Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 24, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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' leaved Daily Ixcept Sunday by The Nows-Hevlevt Co.. Iih
,1 rk iwium rraa.
" "' The Associated Prase la sicHislvsljr ntlUsd la th. use for rapabll
!katlen of all dlaimubea craaiiad to It or at olhorwlse crrdllad
. ,1a thla papar and to all local aews puoluhea karala. AU rlgnts of re
ifUbKcUlui of sheet! dlpalcha karal
-.- H.'W. lUTliSJLl!
aro alao reaervad.
l.tTulered aa second class Dialler Ma 17. U2U. ai uie poat olliu
Roseburg. Oregon, under tha Act of March 1 1871
1 AufiAAilMlOM RATES ssssssssasssssss
, .Dally, par yar, by mail.
..Daily, ix montba, by mall.
Dally, three montba, by malL-
"Dally, single month, by aialk
''Daily, by carrier, par month.
t,wklv News-Review stvvnt per year.
. 3M'
. I oi
. 60
-. it
Governor Pierce has been heard from again with a
I. "'novel" idea. Speaking before a W. C. T. U. meeting at
JJHood River yesterday he ascribed, among reasons for the
;rime wave of today, the publication of crime news in news
papers. He wants the country press "cleaned up" then he
thinks it will be time to start a crusade on the Portland
"dailies. The fact of the matter is Governor Pierce would
Hike very much to have not only crime news suppressed but
iPierce political news as well. He could put over a lot of
'things in the dark that would otherwise be nipped in the bud
II and so could a lot of criminally inclined people, if they
were sure of protection from newspapers of the state. Gov
ernor Pierce, during his political career, has set about to do
'.'a lot of spectacular stunts, few of which have met with any
lidegree of success. :
i; Paralleling the utterances made by the governor on the
;;same day is the statement from no less authority than Dr.
; Charles M. Sheldon, nationally known clergyman, to stu
dents at the Kansas State Agricultural college, to the effect
"that "crime stories have a logical effect in American news
"papers." Most broadminded people are of the same opinion
lias Dr. Sheldon. (They do not believe that a muzzled press
;, "would be of any real benefit to the public at large, but on
;the contrary, would stimulate crime to even a greater degree
than the world is npjexperiencing. : "
" The governor's Mittoient that the large city dailies
!i"pad" crime news for'Tfie purpose of increasing their circul
ation that, they migljt receive better prices for advertising
l$a about the nearest-thing to rank prevarication that could
;;be uttered. And further, when he stated that a newspaper
; Reporter called at his office and asked for "anything, any
;;bit of filth to write a special story,' we opine that the truth
;;cf this statement had been stretched to a large degree.
When you attempt 'to suppress, or control the newspa
'pers of the nation, the inevitable result is a weakening of
the moralo of the country generally. However, this is being
iidone to a large degree by persons who fear utterances from
lithe press much of the agitation coming from certain politi
I'cians who know the rays of publicity would undo their call-
Thla la bawth night
And at ho pa
You taka
Ua aarleualy
Soma of thaaa
Satiddy p. m.'a
I i . T' V T I i
An afternoon bridg flub la tha
eat't meow.' ' i.
"Before I waa marrlad I could
hava kiaaad you to daath. Now I
with I had."
"How can ona tall If a girl la In
tsfllgent?" ' t
"If aha llkts you aha la IrrUlll-
-" . i .'
. .
T T T 1
Shoot rockata
I Felicitations on the Locarno treaty because of the impres
sion that it insured tho peace of Europe were premature.
, .Tlhe ink of the signatures was hardly dry before a Greek
; ;'ermy crossed the Bulgarian border and burned a city be-
jcause Bulgaria didn't reply within a 48-hour time limit to a
' "demand for indemnity and an apology for the killing of
'Greek soldiers allegedly by Bulgarian raiders. While neither
"Greece nor Bulgaria are signatories to the Locarno treaty,
. "that pact was generally regarded as exercising a moral ef
, "feet upon all European members of its predecessor, the
i t'League of Nations, to the terms of which both Greece and
! '.I Bulgaria subscribed.: 'Just which country is to blame in the
; ;,' present clash cannot be definitely determined from the con
; ;;flicting reports sent out, but there is no information that
; i Greece preceded her invasion by a formal declaration of war
; ;;and to this circumstance in favor of her enemy in the eyes
' ..of the rest of the world is added the fact that Bulgaria has
; l.'promptly submitted her statement of the dispute to the
'. !! League of Nations for adjustment, an action which Greece
! )has so far not deigned to follow. At first hand it appears
; "that Greece has acted hastily and without due regard for her
; ;;League pledge to respect her neighbor's territorial integrity.
JjThe Bulgarian city which her army has destroyed was pro-
'bably worth more thlm the amount of indemnity she demand
! .ed. Altogether it SCOTS that Greece has failed to stard the
! "acid test on the League covenant, but the League itself,
; whose prestige is now' it stake, may, in adjusting tho fracas,
; discover a degree of provocation that Bulgaria has taken
; ;;pains to conceal ano; w.hich to a large extent may excuse her
r jjtnemy's precipitancT'V.
" ' ;' o .
j; The money-making possibilities of Florida real estate
' "are again impressed- upon the public by the announcement
Hthat Osborne C. Wood, whose personal prominence is largely
! "due to the fact that J16 is a son of General Leonard Wood,
: Ilhas just cleaned up $100,000 as a realty salesman at Tampa.
;jThis information is hiade doubly impressive by the further
information that he acted a3 an employee of a wealthy oper
ator who at one time used to dispense hot dogs on a street
corner. We are not advised as to tho present status of the
multitude who contributed to the financial welfare of these
two energetic and far-sighted gentlemen, but if gcncral're
'..'ports are to be credited the investors are living lives of pcr
lifect contentment in either house boats or stilted mansions in
.'miasmatic swamps. The beautifully painted lure of unlimit
ed possibilities in crops that soon made millionaires proved
too strong for the resistance of common sense, although
;there must be excepted from this observation the bountiful
"crop of suckers that yielded such a rich harvest of coin to
"the unctuous and persuasive land boomers.
:: - o
." This fall weather, is hanging on like "grim death to a
ildying nigger." But just wait until old Jupe gets primed for
;bii8'ness. Ho'H make it plenty wet for everybody.
Lat trumpata toot.
Lat bannara ba unfurlad.
I'va found a flirt who navar aaid:
"Oh, boy, I'll tall tha world.'
Tha dlacovary by Mr. Baeba of
an alactrle f lah la not aurprlaing,
Inasmuch aa a flan apanda ao much
tlma In eurranta.
;.;.:; .-';:.-;;-r
Tha glrla waar ao llttla nowa
days that motha ara almoat on a
atrlctly mala clothing diat.
"Eavaadropplng again," aald
Adam aa hla llttla playmata fell
out of tha traa.
Thar arc twaiva Inchsa In a
foot. How many ara thara in a
pair of ahoaat .
A man ratiraa at 11:30 p. m. Ha
gata up at 4 a. m. to gat mora
blank rta! How many?
Who aaid: "A bust In tha nlcha
la worth two In tho noaa?"
. Hew many people maxa a crowd?
How many bootleggere make a
Who diacovered Columbva?
"I drive to work," aaid the taxi.
cab driver ai he broke- another
prlng while explaining to a patron
what hla occupation waa.
If distance lenda enchantment
and familiarity breede contempt,
along about where would you atrike
a happy medium?
!() '
Archie waa a liar.
Ha lied In myth and aong.
E'en whan he waa a-dylng,
Ha lied abed too long.
He somehow got to heaven, ,-.,t.i
Slipped In beneath the wire,
But when he Joined the angela
They handed him lyre,
Sometlmea the penalty for big
amy la two mothers-in-law.
An Inquirer wanta to know how
do bees dlspoae of their honey.
They cell It of course.
"My clear young lady," aald Dava
Bird In grieved tones, aa he listen
ed to an extremely modern girl'
tear off some of the very latest
Jazj on the piano, "have you ever
heard the Ten Commandmente?"
Flapper: "Whistle a few bare. I'
think I can follow you,"
Women and children flret,"
said the cannibal king aa ha order
ed his breakfast.
Say, when I waa born, I waa ao
aurprlaed that I couldn't talk for
a year and a half.
fr 4
A woman's "in a minute" la any
where from two hour to three
"The Insipid punkln' piee are be
glnnin' to descend upon the community."
- Vs-
-' flai. -V.'. 1
(Continued from paga one).
I log- them burglar proof and provid
ing tne greatest poaaioie aegree oi
the two banking organliatlona, are
office occupied by Dr. E. B. Stew
art. A stairway leads from the
Oak street aide to the upper floor,
which la devoted to officea, most
of which are now occupied.
Although the Douglas Natlontl
and savings
president and the office of the safety.
cashier. There la then tha' oote rjonsteel la a new metal, which
window, two paying and receiving, t ne resisted every test
window! and exchange and a aoolt-l which science can devise. Every
keeper'a window. The bookkeep- knnwn kind of torch has been tueri
Ing department Is separated from Dy underwriters in efforts to burn . and the First Bute
the mala lobby, so that the noise through the metaL It Is ao bard ! banks are occupying quarters in
of the machines doea not Intrude , that it cannot be drilled, and so the aew building, each will maln
upon the business being conducted . far n0 method of breaking a safe j tain its separate organization. The
In the main portion of the building. or rauit door of this material has' First State bank will have lta aav
On the left is the space occu-.yet been successful lings and mortgage departments in
pled by the First States nnil Sm-1 -i,. h, in ink in addition to lta commercial hust
ings bank. On thla side, next . to, M . . . . .... ;ness and will alao nave charge of
t ,m twn tinhlli- ' - k. .... A.. . 1 . viu.
yet are ao nunc that the may be .
At aome period In her life every
girl is in an amateur theatrical per
lormance. at leaat in tableaux or
charades. It la most important that
she should know how to make up
for the glare of lights that wlU be
focused on her, for nothing sumps
a performance aa "bad" so much
nnnriv annlted make-up. The
' heroine usually looks like tho vll
lain ess of a barn storming com
nanv tha "eld woman" like a cari
cature and the villain like a' black
smudge. Amateurs go maa wnn a
make-ap bos and spread the colors
on "regardless."
Before nalng any make-up.
spread cold cream over the akin,
rub for a moment and wipe off
with a piece of cheesecloth. This
softens the skin and keep-J the
make-ap from going Into the porej,
It also makes removal easy. Make
up according to. your "character."
If you want to hook young and girl
ish, tint the cheeks lightly with
rose pink, nse deeper pink for an
older woman and for a woman sup
posed to be more than 36 deep pink
but sparingly used and spread
more generally over the face.
Touch the centre of the Hps with
rosy red to emphasise llicm; for
a grown woman, outline your lips
entirely, making the color n little
thicker toward the middle, touch
the chin with the color of the
cheeks, but lightly, also the ear
lobes, if they show. Put a dot of
red at tho outside corner of each
eye, this makes the eyes seem
Bead the lashes, don't outline the
eyes with a line of black unless yon
have had years of practice. Spe
cial black stuff for beading- cornea
In make-op boxes. Rub a little faint
pink on the eyelids if your role la
young, a little light blue If you are
a grows woman. Gray ia for the
sunken eyes of age. Cover all the
Jackson street, are two public
rooms, one tor lames auu inv uiu-. morMi
er tor genuemen. both beautifully , zL,
. . .1 i . .l -J I. .v.-1 J IOTT.
lUmiBIlVU Will, UU, BUU
telephones, where buslne;a affairs Affording beauty and service la
may be transacted. The i.-rhler1 marble-faced clock, elecually
haa a separate office and there controlled, which waa built espe
Ujen.wlndpwa for the commercU ?ny tm tne ban by the Setn
savlngs, and mortgage departments --'"""ee people,
of the bank.- i The heating system Is also unl-
In the center of the floor space que. and carries out the bank's
Is a beautiful, glass-topped marble ! policy of putting In the best equlp-
desk for the accommodation of the i mem ooiamac.e. tcc u invent neat
patrona of the bank. r, I Ing system Is used, a system which
In the rear of the lobby are lo- arw " ld air in from the
ml tho hnire vnll which -'are outside and aenda a constant
th. nriiio nf iIia two financial inii- stream of fresh, Warmed air
,,,,inn throughout the building. The heat
tinue the same lines of banking
btuineaa aa formerly.
The total resources of the two
banks aa they closed their books
Thursday preparatory to moving to
their new location, lacked Just 129,
000 of amounting to $2,000,000.
The formal public opening today
attracted much attention from all
over the state. Paul S. Pick, vice
president of the United States
National bank of Portland; Roy
Hackett, cashier of the First Na
tional bank of Grants Pass; W. J.
Sweet vice-president of the bankj
of Bandon, were among the offi-;
cera of out of town banks to call
personally and extend their con-aratulatlons.
well as I The bank was open to the pub-!
for ef-lllf nll.dAV. and tnnleht. between 7
direction of Mr. iynn Finater. "ciMiry carrying out the work iniamj 9 p. m the officials invite the
These vaults, which have heavl- " u " public to visit the building. An or
ly reinforced concrete walls, im- ln " wltB colors to harmonize 1 chestra will be present and provide
pervious to heat and moisture, are with the marble. music for dancing later In tho even
finished with Ikinsteel doors, niak- Behind the space occupied by! Ing. !
These vaults are the only ones
of their kind in the atate, and- are
ing plant la located in the basement.
second to none In the entire north-' The UghUng fixtures enhance the
west. They were installed b the ' lne roooy aa
Klcler Safe company, under the furnishing suitable light.
face with thick powder 1
. finish.
College Girt To treat a cold
sore or fever blister, soften the lips
with a cream or aalve, and apply
spirits of camphor.
After the blister has fully form
ed open carefully with a thorough
ly aferlllsed needle, and bathe with
peroxide. - In many casea the cam
phor will dry up the blister before
it .amounts to much.
Learn thM rulot for make-up
Protect the spot with a salve or
cream until It has completely heal
ed. A simple diet and a purgative
will also help as these blisters show
the digestion la upset alao.
a6iAO Mr
Unuptx A. KipKmnn
Just received, fine kit of beauti
ful hate pattern ruga. Judd's Fur
niture Store.
(Amrlatnl rrna Uoad Wfro.)
NKW YORK. Oct. 21 The ac
tual condition of clearing house
banks and trust companies for the
week shows deficit In reserve of
I4.s36.2u0. This compares with ex
cess reserve of I10.429.9S0 last
ljre electric heaters this
week ft 15. Crowell's Klectrlc Shop.
One hundred ami fifty members
of the cast of "Smllea," the enter
tainment to be presented at the
Antlers theatre on Monday, Octo
ber 2ti, paraded the main streets
this nmrnlng shortly before noon.
Costumed in nightgowns, pajamas,
clown costumes, etc., they marched
through the streets giving the
"Smiles" yell. There were groups
of Red Cross nurses, nursemaids,
"Smiles" kiddies, Hawaiian dancers
and other participants.
Because of the great interest
shown In the production it is ex
pected that a capacity house will
be present when the curtain Is lift
ed at 8:15 p. m. Greater Interest
has been created by the fart that
1 1 rehearsals were open to the pub
lic, and many peopla have watched
the youngsters at practice
Mrs. Inei Miller of the normal
school faculty, who has given a
series of lectures during the coun
ty Institute. The purpose of the
meeting was to organise a club to
further the Interests of the normal
Tony DeAngeles, Fred Grills and
Sam-Plaatlno, arrested here on the
Sth, charged with transporting a
Inl.n tmm Una Itln nr.. or...! -
school In Douglas county. Ml-s , f t wh arraiKned
JCO" m .n.e.K,Ch'?0lK R'i before Judge Wilverton in the fed
elec ed president of the club, Mr. , court., PorUand yesterday.
E. f 1 I ', ""S" .!lc. Their trial will be heard on Janu
president and Mrs. Pearl Heath of . 2g
Benson school, secretary-treasurer.
The first activity of the "Better
O. N. 8." club. waa to open the Fri-.
I day afternoon session of the insti
tute by singing a group of normal
school songs. ' I
H. U Morris, transient, waa
brought to Mercy hospital yester
day, suffering from burns sus
tained when his clothing caught
fire. He had built a small fire In
the Jungles for warmth, and while
sin ning beside It, his clothing was
under ; Ignited He beat the tire out with
MEDFORD A change has been
made in Southern Pacific railroad
agenta at Medford by which J. C.
Carle, who haa been agent at Cor
vallis for some time past, and prior
to that at Riddle, haa been trans-
the supervision of Director Hall. I his hands, and In doing so burned 1 ferred to this city, and Mark Mont-
Interesting News of tha Doings
of Former Roseburg and
Douglaa County Reaidenta.
Scrambled Eggs Toaot
Vegetable Hash
Pickles - '
Wholewheat Bread
Slewed Prunes Cocoa
Pot Roast of Beef
.-otatoea String Beans
Apple Betty Hard Sauce
Batter for Fruit Fritters Beat
two unseparatea eggs and mix
them with one-half cup of aweet
cold milk. Combine this wot mix
ture with one cup of bread flour
tho fritter Is brown on the under
side, turn and cook so aa to brown
the oliier side. Drain It on crum
pled brown paper while" you fry
Tuna Fish Salad Mix one can of
tuna fish, flaked, with three boiled
and diced white potatoes, one minc
ed green pepper, two raw onions
cut line, and one sulk of celery
diced. Moisten the mixture with
one-half cup of Mayonnaise salad
dressing and heap on crisp lettuce.
Hard-boiled eggs may be added to
this recipe if desired.
Lemou Spongo Pie Filling Beat
together one cup of granulated su
gar, two egg-yolks, the grated rind
and juice of one lemon and two
teaspoona of softened butter. To
this mixture add one cup of sweet,
cold milk, stir vigorously, and fold
in the two eKg-whltes stltfly beaten.
Turn all Into a pie pan already
lined with uncooked pastry, and
slip the pan into an oven which Is
lairly hot (Just for five minutes, to
set the crust). Now reduce the oven
heat to medium so that the con-
previously sifted with one-half tea- u.llts of , pH) wi no, (aa
spoon of baking powder and a pinch
of salt. Use this batter wlih any
kind of fruit (next Sunday's menu
will call for Banana Fritters, but
you may substitute apples, orangea,
etcetera. If desired) adding one
cup of the -iced frnlt to this
amount of batter and frying a fol
lows: Heal aevernl curs of lat to
egg filling "wneys" when It boils)
and continue cooking tor 35 mln
ules. Pot Roast of Beef Sear the
meat on all sides in drippings, then
place it in a deep saucepan con
taining a tew raw, diced onions.
carrots, and parsnips, and enough
Former students of the Oregon
Normal school met Friday with
himself oa both hands and arms.
He whs treated by Dr. Belt, the
county physician.
Cook with gaa.
f Vett Mason
a busy city corner sat an old blind beggar man, and
I placed a hard-earned quarter in his little rusty can; then
n glow of conscious virtue lighted up my careworn form,
and my head was proudly lifted, and my heart was good and
worm. For the quarter I had uses; it would buy some fresh
cigars, it would purchase noonday luncheon, pay my passage
on the cars', but I gave it to the beggar and all day my heart
was light, and I thought recording angels would of that
transaction write. When I read the evening paper I could
feci my face grow pale, for that beggar was arrested, and
was in the city jail. It was said he faked his blindness, he
had money salted down, he could buy, nor miss the rubles,
Now that most fellows have paid the last half of their
I. '-1924 taxes a short respite is open until the first half of this
r." -gear's liquidation is thrust upon us.
Z- 0
II There were a lot-trf "Smiles" on parade today.
i all the poets in the town. Then I felt a wave of anger surge
mruuKu my I'liiuiuutu irame, nnu i swurc iu never ami iw
any other beggar's game. "Nevermoro' I sadly muttered,
"will I do without a smoke, that a mendicant may fatten,
with my coin, his greasy poke. And no more I'll walk MS-Xl
pavement while my wiser neighbors ride, that an arrant tion. The remrn was made through S
phony blind man may have cake and oysters fried." But """" "? "Tt""
Chirrrh of the Living iod." and J Wniie grnmUling 1 remembered IlOW inal quarter inrown I cletles. Vr. Held waa elected a
First Preabyterrkn Church In
vites ynu to attend Its services.
Here you may find a church home
and a welcome. Our Sunday school
meets at M5. Preaching service
at 11 oVIork and at 7:S. Tho C.
E. society meets at S Jo. The ser
mon themes for Sunday are: "The
gomery, the agent here for the past
nine or ten years has been trans
ferred to be agent at Corvallls. Mr.
Carle has already assnmed his new
duties, and Mr. Montgomery is tak
ing a vacation of 30 or 4B days be
fore reporting for duty at Corvallls.
" MARSHFIELD Asherireland
and wife will arrive by auto today
from Chelan, Wash., to visit his
brothers. Win. Ireland, and Cell Ire
land, and with other relatives and
friends here. They will then go to
Handon to visit his sister, Mrs.
Giles, and from there to California
to spend part of his vacation. Mr.
Ireland was formerly stationed
with the U. S. forest service In this
district but Is now with the Chelan
!. -.inMnv.hnt .tarr- In amall OOillng Water tO HSO Onettlird Up
saucepan. It is no longer consider-: the sides of the piece of beet. Cov
ed necessary to have the old-fash-1 he Pl anrt k't cook very slowly
loned large deep fat kettle for fry-1 f'"- 'w Of three hours, until very
Ing foods. Take up a kilt le of the tender.
batter-and-fruit , mixture in a per- (Xote: Wednesday noon's menu
foraled aluminum spoon, and lower , Is a Thursday Guest Luncheon by
the s'poon Into the hot fat. When request of ".Mrs. X.)
PHONOGRAPH COMPANIES 'announced today by the Columbia
FORM A HUGE MERGER , Phonograph company, one of the
concerns Involved In the transac-
NEW YORK. Oct 23. Alliance Hon.
of four of the leading phonograph o
companies of the world, represent- Fresh grape juice at Overland
Ing a total capitalization of approx-' Orchards. Bring containers or
imately 118,000.000 and operating i leave at Brand's Road Stand. Will
factories in eleven countries, was .deliver when filled.
CORVAIXIS Mrs. C. A. 8ehl-3
hrede. Who accompanied her daugh-'
ter, Mrs. W. A. Reid. on a trip lot
Oklahoma City, Okla.. where Mrs. j
Held went as a delegate from Ore-:
gon to the national convention of .
the Woman's Missionary society tjj
of the Christian chnrch, returned :
to Corvallls yesterday. Mrs. Held Is
touring Oregon to visit members cf '
the varloua societies of the nstlonal ,
convention and will return to Cor-i
vallis soma time next week. Mrs. j
Sehlbrede and Mrs. Reid stopped
first In San Francisco and visited i
their danghur and sister. Mrs. Fred
Gcttlna. and family. They" were In
Los Angeles. San Diego and other
Thinking straight." The morning away made me swell with conscious virtue through the long
sermon will deal with the church . ..... ,L i j j
objections to it. and its challenge hours of a day. Then I cancelled all those pledges, I expunged
to men of todsy. Evening sermon them in a trice, and I said. "That snow-white feeling, it was
will deal with some problems and! . . , . ' . ..... . ss,w.. .
conditions of American life. Our iheap at any price! Little boots it if that beggar haf the as
surcesses and failures in meeting gets of John D.j when he Ougned to take my quarter, surely
these Questions. Can and do you I. ,i;rtj -,,iti ' ....
think sirauhi? . j he uplifted me! ...
member of the board of managers Ifi
of the national society, for a period 'jj
of two years, a distinct honor to B
Oregon. Her new duties will re- K
quire frequent visits to missionary !&
societies In the Christian churches j!
of Oregou. Mrs. Reid represented S
Oregon at the convention as state I
I secretary I ut society.
. , Travel To
Los Angeles and Way Points' f
Two Schedules Daily Leaving
Terminal Hotel 7 A. M. and 3:35 P. M.
One Way Fare to S. F. 11$14.75
Round Trip Fare to S. F. . ..... .. 29.00
One Way Fare to L. A .. 26.60
Round Trip Fare to L. A 50.00
Two Days to San Francisco and Three Days to
Los Angeles by Pickwick Stage
Terminal Hotel
Phone 536, Roseburg, Ore., for Information