Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 17, 1925, Page 7, Image 7

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With those tile orders, for
back.' our.
4-inch $4.50 ICQ ft
New Wade Dragsaw. $120.09
Used Steel Plow ..... . . .... . $5.00
Wanted, farmers to grow vetch on contract.'
commenced repairs to the plant of
the American Film company,
known as the flying "A" studio.
The studio has been closed since
the United States entered the
World War.
LOS ANGELES Tired of having
his name confused with a well
known garden vegetable, "Cncum
bumga Avent" became "Charles
Monroe" In superior court
WALLACE, Idaho One hundred
persons were made homeless by a
fire which swept through the little
mining settlement of Black Bear,
near Wallace. Thirty houses or
virtually half of the residential dis
trict, were destroyed.
NANAIMO. B. C Sentences of
eight years In the penitentiary
and twenty lashes each were im
posed upon three men who pleaded
guilty to the robbery of 143,000
from the Nanaimo branch of the
Royal Bank of Canada.
MOSCOW, Idaha The wings and
fnsllage of an airplane piloted by
Lieutenant Nick Mamer, SCCOm-
panied by two Washington state
college students, were peppered
with bird shot when the craft made.!
a "raid" over the University of
Ing to drop phosphorous "bombs
on the bon fire, which waa to be
set off last night at a rally in cel
ebration of the Washington state-
U.K.. I .k.ll InHe. Tho
shots were tired by the sheriff of Martians, if there are any such rmintv , creatures, also are short of what
Latah county. The oxygen
VANCOUVER, B. C Charles P. ' PPy there is only 60 per cent of
Martin, superintendent of transport ?" heights of Mount Ever
tatlon here for the Canadian Rail- in the Himalayaa. and on
ways, died from Injuries, received Mount Everest explorers must us
when he was run over by a freight , oxygen tanks to keep alive,
car in the company yards. In the matter of heat Mars Is
j better off than was formerly sup-
VICTORIA, B. C Efforts to pull posed. In fact, says Dr. St John,
the Holland-American freighter , trie Mars temperature, often de
Eemdyk off Race rocks on Ben- scribed as excessively cold, may
thick Island, failed. Her cargo is 1 be nearly the same as that of this
being lightered ashore In prepare-' earth, since Mars absorbs all but
tlon for another attempt to get the;
vessel into deep water.
SPOKANE Three full blooded
DR. M. H PL.YLKR. CblropractM
nhv.telan. 11 W. Lane Bt
The Largest Stock of
Good Used
and Fords
in Rossburg
Wa Will Sell on
Hanson Chevrolet Co.
Phone 44(1
Keep your wardrobe ready
for any occasion by frequent
cleaning and pressing and
Our Auto Will Call.
Phons 277
the next car.
This one
Regular meeting of Rose-
burg Lodge of Perfection, A.
A. S. R., Monday evening. Oc-
tober 19th, 7:30 p. m.. follow-
ed by work In 4' and B.
4h n nnU, n. Iho Vanarahln ah
Master. 4i
M. E. COOPER, Secretary. I
. ' I
Indiana will leave Spokane today
taking an Invitation to President
Coolldge to attend the Pacific
Northwest Indian pow wow and
Hallowe'en festival to be held here
October 30 and 31.
Give your wife a needed rest and
bring her to the chicken dinner at
the armory Saturday. Oct 24th.
PASADENA. Cal. Oct. 15. (A.
P.) Home brew is a necessity on
the planet Mars, provided there Is
life there and also provided that
lta n.nntn mnl.lilM tn llva In
the opinlon of rjr. Charles E. St.
Jonn a.tronomeT ,n(t physicist of
,ha Mount Wllann nhaervstnrv near
TkA aiinnlu nn Uor-a " - .
ed , , , ;
Dlet(Kl b s, , h h .
one-twemieth that found on the
tops of the semi-arid mountains of
southern California. I
Besides being oa perpetual em-
J '"""
of water, the
about fifteen per cent of the light
and beat reaching it from the sun.
As a basis of comparison. It is
stated that this planet absorbs
only one-half the light and heat re
ceived from the sun, and reflects
tho remainder.
Special This week $1 mints, 1
lb. 24c. Peanut brittle, 1 lb. 18a
Lloyd Crocker.
' Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
That is the joyful cry of thousands
since Dr. Edwards produced Olive
I Tablets, the substitute for calomel.
i Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician
for 17 years and calomel s old-time
enemy, discovered the formula for Olive
Tablets while treating patients for
chronic constipation and torpid livers.
i Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
contain calomel, but a healing, sotXhing
vegetable laxative.
ro griping 19 tne keynote ot uiess
little ftjftar-coatetl, ouve-co4ciTa tao-
" ... . .,. .
let. Thav ntitee the hnwels and liver to
act nnrmallv. TllfV never force them
to unnatural action.
Dad bream a outi. urea teeung siut
headache torpid liver constipation,
you'll find quick, sure and pleasant re
sults from one or two of Dr. Edwards
Olive Tablets at bedtime.
Ti n tntif ln
inoraanuswncurciiic.tir ""'"J planting, 11 located near tne com- lasts a long time. Any puaiui4c; ' neer, 11 recjuiieu ki lean, iiiit o. jhemliMk. Tlios. iiavell, Acting Com
to keep right. Try them. lacajiaoOc. pnr pnrhing plant at Voornles. ran supply yon. four days to ro from hero tn Port- niii"n.r
I l ' -T : re
ar I I
asaWk-. m I I B
(AasorUt-4 Pres. U.vd Wlra.)
M1NEOLA. N. Y.. Oct 17. Vtslt
ora by the thousand! are (lock I nit
to St. Martina'. Roman Catholic
church at Central Park, a hamlet
'near here, and there Is talk of !
making the little whitewashed
building, a sbrlne church.
A Btain on the plaster wall, the
visitors say, has assumed the shape
i of n Madonna and child. Tbey
point out a light spot at her throat
as the balo above the cbild'a head,
'a cross held by the child, and a
S halo appearing above the Virgin's
8 1 The Hot. Daniel H. Dwyer. paa
E tor of the church, la seeking an ex
Explanation of bow the stain assumed
i&t ' I his ahata.
this shape.
"I see no more than any one else
does," be said, "but certainly the
image of the Christ child is clear."
Some of the parishioners say the
details are becoming more distinct
with the passing days. One sug
gestion Is that the stain Itself was
a. natural result of exposure to
storm when the building was under
construction a . year ago. The su-
, i " . i i. .....itf
nprnatural element flitur?! largely
in the parishioner.' dlacussion-. Al- cma uc cunamoM. n mr pub.
iu iu ' w(.u ! ness is to maintain 1U position
rvuy tuuuuK u.? Uu.r uUO VdT:
in van a nupius
"""" " v " J '
a? -S ..nn,rmobne. h. I
Ln. i .,A h.,n.A iha ihitrt-tl at
been counted before the church at
one time.
More, net-sons have visited the
church in one day since the image
appeared than live in the entire
o -
This subject discussed at the
Baptist church Snnday evening at :
7:30 by H .L. Caldwell.
This is
yonr special invitation.
About thirty women met at the
high school last Thursday after
noon with Miss Bessie Chapnell.
director of home economics under
the state board of vocational edu
cation, relative to dressmaking and
millinery courses to be given In
Roseburav The director has esuio
llshed the schedule as follows to
comply with -the preliminary regis
tration. . ,
Thursday morning (open).
Thursday afternoon (dressmak
ing). Thursday evening (open).
Friday morning dressmaking.
Friday afternoon millinery.
Friday evening dressmaking.
Hours: a. m. 9:00-12: p. m. 1:00
4:00; evening 7:00-10:00.
Class Regulations
1. Not less than 9 In a class.
2. Not more than 12 In a claHS.
3. Fee $3.50 for 8 separate les
sons of three hours each once a
All who have signed up for these
courses are requested to be at the
high school next week at the time
chosen. Several classes are al
ready filled, but a few more ladles
can be accommodated at other
One 8x10 Photograph with
order of or over. This offer I
closes Nov. 30. (Mark Studio. Cass
street Rnseburg Nat Bank lllilg.
Phone 331. , ,
(nenrlsted preas Leserd Wire.)
MEDFORD, Ore., Oct. 17. The
purchase of 317 acres of orchard
and farm land, the tiling of articles
jof Incorporation at floO.Ooo. the
proposed erecnon or a ioti,wnj
K"'rn" ' -1 . "
cold storage plant with packing fa -
. ... .
eltlliea anil the erection nf hull.
a-alnw. for emtilnveea at Voorhies.
a short distance south of the city,
by the Suncit st Orchards company
era. announced tii.lav hv I. A.
Banks, an official of the company, i"' veins, or get rid of eczema, ul
The acreage purchased Includes cers. or plies In a few dnys sho-ild
thieM nrrhanla anil ftirtv acres of not hesitate lo get a bottle at nPfeX
innMj iiuKIa tn, AhorH
-'i nie. .... ............
-I .
The consideration, which Is Mid to
ku .nnmiinutKlv SllHttMHi. fa OQ
o( Uw largest local deals la recent
Fresh grape )uic at Overland
Orchards. Uriug containers or
leave at Ilrand'a Koad Stand. Will
deliver when filled.
"Taking an unnrlme pelt li a
deliberate waste of one of nature'!
moat valuable and beac.tlful gifts,
and not until trappers and raw-fur
men lea:n to look upon it as such
will the best use of our valuable
resources. In fur be realized."
Speaking on the subject of neces
sity for careful" fur conservation.
Prank (. Ashbrook. In termers'
Bulletin 1469, laws relating to fur
animals for the season 1925-26,
points out that It the unprlmo ant
mals now killed every year were : front center. Considerable 1m
left for breeding stock, the annual i pruvemeat was shown by the
catch would probably not be de- whole, however. Tackling waa
creased more than 5 per cent, while I much harder and more sure, and
the supply of wild fur animals " ! ya did good work In their
would without doubt be Increased . blackly on offensive and defensive
50 per cent In five years, - I way. i neir lorward passes were
s-nri. tn nrlmo enmMtinn for better also. They showed consider-
h,..iw ..i . hrir ....nn
only. An open season of more
than three months' duration Is not
justifiable anywhere In the United
States. The average qur.llty of
pelts would be much higher if
laws made seasons shorter and
uniform for areas having the same
uiiiiorni lor ureas uavuiK um -mmiiv
., , .. , .
nmnny th rt f minRt ,Jp of the
" " " , .
country the continued
supply must be assured.
The maintenance of the fur sun-
ply Is primarily the business of the
stale.. Tlie Lulled States depart
ment of agriculture administers
the Lacey act regulating Inter
state commerce in wild animals',
and supplements state legislation
In efforts for conservation of fur
animals. The attitude of- the de
partment is one of cooperation and
not of federal control. ,
This bulletin contains a com-
piete nst ( ai
the lawa in the
various states and Canada relating
to fur animals and effective for
the coming year. Regulations af
fecting the interstate shipment of
pelts are explained, and the legis
lation enacted during the year Is
reviewed, with all important chang
es noted. A recommendation Is
made that trappers be required to
turn in an annual report of furs of
each species taken, from which an
estimate could be made of the total
number and value of the furs taken
annually. The status of fur-farm'
ing in this country and Alaska Is
steadily improving .and is . discus-
sed in another section.
The bulletin may be obtained
while the supply lasts by address-
lug the United States lepai unenv
of Agriculture, at Washington, l.
C. j
Wear Hrovon Parlfliv FveelHlne
Ud Gold Dullar varieties. J4.25 pes'lthe gang was responsible was that
1000 during October, fcxi'i piltiiiul -
ly good, from Inspected jiliim
Phono 18F2. W. - J. Meredith,
Looking Glass, - -
Varicose Veins,
Reduced or Your
Money Back
Simple Horne N Treatment
That Is Giving Amaz
ing Results-
The world progresses. Today ail
ments that took weeks to cure c:tn
now be ended In a few days. If you
have varicose veins or bunches you
can start today to bring them back
to normal size, and If you are wise
vou will do ro.
Just get an original Dome oi
Motme's Emerald Oil at any dis
pensing pharmacist and apply II
night and morning to the enlarged
veins: It Is very powerful and
penetrating, and only a III tie is
required. r
A'ter a few days' treatment the
veins will begin to grow smaller
land by repular use will soon rs
dure to normal.
I Moone's Emerald Oil Is also a
marvelous healing agent One ap
plication for Instance stops tlie
j itching
of eczema, and a few nppll
cations caua
in rruMHJiir- m mj (
i . m(ll, , .
1 .. -... w...,.., .
.a,.nnKP It la uminlltf oa ..ll.irl ' VI.
I appear.
'in barber's Itch, Salt
rbeum, red
' ness and inflammatory
i trouble
I'eopIO WM Want lO reilUte VUl
It la tinwcrful thar a small, no tie
tnac a sman.nouie
.- -
He Knows Runt's
fEE,WYA " , .OMtVGOT (sIllA
;AaTEri Fo& J v .. , , V J X y
. field boasted but a single thorough-
The Rnseburg high chool foot-J fare, vastly different from Its p res
ball team won a lop-sided victory lent condition, and of the two
from Oakland high school yeeter- plaoes. Kmpire was the larger,
day evening, defeating the visitors Saw mills and coal mines were
by a score of 43 to 0. In the game! In operation. Mr. Reed says he has
yesterday the Hofeburg team dis-1 seen a dosen ships loaded with
played considerable improvement !
over its former games, although
several weaknesses were still In
evidence. The exceptionally light
line was very weak at times, al
though In the nineties It held un
well. Tiiere was also a bad weak
ness In the passing of the ball back
sole Improvement in giving Inter-
terrace for runners and their end
runs were worked for good gains.
I he Rnseburg team has been
working against a bad handicap of
ltiexperience. Only four members
of the squad have had previous
football experience and conse
quently the team Is unable to play
wttn tne same effect as an experi
enced eleven. This shows up parti
cularly in their failure to take ad
vantage of the breaks of the game.
lacking the knowledge necessary
to take advantage of the many lit
tle opportunities which arise. The
coaches are endoavoring to give
tne boys as much experience as
possible this year for next year
with the added knowledge and
weight Koseburg should bo able to
make a good showing.
(AnocUttd rreek Leased Wire.)
NEW YOntf; Oct 17. Police to
day arrested a 'woman and seven
men as leaders of a band of crim-
linals responsible for may crimes,
j Including murder and robberies.
'over a period of six years. The
leaders are alleged to have made
: specialty of providing their sub-
.orntnaies witn pisiot silencers.
A bank robbery, at least one
murder and numerous holdups, are
attributed to the band by the po
lice. The roundup was considered
one of the most important in many
vears. Other arrests nrn exneeted.
HHI.. f... t.l..l. n..ii. ... u
j 0f a
furrier, who was shot
killed hi a robbery last July. - One
of the men under arrest Is alleged
to have participated in the robbery
of a bank In Free port, Long Island,
in 1910.
The woman. Rose Hemcllne, en
gsged in a running gun fight wilh
pollen on October 6, police said, in
which fifteen shots were exebang
td. Men confederates were with
the woman.
The Morning Oregoninn of Port
land, Is conducting an Interesting
search for Its oldest subscriber. It
Is endeavoring to get In touch wlthJJ'
ail moe who nave pern rentiers
and subscribers for more than fifty
years. Names and photographs
will be used in a spoiisi in?'je
early In Itreember aid the manage
ment Is Baking all those who can
qualify In the oldest rentier class
to write In I he facts concerning
their connection as a subscriber
with the metropolitan daily.
When J. W. Reed, of Gardiner
came to tho bay country there was
a trail connecting Marshfield and
Empire tliat one might travel on
foot or hors.'back. the sole con-
- ! necllng link between the two plac
es. That was In 1872. Mr. Reetl,
neartng his 78th birthday, came
here yesterday with his wife on a
shopping trip and returned to Gar
diner last night on the train.
Mr. Herd established th first
regular stage line between Empire
and Winchester Bay along the
beach. That was about 1S76 and
lie ran It for three and one-half
, years.
. veara. Ar that time, savs tne mo-
the plo-
,. . ..
Financial Standing.
land, depending largely on the
ttues, a part 01 tne trip oeing maue ; jj
In tail boats and the remainder oa ' K
the train. The overland route was . K
much longer. iff
la 1S73 the PeUcan. an occldenf ,
Iron vessel, formerly n blockade ; A
runner of the Rebellion, was carry-1 9
ing passengers between San Fran-
' cisco and Coos. Bay, stopping in at
: every port along the coast. It was
In this old steam propelled vessel
that Mr. Reed came here. Marsh-
lumber and coal waiting to get out.
This In the early 70's.
Save for 11 years spent at Grays
Harbor, Mr. Reed has lived at Gar
diner since 171. His hair appar
ently refuses to become gray.
Coos Bay Time.
Cook with gaa.
f sate of a-overnmi!
her. Ueneral liand Offtro, Washing
ton. D. C, ttept. 2S, 1SZ". Notice la
heretiy given that sh)eet to th.
roa,lltlttt and llmttatlunk of the
acta of Juna . Il lis Stul, 21X1.
February 11 (40 Hint. 11Tb),
and June 4. (41 Htat., 7S8). and
pursuant to departmental regnla
tlona of April 14. (50 L. 1. 3T6).
the tlmbor on the following lands
will b. sold Nov. IS. l;s. at
o'clock A. M. at nubile suction
the U. 8. land uftu-e at Hotteburg.
Oregon, to ths hlshext btdiler at
not lass than th appraised vain,
as shown by this notice, sale to be
suhlect to tne approval of the Sec
retary of the Inlertor. The purchase
price, with an additional sum o
one-fifth of one per cent thereof, be
ing commissions allowed. muFt be
deposited at time of sole, money to
be returned If sala la not approved,
otherwise patent wilt isaue fur th
tlmber. which muat be removed
within ten years. Itlds will be re
ceived from cltliena of the United
states, assoclatluna or such citis-ns.
and corporations organized uml I
the laws of the Vllkted States, or
uny state, territory, or district
(hereof only. I'pon application of
uuallfled purchaser, the timber on
any leaal subdivision will be offered
separately before being included in
any offer of a larger unit. T. 17 8..
It. 1 W.. Sec. 11, MWtl NK.U fir 1200
M.. hemlock 40 M.. NWI1 NWVJ fir
1635 M . hemlock 100 M.. SW4
fir 1300 M.. hemlock f)E M.. HKU
fir sf M.. hemlock 60 M .
KKhi fir 1160 It.. NW(4
SK4 fir 1710 M-, SK'4 fir l'loo
M.. cedar HO at.. SWa Sbll4 fir 1060
M.. hemlock 40 M.. NKt SWU fir
l:i;S M . NW tl' fir 1510 U .
KKti HWy, fr u.. hemlock SO
14. cedar 4S M ', KW, fir :i
14.. hemlock 120 S.. i-i. Ur e l none
of the timber on this section to be
atdd for less thn II. 5o per U. f.a
the fir. II per 14. for the cedar and
r crnta per u. ror tne nemlo,-k. T.
1 H, It. 1 V., See :S. Lot 5. fir
430 M.. It S fir 360 14.. T. 17 S., U.
4 v Sec. 31. SVV'4 NWti fir 720
M., T. 2 8.. It. 10 W.. Sec. 31, iMl 2
fir 240 M,. white cedar 0 M.. Lot 3
fir 510 M., white cedar SO M.. Lot 4
fir 260 M.. white cedar loo M., red
cedar 30 M.. HK(4 SVV'4 fir 2S0 M..
white cedar 35 M.. SWU SWVi fir
lli St.. white cedar loft M., XK4
HK'4 fir 31i U.. whit cedar 24S M-,
SKV HKH fir 410 SI. white reilar
420 M . SW14 St: 14 fir 2.0 It . white
cedar SO M.. none of the timber on
these sections to be sold for less
than $2 per M. for the fir and red
cedar and $7 per M. for the white
ceuar. 1 . z s.. It. 4 w.. Sec. 15.
NL.V4 NV'4 red fir 400 M . T. 21 M
B. 4 W.. Sec. 29, NKU SWVi yellow
fir. 150 M.. red fir. 171 M.
NWIi SWVi yellow fir 12S M., red
fir. 275 M, white fir 16 M.,
none of the' timber nn theee
sect Inns to be aold for less than
II.7& per Ai. for tltu rril and yellow
fir and $1 p-r M. for tho while fir.
T. 2 8.. It. 12 W.. See. 27. NK'4
StV'i, old giowlh fir 475 M., cethir
50 M.. hemlock 2U0 M., spruce 25 M.,
NWt4 hWS old growth fir 400 At.,
second growth fir 400 M.. hemlock
100 M., BV'4 SW14 old growtli fir
Sue M . second growth fir .'.0 M .
hemliHk 200 SI.. SKm SW4 old
arowth fir 1025 M.. cedar 50 M . hem
lock 2110 M., NK'4 HKU old growth
fir 600 At., second growth fir 750
Al . cedar 25 At., hi-mlock 25 M..
NW14 Si;t,i old growth fir 400 Al..
aecoiid arowlh fir 400 Al.. cedar 150
M.. SWU KF.'i old growth llr Soo
A4.. second growth fir 450 At., cedar
175 Al.. SKVs BK old growth fir 5uo
At-, second growth fir 775 Al.. cedar
25 Al., hemlock 26 At.. Sec. 25, NKH
.NK4 old growth fir 3HM0 At., cedar
60 At . hc iiilock 680 At . NV Vi NK4
old growth fir 3340 AT, hemlock
1170 Al., KW14 NK'4 old growth fir
3260 Al., hemlock 650 At.. HK'4 NK'4
second growth fir 3400 A!., cedar 60
Al., hemlock 76 At.. NI-;'4 NWVt sec
ond growth fir 2910 At.. hemliH-k
1(0 Al.. NW'a NW4 second growth
fir 3420 M.. Stt'a NW'4 second
growth fir 3425 At.. HK'4 NV4 sec
ond srowth fir 2K50 Al.. hemlock
15u At. NI7'4 mv( second growth
fir 4450 At.. NW'14 SW'4 e.ond
growdi fir 290O At . HW(4 SW14 sec
ond giowth fir 360 A!.. SI-:4 SW
second growtli fir 4470 At.. NK4
SK'4 s nd growth fir 4190 M
V HK second growth fir 4S60
Al.. hemlock ino At., WW "4 SK'4 sec
ond growth fir 4h60 At.. SKa SK'4
second growth fir 2175 Al.. cedar
125 A1 none of the timber on these
sections tn be sold for less than
12.50 per Af. for the spruce and old
grnwlh fir. 12 per Al. for the cedar
and second growth fir and 60 cents
per At. for the hemlock. T. 36 S..
It. 3 V... See. 1 S (4 NK'4. Pine 375
Al . fir 40 Al.. tot 3 pine. 276 At . fir
inn ai.. 1.01 4 pine 711 At., rtr 470 At
- i noi
SKI, NU '4 pine 276 At., fir 100 Al
lie of tho limber on this section
lie sold for I.-ss than 12.50 tier AL I
ror the pine and fl per M. for the
fir. T. 27 ., B. II W.. See. 21. HK'i
StV'4 yellow fir 450 M., white fir
; 3.0 Al.. hnmlnt h inn M, HC'i KK'i 1
i red fir 15U0 Al.. white fir 2011 M ., red I
I c.-ilar 76 Al.. SK1, SK14 yellow fir
I 12 ."el At., red fir "50 At., heiel-k 25 1
Al . re. I cedar 60 M T. 2 S.. It. 12 1
I W. Hee. 11, Ixit 6, red fir 4K0 At . 1
none of the timber on Ihesi- seetl,.tis
lie sold for less tliuo 12.60 per
for tlie red and yellow fir. f 1.50 I
. .; : : "J - . :
jc.-niS per M. Tor tlie Willie riT HIlQI
Cnrmiflii W Unrted
A fireplace add wonderfully to the cheer of tho living
loom these cool evenings and mornings, and the andirons
and fixtures for your fireplace are the pride of the house
hold. We are making a special showing of rtecesertiM
for the fireplace this week. You will find in this display
many attractive things you will need to help brighten up
the home. Our prices are made with view of meeting
your expectations in such purchases.
Churchill Hardware Company
The Iron Mcancen
Classified Section
.OR SALE A Columbia bicycle,
god condition. Phone 270-H.
In! LE7cords "of dry, 4-foot
wihxI. W. E. Cllngenpeel. Phone
toll SALE Golden
set Library table
Phone 420 L.
FOR SALE Reed baby buggy,
Lloyd sulky, and bath table.
Phone- 234-L.
I'OIt tSALE Republic truck. U
ton, cheap. It's ready to go. Kapp
tiros. Phone 371.
KOll SALE Angora bucks, from
registered non-shedding sires. W.
O. Paul. So. Deer Cree.
FOR SALE At a bargain, 3 mares
good all-around wurk animals. In
quire of Louis Bauer, West Rosa
burg. FOR SALE Old and second
growth fir block wood, IS In.
Phone 10F23. E. O. Troielle,
FOR SALE 45 tons of cheat hay
at the S. S. Crawford ranch for
115 per ton. J. L. Casebeer, Dlx
onvllle. Will SALE Leather davenport
bed. Hoosler kitchen cabinet al
most new. Phone 31S-J. 641 8.
FOR SALE Improved Oregon and
llrandywine strawberry plants.
, 4.00 per thousand. Julius Hindi,
FOU SALE 30 tiers old growth,
16-Inch block wood, $1.50 at
ranch; also double disc plow,
four-horse. I.lnilblom. Dlxonvllle.
KOIt 8 ALIA 1 plastered house, 6
large rooms, closets, bath, gar
age, fruit trees, etc. Terms. Call
109 Reservoir Ave., Roseburg,
FOR SALE Horses, cows, tractor,
farm implements, tools and hay,
2o0acra farm for rent on high
way one mile north of Wilbur.
FOR SALE Good Fortlno5 trac
tor, Ilosch msgneto, easy start
ing. No chance to break your
arm. Also disc. Also two cows. A.
A. Bakke, Melrose.
FOR SALlJPurebred Slant
Ilronie turkeys, registered stock:
turns (9 and $10, hens $6 and $7.
Also Plymouth Rock ht'.is. $1.
Mrs. O. W. Atlams. Phone 14F4.
lit 1. Roseburg.
Kfll-SALE-hhI lumber at fair
price at ssw mill on Rice Creek,
on good graveled county rosd. 4
miles from highway. Phone
22F2. Clare-Morrison Lumber Co.,
Ilnx 141, Dlllanl. .
vL'TCH common, absolutely clea:t
est and finest In Oregon. 5 cents
per lub. delivered to your post
office. Also fine cheat seed 2i
cents lb. J. E. Hat field, Dlxon
vllle. Ore. Phone 3FU.
? ( 1 ' IM ' 1 1 A NC E"f O- ow n a "hlimo
on easy payments. 6 room house,
bath, 50 ft. lot on paved street,
garage, $210. Small payment
tlnwn. bnlance like rent. Excel
lent terms to reliable party. G.
W. Young A Son. Phono 417.
FOirBALE "One-WimYI" Brothers'
thresher, size 21x3(1. In first j
class running condition. Also one!
John Deere double-roll tractor I
disc. See at Geo. f'ooiier place,
two miles west of Melrose. Write
V.. I.. Ilnskins, Klrliy, tire.
rrai-rs AkiVvWAY-Au
I AlAJT GOsJWA give;
TO BtT nr. w
rsiuf VnnMia lfF
FOU SALE Duroe Jersey sew aadjs
boar. Also pig. Fhooe 14F12.
6 rooms and bath, garage. Loc
75 feet by 140 feet All street Inv .
provements. In good location,.
Well furnished, Price, lncludln
furniture. 13008. Without furnl-
ture, $2760. Reasonable downl!
payment and balance like rent,.
Immediate possession. See this
today. O. W. Young Son.:
Phone 417. ,
" i ii . si . en
i i , i
FOR RENT Two-room apert-il
ment with garage. 24S 8. Parrott.,t
FOR, Ht.ST Turee office roomawf
Best location in the city. Phons)
jw. ;
FOR RENT 2 furnished house!
keeping rooms. Call H) Win"
cheater or Phone 170-Y
modern home, close
FOR RENT 6-room bouse, modi
ern. Inquire at 448 Fowler Bi
George Chandler.
FOR RENT Nleelr furnished J.
room apartment Perpetual ho( -water,
120. 614 Cobb St ij
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rest,' -dence.
Also 3-room apartment A?
bargain. 520 N. Jackson. j.
FOR RENT 2 . large furnished '
housekeeping rooms. Close tn.) '
Private front entrance. 311 8outli
Maln t-
FOR RENT 5-room strictly mot.;,
ern bungalow, oak floors through)
out, furnace, garage, copcretsj .
driveway, close to school, never'
occupied, S35 per men in, Mall
4bo. J
LOST One black gauntlet gSon.
Finder please return to News
Review office.
iisti !
.f :
of ewes. Phone I4F1.
TAILORING and "uTeaarnskinaw. 531
8. Main St Mrs. Gmhrldge.. .-
WANTED A placebo woraTTor
board, by high school boy. Ad
dress Boy, Care News-Review.
WANTED "Contract to make
broccoli crates. Will take any
size contract Address
anjly mkn. -
Frescoing and painting Farnk:
ture repaired. Phone 202L1, W.
L. Greenougb, or call at Young
ft Son's.
VVAr-'TED '1 emporary or perma
nent poslllon by experienced
stenographer. Address M J.,
care News-Review.
WANTED By" a refined wqmaa
past 40. a position; preference,
companion and asslstant-..'to
"Mother." Address "A Daughter.'.'
rare News-Review. .,n ,. '
WANTEIV- E x per ience3 girl for
general housemork. Good wages'
fur comiietunt glrlt Write Mrs. A."
E. Adcl-iierger, 955 South '"Gth
Street Marshfield, Oregon. -
FREE dirt. 125 ysnls East Doug,
las and Chadwlck streets, l'hene
FOR TRADE Ford truck for wood,
Speak np nutck If you want It'
Rapp Bros. Phone 271.
JAR OWNER rwia-forget t
call 653 when tn need of auU
parts. Sarff's Auto Wrecking
llotiMe. -.!
STOtAT . -'--
j Hotel Umpqua