ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 24. 1925. Do We i Get It ? WE CERTAINLY DO. WHAT? Flour Salw. Why? ; S. " QUALITY AND PRICE $7.00, $8.20, $8.60 Buy while the buying' good. See Us First, We Can Save You Money. FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE nosgBuno It's a Soft Snap Snap it flap it or let it alone a gentleman's hat or a sport hat whatever the mood of the wearer. Styles of Today with a touch of Tomorrow. wmammKmmmammmaamKBmmmmmmKaamm Womqn Wanted! To work on apples I Umtxrua Vallev Caiininsr Co. ' m Duds for Men Incorporated QUINE BROTHERS Toe home of Hart Scfaaifner & Man Clothes FORMER COUNTY, COMMISSIONER NOW PRO DUCER OF BIO SPUDS . ,K' -oi"ty commi- ww.. " "" , ..v. ...... u um. uumo u L..u. - a producer of some remarkably large potatoes. These potatoes, grown on creek bottom .oil on Mr. Ryan's fine farm are wonderful examples of tbe productive quail ties of Douglas county land. A few Clean Up If yon suit need cleaning, pressing or repairing, .end it to us. W Call and Daliver. Our Auto Will CalL Mene 171 Oakland "Look at Your Hat- everyone else does!" . The new shades for fall are designed ' to har monize with the new -shades - in men's cloth ing Kf B S3 TS A nr. aTT.T.rT.&T.' sample of the mammoth tuber i . . i i i ... . ' , . , , . . , , ly, one of Drain, best known resl-, dent and a firm booster for Dong-. a. county, and Mr. Wlmberly sent tnenj to Rosebnrg In care of the; Newa - Revlew. The potatoes have been pgcP(i on dinplay at the chamber of Commerce office where : their size has commanded much at-i were nodding their heads In so tentlon and comment emn gossip. , She didn't know-if she led Tim- Imv to the kitchen' or If he led hr. Oar line i. full of pretty new) But they were Healing to the rubber aprons. Make your .election: between the grapevines. arly. Lloyd Crocker. They were standing In the sha- TUBBY jajiii.niiiii.iii,,; livnn slus'wttscaj ,t N . , fTffJ itij 1 1 AToh sHtfv. 1.lf.!lj1-' WW rMGeT-tiM6ocr.MSiCKOF-trie"'i; 7 cOMim's-iocw.ioaj-A , - , mim RAY-RFM iiwiiou( imwc tNOvGuN iMjJ wav ewet?" eoov tpeAts voo Litr vj patricia. iet him Wta.t he come A Mun Drti duulv rfy uonnrw cohlb HuSiPSrFBew T Vcomm . , ,r . HEAttIM, IeW4 llHES . .a.1! r MCa "THE DOOR-6C.LL. I IT Atl tfM ACCOOajT OF "THAT I v) I V IW OLE SMRTWy TU k 1 yiV i HIM NOT TO BRIMC i !SjiVa. s ii ii l lis' 1 ' aP TSevniVhL SANDY" By ELENORC MEHERIN THE STOKV 80 FAR. Sandy McNeil, bonny and beau- Uful. walk to the marriage altar 1 1 . , . 1 . 1 Cf ancestor at Santa Barbara, claim- i snly " Kn off ed by Ben Murillo. an Italian of JJr lr. waving, mess, hon KEW VORK A flapper powder great wealth, whom her parent n ' about her pale. lluJ her BMe calt,ea- , blg lraHl0 bar chosen for her. She badiw,yJ- 'cy,..-., ' . my. a childhood sweetheart. Ju. rillh Mnnm Kan Prancliu-n .mi. i in and her maid of honor, la tn love with Douglaa Keith, a tu- oem. nanay lainie a toe weu- ; ding ring la slipped on her finger. OO ON WITH THB STORY. CHAPTER 6 They were married. f7 hv' NEW YORK Chauncey M. De Judith fixed the bridal train. He closed hi arm down about o' pilgrim, la "en replaced the flower ever her. h runI i him A wild- JvluK a green old age unconscious arm. A she did this 8andv.oer- ner- f,ung.10 of ilwavs" In the nr,l, nf rh.rle. gflSjcelved Judith", face, that It had semenow Decoma oeauuiui wuu a soft, eager aweetnea. that it : shone like the laee of th Mint i up there in the golden candle-L..v" light. Judith murmured: "Sandy oh. Sandy darling!" Then Murlllo took her arm, turned her about. . A high pro longed note of song came- like a i t- u...u i.Tn. h.. ?!!!;.-""f -,lwinJL t-0W,Tl?.h'n 7ki. ..j 'till hi cheek brushed hers, alia even finer alabaster iampa than linJI dreamllke nebulou ai faaid. aweetly: "No. I'm not cry- ,re produced today, Howird Car pVVn'i. .i.nrfin. Tv.u!lngj Timmy. of course not! Put ter, ' co-discoverer of Tutankha- dlnt ;d imlliD f.T.sir!i ,W of motion to the quiet church Someone said half-aloud: "Lovely oh. Isn't she lovely." Murlllo, bowing to new after pew, lowered his head with an urgent: "Sandy, look up! -Smile a little! mn.cio I But she didn't move of her face. Her eyes, with tbelr dark, heavy lashes.; remained fix ed on her feet on a little pencil smudge across the toe of ber sil ver slipper. . . , 5neL""nlvnr ! ticed that. ' Judith would have rubbed it off with a bit of French chalk. They neared the vestibule. Someone, pushing forward, was about to kls her. Murlllo thrust i out his arm, gave a laugh, pressed hi lip exultantly on Sandy s mouth. She felt very cold and still; then suddenly that she was about to cry. ' Judith rode with them to ' honm Sanit eiad tnr thi. foolishly glad. Murlllo eat oppo site. , Hla dreamy eye possessed her. - She was conscious of their heat 1 ed gaze turned on ber Indulgently as thev sat at the .upper table: conscious of his lips, red now and moist ' whispering excitedly "Smile, Sandy they're toasting the bride smile!' The young people grouped about her were laughing. The girls wore big hats. They looked .Aw.ory. AC .the far end Of the ,JLl3ahle way down there on'tlie old back parlor were the family trlenas. Most ot tne women eio in black or gray satin Sltrr, fllg- swallow-tails, cut In the tasnion or the last generation, tney were all leaning forward, craning tneir necks over the bowls of roses. They were singing Jn somewhat broken voices: "She", a. Jolly good fellow !" Murlllo kissed a wine glass, held It for Sandy tn drink. He aald softly: "To My wire!" Sandy's eye. filled. She look-, ert at him angrily. Then all al gtie once she beaan to laugh. waved to Dick Chapman to Hei nle Rivers. 8he promi"ed to dance with them all. She said boldly and tossing her neaa: "Yes! I've nours ot ireenom yen n?kI Th. Mc! Nells had nothing to hide! Tlm mv was onlv Sandy', old school chum . . . Bull when the table were cleared. Tlmmy managed to tuck himself in a corner with Bandy's .ttil. anri thrM, nr four Other fellow. He wa 111 at ease and verv unhansir. With a gay Insolence she sum- moned him. Hadn't Tlmmy saved , v., in h. ner iruui ner uenn, mi ...u , storm ? Why sholdn't they dance together at ber weaaingT They swung with a glad, swift earerness Into the strain or a lone - siep. nuc wiiu j , Tlmmv darling?" "Oh, Lord, Sandy!" 1 It waa warm In the crowded old house warm sna noisy, ine - older men were telling stele jokbs. slapping each other on the back, guffawing loudly. The women MiEt 't Photograph with Av On. fivtfT riantn.ranh .every order of $6.od or over. Thlt offer closes Nov. SO, . Clark Studio, Cos St. " Rosebura- Nat. Bank Rldjt. t1 :" FREE . . I'hone $31. y while the aame number ol unsklll- haa been much influenced by 4 . ed laborer will have one hundred It'hlneaa and Russian. A Kontchev ! thousand descendants. Thi U A I- kT baa also published a eollecilon 1 "' 'hert Edward wimni'i s.imni. of ot aonga of the Crimean Tartar dow. looking up- at.the miaty, amhar mnnn ,-.. o en sin - YOU t SO beautiful, I never anything look the way yow . van j. Sandy the way you o w She raised her face, holding it back a little on the long, .lender throat, She ran her finger up 'ward till they, touched Tlnimy' ! cheek: "KIs me, Ttmmy oh ktse me m;- Z 'xtaSay! R - th , whv don't ,0U", nw oh oul'ck- ' '"I L M 3EZZ; .m. ., R,,n you're not crying! - Step along tbe path t a low, tightened voice: "Sandy Sandy, are yon here?" , V....I I wa Judith calling. Then Undy pulled Timmy'. head down roMhed out'ber hand.' touched Judith's shoulder, with a quick: "Judy, I'm here." Judith caught her with an al most frenzied gladness: "Oh they're looking for you. Your mo - ther' excited. I'll aay we came out for a breath of air. , But Sandy wa stooping down. feeling with her bands in tne She found what she was uruu. DUO IV seeking, stood up with a little b i r Ae gray kitten nestled against face. No I Just came out to say ..iTbtr alarm- alarm. She thought in still How crafty I am! What made ma think of the kitten?" - The mist was in her head. A faint color touched on tbe pule l . cneeaa. one looaea so j-ue CTiM ".'though' rrlS: cheeks. She looked so very young ifisa Just lifted it. 8hQ held the -kllten against her tare and laugh ed at ber mother's anxious quest Ion,- : . , Th.. .h. anH .liirtith were aolnsr on the-back steps. It was late time for her to leave. She ,?J" ! . ,1 h t tne ot btlt lh.i"lhl( her Uca ln the klti D; higr,frer he, ia. ".J i .u must change for her traveling ! . ,., , r"h, drew on her gray silk:- .i "re. n ,h. "h'k,B, of . . . ,, ,.,.. : . .... Ti.rfllh toilet articles, placing j- . . ,ndltB wlth her ' tender eyes filling, lifting up . hanaing It carefully in the closet. ""produce almost as much primary Then Judith brought her travet--power as doe Muscle Shoals, in dress. llpped It over her head. '' The Missouri Hydro Electric Judith was about to kit. her Company, which will build the dam fold her In those big, generous also has purchased land tor tbe arms. ' erection of two other power plant But Judith stepped hack witn .bout 100 miles south on the Cur scared look: "What, Sandy! rent river. These, Its officer ay. i What's the matter? Why are you tooKing- iik mat ii.inKea wnn ine ussat river piani, Sandy had drawn her hands 183,000 horsepower will be produc her cold, frightened hands, tn a if n18 projects are completed tight clasp. She saia, witn ner Up white: Nothing. Judy Hut I can t SO with him I can-t go Heat with gas. DR PHY WINS 8ECONO TIME. SALEM, Ore.. Oct. 23. Dr. W. T Phv. .implant ln a case In the' 'supreme court growing out of the divorce of himself and his former :wife, Winnifred W. l'hy. was again victorious today when the court i i , j i i .i ...... i .. iianutm uuwii iu upiuiuu utiiit motion for rehearing. Because Mrs. irhy remarried after the divorce ll'hy asked a modification of the lower court on relative to ali - mony, which waa granted by the supreme cuun in an opinion nr-i- al months am. written bv Justice Drown and reversing Judge J. W. Knowles of the lower court tor Un- ion county, Hall's Catarrh M rl SdSwA will do what w. veaat h-rldyouremofCiunhotDef.,'Vtcr"enn;,pT. LT Clffrhe i'-l . JZTZ . T"t. r.J.tHENtY at CO..Tolado, Ohio Revenge Set j FLASHES OF LIFE ''' INDIANAPOLIS One thousand of Harvard present alumni, after lx tent-rations, will lack descend- anta enouah for a aood a-lee club. the failure ot men of learning to - , .. . i Jam In Timoa square. The city ha just found It out by a letter from T .. I. , ( .. I., ,k- tmii,nr naI.i,l hn ' " r -- piotecied tbe flapper. BOSTON Th Jeweled cigarette -"" V" of a Bostontan. It , Is valued at more than 12.000. " " Beat with I BETTER ALABASTER LAMP8 OF TUT'8 DAY FURNISHED LIGHT LONDON, Oct. 24 Whereas the world Is just beginning to use ala- baster for electric lighting, the EgypU.n. .27 year, ago made ?ei-. tomb, .aid in an addrea. i" ilr. Carter m.d kn. that In finding many of these lamps in the tomb the secret of how the Egyp- tian illuminated their homes was revealed , Tne iamp. wera eiecuted In beautiful dual. In tranaiiu-wnt ala- baster, and one of them stood about three feet ,n he,ght w,(h Ur(e centra cup. There wa no decor- tlon on the exterlor or the lalar. ' Immediately a light wa Dlaced In the vessel there could be a.... n a nletura nt th. vnnn. V I ri v ,nd ' ln . i.hl with ,he e"f"0 on Its exterior. v, fit.i .,,.. th. - n. n being fitted inside the tamp so cleverly that the Joints between the two vessels could not be seen. Beautiful mohair, Jacquard and , davenport. Better get one - " - Judd'a Furniture Store. WILL IMPOUND A LAKE 100 MILES LONQ TO GET POWER KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oct. 21. ' "fl "ua or axes ana tne crasn ot 90.000 trees on the banks of Osage river near Bagnell. Mo., the will dam '" that will impound a lake more than loo mile long and have 70 mllee of hore line, Through the sluice will rush the tawnv waters ot the Osaae rlv- to turn ft tnrlilne. saeh ruler, atlng 25.000 horsepower of electrl- eit. to vitalize factories, light towns and speed transportation in Mlannuri. rne laKe to ne created will nave 1.8S0.0O0 acre-feet of storage capa city, much more than the Elephant Butte reservoir. The turbines will will produce 68.000 horse-power. for transmission through Missouri Linn Creek, an old Missouri town with an almost unchanging population of about 600 persons, will be inundated in the Osage reservoir. The power company ex pects to build a new town for Linn Creek's people on a nearby hill. The power plant and dam will be built largely of local material. A large deposit of gravel will be usea in tne concrete wnn nmesinne blocks broken from ledge on the property. No steel relnrorclng will be nsed. The dam will rest upon tlmpatnnA which haa been drilled - --- - - 2 feel without penetration. " , Cook witn gaa. - hubsi.i ruta nunus PUBLI8HED IN VOLUME, SOME FOR FIRST TIME OMSK, Siberia. Oct. 24. Folk .ongs of the various nationalities making up the Soviet Republic are being revived and printed to a very considerable extent and are afford ing much interesting material for .modern composers. Alexander Za- rnunl VUIUlUn .ailV'l wur mm- !Thi I said to be the first time tbe s,m(r, ,f these nomadic to Music. 'people which ma over , great empire In Siberia, Mongolia, Tur kestaa nd Buropean Ruilt have beta recorded (or tb us of niod- lern aualclana. .. f The KirghU are tuppoied to be a bleeding of Mongolian, Tartar, and Finnish blood, and their i language 1 Turk basically but ! ' ' Kexan Tartar and TThntaan are being prepared ror puMicatioa. Fresh grape Juice at Overland Orchards. Bring container or leave ai tsrana noma, giants, wiu aeuver when filled. Jack Frost ha made a few visits to our- neighborhood and nipped th most tender plants. ine pneasant Hunter, are out thick a. file around the mo lasses barrel"; since the season opened. Here's hoping each get hi share of th bird. H. P. Conn and son James re turned Tneeday night from Bridge where they have bee employed In a logging camp. James had the misfortune to get hi right hand mashed. The Injury, though painful, la not ot permanent nature, according to the doctor. C. J. Anderson Is erecting' a fine house on tbe west side ot hi ranch. Mr. E. W. Dlller and ton Ed came from Arna Thursday to visit their daughter and aister, Mrs. H. P. Conn and to take a hunt In the mountains. They returned home Monday. - The funeral service ot Lewis Brown, son of Mr. and Mr. Ed ward Brown of Oarden Valley, was held in the Melrose church on Monday. Mr. Brown and family were resident of thi locality be fore moving to Oarden Valley. T. B. Busenbark wbo Is laid up with rheumatsm In hi back, is some better at tbla writing. The school children were made happy tbla week with a two-day vacation, while the teacher, at tend institute. The younger chil dren are not the only ones enjoy ing tbe holiday a tbe II. 8. atu- . . . iaB" Vl . neia at tne I school house and while the men . . l . . ... . . , worked on the grounds, the ladle prepared a dinner. The children were given a bait, holiday. F. A. Oof a spent Sunday hunt ing In the vicinity ot Drain, re turning home with a big buck. Mr. Roves Allen nf f.' Thnrsday to visit with his sister. Mr. John Busenbark. The Melrose Orange held a very Interesting meeting on Saturday evening, abont fifty members be ing present. After tbe business hour a splendid program was presented in the form of a Orange newspaper. The different sec tions being read or ai ted out by those In charge. The paper prov ed very Interesting and amusing. A masquerade social will be held at the Orange hall on Satnr- flay: October 1. The Grand march will' begin at" 8:30. Prlios will be awarded to both gcntle- men and ladle for the best cos tumes. Ladies, please bring pump kin pie and Every body come and Join In the fun. M. O. R. NEARLY INSANE AT TIMES Mr .Simi der TeDs bow Lydia L Pinkhsjn'i VtgeUble Compound Relieved Troubles of Quints of Life Knorvflle. Term. "1 took Lvdia E. Pfnkham ' VeffetableCompound while going through the Change of Life. I wa very nervous. could not sleep and had melancholy spells. In fact, I waa nearly insane at time and my memory wa al mot a blank. I waa So- 'weak I could not do my housework half of the time and Buf fered dreadfully with my back. My doctor said I would have to worry it out and I went through this for three year, before I began taking the Vege- I table Compound which I saw adver- tued. I think it waa eight bottle 1 that I took. It haa been two rear ince I took any and I haven't had a . doctor since for that trouble. I do alt my washing and ironing and I have gained from no to im pound, i an- vise all women who surTer physically and mentally as I did to give the Veu- etable Compound a fair trial. I hoi IV will U M ITIUJU IWf U1CIII SV II UN for me." Mr. T. A. Sauniikks. 711 E. Depot Street, Kncxvill. Tennessee. IrT A THIS IS Xf! 8 . , sBt Ymss 4 Connects VtoJtnU 8 TAtU .Srtli 8 Sates Time. Food wd-Moneri. v. B And to introduce am offering this half dozen for $7 J ), 8 each including an 84 inckIeai Ever frw nan. - r a,- 5 Churchill Hardware Ccir.piny:! awewviime - ClassifimSectiOhi ALL NEW ADS Tj FOR SALE OAK TOLE WOOD for sale, S3.5p tier, uau ini. TOR SALE Hay. Wood, fllO per- pr tier. Phone 270-Y. a . kXlli SALE Oak store and block wood. Phone 2v-J. O. .E. Gard ner. '. FOH SALE 130 sheep. mostlv ewes. flO each. L. W. Oakland, Ore.' HoganJ FOH SALE 2-horse corrugatett steel roller. New, JI5. C. L. Branton. Dixonvtlle. Phone 1SFU.' F6R SAtEPIg. t L. T.P61apd cnina, was. ora, m en head. F. A. Becker, Melrose. fOR SALE Angora buck. froaT registered non-she 'ding sires. W. a. Paul, So. Deer Creek. :'" BLACK COCKER Spaniel dog, 1' year ohl for aale cheap. Subject to registration. Phone 262-R. ', ' itiiR Hkial, Oak stove and blocl wood, 1 tn. ln length. N. Conn, Phone 6F16. Roseburg, Ore.- FORALE Gold Dollar and New Oregon strawberry . plants, per M, C. L. Germond, MlllwonjaU FOR SALE 2-horse power SattlT . as vaKinH anu pynipiug jacnai - Brand new. $56 cash. J WJi Humphreys. Wilbur. t 3 FOR SALE Studebaker SpscraH Six, excellent condition, price Is-tl00, 275-down, bal,re mogtlrtj -time. Phone 242. - l I V- FOR SALE Strawberry plants Improved " ' thousand $4.00; hundred 60c; al- - ao dry land double . duo plo good condition. Exchange for hay.-Price $50. Llndblom, Dlxun,' vllle. r FOR RENT PIANO for rent. Phone 31F5. rooms. 1110 Prospect St. FOR RENT OR 8AI.E o-roon) modern home, close in. Phone 437-J. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR FIRE HOSE . Notice is hereby given that the City of Roseburg, Oregon, will re ceive bids up to 6 o'clock P. M., October 31st, 1925, for one thou sand feet of standard fire hose. , Bids will be considered by the committee on fire and water which will make Its recommendation to the council at the meeting thereof to be held on Monday, November 2nd. 1825, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. - llv nnl.t ni fh. fMnmnt, Mim.H Tl I. WHIPPLE 't. City Recorder,, u Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 1S9 L, Pine Street Machine Shop Opposite Flour Mill. The best equipped snop town for repair work. We nre able to handle your larue jobs n well your .mall one. GEAR CUTTING By WINNER t . f Ctc st . v a -1 OH BACK PACE. - Uroa SENT 1 huge to? -d I hOnsekfMtnlna- Mw.m. m ... -Private front entrance, a Main. ' . ZijT rVRNISHEO HOUSS fOKT 1 . S room, bath, garage, i locaUon. M per month . u 'furnished boose, garage, ) . -W. Young a son. Pbooe i FOR RENT t-room .trait irb bnngalow. oak Ooori t out. furnace, garage, cuwst ' itiveway, close La aehooanaama j occupied, $35 per mooUJJCU -' a ' I al LOST AMD FCLT tLOST-SmaU. gold teoocaSSaoet poooe i-k. . r- VAJTZ3 4 TAILORING and i 8. Main 8t Mrs. OnthrMs -, WANTED Mas and wife. See- kit '.'chen work. Apply to Dooglaa Orlll. j. ' WANTED Cook for nat tamp. See Mrs. Harness at atglbnrv swN, ww, nuaeourg, vire. TED Cattle saitahiTV "for saitaiiT feeder, either cow. or sera. Cub use sixty head. . Write me 'what yoa have, or call by pawae. Addrew Bos Mg, or phone ta-T. rW. L. Cobb. f - . ' Scam owktrb rvm- tS awn aa wnen u need orau pert:. BarfTs Anto Wr .laa -jiiouse. Jj LOOK-Pri6NE FOR APPviKtf ' MENT Have your barber ok , done at the Oraad BeaatySbop. Work for ladle, children ome i desiring work by appolnjjnent 1 ''specialized. Waiting room if con nection. Marcelling, and hair dressing. Ray Buell In cbaft of this department. Phone for annolntment. Entraneea Martu "Street and at 104 N. Rom 82 The uranq Barber Shop. A oVtrCTTHAT WAS AMD tRONeOVf I1H CA-fr I I 14 VUtfsvtftTTj veU, Gentlemen appredateTBe .way we tannder- aaaWr t shirts and collar. They ' are pleased to wear The laundry that come Trtm this shop. They are plaaa ed to pay our price. will be pleased to hf , yoa calL , Roseburg Steani'" Uundry ' PHONB 7 ZZ a-MMlij Th Largest Stock fit, uoee uses Chevrolet ' and Fords In Rossburf Q2 WM5 j ' s r w W Wilt SM en . ,EASYjTERM Hanson Chevrolet Xo. - ' . Phone 44 t