ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. MONDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1925. UG ATT TO October 24th to October 31st J I J i A MONEY SAVING EVNT f When you can buy Standard Rug s from $10 to $40 less. $65 Seamless Axminsters $40; McKCcUl DcUbV S BsldWlll Aapesiries vlc.ov, $ .jo wiuons ror ao l nco c. riutu r ui Mjn wiii-i . Complete Home Furnuher s ' Roteburg, Oregon FOUR 9ALD0UTW IE (aiaaHaUd ha Uusd Wirt.) fiT. PAUL, Oct. St. The St Paul Planter freaa aayi today It bas laiefltnatioo from "reliable aourcea" that the legal controversy oyer a ' part of the property of the late aire. Jams J. Hill, widow of the famous "empire builder," will be Tarted again Ihla week la court here, by alz of tbe sine Hill heira. The eli wlU try lo wreet from 1 anil W. Hill, eldest ion of Mrs. H1U, mora than fl,000.009 In real estate aad bonds which was deeded to hint by hi mother bfore her death. .The property Includes the James J. Hill homestoad, known as Noith Oaka farm, nar St. Paul Tallied at more than $250,000 aad 170.000 In bonds. . Thoaa opposing Ljuis . W. Hill want an equal share Is that prop erty. They tiled suit against. Mr. Hill la New Tork City In June. 1024, bat the Ploueer Press says the . action will be shitted to St. Paul this week. Disposition 6t the 112,000.000 Hill estate has Tlrlually been com pleted In probate eourl ben. Ite laat Week fKW.OOO Was divided moat the nine heir. At that time the covrt assigned to each of the Hills an equal share In tbe le gal rights "demands and cause of actio" la the estate. This, th , Ploueer Press says. Was agreed to by counsel for Louis THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Ask any member of our organiution bout th convenient terms offered to local investors. Hill to remote the technicalities la ui war 01 too suit. Mr. illil u lepresenlcd by ins newspapers as oovuuiiuit tu null uecau it win Clear up definitely tbe una to the Urm and bonus. One sisier, Alary Hill, la allied with Louis in tu l'gut, wbiio aix ol tbe omer heirs will content his ciaini. one oiihe will conteal iue claims. Onu o( tne case. . . Presn grape Juice at Overland Orchards. tiring containers or leave at Ilrand a Uoad biauu. Win deliver wbeo tilled. FREIGHT. LOADS ON STATE ROADS ARE RESTRICTED SALEM, Oct. ReMrlctlon of loads and designation of proper tire surraces and maximum welghta affecting It Oregon high ways Is provided in an order Is sued by the aiut nignway com m lesion. The order reports tbe results of Investigation where the de signated highways are found to be deteriorating because ot ex cessive loads. Tne maximum weight of combined load and ve hicle la set at lii,6"l 'Pounds. Hlgnways and areas included In the order are defined as follows: Aslilaud-Klanialh Falls high way, betweeu tne Junction of toe Pacific highway in Jackson coun ty and the west city limits of Klamath Kails In Klamath county. Coos Bay - Koseburg highway, between Upper Ten Mile Creek bridge In Douglas county and tbe south city limits of Coqullle In, Coo county, excluded within the co-operate limits of Myrtle Point. Men' salt Cleaned ana pressed. 1160. Roceburg Cleaners, phone 7I. oAnother milestone! Future Issues of Copco Preferred Stock Will be Offered on a Six Dollar Dividend Basis. The California Oregon Power Company announces with gratification that as a result of Increased earnings and assets and improved business conditions it is no longer necessary to offer a return of seven per cent in order to obtain capital through the Sale of its preferred stock. A new issue of preferred" stock now offered by the Company in the near future will carry dividend rate of six dollars per share per year at a price to yield approximately 6)i c . It is available on monthly payments. Three groups of people are interested in this announcement: The Holders of the 7 Preferred Stock already issued. To this group our. announcement means that the Company's Preferred Stock has materially ad vanced in value and favor, and that it will now be possible to reduce the expense of capital em ployed in additions and improvements. Dividends on the 1 Preferred Stock already issued are of course not affected by the reduction of the divi dend rate of future issues. Although the net yield of approximately b is lower than that obtained by earlier investor! in the If Preferred Stock, both classes of stock have equal priority as to assets and earnings, and the reduction of dividend is a true indication of increased value and security. The Company's obligation to its customers and the public requires that service shall be rendered at rates which are just sufficiently clear of the cost to leave a fair return for the money invested in the Compuny. They are entitled equally with the stockholders to information about the Com pany's progress, and to the opportunities for in vestment which it affords. Prospective Investors in Copco 6 Preferred Stock. The Company's Customers and the General Public. Roseburg E (AstoeUtod fitm LMd Wirt.) SALEM, Ore.. Oct. 26. A. 13. Hansen, employed by the Ilodgers Paper company, has lain uncon scious for more than 80 hours in a local hospital as a result ot injur ies received when an automobile' pitched into the ditch on the Sa-lera-Dallaa highway between tola and Uerry early Sunday. Mrs. Hansen received a broken arm and K. O. Jewett of Salem was uncon scious while being brought from Salem from the scene of the acci dent. He la at hla home and Is not in a serious condition. Hansen's skull la fractured, but his condition waa more favorable today. Other occupants of the car were J. L. Blenkhorn, poultryman at the state hospital for the Insane, and O. K. DeWltt ot Salem. They .es caped with light bruise. Illenkhorn was driving the car. The party was on the way to Eu gene to attend a cornerstone lay ing at the new Masonic Temple there. The car skidded on a slip pery pavement, when the brakes were applied and the driver was unable to get it under control be fore It went Into the ditch. MAN FOUND HANGING AT WHISKEY STILL EUREKA. Oct. 2. The body of C.iistav Bearson. S6, a retired farm- Offices: OREGON Mcdford Grants Pass CALIFORNIA Yreka DunJtnuir COLDS ol head or chest are more saatr treated externally with V APO Rua QTlT MUHm er, was found hanging to a tree in tbe Sunnyside district, five miles north ot here today. . Tbe authori ties believe that Bearson, was hanged after he had been poisoned and killed by bootleg whiskey, the hanging having been done by the man wbo gave him the whiskey. IJearson's feet were touching the ground and there was no evidence of strangulation. Nearby was found a whiskey still and at Hearsons feet was an empty whiskey flask. The man had been missing for 10 days. Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 189-L. COUNTY WILL MAKE BIG SHOWING AT COMING EXPOSITION C. O. Garrett, manager of the Douglas county fair exhibit, leaves this evening fur Portland, where he is to place. the Douglas county dis play at the Pacific International Livestock exposition. The exhibit shown at the state fair will be used again at Portland but will be considerably enlarged. A special feature will be made of wool, mohair and prunes. The Pacific Wool Growers Co-operative association is loaning a large quan tity of wool and mohair, belonging to Do us las county members, for tbe display, while a big showing of I pacKed prunes nas Deen ooiainea from Myrtle Creek, Riddle and Can yonville growers. Took with ess. OtlR PARTNERS IN PROGRESS Klamath Falls TcAUPORNIA OREGON? I POWER. COMPANY I E TO AIPXIflTANI FACTS Plans are getting well under way for tile iJoujiiaa county agricultural economic tunioreuce. accorumg to Cou:ny Agent Cooney. Eleven members of the committee xn uuuyiug met on tiniiin Kiver Fri day, aud iiieeuugs oi coinniitleea ou vegetable crops, general horti culture, prunes aim :rin crops nave been scheduled for this week. . "The purpose ot this confer ence," says Chas. A. lirand, chair man ot tne horticultural commit tee, In a fetter caning a group of prune growers to a meeting in the couuty agent's office at p. m. Thursday, "is lo formulate a sate, conservative prograro. for future agricultural ueveiopmcnt of tne county. Not . ouly to determine what lines limy profitably be ex panded, but to . what lines suould be let alone." D. N. Busenbark, chairman of tbe vegetable crops committee, has caned a meeting of his committee lor Tuesuay mgnt at 7:46 In the county agent's oiflce. In this letter Miv iiustnbark asks the question, "Can the broccoli industry be over done? What does It cost to pro duce aa acre ot broccoli? What seed strains arj proving best?" It is our hope that out ot this com mittee will come a comprehensive prognrm of vegetable crop produc tion in the county mat will serve as a guide for the future." Assisting the various committees in their work will be (be various specialists of the O. A. C. exten sion service, C. L. Long, horticul tural specialist, will meet with the till tlculturat ocmmillee Wednes iia, and 2. i. ilurd, former county agent, will mee'. with tho prune committee Thursday. L. A. Blackweil was chosen chairman of tbe committee on dairying at the meeting on Smith river rriday. Analysis of produc Ion in that c-.tion indicates that 75' ot the butteifat from that dis trict is produced during the pasture months ot April to September. Twenty five Is produced during the other six mornhf. One of the question lining ccrloubly consider ed by dairymen is to determine if it would be mote piofltable to ln creie winter p-mluttlon by grow ing more feed for w.'nti r use. The value of cow testing associations aimed to weed out the "boarder" cows was also considered. Terminal beauty Shop, phone 68. T At a meeting held In Senator B. L. Kiliiy's office laat Friday even ing the community client committee II. U F.dtly, chairman, T. 11. Ness, O. I Johnson. Dr. 1. C. Flnlay, O. V Wlmberly and Mayor Houck. It u na fllil ,1 tn tnrlnitf. thf. fnllnw. iug organizations In the community cnest allocations: salvation Army, DoiiKlas County Conceit Hand, Hoy Scouts of America, 'emergency fund, tthis to take care of the, sick or distressed in ltoseburg). Camp Fire liliK Cor sills farm home. Louise Haby Home. While Shield Home. Aibertlm Kerr home and the Near East Hell. f. To maintain all these organiza tions will require gifts amounting to $nOo. i .unMk ot tho liar ta III nnn. finm almont anyone that there more vaiifiy of n''d than he can anslyt. He n.u.-U therefore dcle Ktf the analysts to those who are capable of making it. The com munity chest seltnts Hs directors fvnsn I hi. tiiihli at IftriTts Vntefint , ,h.., h. .L.tinit,. Int,-ivi in any one of the constituent so- cleiles, or If he has he is supposed to be big enouch to view the needs of all the beneficiaries on a level with the one he favors. These men examine the allocations and have a knowledge of the work and needs of the various agencies. They have satisfied themselves and are able to tin-tiiy lo the economical and fair apportionment of the money of the men and women of Koseburg. The distribution Is made over so wide a field that Its analysis would lake several hours of concise dp scrlptlou. It, is, however, a source of great pleasuip lo be able to point out that the fund asked makes tor the relief of poverty, tbe correction of delinquency and that a laru and grnorous portion Is for llioxe preventative agencies which make for the tfalth and well-being ot a gcsxl community It is a fair question to ai-kW many of the agencies you know personally." says a member of the commltti1. "It Is also fair to say that not one of thvm could be dis-l-n -d with. One may aay with cijual confidence that not on of Young Men and Women ! Have room for three more students who would like to take up the study of Telegraphy in ourmight classes. Call or phone evenings. 2 8 C 224 Perkins Bldg. R , Phone the societies would willingly go uack to liie old way or coi.ecUiig luuuey. i uey . win ail oe more prosperous, more comident, more alert by reason of tne community cneat tnau ever betore. it wuras several ways. It insures income auu realises auout bu per cent more energy for tne work of tne individ ual Institution. It also wanes more supervision possible, 'the banker may aik any quesuon ot his client, bo does tne community cnest de mand and is accorded the closest contact with each society, mus providing a check whlcn would oth erwise be Impossible. The chest also provides tor community con trol ot tne organizations benefited, ror Instance, we will suppose, that any one of the above mentioned organizations should break up or cease to function. If they raise their own budget and get their money under the old system what can we do about It? Nothing be sides losing our temper, t'nder the community chest putn what hap pens? hy, since they are paid only in monthly installments by the committee, we still have the money in the chest to be used by some worthy organization or else left In the treasury for the next v.r'a niu. Th.i .it. i. years ue. thus our generosity is at least applied under conditions which nrnvulA for a,.ntinmv nml supervision, while Insuring elfic - iency and encouragement. If any person can think of a better meth od the community will be more glad to hear it. "'Cast thy bread upon the wa ters, it will return to thee after many days'. This is a phrase from the book of Kcclesiastes. Men must learn to give with a generous ges ture. Dragging money out of an old coin purse with weasel strings like bausers is a curse In thought bd deed. Many persons die and leave not a cent to charity, to pub lic enterprise, to the community which made their fortunes for them. That is one of the saddest spectacles In the world and makes some funerals almost unbearable. The tears shed over this fact would really be a monument to the departed. The reader probably re members the Hue of Joaquin Mil ler, 'and I will fertilize the ground I will with tears enough to turn a mill.' Few persons, however, ought to want to live in a community without finding cne or more of the beneficiaries of the community chest to whom they wish to be fair, if not' generous. Even the bardboiled must crumble before the widow, the orphan, the stranger, the sick, the crippled, the lonely, the needs of robust youth, the pro tection of Innocent girlhood, the strengthening of honest manhood and many more Items of the work covered by the community cheat. Those wbo can give enough to reach them ail are blest and hap py; those who can give enough lo reach only a few are thrice blest and enviably happy, if thea give with the gesture of generosity. we five In a big country. There ' much inspire us to gener- osity In the vastness of the things about us that It seems almost un necessary to ask people in ltose burg, or ofOregon to think largo ly. Yet some do not. Compari sons are odious but inevitable. Ask any one of the above mentioned societies if they would return to the methods of the past and they would answer positively, 'No.' Ask If it is not a fact that under the community chest many tunes the , uuituis nil. vutuuru limn uil'lt'r lilt , i!om "Xem anu me answer is if tho economy and efficiency oft each and all have not been en-1 hanced and the reply Is an uncon ditional affirmative. There can be! no thoUKht of falling doan on thei community chest and going back - " "-"" i " o.eij reason for ample and earnest sup port of the community cheat." We rut glass to fit your windows or picture frames, llrlng the cor rect measurements. Lloyd Crocker. Heat Kith gaa. VISIT SOLDIERS HOME Colonel Carl Abram. secretary of the state board of control and W. t F. Poorman. chief clerk, today paid an :kial visit to the Oregon btale. Soldiers Home. Their visit was made for the purme of bispec-l lion ami they reported the lutl union to be In excellent condition. I They were especially pleased with) the appearance of tbe grounds ! which are the equal If not superior j iu muj ui lire lwuiuuuus. I Another car of American line; Insulated fence will arrive at ' Wharton Bros, within th next few I dav. Get- our prices. j Dneakuvr. TJarnnl. 124 - J iwocuui g i vi&gl ajlll uuiliuic CHANGE MADE IN . ROSEBURG-EUGENE AUTO FREIGHT LINE Effective this morning, freight formerly handled by tbe Eugne Kosebarg auto ireiht line will be handled by tbe Oregon Auto Transportation company, which comnuuy took over the Koseburg Portlaud Auto freight line, and in now running freignt trucks to Coos bay points and Mcdford.. The tugeae-Koaeburg line, which has been handling local freight betweeu Euged Hose burg only, was taken oer by the Oregon Auto Transportation com pany Friday. The trucks and good-will of the business go with tne transfer and. J. A. Khoads, the former owner and manager, goes to company. He will be tbe ugene manager of hat end of the line. Tbe Koseburg end of the busi ness will be transferred to the Ter minal and offices of the Oregon Auto Transportation company at 401 Oak street. The latter company now has a fleet of nin trucks and Is giving dally freight services between Portland Tugene ltoseburg ; 'Men- f J ' . ? . V. U. M i ford. Myrtle Point, Marshtield aad ,11 way points, except between L. ......... untlonf ' i 1 termediate points are handled by the Willamette Valley Auto Freight company. Ihe offices of the latter company In Eugene will be the terminus for the Oregou Auto Transportation company also, it was announced. , Cook wlla gaa. WIFE WINS HEART BALM OF $37,500 FROM COMEDIENNE MINEOLA. N. Y., Oct. 26. Mrs. Katherine Frey of Louis ville, Ky., todsy was awarded a Jury's verdict for 1.17.500 against Wilda llennttt. musical comedy actress, for alienating the afl'ec- J)orithimwrafakei r 1 V. 'W When iTH i" . CS 4 M . ' f. want "just a taste" of something Take a bite - of WRIGLEY'S let its soothing, flavorful re txesKment appease your desire. Let it clear your mouth and throat and calm your stomach. ' Then your Teal appe tite will be stimulated and the stomach made ready and willing to take care of your next regular meaL I Also, use MEAL" ' MEAL" to aid dictation! SYouUl feel betterl hrwai mt I m ii rTnii in iw i 'will i ii mi tTuns of the plaintiff's husband, cnarles C. ie, race liorbe owner auu kporttimeu. : The case was given to the jury in supreme court tabt Friuay i teruoon and a staled vuraet( was returned lutt 1-riauy uignu The verdict was read waen court cou vcuvd this morning. Tne case as being tntd buiure bupr;iue Court Justice Kaber. 2dm. i'rty sued tor $100,000. The trial lasted almost s week. Miss luiiuf a and 1- rey sat in tue court room una Mia. 4'rey, ou me wiiuess 6tana, uccuitd tnu aciresa oi stealing tuu uuectiond of her uusoaud. Cold weather coming soon. Get a header tor the trout room. Juddi uvLiiure giure nus ueavy Packard healing stoves and quick meal iuues Trade your ol done J. M. judd. VILLAGERS FIGHT FOREST FIRE IN Ml. DIABLO ZONE ' (JUOTrbttd I'm Wire.) OAKLAND, Cal., Oct, 26. Rest- ir"1" . , I, Dmla. !ba3u ' Mount Liiablo were out ,,. mnI.nin niieinntinir in hrinif :,,T.rn "V.!"?f'.8." . .f -vwmi.wi w. er the countryside during the night and burned over more than four thousand ac-f ' ot wooded area. Tbe firo started yesterday ol tho ranch of 0. W. Emmons and early today the residents of Cowell, Alamo, Danville, Clayton, Walnut Creek and Concord were called) out lu fight the blaze away- from their homes. Women are in the field ad ministering first aid to Injured fire UKlilers and supplying food. A. M. Sitcheumuller. fire chief of Danville, la In a precarious condi tion and may die from burns sus tained when he attempted to leap through flames which hemmed him in. j Grass seeds of all kinds and burn mixtures at Wharton Uros. ,4ifs'k''o''' you feel you it "AFTER EVERY to aiy! digestion! You'll feci better! si2