinuance of this important indus
try along most economic lines.
Tentative estimates made by the
committee members places the
broccoli acreage In the county this
year slightly in excess of 4000
seres. This acreage. It Is believed,
providing normal conditions pre
vail, will produce 1600 to 2000 car
loads of broccoli. If the crop ma
terialises It will be by far the
largeat crop ever harvested In the
countv. the maximum thus far be
ing 283 carloads from the 1923-24
crop. i
- Standardization and development
of certified seed strains, orderly
marketing of the crop and the sat
uration point In production, the Im
portance of putting a alngle hleh
quality grade on the market, possi
bilities of disposing of second
grade broccoli through canning,
were a few of the Important mat
ters discussed by the committee
which will be emphasized at the
November meeting. All were agreed
upon the Importance of marketing
a single grade of high quality broc
coli. Keeping off the market the
poor quality "stuff" and find a mar
ket for it through canning would
be advantageous to all. The abil
ity of local canneries to handle a
large portion of second gradea will
be Investigated.
Good or bad seed has often meant
the difference between success or
failure of broccoli and a plan will
be studied whereby certified and
tested seed might be made avail
able. While such a atep might
help. It was the opinion of Dr. C.
H. Bailey that brocccll seed does
not always act the same. The same
lot of seed may give good results
one year and the following year
result In a poor crop because of
the variable climatic conditions.
Dr. Bailey Indicated.
It wss the belief of the commit
tee, expressed In a motion, that the
time had come when the population
of Roseburg Justified the estab
lishment of a public market. Refer
ence was made to a public market
which operated several years ago.
G. A. Llndblom was appointed to
make a thorough study of such a
possibility and report his findings
at the final meeting of the com
mittee. Those present at the meeting
were I). N. Busenbark. C. H. Ilslley.
Foster Btltner. C. E. Marks. Huch
Ritchie, Henry Lander. U. A. Llnd
blom. Herbert Beyers. The com
mittee adjourned until the confer
ence session on November 19, un
less Chairman Busenbark felt It
advisable to hold another meeting
before the conference.
Arrangements were completed
yesterday for the use of the armory
for the conference sessions, and
plans were formulated by R. A.
Busenbark, general chairman, for a
basket dinner on the second day.
SALKM, Ore., Oct. 28. A de
partment of dentistry to be main
tained In connection with the
medical college of the ,1'nlverslty
of Oregon Is urged In the annual
reports of the state hoard of den
tal eiamlners to Governor Pierce.
"The only dental Institution In the
stale jof Oregon, In the entire
northwest for that matter," ssys
the report. "1st a privately owned
aad controlled Institution
At the close of the fiscal year
ending March .11, the report ssys,
there were 1083 dentists register
ed In the slate and seven dental
office proprietors or managers.
Of there 2hl were non-residents
of the state. During the ar the
licenjea of six dentists were re
voked for non-payment of annual
registration fees.
Negroes Cheer Ousted Episcopal
Bishop for Advocating Equality
of American Blacks and Whites
C AMfrlatrd Fm. Uutd Win.)
CHICAGO, Oct. 28. A crowd of
negroes and a tew whites attend
ing the American negro labor con
gress enthusiastically cheered de
clarations of William Montgomery
Brown, deposed protestant Episco
pal bishop, favoring communism
and racial equality of negroes and
whitea last night.
"Long live communism " he
shouted. "Long live the American
negroes on an equal tooting with
American Caucasians."
Others of his statements were:
"I was railroaded out of the
House of Bishops at New Orleans;
or perhaps I was Jim Crowed.
"Capitalism is politically bank
rupt; the church supporting it Is
(AwkN mm Lraxd Win.)
MEDFORD, Ore.. Oct 28. It la
probable that the trial of Hyman
Huntley, 58, section crew worker,
charged with first degree murder,
as the result of the fatal stabbing
of Jesse James Gibbs, 28. but Sep
tember, In a fight over the alleged
attentlona paid by Gibbs to Mrs.
Huntley, will be called early next
Jack Durondo. on trial In the cir
cuit court since Monday morning
charged with "possession and sale
of liquor." was acquitted by a Jury
late Tuesday alter flva boura de
liberation. The next trial on the calendar Is
that of Walter Williams of Gold
Hill, 16, charged with a statutory
offense. It was this case that was
the basis of the two Indictments
returned by the last grand jury,
charging a felony and a misde
meanor against Deputy Sheriff
Forncrook, who entered a plea of
guilty to tbe minor charge and waa
fined f50, the same being suspend
ed. P-
(AvK-iatH rnm iMrd Win.)
PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 28.
Mrs. W. W. Gabriel .president of
the Irvlngton 1'arent Teachera As
sociation of Portland, waa today
nominated for president of the
Oregon state Parent Teachers
Association in annual convention
Mrs. George J. Perkins, present
head of the state organization, re
fused to accept another term.
The other officers were nomi
nated for re-election as follows:
Mrs. IjOUls Dodge! Ashland,
vice-president; Mrs. Llllie Tho
mas, Portland, recording secre
tary; Mrs. IU I. Klllott, Portland,
treasurer; Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, of
Portland, historian. The corres
ponding secretaryship Is an ap
pointive office and Is at present
held by Mrs. F. I. Merry. Other
nominations will be permitted
from the floor, prior to election
Thursday morning.
Reports of committees and of
ficers were given this morning,
among them that of the treasurer,
which shows the association to
have a balance on hand of more
than 11.000. Mrs. B. I. Klllott.
treasurer, has been asked to ac
cept the national treaturershlp.
In reporting on the msgsxlne
J. O. Ilslley recommended that
the manager establish a sinking
fund rather than turn In all pro
fts to the state association.
Three hundred dollars of the
2759 profts already has been
sen to the state treasurer.
Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, charman
of nre-schonl work anil hlirfnrfan
Itlnn with mitlm nf rlnw.n. inn.
for many years, was given ovation
and cheers, upon the completion
of her report on the history and
development of the assoelstfon,
Mrs. Glen Fahrlck, of Medfnrd.
gave a report on narent tearher
jasaoclatlon In high schools thru
one the counties In southern Ore
jgon which have done more and
'better work than the other
j MILAN, Ilsly, Oct. 28. The Fss
!cist regime cannot be overthrown
except by force," Premier Mussol
ini declared today In a speech be
fore an audience which packed the
Hrala thesler In ceelbration of the
'third anniversary of the Fasclstl
march on Rome.
EUGENE, Ore., f. 28 A light
rain waa falling here this after
noon, the first rata recorded this
I religiously bankrupt. Communism
Is sure to come.
"The only religion la the desire
to it Ote the most out of life.
"There Is more hope for the
workers in the International labor
defense movement than In any oth
er.! The aoclal system Is
now enslaving you. You are not
trying to overthrow society. You,,
ar4 trying to liberate it from Ig
norance, class prejudice and ha
tred, ruin and repression.
"I am trying to liberate religion
from tbe supernatural."
He advised against concluding
"that the church la bad." even
though It generally supports capi
talism against efforts to free the
Paul Weiss, a resident of the
Smith River vicinity, was brought
to Roseburg today to aerve nine
! months in the county jail on a
charge of possessing a still. In ad
dition to the Jail term he was fined
S2,nA, and on a charge of posses
llon of liquor waa given a further
i sentence of SO days and 1300 fine.
I Weiss waa convicted In 1923 on a
I charge of possessicn' t-f liquor. At
that lime hi was an applicant Tor
j citizenship psrers. '"1 these were
'denied him following his convic
tion. He was arrested agahi In
August of this year, on a charge
of possessing liquor, and waa re
leased on $500 cash ball. He for
feited ball and fled Into Canada,
and In the meantime another war
rant, charging possession of a
atill waa Issued against blm.
He returned home yesterday, and
leaving the train at Kant Gardiner,
took a boat up Smith River. Vpon
bis arrival home his family fled in
terMryaTn had previously made
threats against them, It Is claimed,
and the neighbors notified the
Reedsport officers.
Marshal Renn, In a speed boat.
Immediately went to the Weiss
place- where he arrested the man
and took him before Justice of the
Peace Wallace Benson, who Im
posed the heavy sentence. Judge
I Benson, Deputy Sheriff Grubbe
and Paul Bernhardt, all of Reeds
, port, came out with Weiss today.
fAwnrUfrd riM taunt Win.)
PORTLAND, Oct. 28. Clarence
O. Phillabaiim. 24. University of
Oregon medical student, was ar
rested today and is held for the
sheriff of Ijine county on a charge
of larceny. He is charged with
stealing a valuable microscope, and
l us while a student at the Unl-I
versify In Kugene last spring.
He has signed a confession, po
lice elate.
Cecil J. Peerce, student of the
University of Oregon medical
school who was arrested yesterday
on theft charges. Is to have a pre-,
liniinary hearing today.
Practically all the property of
the university and of Luckey'a jew
elry store at Eugene, which
Peerce was suspected of taking,
was recovered, police said.
iConslderable difficulty was ex
perienced yesterday In finding
some one to sign a complaint, but
finally an official signed the com
plaint against Peerce.
! (AUI Vrm lavd Wire.)
VALSKTZ. Ore., Oct. 28 (). V.
Itagan. a biakeman on the Cobbs
land Mitchell logging road operal
' ing out of this city, was crushed
between the hips as he waa asslst-
ing In the coupling of two cars
: here late this morning, and died at
' a hospital In Kalem early this af
I temoon. He lived only about half
an hour after being rushed to Ha
i h-m.
He Is a rexlilent of Frankfort.
Ind., and so far as Is known here
, has no relatives In Oregon,
i flwIiN l.rMf WIT.)
BEND. Ore., Oct. 28. Rain was
falling this morning on the Cas-
fmAm 'Ik. .. .nu,u- (Hat If
..i.h. .. J-'.
advlcea received by the forestry it nl" court "I . -".1 '
office. Any form of moisture wss !'''" ,r"m ,h 'r
welcome becsuse of the unusually ,;iJhv!i:m,!mTl
dry condition of the forest. jj". 8limn,,,n
General Summerall withdrew on
NEW JERSEY BARS JOHNSON le motion after ha had been
charged with prejudice against the
, t IwkuiH rrrm iwt Wir.) defendant and Brigadier A. J. Bow
' TRENTON. N. I., Oct 28 The rr was disqualified by his collea
1 New Jersey slate boxing com mis- RIIM, on lns conn ,f,,r a defense
'on today definitely barred Floyd 'challenge had been lodged against
JohnlWin from ever fighting In New him on similar grounds.
Jersey again aa a result of his uo a pre-employ chsllenge then waa
satisfactory showing against Harry .made by Mr. Reld against Major-
Ills In Newark Monday night.
QPEfJS AT 1,1!
Challenge of Deferuo Put
Three Superiors Off
Judgment Seat
Accused Officer's, Counsel
Says Statements Made
Not Violation of
War Articles.
(Aai.rUt.-d Pma Uunl Win.)
WASHINGTON. Oct. 28. After
having secured the retirement of
three members of the court martial
cboaen to try him. Colonel William
Mitchell late today challenged the
jurisdiction of the court-
Through hla counsel the Colonel
pleaded that the specifications
against blm did not constitute any
offense falling properly under the
articles of war, and that a court
martial therefore waa without au
thority to try tbe charge.
uniy one preemptory challenge
Is permitted under the practice of
court martini, hut any number
may be challenged for cause, aa
were Generals Sitmmerall and
Bowley, It la not required that
the defendant state the reasons
for a preemptory challenge.
Vacanclea caused by chal
lenges are not filled In army
courts, the remaining membera
retaining; full authority lo art.
With the challenges disposed of,
therefore, the court was sworn,
with Its original membership of
13 reduced to lOi
The court recessed nntll tomor
rowwlthnnt aotlrTg "nn MltcneH's
challenge of Its jurisdiction.
IteM Mays Miargra.
Representative Held of Illinois,
attorney for-the defendant, char
acterised the action against Colo
nel Mitchell as "In contradiction
to every American principle of
law. civil or criminal."
He reviewed the statements
made by the court, charging crimi
nal negligence In administration
of the army and navy air services
and Insisted that these statements
were permissible under the con
stitutional guarantees of free
speech. '
"You will have to admit." Mr.
I item loia ine rouri, ' tnat tne
soldier hss rights unden the con
slitullon which cannot be taken
away. The question Is
"Are soldiers people within the
meaning ol the constitution?"
"The defense claimed there
were limitations upon free speech.
such as sayings which fostered
anarchy, constituted libel or were
obscene or Immoral, but they did
not apply since Colonel Mitchell
bad nut leen charged with any
of these crimes."
Ignorance tliarge Iteturnetl
Colonel Mitchell's Huwulian re
port, which was read lo the court
as a part of the challenge against
General Sumtnerall, whs dated
December, 1023, and declared the
air forces of the Islands were
hadly organised, and that Gen
eral Summerall had shown an
ignorance of tho prlnclplea In
volved. In an appended state
ment by Colonel Mitchell, also
read In court, the Colonel fuid the
report had Indicated that General
Summerall "knew practically
nothing about aviation."
A copy of the report, Colonel
Mitchell said, had been handed
by htm to General Hummerall.
The case In behalf of Colonel
.Mitchell was opened by Mr. Held
with the reading of the state
ments, the air officers made In
Kan Antonio, Texas, September
5 and 8, charging "criminal neg
lect," "incompetence,'' and "al
most treasonable." administration
of the air service. It Is upon
this latiguuge that Colonel Mit
chell Is being tried on charges of
conduct to the prejudice of good
order and military discipline."
These statements, Mr. Held de
clared, did not constitute a viola
tion of any article ol war.
With Colonel Mitchell stand
ing before the bench. Lieutenant
Colonel Joeeph 1. McMiillen. as
sistant trial Judge advocate, then
read the specifications against
WASHINGTON. Oct. 28 Colonel
'William Mitchell began his defense
(Continued on psga I.)
X (Aanrlaled hts Usad Win.) X
CHICAGO. Oct 28. Potato
prices are above war tlmo lev-
ela, according to a report to-
day by the United States bur-
eau of Agricultural economics.
Latest shipping point quota-
tions throughout the chief pro-
during ststes are 82.30 to
13.10 a hundred pounds whole-
sale, aa against ES cents to
85 cents a year ago.
Growers of potatoea who
are lucky enough to have a
fair alted crop are eongratul-
ating themselves, the report
saya and It la added that
many an old debt la being
paid with the money received
from potatoes. Crop short-
age la back of the price ad-
vance, which has been accel-
erated tbla week by wintry
weather conditions north and
by sudden falling of the vol-
ume of shipments to distrlbut-
ing centers.
Tablets Taken for Aspirin
by Popular Girl Condi
tion Reported to Be
Very Critical.
Miss Jean Mmldnx, the popular
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. W.
Maddos, and a junior In the Rose
burg high school. Is critically 111
today as the result of taking
bichloride of mercury tablets which
she mistook for aspirin. Her con
dition although somewhat Improved
over the early hours of the morn
ing. Is very serious and her re
covery will be n matter of doubt
for severaLdays. .
Ml Wad
show late yesterday evening suf
fering from a severe headache, ac
cording to her parents. She went
to the medicine cabinet to pro
cure some aspirin tablets, and as
there was no light In the room, ob
tained the wrong bottle. She took
several of the tablets and then
went to her room.
She was heard roughing a few
minutes later, but little attention
was paid until some time later
whan her mother became worried
as the coughing continued and
went to the young lady', room.
Dr Houck waa called and ee
action of the poison was taken, but
as it had been given an opportunity
td become absorbed by her system,
tier recovery Is doubt nil.
The action or the poison Is slow,
hsving a corrosive effect umn the
tissues of the stomach and Inter
nal organs. It causes great suffer
ing and Its results are lingering.
Miss Maddux la very well known
and popular In this city. She Is ex
tremely talented, both musically
and In dramatics, and has hail a
part In a number of entertain
ments and dramatic productions In
this city. She wss a member of the
cast of "Smiles," presented In this
city nn Monday night of this week.
(A...I.I..I l-rna lavl Win.)
WII1TR PLAINS, N. Y., Oct. 28.
Mrs. Alice Beatrice Jones Ithlne
Isnder, house maid, whose mar
riage last year to I.eonard Kip
Ilhlnelsnder, member of one of
New York's oldest and most prom
inent families, caused a society
sensation, apparently la not oppos
ing the rhsrge In his suit for an
nulment thst she Is of negro ex
traction. Instead she msy he ex
pected to hsse her defense nn the
contention that no fraud was per
petrated. This disclosure, as well as the
fact- that young Rhlnelander has
been disinherited, was msde'yes-
terdsy In a hesrlng nn motion of
Mrs. Ithlnelsnder'a attorney,
tl.l.ono additional attorney's
of which t2..ri(i0 wss grsnted.
Young Ilhlnelander'a
have spent tco.mio in tracing Hie
paternity of their client's father-In-Isw,
they ssld. and found that birth
cerllflcstes In the West Indies and
Knglsnd recorded all members of
the family aa negroes.
'Not a penny was spent by the
defense to sustain It
that the defendant Is not of negro
blood." said Isaac N. Mills, an at
torney for the husband, "although
$3,1X10 was granted hy the court
for thli purpose."
Hiiro is
Greece Tells Council Sh
Has Given Orders for -:
Army's Withdrawal.
Dispatches From Frontier.
However, Say Greeks
. Still Shelling
: Villages. .
(.WicUted Prm Leod Win.) .,. '
PARI8, Oct 28. flreece nn.
nounced at today's meeting of the
League of Nations council that aha
had given orders for her troop la
Bulgarian territory to retire be
hind her own frontier. She assured
the council that complete evaewsr
tioa of Bulgaria would be carried
out within the slity hour limit laid
down by the council. '',
M. Morloff, the Bulgarian minis
ter, announced that hla govern
ment bad ordered Its troops to take
no hostile action and assured the.
council that not single Bulgarian
soldier waa now on Greek soil. He
officially Informed the council In
writing that Bulgaria accepted all
the conditions laid down In the
council's ultimatum.
M. Carapanoa then read tele
gram from the Greek gownment -which
aaid that, being desirous of '
accelerating peace aa far as possi
ble. Greece already had taken mess,
ores In conformity with friendly
mediation . by Roumanla with
view to ending all operations aad
bringing her forces behind the
Iflliink frontier. ' - - r.
Greece's unconditional accept,
anre of the League ultimatum waa
followed hv nerhana the most dra"1
matlc and Impressive expression of.
faith hi the League as an Instru
ment of orld peace since its fonndv
Ing. ;
Every one of the ten members'
of the council voiced their eonvlcv
Hon that the happy ending of Uw.
crisis gave new hopes for humanity
and that recurrences would not'
nenw.for,h be made. Future mow-
would be toward conciliation and
Nevertheless. In this general ex-
pr",,OB ' "8ult'0'. Greece
P reproof. Her
" ' ;i"BHl
in!l,0d""cn?,!; M- B'
president of the council.
Turkey May Intervene. . .
SOFIA. Bulgaria. Oci. 28. DX
spite the warnings of the League at
Nations council, Greek troops at
daybreak continued t.t occupy Birb
garlan territory and there was M
signs that they Intended to wlUlf
draw. Bulgarian officials. In maks
Ing this announcement, said a num
ber of villages were bombarded,
during the early morning houra.,
Extracts from articles In the
Turkish press are published here
j !P "how
hat there Is sentiment fit
favoring Intervention to
Bulgaria from Greek ag-
The Macedonian unlo'i of ch
tural socleiler. Iiss forwarded
protest lo the league of Nationa
agalKsl the Greeks' continued oo
ctiiiiiilon of Bulgarian n.
From the Other Side.
ATHKNS, Oct. 28. The Greeks
were ai tacked by Bulgarian forces
this morning near Itamna. It Is ef
finally atated. ' '
Kamna Is 10 miles west of Demlr
hlxsar, near which the present
Greco-Bulgarian trouble broke ont.
and about five miles south of the
border, on Greek territory.
LONDON. Oct. 28. An F.xchange
Telegraph dispatch from Salonika,
Greece, saya that while Greek
troops were withdrawing from Bul
garian territory this morning, they
were attacked by Bulgarians.
"It Is believed the evacuation .
must have ceased," the dispatch
; Bulosr Attack Claimed.
ATHKNS. Oct. 28. It la under
stood that the Greek troops In the
frontier territory will not be with-,
diawn for the time being.
A telegram from the general
commanding the Greek third army
jcoI,,, reported that, between IS
snd 11 o'clock Tuesday night, Bui-
'garlan dctsrhmenla attacked the
'trt-vnn ni inn 10 nn ins line pe
tween Petrlrh and Itamna. ,,,
The fighting still waa going on
when the dispatch waa sent, the
general reported. .
It Is Informed that "Greece Im
mediately Informed the council of
be League of Natlnaa of thla act .
oi uuiganan aggression, constitut
ing a flagrant Infraction of the
council's decision and at the same
time a fresh proof of Bulgarian bad